* * registry.c * * Functions to provide easy access to security (ACLs). * * Copyright Microsoft, 1998 * * *************************************************************************/
/* include files */
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "winsta.h"
#include "syslib.h"
#include "regapi.h"
#if DBG
#define DBGPRINT(x) DbgPrint x
#define TRACE0(x) DbgPrint x
#define TRACE1(x) DbgPrint x
#define TRACE0(x)
#define TRACE1(x)
#define DBGPRINT(x)
#define TRACE0(x)
#define TRACE1(x)
* Data Structure */ /// NONE YET...
* Definitions */ #define SZENABLE TEXT("1")
* procedure prototypes */ BOOL QueryFlatTempKey( VOID );
* * QueryFlatTempKey * * ENTRY: Nothing. * * EXIT: TRUE - enabled * FALSE - disabled (key doesn't exist or isn't "1") * * ****************************************************************************/
BOOL QueryFlatTempKey( VOID ) { DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; DWORD dwSize = 3 * sizeof(WCHAR); WCHAR szValue[3]; HKEY Handle; LONG rc;
// Ideally, I could just call TS's RegGetMachinePolicy() and get the policy. But
// that makes a lot of reg reads and I just don't want to slow down the
// login cycle.
// So, for now, I will read the reg policy tree directly.
// 08/15/2000 AraBern
// see if there is a policy value:
{ DWORD dwType; DWORD perSessionTempDir; LONG Err; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);
Err = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TS_POLICY_SUB_TREE, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey); if(Err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Err = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_TERMSRV_PERSESSIONTEMPDIR , NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&perSessionTempDir, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey(hKey); if(Err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // if we have per session temp folders, then obviously we can't allow flat temp.
if (perSessionTempDir ) { return FALSE; } // else is a fall thru, since not having per session does not mean having flat temp.
} // else is a fall thru to the below block
} }
// by now we have no policy present, so if the flat temp is set.
* Open registry */ if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_CONTROL_TSERVER, 0, KEY_READ, &Handle ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return FALSE; }
* Read registry value */ rc = RegQueryValueExW( Handle, REG_CITRIX_FLATTEMPDIR, NULL, &dwType, (PUCHAR)&szValue, &dwSize );
* Close registry and key handle */ RegCloseKey( Handle );
return( (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (lstrcmp(szValue,SZENABLE) == 0) );
} // end of QueryFlatTempKey()
// FROM regapi\reguc.c : this function has been modified to get rid of all
// registry accesses.
* * RegDefaultUserConfigQueryW (UNICODE) * * Query the Default User Configuration from the indicated server's registry. * * ENTRY: * pServerName (input) * Points to string of server to access (NULL for current machine). * pUserConfig (input) * Pointer to a USERCONFIGW structure that will receive the default * user configuration information. * UserConfigLength (input) * Specifies the length in bytes of the pUserConfig buffer. * pReturnLength (output) * Receives the number of bytes placed in the pUserConfig buffer. * * EXIT: * Always will return ERROR_SUCCESS, unless UserConfigLength is incorrect. * ******************************************************************************/
LONG WINAPI RegDefaultUserConfigQueryW( WCHAR * pServerName, PUSERCONFIGW pUserConfig, ULONG UserConfigLength, PULONG pReturnLength ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( pServerName );
* Validate length and zero-initialize the destination * USERCONFIGW buffer. */ if ( UserConfigLength < sizeof(USERCONFIGW) ) return( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER );
* Initialize to an initial default. */ memset(pUserConfig, 0, UserConfigLength);
pUserConfig->fInheritAutoLogon = TRUE;
pUserConfig->fInheritResetBroken = TRUE;
pUserConfig->fInheritReconnectSame = TRUE;
pUserConfig->fInheritInitialProgram = TRUE;
pUserConfig->fInheritCallback = FALSE;
pUserConfig->fInheritCallbackNumber = TRUE;
pUserConfig->fInheritShadow = TRUE;
pUserConfig->fInheritMaxSessionTime = TRUE;
pUserConfig->fInheritMaxDisconnectionTime = TRUE;
pUserConfig->fInheritMaxIdleTime = TRUE;
pUserConfig->fInheritAutoClient = TRUE;
pUserConfig->fInheritSecurity = FALSE;
pUserConfig->fPromptForPassword = FALSE;
pUserConfig->fResetBroken = FALSE;
pUserConfig->fReconnectSame = FALSE;
pUserConfig->fLogonDisabled = FALSE;
pUserConfig->fAutoClientDrives = TRUE;
pUserConfig->fAutoClientLpts = TRUE;
pUserConfig->fForceClientLptDef = TRUE;
pUserConfig->fDisableEncryption = TRUE;
pUserConfig->fHomeDirectoryMapRoot = FALSE;
pUserConfig->fUseDefaultGina = FALSE;
pUserConfig->fDisableCpm = FALSE;
pUserConfig->fDisableCdm = FALSE;
pUserConfig->fDisableCcm = FALSE;
pUserConfig->fDisableLPT = FALSE;
pUserConfig->fDisableClip = FALSE;
pUserConfig->fDisableExe = FALSE;
pUserConfig->fDisableCam = FALSE;
pUserConfig->UserName[0] = 0;
pUserConfig->Domain[0] = 0;
pUserConfig->Password[0] = 0;
pUserConfig->WorkDirectory[0] = 0;
pUserConfig->InitialProgram[0] = 0;
pUserConfig->CallbackNumber[0] = 0;
pUserConfig->Callback = Callback_Disable;
pUserConfig->Shadow = Shadow_EnableInputNotify;
pUserConfig->MaxConnectionTime = 0;
pUserConfig->MaxDisconnectionTime = 0;
pUserConfig->MaxIdleTime = 0;
pUserConfig->KeyboardLayout = 0;
pUserConfig->MinEncryptionLevel = 1;
pUserConfig->fWallPaperDisabled = FALSE;
pUserConfig->NWLogonServer[0] = 0;
pUserConfig->WFProfilePath[0] = 0;
pUserConfig->WFHomeDir[0] = 0;
pUserConfig->WFHomeDirDrive[0] = 0;
*pReturnLength = sizeof(USERCONFIGW);
return( ERROR_SUCCESS ); }