// File: loadstate
// Contents: Load a machine state.
#include "loadhead.cxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <common.hxx>
#include <objerror.h>
#include <loadstate.hxx>
#include <bothchar.hxx>
// Constants.
const char MIGRATEINF[] = "\\migration.inf";
// Types.
// Macros
// Globals.
DWORD SourceVersion = 0; TCHAR szLogFile[MAX_PATH+1];
DWORD GetSourceVersion() { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL fSuccess; INFCONTEXT ic; DWORD dwRealLen; TCHAR *ptsVar = NULL; // Find the section.
fSuccess = SetupFindFirstLine( InputInf, SOURCE_SECTION, NULL, &ic ); LOG_ASSERT_GLE( fSuccess, dwResult );
// Find the version.
do { // Get the correct length
fSuccess = SetupGetStringField( &ic, 0, NULL, 0, &dwRealLen ); LOG_ASSERT_GLE( fSuccess, dwResult );
// Presumably we have the correct length now...
ptsVar = (TCHAR *) malloc(dwRealLen * sizeof(TCHAR)); LOG_ASSERT_EXPR( ptsVar != NULL, IDS_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, dwResult, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY );
fSuccess = SetupGetStringField( &ic, 0, ptsVar, dwRealLen, NULL); LOG_ASSERT_EXPR(fSuccess, IDS_GETSTRINGFIELD_ERROR, dwResult, SPAPI_E_SECTION_NAME_TOO_LONG);
// Save the value if it is the one we are looking for.
if (_tcsicmp( ptsVar, VERSION ) == 0) { fSuccess = SetupGetIntField( &ic, 1, (int *) &SourceVersion ); LOG_ASSERT_EXPR( fSuccess, IDS_INF_ERROR, dwResult, SPAPI_E_GENERAL_SYNTAX ); break; } free( ptsVar ); ptsVar = NULL;
// Advance to the next line.
fSuccess = SetupFindNextLine( &ic, &ic );
} while( fSuccess);
// If the version wasn't found, return an error.
cleanup: if (ptsVar != NULL) free( ptsVar ); return dwResult; }
Load machine state from migration.inf.
int _cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[]) { DWORD dwResult; TCHAR *ptsHiveName = NULL; DWORD dwLen; char *pszMigrate; DWORD dwReturnToDos = ERROR_SUCCESS;
dwResult = CoInitialize(NULL); if (FAILED(dwResult)) goto cleanup;
dwResult = OpenFiles(); if (dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
// Parse the parameters.
dwResult = ParseParams( argc, argv, FALSE, szLogFile ); if (dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
// Determine the operating system.
if (FALSE == TestMode) { LOG_ASSERT_EXPR( (GetVersion() & 0xffff) == 5, IDS_OS5, dwResult, ERROR_BAD_ENVIRONMENT ); } else if ((GetVersion() & 0xffff) != 5) Win32PrintfResource( LogFile, IDS_OS5_WARNING );
// Append migration.inf.
dwLen = strlen(MigrationPath) + sizeof(MIGRATEINF) + 2; pszMigrate = (char *) _alloca( dwLen ); strcpy( pszMigrate, MigrationPath ); strcat( pszMigrate, MIGRATEINF ); dwResult = OpenInf( pszMigrate ); if (dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
// Read the source OS version.
dwResult = GetSourceVersion(); if (dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
// Compute the temp directory.
dwResult = ComputeTemp(); if (dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
// Copy the user registry.
if (DebugOutput) Win32Printf(LogFile, "Loading User settings \r\n"); dwResult = LoadUser( &DomainName, &UserName, &ptsHiveName ); if (dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
// Copy system settings.
if (DebugOutput) Win32Printf(LogFile, "Loading System settings\r\n"); dwResult = LoadSystem(argc, argv); if (dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
// Create the user profile.
if (DebugOutput) Win32Printf(LogFile, "Creating User Profile for %s, domain %s, hive %s\r\n", UserName, DomainName, ptsHiveName); dwResult = CreateUserProfileFromName( DomainName, UserName, ptsHiveName ); if (dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
// Copy files.
if (DebugOutput) Win32Printf(LogFile, "Loading files\r\n"); dwResult = LoadFiles(); if (dwResult == ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE) { dwReturnToDos = dwResult; } else if (dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
// Process the extentions.
if (DebugOutput) Win32Printf(LogFile, "Processing Extensions\r\n"); dwResult = ProcessExtensions(); if (dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
//Fix registry entries with filenames in them
if (DebugOutput) Win32Printf(LogFile, "Fixing special filenames\r\n"); dwResult = FixSpecial(); if (dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
// Process the executable extentions.
if (DebugOutput) Win32Printf(LogFile, "Processing Exec Extenstions\r\n"); dwResult = ProcessExecExtensions(); if (dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;
cleanup: // Clean up user stuff and ignore failures.
if (DebugOutput) Win32Printf(LogFile, "Load complete. Cleaning up.\r\n");
// Close any open files and ignore failures.
// Erase the temp directory and ignore failures.
// Delete loadstate key in registry if success
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwResult) { HKEY hKey; RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion"), 0, KEY_WRITE, &hKey ); RegDeleteKey(hKey, TEXT("Loadstate")); RegCloseKey(hKey); }
// Free strings.
if (DomainName != NULL) free( DomainName ); if (UserName != NULL) free( UserName ); if (ptsHiveName != NULL ) free( ptsHiveName ); if (UserPath != NULL) free (UserPath);
if (dwResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwResult = dwReturnToDos; }
// Print a message.
if (Console != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) if (dwResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) Win32PrintfResource( Console, IDS_COMPLETE_OK ); else Win32PrintfResource( Console, IDS_COMPLETE_ERROR, szLogFile );
if (Verbose) { printf( "Returning 0x%x to DOS.\r\n", dwResult ); } return dwResult; }