// Purpose: CEventQueryDataCollector class to do WMI instance collection.
// Copyright (c)1999 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "eqde.h"
#include "system.h"
extern CSystem* g_pSystem;
// Construction/Destruction
CEventQueryDataCollector::CEventQueryDataCollector() { MY_OUTPUT(L"ENTER ***** CEventQueryDataCollector...", 4);
m_pTempSink = NULL; m_deType = HM_EQDE; m_szQuery = NULL; m_lNumInstancesCollected = 0; m_hResLast = 0;
MY_OUTPUT(L"EXIT ***** CEventQueryDataCollector...", 4); }
CEventQueryDataCollector::~CEventQueryDataCollector() { MY_OUTPUT(L"ENTER ***** ~CEventQueryDataCollector...", 4);
if (m_szQuery) delete [] m_szQuery;
if (m_pTempSink) { m_pIWbemServices->CancelAsyncCall((IWbemObjectSink*)m_pTempSink); m_pTempSink->Release(); m_pTempSink = NULL; }
MY_OUTPUT(L"EXIT ***** ~CEventQueryDataCollector...", 4); }
// Load a single DataCollector, and everything under it.
HRESULT CEventQueryDataCollector::LoadInstanceFromMOF(IWbemClassObject* pObj, CDataGroup *pParentDG, LPTSTR pszParentObjPath, BOOL bModifyPass/*FALSE*/) { TCHAR szQuery[4096]; BSTR Language = NULL; BSTR Query = NULL; BSTR bstrClassName = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumDataPoints = NULL; IWbemClassObject *pDataPoint = NULL; IWbemLocator *pLocator = NULL; BOOL bRetValue = TRUE; HRESULT hRetRes = S_OK; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IWbemQualifierSet *pQSet = NULL; BSTR PathToClass = NULL; VARIANT v; BSTR bstrError = NULL; BSTR bstrWarning = NULL; BSTR bstrInformation = NULL; BSTR bstrAuditSuccess = NULL; BSTR bstrAuditFailure = NULL; SAFEARRAY* psa = NULL; LCID lcID; VariantInit(&v); int i, iSize; CThreshold* pThreshold;
MY_OUTPUT(L"ENTER ***** CEventQueryDataCollector::LoadInstanceFromMOF...", 4); iSize = m_thresholdList.size(); for (i = 0; i < iSize ; i++) { MY_ASSERT(i<m_thresholdList.size()); pThreshold = m_thresholdList[i]; if (pThreshold->m_bValidLoad == FALSE) return WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT; // return S_OK;
if (m_szQuery) { delete [] m_szQuery; m_szQuery = NULL; } m_lNumInstancesCollected = 0;
if (m_pTempSink) { m_pIWbemServices->CancelAsyncCall((IWbemObjectSink*)m_pTempSink); m_pTempSink->Release(); m_pTempSink = NULL; }
// Call the base class to load the common properties. Then do the specific ones.
hRetRes = CDataCollector::LoadInstanceFromMOF(pObj, pParentDG, pszParentObjPath, bModifyPass); MY_HRESASSERT(hRetRes); if (hRetRes!=S_OK) return hRetRes;
// Get the GUID property
hRetRes = GetStrProperty(pObj, L"Query", &m_szQuery); MY_HRESASSERT(hRetRes); if (hRetRes!=S_OK) goto error;
// On non-English machines we must alter the query that uses Win32_NtLogEvent class.
// Whistler will have evnttype property that is a uint8 to use, instead of the Type property.
lcID = PRIMARYLANGID(GetSystemDefaultLCID()); wcsncpy(szQuery, m_szQuery, 4095); szQuery[4095] = '\0'; _wcsupr(szQuery); if (!(lcID != 0 && lcID == 0x00000009) && wcsstr(szQuery, L"WIN32_NTLOGEVENT")) { // Get the class definition.
PathToClass = SysAllocString(L"Win32_NTLogEvent"); MY_ASSERT(PathToClass); if (!PathToClass) {hRetRes = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto error;} hRetRes = g_pIWbemServicesCIMV2->GetObject(PathToClass, WBEM_FLAG_USE_AMENDED_QUALIFIERS, 0, &pClass, 0); MY_HRESASSERT(hRetRes); if (hRetRes!=S_OK) goto error; SysFreeString(PathToClass); PathToClass=NULL;
hRetRes = pClass->GetPropertyQualifierSet(L"Type", &pQSet); MY_HRESASSERT(hRetRes); if (hRetRes!=S_OK) goto error; pClass->Release(); pClass = NULL;
hRetRes = pQSet->Get(L"Values", 0, &v, 0); MY_HRESASSERT(hRetRes); if (hRetRes!=S_OK) goto error;
psa = V_ARRAY(&v); BSTR *pBstr = 0; hRetRes = SafeArrayAccessData(psa, (void**) &pBstr); MY_HRESASSERT(hRetRes); if (hRetRes!=S_OK) goto error;
bstrError = pBstr[psa->rgsabound[0].lLbound]; bstrWarning = pBstr[psa->rgsabound[0].lLbound + 1]; bstrInformation = pBstr[psa->rgsabound[0].lLbound + 2]; bstrAuditSuccess = pBstr[psa->rgsabound[0].lLbound + 3]; bstrAuditFailure = pBstr[psa->rgsabound[0].lLbound + 4];
hRetRes = ReplaceStr(&m_szQuery, L"ERROR", bstrError); MY_HRESASSERT(hRetRes); if (hRetRes!=S_OK) goto error; hRetRes = ReplaceStr(&m_szQuery, L"WARNING", bstrWarning); MY_HRESASSERT(hRetRes); if (hRetRes!=S_OK) goto error; hRetRes = ReplaceStr(&m_szQuery, L"INFORMATION", bstrInformation); MY_HRESASSERT(hRetRes); if (hRetRes!=S_OK) goto error; hRetRes = ReplaceStr(&m_szQuery, L"AUDIT SUCCESS", bstrAuditSuccess); MY_HRESASSERT(hRetRes); if (hRetRes!=S_OK) goto error; hRetRes = ReplaceStr(&m_szQuery, L"AUDIT FAILURE", bstrAuditFailure); MY_HRESASSERT(hRetRes); if (hRetRes!=S_OK) goto error;
wcsncpy(szQuery, m_szQuery, 4095); szQuery[4095] = '\0'; _wcsupr(szQuery); if (wcsstr(szQuery, L"INSTANCECREATIONEVENT") || wcsstr(szQuery, L"CLASSCREATIONEVENT")) { m_bInstCreationQuery = TRUE; } else { m_bInstCreationQuery = FALSE; }
// Setup the event query
if (m_bEnabled==TRUE && m_bParentEnabled==TRUE) { Language = SysAllocString(L"WQL"); MY_ASSERT(Language); if (!Language) {hRetRes = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto error;} Query = SysAllocString(m_szQuery); MY_ASSERT(Query); if (!Query) {hRetRes = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto error;} hRetRes = 1; m_hResLast = 0; if (m_pIWbemServices != NULL) { m_pTempSink = new CTempConsumer(this); MY_ASSERT(m_pTempSink); if (!m_pTempSink) {hRetRes = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto error;} hRetRes = m_pIWbemServices->ExecNotificationQueryAsync( Language, Query, 0, m_pContext, m_pTempSink); m_hResLast = hRetRes; }
SysFreeString(Language); Language = NULL; SysFreeString(Query); Query = NULL;
TCHAR buf[256]; wsprintf(buf, L"BAD ExecNotificationQueryAsync: 0x%08x", hRetRes); MY_OUTPUT(buf, 4); if (hRetRes != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { if (m_pTempSink) { m_pTempSink->Release(); m_pTempSink = NULL; } } else { MY_OUTPUT(L"GOOD ExecNotificationQueryAsync", 4); } } m_startTick = GetTickCount(); m_lTryDelayTime = 120;
MY_OUTPUT(L"EXIT ***** CEventQueryDataCollector::LoadInstanceFromMOF...", 4); return S_OK;
error: MY_ASSERT(FALSE); if (PathToClass) SysFreeString(PathToClass); if (pClass) pClass->Release(); if (pQSet) pQSet->Release(); if (psa) SafeArrayUnaccessData(psa); if (Language) SysFreeString(Language); if (Query) SysFreeString(Query); m_bValidLoad = FALSE; Cleanup(FALSE); return hRetRes; }
// Event based data collectors work in a bit different manner than the polled data collectors.
// Specifically we collect all the instances as them come into the HandleTempEvent function,
// and then at the collection interval we evaluate each one in turn, serialy, so we
// end up with a state being what ever the last event was. We also only evaluate the Thresholds
// that are across CollectionErrorCode, CollectionInstanceCount, CollectionErrorDescription.
// We thus also only end up with potentially one single event after we evaluate all that came
// in. That one can be used with action sending.
// This also means that there is no such thing as multi-instance when it comes to Event
// based data collectors.
// We will keep that one last event around forever, as it represents the last thing we reveived,
// get rid rid of it if the user does a RESET.
// We get the events into a special holding vector, and transfer them over one at a time later,
// at the interval when we do the evaluation.
BOOL CEventQueryDataCollector::CollectInstance(void) { HRESULT hRetRes = S_OK; BSTR Language = NULL; BSTR Query = NULL; DWORD currTick;
MY_OUTPUT(L"ENTER ***** CEventQueryDataCollector::CollectInstance...", 1);
// Try and fix up queries that failed to register for some reason.
if (m_bEnabled==TRUE && m_bParentEnabled==TRUE && m_pIWbemServices!=NULL && m_hResLast!=0 && m_lTryDelayTime != -1) { // Do some time checking, to make a minute go by before try again in this case!
currTick = GetTickCount(); if ((m_lTryDelayTime*1000) < (currTick-m_startTick)) { m_lTryDelayTime = -1; Language = SysAllocString(L"WQL"); MY_ASSERT(Language); if (!Language) {hRetRes = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto error;} Query = SysAllocString(m_szQuery); MY_ASSERT(Query); if (!Query) {hRetRes = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto error;} m_pTempSink = new CTempConsumer(this); MY_ASSERT(m_pTempSink); if (!m_pTempSink) {hRetRes = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto error;} hRetRes = m_pIWbemServices->ExecNotificationQueryAsync( Language, Query, 0, m_pContext, m_pTempSink); m_hResLast = hRetRes;
SysFreeString(Language); Language = NULL; SysFreeString(Query); Query = NULL;
TCHAR buf[256]; wsprintf(buf, L"BAD ExecNotificationQueryAsync: 0x%08x", hRetRes); MY_OUTPUT(buf, 4); if (hRetRes != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { MY_HRESASSERT(hRetRes); if (m_pTempSink) { m_pTempSink->Release(); m_pTempSink = NULL; } } else { MY_OUTPUT(L"GOOD ExecNotificationQueryAsync", 4); } } }
if (m_pIWbemServices == NULL) { m_ulErrorCode = HMRES_BADWMI; GetLatestAgentError(HMRES_BADWMI, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); return FALSE; }
if (m_pTempSink == NULL) { m_ulErrorCode = m_hResLast; // GetLatestAgentError(HMRES_OBJECTNOTFOUND, m_szErrorDescription);
GetLatestWMIError(HMRES_OBJECTNOTFOUND, m_ulErrorCode, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); return FALSE; }
MY_OUTPUT(L"EXIT ***** CEventQueryDataCollector::CollectInstance...", 1); return TRUE;
error: MY_ASSERT(FALSE); if (Language) SysFreeString(Language); if (Query) SysFreeString(Query); m_bValidLoad = FALSE; Cleanup(FALSE); return hRetRes; }
BOOL CEventQueryDataCollector::HandleTempEvent(IWbemClassObject* pObj) { TCHAR szTemp[4096]; HRESULT hRes; SAFEARRAY *psaNames = NULL; BSTR PropName = NULL; VARIANT vDispatch; VARIANT v; IWbemClassObject* pTargetInstance = NULL; INSTSTRUCT inst; long lIntervalCountTemp; long lNumInstancesCollectedTemp; BOOL bEmbeddedEvent; HOLDINSTSTRUCT holdInst; VariantInit(&v); VariantInit(&vDispatch);
MY_OUTPUT(L"ENTER ***** CEventQueryDataCollector::HandleTempEvent...", 4);
if (m_bValidLoad == FALSE) return FALSE;
// We can't open ourselves up to an unlimited number of instances flooding in.
// Set the message error, and when we get to the collection interval it will be sent out
if (g_pSystem->m_lNumInstancesAccepted < m_lNumInstancesCollected) { if (m_ulErrorCode != HMRES_TOOMANYINSTS) { lIntervalCountTemp = m_lIntervalCount; lNumInstancesCollectedTemp = m_lNumInstancesCollected; ResetState(FALSE, FALSE); m_lIntervalCount = lIntervalCountTemp; m_lNumInstancesCollected = lNumInstancesCollectedTemp; } else { EnumDone(); } m_ulErrorCode = HMRES_TOOMANYINSTS; GetLatestAgentError(HMRES_TOOMANYINSTS, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); return TRUE; }
// Decide if this is an __InstanceXXXEvent. If it is grab the TargetInstance as the object
// to use, else we have what we need in pObj as it is.
VariantInit(&v); hRes = pObj->Get(L"__CLASS", 0L, &v, 0L, 0L);
MY_OUTPUT2(L"CEQ Unexpected Error: 0x%08x\n",hRes,4); MY_OUTPUT2(L"m_szGUID was=%s",m_szGUID,4); MY_HRESASSERT(hRes); VariantClear(&v); return TRUE; } wcsncpy(szTemp, V_BSTR(&v), 4095); szTemp[4095] = '\0'; _wcsupr(szTemp); if (wcsstr(szTemp, L"__INSTANCE") || wcsstr(szTemp, L"__CLASS")) { bEmbeddedEvent = TRUE; MY_OUTPUT(L"::HandleTempEvent -> Embedded event", 3); } else { bEmbeddedEvent = FALSE; m_bInstCreationQuery = TRUE; MY_OUTPUT(L"::HandleTempEvent -> NON Embedded event", 3); } VariantClear(&v);
if (bEmbeddedEvent == TRUE) { VariantInit(&vDispatch); if (wcsstr(szTemp, L"__INSTANCE")) hRes = pObj->Get(L"TargetInstance", 0L, &vDispatch, 0, 0); else if (wcsstr(szTemp, L"__CLASS")) hRes = pObj->Get(L"TargetClass", 0L, &vDispatch, 0, 0); else hRes = pObj->Get(L"TargetInstance", 0L, &vDispatch, 0, 0); hRes = GetWbemClassObject(&pTargetInstance, &vDispatch); } else { pTargetInstance = pObj; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { m_lNumInstancesCollected++;
holdInst.pEvent = NULL; hRes = pTargetInstance->Clone(&holdInst.pEvent); if (FAILED(hRes)) { MY_ASSERT(FALSE); } else { m_holdList.push_back(holdInst); }
if (bEmbeddedEvent == TRUE) { pTargetInstance->Release(); } } else { MY_HRESASSERT(hRes); MY_OUTPUT2(L"CEQ Unexpected Error: 0x%08x\n",hRes,4); MY_OUTPUT2(L"m_szGUID was=%s",m_szGUID,4); }
if (bEmbeddedEvent == TRUE) { VariantClear(&vDispatch); } m_ulErrorCode = 0;
MY_OUTPUT(L"EXIT ***** CEventQueryDataCollector::HandleTempEvent...", 4); return TRUE; }
BOOL CEventQueryDataCollector::CollectInstanceSemiSync(void) { MY_ASSERT(FALSE); return TRUE; }
BOOL CEventQueryDataCollector::EnumDone(void) { IWbemClassObject *pObj = NULL; BOOL bRetValue = TRUE; PNSTRUCT *ppn; INSTSTRUCT inst; INSTSTRUCT *pinst; int i, j, iSize, jSize; CThreshold *pThreshold; SAFEARRAY *psaNames = NULL; BSTR PropName = NULL; ACTUALINSTSTRUCT *pActualInst;
// If we got any new events in this collection interval, we can dump the old one.
if (m_holdList.size()) { //
// Now loop through and get rid of instances that are no longer around
iSize = m_pnList.size(); for (i = 0; i < iSize ; i++) { MY_ASSERT(i<m_pnList.size()); ppn = &m_pnList[i]; jSize = ppn->instList.size(); for (j = 0; j < jSize ; j++) { MY_ASSERT(j<ppn->instList.size()); pinst = &ppn->instList[j]; if (pinst->szCurrValue) delete [] pinst->szCurrValue; if (pinst->szInstanceID) delete [] pinst->szInstanceID; pinst->valList.clear(); } ppn->instList.clear(); }
// Also for all thresholds under this DataCollector
iSize = m_thresholdList.size(); for (i = 0; i < iSize ; i++) { MY_ASSERT(i<m_thresholdList.size()); pThreshold = m_thresholdList[i]; pThreshold->ClearInstList(); }
iSize = m_actualInstList.size(); for (i=0; i < iSize; i++) { MY_ASSERT(i<m_actualInstList.size()); pActualInst = &m_actualInstList[i]; if (pActualInst->szInstanceID) delete [] pActualInst->szInstanceID; if (pActualInst->pInst) { pActualInst->pInst->Release(); pActualInst->pInst = NULL; } } m_actualInstList.clear(); //XXXOnce again take common code and place it in the base class!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
return TRUE; }
BOOL CEventQueryDataCollector::CleanupSemiSync(void) { m_bKeepCollectingSemiSync = FALSE; m_lCollectionTimeOutCount = 0;
return TRUE; }
BOOL CEventQueryDataCollector::EvaluateThresholds(BOOL bIgnoreReset, BOOL bSkipStatndard, BOOL bSkipOthers, BOOL bDoThresholdSkipClean) { HRESULT hRes; LPTSTR pszID = NULL; TCHAR szID[32]; TCHAR szID2[32]; HOLDINSTSTRUCT *pHoldInst; int i, iSize; long lPrevState; long lNumberChanges = 0;
// Need to keep track of the overall prev state of the DC so that DG can roll up changes
lPrevState = m_lCurrState;
// Feed each temp event in one at a time from the special holding vector
iSize = m_holdList.size(); if (iSize > 0) { wcscpy(m_szDTCollectTime, m_szDTCurrTime); wcscpy(m_szCollectTime, m_szCurrTime); } //XXXIs this risky???We do not need to do anything because we did not receive any events!!!
// if (iSize==0)
// return TRUE;
for (i=0; i<iSize; i++) { m_lPrevState = m_lCurrState; m_lNumberChanges = 0; // m_ulErrorCode = 0;
// m_szErrorDescription[0] = '\0';
MY_ASSERT(i<m_holdList.size()); pHoldInst = &m_holdList[i]; MY_ASSERT(pHoldInst->pEvent);
// Figure out the key property name to identify instances with.
if (m_bInstCreationQuery == TRUE) { wsprintf(szID, L"(%5d)", i); } else { hRes = GetInstanceID(pHoldInst->pEvent, &pszID); if (hRes != S_OK) { m_ulErrorCode = hRes; GetLatestWMIError(HMRES_OBJECTNOTFOUND, hRes, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); EnumDone(); return FALSE; } wsprintf(szID2, L"%s(%5d)", pszID, i); wcscpy(szID, szID2); delete [] pszID; }
// Mark instances need to keep around, and add new ones
hRes = CheckInstanceExistance(pHoldInst->pEvent, szID); if (hRes != S_OK) { m_ulErrorCode = hRes; GetLatestWMIError(HMRES_OBJECTNOTFOUND, hRes, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); EnumDone(); return FALSE; }
StoreValues(pHoldInst->pEvent, szID);
CDataCollector::EvaluateThresholds(bIgnoreReset, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE); SendEvents(); lNumberChanges += m_lNumberChanges;
if (pHoldInst->pEvent) { pHoldInst->pEvent->Release(); pHoldInst->pEvent = NULL; }
// Keep clearing out the event info, unless it is the last one, which we
// want to keep around, as it represents the final state.
if (i < iSize-1) { EnumDone(); } } m_holdList.clear();
// Need to be able to independantly send out events for standard property violations
m_lPrevState = lPrevState; m_lCurrState = lPrevState; m_lNumberChanges = 0; // m_ulErrorCode = 0;
// m_szErrorDescription[0] = '\0';
StoreStandardProperties(); CDataCollector::EvaluateThresholds(bIgnoreReset, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); SendEvents(); lNumberChanges += m_lNumberChanges; FireStatisticsEvent();
// Need to keep track of the overall prev state of the DC so that DG can roll up changes
m_lPrevState = lPrevState; m_lNumberChanges = lNumberChanges;
return TRUE; }
BOOL CEventQueryDataCollector::SetParentEnabledFlag(BOOL bEnabled) { BSTR Language = NULL; BSTR Query = NULL; HRESULT hRetRes = S_OK;
m_lNumInstancesCollected = 0;
if (m_pTempSink) { m_pIWbemServices->CancelAsyncCall((IWbemObjectSink*)m_pTempSink); m_pTempSink->Release(); m_pTempSink = NULL; }
// Setup the event query
if (m_bEnabled==TRUE && m_bParentEnabled==TRUE) { Language = SysAllocString(L"WQL"); MY_ASSERT(Language); if (!Language) {hRetRes = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto error;} Query = SysAllocString(m_szQuery); MY_ASSERT(Query); if (!Query) {hRetRes = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto error;} hRetRes = 1; m_hResLast = 0; if (m_pIWbemServices != NULL) { m_pTempSink = new CTempConsumer(this); MY_ASSERT(m_pTempSink); if (!m_pTempSink) {hRetRes = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto error;} hRetRes = m_pIWbemServices->ExecNotificationQueryAsync( Language, Query, 0, m_pContext, m_pTempSink); m_hResLast = hRetRes; }
SysFreeString(Language); Language = NULL; SysFreeString(Query); Query = NULL;
TCHAR buf[256]; wsprintf(buf, L"BAD ExecNotificationQueryAsync: 0x%08x", hRetRes); MY_OUTPUT(buf, 4); if (hRetRes != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { if (m_pTempSink) { m_pTempSink->Release(); m_pTempSink = NULL; } } else { MY_OUTPUT(L"GOOD ExecNotificationQueryAsync", 4); } } m_startTick = GetTickCount(); m_lTryDelayTime = 120;
return TRUE;
error: MY_ASSERT(FALSE); if (Language) SysFreeString(Language); if (Query) SysFreeString(Query); m_bValidLoad = FALSE; Cleanup(FALSE); return hRetRes; }