Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <doc>
  3. <assembly>
  4. <name>cscompmgd</name>
  5. </assembly>
  6. <members>
  7. <member name="T:Microsoft.CSharp.ErrorLevel">
  8. <summary>
  9. Specifies the severity of a compiler diagnostic.
  10. </summary>
  11. </member>
  12. <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.ErrorLevel.None">
  13. <summary>
  14. An unknown severity.
  15. </summary>
  16. </member>
  17. <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.ErrorLevel.Warning">
  18. <summary>
  19. A warning or suggestive diagnostic.
  20. </summary>
  21. </member>
  22. <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.ErrorLevel.Error">
  23. <summary>
  24. An error diagnostic.
  25. </summary>
  26. </member>
  27. <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.ErrorLevel.FatalError">
  28. <summary>
  29. A noncontinuable error diagnostic.
  30. </summary>
  31. </member>
  32. <member name="T:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError">
  33. <summary>
  34. Represents an error or diagnostic message reported by the compiler.
  35. </summary>
  36. </member>
  37. <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError.SourceFile">
  38. <summary>
  39. Specifies the filename of the source text that caused the diagnostic, or an empty string ("").
  40. </summary>
  41. </member>
  42. <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError.SourceLine">
  43. <summary>
  44. Specifies the line of the source text that caused the diagnostic (1 based), or 0 if there is no line information.
  45. </summary>
  46. </member>
  47. <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError.SourceColumn">
  48. <summary>
  49. Specifies the column of the source text that caused the diagnostic (1 based), or 0 if there is no column information.
  50. </summary>
  51. </member>
  52. <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError.ErrorNumber">
  53. <summary>
  54. Specifies the diagnostic number.
  55. </summary>
  56. </member>
  57. <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError.ErrorMessage">
  58. <summary>
  59. Specifies the diagnostic message text.
  60. </summary>
  61. </member>
  62. <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError.ErrorLevel">
  63. <summary>
  64. Specifies the severity of this diagnostic.
  65. </summary>
  66. </member>
  67. <member name="M:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError.ToString">
  68. <summary>
  69. Converts the diagnostic to a string of the following form:
  70. <code>
  71. [filename(line,column):] AAAAA CSXXXX: message
  72. </code>
  73. Where AAAAA is either: "warning", "error", or "fatal error", and
  74. CSXXXX is the diagnotic number in decimal format.
  75. This is the same format seen at the command-line.
  76. </summary>
  77. </member>
  78. <member name="T:Microsoft.CSharp.Compiler">
  79. <summary>
  80. Managed wrapper for the C# compiler.
  81. </summary>
  82. </member>
  83. <member name="M:Microsoft.CSharp.Compiler.Compile(System.String[],System.String[],System.String,System.String[],System.Collections.IDictionary)">
  84. <summary>
  85. Compile the given C# sources to the specified target file.
  86. </summary>
  87. <param name="sourceTexts">
  88. An array of type <see langword="string" />, each with C# code. Each string is the equivalent of a single source file.
  89. There must be at least one sourceText element.
  90. </param>
  91. <param name="sourceTextNames">
  92. An array of type <see langword="string" /> containing the filenames for each sourceText. The filenames are used for
  93. compiler diagnostics and debug information. This array is required, but
  94. can be locally overridden by use of the <see topic="vclrfLine" title="#line" /> directive. This array must have
  95. the same number of elements as the <paramref name="sourceTexts" /> parameter.
  96. </param>
  97. <param name="target">
  98. The output filename. This argument is required.
  99. </param>
  100. <param name="imports">
  101. An array of type <see langword="string" />, with files to reference. This is the same as the <see topic="vcrefIIImportMetadataFromFileList" title="/reference (Import Metadata)" /> compiler option.
  102. This parameter can be <see langword="null" />.
  103. </param>
  104. <param name="options">
  105. A <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> of compiler options.
  106. The key is the short form of the compiler option.
  107. The value is the value desired for the option.
  108. This parameter can be <see langword="null" />.
  109. Note that not all of the <see topic="vcrefcompileroptions" title="C# Compiler Options" /> are recognized.
  110. Recognized options and values:
  111. <list type="table"><listheader><term>Key Name</term><description>Usage</description></listheader><item><term>addmodule</term><description><para>
  112. List of modules to include in this assembly. The module names must be separated
  113. by the vertical bar or pipe character.
  114. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String" />.
  115. </para><para>
  116. See <see topic="vclrfAddmoduleImportMetadata" title="/addmodule (Import Metadata)" /></para></description></item><item><term>baseaddress</term><description><para>
  117. Base address for libraries.
  118. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.UInt32" />.
  119. </para><para>
  120. See <see topic="vcgrfDllbaseSpecifyBaseAddressOfDLL" title="/baseaddress (Specify Base Address of DLL)" /></para></description></item><item><term>bugreport</term><description><para>
  121. Produces bug report file.
  122. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String" />.
  123. </para><para>
  124. See <see topic="vcerrBugreportReportProblem" title="/bugreport (Report a Problem)" /></para></description></item><item><term>checked</term><description><para>
  125. Set default expression evaluation to checked (or unchecked).
  126. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.Boolean" />.
  127. </para><para>
  128. See <see topic="vclrfCheckedCheckIntegerArthmetic" title="/checked (Check Integer Arithmetic)" /></para></description></item><item><term>d</term><description><para>
  129. List of semicolon separated symbols to define.
  130. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String" />.
  131. </para><para>
  132. See <see topic="vcrefDPreprocessorDefinition" title="/define (Preprocessor Definition)" /></para></description></item><item><term>debug</term><description><para>
  133. Emit debug information with output.
  134. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.Boolean" />.
  135. Full or pdbonly cannot be specified.
  136. </para><para>
  137. See <see topic="vcrefDEmitDebuggingInformation" title="/debug (Emit Debugging Information)" /></para></description></item><item><term>doc</term><description><para>
  138. Filename to put XML comments in.
  139. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String" />.
  140. </para><para>
  141. See <see topic="vcerrDocProcessDocumentationComments" title="/doc (Process Documentation Comments)" /></para></description></item><item><term>filealign</term><description><para>
  142. PE section alignment size.
  143. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.UInt32" />.
  144. </para><para>
  145. See <see topic="vclrfFilealignSpecifySectionAlignment" title="/filealign (Specify Section Alignment)" /></para></description></item><item><term>incr</term><description><para>
  146. Enable incremental rebuild.
  147. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.Boolean" />.
  148. </para><para>
  149. See <see topic="vcgrfIncrementalEnableIncrementalCompilation" title="/incremental (Enable Incremental Compilation)" /></para></description></item><item><term>lib</term><description><para>
  150. Additional paths to search when locating modules and referenced assemblies.
  151. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String" />.
  152. </para><para>
  153. See <see topic="vclrfLibSpecifyAssemblyReferenceLocations" title="/lib (Specify Assembly Reference Locations)" /></para></description></item><item><term>linkres</term><description><para>
  154. Link a managed resource to the assembly.
  155. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String" />.
  156. </para><para>
  157. See <see topic="vclrfLinkresourceLinkToCOMResource" title="/linkresource (Link to .NET Framework Resource)" /></para></description></item><item><term>m</term><description><para>
  158. Type to search in for the Main method.
  159. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String" />.
  160. </para><para>
  161. See <see topic="vclrfMainSpecifyLocationOfMainFunction" title="/main (Specify Location of Main Method)" /></para></description></item><item><term>nostdlib</term><description><para>
  162. Do not auto-reference mscorlib.dll.
  163. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.Boolean" />.
  164. </para><para>
  165. See <see topic="vcrefNostdlibDoNotImportStandardLibrary" title="/nostdlib (Do Not Import Standard Library)" /></para></description></item><item><term>nowarn</term><description><para>
  166. List of semicolon separated warning numbers to not report.
  167. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String" />.
  168. </para><para>
  169. See <see topic="vcerrNowarnSuppressSpecifiedWarnings" title="/nowarn (Suppress Specified Warnings)" /></para></description></item><item><term>o</term><description><para>
  170. Enable compiler optimizations.
  171. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.Boolean" />.
  172. </para><para>
  173. See <see topic="vcrefUEnabledisableOptimizations" title="/optimize (Enable/disable Optimizations)" /></para></description></item><item><term>r</term><description><para>
  174. Referenced assemblies.
  175. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String" />.
  176. If more than one assembly is specified, the file name must be separated by the vertical bar or
  177. pipe character.
  178. </para><para>
  179. See <see topic="vcrefIIImportMetadataFromFileList" title="/reference (Import Metadata)" /></para></description></item><item><term>res</term><description><para>
  180. Embed a managed resource.
  181. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String" />.
  182. </para><para>
  183. See <see topic="vcrefResAttachResourceFileToOutput" title="/resource (Embed Resource File to Output)" /></para></description></item><item><term>target</term><description><para>
  184. Output file target type, one of the following:
  185. "library", "exe", "winexe", or "module".
  186. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String" />.
  187. </para><para>
  188. See <see topic="vclrfTargetSpecifyOutputFileFormat" title="/target (Specify Output File Format)" /></para></description></item><item><term>unsafe</term><description><para>
  189. Allow unsafe constructs.
  190. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.Boolean" />.
  191. </para><para>
  192. See <see topic="vclrfUnsafeEnableUnsafeMode" title="/unsafe (Enable Unsafe Mode)" /></para></description></item><item><term>w</term><description><para>
  193. Warning level (0-4).
  194. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String" />.
  195. </para><para>
  196. See <see topic="vcrefWWarningLevel" title="/warn (Specify Warning Level)" /></para></description></item><item><term>warnaserror</term><description><para>
  197. Report warning diagnostics as errors.
  198. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.Boolean" />.
  199. </para><para>
  200. See <see topic="vcerrWarnAsError" title="/warnaserror (Treat Warnings as Errors)" /></para></description></item><item><term>win32icon</term><description><para>
  201. Win32 icon for auto generated Win32 resource.
  202. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String" />.
  203. </para><para>
  204. See <see topic="vcerrWin32iconImportIcoFile" title="/win32icon (Import a .ico File)" /></para></description></item><item><term>win32res</term><description><para>
  205. Win32 resource file.
  206. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String" />.
  207. </para><para>
  208. See <see topic="vclrfWin32resImportWin32ResourceFile" title="/win32res (Import a Win32 Resource File)" /></para></description></item></list></param>
  209. <returns>
  210. Returns diagnostice messages as an array of type <see cref="T:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError" />. If the array is empty or all elements are warnings
  211. then the compilation succeeded.
  212. </returns>
  213. </member>
  214. </members>
  215. </doc>