// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999
// File: ScopTree.h
// Contents:
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History:
#ifndef _SCOPTREE_H_
#define _SCOPTREE_H_
class CDocument; class CNode; class CMTNode; class CSPImageCache; class CMTSnapInNode; class CExtensionsCache; class CSnapIn; class CMultiSelection; class CConsoleTaskpad; class CConsoleTaskpadList; class CDefaultTaskpadList; class CConsoleFrame; class CNewTreeNode;
typedef CNewTreeNode* PNEWTREENODE; typedef CList <PNEWTREENODE, PNEWTREENODE> NewNodeList; typedef CList<HMTNODE, HMTNODE> CHMTNODEList; typedef CTypedPtrList<MMC::CPtrList, CMTNode*> CMTNodeList; typedef CList<CMTNode*, CMTNode*> MTNodesList; typedef std::map<CMTNode*, PNODE> CMapMTNodeToMMCNode;
typedef CMTSnapInNode * PMTSNAPINNODE;
// forward declarations for external classes
class CBookmark;
* class CMMCScopeNode * * * PURPOSE: Implements the Node automation interface, for a scope node * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CMMCScopeNode : public CMMCIDispatchImpl<Node> { friend class CScopeTree;
// Node methods
public: STDMETHODIMP get_Name( PBSTR pbstrName); STDMETHODIMP get_Property( BSTR PropertyName, PBSTR PropertyValue); STDMETHODIMP get_Bookmark( PBSTR pbstrBookmark); STDMETHODIMP IsScopeNode(PBOOL pbIsScopeNode); STDMETHODIMP get_Nodetype(PBSTR Nodetype);
// determines whether the object is valid or not.
::SC ScIsValid();
~CMMCScopeNode(); public: // accessors
CMTNode *GetMTNode() {return m_pMTNode;} void ResetMTNode() {m_pMTNode = NULL;}
private: ::SC ScGetDataObject(IDataObject **ppDataObject); // returns the data object for the underlying scope node.
private: // implementation
CMTNode *m_pMTNode; };
// class: CScopeTree
class CScopeTree : public IScopeTree, public IPersistStorage, public CComObjectRoot, public CComCoClass<CScopeTree, &CLSID_ScopeTree>, public CTiedObject {
// Constructor/Destructor
public: CScopeTree(); ~CScopeTree();
public: #ifdef DBG
ULONG InternalAddRef() { return CComObjectRoot::InternalAddRef(); } ULONG InternalRelease() { return CComObjectRoot::InternalRelease(); } int dbg_InstID; #endif // DBG
// ATL Map
DECLARE_MMC_OBJECT_REGISTRATION ( g_szMmcndmgrDll, // implementing DLL
CLSID_ScopeTree, // CLSID
_T("ScopeTree 1.0 Object"), // class name
_T("NODEMGR.ScopeTreeObject.1"), // ProgID
_T("NODEMGR.ScopeTreeObject")) // version-independent ProgID
private: // Object model related tied COM objects
SnapInsPtr m_spSnapIns; ScopeNamespacePtr m_spScopeNamespace;
public: // Object model methods
// SnapIns interface
typedef PMTSNAPINNODE CSnapIns_Positon; CMTSnapInNode *GetNextStaticNode(CMTNode *pMTNode);
SC ScAdd (BSTR bstrSnapinNameOrCLSID, VARIANT varParentSnapin, VARIANT varProperties, SnapIn** ppSnapIn); // add a snap-in.
SC ScItem(long Index, PPSNAPIN ppSnapIn); SC ScRemove(PSNAPIN pSnapIn); SC Scget_Count(PLONG pCount);
// SnapIns enumerator
SC ScGetNextSnapInPos(CSnapIns_Positon &pos); // helper function
SC ScEnumNext(CSnapIns_Positon &pos, PDISPATCH & pDispatch); SC ScEnumSkip(unsigned long celt, unsigned long& celtSkipped, CSnapIns_Positon &pos); SC ScEnumReset( CSnapIns_Positon &pos);
// ScopeNamespace interface
SC ScGetParent(PNODE pNode, PPNODE ppChild); SC ScGetChild(PNODE pNode, PPNODE ppChild); SC ScGetNext(PNODE pNode, PPNODE ppNext); SC ScGetRoot(PPNODE ppRoot); SC ScExpand(PNODE pNode);
// helpers
private: SC ScGetNode(CMTNode *pMTNode, PPNODE ppOut); // creates a Node interface object for the given MTNode.
SC ScGetRootNode(PPNODE ppRootNode); // Calls above method to get to Root node.
public: SC ScGetNode(PNODE pNode, CMTNode **ppMTNodeOut);
// Operations
public: // IScopeTree methods
STDMETHOD(Initialize)(HWND hwndFrame, IStringTablePrivate* pStringTable); STDMETHOD(QueryIterator)(IScopeTreeIter** ppIter); STDMETHOD(QueryNodeCallback)(INodeCallback** ppNodeCallback); STDMETHOD(CreateNode)(HMTNODE hMTNode, LONG_PTR lViewData, BOOL fRootNode, HNODE* phNode);
STDMETHOD(CloseView)(int nView); STDMETHOD(DeleteView)(int nView); STDMETHOD(DestroyNode)(HNODE hNode); STDMETHOD(Find)(MTNODEID mID, HMTNODE* hMTNode); STDMETHOD(Find)(MTNODEID mID, CMTNode** ppMTNode); STDMETHOD(GetImageList)(PLONG_PTR pImageList); STDMETHOD(RunSnapIn)(HWND hwndParent); STDMETHOD(GetFileVersion)(IStorage* pstgRoot, int* pnVersion); STDMETHOD(GetNodeIDFromBookmark)(HBOOKMARK hbm, MTNODEID* pID, bool& bExactMatchFound); STDMETHOD(GetNodeIDFromStream)(IStream *pStm, MTNODEID* pID); STDMETHOD(GetNodeFromBookmark)(HBOOKMARK hbm, CConsoleView *pConsoleView, PPNODE ppNode, bool& bExactMatchFound); // get the node from bookmark
STDMETHOD(GetIDPath)(MTNODEID id, MTNODEID** ppIDs, long* pLength); STDMETHOD(IsSynchronousExpansionRequired)(); STDMETHOD(RequireSynchronousExpansion)(BOOL fRequireSyncExpand); STDMETHOD(SetConsoleData)(LPARAM lConsoleData); STDMETHOD(GetPathString)(HMTNODE hmtnRoot, HMTNODE hmtnLeaf, LPOLESTR* pPath); STDMETHOD(QuerySnapIns)(SnapIns **ppSnapIns); STDMETHOD(QueryScopeNamespace)(ScopeNamespace **ppScopeNamespace); STDMETHOD(CreateProperties)(Properties** ppProperties); STDMETHOD(GetNodeID)(PNODE pNode, MTNODEID *pID); STDMETHOD(GetHMTNode)(PNODE pNode, HMTNODE *phMTNode); STDMETHOD(GetMMCNode)(HMTNODE hMTNode, PPNODE ppNode); STDMETHOD(QueryRootNode)(PPNODE ppNode); STDMETHOD(IsSnapinInUse)(REFCLSID refClsidSnapIn, PBOOL pbInUse);
STDMETHOD(Persist)(HPERSISTOR pPersistor);
// IPersistStorage methods
STDMETHOD(HandsOffStorage)(void); STDMETHOD(InitNew)(IStorage *pStg); STDMETHOD(IsDirty)(void); STDMETHOD(Load)(IStorage *pStg); STDMETHOD(Save)(IStorage *pStg, BOOL fSameAsLoad); STDMETHOD(SaveCompleted)(IStorage *pStg);
// IPersist method
// snap-in addition and removal
SC ScAddOrRemoveSnapIns(MTNodesList * pmtnDeletedList, NewNodeList * pnnList); public: SC ScAddSnapin(LPCWSTR szSnapinNameOrCLSID, SnapIn* pParentSnapinNode, Properties* varProperties, SnapIn*& rpSnapIn);
private: // taskpad persistence
HRESULT LoadTaskpadList(IStorage *pStg);
// Attributes
public: CMTNode* GetRoot(void); CSPImageCache* GetImageCache(void) { return m_pImageCache; }
* convenient, type-safe alternative to IScopeTree::GetImageList */ HIMAGELIST GetImageList () const;
// Operations
SC ScInsert(LPSCOPEDATAITEM pSDI, COMPONENTID nID, CMTNode** ppMTNodeNew); SC ScInsert(CMTNode* pmtnParent, CMTNode* pmtnToInsert); SC ScDelete(CMTNode* pmtn, BOOL fDeleteThis, COMPONENTID nID); void DeleteNode(CMTNode* pmtn); void UpdateAllViews(LONG lHint, LPARAM lParam); void Cleanup(void);
HWND GetMainWindow() { return (m_pConsoleData->m_hwndMainFrame); }
static IStringTablePrivate* GetStringTable() { return (m_spStringTable); }
static bool _IsSynchronousExpansionRequired() { return (m_fRequireSyncExpand); }
static void _RequireSynchronousExpansion(bool fRequireSyncExpand) { m_fRequireSyncExpand = fRequireSyncExpand; }
static CScopeTree* GetScopeTree() { return (m_pScopeTree); }
PersistData* GetPersistData() const { return m_spPersistData; }
SConsoleData* GetConsoleData() const { return m_pConsoleData; }
CConsoleFrame* GetConsoleFrame() const { return ((m_pConsoleData != NULL) ? m_pConsoleData->GetConsoleFrame() : NULL); }
CConsoleTaskpadList* GetConsoleTaskpadList() const { return (m_pConsoleTaskpads); }
CDefaultTaskpadList* GetDefaultTaskpadList() const { return (m_pDefaultTaskpads); }
SC ScSetHelpCollectionInvalid();
HRESULT InsertConsoleTaskpad (CConsoleTaskpad *pConsoleTaskpad, CNode *pNodeTarget, bool bStartTaskWizard);
SC ScUnadviseMTNode(CMTNode* pMTNode); // called from ~CMTNode()
SC ScUnadviseMMCScopeNode(PNODE pNode); // called from ~MMCScopeNode();
// Implementation
private: // the one and only CScopeTree for this console
static CScopeTree* m_pScopeTree; CMTNode* m_pMTNodeRoot; CSPImageCache* m_pImageCache; PersistDataPtr m_spPersistData; CMTNodeList m_MTNodesToBeReset; SConsoleData* m_pConsoleData; CConsoleTaskpadList* m_pConsoleTaskpads; CDefaultTaskpadList* m_pDefaultTaskpads; CMapMTNodeToMMCNode m_mapMTNodeToMMCNode;
static bool m_fRequireSyncExpand; static IStringTablePrivatePtr m_spStringTable;
CMTNode* _FindLastChild(CMTNode* pMTNodeParent); CMTNode* _FindPrev(CMTNode* pMTNode); void _DeleteNode(CMTNode* pmtn); void _GetPathString(CMTNode* pmtnRoot, CMTNode* pmtnCur, CStr& strPath); void DeleteDynamicNodes(CMTNode* pMTNode); BOOL ExtensionsHaveChanged(CMTSnapInNode* pMTSINode); void HandleExtensionChanges(CMTNode* pMTNode);
// Not implemented
CScopeTree(const CScopeTree& rhs); CScopeTree& operator= (const CScopeTree& rhs);
}; // CScopeTree
#endif // _SCOPTREE_H_