File: RegTranslator.cpp
Comments: Routines for translating security on the registry keys and files that form a user profile.
(c) Copyright 1999, Mission Critical Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved Proprietary and confidential to Mission Critical Software, Inc.
REVISION LOG ENTRY Revision By: Christy Boles Revised on 05/12/99 11:11:46
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stargs.hpp"
#include "sd.hpp"
#include "SecObj.hpp"
#include "sidcache.hpp"
#include "sdstat.hpp"
#include "Common.hpp"
#include "UString.hpp"
#include "ErrDct.hpp"
#include "TReg.hpp"
#include "TxtSid.h"
#include "RegTrans.h"
#include <WinBase.h>
//#import "\bin\McsDctWorkerObjects.tlb"
#import "WorkObj.tlb"
#include "CommaLog.hpp"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
extern TErrorDct err;
#define LEN_SID 200
DWORD TranslateRegHive( HKEY hKeyRoot, // in - root of registry hive to translate
const LPWSTR keyName, // in - name of registry key
SecurityTranslatorArgs * stArgs, // in - translation settings
TSDRidCache * cache, // in - translation table
TSDResolveStats * stat, // in - stats on items modified
BOOL bWin2K // in - flag, whether the machine is Win2K
) { DWORD rc = 0;
// Translate the permissions on the root key
TRegSD sd(keyName,hKeyRoot);
if ( sd.HasDacl() ) { TSD * pSD = sd.GetSecurity();
// if there are more than 15 aces in a registry entry, and we are re-ACLing in Add Mode,
// skip the entry. There seems to be a problem in Windows 2000 RC2 where if there are more than
// 30 or so ACEs, some of them never get resolved. If this happens to the Administrator account,
// (This may only happen if there are 30 or so ACEs alphabetically ahead of the Administrator account)
// The Administrator account never gets resolved, and the machine is effectively trashed.
if ( bWin2K && ( stArgs->TranslationMode() == ADD_SECURITY ) && (pSD->GetNumDaclAces() >= REGKEY_ADD_LIMIT) ) { err.MsgWrite(0,DCT_MSG_SKIPPING_REGKEY_TRANSLATION_SDD,keyName,pSD->GetNumDaclAces(),REGKEY_ADD_LIMIT); } else { sd.ResolveSD(stArgs,stat,regkey ,NULL); } } // Recursively process any subkeys
int n = 0; FILETIME writeTime; WCHAR name[MAX_PATH]; DWORD lenName = DIM(name); WCHAR fullName[2000]; HKEY hKey;
do { lenName = DIM(name); rc = RegEnumKeyEx(hKeyRoot,n,name,&lenName,NULL,NULL,NULL,&writeTime); if ( rc && rc != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) break; swprintf(fullName,L"%s\\%s",keyName,name); // Open the subkey
rc = RegCreateKeyEx(hKeyRoot,name,0,L"",REG_OPTION_BACKUP_RESTORE,KEY_ALL_ACCESS | READ_CONTROL | ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY,NULL,&hKey,NULL); if (! rc ) { // Process the subkey
TranslateRegHive(hKey,fullName,stArgs,cache,stat,bWin2K); RegCloseKey(hKey); } else { if ( (rc != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) && (rc != ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrS,rc,DCT_MSG_REG_KEY_OPEN_FAILED_SD,fullName,rc); } } n++;
} while ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS || rc == ERROR_MORE_DATA); if ( rc != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS && rc != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && rc != ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrS,rc,DCT_MSG_REGKEYENUM_FAILED_D,rc); } return rc; }
DWORD TranslateRegistry( WCHAR const * computer, // in - computername to translate, or NULL
SecurityTranslatorArgs * stArgs, // in - translation settings
TSDRidCache * cache, // in - translation account mapping
TSDResolveStats * stat // in - stats for items examined and modified
) { DWORD rc = 0; WCHAR comp[LEN_Computer];
if ( ! computer ) { comp[0] = 0; } else { safecopy(comp,computer); } MCSDCTWORKEROBJECTSLib::IAccessCheckerPtr pAccess(__uuidof(MCSDCTWORKEROBJECTSLib::AccessChecker)); TRegKey hKey; DWORD verMaj,verMin,verSP; BOOL bWin2K = TRUE; // assume win2k unless we're sure it's not
// get the OS version - we need to know the OS version because Win2K can fail when registry keys
// have many entries
HRESULT hr = pAccess->raw_GetOsVersion(SysAllocString(comp),&verMaj,&verMin,&verSP); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if ( verMaj < 5 ) bWin2K = FALSE; }
rc = hKey.Connect(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,computer); if ( ! rc ) { rc = TranslateRegHive(hKey.KeyGet(),L"HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT",stArgs,cache,stat,bWin2K); hKey.Close(); }
rc = hKey.Connect(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,computer); if ( ! rc ) { rc = TranslateRegHive(hKey.KeyGet(),L"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",stArgs,cache,stat,bWin2K); hKey.Close(); }
rc = hKey.Connect(HKEY_USERS,computer); if (! rc ) { rc = TranslateRegHive(hKey.KeyGet(),L"HKEY_USERS",stArgs,cache,stat,bWin2K); hKey.Close(); }
rc = hKey.Connect(HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA,computer); if ( ! rc ) { rc = TranslateRegHive(hKey.KeyGet(),L"HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA",stArgs,cache,stat,bWin2K); hKey.Close(); } rc = hKey.Connect(HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG,computer); if ( ! rc ) { rc = TranslateRegHive(hKey.KeyGet(),L"HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG",stArgs,cache,stat,bWin2K); hKey.Close(); }
rc = hKey.Connect(HKEY_DYN_DATA,computer); if ( ! rc ) { rc = TranslateRegHive(hKey.KeyGet(),L"HKEY_DYN_DATA",stArgs,cache,stat,bWin2K); hKey.Close(); }
return rc; }
DWORD TranslateUserProfile( WCHAR const * profileName, // in - name of file containing user profile
SecurityTranslatorArgs * stArgs, // in - translation settings
TSDRidCache * cache, // in - translation table
TSDResolveStats * stat, // in - stats on items modified
WCHAR * sSourceName, // in - Source account name
WCHAR * sSourceDomainName // in - Source domain name
) { DWORD rc = 0; WCHAR oldName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR newName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR otherName[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKey; HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bWin2K = TRUE; MCSDCTWORKEROBJECTSLib::IAccessCheckerPtr pAccess(__uuidof(MCSDCTWORKEROBJECTSLib::AccessChecker)); safecopy(oldName,profileName); safecopy(newName,profileName); UStrCpy(newName+UStrLen(newName),".temp"); safecopy(otherName,profileName); UStrCpy(otherName + UStrLen(otherName),".premigration"); // check the OS version of the computer
// if UNC name is specified, get the computer name
if ( profileName[0] == L'\\' && profileName[1] == L'\\' ) { bWin2K = TRUE; // if the profile is specified in UNC format (roaming profile) it can be used
// from multiple machines. There is no guarantee that the profile will not be loaded on a win2000 machine
} else { DWORD verMaj; DWORD verMin; DWORD verSP; HRESULT hr = pAccess->raw_GetOsVersion(SysAllocString(L""),&verMaj,&verMin,&verSP);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if ( verMaj < 5 ) { bWin2K = FALSE; } } } // Load the registry hive into the registry
rc = RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS,L"OnePointTranslation",profileName); if ( ! rc ) { // Open the key
rc = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_USERS,L"OnePointTranslation",0,KEY_ALL_ACCESS | READ_CONTROL | ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY,&hKey); if ( ! rc ) { // Process the registry hive
rc = TranslateRegHive(hKey,L"",stArgs,cache,stat,bWin2K); // Unload the registry hive
if ( ! stArgs->NoChange() ) { DeleteFile(newName); hr = UpdateMappedDrives(sSourceName, sSourceDomainName, L"OnePointTranslation"); rc = RegSaveKey(hKey,newName,NULL); } else { rc = 0; } if ( rc ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrS,rc,DCT_MSG_SAVE_HIVE_FAILED_SD,newName,rc); } RegCloseKey(hKey); } rc = RegUnLoadKey(HKEY_USERS,L"OnePointTranslation"); if ( rc ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,rc,DCT_MSG_KEY_UNLOADKEY_FAILED_SD,profileName,rc); } } else { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrS,rc,DCT_MSG_PROFILE_LOAD_FAILED_SD,profileName,rc); } if ( ! rc ) { if (! stArgs->NoChange() ) { // Switch out the filenames
if ( MoveFileEx(oldName,otherName,MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING) ) { if ( ! MoveFileEx(newName,oldName,0) ) { rc = GetLastError(); err.SysMsgWrite(ErrS,rc,DCT_MSG_RENAME_DIR_FAILED_SSD,newName,oldName,rc); } } else { rc = GetLastError(); if ( rc == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) { // we do not have access to the directory
// temporarily grant ourselves access
// Set NTFS permissions for the results directory
WCHAR dirName[LEN_Path]; safecopy(dirName,oldName); WCHAR * slash = wcsrchr(dirName,L'\\'); if ( slash ) { (*slash) = 0; }
TFileSD fsdDirBefore(dirName); TFileSD fsdDirTemp(dirName); TFileSD fsdDatBefore(oldName); TFileSD fsdDatTemp(oldName); TFileSD fsdNewBefore(newName); TFileSD fsdNewTemp(newName); BOOL dirChanged = FALSE; BOOL datChanged = FALSE; BOOL newChanged = FALSE;
// Temporarily reset the permissions on the directory and the appropriate files
if ( fsdDirTemp.GetSecurity() != NULL ) { TACE ace(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE,0,DACL_FULLCONTROL_MASK, GetWellKnownSid(stArgs->IsLocalSystem() ? 7/*SYSTEM*/ : 1/*ADMINISTRATORS*/)); PACL acl = NULL; fsdDirTemp.GetSecurity()->ACLAddAce(&acl,&ace,0); if (acl) { fsdDirTemp.GetSecurity()->SetDacl(acl,TRUE); fsdDirTemp.WriteSD(); dirChanged = TRUE; } }
if ( fsdDatTemp.GetSecurity() != NULL ) { TACE ace(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE,0,DACL_FULLCONTROL_MASK, GetWellKnownSid(stArgs->IsLocalSystem() ? 7/*SYSTEM*/ : 1/*ADMINISTRATORS*/)); PACL acl = NULL; fsdDatTemp.GetSecurity()->ACLAddAce(&acl,&ace,0); if (acl) { fsdDatTemp.GetSecurity()->SetDacl(acl,TRUE); fsdDatTemp.WriteSD(); datChanged = TRUE; } }
if ( fsdNewTemp.GetSecurity() != NULL ) { TACE ace(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE,0,DACL_FULLCONTROL_MASK, GetWellKnownSid(stArgs->IsLocalSystem() ? 7/*SYSTEM*/ : 1/*ADMINISTRATORS*/)); PACL acl = NULL; fsdNewTemp.GetSecurity()->ACLAddAce(&acl,&ace,0); if (acl) { fsdNewTemp.GetSecurity()->SetDacl(acl,TRUE); fsdNewTemp.WriteSD(); newChanged = TRUE; } } rc = 0; // Now retry the operations
if ( MoveFileEx(oldName,otherName,MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING) ) { if ( ! MoveFileEx(newName,oldName,0) ) { rc = GetLastError(); err.SysMsgWrite(ErrS,rc,DCT_MSG_RENAME_DIR_FAILED_SSD,newName,oldName,rc); } } else { rc = GetLastError(); err.SysMsgWrite(ErrS,rc,DCT_MSG_RENAME_DIR_FAILED_SSD,oldName,otherName,rc); } // now that we're done, set the permissions back to what they were
if ( dirChanged ) { fsdDirBefore.Changed(TRUE); fsdDirBefore.WriteSD(); } if ( datChanged ) { fsdDatBefore.Changed(TRUE); fsdDatBefore.WriteSD(); } if ( newChanged ) { fsdNewBefore.Changed(TRUE); fsdNewBefore.WriteSD(); } } else { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrS,rc,DCT_MSG_RENAME_DIR_FAILED_SSD,oldName,otherName,rc); } } } } return rc; }
DWORD CopyDirectoryTree( WCHAR const * targetDirectory, // in - target to copy files/dirs to
WCHAR const * sourceDirectory // in - source directory to copy files/dirs from
) { DWORD rc = 0; HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA fDat; WCHAR sourceWC[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR sourceFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR targetFile[MAX_PATH];
safecopy(sourceWC,sourceDirectory); UStrCpy(sourceWC + UStrLen(sourceWC),L"\\*.*");
// Loop through the items in the source directory
hFind = FindFirstFile(sourceWC,&fDat); if ( hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { do { if ( UStrICmp(fDat.cFileName,L".") && UStrICmp(fDat.cFileName,L"..") ) { //build the source and target filenames
swprintf(sourceFile,L"%s\\%s",sourceDirectory,fDat.cFileName); swprintf(targetFile,L"%s\\%s",targetDirectory,fDat.cFileName); TFileSD fileSD(sourceFile); if ( fDat.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { // copy the directory, update its SD
SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sAttr; sAttr.nLength = (sizeof sAttr); sAttr.bInheritHandle = FALSE; sAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
if ( fileSD.GetSecurity() ) { sAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = fileSD.GetSecurity()->MakeRelSD(); } if (! CreateDirectoryEx(sourceFile,targetFile,&sAttr) ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,rc,DCT_MSG_COPY_DIR_FAILED_SSD,sourceFile,targetFile,rc); } else { // Recursively process the contents of the directory
CopyDirectoryTree(targetFile,sourceFile); } } else { // Copy the file
if (! CopyFile(sourceFile,targetFile,TRUE) ) { rc = GetLastError(); err.SysMsgWrite(ErrW,rc,DCT_MSG_COPY_FILE_FAILED_SSD,sourceFile,targetFile,rc); } else { // copy the security descriptor for the file
TFileSD targetSD(targetFile);
targetSD.WriteSD(); } } } if (! FindNextFile(hFind,&fDat) ) { rc = GetLastError(); }
} while ( ! rc ); if ( rc != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,rc,DCT_MSG_FILE_ENUM_FAILED_SD,sourceDirectory,rc); } FindClose(hFind); } return rc; }
DWORD CreateNewProfileDirectory( WCHAR const * oldDirectoryName, // in - directory name for old profile path
WCHAR const * newAccountName, // in - target account name for new profile directory
WCHAR * profileDirectory // out- directory name created for new profile directory
) { DWORD rc = 0; WCHAR targetDir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR targetDirWithSuffix[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR * slashNdx; TFileSD fileSD(const_cast<WCHAR*>(oldDirectoryName)); SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sAttr;
sAttr.nLength = (sizeof sAttr); sAttr.bInheritHandle = FALSE; sAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
if ( fileSD.GetSecurity() ) { sAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = fileSD.GetSecurity()->MakeRelSD(); }
safecopy(targetDir,oldDirectoryName); if ( targetDir[UStrLen(targetDir)-1] == L'\\' ) targetDir[UStrLen(targetDir)-1] = 0; slashNdx = wcsrchr(targetDir,L'\\');
if ( slashNdx ) { UStrCpy(slashNdx+1,newAccountName); // try to create the directory
if ( ! CreateDirectory(targetDir,NULL) ) { rc = GetLastError(); int ndx = 0;
do { if ( ndx >= 1000 ) // abort
{ rc = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; break; } if ( rc != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) break; swprintf(targetDirWithSuffix,L"%s[%03d]",targetDir,ndx); if ( ! CreateDirectoryEx(oldDirectoryName,targetDirWithSuffix,&sAttr) ) { rc = GetLastError(); } else { rc = 0; } ndx++; } while ( rc == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ); if (! rc ) UStrCpy(profileDirectory,targetDirWithSuffix); } else { UStrCpy(profileDirectory,targetDir); } } else { rc = ERROR_INVALID_NAME; } return rc; }
DWORD UpdateProfilePermissions( WCHAR const * path, // in - path for directory to update
SecurityTranslatorArgs * globalArgs, // in - path for overall job
TRidNode * pNode // in - account to translate
) { DWORD rc = 0; SecurityTranslatorArgs localArgs; TSDResolveStats stat(localArgs.Cache()); BOOL bUseMapFile = globalArgs->UsingMapFile();
// set-up the parameters for the translation
localArgs.Cache()->CopyDomainInfo(globalArgs->Cache()); localArgs.Cache()->ToSorted(); if (!bUseMapFile) { localArgs.SetUsingMapFile(FALSE); localArgs.Cache()->InsertLast(pNode->GetAcctName(),pNode->SrcRid(),pNode->GetTargetAcctName(),pNode->TgtRid(),pNode->Type()); } else { localArgs.SetUsingMapFile(TRUE); localArgs.Cache()->InsertLastWithSid(pNode->GetAcctName(),pNode->GetSrcDomSid(),pNode->GetSrcDomName(),pNode->SrcRid(), pNode->GetTargetAcctName(),pNode->GetTgtDomSid(),pNode->GetTgtDomName(),pNode->TgtRid(),pNode->Type()); } localArgs.TranslateFiles(TRUE); localArgs.SetTranslationMode(globalArgs->TranslationMode()); localArgs.SetWriteChanges(!globalArgs->NoChange()); localArgs.PathList()->AddPath(const_cast<WCHAR*>(path),0);
rc = ResolveAll(&localArgs,&stat);
return rc; }
// if the specified node is a normal share, this attempts to convert it to a path
// using the administrative shares
void BuildAdminPathForShare( WCHAR const * sharePath, // in -
WCHAR * adminShare ) { // if all else fails, return the same name as specified in the node
SHARE_INFO_502 * shInfo = NULL; DWORD rc = 0; WCHAR shareName[LEN_Path]; WCHAR * slash = NULL; WCHAR server[LEN_Path];
// split out just the server name
slash = wcschr(server+3,L'\\'); if ( slash ) { (*slash) = 0; }
// now get just the share name
UStrCpy(shareName,sharePath + UStrLen(server) +1); slash = wcschr(shareName,L'\\'); if ( slash ) *slash = 0;
rc = NetShareGetInfo(server,shareName,502,(LPBYTE*)&shInfo); if ( ! rc ) { if ( *shInfo->shi502_path ) { // build the administrative path name for the share
UStrCpy(adminShare,server); UStrCpy(adminShare + UStrLen(adminShare),L"\\"); UStrCpy(adminShare + UStrLen(adminShare),shInfo->shi502_path); WCHAR * colon = wcschr(adminShare,L':'); if ( colon ) { *colon = L'$'; UStrCpy(adminShare + UStrLen(adminShare),L"\\"); UStrCpy(adminShare + UStrLen(adminShare),slash+1);
} else { // something went wrong -- revert to the given path
UStrCpy(adminShare,sharePath); }
} NetApiBufferFree(shInfo); } } DWORD CopyProfileDirectoryAndTranslate( WCHAR const * directory, // in - directory path for profile
WCHAR * directoryOut, // out- new Profile Path (including environment variables)
TRidNode * pNode, // in - node for account being translated
SecurityTranslatorArgs * stArgs, // in - translation settings
TSDResolveStats * stat // in - stats on items modified
) { DWORD rc = 0; WCHAR fullPath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR targetPath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR profileName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR targetAcctName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR sourceDomName[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA fDat; BOOL bTranslateDirOnly = FALSE;
rc = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(directory,fullPath,DIM(fullPath)); if ( !rc ) { rc = GetLastError(); err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,rc,DCT_MSG_EXPAND_STRINGS_FAILED_SD,directory,rc); } else { // Create a new directory for the target profile
// Get the account name for target user
wcscpy(targetAcctName, pNode->GetTargetAcctName()); if ( wcslen(targetAcctName) == 0 ) { // if target user name not specified then use the source name.
wcscpy(targetAcctName, pNode->GetAcctName()); } //stArgs->SetTranslationMode(ADD_SECURITY);
// We are changing our stratergy. We are not going to copy the profile directories anymore.
// we will be reACLing the directories and the Registry instead.
rc = CreateNewProfileDirectory(fullPath, targetAcctName,targetPath); if ( ! rc ) { rc = CopyDirectoryTree(targetPath,fullPath); } */ BuildAdminPathForShare(fullPath,targetPath);
wcscpy(sourceDomName, const_cast<WCHAR*>(stArgs->Cache()->GetSourceDomainName())); //if we are using a sID mapping file, try to get the src domain name from this node's information
wcscpy(sourceDomName, pNode->GetSrcDomName());
// Look for profile files in the target directory
// look for NTUser.MAN
swprintf(profileName,L"%s\\NTUser.MAN",targetPath); hFind = FindFirstFile(profileName,&fDat); if ( hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { err.MsgWrite(0,DCT_MSG_TRANSLATING_NTUSER_MAN_S,targetAcctName); rc = TranslateUserProfile(profileName,stArgs,stArgs->Cache(),stat, pNode->GetAcctName(), sourceDomName); FindClose(hFind); } else { // check for NTUser.DAT
swprintf(profileName,L"%s\\NTUser.DAT",targetPath); hFind = FindFirstFile(profileName,&fDat); if ( hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { err.MsgWrite(0,DCT_MSG_TRANSLATING_NTUSER_BAT_S,targetAcctName); rc = TranslateUserProfile(profileName,stArgs,stArgs->Cache(),stat,pNode->GetAcctName(), sourceDomName); FindClose(hFind); } else { err.MsgWrite(ErrS,DCT_MSG_PROFILE_REGHIVE_NOT_FOUND_SS,targetAcctName,targetPath); bTranslateDirOnly = TRUE; //set falg to atleast change permissins on the share dir
rc = 2; // File not found
} } if ((!rc) || (bTranslateDirOnly)) rc = UpdateProfilePermissions(targetPath,stArgs,pNode);
wcscpy(directoryOut, fullPath); } return rc; }
DWORD TranslateLocalProfiles( SecurityTranslatorArgs * stArgs, // in - translation settings
TSDRidCache * cache, // in - translation table
TSDResolveStats * stat // in - stats on items modified
) { DWORD rc = 0; WCHAR keyName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD lenKeyName = DIM(keyName); TRegKey keyProfiles; BOOL bUseMapFile = stArgs->UsingMapFile();
rc = keyProfiles.Open(L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList",HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); if ( ! rc ) { // get the number of subkeys
// enumerate the subkeys
DWORD ndx; DWORD nSubKeys = 0;
rc = RegQueryInfoKey(keyProfiles.KeyGet(),NULL,0,NULL,&nSubKeys,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if ( ! rc ) { // construct a list containing the sub-keys
PSID * pSids = new PSID[nSubKeys];
for ( ndx = nSubKeys - 1 ; (long)ndx >= 0 ; ndx-- ) { rc = keyProfiles.SubKeyEnum(ndx,keyName,lenKeyName); if ( rc ) break; pSids[ndx] = SidFromString(keyName); } if ( ! rc ) { // process each profile
for ( ndx = 0 ; ndx < nSubKeys ; ndx++ ) { do // once
{ if ( ! pSids[ndx] ) continue; // see if this user needs to be translated
TRidNode * pNode = NULL; if (!bUseMapFile) pNode = (TRidNode*)cache->Lookup(pSids[ndx]); else pNode = (TRidNode*)cache->LookupWODomain(pSids[ndx]); if ( pNode == (TRidNode *)-1 ) pNode = NULL; if ( pNode && pNode->IsValidOnTgt() ) // need to translate this one
{ PSID pSidTgt = NULL; WCHAR strSourceSid[200]; WCHAR strTargetSid[200]; DWORD dimSid = DIM(strSourceSid); TRegKey srcKey; TRegKey tgtKey; DWORD disposition; WCHAR keyPath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR targetPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD lenValue; DWORD typeValue;
if (!bUseMapFile) pSidTgt = cache->GetTgtSid(pSids[ndx]); else pSidTgt = cache->GetTgtSidWODomain(pSids[ndx]); GetTextualSid(pSids[ndx],strSourceSid,&dimSid); dimSid = DIM(strTargetSid); GetTextualSid(pSidTgt,strTargetSid,&dimSid);
rc = srcKey.Open(strSourceSid,&keyProfiles); if ( rc ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrS,rc,DCT_MSG_PROFILE_ENTRY_OPEN_FAILED_SD,pNode->GetAcctName(),rc ); break; } if ( (stArgs->TranslationMode() == ADD_SECURITY) || (stArgs->TranslationMode() == REPLACE_SECURITY) ) { // make a copy of this registry key, so the profile will refer to the new user
if ( ! stArgs->NoChange() ) { rc = tgtKey.Create(strTargetSid,&keyProfiles,&disposition); } else { // We need to see if the key already exists or not and set the DISPOSITION accordingly.
rc = tgtKey.OpenRead(strTargetSid, &keyProfiles); if ( rc ) { disposition = REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY; rc = 0; } tgtKey.Close(); } if ( rc ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrS,rc,DCT_MSG_PROFILE_CREATE_ENTRY_FAILED_SD,pNode->GetTargetAcctName(),rc); break; } if ( disposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY || (stArgs->TranslationMode() == REPLACE_SECURITY)) { // copy the entries from the source key
if ( ! stArgs->NoChange() ) { rc = tgtKey.HiveCopy(&srcKey); } else { rc = 0; tgtKey = srcKey; } if ( rc ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrS,rc,DCT_MSG_COPY_PROFILE_FAILED_SSD,pNode->GetAcctName(),pNode->GetTargetAcctName(),rc); break; } // now get the profile path ...
lenValue = (sizeof keyPath); rc = tgtKey.ValueGet(L"ProfileImagePath",(void *)keyPath,&lenValue,&typeValue); if ( rc ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrS,rc,DCT_MSG_GET_PROFILE_PATH_FAILED_SD,pNode->GetAcctName(),rc); break; } //copy the profile directory and its contents, and translate the profile registry hive itself
rc = CopyProfileDirectoryAndTranslate(keyPath,targetPath,pNode,stArgs,stat); if ( rc ) { // Since the translation failed and we created the key we should delete it.
if ( disposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY ) { if ( ! stArgs->NoChange() ) keyProfiles.SubKeyDel(strTargetSid); } break; } // Update the ProfileImagePath key
if ( !stArgs->NoChange() ) rc = tgtKey.ValueSet(L"ProfileImagePath",(void*)targetPath,(1+UStrLen(targetPath)) * (sizeof WCHAR),typeValue); else rc = 0; if ( rc ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrS,rc,DCT_MSG_SET_PROFILE_PATH_FAILED_SD,pNode->GetTargetAcctName(),rc); break; }
// update the SID property
if ( !stArgs->NoChange() ) rc = tgtKey.ValueSet(L"Sid",(void*)pSidTgt,GetLengthSid(pSidTgt),REG_BINARY); else rc = 0; if ( rc ) { rc = GetLastError(); err.SysMsgWrite(ErrS,rc,DCT_MSG_UPDATE_PROFILE_SID_FAILED_SD,pNode->GetTargetAcctName(),rc); break; } } else { err.MsgWrite(ErrW,DCT_MSG_PROFILE_EXISTS_S,pNode->GetTargetAcctName()); break; } } if ( stArgs->TranslationMode() != ADD_SECURITY ) { // delete the old registry key
if ( ! stArgs->NoChange() ) rc = keyProfiles.SubKeyDel(strSourceSid); else rc = 0; if ( rc ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrS,rc,DCT_MSG_DELETE_PROFILE_FAILED_SD,pNode->GetAcctName(),rc); break; } else { err.MsgWrite(0, DCT_MSG_DELETED_PROFILE_S, pNode->GetAcctName()); } } } } while ( FALSE ); }
// clean up the list
for ( ndx = 0 ; ndx < nSubKeys ; ndx++ ) { if ( pSids[ndx] ) FreeSid(pSids[ndx]); pSids[ndx] = NULL; } delete [] pSids; } } if ( rc && rc != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrS,rc,DCT_MSG_ENUM_PROFILES_FAILED_D,rc); } } else { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrS,rc,DCT_MSG_OPEN_PROFILELIST_FAILED_D,rc); } return rc; }
DWORD TranslateRemoteProfile( WCHAR const * sourceProfilePath, // in - source profile path
WCHAR * targetProfilePath, // out- new profile path for target account
WCHAR const * sourceName, // in - name of source account
WCHAR const * targetName, // in - name of target account
WCHAR const * srcDomain, // in - source domain
WCHAR const * tgtDomain, // in - target domain
IIManageDB * pDb, // in - pointer to DB object
long lActionID, // in - action ID of this migration
PSID sourceSid, // in - source sid from MoveObj2K
BOOL bNoWriteChanges // in - No Change mode.
) { DWORD rc = 0; BYTE srcSid[LEN_SID]; PSID tgtSid[LEN_SID]; SecurityTranslatorArgs stArgs; TSDResolveStats stat(stArgs.Cache()); TRidNode * pNode = NULL; WCHAR domain[LEN_Domain]; DWORD lenDomain = DIM(domain); DWORD lenSid = DIM(srcSid); DWORD srcRid=0; DWORD tgtRid=0; SID_NAME_USE snu; IVarSetPtr pVs(__uuidof(VarSet)); IUnknown * pUnk = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR sActionInfo[MAX_PATH]; _bstr_t sSSam; long lrid;
if ( stArgs.Cache()->IsInitialized() ) { // Get the source account's rid
if (! LookupAccountName(stArgs.Cache()->GetSourceDCName(),sourceName,srcSid,&lenSid,domain,&lenDomain,&snu) ) { rc = GetLastError(); } else { if ( !UStrICmp(domain,srcDomain) ) { PUCHAR pCount = GetSidSubAuthorityCount(srcSid); if ( pCount ) { DWORD nSub = (DWORD)(*pCount) - 1; DWORD * pRid = GetSidSubAuthority(srcSid,nSub);
if ( pRid ) { srcRid = *pRid; }
} } } //if we couldn't get the src Rid, we are likely doing an intra-forest migration.
//In this case we will lookup the src Rid in the Migrated Objects table
if (!srcRid) { CopySid(GetLengthSid(srcSid), srcSid , sourceSid); hr = pVs->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pUnk); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) hr = pDb->raw_GetMigratedObjects(lActionID, &pUnk);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { long lCnt = pVs->get("MigratedObjects"); bool bFound = false; for ( long l = 0; (l < lCnt) && (!bFound); l++) { wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", l, GET_STRING(DB_SourceSamName)); sSSam = pVs->get(sActionInfo); if (_wcsicmp(sourceName, (WCHAR*)sSSam) == 0) { wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", l, GET_STRING(DB_SourceRid)); lrid = pVs->get(sActionInfo); srcRid = (DWORD)lrid; bFound = true; } } } } lenSid = DIM(tgtSid); lenDomain = DIM(domain); // Get the target account's rid
if (! LookupAccountName(stArgs.Cache()->GetTargetDCName(),targetName,tgtSid,&lenSid,domain,&lenDomain,&snu) ) { rc = GetLastError(); } else { if ( !UStrICmp(domain,tgtDomain) ) { PUCHAR pCount = GetSidSubAuthorityCount(tgtSid); if ( pCount ) { DWORD nSub = (DWORD)(*pCount) - 1; DWORD * pRid = GetSidSubAuthority(tgtSid,nSub);
if ( pRid ) { tgtRid = *pRid; } } } } }
if ( ((srcRid && tgtRid) || !stArgs.NoChange()) && (!bNoWriteChanges) ) { stArgs.Cache()->InsertLast(const_cast<WCHAR * const>(sourceName), srcRid, const_cast<WCHAR * const>(targetName), tgtRid); pNode = (TRidNode*)stArgs.Cache()->Lookup(srcSid);
if ( pNode ) { // Set up the security translation parameters
stArgs.SetTranslationMode(ADD_SECURITY); stArgs.TranslateFiles(FALSE); stArgs.TranslateUserProfiles(TRUE); stArgs.SetWriteChanges(!bNoWriteChanges); //copy the profile directory and its contents, and translate the profile registry hive itself
rc = CopyProfileDirectoryAndTranslate(sourceProfilePath,targetProfilePath,pNode,&stArgs,&stat); } } return rc; }
HRESULT UpdateMappedDrives(WCHAR * sSourceSam, WCHAR * sSourceDomain, WCHAR * sRegistryKey) { TRegKey reg; TRegKey regDrive; DWORD rc = 0; WCHAR netKey[LEN_Path]; int len = LEN_Path; int ndx = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR sValue[LEN_Path]; WCHAR sAcct[LEN_Path]; WCHAR keyname[LEN_Path];
// Build the account name string that we need to check for
wsprintf(sAcct, L"%s\\%s", (WCHAR*) sSourceDomain, (WCHAR*) sSourceSam); // Get the path to the Network subkey for this users profile.
wsprintf(netKey, L"%s\\%s", (WCHAR*) sRegistryKey, L"Network"); rc = reg.Open(netKey, HKEY_USERS); if ( !rc ) { while ( !reg.SubKeyEnum(ndx, keyname, len) ) { rc = regDrive.Open(keyname, reg.KeyGet()); if ( !rc ) { // Get the user name value that we need to check.
rc = regDrive.ValueGetStr(L"UserName", sValue, LEN_Path); if ( !rc ) { if ( !_wcsicmp(sAcct, sValue) ) { // Found this account name in the mapped drive user name.so we will set the key to ""
regDrive.ValueSetStr(L"UserName", L""); err.MsgWrite(0, DCT_MSG_RESET_MAPPED_CREDENTIAL_S, sValue); } } else hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); regDrive.Close(); } else hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); ndx++; } reg.Close(); } else hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
return hr; }