package MsiComp;
use strict; use Carp; use FileHandle; use File::Temp; use Win32::OLE qw(in); use BinComp; use CabComp;
sub new { my $class = shift; my $instance = { DIFF => '', ERR => '' }; return bless $instance; }
sub GetLastError { my $self = shift; if (!ref $self) {croak "Invalid object reference"} return $self->{ERR}; }
sub GetLastDiff { my $self = shift; if (!ref $self) {croak "Invalid object reference"} return $self->{DIFF}; }
# let's just pretend I am a macro sub CheckCOMErrorWrapper(&;$) { my $code = shift; my $rerror = shift;
if (ref $code ne 'CODE') {confess "Invalid parameter to CheckCOMErrorWrapper"}
&$code; if ( Win32::OLE->LastError() ) { print "COM error: ".Win32::OLE->LastError(). "\n"; $$rerror = Win32::OLE->LastError() if $rerror; return; }
return 1; }
sub OpenMsiDb { my $self = shift; my $msi_file = shift; if (!ref $self) {confess "Invalid object reference"} my $msi_object; return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$msi_object = Win32::OLE->new("WindowsInstaller.Installer")} \$self->{ERR};
my $msi_db; return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$msi_db = $msi_object->OpenDatabase( $msi_file, 0 )} \$self->{ERR};
return $msi_db; }
sub StoreMsiStreamData { my $self = shift; my $msi_db = shift; my $stream_name = shift; my $scratch_dir = shift;
my ($view, $file, $size); return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$view = $msi_db->OpenView( "SELECT Data FROM _Streams WHERE Name = '$stream_name'" )} \$self->{ERR}; return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$view->Execute()} \$self->{ERR}; return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$file = $view->Fetch()} \$self->{ERR}; if (!$file) { $self->{ERR} = "Cannot find stream '$stream_name' in DB"; return; } return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$size = $file->DataSize(1)} \$self->{ERR}; my ($fh, $fname) = File::Temp::tempfile( DIR => $scratch_dir?$scratch_dir:$ENV{TEMP} ); if ( !$fh ) { $self->{ERR} = "Unable to create temporary file: $!"; return; } binmode $fh; my ($i, $data); for ( $i = 0; $i < $size; $i+=2048 ) { return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$data = $file->ReadStream(1, 2048, 2)} \$self->{ERR}; $fh->write($data, 2048); } my $excess = $size%2048; if ($excess) { return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$data = $file->ReadStream(1, $excess, 2)} \$self->{ERR}; $fh->write($data, $excess); } close $fh; return $fname; }
sub CompareMsiBinaries { my $self = shift; if (!ref $self) {confess "Invlid object reference"} if (@_ != 6) {confess "Invalid number of parameters to CompareMsiBinaries"} my $msi_a = shift; my $msi_b = shift; my $file_a = shift; my $file_b = shift; my $scratch_dir = shift; my $rfsame = shift; my $binary_a = $self->StoreMsiStreamData($msi_a, $file_a, $scratch_dir); return if !$binary_a;
my $binary_b = $self->StoreMsiStreamData($msi_b, $file_b, $scratch_dir); return if !$binary_b;
my $bin_comp = new BinComp; $$rfsame = $bin_comp->compare( $binary_a, $binary_b ); if ( !defined $$rfsame ) { $self->{ERR} = $bin_comp->GetLastError(); return; } elsif ( !$$rfsame ) { $self->{DIFF} = $bin_comp->GetLastDiff(); } return 1; }
sub CompareMsiCabs { my $self = shift; if (!ref $self) {confess "Invlid object reference"} if (@_ != 6) {confess "Invalid number of parameters to CompareMsiCabs"} my $msi_a = shift; my $msi_b = shift; my $file_a = shift; my $file_b = shift; my $scratch_dir = shift; my $rfsame = shift; my $cab_a = $self->StoreMsiStreamData($msi_a, $file_a, $scratch_dir); return if !$cab_a;
my $cab_b = $self->StoreMsiStreamData($msi_b, $file_b, $scratch_dir); return if !$cab_b; my $cab_comp = new CabComp; $$rfsame = $cab_comp->compare( $cab_a, $cab_b ); if ( !defined $$rfsame ) { $self->{ERR} = $cab_comp->GetLastError(); return; } elsif ( !$$rfsame ) { $self->{DIFF} = $cab_comp->GetLastDiff(); }
return 1; }
# # 0 - different # 1 - same # undefined - error # sub compare { my $self = shift; my $base = shift; my $upd = shift; if (!ref $self) {croak "Invalid object reference"} if (!$base||!$upd) {croak "Invalid function call -- missing required parameters"}
if ( ! -e $base ) { $self->{ERR} = "Invalid file: $base"; return; } if ( ! -e $upd ) { $self->{ERR} = "Invalid file: $upd"; return; }
return 0;
my $base_db = $self->OpenMsiDb( $base ); return if !$base_db; my $upd_db = $self->OpenMsiDb( $upd ); return if !$upd_db;
my $scratch_dir = File::Temp::tempdir( DIR => $ENV{TEMP}, CLEANUP => 1 ); if ( !$scratch_dir ) { $self->{ERR} = "Unable to create temporary directory: $!"; return; }
my ($fh, $tempfile) = File::Temp::tempfile( DIR => $scratch_dir ); if ( !$tempfile ) { $self->{ERR} = "Unable to create temporary file: $!"; return; } close $fh;
my $fDiff; return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$fDiff = $base_db->GenerateTransform( $upd_db, $tempfile )} \$self->{ERR};
if ( $fDiff ) { # Don't actually apply the transform, but generate # a temporary table that we can query for what updates # are needed to make the DB's equal return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$upd_db->ApplyTransform( $tempfile, 0x0100 )} \$self->{ERR};
my $view; return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$view = $upd_db->OpenView( 'SELECT * FROM _TransformView' )} \$self->{ERR}; return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$view->Execute()} \$self->{ERR};
my $record; return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$record = $view->Fetch()} \$self->{ERR}; my $fignore; my ($table, $column, $row, $data, $current); while ( $record ) { undef $fignore; return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$table = $record->StringData(1)} \$self->{ERR}; return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$column = $record->StringData(2)} \$self->{ERR}; return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$row = $record->StringData(3)} \$self->{ERR}; return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$data = $record->StringData(4)} \$self->{ERR}; return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$current = $record->StringData(5)} \$self->{ERR};
if ( $table eq 'File' && $column eq 'Version' ) { $fignore = 1; } elsif ( $table eq 'Product' && $column eq 'Version' ) { $fignore = 1; } elsif ( $table eq 'Property' && $column eq 'Value' and $row eq 'ProductVersion' ) { $fignore = 1; } elsif ( $table eq 'Binary' and $column eq 'Data' ) { return if !$self->CompareMsiBinaries( $base_db, $upd_db, $current, $data, $scratch_dir, \$fignore ); return 0 if ( !$fignore ); } elsif ( $table eq 'Cabs' and $column eq 'Data' ) { return if !$self->CompareMsiCabs( $base_db, $upd_db, $current, $data, $scratch_dir, \$fignore ); return 0 if ( !$fignore ); }
if ( !$fignore ) { $self->{DIFF} = "$table/$column ($row): $current vs $data"; return 0; } return if !CheckCOMErrorWrapper {$record = $view->Fetch()} \$self->{ERR}; }
# Compare equal return 1; }