// MsgHook.cpp: implementation of the CMsgHook class.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MsgHook.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// This trick is used so the hook map isn't
// instantiated until someone actually requests it.
#define theHookMap (CMsgHookMap::GetHookMap())
// Construction/Destruction
CMsgHook::CMsgHook() { m_pNext = NULL; m_pOldWndProc = NULL; m_pWndHooked = NULL; }
CMsgHook::~CMsgHook() { ASSERT(m_pWndHooked == NULL); // can't destroy while still hooked!
ASSERT(m_pOldWndProc == NULL); }
// Hook a window.
// This installs a new window proc that directs messages to the CMsgHook.
// pWnd=NULL to remove.
BOOL CMsgHook::HookWindow(CWnd* pWnd) { if (pWnd) { // Hook the window
ASSERT(m_pWndHooked == NULL); HWND hwnd = pWnd->m_hWnd; ASSERT(hwnd && ::IsWindow(hwnd)); theHookMap.Add(hwnd, this); // Add to map of hooks
} else { // Unhook the window
ASSERT(m_pWndHooked!=NULL); theHookMap.Remove(this); // Remove from map
m_pOldWndProc = NULL; } m_pWndHooked = pWnd; return TRUE; }
// Window proc-like virtual function which specific CMsgHooks will
// override to do stuff. Default passes the message to the next hook;
// the last hook passes the message to the original window.
// You MUST call this at the end of your WindowProc if you want the real
// window to get the message. This is just like CWnd::WindowProc, except that
// a CMsgHook is not a window.
LRESULT CMsgHook::WindowProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { ASSERT(m_pOldWndProc); return m_pNext ? m_pNext->WindowProc(msg, wp, lp) : ::CallWindowProc(m_pOldWndProc, m_pWndHooked->m_hWnd, msg, wp, lp); }
// Like calling base class WindowProc, but with no args, so individual
// message handlers can do the default thing. Like CWnd::Default
LRESULT CMsgHook::Default() { // MFC stores current MSG in thread state
MSG& curMsg = AfxGetThreadState()->m_lastSentMsg; // Note: must explicitly call CMsgHook::WindowProc to avoid infinte
// recursion on virtual function
return CMsgHook::WindowProc(curMsg.message, curMsg.wParam, curMsg.lParam); }
// Subclassed window proc for message hooks. Replaces AfxWndProc (or whatever
// else was there before.)
LRESULT CALLBACK HookWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { #ifdef _USRDLL
// If this is a DLL, need to set up MFC state
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); #endif
// Set up MFC message state just in case anyone wants it
// This is just like AfxCallWindowProc, but we can't use that because
// a CMsgHook is not a CWnd.
MSG& curMsg = AfxGetThreadState()->m_lastSentMsg; MSG oldMsg = curMsg; // save for nesting
curMsg.hwnd = hwnd; curMsg.message = msg; curMsg.wParam = wp; curMsg.lParam = lp;
// Get hook object for this window. Get from hook map
CMsgHook* pMsgHook = theHookMap.Lookup(hwnd); ASSERT(pMsgHook);
LRESULT lr; if (msg==WM_NCDESTROY) { // Window is being destroyed: unhook all hooks (for this window)
// and pass msg to orginal window proc
WNDPROC wndproc = pMsgHook->m_pOldWndProc; theHookMap.RemoveAll(hwnd); lr = ::CallWindowProc(wndproc, hwnd, msg, wp, lp);
} else { // pass to msg hook
lr = pMsgHook->WindowProc(msg, wp, lp); } curMsg = oldMsg; // pop state
return lr; }
// CMsgHookMap implementation
CMsgHookMap::CMsgHookMap() { }
CMsgHookMap::~CMsgHookMap() { ASSERT(IsEmpty()); // all hooks should be removed!
// Get the one and only global hook map
CMsgHookMap& CMsgHookMap::GetHookMap() { // By creating theMap here, C++ doesn't instantiate it until/unless
// it's ever used! This is a good trick to use in C++, to
// instantiate/initialize a static object the first time it's used.
static CMsgHookMap theMap; return theMap; }
// Add hook to map; i.e., associate hook with window
void CMsgHookMap::Add(HWND hwnd, CMsgHook* pMsgHook) { ASSERT(hwnd && ::IsWindow(hwnd));
// Add to front of list
pMsgHook->m_pNext = Lookup(hwnd); SetAt(hwnd, pMsgHook); if( pMsgHook->m_pNext == NULL ) { // If this is the first hook added, subclass the window
pMsgHook->m_pOldWndProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)HookWndProc);
} else { // just copy wndproc from next hook
pMsgHook->m_pOldWndProc = pMsgHook->m_pNext->m_pOldWndProc; } ASSERT(pMsgHook->m_pOldWndProc); }
// Remove hook from map
void CMsgHookMap::Remove(CMsgHook* pUnHook) { HWND hwnd = pUnHook->m_pWndHooked->GetSafeHwnd(); ASSERT(hwnd && ::IsWindow(hwnd));
CMsgHook* pHook = Lookup(hwnd); ASSERT(pHook); if( pHook == pUnHook ) { // hook to remove is the one in the hash table: replace w/next
if( pHook->m_pNext ) { SetAt(hwnd, pHook->m_pNext); } else { // This is the last hook for this window: restore wnd proc
RemoveKey(hwnd); SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)pHook->m_pOldWndProc); } } else { // Hook to remove is in the middle: just remove from linked list
while (pHook->m_pNext!=pUnHook) pHook = pHook->m_pNext; ASSERT(pHook && pHook->m_pNext==pUnHook); pHook->m_pNext = pUnHook->m_pNext; } }
// Remove all the hooks for a window
void CMsgHookMap::RemoveAll(HWND hwnd) { CMsgHook* pMsgHook; while ((pMsgHook = Lookup(hwnd))!=NULL) pMsgHook->HookWindow(NULL); // (unhook)
// Find first hook associate with window
CMsgHook* CMsgHookMap::Lookup(HWND hwnd) { CMsgHook* pFound = NULL; if( ! CMapPtrToPtr::Lookup(hwnd,(void*&)pFound) ) return NULL; ASSERT_KINDOF(CMsgHook, pFound); return pFound; }