Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  1. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f3\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}
  2. {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green0\blue0;}
  3. {\stylesheet{ Normal;}{\s1 heading 1;}{\s2 heading 2;}}
  4. \viewkind4\uc1\pard\fi-1800\li1800\tx1800\cf1\b\f0\fs20 From:\b0\tab Alex Armanasu\par
  5. \b Sent:\b0\tab Tuesday, August 31, 1999 4:04 PM\par
  6. \b To:\b0\tab Philip Lafornara (Redmond) (Exchange); Henry Lee (Exchange); Weiru Cai (Exchange)\par
  7. \b Cc:\b0\tab Donna Liu (Exchange)\par
  8. \b Subject:\b0\tab Preliminary developement schedule\par
  9. \pard\cf0\f1\par
  10. \cf2\b\fs144 !Preliminary!\cf0\b0\fs20\par
  11. \par
  12. Here is the development schedule based on our interpretation of Chris's requirements document.\par
  13. \par
  14. Counting this week, there are 9 weeks till October 30. Philip has 3 weeks vacation. That leaves 33 person weeks available. The list below has 38 weeks of priority 1 work and 9 weeks of priority 2 work. We are assuming we can skip 5 weeks of work under system settings.\par
  15. \par
  16. Philip\tab All of User Data Files for 6 weeks plus some design documentation.\par
  17. Henry\tab 9 weeks of system settings plus some design documentation.\par
  18. Weiru\tab 9 weeks of system settings plus some design documentation.\par
  19. Alex\tab 8 weeks of User Profile and Office settings plus 1 week of design documentation.\par
  20. Donna\tab Hire some more developers and find some testors.\par
  21. \par
  22. \pard\keepn\s1\fi-432\li432\sb240\sa60\tx432\kerning28\b\f2\fs36 1\tab Development Items\par
  23. \pard\kerning0\b0\f3\fs20 Each item is prefixed with number of weeks to design, code, and unit test followed by priority.\par
  24. \pard\keepn\s2\fi-576\li576\sb240\sa60\tx576\b\f2\fs32 1.1\tab User Data Files\par
  25. \pard\fi-720\li720\b0\f3\fs20 1 - P1\tab List of files for each operating system.\par
  26. 1 - P1\tab File location algorithm.\par
  27. 2 - P1\tab File placement algorithm.\par
  28. 1 - P1\tab Extendable list of files/paths/extensions to include/exclude.\par
  29. 1 - P1\tab Transport files (use of catalog is design decision).\par
  30. 1 - P2\tab Extendable renaming algorithm.\par
  31. 2 - P2\tab Move ACLs or compute default ACLs.\par
  32. \pard\keepn\s2\fi-576\li576\sb240\sa60\tx576\b\f2\fs32 1.2\tab System Settings\par
  33. \pard\fi-720\li720\b0\f3\fs20 1 - P1\tab List of settings.\par
  34. 10 - P1\tab How to read each setting.\par
  35. 1 - P1\tab How to save each setting (file format and interface).\par
  36. 10 - P1\tab How to apply each setting.\par
  37. \pard\keepn\s2\fi-576\li576\sb240\sa60\tx576\b\f2\fs32 1.3\tab User Profile and Office Settings\par
  38. \pard\fi-720\li720\b0\f3\fs20 1 - P1\tab Move win9x profile.\par
  39. 1 - P1\tab Move NT 4 profile.\par
  40. 3 - P1\tab Move Office, email client, and IE settings.\par
  41. 1 - P1\tab Declarative method to specify more settings to move.\par
  42. 2 - P1\tab Executable method to move more settings.\par
  43. 1 - P2\tab Filter shortcuts to executables and fix shortcuts to documents.\par
  44. 1 - P2\tab Cookie converter.\par
  45. 1 - P2\tab Tool to convert MSI files to migration input.\par
  46. 0.5 - P2\tab Create local user accounts.\par
  47. 0.5 - P2\tab Move multiple users.\par
  48. 1 - P2\tab Allow administrator to specify policies (like location of my documents).\par
  49. \pard\keepn\s2\fi-576\li576\sb240\sa60\tx576\b\f2\fs32 1.4\tab Other\par
  50. \pard\fi-720\li720\b0\f3\fs20 0.5 - P1\tab Unattended execution.\par
  51. 0.5 - P1\tab Option to apply just data, profile, or settings (in case some settings are bad).\par
  52. ? - P1\tab Train testors.\par
  53. 1 - P2\tab List of applications.\par
  54. \pard\fi-360\li360\par
  55. \pard\keepn\s2\fi-576\li576\sb240\sa60\tx576\b\f2\fs32 1.5\tab Documentation\par
  56. \pard\fi-144\li720\b0\f3\fs20 Whitepaper about migration.\par
  57. Sample scripts to move files and settings.\par
  58. Migration tool documentation, including internal file formats.\par
  59. Explanation of how to use wininstall to extend migration tool.\par
  60. \pard\fi-720\li720 2\tab Design specification.\par
  61. \pard\li720 Test specification.\par
  62. \pard\f1\par
  63. \cf2\b\fs144 !Preliminary!\cf0\b0\fs20\par
  64. \par
  65. \par
  66. \pard\fi-1800\li1800\tx1800\cf1\f0\par
  67. }