// *********************************************************************************
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Module Name:
// EventCreate.c
// Abstract:
// This modules implements creation of event in the user specified log / application
// Syntax:
// ------
// EventCreate [-s server [-u username [-p password]]]
// [-log name] [-source name] -id eventid -description description -type eventtype
// Author:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 24-Sep-2000
// Revision History:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 24-Sep-2000 : Created It.
// *********************************************************************************
#include "pch.h"
#include "EvcrtMsg.h"
#include "EventCreate.h"
// local type definitions
typedef TCHAR __OPTION_VALUE[ 256 ];
// constants / defines / enumerators
#define FULL_SUCCESS 0
#define MAX_KEY_LENGTH 256
#define EVENT_LOG_NAMES_LOCATION _T( "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog" )
// constants
const TCHAR g_szDefaultLog[] = _T( "Application" ); const TCHAR g_szDefaultSource[] = _T( "EventCreate" );
// function prototypes
VOID Usage(); BOOL AddEventSource( HKEY hLogsKey, LPCTSTR pszSource ); BOOL CheckExistence( LPCTSTR szServer, LPCTSTR szLog, LPCTSTR szSource, PBOOL pbCustom ); BOOL CreateLogEvent( LPCTSTR szServer, LPCTSTR szLog, LPCTSTR szSource, WORD wType, DWORD dwEventID, LPCTSTR szDescription ); BOOL ProcessOptions( LONG argc, LPCTSTR argv[], PBOOL pbShowUsage, PTARRAY parrServer, LPTSTR ppszUserName, LPTSTR ppszPassword, LPTSTR ppszLogName, LPTSTR ppszLogSource, LPTSTR ppszLogType, PDWORD pdwEventID, LPTSTR ppszDescription, PBOOL pbNeedPwd );
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// This the entry point to this utility.
// Arguments:
// [ in ] argc : argument(s) count specified at the command prompt
// [ in ] argv : argument(s) specified at the command prompt
// Return Value:
// The below are actually not return values but are the exit values
// returned to the OS by this application
// 0 : utility successfully created the events
// 255 : utility completely failed in creating events
// 128 : utility has partially successfull in creating events
// ***************************************************************************
DWORD _cdecl _tmain( LONG argc, LPCTSTR argv[] ) { // local variables
DWORD dw = 0; WORD wEventType = 0; BOOL bResult = FALSE; LPCTSTR pszServer = NULL; BOOL bNeedPassword = FALSE; BOOL bCloseConnection = FALSE; DWORD dwServers = 0, dwSuccess = 0; __STRING_512 szBuffer = NULL_STRING; // variables to hold the command line inputs
BOOL bUsage = FALSE; // usage
DWORD dwEventID = 0; // event id
TARRAY arrServers = NULL; // holds the list of server names
__OPTION_VALUE szLogName = NULL_STRING; // log file name
__OPTION_VALUE szSource = NULL_STRING; // source name
__OPTION_VALUE szType = NULL_STRING; // event type
__OPTION_VALUE szUserName = NULL_STRING; // user name
__OPTION_VALUE szPassword = NULL_STRING; // password
__OPTION_VALUE szDescription = NULL_STRING; // description of the event
// create a dynamic array
arrServers = CreateDynamicArray(); if ( arrServers == NULL ) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); ShowLastError( stderr ); EXIT_PROCESS( 1 ); }
// process the command-line options
bResult = ProcessOptions( argc, argv, &bUsage, &arrServers, szUserName, szPassword, szLogName, szSource, szType, &dwEventID, szDescription, &bNeedPassword );
// check the result of the parsing
if ( bResult == FALSE ) { // invalid syntax
DISPLAY_MESSAGE2( stderr, szBuffer, _T( "%s %s" ), TAG_ERROR, GetReason() );
// release memory
DestroyDynamicArray( &arrServers );
// exit from program
// check whether usage has to be displayed or not
if ( bUsage == TRUE ) { // show the usage of the utility
// release memory
DestroyDynamicArray( &arrServers );
// finally exit from the program
// determine the actual event type
if ( StringCompare( szType, LOGTYPE_ERROR, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) wEventType = EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE; else if ( StringCompare( szType, LOGTYPE_WARNING, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) wEventType = EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE; else if ( StringCompare( szType, LOGTYPE_INFORMATION, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) wEventType = EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE;
// ******
// actual creation of events in respective log files will start from here
// get the no. of servers specified
dwServers = DynArrayGetCount( arrServers );
// now traverse thru the list of servers, and do the needed operations
dwSuccess = 0; for( dw = 0; dw < dwServers; dw++ ) { // get the system name
pszServer = DynArrayItemAsString( arrServers, dw ); if ( pszServer == NULL ) continue;
// try establishing connection to the required terminal
bCloseConnection = TRUE; bResult = EstablishConnection( pszServer, szUserName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY( szUserName ), szPassword, SIZE_OF_ARRAY( szPassword ), bNeedPassword ); bNeedPassword = FALSE; // from next time onwards, we shouldn't prompt for passwd
if ( bResult == FALSE ) { //
// failed in establishing n/w connection
// try with next server
continue; } else { // though the connection is successfull, some conflict might have occured
switch( GetLastError() ) { case I_NO_CLOSE_CONNECTION: bCloseConnection = FALSE; break;
// report the log message
bResult = CreateLogEvent( pszServer, szLogName, szSource, wEventType, dwEventID, szDescription ); if ( bResult == TRUE ) { // display the message depending on the mode of conncetivity
if ( lstrlen( szSource ) != 0 ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stdout, _T( "\n" ) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE2(stdout, szBuffer, EVENTCREATE_SUCCESS, szType, szSource); } else { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stdout, _T( "\n" ) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE2(stdout, szBuffer, EVENTCREATE_SUCCESS, szType, szLogName); }
// update the success count
dwSuccess++; } else { // display the message depending on the mode of conncetivity
// SHOW_RESULT_MESSAGE( pszServer, TAG_ERROR, GetReason() );
// ( we are temporarily displaying only the error message )
// close the connection that was established by the utility
if ( bCloseConnection == TRUE ) CloseConnection( pszServer ); }
// destroy the dynamic array
DestroyDynamicArray( &arrServers );
// depending the success count, determine whether the exit value
return (dwSuccess == dwServers) ? FULL_SUCCESS : ((dwSuccess == 0) ? COMPLETELY_FAILED : PARTIALLY_SUCCESS); }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// This function connects to the specified server's event log (or) source
// and appropriately creates the needed event in it.
// Arguments:
// [ in ] szServer : server name on which event has to be created.
// null string has to be passed in order to create
// event on a local system.
// [ in ] szLog : Log name in which event has to be created.
// [ in ] szSource : Source name in which event has to be created.
// if log name is also specified, log name will be
// given priority and value in this variable is ignored.
// [ in ] wType : specifies type of the event that has to be created
// [ in ] dwEventID : event id for the event is being created
// [ in ] szDescription : description to the event
// Return Value:
// TRUE : if the event creation is successful
// FALSE : if failed in creating the event
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CreateLogEvent( LPCTSTR szServer, LPCTSTR szLog, LPCTSTR szSource, WORD wType, DWORD dwEventID, LPCTSTR szDescription ) { // local variables
BOOL bReturn = 0; // return value
BOOL bCustom = FALSE; DWORD dwSeverity = 0; HANDLE hEventLog = NULL; // points to the event log
LPCTSTR lpszDescriptions[ 1 ] = { NULL }; // building descriptions
// start the process
// check whether the log / source exists in the registry or not
bCustom = FALSE; if ( CheckExistence( szServer, szLog, szSource, &bCustom ) == FALSE ) return FALSE; // return failure
// check whether the source is custom create or pre-existing source
if ( bCustom == FALSE ) { // we wont create events in a non-custom source
// open the appropriate event log using the specified 'source' or 'log file'
// and check the result of the operation
// Note: At one time, we will make use of log name (or) source but not both
if ( lstrlen( szSource ) != 0 ) hEventLog = RegisterEventSource( szServer, szSource ); // open log using source name
else hEventLog = OpenEventLog( szServer, szLog ); // open log
// check the log open/register result
if ( hEventLog == NULL ) { // opening/registering is failed
SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// determine the severity code
dwSeverity = 0; if ( wType == EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE ) dwSeverity = 3; else if ( wType == EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE ) dwSeverity = 2; else if ( wType == EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE ) dwSeverity = 1;
// report event
lpszDescriptions[ 0 ] = szDescription; if ( bCustom == TRUE ) { // validate the range of the event id specified
if ( dwEventID >= MSG_EVENTID_START && dwEventID <= MSG_EVENTID_END ) { // valid event id
bReturn = ReportEvent( hEventLog, wType, 0, dwEventID, NULL, 1, 0, lpszDescriptions, NULL);
// check the result
if ( bReturn == FALSE ) SaveLastError(); // save the error info
} else { // format the error message
bReturn = FALSE; _stprintf( szBuffer, ERROR_ID_OUTOFRANGE, MSG_EVENTID_START, MSG_EVENTID_END - 1 ); SetReason( szBuffer ); } } else { //
// we are stopping from creating the events in a non-custom source
// ********************************************************************
// bReturn = ReportEvent( hEventLog, wType, 0,
// (((unsigned long)(dwSeverity)<<30) | ((unsigned long)(dwEventID))), NULL, 1, 0, lpszDescriptions, NULL);
// check the result
// if ( bReturn == FALSE )
// SaveLastError(); // save the error info
// close the event source
if ( lstrlen( szSource ) != 0 ) DeregisterEventSource( hEventLog ); else CloseEventLog( hEventLog ); // return the result
return bReturn; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// This function checks wether the log name or source name specified
// actually exists in the registry
// Arguments:
// [ in ] szServer - server name
// [ in ] szLog - log name
// [ in ] szSource - source name
// Return Value:
// TRUE : If log / source exists in the registry
// FALSE : if failed find the match
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CheckExistence( LPCTSTR szServer, LPCTSTR szLog, LPCTSTR szSource, PBOOL pbCustom ) { // local variables
DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwLogsIndex = 0; DWORD dwDisposition = 0; DWORD dwSourcesIndex = 0; LONG lResult = 0L; HKEY hKey = NULL; HKEY hLogsKey = NULL; HKEY hSourcesKey = NULL; BOOL bFoundMatch = FALSE; BOOL bDuplicating = FALSE; FILETIME ftLastWriteTime; // variable that will hold the last write info
// prepare the server name into UNC format
lstrcpy( szBuffer, szServer ); if ( lstrlen( szServer ) != 0 && IsUNCFormat( szServer ) == FALSE ) { // format the server name in UNC format
FORMAT_STRING( szBuffer, _T( "\\\\%s" ), szServer ); }
// Connect to the registry
lResult = RegConnectRegistry( szBuffer, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hKey ); if ( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // save the error information and return FAILURE
SetLastError( lResult ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// open the "EventLogs" registry key for enumerating its sub-keys (which are log names)
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( hKey, EVENT_LOG_NAMES_LOCATION, 0, KEY_READ, &hLogsKey ); if ( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { switch( lResult ) { case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: SetLastError( ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT ); break;
default: // save the error information and return FAILURE
SetLastError( lResult ); break; }
// close the key and return
SaveLastError(); RegCloseKey( hKey ); return FALSE; }
// start enumerating the logs present
dwLogsIndex = 0; // initialize the logs index
bFoundMatch = FALSE; // assume neither log (or) source doesn't match
bErrorOccurred = FALSE; // assume error is not occured
dwSize = MAX_KEY_LENGTH; // max. size of the key buffer
bLogMatched = FALSE; bSourceMatched = FALSE; bDuplicating = FALSE;
// Logic:-
// 1. determine whether user has supplied the log name or not
// 2. determine whether user has supplied the source name or not
// 3. Start enumerating all the logs present in the system
// 4. check whether log is supplied or not, if yes, check whether
// the current log matches with user supplied one.
// 5. check whether source is supplied or not, if yes, enumerate the
// sources available under the current log
// determine whether searching has to be done of LOG (or) SOURCE
bLog = ( szLog != NULL && lstrlen( szLog ) != 0 ) ? TRUE : FALSE; // #1
bSource = ( szSource != NULL && lstrlen( szSource ) != 0 ) ? TRUE : FALSE; // #2
// initiate the enumeration of log present in the system -- #3
ZeroMemory( szRLog, MAX_KEY_LENGTH * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); // init to 0's - safe check
lResult = RegEnumKeyEx( hLogsKey, 0, szRLog, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ftLastWriteTime );
// traverse thru the sub-keys until there are no more items -- #3
do { // check the result
if ( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // save the error and break from the loop
bErrorOccurred = TRUE; SetLastError( lResult ); SaveLastError(); break; }
// if log name is passed, compare the current key value
// compare the log name with the current key -- #4
if ( bLog == TRUE && StringCompare( szLog, szRLog, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) bLogMatched = TRUE;
// if source name is passed ... -- #5
if ( bSource == TRUE && bSourceMatched == FALSE ) { // open the current log name to enumerate the sources under this log
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( hLogsKey, szRLog, 0, KEY_READ, &hSourcesKey ); if ( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // save the error and break from the loop
bErrorOccurred = TRUE; SetLastError( lResult ); SaveLastError(); break; }
// start enumerating the sources present
dwSourcesIndex = 0; // initialize the sources index
dwSize = MAX_KEY_LENGTH; // max. size of the key buffer
ZeroMemory( szRSource, MAX_KEY_LENGTH * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); lResult = RegEnumKeyEx( hSourcesKey, 0, szRSource, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ftLastWriteTime );
// traverse thru the sub-keys until there are no more items
do { if ( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // save the error and break from the loop
bErrorOccurred = TRUE; SetLastError( lResult ); SaveLastError(); break; }
// check whether this key matches with the required source or not
if ( StringCompare( szSource, szRSource, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { // source matched
bSourceMatched = TRUE; break; // break from the loop
// update the sources index and fetch the next source key
dwSourcesIndex += 1; dwSize = MAX_KEY_LENGTH; // max. size of the key buffer
ZeroMemory( szRSource, MAX_KEY_LENGTH * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); lResult = RegEnumKeyEx( hSourcesKey, dwSourcesIndex, szRSource, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ftLastWriteTime ); } while( lResult != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS );
// close the sources registry key
RegCloseKey( hSourcesKey ); hSourcesKey = NULL; // clear the key value
// check how the loop ended
// 1. Source might have found
// Action:- we found required key .. exit from the main loop
// 2. Error might have occured
// Action:- ignore the error and continue fetching other log's sources
// 3. End of sources reached in this log
// Action:- check if log name is supplied or not.
// if log specified, then source if not found, break
// for cases 2 & 3, clear the contents of lResult for smooth processing
// Case #2 & #3
lResult = 0; // we are not much bothered abt the errors
bErrorOccurred = FALSE; // occured while traversing thru the source under logs
// Case #1
if ( bSourceMatched == TRUE ) { // check whether log is specified or not
// if log is specified, it should have matched .. otherwise
// error ... because duplicate source should not be created
if ( bLog == FALSE || ( bLog && bLogMatched && lstrcmpi( szLog, szRLog ) == 0 ) ) { // no problem ...
bFoundMatch = TRUE;
// determine whether this is custom created source or not
// mark this as custom source
if ( pbCustom != NULL ) *pbCustom = FALSE;
// open the source registry key
_stprintf( szBuffer, _T( "%s\\%s\\%s" ), EVENT_LOG_NAMES_LOCATION, szRLog, szRSource ); lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( hKey, szBuffer, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hSourcesKey ); if ( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SetLastError( lResult ); SaveLastError(); bErrorOccurred = TRUE; break; }
// now query for the value
lResult = RegQueryValueEx( hSourcesKey, _T( "CustomSource" ), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if ( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS && lResult != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { RegCloseKey( hSourcesKey ); SetLastError( lResult ); SaveLastError(); bErrorOccurred = TRUE; break; }
// close the souces key
RegCloseKey( hSourcesKey );
// mark this as custom source
if ( pbCustom != NULL && lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) *pbCustom = TRUE;
// break from the loop
break; } else { // this should not be the case .. sources should not be duplicated
FORMAT_STRING( szBuffer, ERROR_SOURCE_DUPLICATING, szRLog ); SetReason( szBuffer ); bDuplicating = TRUE; } } } else if ( bLogMatched == TRUE && bSource == FALSE ) { // mark this as a custom event source
if ( pbCustom != NULL ) *pbCustom = TRUE; // ...
bFoundMatch = TRUE; break; } else if ( bLogMatched == TRUE && bDuplicating == TRUE ) { bErrorOccurred = TRUE; break; }
// update the sources index and fetch the next log key
dwLogsIndex += 1; dwSize = MAX_KEY_LENGTH; // max. size of the key buffer
ZeroMemory( szRLog, MAX_KEY_LENGTH * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); lResult = RegEnumKeyEx( hLogsKey, dwLogsIndex, szRLog, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ftLastWriteTime ); } while( lResult != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS );
// close the logs registry key
RegCloseKey( hLogsKey ); hLogsKey = NULL;
// check whether any error has occured or not in doing above tasks
if ( bErrorOccurred ) { // close the still opened registry keys
RegCloseKey( hKey );
// return failure
return FALSE; }
// now check whether location for creating the event is found or not
// if not, check for the possibilities to create the source at appropriate location
// NOTE:-
// we won't create the logs. also to create the source, user needs to specify
// the log name in which this source needs to be created.
if ( bFoundMatch == FALSE ) { if ( bLog == TRUE && bLogMatched == FALSE ) { // log itself was not found ... error message
FORMAT_STRING( szBuffer, ERROR_LOG_NOTEXISTS, szLog ); SetReason( szBuffer ); } else if ( bLog && bSource && bLogMatched && bSourceMatched == FALSE ) { //
// log name and source both were supplied but only log was found
// so create the source in it
// open the "EventLogs\{logname}" registry key for creating new source
FORMAT_STRING2( szBuffer, _T( "%s\\%s" ), EVENT_LOG_NAMES_LOCATION, szLog ); lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( hKey, szBuffer, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hLogsKey ); if ( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { switch( lResult ) { case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: SetLastError( ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT ); break;
default: // save the error information and return FAILURE
SetLastError( lResult ); break; }
// close the key and return
SaveLastError(); RegCloseKey( hKey ); return FALSE; }
// now create the subkey with the source name given
if ( AddEventSource( hLogsKey, szSource ) == FALSE ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); RegCloseKey( hLogsKey ); return FALSE; }
// creation of new source is successfull
bFoundMatch = TRUE; RegCloseKey( hSourcesKey ); RegCloseKey( hLogsKey );
// mark this as a custom event source
if ( pbCustom != NULL ) *pbCustom = TRUE; } else if ( bLog == FALSE && bSource == TRUE && bSourceMatched == FALSE ) { // else we need both log name and source in order to create the source
SetReason( ERROR_NEED_LOG_ALSO ); } }
// close the currently open registry keys
RegCloseKey( hKey );
// return the result
return bFoundMatch; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// This function adds a new source to under the specifie log
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// TRUE : on success
// FALSE : on failure
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL AddEventSource( HKEY hLogsKey, LPCTSTR pszSource ) { // local variables
HKEY hSourcesKey; LONG lResult = 0; DWORD dwData = 0; DWORD dwLength = 0; DWORD dwDisposition = 0; LPTSTR pszBuffer = NULL;
// validate the inputs
if ( hLogsKey == NULL || pszSource == NULL ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; } // create the custom source
lResult = RegCreateKeyEx( hLogsKey, pszSource, 0, _T( "" ), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hSourcesKey, &dwDisposition ); if ( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SetLastError( lResult ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// set the name of the message file.
dwLength = lstrlen( _T( "%SystemRoot%\\System32\\EventCreate.exe" ) ); pszBuffer = calloc( dwLength + 1, sizeof( TCHAR ) ); if ( pszBuffer == NULL ) { // set the error
SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError();
// close the created registry key
RegCloseKey( hSourcesKey ); hSourcesKey = NULL;
// return
return FALSE; }
// copy the required value into buffer
lstrcpy( pszBuffer, _T( "%SystemRoot%\\System32\\EventCreate.exe" ) ); // add the name to the EventMessageFile subkey.
lResult = RegSetValueEx( hSourcesKey, _T( "EventMessageFile" ), 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (LPBYTE) pszBuffer, (dwLength + 1) * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); if ( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // save the error
SetLastError( lResult ); SaveLastError();
// release the memories allocated till this point
RegCloseKey( hSourcesKey ); hSourcesKey = NULL;
// free the allocated memory
if ( pszBuffer != NULL ) { free( pszBuffer ); pszBuffer = NULL; }
// return
return FALSE; } // set the supported event types in the TypesSupported subkey.
dwData = EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE | EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE | EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE; lResult = RegSetValueEx( hSourcesKey, _T( "TypesSupported" ), 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwData, sizeof( DWORD ) ); if ( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // save the error
SetLastError( lResult ); SaveLastError();
// release the memories allocated till this point
RegCloseKey( hSourcesKey ); hSourcesKey = NULL;
// free the allocated memory
if ( pszBuffer != NULL ) { free( pszBuffer ); pszBuffer = NULL; }
// return
return FALSE; } // mark this source as custom created source
dwData = 1; lResult = RegSetValueEx( hSourcesKey, _T( "CustomSource" ), 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwData, sizeof( DWORD ) ); if ( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // save the error
SetLastError( lResult ); SaveLastError();
// release the memories allocated till this point
RegCloseKey( hSourcesKey ); hSourcesKey = NULL;
// free the allocated memory
if ( pszBuffer != NULL ) { free( pszBuffer ); pszBuffer = NULL; }
// return
return FALSE; } // close the key
RegCloseKey( hSourcesKey );
// free the allocated memory
if ( pszBuffer != NULL ) { free( pszBuffer ); pszBuffer = NULL; }
// return success
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// This function parses the options specified at the command prompt
// Arguments:
// [ in ] argc : count of elements in argv
// [ in ] argv : command-line parameterd specified by the user
// [ out ] pbShowUsage : sets to TRUE if -? exists in 'argv'
// [ out ] parrServers : value(s) specified with -s ( server ) option in 'argv'
// [ out ] pszUserName : value of -u ( username ) option in 'argv'
// [ out ] pszPassword : value of -p ( password ) option in 'argv'
// [ out ] pszLogName : value of -log ( log name ) option in 'argv'
// [ out ] pszLogSource : value of -source ( source name ) option in 'argv'
// [ out ] pszLogType : value of -type ( log type ) option in 'argv'
// [ out ] pdwEventID : value of -id ( event id ) option in 'argv'
// [ out ] pszDescription : value of -description ( description ) option in 'argv'
// [ out ] pbNeedPwd : sets to TRUE if -s exists without -p in 'argv'
// Return Value:
// TRUE : the parsing is successful
// FALSE : errors occured in parsing
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL ProcessOptions( LONG argc, LPCTSTR argv[], PBOOL pbShowUsage, PTARRAY parrServers, LPTSTR pszUserName, LPTSTR pszPassword, LPTSTR pszLogName, LPTSTR pszLogSource, LPTSTR pszLogType, PDWORD pdwEventID, LPTSTR pszDescription, PBOOL pbNeedPwd ) { // local variables
// prepare the command options
ZeroMemory( cmdOptions, sizeof( TCMDPARSER ) * MAX_OPTIONS );
// init the password with "*"
if ( pszPassword != NULL ) { lstrcpy( pszPassword, _T( "*" ) ); }
// -?
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[ OI_HELP ]; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP_USAGE; pcmdOption->pValue = pbShowUsage; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pcmdOption->szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( pcmdOption->szOption, OPTION_HELP );
// -s
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[ OI_SERVER ]; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_NODUPLICATES | CP_MODE_ARRAY | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY; pcmdOption->pValue = parrServers; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pcmdOption->szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( pcmdOption->szOption, OPTION_SERVER );
// -u
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[ OI_USERNAME ]; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY; pcmdOption->pValue = pszUserName; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pcmdOption->szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( pcmdOption->szOption, OPTION_USERNAME );
// -p
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[ OI_PASSWORD ]; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_OPTIONAL; pcmdOption->pValue = pszPassword; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pcmdOption->szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( pcmdOption->szOption, OPTION_PASSWORD );
// -log
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[ OI_LOG ]; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY; pcmdOption->pValue = pszLogName; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pcmdOption->szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( pcmdOption->szOption, OPTION_LOG );
// -type
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[ OI_TYPE ]; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY | CP_MODE_VALUES | CP_MANDATORY; pcmdOption->pValue = pszLogType; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pcmdOption->szValues, OVALUES_TYPE ); lstrcpy( pcmdOption->szOption, OPTION_TYPE );
// -source
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[ OI_SOURCE ]; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY; pcmdOption->pValue = pszLogSource; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pcmdOption->szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( pcmdOption->szOption, OPTION_SOURCE );
// -id
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[ OI_ID ]; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP_TYPE_UNUMERIC | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY | CP_MANDATORY; pcmdOption->pValue = pdwEventID; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pcmdOption->szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( pcmdOption->szOption, OPTION_ID );
// -description
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[ OI_DESCRIPTION ]; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY | CP_MANDATORY; pcmdOption->pValue = pszDescription; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pcmdOption->szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( pcmdOption->szOption, OPTION_DESCRIPTION );
// do the parsing
if ( DoParseParam( argc, argv, MAX_OPTIONS, cmdOptions ) == FALSE ) return FALSE; // invalid syntax
// now, check the mutually exclusive options
// check the usage option
if ( *pbShowUsage == TRUE ) { if ( argc > 2 ) { // no other options are accepted along with -? option
SetLastError( MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason( ERROR_INVALID_USAGE_REQUEST ); return FALSE; } else { // no need of furthur checking of the values
return TRUE; } }
// empty system is not valid
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_SERVER ].dwActuals != 0 ) { // get the server name
pszServer = DynArrayItemAsString( *parrServers, 0 ); if ( pszServer != NULL ) { // get the duplicate of this server name
// we need to trim the value and then check
pszDup = _tcsdup( pszServer ); if ( pszDup == NULL ) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// trim the string value
TrimString( pszDup, TRIM_ALL );
// check the length now
if ( lstrlen( pszDup ) == 0 ) { // release the memory and return error
free( pszDup ); pszDup = NULL; SetLastError( MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason( ERROR_SYSTEM_EMPTY ); return FALSE; }
// release memory
free( pszDup ); pszDup = NULL; } }
// "-u" should not be specified without "-s"
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_SERVER ].dwActuals == 0 && cmdOptions[ OI_USERNAME ].dwActuals != 0 ) { // invalid syntax
SetReason( ERROR_USERNAME_BUT_NOMACHINE ); return FALSE; // indicate failure
// empty user is not valid
TrimString( pszUserName, TRIM_ALL ); // trim the string
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_USERNAME ].dwActuals != 0 && lstrlen( pszUserName ) == 0 ) { // invalid syntax
SetReason( ERROR_USERNAME_EMPTY ); return FALSE; }
// "-p" should not be specified without "-u"
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_USERNAME ].dwActuals == 0 && cmdOptions[ OI_PASSWORD ].dwActuals != 0 ) { // invalid syntax
SetReason( ERROR_PASSWORD_BUT_NOUSERNAME ); return FALSE; // indicate failure
// check whether caller should accept the password or not
// if -s ( server ) or -u ( username ) is specified
// but no "-p", then utility should accept password
// provided if establish connection is failed without the credentials information
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_PASSWORD ].dwActuals != 0 && pszPassword != NULL && lstrcmp( pszPassword, _T( "*" ) ) == 0 ) { // user wants the utility to prompt for the password before trying to connect
*pbNeedPwd = TRUE; } else if ( cmdOptions[ OI_PASSWORD ].dwActuals == 0 && ( cmdOptions[ OI_SERVER ].dwActuals != 0 || cmdOptions[ OI_USERNAME ].dwActuals != 0 ) ) { // -s, -u is specified without password ...
// utility needs to try to connect first and if it fails then prompt for the password
*pbNeedPwd = TRUE; if ( pszPassword != NULL ) { lstrcpy( pszPassword, _T( "" ) ); } }
// event id should be greater than 0 ( zero ) and less than 65536
if ( *pdwEventID <= 0 || *pdwEventID >= 65536 ) { // invalid numeric value
SetReason( ERROR_INVALID_EVENT_ID ); return FALSE; }
// description should not be empty
TrimString( pszDescription, TRIM_ALL ); // trim the string
if ( lstrlen( pszDescription ) == 0 ) { // description is null
// either -source (or) -log must be specified ( both can also be specified )
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_SOURCE ].dwActuals == 0 && cmdOptions[ OI_LOG ].dwActuals == 0 ) { // if log name and application were not specified, we will set to defaults
lstrcpy( pszLogName, g_szDefaultLog ); lstrcpy( pszLogSource, g_szDefaultSource ); }
// -source option value should not be empty ( if specified )
TrimString( pszLogSource, TRIM_ALL ); // trim the string
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_SOURCE ].dwActuals != 0 && lstrlen( pszLogSource ) == 0 ) { // description is null
// -log option value should not be empty ( if specified )
TrimString( pszLogName, TRIM_ALL ); // trim the string
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_LOG ].dwActuals != 0 && lstrlen( pszLogName ) == 0 ) { // description is null
// check whether atleast one -s is specified or not ... if not, add 'null string' to
// the servers array so that default it will work for local system
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_SERVER ].dwActuals == 0 ) DynArrayAppendString( *parrServers, NULL_STRING, 0 );
// command-line parsing is successfull
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// This function fetches usage information from resource file and shows it
// Arguments:
// None
// Return Value:
// None
// ***************************************************************************
VOID Usage() { // local variables
DWORD dw = 0;
// start displaying the usage
for( dw = ID_USAGE_START; dw <= ID_USAGE_END; dw++ ) ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( dw ) ); }