#include "compatadmin.h"
BOOL CWindow::Create( LPCTSTR szClassName, LPCTSTR szWindowTitle, int nX, int nY, int nWidth, int nHeight, CWindow * pParent, HMENU nMenuID, DWORD dwExFlags, DWORD dwFlags) { HWND hParent = NULL; HMENU hMenu = LoadMenu(g_hInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(nMenuID)); int nTries = 0;
if ( NULL == hMenu ) hMenu = nMenuID;
if ( NULL != pParent ) hParent = pParent->m_hWnd;
do { // Attempt to create the window as provided to the class.
// If this fails that means that the window class does not exist and we have to make a new window
m_hWnd = ::CreateWindowEx( dwExFlags, szClassName, szWindowTitle, dwFlags, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight, hParent, hMenu, g_hInstance, this);// This is the window-creation application data
// Failed?
if ( NULL == m_hWnd ) { // If the creation failed, register the class
// and try again.
wc.style = CS_DBLCLKS; wc.lpfnWndProc = MsgProc; wc.hInstance = g_hInstance; wc.hIcon = ::LoadIcon(g_hInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_COMPATADMIN)); wc.hCursor = ::LoadCursor(g_hInstance,TEXT("AppCursor"));
if ( NULL == wc.hCursor ) wc.hCursor = ::LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW);
wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) (COLOR_WINDOW + 1); wc.lpszClassName = szClassName;
// If the registration failed, it's probably already
// registered. Failure is then severe enough to fail
// the call immediately.
if ( 0 == ::RegisterClass(&wc)){ MessageBox(NULL,TEXT("This program needs an operating system with UNICODE support to execute properly !"),TEXT("Error"),MB_ICONERROR); return FALSE; } }
++nTries; } while ( NULL == m_hWnd && 1 >= nTries );
return(NULL == m_hWnd) ? FALSE:TRUE; }
void CWindow::Refresh(void) { InvalidateRect(m_hWnd,NULL,TRUE); UpdateWindow(m_hWnd); }
void CWindow::msgCommand(UINT uID,HWND hSender) { }
void CWindow::msgCreate(void) { }
void CWindow::msgClose(void) { }
void CWindow::msgResize(UINT uWidth, UINT uHeight) { }
void CWindow::msgPaint(HDC hDC) { }
void CWindow::msgEraseBackground(HDC hDC) { RECT rRect;
++rRect.right; ++rRect.bottom;
FillRect(hDC,&rRect,(HBRUSH) (COLOR_WINDOW + 1)); }
void CWindow::msgChar(TCHAR chChar) { }
void CWindow::msgNotify(LPNMHDR pHdr) { }
LRESULT CWindow::MsgProc( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch ( uMsg ) {
case WM_KEYDOWN: { } break;
case WM_CHAR: { msgChar((TCHAR)wParam); } break;
case WM_CREATE: { msgCreate(); } break;
case WM_CLOSE: { msgClose(); } break;
case WM_COMMAND: { msgCommand(LOWORD(wParam),(HWND)lParam); } break;
case WM_NOTIFY: { msgNotify((LPNMHDR) lParam); } break;
case WM_PAINT: { HDC hDC; PAINTSTRUCT ps; int nSave;
hDC = ::BeginPaint(m_hWnd,&ps);
nSave = SaveDC(hDC);
::EndPaint(m_hWnd,&ps); } break;
case WM_ERASEBKGND: { HDC hDC = (HDC) wParam;
msgEraseBackground(hDC); } return 1;
case WM_SIZE: { UINT uWidth = LOWORD(lParam); UINT uHeight = HIWORD(lParam);
msgResize(uWidth,uHeight); } break;
default: return DefWindowProc(m_hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam); }
return 0; }
//RTTI needed.
LRESULT CALLBACK CWindow::MsgProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CWindow * pWnd;
// Wrap this in a try-except. If we assert inside the window proc,
// RTTI may throw instead of return NULL.
__try { pWnd = dynamic_cast<CWindow *> ((CWindow *)GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd,GWLP_USERDATA)); } __except(1) { pWnd = NULL; }
// If the window is being created, record the "this" pointer with the window.
pWnd = dynamic_cast<CWindow *> ((CWindow *) lpCS->lpCreateParams);
assert(NULL != pWnd);//TEXT("CreateWindow was called on a class owned by CWindow outside of CWindow::Create()"));
// Write the class pointer.
if ( NULL != pWnd ) { pWnd->m_hWnd = hWnd;
::SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd,GWLP_USERDATA,(LONG_PTR) pWnd); } else { // Critical failure. CreateWindow was called on a class that we
// own, but wasn't called through the class. Fail the create call.
return -1; } }
assert(((CWindow *) GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd,GWLP_USERDATA)) == pWnd);//,TEXT("GetWindowLongPtr data has been corrupted"));
// Dispatch the message to the class based window proc
if ( NULL != pWnd ) return pWnd->MsgProc(uMsg,wParam,lParam);
// The window hasn't recorded the class "this" pointer yet. So,
// perform default processing on the message.
return DefWindowProc(hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam); }