// AppSearch
// Tool for searching a user's hard drives and locating
// applications that can be patched
// Author: t-michkr (9 June 2000)
// AppSearch.cpp
// User-interface
// We make use of some Win2K/IE5 common controls
#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <comdef.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "searchdb.h"
#include "filebrowser.h"
#include "resource.h"
// Compare data, used for sorting listview items.
struct SCompareParam { HWND hwList; int iSubItem; };
// Size of some static controls
const int c_nStaticLineHeight = 2; const int c_nResultFrameWidth = 2;
// Minimum height of the result window
const int c_nResultListHeight = 201;
// ID's of controls we create ourselves
const int c_iStaticLineID = 50; const int c_iResultListID = 51; const int c_iResultFrameID = 52; const int c_iStatusBarID = 53; const int c_iFindAnimID = 54;
// Positions of menu items (these will be needed to be changed
// if the menu is altered)
const int c_iViewMenuPos = 2; const int c_iArrangeIconsPos = 5;
// List view column info
const int c_nListColumnWidth = 250; const int c_nNumListColumns = 2; const int c_iListColumnNameIDS[c_nNumListColumns] = { IDS_LISTNAME, IDS_LISTPATH};
// Number of children that need to be adjusted on resize
const int c_nChildren = 6;
// ID's of children that need to be adjusted on resize
int g_aiChildrenIDs[c_nChildren] = {IDC_BROWSE, IDC_FINDNOW, IDC_STOP, IDC_CLEARALL, IDC_DRIVELIST, c_iFindAnimID};
// Margins of those children, determined from dialog box in HandleInitDialog().
int g_aiChildrenMargins[c_nChildren];
// Minimum window width and window height, determined from dialog box
// in HandleInitDialog().
int g_nMinWindowWidth; int g_nWindowHeight;
// Whether or not the user is browsing through menus, used for displaying
// menu help text.
BOOL g_fInMenu = FALSE;
// Instance of this app.
HINSTANCE g_hinst = 0;
// Original window proc for the list view control.
WNDPROC pfnLVOrgWndProc = 0;
// Subclassed window proc for list view, intercepts WM_PAINT messages
// and writes "No items in view" if empty.
// Dialog proc for main application dialog.
BOOL CALLBACK DialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uiMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// Display shimming information for specified exe.
void ShowShimInfo(HWND hwnd, TCHAR* szAppPath);
// Returns an allocated string with resource ID id, or 0 on failure.
TCHAR* LoadStringResource(UINT id);
// Print an error box with message in string resource uiMsg.
void Error(HWND hwnd, UINT uiMsg);
// Compare entries in the listview, used for sorting.
int CALLBACK CompareListEntries(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort);
// Start searching the AppCompat database.
void StartSearch(HWND hwnd);
// Terminate the current search, does nothing if no search is active.
void StopSearch(HWND hwnd);
// Remove all results shown
void ClearResults(HWND hwnd);
// Update the status bar with the new message.
void UpdateStatus(HWND hwnd, PTSTR szMsg);
// Add a new app to the list
void AddApp(SMatchedExe* pme, HWND hwList);
// Message Handlers.
BOOL HandleInitDialog(HWND hwnd); void HandleBrowse(HWND hwnd); void HandleCommand(HWND hwnd, int iCtrlID, HWND hwChild); void HandleEnterMenuLoop(HWND hwnd); void HandleExitMenuLoop(HWND hwnd); void HandleGetMinMaxInfo(HWND hwnd, LPMINMAXINFO pmmi); void HandleMenuSelect(HWND hwnd, HMENU hMenu, UINT uiMenuID, UINT uiFlags); void HandleNotify(HWND hwnd, int iCtrlID, void* pvArg); void HandleSearchAddApp(HWND hwnd); void HandleSearchUpdate(HWND hwnd, PTSTR szMsg); void HandleSize(HWND hwnd, int iWidth, int iHeight); void HandleSizing(HWND hwnd, int iEdge, LPRECT pRect);
// Program entry point.
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, PSTR, int) { // Save our global instance handle.
g_hinst = hInstance;
// Make sure the common controls DLL is loaded.
INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX icc; icc.dwSize = sizeof(icc); // We use the list view, status bar, tree control, animate,
// tooltip, and comboboxex classes
if(InitCommonControlsEx(&icc) == FALSE) return 0;
// Run the actual dialog for the application
return DialogBox(g_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MAINDIALOG), 0, DialogProc); }
// Dialog proc for main dialog.
BOOL CALLBACK DialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uiMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(uiMsg) { // Do basic initialization, return FALSE means do not continue
// creating the window.
case WM_INITDIALOG: return HandleInitDialog(hwndDlg); break;
// Control sizing, to maintain a minimum dialog size.
case WM_SIZE: HandleSize(hwndDlg, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); break;
// Control sizing, to maintain a minimum dialog box size.
case WM_SIZING: HandleSizing(hwndDlg, wParam, reinterpret_cast<LPRECT>(lParam)); break;
// Control maximizing, to maintain dialog size.
case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: HandleGetMinMaxInfo(hwndDlg, reinterpret_cast<LPMINMAXINFO>(lParam)); break;
// Handle child control messages
case WM_COMMAND: HandleCommand(hwndDlg, LOWORD(wParam), reinterpret_cast<HWND>(lParam)); break;
// Handle notifications from child controls
case WM_NOTIFY: HandleNotify(hwndDlg, static_cast<int>(wParam), reinterpret_cast<void*>(lParam)); break;
// Print help messages when user goes over a menu item.
case WM_MENUSELECT: HandleMenuSelect(hwndDlg, reinterpret_cast<HMENU>(lParam), LOWORD(wParam), HIWORD(wParam)); break;
// Note when user starts browsing through a menu.
case WM_ENTERMENULOOP: HandleEnterMenuLoop(hwndDlg); break; // Note when user exits a menu.
case WM_EXITMENULOOP: HandleExitMenuLoop(hwndDlg); break;
// Search thread just found another app.
case WM_SEARCHDB_ADDAPP: HandleSearchAddApp(hwndDlg); break;
// Search thread is looking through a new directory
case WM_SEARCHDB_UPDATE: HandleSearchUpdate(hwndDlg, reinterpret_cast<PTSTR>(lParam)); break;
// Search thread is complete.
case WM_SEARCHDB_DONE: // Cleanup any leftover apps (just in case this message
// is received before WM_SEARCHDB_ADDAPP)
// Terminate search
StopSearch(hwndDlg); break;
// User wants to close this dialog
case WM_CLOSE: // Terminate search
StopSearch(hwndDlg); EndDialog(hwndDlg, TRUE); break;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Do basic dialog box initialization.
BOOL HandleInitDialog(HWND hwnd) { // Change the application icon
HICON hIcon; hIcon = LoadIcon(g_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_APP)); if(!hIcon) return FALSE; // For SetClassLongPtr(), a return value of zero may not be an
// error, if the previous value was not set. Setting the
// last error to 0 and checking for that value indicates
// success.
// In Whistler, SetClassLongPtr returns an error, but still
// sets the correct icon. No error is returned for Win2K.
SetClassLongPtr(hwnd, GCLP_HICON, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(hIcon)); SetClassLongPtr(hwnd, GCLP_HICONSM, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(hIcon));
// Get minimum dimensions of dialog
RECT rcWindow;
if(!GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rcWindow)) return FALSE;
g_nMinWindowWidth = rcWindow.right - rcWindow.left; g_nWindowHeight = rcWindow.bottom - rcWindow.top;
// Add a static line across the top (We can't put this in the resource template)
RECT rectCl; if(!GetClientRect(hwnd, &rectCl)) return FALSE;
HWND hwStaticLine = CreateWindow(TEXT("static"),TEXT(""), SS_ETCHEDHORZ | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, rectCl.top, rectCl.left, rectCl.right - rectCl.left, c_nStaticLineHeight, hwnd, reinterpret_cast<HMENU>(c_iStaticLineID), g_hinst, 0);
if(!hwStaticLine) return FALSE;
// Fill the combobox.
HWND hwComboBox = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_DRIVELIST); if(!hwComboBox) return FALSE;
SHFILEINFO sfi; HIMAGELIST himagelist = reinterpret_cast<HIMAGELIST>(SHGetFileInfo(TEXT("C:\\"), 0, &sfi, sizeof(sfi), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_SMALLICON));
LRESULT lr = SendMessage(hwComboBox, CBEM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(himagelist)); assert(lr == NULL); COMBOBOXEXITEM cbitem; ZeroMemory(&cbitem, sizeof(cbitem)); cbitem.mask = CBEIF_TEXT | CBEIF_INDENT | CBEIF_IMAGE | CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE; cbitem.iItem = -1; cbitem.pszText = LoadStringResource(IDS_ALLDRIVES); if(!cbitem.pszText) return FALSE;
cbitem.cchTextMax = lstrlen(cbitem.pszText) + 1;
cbitem.iIndent = 0;
LPITEMIDLIST pidl; SHGetFolderLocation(0, CSIDL_DRIVES, 0, 0, &pidl);
SHGetFileInfo(reinterpret_cast<PTSTR>(pidl), 0, &sfi, sizeof(sfi), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_PIDL);
cbitem.iImage = sfi.iIcon; cbitem.iSelectedImage = sfi.iIcon;
if(SendMessage(hwComboBox, CBEM_INSERTITEM, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&cbitem))) { delete cbitem.pszText; return FALSE; }
delete cbitem.pszText;
LPMALLOC pMalloc; SHGetMalloc(&pMalloc); pMalloc->Free(pidl); pMalloc->Release();
TCHAR* szDrives = 0; DWORD dwLen = GetLogicalDriveStrings(0, 0); if(dwLen != 0) { szDrives = new TCHAR[dwLen+1]; if(!szDrives) { Error(hwnd, IDS_NOMEMSTOPPROG); return FALSE; } } else return FALSE;
if(!GetLogicalDriveStrings(dwLen, szDrives)) { delete szDrives; return FALSE; }
TCHAR* szCurrDrive = szDrives; while(*szCurrDrive) { if(GetDriveType(szCurrDrive)==DRIVE_FIXED) { SHGetFileInfo(szCurrDrive, 0, &sfi, sizeof(sfi), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX);
cbitem.pszText = szCurrDrive; cbitem.cchTextMax = lstrlen(cbitem.pszText) + 1; cbitem.iIndent = 1; cbitem.iImage = sfi.iIcon; cbitem.iSelectedImage = sfi.iIcon;
SendMessage(hwComboBox, CBEM_INSERTITEM, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&cbitem)); }
szCurrDrive += lstrlen(szCurrDrive)+1; }
delete szDrives; if(SendMessage(hwComboBox, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0)== -1) return FALSE;
// Add the animation control.
HWND hwChild; RECT rcChild; POINT pt;
HWND hwAnim = Animate_Create(hwnd, c_iFindAnimID, WS_CHILD | ACS_CENTER | ACS_TRANSPARENT, g_hinst);
hwChild = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_ANIMSPACEHOLDER); GetWindowRect(hwChild, &rcChild);
DestroyWindow(hwChild); pt.x = rcChild.left; pt.y = rcChild.top; ScreenToClient(hwnd, &pt); SetWindowPos(hwAnim, 0, pt.x, pt.y, rcChild.right-rcChild.left, rcChild.bottom - rcChild.top, SWP_NOZORDER);
ShowWindow(hwAnim, SW_SHOW);
// Get margins of all child window controls
pt.x = 0; pt.y = 0; for(int i = 0; i < c_nChildren; i++) { hwChild = GetDlgItem(hwnd, g_aiChildrenIDs[i]); if(!hwChild) return FALSE;
if(!GetWindowRect(hwChild, &rcChild)) return FALSE;
pt.x = rcChild.right; if(!ScreenToClient(hwnd, &pt)) return FALSE;
g_aiChildrenMargins[i] = rectCl.right - pt.x; }
// Setup default checked state
HMENU hMenu = GetMenu(hwnd); if(!hMenu) return FALSE;
if(InitSearchDB() == FALSE) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
// Display a browse dialog box, so that the user can select
// a specific path to search in.
void HandleBrowse(HWND hwnd) { // Show the browse dialog box, and get user response.
// If they didn't select cancel . . .
if(szPath) { HWND hwDirSelBox = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_DRIVELIST); if(!hwDirSelBox) { DestroyWindow(hwnd); return; }
// For some reason, SHGetFileInfo doesn't work
// properly if the drive isn't terminated with '\'
if(szPath[lstrlen(szPath)-1] == TEXT(':')) lstrcat(szPath, TEXT("\\"));
// Insert this item into the edit control of the combo box.
COMBOBOXEXITEM cbim; cbim.mask = CBEIF_IMAGE | CBEIF_TEXT | CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE; cbim.iItem = -1; cbim.pszText = szPath; cbim.cchTextMax = lstrlen(szPath);
SHGetFileInfo(szPath, 0, &sfi, sizeof(sfi), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX);
cbim.iImage = sfi.iIcon; cbim.iSelectedImage = sfi.iIcon;
if(!SendMessage(hwDirSelBox, CBEM_SETITEM, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&cbim))) { DestroyWindow(hwnd); return; }
// For some reason, the icon in the edit box isn't updated
// unless the box is selected, loses focus, and then regains
// focus, so do that here.
if(!SetFocus(hwDirSelBox)) { DestroyWindow(hwnd); return; }
if(!SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BROWSE))) { DestroyWindow(hwnd); return; }
if(!SetFocus(hwDirSelBox)) { DestroyWindow(hwnd); return; } } }
// Handle a command from a child input control.
void HandleCommand(HWND hwnd, int iCtrlID, HWND) { HMENU hMenu; HWND hwList; DWORD dwStyle, dwExStyle; SHELLEXECUTEINFO shExecInfo; SCompareParam cp;
switch(iCtrlID) { // MENU COMMANDS
hwList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultListID); if(hwList) { int nCount = ListView_GetItemCount(hwList); int i; // Loop through all items finding a selected one.
for(i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { if(ListView_GetItemState(hwList, i, LVIS_SELECTED) & LVIS_SELECTED) break; }
// None found, we're done.
if(i == nCount) break;
TCHAR szBuffer[c_nMaxStringLength];
ListView_GetItemText(hwList, i, 1, szBuffer, c_nMaxStringLength);
ShowShimInfo(hwnd, szBuffer);
break; // Use selected properties
// Get list view control
hwList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultListID); if(hwList) { int nCount = ListView_GetItemCount(hwList); int i; // Loop through all items finding a selected one.
for(i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { if(ListView_GetItemState(hwList, i, LVIS_SELECTED) & LVIS_SELECTED) break; }
// None found, we're done.
if(i == nCount) break;
TCHAR szBuffer[c_nMaxStringLength];
ListView_GetItemText(hwList, i, 1, szBuffer, c_nMaxStringLength);
ZeroMemory(&shExecInfo, sizeof(shExecInfo)); shExecInfo.cbSize = sizeof(shExecInfo); shExecInfo.lpFile = szBuffer; shExecInfo.lpVerb = TEXT("properties"); shExecInfo.fMask = SEE_MASK_INVOKEIDLIST; ShellExecuteEx(&shExecInfo); } break;
case ID_FILE_EXIT: EndDialog(hwnd, TRUE); break;
case ID_EDIT_SELECTALL: hwList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultListID); if(hwList) { int nCount = ListView_GetItemCount(hwList); for(int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) ListView_SetItemState(hwList, i, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED); } break;
case ID_EDIT_INVERTSELECTION: hwList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultListID); if(hwList) { int nCount = ListView_GetItemCount(hwList); for(int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) ListView_SetItemState(hwList, i, LVIS_SELECTED ^ ListView_GetItemState(hwList, i, LVIS_SELECTED), LVIS_SELECTED); } break; case ID_VIEW_LARGEICONS: case ID_VIEW_SMALLICONS: case ID_VIEW_ASLIST: case ID_VIEW_ASDETAILS: hMenu = GetMenu(hwnd); CheckMenuRadioItem(hMenu, ID_VIEW_LARGEICONS, ID_VIEW_ASDETAILS, iCtrlID, MF_BYCOMMAND); dwStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS; dwExStyle = LVS_EX_LABELTIP; switch(iCtrlID) { case ID_VIEW_LARGEICONS: dwStyle |= LVS_ICON; break; case ID_VIEW_SMALLICONS: dwStyle |= LVS_SMALLICON; break; case ID_VIEW_ASLIST: dwStyle |= LVS_LIST; break; case ID_VIEW_ASDETAILS: dwStyle |= LVS_REPORT; dwExStyle |= LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT; break; } hwList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultListID);
if(hwList) { SetWindowLongPtr(hwList, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle); ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyleEx(hwList, 0, dwExStyle); }
case ID_VIEW_ARRANGEICONS_BYNAME: hwList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultListID); cp.hwList = hwList; cp.iSubItem = 0;
if(hwList) ListView_SortItemsEx(hwList, CompareListEntries, &cp); break;
case ID_VIEW_ARRANGEICONS_BYPATH: hwList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultListID); cp.hwList = hwList; cp.iSubItem = 1; if(hwList) ListView_SortItemsEx(hwList, CompareListEntries, &cp); break;
case ID_VIEW_CHOOSECOLUMNS: break; case ID_VIEW_REFRESH: StartSearch(hwnd); break; // PUSH BUTTON COMMANDS
case IDC_BROWSE: HandleBrowse(hwnd); break;
case IDC_FINDNOW: StartSearch(hwnd); break; case IDC_STOP: StopSearch(hwnd); break;
case IDC_CLEARALL: ClearResults(hwnd); break; }
void HandleSize(HWND hwnd, int /*nWidth*/, int /*nHeight*/) { RECT rectCl; GetClientRect(hwnd, &rectCl); HWND hwStatic = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iStaticLineID); if(!hwStatic) { DestroyWindow(hwnd); return; }
MoveWindow(hwStatic,rectCl.left, rectCl.top, rectCl.right-rectCl.left, c_nStaticLineHeight, TRUE); // Adjust list box and status bar at the bottom of the window
HWND hwListBox, hwStatusBar, hwListFrame; hwListFrame = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultFrameID); hwListBox = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultListID); hwStatusBar= GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iStatusBarID); assert(hwListBox == 0 ? !hwStatusBar && !hwListFrame : true);
if(hwListBox && hwStatusBar && hwListFrame) { RECT rectWnd; GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rectWnd); POINT ptListTop; ptListTop.x = 0; ptListTop.y = rectWnd.top + g_nWindowHeight; ScreenToClient(hwnd, &ptListTop);
RECT rectSB; GetClientRect(hwStatusBar, &rectSB);
POINT ptStatusTop; ptStatusTop.x = 0; ptStatusTop.y = rectWnd.bottom - (rectSB.bottom - rectSB.top); ScreenToClient(hwnd, &ptStatusTop);
MoveWindow(hwListFrame, rectCl.left, ptListTop.y, rectCl.right - rectCl.left, ptStatusTop.y - ptListTop.y, TRUE); MoveWindow(hwListBox, rectCl.left + c_nResultFrameWidth, ptListTop.y + c_nResultFrameWidth, rectCl.right - rectCl.left - 2 * c_nResultFrameWidth, ptStatusTop.y - ptListTop.y - 2 * c_nResultFrameWidth, TRUE); MoveWindow(hwStatusBar, rectCl.left, ptStatusTop.y, rectCl.right - rectCl.left, rectSB.bottom - rectSB.top, TRUE); } // Adjust all controls
RECT rcChild; HWND hwChild; POINT ptTop; int iWidth, iHeight; for(int i = 0; i < c_nChildren; i++) { hwChild = GetDlgItem(hwnd, g_aiChildrenIDs[i]); if(!hwChild) { DestroyWindow(hwnd); return; }
GetClientRect(hwChild, &rcChild); iWidth = rcChild.right - rcChild.left;
iHeight = rcChild.bottom - rcChild.top;
ptTop.x = rcChild.left; ptTop.y = rcChild.top; ClientToScreen(hwChild, &ptTop); ScreenToClient(hwnd, &ptTop);
if(g_aiChildrenIDs[i] == IDC_DRIVELIST) iWidth = rectCl.right - g_aiChildrenMargins[i] - ptTop.x;
if(g_aiChildrenIDs[i] == IDC_DRIVELIST) MoveWindow(hwChild, ptTop.x, ptTop.y, iWidth, iHeight, TRUE); else MoveWindow(hwChild, rectCl.right - g_aiChildrenMargins[i] - iWidth, ptTop.y, iWidth, iHeight, TRUE); } for(i = 0; i < c_nChildren; i++) InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd, g_aiChildrenIDs[i]), 0, TRUE);
void HandleSizing(HWND hwnd, int iEdge, LPRECT pRect) { if((pRect->right - pRect->left) < g_nMinWindowWidth) { if(iEdge == WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT || iEdge == WMSZ_LEFT || iEdge == WMSZ_TOPLEFT) { pRect->left = pRect->right - g_nMinWindowWidth; } else if(iEdge == WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT || iEdge == WMSZ_RIGHT || iEdge == WMSZ_TOPRIGHT) { pRect->right = pRect->left + g_nMinWindowWidth; } // Should never get here
else { OutputDebugString(TEXT("Weird sizing stuff in HandleSizing\n")); } }
if(GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultListID)) { HWND hwStatusBar = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iStatusBarID); RECT rectStatus; GetClientRect(hwStatusBar, &rectStatus); if((pRect->bottom - pRect->top) < (g_nWindowHeight + c_nResultListHeight)) { if(iEdge == WMSZ_BOTTOM || iEdge == WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT || iEdge == WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT) { pRect->bottom = pRect->top + (g_nWindowHeight + c_nResultListHeight); } else if((iEdge == WMSZ_TOP) || (iEdge == WMSZ_TOPLEFT) || (iEdge == WMSZ_TOPRIGHT)) { pRect->top = pRect->bottom - (g_nWindowHeight + c_nResultListHeight); } // Should never get here
else { OutputDebugString(TEXT("Weird sizing stuff in HandleSizing\n")); } } } else { if((pRect->bottom - pRect->top) != g_nWindowHeight) { if(iEdge == WMSZ_BOTTOM || iEdge == WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT || iEdge == WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT) { pRect->bottom = pRect->top + g_nWindowHeight; } else if((iEdge == WMSZ_TOP) || (iEdge == WMSZ_TOPLEFT) || (iEdge == WMSZ_TOPRIGHT)) { pRect->top = pRect->bottom - g_nWindowHeight; } // Should never get here
else { OutputDebugString(TEXT("Weird sizing stuff in HandleSizing\n")); } } } }
void HandleGetMinMaxInfo(HWND hwnd, LPMINMAXINFO pmmi) { // Maximize normally if we have the result list box
if(GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultListID)) return;
pmmi->ptMaxSize.y = g_nWindowHeight; }
void HandleNotify(HWND hwnd, int iCtrlID, void* pvArg) { LPNMHDR pHdr = reinterpret_cast<LPNMHDR>(pvArg); LPNMLISTVIEW pnmlvItem = reinterpret_cast<LPNMLISTVIEW>(pvArg); HWND hwList; HMENU hMenu;
switch(iCtrlID) { case c_iResultListID: hwList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultListID);
switch(pHdr->code) { case NM_RCLICK: // Check if the click is on any row
if(pnmlvItem->iItem != -1) { // Create a context sensitive menu.
hmContext = GetSubMenu(hmContext, 0);
ClientToScreen(GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultListID), &pnmlvItem->ptAction);
TrackPopupMenuEx(hmContext, 0, pnmlvItem->ptAction.x, pnmlvItem->ptAction.y, hwnd, 0); } else { // FIXME
// Create the shortcut menu
case LVN_ITEMCHANGED: hwList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultListID); if(hwList) { int nCount = ListView_GetItemCount(hwList); int i; for(i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { if(ListView_GetItemState(hwList, i, LVIS_SELECTED) & LVIS_SELECTED) break; }
hMenu = GetMenu(hwnd); if(i == nCount) { EnableMenuItem(hMenu, ID_FILE_SHOWSHIMINFO, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem(hMenu, ID_FILE_PROPERTIES, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); } else { EnableMenuItem(hMenu, ID_FILE_SHOWSHIMINFO, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_ENABLED); EnableMenuItem(hMenu, ID_FILE_PROPERTIES, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_ENABLED); } } break; } default: break; } }
void HandleMenuSelect(HWND hwnd, HMENU hMenu, UINT uiMenuID, UINT uiFlags) { HWND hwStatusBar = GetDlgItem(hwnd,c_iStatusBarID); if(!hwStatusBar) return; TCHAR* szText = 0; if(uiFlags & MF_POPUP) { if(hMenu != GetMenu(hwnd)) { // Not a top-level menu
// Go through all lower-level submenus
// Right now only submenu is Arrange Icons
szText = LoadStringResource(IDS_VIEW_ARRANGEICONS); } } else { switch(uiMenuID) { case ID_FILE_SHOWSHIMINFO: szText = LoadStringResource(IDS_FILE_SHOWSHIM); break;
case ID_FILE_DOWNLOADPATCH: szText = LoadStringResource(IDS_FILE_DOWNLOADPATCH); break;
case ID_FILE_PROPERTIES: szText = LoadStringResource(IDS_FILE_PROPERTIES); break;
case ID_FILE_SAVESEARCH: szText = LoadStringResource(IDS_FILE_SAVESEARCH); break;
case ID_FILE_EXIT: szText = LoadStringResource(IDS_FILE_EXIT); break;
case ID_EDIT_SELECTALL: szText = LoadStringResource(IDS_EDIT_SELECTALL); break;
case ID_VIEW_LARGEICONS: szText = LoadStringResource(IDS_VIEW_LARGEICONS); break;
case ID_VIEW_SMALLICONS: szText = LoadStringResource(IDS_VIEW_SMALLICONS); break;
case ID_VIEW_ASLIST: szText = LoadStringResource(IDS_VIEW_ASLIST); break;
case ID_VIEW_ASDETAILS: szText = LoadStringResource(IDS_VIEW_ASDETAILS); break;
case ID_VIEW_CHOOSECOLUMNS: szText = LoadStringResource(IDS_VIEW_CHOOSECOLUMNS); break;
case ID_VIEW_REFRESH: szText = LoadStringResource(IDS_VIEW_REFRESH); break;
case ID_HELP_HELPTOPICS: szText = LoadStringResource(IDS_HELP_HELPTOPICS); break;
case ID_HELP_WHATSTHIS: szText = LoadStringResource(IDS_HELP_WHATSTHIS); break; } }
if(szText) { SetWindowText(hwStatusBar, szText); delete szText; } else SetWindowText(hwStatusBar, TEXT("")); }
void HandleEnterMenuLoop(HWND hwnd) { UpdateStatus(hwnd, TEXT("")); g_fInMenu = TRUE; }
void HandleExitMenuLoop(HWND hwnd) { UpdateStatus(hwnd, LoadStringResource(IDS_SEARCHDONE)); g_fInMenu = FALSE; }
void HandleSearchAddApp(HWND hwnd) { HWND hwList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultListID); if(!hwList) return;
SMatchedExe* pme; while( (pme = GetMatchedExe()) != 0) AddApp(pme, hwList);
delete pme; }
void HandleSearchUpdate(HWND hwnd, PTSTR szMsg) { if(g_fInMenu == FALSE) UpdateStatus(hwnd, szMsg);
delete szMsg; }
int CALLBACK CompareListEntries(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort) { SCompareParam* pCompParam = reinterpret_cast<SCompareParam*>(lParamSort); TCHAR szBuffer1[c_nMaxStringLength]; TCHAR szBuffer2[c_nMaxStringLength];
ListView_GetItemText(pCompParam->hwList, lParam1, pCompParam->iSubItem, szBuffer1, c_nMaxStringLength);
ListView_GetItemText(pCompParam->hwList, lParam2, pCompParam->iSubItem, szBuffer2, c_nMaxStringLength);
return lstrcmp(szBuffer1, szBuffer2); }
void UpdateStatus(HWND hwnd, PTSTR szMsg) { HWND hwStatus = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iStatusBarID); if(!hwStatus) return;
SetWindowText(hwStatus, szMsg); }
void AddApp(SMatchedExe* pme, HWND hwList) { int iItem, iImage; HICON hIcon;
HIMAGELIST himl = ListView_GetImageList(hwList, LVSIL_NORMAL); if(!himl) { himl = ImageList_Create(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON), ILC_COLOR | ILC_MASK, 0, 0); if(!himl) { DestroyWindow(GetParent(hwList)); return; } hIcon = LoadIcon(0, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_APPLICATION)); ImageList_AddIcon(himl, hIcon); ListView_SetImageList(hwList, himl, LVSIL_NORMAL); } HIMAGELIST himlSm = ListView_GetImageList(hwList, LVSIL_SMALL); if(!himlSm) { himlSm = ImageList_Create(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), ILC_COLOR | ILC_MASK, 0, 0); if(!himlSm) { DestroyWindow(GetParent(hwList)); return; } hIcon = LoadIcon(0, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_APPLICATION)); ImageList_AddIcon(himlSm, hIcon); ListView_SetImageList(hwList, himlSm, LVSIL_SMALL); }
hIcon = ExtractIcon(g_hinst, pme->szPath, 0); if(!hIcon) { iImage = 0; } else { iImage = ImageList_AddIcon(himl, hIcon); if(iImage == -1) iImage = 0;
int iImageSm = ImageList_AddIcon(himlSm, hIcon); assert(iImage == iImageSm); DestroyIcon(hIcon); }
iItem = ListView_GetItemCount(hwList);
// Add app to the list view.
LVITEM lvItem; lvItem.mask = LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_TEXT; lvItem.iItem = iItem; lvItem.iSubItem = 0; lvItem.pszText = pme->szAppName; lvItem.cchTextMax = lstrlen(pme->szAppName); lvItem.iImage = iImage; ListView_InsertItem(hwList, &lvItem);
lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT; lvItem.iItem = iItem; lvItem.iSubItem = 1; lvItem.pszText = pme->szPath; lvItem.cchTextMax = lstrlen(pme->szPath); ListView_SetItem(hwList, &lvItem); // If no items were in view prior, refresh view
//(otherwise "There are no items . . ." message will stay in listview.
if(iItem == 0) RedrawWindow(hwList, 0, 0, RDW_ERASE | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASENOW); }
// Start searching the database
void StartSearch(HWND hwnd) { HWND hwList, hwStatus, hwResultFrame; hwList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultListID); hwStatus = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iStatusBarID); hwResultFrame = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultFrameID);
// Both should be NULL or both non-NULL
assert( (hwList == 0) ? (hwStatus == 0 && hwResultFrame == 0) : true);
if(!hwList) { // Expand the window to encompass the new lsitview.
RECT rectWnd; GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rectWnd); MoveWindow(hwnd, rectWnd.left, rectWnd.top, rectWnd.right - rectWnd.left, c_nResultListHeight + g_nWindowHeight, TRUE);
// See if use has checked show small icons, large icons, etc.,
// and set appropriate listview style.
MENUITEMINFO mii; HMENU hMenu = GetMenu(hwnd); ZeroMemory(&mii, sizeof(mii)); mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii); mii.fMask = MIIM_STATE;
ZeroMemory(&mii, sizeof(mii)); mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii); mii.fMask = MIIM_STATE; GetMenuItemInfo(hMenu, ID_VIEW_SMALLICONS, FALSE, &mii); if(mii.fState & MFS_CHECKED) dwStyle |= LVS_SMALLICON;
ZeroMemory(&mii, sizeof(mii)); mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii); mii.fMask = MIIM_STATE; GetMenuItemInfo(hMenu, ID_VIEW_ASLIST, FALSE, &mii); if(mii.fState & MFS_CHECKED) dwStyle |= LVS_LIST;
ZeroMemory(&mii, sizeof(mii)); mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii); mii.fMask = MIIM_STATE; GetMenuItemInfo(hMenu, ID_VIEW_ASDETAILS, FALSE, &mii); if(mii.fState & MFS_CHECKED) { dwStyle |= LVS_REPORT; dwExStyle |= LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT; } // Create the status bar.
TCHAR* szCaption = LoadStringResource(IDS_SEARCHING); if(!szCaption) { DestroyWindow(hwnd); return; }
hwStatus = CreateStatusWindow(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, szCaption, hwnd, c_iStatusBarID); if(!hwStatus) { DestroyWindow(hwnd); return; }
delete szCaption;
RECT rectCl; RECT rectSB;
GetClientRect(hwnd, &rectCl); GetClientRect(hwnd, &rectSB);
// Round about way of getting top coordinate of
// status bar to a client coordinate in main window
POINT ptStatusTop; ptStatusTop.x = 0; ptStatusTop.y = rectSB.top; ClientToScreen(hwStatus, &ptStatusTop); ScreenToClient(hwnd, &ptStatusTop); // Bottom of window prior to resizing
POINT ptListTop; ptListTop.x = 0; ptListTop.y = rectWnd.bottom; ScreenToClient(hwnd, &ptListTop);
// Create static frame around listview.
hwResultFrame = CreateWindowEx(0, TEXT("static"), TEXT(""), WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | SS_BLACKRECT | SS_SUNKEN, rectCl.left, ptListTop.y, rectCl.right-rectCl.left, ptStatusTop.y - ptListTop.y, hwnd, reinterpret_cast<HMENU>(c_iResultFrameID), g_hinst, 0);
if(!hwResultFrame) { DestroyWindow(hwnd); return; }
// Create the listview window.
hwList = CreateWindowEx(0, WC_LISTVIEW, TEXT(""), dwStyle, rectCl.left + c_nResultFrameWidth, ptListTop.y + c_nResultFrameWidth, rectCl.right - rectCl.left - 2 * c_nResultFrameWidth, ptStatusTop.y - ptListTop.y - c_nResultFrameWidth, hwnd,reinterpret_cast<HMENU>(c_iResultListID), g_hinst, 0);
if(!hwList) { DestroyWindow(hwnd); return; }
// Subclass the window
pfnLVOrgWndProc = reinterpret_cast<WNDPROC>(GetWindowLongPtr(hwList, GWL_WNDPROC)); SetWindowLongPtr(hwList, GWL_WNDPROC, reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(LVWndProc));
ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyleEx(hwList, 0, dwExStyle);
// Insert listview columns.
for(int i = 0; i < c_nNumListColumns; i++) { LVCOLUMN lvCol; lvCol.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_ORDER | LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_SUBITEM; lvCol.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; lvCol.pszText = LoadStringResource(c_iListColumnNameIDS[i]); lvCol.cchTextMax = lstrlen(lvCol.pszText); lvCol.iSubItem = i; lvCol.iOrder = i; lvCol.cx = c_nListColumnWidth;
ListView_InsertColumn(hwList, i, &lvCol); delete lvCol.pszText; }
// "Remaximize" if it is already maximized
if(GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_MAXIMIZE) { HWND hwDesktop = GetDesktopWindow(); RECT rcDesktop; GetClientRect(hwDesktop, &rcDesktop); MoveWindow(hwnd, rcDesktop.left, rcDesktop.top, rcDesktop.right - rcDesktop.left, rcDesktop.bottom - rcDesktop.top, TRUE);
// Set correct restore position
WINDOWPLACEMENT wndpl; GetWindowPlacement(hwnd, &wndpl); wndpl.rcNormalPosition.bottom = wndpl.rcNormalPosition.top + g_nWindowHeight + c_nResultListHeight; SetWindowPlacement(hwnd, &wndpl);
} }
// If it exists, just reset the content
else { TCHAR* szMsg; TCHAR* szCaption; szMsg = LoadStringResource(IDS_CLRALLMSG); szCaption = LoadStringResource(IDS_CLRALLCAPTION); if(!szMsg || !szCaption) { DestroyWindow(hwnd); return; }
if(MessageBox(hwnd, szMsg, szCaption, MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OKCANCEL) == IDOK) ListView_DeleteAllItems(GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultListID)); else return; } // Enable the view options related to the result list
HMENU hMenu; hMenu = GetMenu(hwnd);
HMENU hmView = GetSubMenu(hMenu, c_iViewMenuPos);
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_STOP), TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_CLEARALL), TRUE);
// Find out what to search for
HWND hwComboBox = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_DRIVELIST); // If zero is selected, search for everything.
if(SendMessage(hwComboBox, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)==0) SearchDB(0, hwnd); else { TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH+1]; COMBOBOXEXITEM cbim; cbim.mask = CBEIF_TEXT; cbim.iItem = -1; cbim.pszText = szBuffer; cbim.cchTextMax = MAX_PATH; SendMessage(hwComboBox, CBEM_GETITEM, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&cbim));
if(szBuffer[lstrlen(szBuffer)-1] != TEXT('\\')) lstrcat(szBuffer, TEXT("\\"));
SearchDB(szBuffer, hwnd); }
// Start animating the icon.
HWND hwAnim = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iFindAnimID); Animate_Play(hwAnim, 0, -1, -1); }
// Terminate the search.
void StopSearch(HWND hwnd) { // Stop searching the database.
// Can't click "STOP" or anymore.
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_STOP), FALSE);
// Update with a search complete if not in menu.
if(g_fInMenu == FALSE) UpdateStatus(hwnd, LoadStringResource(IDS_SEARCHDONE));
// Stop animating the icon.
HWND hwAnim = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iFindAnimID); Animate_Stop(hwAnim); }
// Remove result window.
void ClearResults(HWND hwnd) { TCHAR* szMsg; TCHAR* szCaption; szMsg = LoadStringResource(IDS_CLRALLMSG); szCaption = LoadStringResource(IDS_CLRALLCAPTION); if(!szMsg || !szCaption) { DestroyWindow(hwnd); return; }
if(MessageBox(hwnd, szMsg, szCaption, MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OKCANCEL) == IDCANCEL) return;
// Stop the search
// Get rid of all result-related windows.
HWND hwCtrl; if( (hwCtrl = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultListID)) != 0) DestroyWindow(hwCtrl);
if( (hwCtrl = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iStatusBarID)) != 0) DestroyWindow(hwCtrl); if( (hwCtrl = GetDlgItem(hwnd, c_iResultFrameID)) != 0) DestroyWindow(hwCtrl);
// Restore original window size.
RECT rect; GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rect); MoveWindow(hwnd, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, g_nWindowHeight, TRUE);
// Do cleanup if we were maximized
if(GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_MAXIMIZE) { // Set correct restore position
WINDOWPLACEMENT wndpl; GetWindowPlacement(hwnd, &wndpl); wndpl.rcNormalPosition.bottom = wndpl.rcNormalPosition.top + g_nWindowHeight; SetWindowPlacement(hwnd, &wndpl); }
// Disable the view options related to the result list
HMENU hMenu; hMenu = GetMenu(hwnd);
EnableMenuItem(hMenu, ID_FILE_DOWNLOADPATCH, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem(hMenu, ID_FILE_PROPERTIES, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); HMENU hmView = GetSubMenu(hMenu, c_iViewMenuPos);
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_CLEARALL), FALSE); }
// Subclass for listview, customize painting.
LRESULT CALLBACK LVWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uiMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // Only bother if it's a PAINT message and no items are in listbox.
if((uiMsg == WM_PAINT) && (ListView_GetItemCount(hwnd) == 0)) { // Get rectangle for text.
RECT rc; GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc); POINT pt; pt.x = rc.left; pt.y = rc.top; ScreenToClient(hwnd, &pt); rc.left = pt.x; rc.top = pt.y; pt.x = rc.right; pt.y = rc.bottom; ScreenToClient(hwnd, &pt); rc.right = pt.x; rc.bottom = pt.y;
HWND hwHeader = ListView_GetHeader(hwnd); if(hwHeader) { RECT rcHeader; Header_GetItemRect(hwHeader, 0, &rcHeader); rc.top += rcHeader.bottom; }
rc.top += 10;
// Do the default painting of the listview paint.
InvalidateRect(hwnd, &rc, TRUE); CallWindowProc(pfnLVOrgWndProc, hwnd, uiMsg, wParam, lParam);
HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd);
SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)); SetBkColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); HFONT hFont = static_cast<HFONT>(GetStockObject(ANSI_VAR_FONT)); SelectObject(hdc, hFont);
// Get message to print.
TCHAR* szMsg = LoadStringResource(IDS_EMPTYLIST);
DrawText(hdc, szMsg, -1, &rc, DT_CENTER | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_NOCLIP);
RestoreDC(hdc, -1); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
delete szMsg; return 0; } else if(uiMsg == WM_NOTIFY) { HWND hwHeader = ListView_GetHeader(hwnd); if(hwHeader) { if(static_cast<int>(wParam) == GetDlgCtrlID(hwHeader)) { LPNMHEADER pHdr = reinterpret_cast<LPNMHEADER>(lParam); if(pHdr->hdr.code == HDN_ITEMCHANGED) { RECT rc; GetClientRect(hwHeader, &rc); POINT pt; pt.y = rc.bottom; ClientToScreen(hwHeader, &pt); ScreenToClient(hwnd, &pt); GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); rc.top = pt.y; InvalidateRect(hwnd, &rc, TRUE); } } }
return CallWindowProc(pfnLVOrgWndProc, hwnd, uiMsg, wParam, lParam);
} else return CallWindowProc(pfnLVOrgWndProc, hwnd, uiMsg, wParam, lParam); }
// Allocate a new string and copy a string resource into it.
TCHAR* LoadStringResource(UINT uID) { TCHAR szBuffer[c_nMaxStringLength]; TCHAR* szRet = 0;
if(LoadString(g_hinst, uID, szBuffer, c_nMaxStringLength)) { szRet = new TCHAR[lstrlen(szBuffer)+1]; if(szRet) lstrcpy(szRet, szBuffer); }
return szRet; }
// Print an error message box in hwnd, with string resource with id as
// message.
void Error(HWND hwnd, UINT id) { PTSTR szMsg = LoadStringResource(id); PTSTR szCaption = LoadStringResource(IDS_ERROR); if(szMsg && szCaption) MessageBox(hwnd, szMsg, szCaption, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
if(szMsg) delete szMsg;
if(szCaption) delete szCaption; }