// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997-2001.
// File: Schedmat.cpp
// Contents:
// schedmat.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "schedmat.h"
#include "AccessibleWrapper.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
BOOL g_fAttemptedOleAccLoad ; HMODULE g_hOleAcc;
// CMatrixCell
// CMatrixCell::CMatrixCell
CMatrixCell::CMatrixCell() { m_crBackColor = DEFBACKCOLOR; m_crForeColor = DEFFORECOLOR; m_nPercentage = 0;
m_crBlendColor = DEFBLENDCOLOR;
m_dwUserValue = 0; m_pUserDataPtr = NULL;
m_dwFlags = 0; }
// CMatrixCell::~CMatrixCell
CMatrixCell::~CMatrixCell() { }
// CScheduleMatrix
// CScheduleMatrix::CScheduleMatrix
CScheduleMatrix::CScheduleMatrix() { SetType(MT_WEEKLY);
m_hFont = NULL;
m_nSelHour = m_nSelDay = m_nNumSelHours = m_nNumSelDays = 0; m_nSaveHour = m_nSaveDay = m_nNumSaveHours = m_nNumSaveDays = 0;
m_bShifted = FALSE; }
// CScheduleMatrix::CScheduleMatrix
CScheduleMatrix::CScheduleMatrix(UINT nType) { SetType(nType);
m_hFont = NULL;
m_nSelHour = m_nSelDay = m_nNumSelHours = m_nNumSelDays = 0; m_nSaveHour = m_nSaveDay = m_nNumSaveHours = m_nNumSaveDays = 0;
m_bShifted = FALSE; }
// CScheduleMatrix::~CScheduleMatrix
CScheduleMatrix::~CScheduleMatrix() { }
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScheduleMatrix, CWnd) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScheduleMatrix)
// CScheduleMatrix::Create
BOOL CScheduleMatrix::Create(LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID, CCreateContext* /*pContext*/) { CRect r(0,0,0,0); if (!m_HourLegend.Create(NULL, _T(""), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, r, pParentWnd, (UINT) -1, NULL)) return FALSE; if (!m_PercentLabel.Create(NULL, _T(""), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, r, pParentWnd, (UINT) -1, NULL)) return FALSE;
m_PercentLabel.m_pMatrix = this;
return CWnd::Create(NULL, lpszWindowName, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, rect, pParentWnd, nID, NULL); }
// CScheduleMatrix message handlers
// CScheduleMatrix::OnSize
void CScheduleMatrix::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CWnd::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
SetMatrixMetrics(cx, cy);
Invalidate(); }
// CScheduleMatrix::SetMatrixMetrics
void CScheduleMatrix::SetMatrixMetrics(int cx, int cy) { if (m_hWnd == NULL) return;
CDC *pdc = GetDC(); CFont *pOldFont = NULL; CFont *pFont = CFont::FromHandle(m_hFont);
if (pFont != NULL) pOldFont = pdc->SelectObject(pFont);
// Calculate some useful metrics
int i; int nRows = (m_nType==MT_DAILY ? 1 : 8); // 8 rows = 7 days + header
CSize size = pdc->GetTextExtent(_T("0")); int nCharHeight = size.cy; int nCharWidth = size.cx; int nDayWidth = 0; for (i=0; i<8; i++) { size = pdc->GetTextExtent(m_DayStrings[i]); nDayWidth = max(nDayWidth, size.cx + 2*nCharWidth); // If daily schedule, stop after first
if (m_nType == MT_DAILY) break; }
if (pOldFont != NULL) pdc->SelectObject(pOldFont);
nDayWidth = max(nDayWidth, 2*nCharWidth);
int nLegendHeight = nCharHeight + 4 + 16; // a little margin over char height plus icon height
int nLabelHeight = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? nCharHeight + 4 : 0);
// Cell array should fill space after hour legend and %labels...
int nBtnHeight = max(0, cy-nLegendHeight-nLabelHeight)/nRows; // ... but should at least accomodate label text and some margin
nBtnHeight = max(nBtnHeight, nCharHeight + 4);
m_nCellWidth = max(0, (cx - nDayWidth)/24); m_nCellHeight = nBtnHeight;
// Leave an extra pixel for the lower right cell border
int nArrayWidth = 24*m_nCellWidth + 1; int nArrayHeight = (m_nType==MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7)*m_nCellHeight + 1;
// Adjust header width to absorb roundoff from cells
nDayWidth = max(0, cx - nArrayWidth); // Adjust legend height to absorb roundoff from cells
nLegendHeight = max(0, cy - (nArrayHeight + (m_nType==MT_DAILY ? 0 : nBtnHeight)) - nLabelHeight);
m_rHourLegend.SetRect(0, 0, cx, nLegendHeight); if (m_nType == MT_DAILY) { m_rAllHeader.SetRect(0, nLegendHeight, nDayWidth, nLegendHeight+nBtnHeight); m_rHourHeader.SetRect(0,0,0,0); m_rDayHeader.SetRect(0,0,0,0); m_rCellArray.SetRect(nDayWidth, nLegendHeight, cx, cy-nLabelHeight); m_rPercentLabel.SetRect(0,cy-nLabelHeight,cx,cy); } else { m_rAllHeader.SetRect(0, nLegendHeight, nDayWidth, nLegendHeight+nBtnHeight); m_rHourHeader.SetRect(nDayWidth, nLegendHeight, cx, nLegendHeight+nBtnHeight); m_rDayHeader.SetRect(0, nLegendHeight+nBtnHeight, nDayWidth, cy); m_rCellArray.SetRect(nDayWidth, nLegendHeight + nBtnHeight, cx, cy); m_rPercentLabel.SetRect(0,0,0,0); }
// Move the hour legend window into place
if (m_HourLegend.GetSafeHwnd() != NULL) { CRect rHourLegend = m_rHourLegend; ClientToScreen(rHourLegend); GetParent()->ScreenToClient(rHourLegend); rHourLegend.right += nCharWidth; m_HourLegend.MoveWindow(rHourLegend); m_HourLegend.m_nCharHeight = nCharHeight; m_HourLegend.m_nCharWidth = nCharWidth; m_HourLegend.m_nCellWidth = m_nCellWidth; m_HourLegend.m_hFont = m_hFont; m_HourLegend.m_rLegend.SetRect(m_rCellArray.left, 0, m_rCellArray.right, nLegendHeight); }
// Move the % label window into place
if (m_PercentLabel.GetSafeHwnd() != NULL) { CRect rPercentLabel = m_rPercentLabel; ClientToScreen(rPercentLabel); GetParent()->ScreenToClient(rPercentLabel); m_PercentLabel.MoveWindow(rPercentLabel); m_PercentLabel.m_nCellWidth = m_nCellWidth; m_PercentLabel.m_hFont = m_hFont; m_PercentLabel.m_rHeader.SetRect(m_rAllHeader.left, 0, m_rAllHeader.right, nLabelHeight); m_PercentLabel.m_rLabels.SetRect(m_rCellArray.left, 0, m_rCellArray.right, nLabelHeight); } }
// CScheduleMatrix::OnPaint
void CScheduleMatrix::OnPaint() { int i, j, x, y; CRect r, r2; BOOL bPressed;
CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
CFont *pOldFont = NULL; CFont *pFont = CFont::FromHandle(m_hFont);
if (pFont != NULL) pOldFont = dc.SelectObject(pFont);
CBrush brFace(::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); CPen penFace(PS_SOLID, 0, ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
CBrush *pbrOld = dc.SelectObject(&brFace); CPen *ppenOld = dc.SelectObject(&penFace); COLORREF crBkOld = dc.GetBkColor(); COLORREF crTextOld = dc.GetTextColor();
// Draw the All header
if (GetCapture() == this && m_rAllHeader.PtInRect(m_ptDown)) bPressed = TRUE; else bPressed = FALSE; DrawHeader(&dc, m_rAllHeader, m_DayStrings[0], bPressed);
// Draw the hour header
if (!m_rHourHeader.IsRectEmpty()) { // First hour is special case
r.SetRect(m_rHourHeader.left, m_rHourHeader.top, m_rHourHeader.left+m_nCellWidth+1, m_rHourHeader.bottom); if (GetCapture() == this && m_rHourHeader.PtInRect(m_ptDown) && CellInSel(0,0)) bPressed = TRUE; else bPressed = FALSE; DrawHeader(&dc, r, NULL, bPressed); r = m_rHourHeader; r.left += 1; r.right = r.left + m_nCellWidth; for (i=1; i<24; i++) { r.OffsetRect(m_nCellWidth, 0); if (GetCapture() == this && m_rHourHeader.PtInRect(m_ptDown) && CellInSel(i,0)) bPressed = TRUE; else bPressed = FALSE; DrawHeader(&dc, r, NULL, bPressed); } }
// Draw the day header
if (!m_rDayHeader.IsRectEmpty()) { // First day is special case
r.SetRect(m_rDayHeader.left, m_rDayHeader.top, m_rDayHeader.right, m_rDayHeader.top+m_nCellHeight+1); if (GetCapture() == this && m_rDayHeader.PtInRect(m_ptDown) && CellInSel(0,0)) bPressed = TRUE; else bPressed = FALSE; DrawHeader(&dc, r, m_DayStrings[1], bPressed); r = m_rDayHeader; r.top += 1; r.bottom = r.top + m_nCellHeight; for (i=2; i<8; i++) { r.OffsetRect(0, m_nCellHeight); if (GetCapture() == this && m_rDayHeader.PtInRect(m_ptDown) && CellInSel(0,i-1)) bPressed = TRUE; else bPressed = FALSE; DrawHeader(&dc, r, m_DayStrings[i], bPressed); } }
// Draw the cell array
int nDays = (m_nType==MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); y = m_rCellArray.top; for (j=0; j<nDays; j++) { x = m_rCellArray.left; for (i=0; i<24; i++) { DrawCell(&dc, &m_CellArray[i][j], x, y, m_nCellWidth, m_nCellHeight); x += m_nCellWidth; } y += m_nCellHeight; }
dc.SetBkColor(crBkOld); dc.SetTextColor(crTextOld);
// Draw the lower right cell borders since no cell takes responsibility for it
dc.MoveTo(m_rCellArray.left, m_rCellArray.bottom-1); dc.LineTo(m_rCellArray.right-1, m_rCellArray.bottom-1); dc.LineTo(m_rCellArray.right-1, m_rCellArray.top-1);
// Draw selection indicator (hardwired black and white for max contrast).
if (m_nNumSelHours != 0 && m_nNumSelDays != 0) { CRect rSel(m_nSelHour, m_nSelDay, m_nSelHour+m_nNumSelHours, m_nSelDay+m_nNumSelDays); CellToClient(rSel.left, rSel.top); CellToClient(rSel.right, rSel.bottom); rSel.right+=1; rSel.bottom+=1; CBrush brBlack(RGB(0,0,0)), brWhite(RGB(255,255,255)); dc.FrameRect(rSel, &brBlack); if (GetFocus()==this) dc.DrawFocusRect(rSel); rSel.InflateRect(-1,-1); dc.FrameRect(rSel, &brBlack); rSel.InflateRect(-1,-1); dc.FrameRect(rSel, &brWhite); }
if (pbrOld != NULL) dc.SelectObject(pbrOld); if (ppenOld != NULL) dc.SelectObject(ppenOld); if (pOldFont != NULL) dc.SelectObject(pOldFont);
// Do not call CWnd::OnPaint() for painting messages
// CScheduleMatrix::CellToClient
void CScheduleMatrix::CellToClient(LONG &nX, LONG &nY) { nX = nX*m_nCellWidth + m_rCellArray.left; nY = nY*m_nCellHeight + m_rCellArray.top; }
// CScheduleMatrix::ClientToCell
void CScheduleMatrix::ClientToCell(LONG &nX, LONG &nY) { nX = max(nX, m_rCellArray.left); nX = min(nX, m_rCellArray.right); nY = max(nY, m_rCellArray.top); nY = min(nY, m_rCellArray.bottom); nX = (nX-m_rCellArray.left)/m_nCellWidth; nY = (nY-m_rCellArray.top)/m_nCellHeight; nX = min(nX, 23); nY = min(nY, (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 0 : 6)); }
// CScheduleMatrix::GetCellSize
CSize CScheduleMatrix::GetCellSize() { SIZE size; size.cx = m_nCellWidth; size.cy = m_nCellHeight; return size; }
// CScheduleMatrix::DrawCell
void CScheduleMatrix::DrawCell(CDC *pdc, LPCRECT pRect, UINT nPercent, BOOL bBlendState, COLORREF crBackColor, COLORREF crForeColor, COLORREF crBlendColor) { CRect r(pRect); CMatrixCell Cell;
ASSERT(nPercent <= 100);
Cell.m_nPercentage = nPercent; //??
Cell.m_dwFlags = MC_MERGELEFT | MC_MERGETOP; if (bBlendState) Cell.m_dwFlags |= MC_BLEND; Cell.m_crBackColor = crBackColor; Cell.m_crForeColor = crForeColor; Cell.m_crBlendColor = crBlendColor;
CBrush brFace(::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); CPen penFace(PS_SOLID, 0, ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
CBrush *pbrOld = pdc->SelectObject(&brFace); CPen *ppenOld = pdc->SelectObject(&penFace); COLORREF crBkOld = pdc->GetBkColor(); COLORREF crTextOld = pdc->GetTextColor();
DrawCell(pdc, &Cell, r.left, r.top, r.Width(), r.Height());
pdc->SetBkColor(crBkOld); pdc->SetTextColor(crTextOld);
// Draw the lower right cell border since cell doesn't take responsibility for it
/* //??
pdc->MoveTo(r.left, r.bottom-1); pdc->LineTo(r.right-1, r.bottom-1); pdc->LineTo(r.right-1, r.top-1); */
if (pbrOld != NULL) pdc->SelectObject(pbrOld); if (ppenOld != NULL) pdc->SelectObject(ppenOld); }
// CScheduleMatrix::DrawCell
void CScheduleMatrix::DrawCell(CDC *pdc, CMatrixCell *pCell, int x, int y, int w, int h) { int x1, y1, nPercent; CRect rBack, rFore, rBlend, rClip, rCell, rWork;
// Don't bother if not invalid
pdc->GetClipBox(rClip); rCell.SetRect(x,y,x+w,y+h); if (!rWork.IntersectRect(rClip, rCell)) return;
// Calculate portions to devote to fore/back colors
// Account for merge effect
nPercent = MulDiv(pCell->m_nPercentage, h-(pCell->m_dwFlags & MC_MERGETOP?0:1), 100); if (pCell->m_dwFlags & MC_MERGELEFT) { x1 = x; } else { x1 = x + 1; pdc->MoveTo(x, y); pdc->LineTo(x, y+h); } if (pCell->m_dwFlags & MC_MERGETOP) { y1 = y; } else { y1 = y + 1; pdc->MoveTo(x, y); pdc->LineTo(x+w, y); } rBack.SetRect(x1, y1, x+w, y+h-nPercent); rFore.SetRect(x1, rBack.bottom, x+w, y+h); rBlend.SetRect(x1, y1, x+w, y+h);
// Ensure a touch of color at the boundaries
if (rBack.Height() == 0 && pCell->m_nPercentage != 100) { rBack.bottom+=1; rFore.top+=1; } if (rFore.Height() == 0 && pCell->m_nPercentage != 0) { rBack.bottom-=1; rFore.top-=1; }
// Draw the histogram
CBrush brBack(pCell->m_crBackColor); CBrush brFore(pCell->m_crForeColor); pdc->FillRect(rBack, &brBack); pdc->FillRect(rFore, &brFore);
// Overlay the blend color
if (pCell->m_dwFlags & MC_BLEND) { // Create the GDI work objects if necessary
if (m_bmBlend.GetSafeHandle() == NULL) { SHORT BlendBits[] = {0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55}; SHORT MaskBits[] = {0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA}; m_bmBlend.CreateBitmap(8,8,1,1,&BlendBits); m_bmMask.CreateBitmap(8,8,1,1,&MaskBits); m_brBlend.CreatePatternBrush(&m_bmBlend); m_brMask.CreatePatternBrush(&m_bmMask); }
// Mask out the existing bits in the cell
pdc->SetBkColor(RGB(255,255,255)); pdc->SelectObject(&m_brMask); pdc->PatBlt(rBlend.left, rBlend.top, rBlend.Width(), rBlend.Height(), 0x00A000C9); //DPa
// Add the blend color into the masked pixels
pdc->SetBkColor(pCell->m_crBlendColor); pdc->SelectObject(&m_brBlend); pdc->PatBlt(rBlend.left, rBlend.top, rBlend.Width(), rBlend.Height(), 0x00FA0089); //DPo
} }
// CScheduleMatrix::DrawHeader
void CScheduleMatrix::DrawHeader(CDC *pdc, LPCRECT lpRect, LPCTSTR pszText, BOOL bSelected) { CBrush brFace(::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); COLORREF crTL, crBR; COLORREF crBkOld = pdc->GetBkColor(); COLORREF crTextOld = pdc->GetTextColor();
if (bSelected) { crTL = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW); crBR = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT); } else { crTL = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT); crBR = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW); }
pdc->FillRect(lpRect, &brFace); pdc->Draw3dRect(lpRect, crTL, crBR); pdc->SetBkColor(::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); pdc->SetTextColor(::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT)); if (pszText != NULL) ::DrawTextEx(pdc->GetSafeHdc(), (LPTSTR)pszText, -1, (LPRECT)lpRect, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS, NULL);
pdc->SetBkColor(crBkOld); pdc->SetTextColor(crTextOld); }
// CScheduleMatrix::OnSetFont
LRESULT CScheduleMatrix::OnSetFont( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { m_hFont = (HFONT)wParam; m_HourLegend.m_hFont = m_hFont;
CRect rClient; GetClientRect(rClient); SetMatrixMetrics(rClient.Width(), rClient.Height()); Invalidate();
if (HIWORD(lParam) != 0) UpdateWindow();
return 0L; }
// CScheduleMatrix::OnGetFont
LRESULT CScheduleMatrix::OnGetFont( WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/ ) { return (LRESULT)m_hFont; }
// CScheduleMatrix::SetSelValues
BOOL CScheduleMatrix::SetSelValues(UINT nHour, UINT nDay, UINT nNumHours, UINT nNumDays) { // Deselect allows "illegal" values
if (!(nHour == 0 && nDay == 0 && nNumHours == 0 && nNumDays == 0)) { UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays); ASSERT(nNumHours>=1); ASSERT(nNumDays>=1); ASSERT(nHour + nNumHours <= 24); ASSERT(nDay + nNumDays <= nDays); }
if (m_nSelHour != nHour || m_nSelDay != nDay || m_nNumSelHours != nNumHours || m_nNumSelDays != nNumDays) { InvalidateCells(m_nSelHour, m_nSelDay, m_nNumSelHours, m_nNumSelDays, FALSE);
m_nSelHour = nHour; m_nSelDay = nDay; m_nNumSelHours = nNumHours; m_nNumSelDays = nNumDays;
InvalidateCells(nHour, nDay, nNumHours, nNumDays, FALSE);
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// CScheduleMatrix::SetSel
BOOL CScheduleMatrix::SetSel(UINT nHour, UINT nDay, UINT nNumHours, UINT nNumDays) { if (SetSelValues(nHour, nDay, nNumHours, nNumDays)) { UpdateWindow();
m_ptDown.x = nHour; m_ptDown.y = nDay; CellToClient(m_ptDown.x, m_ptDown.y); m_ptFocus.x = nHour + nNumHours - 1; m_ptFocus.y = nDay + nNumDays - 1; CellToClient(m_ptFocus.x, m_ptFocus.y);
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// CScheduleMatrix::SelectAll
BOOL CScheduleMatrix::SelectAll() { if (m_nType == MT_DAILY) return SetSel(0,0,23,1);
return SetSel(0,0,23,7); }
// CScheduleMatrix::DeselectAll
BOOL CScheduleMatrix::DeselectAll() { return SetSel(0,0,0,0); }
// CScheduleMatrix::GetSel
void CScheduleMatrix::GetSel(UINT & nHour, UINT & nDay, UINT & nNumHours, UINT & nNumDays) { nHour = m_nSelHour; nDay = m_nSelDay; nNumHours = m_nNumSelHours; nNumDays = m_nNumSelDays; }
// CScheduleMatrix::GetSelDescription
void CScheduleMatrix::GetSelDescription(CString &sText) { GetDescription(sText, m_nSelHour, m_nSelDay, m_nNumSelHours, m_nNumSelDays); }
// CScheduleMatrix::FormatTime
CString CScheduleMatrix::FormatTime(UINT nHour) const { CString sTime;
SYSTEMTIME sysTime; ::ZeroMemory (&sysTime, sizeof (SYSTEMTIME));
// Make sure that nHour is 0 to 24
nHour = nHour % 24; sysTime.wHour = (WORD)nHour;
// Get first time
// Get length to allocate buffer of sufficient size
int iLen = ::GetTimeFormat ( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, // locale for which date is to be formatted
TIME_NOSECONDS, //TIME_NOMINUTESORSECONDS, // flags specifying function options
&sysTime, // date to be formatted
0, // date format string
0, // buffer for storing formatted string
0); // size of buffer
ASSERT (iLen > 0); if ( iLen > 0 ) { int iResult = ::GetTimeFormat ( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, // locale for which date is to be formatted
TIME_NOSECONDS, //TIME_NOMINUTESORSECONDS, // flags specifying function options
&sysTime, // date to be formatted
0, // date format string
sTime.GetBufferSetLength (iLen), // buffer for storing formatted string
iLen); // size of buffer
ASSERT (iResult); sTime.ReleaseBuffer (); }
return sTime; }
// CScheduleMatrix::GetDescription
void CScheduleMatrix::GetDescription(CString &sText, UINT nHour, UINT nDay, UINT nNumHours, UINT nNumDays) { CString sDay1; CString sDay2; CString sHour1; CString sHour2;
if (nNumDays == 0 || nNumHours == 0) { sText.Empty(); return; }
// Get day strings
sDay1 = m_DayStrings[nDay + 1]; sDay2 = m_DayStrings[nDay + nNumDays];
// Get time strings
if ( sHour1.IsEmpty () ) sHour1 = L"Error";
// Get first time
sHour1 = FormatTime (nHour);
// Get second time
sHour2 = FormatTime (nHour + nNumHours);
if (m_nType == MT_DAILY) { sText.FormatMessage(IDS_TOOL_SCHEDULE_FMT_DAILY, (LPCTSTR)sHour1, (LPCTSTR)sHour2); } else { if (nNumDays == 1) sText.FormatMessage(IDS_TOOL_SCHEDULE_FMT_WEEKLY_SHORT, (LPCTSTR)sDay1, (LPCTSTR)sHour1, (LPCTSTR)sHour2); else sText.FormatMessage(IDS_TOOL_SCHEDULE_FMT_WEEKLY_LONG, (LPCTSTR)sDay1, (LPCTSTR)sDay2, (LPCTSTR)sHour1, (LPCTSTR)sHour2); } }
// CScheduleMatrix::CellInSel
BOOL CScheduleMatrix::CellInSel(UINT nHour, UINT nDay) { UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays);
if (m_nNumSelHours == 0 || m_nNumSelDays == 0) return FALSE; if (nHour < m_nSelHour || nHour >= m_nSelHour + m_nNumSelHours) return FALSE; if (nDay < m_nSelDay || nDay >= m_nSelDay + m_nNumSelDays) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
// CScheduleMatrix::SetType
void CScheduleMatrix::SetType(UINT nType) { ASSERT(nType == MT_DAILY || nType == MT_WEEKLY);
VERIFY (m_DayStrings[0].LoadString (IDS_ALL_HEADER_TEXT)); // "All" header
// Day names start at index 1
m_DayStrings[1] = GetLocaleDay (LOCALE_SDAYNAME7); // Sunday
m_DayStrings[2] = GetLocaleDay (LOCALE_SDAYNAME1); // Monday, etc.
m_DayStrings[3] = GetLocaleDay (LOCALE_SDAYNAME2); m_DayStrings[4] = GetLocaleDay (LOCALE_SDAYNAME3); m_DayStrings[5] = GetLocaleDay (LOCALE_SDAYNAME4); m_DayStrings[6] = GetLocaleDay (LOCALE_SDAYNAME5); m_DayStrings[7] = GetLocaleDay (LOCALE_SDAYNAME6);
m_nType = nType; }
// CScheduleMatrix::GetLocaleDay
// Use the locale API to get the "official" days of the week.
CString CScheduleMatrix::GetLocaleDay (LCTYPE lcType) const { CString dayName; int cchData = 64; int iResult = 0;
do {
iResult = GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, // locale identifier
lcType, // information type
const_cast <PWSTR>((PCWSTR) dayName.GetBufferSetLength (cchData)), // information buffer
cchData); // size of buffer
dayName.ReleaseBuffer (); if ( !iResult ) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError (); switch (dwErr) { case ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: cchData += 64; break;
default: ASSERT (0); switch (lcType) { case LOCALE_SDAYNAME1: VERIFY (dayName.LoadString (IDS_MONDAY)); break;
case LOCALE_SDAYNAME2: VERIFY (dayName.LoadString (IDS_TUESDAY)); break;
case LOCALE_SDAYNAME3: VERIFY (dayName.LoadString (IDS_WEDNESDAY)); break;
case LOCALE_SDAYNAME4: VERIFY (dayName.LoadString (IDS_THURSDAY)); break;
case LOCALE_SDAYNAME5: VERIFY (dayName.LoadString (IDS_FRIDAY)); break;
case LOCALE_SDAYNAME6: VERIFY (dayName.LoadString (IDS_SATURDAY)); break;
case LOCALE_SDAYNAME7: VERIFY (dayName.LoadString (IDS_SUNDAY)); break;
default: ASSERT (0); break; } break; } } } while (!iResult);
return dayName; }
// CScheduleMatrix::SetBackColor
void CScheduleMatrix::SetBackColor(COLORREF crColor, UINT nHour, UINT nDay, UINT nNumHours, UINT nNumDays) { UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays); ASSERT(nNumHours>=1); ASSERT(nNumDays>=1); ASSERT(nHour + nNumHours <= 24); ASSERT(nDay + nNumDays <= nDays);
UINT i, j; for (i=0; i<nNumHours; i++) { for (j=0; j<nNumDays; j++) { m_CellArray[nHour+i][nDay+j].m_crBackColor = crColor; } }
InvalidateCells(nHour, nDay, nNumHours, nNumDays, FALSE); }
// CScheduleMatrix::SetForeColor
void CScheduleMatrix::SetForeColor(COLORREF crColor, UINT nHour, UINT nDay, UINT nNumHours, UINT nNumDays) { UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays); ASSERT(nNumHours>=1); ASSERT(nNumDays>=1); ASSERT(nHour + nNumHours <= 24); ASSERT(nDay + nNumDays <= nDays);
UINT i, j; for (i=0; i<nNumHours; i++) { for (j=0; j<nNumDays; j++) { m_CellArray[nHour+i][nDay+j].m_crForeColor = crColor; } }
InvalidateCells(nHour, nDay, nNumHours, nNumDays, FALSE); }
// CScheduleMatrix::SetPercentage
void CScheduleMatrix::SetPercentage(UINT nPercent, UINT nHour, UINT nDay, UINT nNumHours, UINT nNumDays) { UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays); ASSERT(nNumHours>=1); ASSERT(nNumDays>=1); ASSERT(nHour + nNumHours <= 24); ASSERT(nDay + nNumDays <= nDays); ASSERT(nPercent <= 100);
UINT i, j; for (i=0; i<nNumHours; i++) { for (j=0; j<nNumDays; j++) { m_CellArray[nHour+i][nDay+j].m_nPercentage = nPercent; } }
InvalidateCells(nHour, nDay, nNumHours, nNumDays, FALSE); }
// CScheduleMatrix::SetBlendColor
void CScheduleMatrix::SetBlendColor(COLORREF crColor, UINT nHour, UINT nDay, UINT nNumHours, UINT nNumDays) { UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays); ASSERT(nNumHours>=1); ASSERT(nNumDays>=1); ASSERT(nHour + nNumHours <= 24); ASSERT(nDay + nNumDays <= nDays);
UINT i, j; for (i=0; i<nNumHours; i++) { for (j=0; j<nNumDays; j++) { m_CellArray[nHour+i][nDay+j].m_crBlendColor = crColor; } }
InvalidateCells(nHour, nDay, nNumHours, nNumDays, FALSE); }
// CScheduleMatrix::SetBlendState
void CScheduleMatrix::SetBlendState(BOOL bState, UINT nHour, UINT nDay, UINT nNumHours, UINT nNumDays) { UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays); ASSERT(nNumHours>=1); ASSERT(nNumDays>=1); ASSERT(nHour + nNumHours <= 24); ASSERT(nDay + nNumDays <= nDays);
UINT i, j; for (i=0; i<nNumHours; i++) { for (j=0; j<nNumDays; j++) { if (bState) m_CellArray[nHour+i][nDay+j].m_dwFlags |= MC_BLEND; else m_CellArray[nHour+i][nDay+j].m_dwFlags &= (MC_BLEND^0xFFFFFFFF); } }
InvalidateCells(nHour, nDay, nNumHours, nNumDays, FALSE); }
// CScheduleMatrix::SetUserValue
void CScheduleMatrix::SetUserValue(DWORD dwValue, UINT nHour, UINT nDay, UINT nNumHours, UINT nNumDays) { UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays); ASSERT(nNumHours>=1); ASSERT(nNumDays>=1); ASSERT(nHour + nNumHours <= 24); ASSERT(nDay + nNumDays <= nDays);
UINT i, j; for (i=0; i<nNumHours; i++) { for (j=0; j<nNumDays; j++) { m_CellArray[nHour+i][nDay+j].m_dwUserValue = dwValue; } }
//?? If we ever have ownerdraw
//?? InvalidateCells(nHour, nDay, nNumHours, nNumDays, FALSE);
// CScheduleMatrix::SetUserDataPtr
void CScheduleMatrix::SetUserDataPtr(void * lpData, UINT nHour, UINT nDay, UINT nNumHours, UINT nNumDays) { UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays); ASSERT(nNumHours>=1); ASSERT(nNumDays>=1); ASSERT(nHour + nNumHours <= 24); ASSERT(nDay + nNumDays <= nDays);
UINT i, j; for (i=0; i<nNumHours; i++) { for (j=0; j<nNumDays; j++) { m_CellArray[nHour+i][nDay+j].m_pUserDataPtr = lpData; } }
//?? If we ever have ownerdraw
//?? InvalidateCells(nHour, nDay, nNumHours, nNumDays, FALSE);
// CScheduleMatrix::MergeCells
void CScheduleMatrix::MergeCells(UINT nHour, UINT nDay, UINT nNumHours, UINT nNumDays) { UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays); ASSERT(nNumHours>=1); ASSERT(nNumDays>=1); ASSERT(nHour + nNumHours <= 24); ASSERT(nDay + nNumDays <= nDays);
DWORD dwFlags; UINT i, j; for (i=0; i<nNumHours; i++) { for (j=0; j<nNumDays; j++) { dwFlags = m_CellArray[nHour+i][nDay+j].m_dwFlags; dwFlags |= MC_MERGE; dwFlags &= (MC_ALLEDGES^0xFFFFFFFF); if (i != 0) dwFlags |= MC_MERGELEFT; if (i == 0) dwFlags |= MC_LEFTEDGE; if (i == nNumHours-1) dwFlags |= MC_RIGHTEDGE; if (j != 0) dwFlags |= MC_MERGETOP; if (j == 0) dwFlags |= MC_TOPEDGE; if (j == nNumDays-1) dwFlags |= MC_BOTTOMEDGE; m_CellArray[nHour+i][nDay+j].m_dwFlags = dwFlags; } }
InvalidateCells(nHour, nDay, nNumHours, nNumDays, FALSE); }
// CScheduleMatrix::UnMergeCells
void CScheduleMatrix::UnMergeCells(UINT nHour, UINT nDay, UINT nNumHours, UINT nNumDays) { UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays); ASSERT(nNumHours>=1); ASSERT(nNumDays>=1); ASSERT(nHour + nNumHours <= 24); ASSERT(nDay + nNumDays <= nDays);
DWORD dwFlags; UINT i, j; for (i=0; i<nNumHours; i++) { for (j=0; j<nNumDays; j++) { dwFlags = m_CellArray[nHour+i][nDay+j].m_dwFlags; dwFlags &= (MC_ALLEDGES^0xFFFFFFFF); dwFlags &= (MC_MERGE^0xFFFFFFFF); if (i != 0) dwFlags &= (MC_MERGELEFT^0xFFFFFFFF); if (j != 0) dwFlags &= (MC_MERGETOP^0xFFFFFFFF); m_CellArray[nHour+i][nDay+j].m_dwFlags = dwFlags; } }
InvalidateCells(nHour, nDay, nNumHours, nNumDays, FALSE); }
// CScheduleMatrix::GetMergeState
UINT CScheduleMatrix::GetMergeState(UINT nHour, UINT nDay, UINT nNumHours, UINT nNumDays) { // Returns:
// 0 = Unmerged
// 1 = Merged
// 2 = Indeterminate (mixed)
UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays); ASSERT(nNumHours>=1); ASSERT(nNumDays>=1); ASSERT(nHour + nNumHours <= 24); ASSERT(nDay + nNumDays <= nDays);
UINT i, j; DWORD dwFlags; BOOL bFoundMergedCell = FALSE, bFoundUnmergedCell = FALSE, bFoundBadEdge = FALSE, bFoundBadNonEdge = FALSE; for (i=0; i<nNumHours; i++) { for (j=0; j<nNumDays; j++) { dwFlags = m_CellArray[nHour+i][nDay+j].m_dwFlags; if (dwFlags & MC_MERGE) bFoundMergedCell = TRUE; else bFoundUnmergedCell = TRUE; if (i == 0 || i == nNumHours-1 || j == 0 || j == nNumDays-1) { // If cell is an edge, make sure it's marked appropriately
if (i == 0 && !(dwFlags & MC_LEFTEDGE)) bFoundBadEdge = TRUE; if (i == nNumHours-1 && !(dwFlags & MC_RIGHTEDGE)) bFoundBadEdge = TRUE; if (j == 0 && !(dwFlags & MC_TOPEDGE)) bFoundBadEdge = TRUE; if (j == nNumDays-1 && !(dwFlags & MC_BOTTOMEDGE)) bFoundBadEdge = TRUE; } else { // If cell is not an edge, make sure it's not marked as such
if (dwFlags & MC_ALLEDGES) bFoundBadNonEdge = TRUE; } } }
// If we found no merged cells, we are definitely unmerged
if (!bFoundMergedCell) return MS_UNMERGED; // If we found only good, merged cells, we are definitely merged
if (!bFoundUnmergedCell && !bFoundBadEdge && !bFoundBadNonEdge) return MS_MERGED;
// CScheduleMatrix::GetBackColor
COLORREF CScheduleMatrix::GetBackColor(UINT nHour, UINT nDay) { UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays);
return m_CellArray[nHour][nDay].m_crBackColor; }
// CScheduleMatrix::GetForeColor
COLORREF CScheduleMatrix::GetForeColor(UINT nHour, UINT nDay) { UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays);
return m_CellArray[nHour][nDay].m_crForeColor; }
// CScheduleMatrix::GetPercentage
UINT CScheduleMatrix::GetPercentage(UINT nHour, UINT nDay) { UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays);
return m_CellArray[nHour][nDay].m_nPercentage; }
// CScheduleMatrix::GetBlendColor
COLORREF CScheduleMatrix::GetBlendColor(UINT nHour, UINT nDay) { UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays);
return m_CellArray[nHour][nDay].m_crBlendColor; }
// CScheduleMatrix::GetBlendState
BOOL CScheduleMatrix::GetBlendState(UINT nHour, UINT nDay) { UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays);
if (m_CellArray[nHour][nDay].m_dwFlags & MC_BLEND) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
// CScheduleMatrix::GetUserValue
DWORD CScheduleMatrix::GetUserValue(UINT nHour, UINT nDay) { UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays);
return m_CellArray[nHour][nDay].m_dwUserValue; }
// CScheduleMatrix::GetUserDataPtr
LPVOID CScheduleMatrix::GetUserDataPtr(UINT nHour, UINT nDay) { UINT nDays = (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7); ASSERT(nHour < 24); ASSERT(nDay < nDays);
return m_CellArray[nHour][nDay].m_pUserDataPtr; }
// CScheduleMatrix::OnSetFocus
void CScheduleMatrix::OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd) { CWnd::OnSetFocus(pOldWnd);
CDC *pdc = GetDC(); CRect rSel(m_nSelHour, m_nSelDay, m_nSelHour+m_nNumSelHours, m_nSelDay+m_nNumSelDays); CellToClient(rSel.left, rSel.top); CellToClient(rSel.right, rSel.bottom); rSel.right+=1; rSel.bottom+=1; pdc->DrawFocusRect(rSel); ReleaseDC(pdc); }
// CScheduleMatrix::OnKillFocus
void CScheduleMatrix::OnKillFocus(CWnd* pNewWnd) { CWnd::OnKillFocus(pNewWnd);
CDC *pdc = GetDC(); CRect rSel(m_nSelHour, m_nSelDay, m_nSelHour+m_nNumSelHours, m_nSelDay+m_nNumSelDays); CellToClient(rSel.left, rSel.top); CellToClient(rSel.right, rSel.bottom); rSel.right+=1; rSel.bottom+=1; pdc->DrawFocusRect(rSel); ReleaseDC(pdc); }
// CScheduleMatrix::OnLButtonDown
void CScheduleMatrix::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { SetFocus(); SetCapture();
m_ptDown = point; m_ptFocus = point; m_ptFocus.x = max(m_ptFocus.x, m_rCellArray.left); m_ptFocus.y = max(m_ptFocus.y, m_rCellArray.top); m_ptFocus.x = min(m_ptFocus.x, m_rCellArray.right); m_ptFocus.y = min(m_ptFocus.y, m_rCellArray.bottom); m_nSaveHour = m_nSelHour; m_nSaveDay = m_nSelDay; m_nNumSaveHours = m_nNumSelHours; m_nNumSaveDays = m_nNumSelDays;
CWnd::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);
// Invalidate for "button selection" effect in the headers.
if (m_rAllHeader.PtInRect(m_ptDown)) InvalidateRect(m_rAllHeader, FALSE); if (m_rHourHeader.PtInRect(m_ptDown)) InvalidateRect(m_rHourHeader, FALSE); if (m_rDayHeader.PtInRect(m_ptDown)) InvalidateRect(m_rDayHeader, FALSE);
OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); }
// CScheduleMatrix::OnLButtonDblClk
void CScheduleMatrix::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // Same as button down
OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);
CWnd::OnLButtonDblClk(nFlags, point); }
// CScheduleMatrix::OnLButtonUp
void CScheduleMatrix::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if (GetCapture() == this) { m_ptFocus = point; m_ptFocus.x = max(m_ptFocus.x, m_rCellArray.left); m_ptFocus.y = max(m_ptFocus.y, m_rCellArray.top); m_ptFocus.x = min(m_ptFocus.x, m_rCellArray.right); m_ptFocus.y = min(m_ptFocus.y, m_rCellArray.bottom);
// If drawing the "button selection" effect in the headers, redraw.
if (m_rAllHeader.PtInRect(m_ptDown)) InvalidateRect(m_rAllHeader, FALSE); if (m_rHourHeader.PtInRect(m_ptDown)) InvalidateRect(m_rHourHeader, FALSE); if (m_rDayHeader.PtInRect(m_ptDown)) InvalidateRect(m_rDayHeader, FALSE);
if (m_nSaveHour != m_nSelHour || m_nSaveDay != m_nSelDay || m_nNumSaveHours != m_nNumSelHours || m_nNumSaveDays != m_nNumSelDays) { GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(GetDlgCtrlID(), MN_SELCHANGE), (LPARAM)GetSafeHwnd()); } }
CWnd::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point); }
// CScheduleMatrix::OnMouseMove
void CScheduleMatrix::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if (GetCapture() == this) { m_ptFocus = point; m_ptFocus.x = max(m_ptFocus.x, m_rCellArray.left); m_ptFocus.y = max(m_ptFocus.y, m_rCellArray.top); m_ptFocus.x = min(m_ptFocus.x, m_rCellArray.right); m_ptFocus.y = min(m_ptFocus.y, m_rCellArray.bottom);
CRect rInvalid(0,0,0,0); CRect rSel(m_ptDown.x, m_ptDown.y, point.x, point.y); if (m_rDayHeader.PtInRect(m_ptDown)) { rSel.right = m_rCellArray.right; rInvalid = m_rDayHeader; }
if (m_rHourHeader.PtInRect(m_ptDown)) { rSel.bottom = m_rCellArray.bottom; rInvalid = m_rHourHeader; }
if (m_rAllHeader.PtInRect(m_ptDown)) { rSel.right = m_rCellArray.right; rSel.bottom = m_rCellArray.bottom; rInvalid = m_rAllHeader; } ClientToCell(rSel.left, rSel.top); ClientToCell(rSel.right, rSel.bottom); rSel.NormalizeRect(); rSel.right += 1; rSel.bottom += 1; rSel.right = min(rSel.right, 24); rSel.bottom = min(rSel.bottom, (m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 1 : 7)); // If we've drifted out of the down area, reset selection
CRect rDayHeader(m_rDayHeader); CRect rHourHeader(m_rHourHeader); CRect rAllHeader(m_rAllHeader); CRect rCellArray(m_rCellArray); int nBuffer = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); rDayHeader.InflateRect(nBuffer,nBuffer); rHourHeader.InflateRect(nBuffer,nBuffer); rAllHeader.InflateRect(nBuffer,nBuffer); rCellArray.InflateRect(nBuffer,nBuffer); if ((m_rDayHeader.PtInRect(m_ptDown) && !rDayHeader.PtInRect(point)) || (m_rHourHeader.PtInRect(m_ptDown) && !rHourHeader.PtInRect(point)) || (m_rAllHeader.PtInRect(m_ptDown) && !rAllHeader.PtInRect(point)) || (m_rCellArray.PtInRect(m_ptDown) && !rCellArray.PtInRect(point))) rSel.SetRect(m_nSaveHour, m_nSaveDay, m_nSaveHour+m_nNumSaveHours, m_nSaveDay+m_nNumSaveDays);
if (SetSelValues(rSel.left, rSel.top, rSel.Width(), rSel.Height())) InvalidateRect(rInvalid); }
CWnd::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); }
// CScheduleMatrix::OnGetDlgCode
UINT CScheduleMatrix::OnGetDlgCode() { return (DLGC_WANTCHARS | DLGC_WANTARROWS); }
// CScheduleMatrix::OnKeyDown
void CScheduleMatrix::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT /*nRepCnt*/, UINT /*nFlags*/) { // BOOL bShifted = 0x8000 & GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT);
CPoint ptCell, ptOldCell, ptClient; ptCell = m_ptFocus; ClientToCell(ptCell.x, ptCell.y); ptOldCell = ptCell;
BOOL bToggle = FALSE;
switch (nChar) { case VK_SHIFT: m_bShifted = TRUE; break;; case VK_SPACE: bToggle = TRUE; break; case VK_LEFT: ptCell.x -= 1; break; case VK_RIGHT: ptCell.x += 1; break; case VK_UP: ptCell.y -= 1; break; case VK_DOWN: ptCell.y += 1; break; case VK_PRIOR: ptCell.y = -1; break; case VK_NEXT: ptCell.y = 6; break; case VK_HOME: ptCell.x = -1; ptCell.y = -1; break; case VK_END: ptCell.x = 23; ptCell.y = 6; break; }
// Restrict keyboard control to the matrix...
ptCell.x = max(0, ptCell.x); ptCell.x = min(23, ptCell.x); ptCell.y = max(0, ptCell.y); ptCell.y = min((m_nType == MT_DAILY ? 0 : 6), ptCell.y);
ptClient = ptCell; CellToClient(ptClient.x, ptClient.y);
if (bToggle) { OnLButtonDown(MK_LBUTTON, ptClient); OnLButtonUp(MK_LBUTTON, ptClient); /*
if (bShifted) Extend(ptClient); else { Press(ptClient, FALSE); Release(ptClient); }
ptFocus = ptClient; */ } else if (ptCell != ptOldCell) { if (m_bShifted) { // Extend(ptClient);
if (GetCapture() != this) { CPoint ptOldClient(ptOldCell); CellToClient(ptOldClient.x, ptOldClient.y); OnLButtonDown(MK_LBUTTON, ptOldClient); } OnMouseMove(MK_LBUTTON, ptClient); } else { OnLButtonDown(MK_LBUTTON, ptClient); OnLButtonUp(MK_LBUTTON, ptClient); } /*
if (bFocus) DrawFocus(FALSE, ptFocus, NULL); ptFocus = ptClient; if (bFocus) DrawFocus(TRUE, ptFocus, NULL); */ } }
// CScheduleMatrix::OnKeyUp
void CScheduleMatrix::OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT /*nRepCnt*/, UINT /*nFlags*/) { switch (nChar) { case VK_SHIFT: m_bShifted = FALSE; OnLButtonUp(MK_LBUTTON, m_ptFocus); break; case VK_SPACE: case VK_LEFT: case VK_RIGHT: case VK_UP: case VK_DOWN: case VK_PRIOR: case VK_NEXT: case VK_HOME: case VK_END: // Release(ptFocus);
break; } }
// CScheduleMatrix::InvalidateCells
void CScheduleMatrix::InvalidateCells(UINT nHour, UINT nDay, UINT nNumHours, UINT nNumDays, BOOL bErase) { CRect r(nHour, nDay, nHour+nNumHours, nDay+nNumDays); CellToClient(r.left, r.top); CellToClient(r.right, r.bottom); r.right += 1; r.bottom += 1;
InvalidateRect(r, bErase); }
// CScheduleMatrix::OnGetObject
LRESULT CScheduleMatrix::OnGetObject (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if ( lParam == OBJID_CLIENT ) { // At this point we will try to load oleacc and get the functions
// we need.
if (!g_fAttemptedOleAccLoad) { g_fAttemptedOleAccLoad = TRUE;
ASSERT (0 == s_pfnCreateStdAccessibleObject); ASSERT(s_pfnCreateStdAccessibleProxy == NULL); ASSERT(s_pfnLresultFromObject == NULL);
g_hOleAcc = LoadLibrary (L"OLEACC"); if (g_hOleAcc != NULL) { s_pfnCreateStdAccessibleObject = (PFNCREATESTDACCESSIBLEOBJECT) GetProcAddress(g_hOleAcc, "CreateStdAccessibleObject"); s_pfnCreateStdAccessibleProxy = (PFNCREATESTDACCESSIBLEPROXY) GetProcAddress(g_hOleAcc, "CreateStdAccessibleProxyW"); s_pfnLresultFromObject = (PFNLRESULTFROMOBJECT) GetProcAddress(g_hOleAcc, "LresultFromObject"); } if (s_pfnLresultFromObject == NULL || s_pfnCreateStdAccessibleProxy == NULL || 0 == s_pfnCreateStdAccessibleObject) { if (g_hOleAcc) { // No point holding on to Oleacc since we can't use it.
FreeLibrary(g_hOleAcc); g_hOleAcc = NULL; } s_pfnLresultFromObject = NULL; s_pfnCreateStdAccessibleProxy = NULL; s_pfnCreateStdAccessibleObject = 0; } }
if (g_hOleAcc && s_pfnCreateStdAccessibleProxy && s_pfnLresultFromObject && s_pfnCreateStdAccessibleObject) { IAccessible* pAcc = NULL; const int CLASS_NAME_LEN = 64; WCHAR szClassName[CLASS_NAME_LEN]; int nRet = ::GetClassName(m_hWnd, szClassName, CLASS_NAME_LEN); if ( !nRet ) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError (); dwErr = dwErr; }
// Create default proxy.
HRESULT hr = s_pfnCreateStdAccessibleObject ( m_hWnd, OBJID_CLIENT, IID_PPV_ARG (IAccessible, &pAcc)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pAcc) { // now wrap it up in our customized wrapper...
IAccessible * pWrapAcc = new CAccessibleWrapper (m_hWnd, pAcc); // Release our ref to proxy (wrapper has its own addref'd ptr)...
if (pWrapAcc != NULL) {
// ...and return the wrapper via LresultFromObject...
LRESULT lr = s_pfnLresultFromObject (IID_IAccessible, wParam, pWrapAcc); // Release our interface pointer - OLEACC has its own addref to the object
// Return the lresult, which 'contains' a reference to our wrapper object.
return lr; // All done!
} // If it didn't work, fall through to default behavior instead.
} } }
return 0; }
// CScheduleMatrix::OnGetSelDescription
// wParam - length of passed in string buffer
// lParam - wide-char string buffer
LRESULT CScheduleMatrix::OnGetSelDescription (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT lResult = 0; PWSTR pszDescription = (PWSTR) lParam; if ( pszDescription ) { UINT nMaxLen = (UINT) wParam; CString szDescription; GetSelDescription (szDescription);
wcsncpy (pszDescription, szDescription, nMaxLen); } else lResult = -1;
return lResult; }
// CScheduleMatrix::OnGetPercentage
// wParam - return % of selected cell
// lParam - unused
LRESULT CScheduleMatrix::OnGetPercentage (WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { LRESULT lResult = 0; if ( 1 == m_nNumSelHours && 1 == m_nNumSelDays ) lResult = GetPercentage (m_nSelHour, m_nSelDay); else lResult = -1;
return lResult; }
// CHourLegend
// CHourLegend::CHourLegend
CHourLegend::CHourLegend() { m_hiconSun = m_hiconMoon = NULL;
m_hFont = NULL; }
// CHourLegend::~CHourLegend
CHourLegend::~CHourLegend() { if ( m_hiconMoon ) { DestroyIcon (m_hiconMoon); m_hiconMoon = 0; } if ( m_hiconSun ) { DestroyIcon (m_hiconSun); m_hiconSun = 0; } }
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CHourLegend, CWnd) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CHourLegend)
// CHourLegend message handlers
// CHourLegend::OnPaint
void CHourLegend::OnPaint() { CRect rClient;
CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
CFont *pOldFont = NULL; CFont *pFont = CFont::FromHandle(m_hFont);
if (pFont != NULL) pOldFont = dc.SelectObject(pFont);
CBrush brFace(::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
CBrush *pbrOld = dc.SelectObject(&brFace);
// Draw the hour legend
if (m_hiconSun == NULL) m_hiconSun = (HICON)::LoadImage(AfxFindResourceHandle(_T("SUN16"), RT_GROUP_ICON), _T("SUN16"), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); if (m_hiconMoon == NULL) m_hiconMoon = (HICON)::LoadImage(AfxFindResourceHandle(_T("MOON16"), RT_GROUP_ICON), _T("MOON16"), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); dc.FillRect(rClient, &brFace); ::DrawIconEx(dc.GetSafeHdc(),m_rLegend.left-8,rClient.bottom - m_nCharHeight - 16 - 2, (HICON)m_hiconMoon,0,0,0,NULL,DI_NORMAL); ::DrawIconEx(dc.GetSafeHdc(),m_rLegend.left + m_rLegend.Width()/2 - 8, rClient.bottom - m_nCharHeight - 16 - 2,(HICON)m_hiconSun,0,0,0,NULL,DI_NORMAL); ::DrawIconEx(dc.GetSafeHdc(),m_rLegend.right-8,rClient.bottom - m_nCharHeight - 16 - 2, (HICON)m_hiconMoon,0,0,0,NULL,DI_NORMAL);
// Draw the hour text
COLORREF crBkOld = dc.GetBkColor(); COLORREF crTextOld = dc.GetTextColor(); COLORREF crText = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT); COLORREF crFace = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE); dc.SetBkColor(crFace); dc.SetTextColor(crText);
int i, hr; CRect rText, rBullet; CString sHour; rText.SetRect(m_rLegend.left-m_nCharWidth, rClient.bottom - m_nCharHeight - 2, m_rLegend.left + m_nCharWidth, rClient.bottom - 2); rBullet.SetRect(m_rLegend.left + m_nCellWidth - 1, rClient.bottom - 2 - rText.Height()/2 - 1, m_rLegend.left + m_nCellWidth + 1, rClient.bottom - 2 - rText.Height()/2 + 1);
bool bIs24HourClock = false; CString sFormat; int iLen = ::GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, // locale identifier
LOCALE_ITIME, // type of information
0, // address of buffer for information
0); // size of buffer
ASSERT (iLen > 0); if ( iLen > 0 ) { int iResult = ::GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, // locale identifier
LOCALE_ITIME, // type of information
sFormat.GetBufferSetLength (iLen), // address of buffer for information
iLen); // size of buffer
ASSERT (iResult); sFormat.ReleaseBuffer (); if ( sFormat == _TEXT("1") ) bIs24HourClock = true; }
if ( bIs24HourClock ) hr = 0; else hr = 12; for (i=0; i<=24; i+=2) { if ( bIs24HourClock ) { if ( 24 == hr ) hr = 0; } else if (hr > 12) hr = 2; sHour.Format(_T("%d"), hr); dc.SetBkColor(crFace); //?? FillSolidRect seems to set BkColor
::DrawTextEx(dc.GetSafeHdc(), (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)sHour, -1, rText, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS, NULL); dc.FillSolidRect(rBullet, crText); //?? FillSolidRect seems to set BkColor
hr += 2; rText.OffsetRect(2*m_nCellWidth, 0); if (i < 24) rBullet.OffsetRect(2*m_nCellWidth, 0); }
dc.SetBkColor(crBkOld); dc.SetTextColor(crTextOld);
if (pbrOld != NULL) dc.SelectObject(pbrOld); if (pOldFont != NULL) dc.SelectObject(pOldFont);
// Do not call CWnd::OnPaint() for painting messages
// CPercentLabel
// CPercentLabel::CPercentLabel
CPercentLabel::CPercentLabel() { m_pMatrix = NULL; m_hFont = NULL; }
// CPercentLabel::~CPercentLabel
CPercentLabel::~CPercentLabel() { }
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CPercentLabel, CWnd) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CPercentLabel)
// CPercentLabel message handlers
// CPercentLabel::OnPaint
void CPercentLabel::OnPaint() { CRect rClient;
CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
CFont *pOldFont = NULL; CFont *pFont = CFont::FromHandle(m_hFont);
if (pFont != NULL) pOldFont = dc.SelectObject(pFont);
CBrush brFace(::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
CBrush *pbrOld = dc.SelectObject(&brFace);
COLORREF crBkOld = dc.GetBkColor(); COLORREF crTextOld = dc.GetTextColor(); COLORREF crText = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT); COLORREF crFace = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE); dc.SetBkColor(crFace); dc.SetTextColor(crText);
// Draw the header label
CString sText(_T("%")); ::DrawTextEx(dc.GetSafeHdc(), (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)sText, -1, m_rHeader, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS, NULL);
// Draw the percent label text
int i; UINT nPercent; CRect rText, rBullet; rText.SetRect(m_rLabels.left, 0, m_rLabels.left + m_nCellWidth, rClient.bottom); for (i=0; i<24; i++) { nPercent = m_pMatrix->GetPercentage(i,0); // Don't draw percentages greater than 99
if (nPercent <= 99) { sText.Format(_T("%d"), nPercent); ::DrawTextEx(dc.GetSafeHdc(), (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)sText, -1, rText, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS, NULL); } rText.OffsetRect(m_nCellWidth, 0); }
dc.SetBkColor(crBkOld); dc.SetTextColor(crTextOld);
if (pbrOld != NULL) dc.SelectObject(pbrOld); if (pOldFont != NULL) dc.SelectObject(pOldFont);
// Do not call CWnd::OnPaint() for painting messages