// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// File: common.h
// Synopsis: Defines some commonly used functions
// This is really just a dumping ground for functions
// that don't really belong to a specific class in
// this design. They may be implemented in other
// files besides common.cpp.
// History: 02/03/2001 JeffJon Created
// Service names used for both the OCManager and launching wizards
// Other needed constants
// Switch provided by explorer.exe when launching CYS
#define EXPLORER_SWITCH L"explorer"
extern Popup popup;
// Sets the font of a given control in a dialog.
// parentDialog - Dialog containing the control.
// controlID - Res ID of the control for which the font will be
// changed.
// font - handle to the new font for the control.
void SetControlFont(HWND parentDialog, int controlID, HFONT font);
// Sets the font of a control to a large point bold font as per Wizard '97
// spec.
// dialog - handle to the dialog that is the parent of the control
// bigBoldResID - resource id of the control to change
void SetLargeFont(HWND dialog, int bigBoldResID);
bool IsServiceInstalledHelper(const wchar_t* serviceName);
bool InstallServiceWithOcManager( const String& infText, const String& unattendText);
DWORD MyWaitForSendMessageThread(HANDLE hThread, DWORD dwTimeout);
HRESULT CreateTempFile(const String& name, const String& contents);
HRESULT CreateAndWaitForProcess(const String& commandLine, DWORD& exitCode);
HRESULT MyCreateProcess(const String& commandLine);
bool IsKeyValuePresent(RegistryKey& key, const String& value);
bool GetRegKeyValue( const String& key, const String& value, String& resultString, HKEY parentKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE);
bool GetRegKeyValue( const String& key, const String& value, DWORD& resultValue, HKEY parentKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE);
bool SetRegKeyValue( const String& key, const String& value, const String& newString, HKEY parentKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, bool create = false);
bool SetRegKeyValue( const String& key, const String& value, DWORD newValue, HKEY parentKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, bool create = false);
bool ExecuteWizard(PCWSTR serviceName, String& resultText);
// This really comes from Burnslib but it is not provided in a header
// so I am putting the declaration here and we will link to the
// Burnslib definition
HANDLE AppendLogFile(const String& logBaseName, String& logName);
// Macros to help with the log file operations
#define CYS_APPEND_LOG(text) \
if (logfileHandle) \ FS::Write(logfileHandle, text);
bool IsDhcpConfigured();
extern "C" { BOOL IsDHCPAvailableOnInterface(DWORD ipaddress); }
bool IsIndexingServiceOn();
HRESULT StartIndexingService();
HRESULT StopIndexingService();
// Validates a dns domain name for proper syntax and length. If validation
// fails, presents appropriate error messages to the user, and sets the input
// focus to a given control. Syntactically valid but non-RFC compliant dns
// names cause a warning message to be presented (but validation does not
// fail). Returns true if the validation succeed, false if not.
// dialog - handle to the dialog containing the edit box that: contains the
// name to be validated and receives focus if the validation fails.
// domainName - the domain name to validate. If the empty string, then the
// name is taken from the edit control identified by editResID.
// editResID - the resource id of the edit control containing the domain name
// to be validated (if the domainName parameter is empty), also receives input
// focus if validation fails.
// warnOnNonRFC - issue a non-fatal warning if the name is not RFC compliant.
// isNonRFC - optional pointer to bool to be set to true if the name is
// not a RFC-compliant name.
bool ValidateDomainDnsNameSyntax( HWND dialog, const String& domainName, int editResID, bool warnOnNonRFC, bool* isNonRFC = 0);
// Overloads ValidateDomainDnsNameSyntax such that the domain name to be
// validated is taken from the edit control specified by editResID.
bool ValidateDomainDnsNameSyntax( HWND dialog, int editResID, bool warnOnNonRFC, bool* isNonRFC = 0);
// If the new domain name is a single DNS label, then ask the user to confirm
// that name. If the user rejects the name, set focus to the domain name edit
// box, return false. Otherwise, return true.
// parentDialog - HWND of the dialog with the edit box control.
// editResID - resource ID of the domain name edit box containing the name to
// be confirmed.
// 309670
bool ConfirmNetbiosLookingNameIsReallyDnsName(HWND parentDialog, int editResID);
// Converts a VARIANT of type VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR to a list of Strings
HRESULT VariantArrayToStringList(VARIANT* variant, StringList& stringList);