Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This compatibility dll is used by winnt32.exe in order to decide whether the user need to be warned about Terminal Server installation on system and it impending removal
Makarand Patwardhan (MakarP) 28-Sept-2000
compatibility dll for winnt32.exe
Revision History:
--*/ #include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <comp.h>
#include "registry.h"
#include "tscomprc.h"
HINSTANCE g_hinst;
// compatibility text and html for w2k upgrades.
TCHAR TSCOMP_ERROR_HTML_FILE_5[] = _T("compdata\\tscomp5.htm"); TCHAR TSCOMP_ERROR_TEXT_FILE_5[] = _T("compdata\\tscomp5.txt");
// compatibility text and html for ts4 upgrades.
TCHAR TSCOMP_ERROR_HTML_FILE_4[] = _T("compdata\\tscomp4.htm"); TCHAR TSCOMP_ERROR_TEXT_FILE_4[] = _T("compdata\\tscomp4.txt");
LPCTSTR TS_ENABLED_VALUE = _T("TSEnabled"); LPCTSTR TS_APPCMP_VALUE = _T("TSAppCompat"); LPCTSTR REG_CONTROL_TS_KEY = _T("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Terminal Server"); LPCTSTR REG_PRODUCT_VER_KEY = _T("ProductVersion");
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReasonForCall, LPVOID lpReserved ) { BOOL status = TRUE; switch( dwReasonForCall ) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: g_hinst = hInstance; DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hInstance); break;
return status; }
BOOL IsAppServerInstalled (BOOL *pbIsTS4) { ASSERT(pbIsTS4); *pbIsTS4 = FALSE;
CRegistry oRegTermsrv; DWORD dwError; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == oRegTermsrv.OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_CONTROL_TS_KEY, KEY_READ)) { DWORD cbVersion = 0; LPTSTR szVersion = NULL;
// Determine if this is a TS 4.0 upgrade.
dwError = oRegTermsrv.ReadRegString(REG_PRODUCT_VER_KEY, &szVersion, &cbVersion); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError) { if ((_tcsicmp(szVersion, _T("5.1")) == 0) || (_tcsicmp(szVersion, _T("5.0")) == 0)) { DWORD dwValue; //
// this is 50+ TS, now lets check if TS is enabled,
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == oRegTermsrv.ReadRegDWord(TS_ENABLED_VALUE, &dwValue) && dwValue == 1) { //
// ts was enabled, check the ts mode.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == oRegTermsrv.ReadRegDWord(TS_APPCMP_VALUE, &dwValue)) { //
// for appserver mode we have this value 1.
return (dwValue == 1); } else { //
// failed to read mode key, this should not happen.
// lets us say that is not in AppServer mode.
return FALSE; } } else { //
// ts was not enabled, or we failed to get TSEnabled state.
// either way lets us say that is not in AppServer mode.
return FALSE;
} else if ((_tcsicmp(szVersion, _T("4.0")) == 0) || (_tcsicmp(szVersion, _T("2.10")) == 0)) { //
// this is TS40 or similar upgrade,
// it has only app server mode then.
*pbIsTS4 = TRUE; return TRUE; } else { //
// ummm, Cant determine the TS mode. this should not happen,
// could this be older thatn ts4 version?
*pbIsTS4 = TRUE; return TRUE; } } else { //
// ummm, Cant determine the TS mode. this should not happen,
// lets us say that is not in AppServer mode.
return FALSE; } } else { // this is an upgrade from Non TS system
return FALSE; } }
BOOL WINAPI TSCompatibilityCheck( IN PCOMPAIBILITYCALLBACK CompatibilityCallback, IN LPVOID Context )
Routine Description:
This routine is called by winnt32.exe in order to decide whether the user should be warn before upgrade because of Terminal Server in a Windows 2000 system or later.
CompatibilityCallback - Supplies the winnt32 callback
Context - Supplies the compatibility context
Return Value:
FALSE if the installation can continue TRUE if the user need to be warned
{ // BUGBUG : does it work for ts4, test it.
COMPATIBILITY_ENTRY ce; TCHAR description[100];
BOOL bIsTS4 = FALSE; if (!IsAppServerInstalled(&bIsTS4)) { // upgrade can go ahead.
return FALSE;
// otherwise warn about imminent switch to remote admin mode.
if (!LoadString(g_hinst, TSCOMP_STR_ABORT_DESCRIPTION, description, 100)) { description[0] = 0; }
ZeroMemory((PVOID) &ce, sizeof(COMPATIBILITY_ENTRY)); ce.Description = description;
if (bIsTS4) { ce.HtmlName = TSCOMP_ERROR_HTML_FILE_4; ce.TextName = TSCOMP_ERROR_TEXT_FILE_4; } else { ce.HtmlName = TSCOMP_ERROR_HTML_FILE_5; ce.TextName = TSCOMP_ERROR_TEXT_FILE_5; }
ce.RegKeyName = NULL; ce.RegValName = NULL; ce.RegValDataSize = 0; ce.RegValData = NULL; ce.SaveValue = NULL; ce.Flags = 0; CompatibilityCallback(&ce, Context);
return TRUE; }