Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Delete the redirected copies in every user's directory.
02/12/2001 maonis
--*/ #include "precomp.h"
#include "secutils.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <userenv.h>
WCHAR g_wszUserProfile[MAX_PATH] = L""; DWORD g_cUserProfile = 0; WCHAR g_wszSystemRoot[MAX_PATH] = L""; DWORD g_cSystemRoot = 0;
DWORD GetUserProfileDirW() { if (g_cUserProfile == 0) { HANDLE hToken; if (OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken)) { WCHAR wszProfileDir[MAX_PATH] = L""; DWORD dwSize = MAX_PATH;
if (GetUserProfileDirectoryW(hToken, wszProfileDir, &dwSize)) { dwSize = GetLongPathNameW(wszProfileDir, g_wszUserProfile, MAX_PATH);
if (dwSize <= MAX_PATH) { //
// Only if we successfully got the path and it's not more
// than MAX_PATH will we set the global values.
g_cUserProfile = dwSize; } else { g_wszUserProfile[0] = L'\0'; } }
CloseHandle(hToken); } }
return g_cUserProfile; }
BOOL IsUserDirectory(LPCWSTR pwszPath) { GetUserProfileDirW();
if (g_cUserProfile) { return !_wcsnicmp(pwszPath, g_wszUserProfile, g_cUserProfile); }
return FALSE; }
DWORD GetSystemRootDirW() { if (g_cSystemRoot == 0) { if (g_cSystemRoot = GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW(g_wszSystemRoot, MAX_PATH)) { //
// Just to be cautious - if we really have a system directory that's
// longer than MAX_PATH, most likely something suspicious is going on
// here, so we bail out.
if (g_cSystemRoot >= MAX_PATH) { g_wszSystemRoot[0] = L'\0'; g_cSystemRoot = 0; } else if (g_cSystemRoot > 3) { g_wszSystemRoot[g_cSystemRoot] = L'\\'; g_wszSystemRoot[g_cSystemRoot + 1] = L'\0'; ++g_cSystemRoot; } else { g_wszSystemRoot[g_cSystemRoot] = L'\0'; } } }
return g_cSystemRoot; }
Function Description:
For the GetPrivateProfile* and WritePrivateProfile* APIs, if the app didn't specify the path, we append the windows dir in the front as that's where it'll be looking for and creating the file it doesn't already exist.
IN lpFileName - The file name specified by the profile API. IN/OUT pwszFullPath - Pointer to the buffer to receive the full path. This buffer is at least MAX_PATH WCHARs long.
Return Value:
TRUE - Successfully got the path. FALSE - We don't handle this filename, either because an error occured or the file name is longer than MAX_PATH.
05/16/2001 maonis Created 02/13/2002 maonis Modified to signal errors.
BOOL MakeFileNameForProfileAPIsW( IN LPCWSTR lpFileName, IN OUT LPWSTR pwszFullPath // at least MAX_PATH in length
) { BOOL fIsSuccess = FALSE;
if (lpFileName) { DWORD cFileNameLen = wcslen(lpFileName);
if (wcschr(lpFileName, L'\\')) { if (cFileNameLen < MAX_PATH) { //
// The filename already contains the path, just copy it over.
wcsncpy(pwszFullPath, lpFileName, cFileNameLen); fIsSuccess = TRUE; } } else if (GetSystemRootDirW() && g_cSystemRoot) { DWORD cLen = g_cSystemRoot + cFileNameLen;
// Only copy when we know the buffer is big enough.
if (cLen < MAX_PATH) { wcsncpy(pwszFullPath, g_wszSystemRoot, g_cSystemRoot); wcsncpy(pwszFullPath + g_cSystemRoot, lpFileName, cFileNameLen); pwszFullPath[cLen - 1] = L'\0';
fIsSuccess = TRUE; } } }
return fIsSuccess; }
// If the .exe name is *setup*, *install* or _INS*._MP, we consider
// them a setup program and won't shim them.
BOOL IsSetup( ) { WCHAR wszModuleName[MAX_PATH + 1]; ZeroMemory(wszModuleName, (MAX_PATH + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, wszModuleName, MAX_PATH + 1);
wszModuleName[MAX_PATH] = 0; _wcslwr(wszModuleName);
if (wcsstr(wszModuleName, L"setup") || wcsstr(wszModuleName, L"install")) { return TRUE; }
LPWSTR pwsz; if (pwsz = wcsstr(wszModuleName, L"_ins")) { if (wcsstr(pwsz + 4, L"_mp")) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL LuaShouldApplyShim( ) { return (!IsSetup() && ShouldApplyShim()); }
#define REDIRECT_DIR L"\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Redirected\\"
// We look at HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList for the users.
#define PROFILELIST_STR L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList"
#define CLASSES_HIVE_SUFFIX L"_Classes"
#define USER_HIVE_NAME L"\\NtUser.dat"
#define USER_HIVE_NAME_LEN (sizeof(USER_HIVE_NAME) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1)
#define USER_CLASSES_HIVE_NAME L"\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Windows\\UsrClass.dat"
// Total number of users which is the number of subkeys of
// HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
static DWORD g_cUsers = 0;
// We need to keep a list of keys we had to load under HKEY_USERS and unload them
// when the process exits.
static WCHAR** g_wszLoadedKeys = NULL; static DWORD g_cLoadedKeys = 0;
// The number of users is the number of subkeys under
// HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
LONG InitGetUsers( OUT DWORD* pcUsers, OUT HKEY* phKey ) { LONG lRes;
RegCloseKey(*phKey); }
return lRes; }
// In case of failure we need to clean up our array.
VOID FreeUserDirectoryArray( REDIRECTED_USER_PATH* pRedirectUserPaths ) { for (DWORD ui = 0; ui < g_cUsers; ++ui) { delete [] pRedirectUserPaths[ui].pwszPath; }
delete [] pRedirectUserPaths; }
BOOL IsDirectory( WCHAR* pwszName ) { DWORD dwAttrib = GetFileAttributesW(pwszName);
return (dwAttrib != -1 && dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY); }
LONG GetProfilePath( HKEY hkProfileList, LPCWSTR pwszUserSID, LPWSTR pwszUserDirectory ) { LONG lRes; HKEY hkUserSID; DWORD dwFlags;
// Open the user SID key.
if ((lRes = RegOpenKeyExW( hkProfileList, pwszUserSID, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkUserSID)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); if ((lRes = RegQueryValueExW( hkUserSID, L"Flags", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwFlags, &dwSize)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Check if the value of Flag is 0, if so it's the user we care about.
if (dwFlags == 0) { DWORD cTemp = MAX_PATH; WCHAR wszTemp[MAX_PATH] = L"";
if ((lRes = RegQueryValueExW( hkUserSID, L"ProfileImagePath", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)wszTemp, &cTemp)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD cExpandLen = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(wszTemp, pwszUserDirectory, MAX_PATH);
if (cExpandLen > MAX_PATH) { lRes = ERROR_MORE_DATA; } } } else { lRes = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; } }
RegCloseKey(hkUserSID); }
return lRes; }
BOOL GetUsersFS( REDIRECTED_USER_PATH** ppRedirectUserPaths, DWORD* pcUsers ) { WCHAR wszRedirectDir[MAX_PATH] = L""; DWORD cUsers; HKEY hkProfileList; if (InitGetUsers(&cUsers, &hkProfileList) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DPF("LUAUtils", eDbgLevelError, "[GetUsersFS] Error initializing"); return FALSE; }
*ppRedirectUserPaths = new REDIRECTED_USER_PATH [cUsers]; if (!*ppRedirectUserPaths) { DPF("LUAUtils", eDbgLevelError, "[GetUsersFS] Error allocating memory"); return FALSE; }
REDIRECTED_USER_PATH* pRedirectUserPaths = *ppRedirectUserPaths;
ZeroMemory((PVOID)pRedirectUserPaths, cUsers * sizeof(REDIRECTED_USER_PATH));
WCHAR wszSubKey[MAX_PATH] = L""; DWORD cSubKey = 0; HKEY hkUserSID; LONG lRes; // The number of users we care about.
DWORD cLUAUsers = 0; DWORD dwIndex = 0; while (TRUE) { cSubKey = MAX_PATH;
lRes = RegEnumKeyExW(hkProfileList, dwIndex, wszSubKey, &cSubKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { WCHAR wszUserDirectory[MAX_PATH] = L"";
if ((lRes = GetProfilePath(hkProfileList, wszSubKey, wszUserDirectory)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// If the directory doesn't exist, it means either the user
// never logged on, or there are no redirected files for that
// user. We simply skip it.
if (IsDirectory(wszUserDirectory)) { DWORD cPath = wcslen(wszUserDirectory) + 1; LPWSTR pwszPath = new WCHAR [cPath];
if (pwszPath) { wcscpy(pwszPath, wszUserDirectory); pRedirectUserPaths[cLUAUsers].pwszPath = pwszPath; pRedirectUserPaths[cLUAUsers].cLen = cPath; ++cLUAUsers; } else { DPF("LUAUtils", eDbgLevelError, "[GetUsersFS] Error allocating memory"); lRes = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto EXIT; } } } } else if (lRes == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { *pcUsers = cLUAUsers; lRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto EXIT; } else { break; }
++dwIndex; }
if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { return TRUE; }
FreeUserDirectoryArray(pRedirectUserPaths); return FALSE; }
VOID FreeUsersFS( REDIRECTED_USER_PATH* pRedirectUserPaths ) { FreeUserDirectoryArray(pRedirectUserPaths); }
LONG LoadHive( LPCWSTR pwszHiveName, LPCWSTR pwszHiveFile, HKEY* phKey ) { LONG lRes;
// If the hive is already loaded, we'll get a sharing violation so
// check that as well.
if ((lRes = RegLoadKeyW(HKEY_USERS, pwszHiveName, pwszHiveFile)) == ERROR_SUCCESS || lRes == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) { if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD cLen = wcslen(pwszHiveName) + 1; g_wszLoadedKeys[g_cLoadedKeys] = new WCHAR [cLen]; if (!(g_wszLoadedKeys[g_cLoadedKeys])) { DPF("LUAUtils", eDbgLevelError, "[LoadHive] Error allocating %d WCHARs", cLen);
// Store the hive name so later on we can unload this hive.
wcscpy(g_wszLoadedKeys[g_cLoadedKeys++], pwszHiveName); }
lRes = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_USERS, pwszHiveName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, phKey); }
return lRes; }
BOOL GetUsersReg( USER_HIVE_KEY** pphkUsers, DWORD* pcUsers ) { // We have to enable the "Restore files and directories" privilege to
// load each user's hive.
if (!AdjustPrivilege(SE_RESTORE_NAME, TRUE)) { DPF("LUAUtils", eDbgLevelError, "[GetUsersReg] Error enabling the SE_RESTORE_NAME privilege"); return FALSE; }
DWORD cUsers; HKEY hkProfileList; if (InitGetUsers(&cUsers, &hkProfileList) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DPF("LUAUtils", eDbgLevelError, "[GetUsersReg] Error initializing"); return FALSE; }
*pphkUsers = new USER_HIVE_KEY [cUsers]; if (!*pphkUsers) { DPF("LUAUtils", eDbgLevelError, "[GetUsersReg] Error allocating memory for %d USER_HIVE_KEYs", cUsers); return FALSE; }
g_wszLoadedKeys = new WCHAR* [cUsers * 2]; if (!g_wszLoadedKeys) { DPF("LUAUtils", eDbgLevelError, "[GetUsersReg] Error allocating memory for %d WCHARs", cUsers * 2);
delete [] *pphkUsers; return FALSE; }
USER_HIVE_KEY* phkUsers = *pphkUsers; ZeroMemory((PVOID)phkUsers, cUsers * sizeof(USER_HIVE_KEY)); ZeroMemory((PVOID)g_wszLoadedKeys, cUsers * 2 * sizeof (WCHAR*));
WCHAR wszSubKey[MAX_PATH] = L""; WCHAR wszUserHive[MAX_PATH] = L""; WCHAR wszUserClassesHive[MAX_PATH] = L""; DWORD cSubKey = 0; HKEY hkSubKey; LONG lRes; // The number of users we care about.
DWORD cLUAUsers = 0; DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD cUserHive = 0;
while (TRUE) { cSubKey = MAX_PATH;
lRes = RegEnumKeyExW(hkProfileList, dwIndex, wszSubKey, &cSubKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((lRes = GetProfilePath(hkProfileList, wszSubKey, wszUserHive)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Make sure we don't buffer overflow.
cUserHive = wcslen(wszUserHive); if ((cUserHive + USER_CLASSES_HIVE_NAME_LEN + 1) > MAX_PATH || (cUserHive + USER_HIVE_NAME_LEN + 1) > MAX_PATH) { DPF("LUAUtils", eDbgLevelError, "[GetUsersReg] The hive key names are too long - we don't handle them"); goto EXIT; }
// Construct the locations for the user hive and user classes data hive.
wcsncpy(wszUserClassesHive, wszUserHive, cUserHive); wcsncpy( wszUserClassesHive + cUserHive, USER_CLASSES_HIVE_NAME, USER_CLASSES_HIVE_NAME_LEN); wszUserClassesHive[cUserHive + USER_CLASSES_HIVE_NAME_LEN] = L'\0';
wcsncpy(wszUserHive + cUserHive, USER_HIVE_NAME, USER_HIVE_NAME_LEN); wszUserHive[cUserHive + USER_HIVE_NAME_LEN] = L'\0';
// Load the HKCU for this user.
if ((lRes = LoadHive( wszSubKey, wszUserHive, &phkUsers[cLUAUsers].hkUser)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// We can't necessarily load the HKCR for this user - it might
// contain no data so we only attemp to load it.
if ((cSubKey + CLASSES_HIVE_SUFFIX_LEN + 1) > MAX_PATH) { DPF("LUAUtils", eDbgLevelError, "[GetUsersReg] The CR key name is too long - we don't handle it"); goto EXIT; }
LoadHive( wszSubKey, wszUserClassesHive, &phkUsers[cLUAUsers].hkUserClasses);
++cLUAUsers; } } } else if (lRes == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { *pcUsers = cLUAUsers; lRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto EXIT; } else { break; }
++dwIndex; }
if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { return TRUE; }
FreeUsersReg(phkUsers, cUsers); return FALSE; }
VOID FreeUsersReg( USER_HIVE_KEY* phkUsers, DWORD cUsers ) { DWORD dw;
// Close all the open keys.
for (dw = 0; dw < cUsers; ++dw) { RegCloseKey(phkUsers[dw].hkUser); RegCloseKey(phkUsers[dw].hkUserClasses); }
delete [] phkUsers;
for (dw = 0; dw < g_cLoadedKeys; ++dw) { // Unloaded the keys we had to load under HKEY_USERS.
RegUnLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, g_wszLoadedKeys[dw]);
delete [] g_wszLoadedKeys[dw]; }
delete [] g_wszLoadedKeys;
// Disable the "Restore files and directories" privilege.
AdjustPrivilege(SE_RESTORE_NAME, FALSE); }
// Registry utilies.
HKEY g_hkRedirectRoot = NULL; HKEY g_hkCurrentUserClasses = NULL;
Function Description: We only return TRUE if it's one of the predefined keys we are interested in. We don't redirect the HKEY_USERS and HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA keys.
IN hKey - the key handle. IN lpSubKey - subkey to check.
Return Value:
TRUE - It's one of our predefined keys. FALSE - It's either a non-predefined key or a predefined key that we are not interested in.
03/27/2001 maonis Created
BOOL IsPredefinedKey( IN HKEY hKey ) { return ( hKey == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT || hKey == HKEY_CURRENT_USER || hKey == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); }
LONG GetRegRedirectKeys() { LONG lRet;
return lRet; }
#define IS_END_OF_COMPONENT(x) (*x == L'\\' || *x == L'\0')
Function Description:
Determines if 2 components match - one with wildcards and the other without.
Note: this function is specialized for the LUA shims - the pattern is all lowercase. If the components match, we advance the string to the end of the component so when we do the whole path/file name matching we don't need to go through the string twice.
IN ppPattern - component with wildcards. IN ppString - component without wildcards.
Return Value: TRUE - the components match. FALSE - the components don't match.
05/10/2001 maonis Created
BOOL DoComponentsMatch( LPCWSTR* ppwszPattern, LPCWSTR* ppwszString) { LPCWSTR pwszPattern = *ppwszPattern; LPCWSTR pwszString = *ppwszString; LPCWSTR pwszSearch = NULL; LPCWSTR pwszSearchPattern = NULL;
BOOL fIsSuccess = TRUE;
do { if (*pwszPattern == L'*') { while (*++pwszPattern == L'*');
if (IS_END_OF_COMPONENT(pwszPattern)) { // Advanced the string to the end.
while (!IS_END_OF_COMPONENT(pwszString)) { ++pwszString; }
goto EXIT; }
pwszSearch = pwszString; pwszSearchPattern = pwszPattern; }
if (IS_END_OF_COMPONENT(pwszString)) { break; }
if ((*pwszPattern == L'?') || (*pwszPattern == *pwszString)) { pwszPattern++; } else if (pwszSearch == NULL) { return FALSE; } else { pwszString = pwszSearch++; pwszPattern = pwszSearchPattern; }
} while (!IS_END_OF_COMPONENT(pwszString));
if (*pwszPattern == L'*') { fIsSuccess = TRUE; ++pwszPattern; } else { fIsSuccess = IS_END_OF_COMPONENT(pwszPattern); }
*ppwszPattern = pwszPattern; *ppwszString = pwszString; return fIsSuccess; }
Function Description:
Determines if the item is in the redirect list.
IN pwszDirectory - All lowercase name. IN cDirectory - The length of the directory. IN pwszFile - The file name.
Return Value: TRUE - the names match. FALSE - the names don't match.
11/30/2001 maonis Created
BOOL DoesItemMatchRedirect( LPCWSTR pwszItem, const RITEM* pItem, BOOL fIsDirectory ) { LPCWSTR pwszName = &(pItem->wszName[0]); BOOL fMatchComponents;
if (pItem->fHasWC) { while (*pwszItem && *pwszName) { if (!DoComponentsMatch(&pwszName, &pwszItem)) { return FALSE; }
if (fIsDirectory) { if (!*pwszName) { //
// directory has exhausted. It's a match.
return TRUE; }
if (!*pwszItem) { //
// directory hasn't exhausted but item has, no match.
return FALSE; } } else { if (!*pwszItem) { //
// item has exhausted. It's a match.
return TRUE; }
if (!*pwszName) { //
// item hasn't exhausted but file has, no match.
return FALSE; } }
++pwszName; ++pwszItem; }
if (fIsDirectory) { return (!*pwszName); } else { return (!*pwszItem); } } else { while (*pwszItem && *pwszName && *pwszItem == *pwszName) { ++pwszItem; ++pwszName; }
if (fIsDirectory) { return (!*pwszName && (!*pwszItem || *pwszItem == L'\\')); } else { return (!*pwszItem && (!*pwszName || *pwszName == L'\\')); } } }
Function Description:
Parse the commandline argument for the LUA shims using ' ' as the delimiter. If a token has spaces, use double quotes around it. Use this function the same way you use wcstok except you don't have to specify the delimiter.
IN/OUT pwsz - the string to parse.
Return Value: pointer to the next token.
05/17/2001 maonis Created
LPWSTR GetNextToken( LPWSTR pwsz ) { static LPWSTR pwszToken; static LPWSTR pwszEndOfLastToken;
if (!pwsz) { pwsz = pwszEndOfLastToken; }
// Skip the white space.
while (*pwsz && *pwsz == ' ') { ++pwsz; }
pwszToken = pwsz;
BOOL fInsideQuotes = 0;
while (*pwsz) { switch(*pwsz) { case L'"': fInsideQuotes ^= 1;
if (fInsideQuotes) { ++pwszToken; }
case L' ': if (!fInsideQuotes) { goto EXIT; }
default: ++pwsz; } }
EXIT: if (*pwsz) { *pwsz = L'\0'; pwszEndOfLastToken = ++pwsz; } else { pwszEndOfLastToken = pwsz; } return pwszToken; }
Function Description:
Starting from the end going backward and find the first non whitespace char. Set the whitespace char after it to '\0'.
IN pwsz - Beginning pointer.
Return Value:
06/27/2001 maonis Created
VOID TrimTrailingSpaces( LPWSTR pwsz ) { if (pwsz) { DWORD cLen = wcslen(pwsz); LPWSTR pwszEnd = pwsz + cLen - 1;
while (pwszEnd >= pwsz && (*pwszEnd == L' ' || *pwszEnd == L'\t')) { --pwszEnd; }
*(++pwszEnd) = L'\0'; } }
Function Description:
If the directory doesn't exist, we create it.
IN pwszDir - The name of the directory to create. The directory should NOT start with \\?\ and it should haved a trailing slash.
Return Value:
TRUE - the directory was created. FALSE - otherwise.
05/17/2001 maonis Created
BOOL CreateDirectoryOnDemand( LPWSTR pwszDir ) { if (!pwszDir || !*pwszDir) { DPF("LUAUtils", eDbgLevelSpew, "[CreateDirectoryOnDemand] Empty directory name - nothing to do"); return TRUE; }
WCHAR* pwszStartPath = pwszDir; WCHAR* pwszEndPath = pwszDir + wcslen(pwszDir); WCHAR* pwszStartNext = pwszStartPath; // Find the end of the next sub dir.
WCHAR* pwszEndNext; DWORD dwAttrib;
while (pwszStartNext < pwszEndPath) { pwszEndNext = wcschr(pwszStartNext, L'\\'); if (pwszEndNext) { *pwszEndNext = L'\0'; if ((dwAttrib = GetFileAttributesW(pwszStartPath)) != -1) { // If the directory already exists, we probe its sub directory.
*pwszEndNext = L'\\'; pwszStartNext = pwszEndNext + 1; continue; }
if (!CreateDirectoryW(pwszStartPath, NULL)) { DPF("LUAUtils", eDbgLevelError, "[CreateDirectoryOnDemand] CreateDirectory %S failed: %d", pwszStartPath, GetLastError()); return FALSE; }
*pwszEndNext = L'\\'; pwszStartNext = pwszEndNext + 1; } else { DPF("LUAUtils", eDbgLevelError, "[CreateDirectoryOnDemand] Invalid directory name: %S", pwszStartPath); return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
Function Description:
Expand a string which might have enviorment variables embedded in it. It gives you options to 1) Add a trailing slash if there's not one; 2) Create the directory if it doesn't exist; 3) Add the \\?\ prefix;
NOTE: The caller is responsible of free the memory using delete [].
IN pwszItem - string to expand. OUT pcItemExpand - number of characters in the resulting string. NOTE: this *includes* the terminating NULL. IN fEnsureTrailingSlash - option 1. IN fCreateDirectory - option 2. IN fAddPrefix - option 3.
Return Value:
The expanded string or NULL if error occured.
05/17/2001 maonis Created
LPWSTR ExpandItem( LPCWSTR pwszItem, DWORD* pcItemExpand, BOOL fEnsureTrailingSlash, BOOL fCreateDirectory, BOOL fAddPrefix ) { BOOL fIsSuccess = FALSE;
// Get the required length.
DWORD cLenExpand = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(pwszItem, NULL, 0);
if (!cLenExpand) { DPF("LUAUtils", eDbgLevelError, "[ExpandItem] Failed to get the required buffer size " "when expanding %S: %d", pwszItem, GetLastError()); return NULL; }
if (fEnsureTrailingSlash) { ++cLenExpand; }
if (fAddPrefix) { cLenExpand += FILE_NAME_PREFIX_LEN; }
LPWSTR pwszItemExpand = new WCHAR [cLenExpand]; if (!pwszItemExpand) { DPF("LUAUtils", eDbgLevelError, "[ExpandItem] Error allocating %d WCHARs", cLenExpand); return NULL; }
LPWSTR pwszTemp = pwszItemExpand; DWORD cTemp = cLenExpand;
if (fAddPrefix) { wcscpy(pwszItemExpand, FILE_NAME_PREFIX); pwszTemp += FILE_NAME_PREFIX_LEN; cTemp -= FILE_NAME_PREFIX_LEN; }
if (!ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(pwszItem, pwszTemp, cTemp)) { DPF("LUAUtils", eDbgLevelError, "[ExpandItem] Failed to expand %S: %d", pwszItem, GetLastError());
goto Cleanup; } // Ensure the trailing slash.
if (fEnsureTrailingSlash) { if (pwszItemExpand[cLenExpand - 3] != L'\\') { pwszItemExpand[cLenExpand - 2] = L'\\'; pwszItemExpand[cLenExpand - 1] = L'\0'; } else { --cLenExpand; }
if (fCreateDirectory && !CreateDirectoryOnDemand(pwszItemExpand + (fAddPrefix ? 4 : 0))) { DPF("LUAUtils", eDbgLevelError, "[ExpandItem] Failed to create %S", pwszItemExpand); goto Cleanup; } }
*pcItemExpand = cLenExpand;
fIsSuccess = TRUE;
if (!fIsSuccess) { delete [] pwszItemExpand; pwszItemExpand = NULL; }
return pwszItemExpand; }
Function Description:
Given a delimiter character, returns the number of items in the string.
Return Value:
Number of items in the string.
11/13/2001 maonis Created
DWORD GetItemsCount( LPCWSTR pwsz, WCHAR chDelimiter ) { DWORD cItems = 0;
while (*pwsz) {
if (*pwsz == chDelimiter) { ++cItems; } ++pwsz; }
return (cItems + 1); }