// ScopePaneItem.cpp : implementation file
// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
// 03/29/00 v-marfin 62478 : Set help topic based on type of object
// 03/30/00 v-marfin 59644 : Modified prototype of InvokeContextMenu
// to allow passing to selected item count. Only allow
// third party menu item (for Troubleshooting) if only 1
// item is selected.
// 04/02/00 v-marfin 59643b On creation of new items, show details page first.
// 04/05/00 v-marfin 62962 Show "details" page on a new creation unless it is
// a new data group in which case show General first.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "snapin.h"
#include "ScopePaneItem.h"
#include "ScopePane.h"
#include "RootScopeItem.h"
#include "AllSystemsScopeItem.h"
#include "SystemScopeItem.h"
#include "ActionPolicyScopeItem.h"
#include "DataGroupScopeItem.h"
#include "DataElementScopeItem.h"
#include "RuleScopeItem.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CScopePaneItem
// Construction/Destruction
CScopePaneItem::CScopePaneItem() { EnableAutomation();
m_pScopePane = NULL; m_pParent = NULL; m_pResultsPaneView = NULL; m_hItemHandle = NULL; m_lpguidItemType = NULL; m_iCurrentIconIndex = -1; m_iCurrentOpenIconIndex = -1; m_bVisible = true;
// To keep the application running as long as an OLE automation
// object is active, the constructor calls AfxOleLockApp.
AfxOleLockApp(); }
CScopePaneItem::~CScopePaneItem() { Destroy();
// To terminate the application when all objects created with
// with OLE automation, the destructor calls AfxOleUnlockApp.
AfxOleUnlockApp(); }
// Create/Destroy
bool CScopePaneItem::Create(CScopePane* pScopePane, CScopePaneItem* pParentItem) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::Create\n")); TRACEARGn(pScopePane); TRACEARGn(pParentItem);
if( ! GfxCheckObjPtr(pScopePane,CScopePane) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : pScopePane is not a valid pointer.\n")); return false; }
if( pParentItem == NULL ) { TRACE(_T("WARNING : pParentItem is a NULL pointer. This is acceptable for the root node only.\n")); } else if( ! GfxCheckObjPtr(pParentItem,CScopePaneItem) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : pParentItem is not a valid pointer.\n")); return false; }
// create the results view
m_pResultsPaneView = CreateResultsPaneView();
if( ! GfxCheckObjPtr(m_pResultsPaneView,CResultsPaneView) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : CResultsPaneView::CreateResultsPane returned an invalid pointer.\n")); return false; }
if( ! m_pResultsPaneView->Create(this) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : CResultsPaneView::Create failed.\n")); return false; }
m_bVisible = true;
return true; }
void CScopePaneItem::Destroy() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::Destroy\n"));
if( m_pScopePane == NULL && m_Children.GetSize() == 0 && m_pResultsPaneView == NULL ) { TRACE(_T("INFO : Destroy has already been called for this item.\n")); return; }
// remove all children from our data structure
for( int i=0; i < m_Children.GetSize(); i++ ) { m_Children[i]->Destroy(); delete m_Children[i]; }
if( m_pResultsPaneView ) { delete m_pResultsPaneView; m_pResultsPaneView = NULL; }
m_pScopePane = NULL; m_pParent = NULL; m_hItemHandle = NULL; m_lpguidItemType = NULL; m_iCurrentIconIndex = -1; m_iCurrentOpenIconIndex = -1; m_saDisplayNames.RemoveAll(); m_IconResIds.RemoveAll(); m_OpenIconResIds.RemoveAll(); m_sHelpTopic.Empty(); m_bVisible = true; }
// Scope Pane Members
// v-marfin 59237 :
// Within this data elements scope, return a unique name if the current name is already used
CString CScopePaneItem::GetUniqueDisplayName(CString sProposedName) { int nSize = GetChildCount();
// if no entries, use proposed
if (nSize < 1) { return sProposedName; }
CString sName = sProposedName; CString sCompare; int nSuffix=0;
BOOL bContinue=TRUE; while (bContinue) { BOOL bNameAlreadyInUse=FALSE;
// scan existing display names
for (int x=0; x<nSize; x++) { // Is name already in use?
CScopePaneItem* pItem = GetChild(x); if (!pItem) continue;
sCompare = pItem->GetDisplayName(); if (sCompare.CompareNoCase(sName)==0) { sName.Format(_T("%s %d"),sProposedName,nSuffix++); bNameAlreadyInUse=TRUE; break; } }
if (bNameAlreadyInUse) continue; else break; }
return sName; }
CScopePane* CScopePaneItem::GetScopePane() const { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::GetScopePane\n"));
if( ! GfxCheckObjPtr(m_pScopePane,CScopePane) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : m_pScopePane is not a valid pointer.\n")); return NULL; }
return m_pScopePane; }
void CScopePaneItem::SetScopePane(CScopePane* pScopePane) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::SetScopePane\n")); TRACEARGn(pScopePane);
if( ! GfxCheckObjPtr(pScopePane,CScopePane) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : pScopePane is not a valid pointer.\n")); return; }
m_pScopePane = pScopePane; }
// Parent Scope Item Members
CScopePaneItem* CScopePaneItem::GetParent() const { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::GetParent\n"));
if( !m_pParent || ! GfxCheckObjPtr(m_pParent,CScopePaneItem) ) { TRACE(_T("WARNING : m_pParent is not a valid pointer.\n")); return NULL; }
return m_pParent; }
void CScopePaneItem::SetParent(CScopePaneItem* pParentItem) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::SetParent\n")); TRACEARGn(pParentItem);
if( pParentItem == NULL ) { TRACE(_T("WARNING : pParentItem is NULL. This should only happen for the root node, which has no parent.\n")); } else if( ! GfxCheckObjPtr(pParentItem,CScopePaneItem) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : pParentItem is not a valid pointer.\n")); m_pParent = NULL; return; }
m_pParent = pParentItem; }
// Child Scope Item Members
int CScopePaneItem::GetChildCount() const { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::GetChildCount\n"));
return (int)m_Children.GetSize(); }
CScopePaneItem* CScopePaneItem::GetChild(int iIndex) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::GetChild\n")); TRACEARGn(iIndex);
if( iIndex >= m_Children.GetSize() || iIndex < 0 ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : iIndex is out of array bounds.\n")); return NULL; }
return m_Children[iIndex]; }
int CScopePaneItem::AddChild(CScopePaneItem* pChildItem) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::AddChild\n")); TRACEARGn(pChildItem);
if( ! GfxCheckObjPtr(pChildItem,CScopePaneItem) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : pChildItem is not a valid pointer.\n")); return -1; }
for( int i = 0; i < m_Children.GetSize(); i++ ) { if( pChildItem->GetDisplayName().CompareNoCase(m_Children[i]->GetDisplayName()) < 0 ) { m_Children.InsertAt(i,pChildItem); return i; } }
return (int)m_Children.Add(pChildItem); }
void CScopePaneItem::RemoveChild(int iIndex) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::RemoveChild\n")); TRACEARGn(iIndex);
if( iIndex >= m_Children.GetSize() || iIndex < 0 ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : iIndex is out of array bounds.\n")); return; }
m_Children.RemoveAt(iIndex); }
void CScopePaneItem::RemoveChild(CScopePaneItem* pChildItem) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::RemoveChild\n")); TRACEARGn(pChildItem);
if( ! GfxCheckObjPtr(pChildItem,CScopePaneItem) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : pChildItem is not a valid pointer.\n")); return; }
for( int i = 0; i < m_Children.GetSize(); i++ ) { if( m_Children[i] == pChildItem ) { RemoveChild(i); return; } } }
void CScopePaneItem::DestroyChild(CScopePaneItem* pChild) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::DestroyChild\n")); TRACEARGn(pChild);
if( ! GfxCheckObjPtr(pChild,CScopePaneItem) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : pChild is not a valid pointer.\n")); return; }
for( int i = 0; i < m_Children.GetSize(); i++ ) { if( m_Children[i] == pChild ) { RemoveChild(i); delete pChild; return; } } }
int CScopePaneItem::FindChild(SPIFINDPROC pFindProc, LPARAM param) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::FindChild\n")); TRACEARGn(pFindProc);
if( ! GfxCheckPtr(pFindProc,SPIFINPROC) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : pFindProc is not a valid function pointer.\n")); return -1; }
return pFindProc(m_Children,param); }
// Results Pane View Members
CResultsPaneView* CScopePaneItem::CreateResultsPaneView() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::CreateResultsPaneView\n"));
return new CResultsPaneView; }
CResultsPaneView* CScopePaneItem::GetResultsPaneView()const { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::GetResultsPaneView\n"));
if( ! GfxCheckObjPtr(m_pResultsPaneView,CResultsPaneView) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : m_pResultsPaneView is not a valid pointer.\n")); return NULL; }
return m_pResultsPaneView; }
// MMC-Related Item Members
bool CScopePaneItem::InsertItem( int iIndex ) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::InsertItem\n"));
if( ! GetScopePane() ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : m_pScopePane is not a valid pointer.\n")); return false; }
if( ! GetParent() ) { TRACE(_T("WARNING : m_pParent is not a valid pointer. This could be the root item.\n")); return false; }
if( m_pParent->GetItemHandle() == NULL ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : Parent's item handle is NULL!\n")); return false; }
if( GetItemHandle() != NULL ) { TRACE(_T("WARNING : Item already inserted.\n")); return false; }
if( iIndex > 0 ) { CScopePaneItem* pSiblingItem = m_pParent->GetChild(iIndex-1); sdi.mask = SDI_STR | SDI_PARAM | SDI_IMAGE | SDI_OPENIMAGE | SDI_PREVIOUS; sdi.relativeID = pSiblingItem->GetItemHandle(); } else { sdi.mask = SDI_STR | SDI_PARAM | SDI_IMAGE | SDI_OPENIMAGE | SDI_PARENT; sdi.relativeID = m_pParent->GetItemHandle(); }
sdi.nImage = m_pScopePane->AddIcon(GetIconId()); sdi.nOpenImage = m_pScopePane->AddIcon(GetOpenIconId()); sdi.displayname = MMC_CALLBACK; sdi.lParam = (LPARAM)this; // The cookie is the this pointer
LPCONSOLENAMESPACE2 lpNamespace = m_pScopePane->GetConsoleNamespacePtr();
if( ! GfxCheckPtr(lpNamespace,IConsoleNameSpace2) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : lpNamespace is not a valid pointer.\n")); return false; }
HRESULT hr = lpNamespace->InsertItem( &sdi );
if( hr != S_OK ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : IConsoleNameSpace2::InsertItem failed.\n")); TRACE(_T("FAILED : HRESULT=%X\n"),hr); }
// save off the ID
m_hItemHandle = sdi.ID;
return true; }
bool CScopePaneItem::DeleteItem() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::DeleteItem\n"));
// this function deletes the item and all its children from the mmc namespace ONLY
// call Destroy to completely remove this item from MMC and the framework
if( ! GetScopePane() ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : m_pScopePane is not a valid pointer.\n")); return false; }
if( ! GetItemHandle() ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : GetItemHandle returns NULL.\n")); return false; }
if( IsPropertySheetOpen() ) { return false; }
LPCONSOLENAMESPACE2 lpConsoleNamespace = m_pScopePane->GetConsoleNamespacePtr(); if( ! GfxCheckPtr(lpConsoleNamespace,IConsoleNamespace2) ) { TRACE(_T("WARNING : lpConsoleNamespace is not a valid pointer.\n")); return false; }
lpConsoleNamespace->DeleteItem(GetItemHandle(),TRUE); lpConsoleNamespace->Release(); m_hItemHandle = NULL;
return true; }
bool CScopePaneItem::SetItem() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::SetItem\n"));
if( GetItemHandle() == NULL ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : Item handle is NULL!\n")); return false; }
if( GetScopePane() == NULL ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : m_pScopePane is not a valid pointer.\n")); return false; }
LPCONSOLENAMESPACE2 lpNamespace = m_pScopePane->GetConsoleNamespacePtr();
if( ! GfxCheckPtr(lpNamespace,IConsoleNameSpace2) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : lpNamespace is not a valid pointer.\n")); return false; }
SCOPEDATAITEM sdi; ZeroMemory(&sdi,sizeof(sdi));
sdi.mask = SDI_PARAM | // lParam is valid
SDI_IMAGE | // nImage is valid
SDI_OPENIMAGE; // nOpenImage is valid
sdi.nImage = m_pScopePane->GetIconIndex(GetIconId()); sdi.nOpenImage = m_pScopePane->GetIconIndex(GetOpenIconId()); sdi.lParam = (LPARAM)this; // The cookie is the this pointer
sdi.ID = GetItemHandle();
HRESULT hr = lpNamespace->SetItem( &sdi );
if( ! CHECKHRESULT(hr) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : IConsoleNameSpace2::SetItem failed.\n")); lpNamespace->Release(); return false; }
return true; }
void CScopePaneItem::SelectItem() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::SelectItem\n"));
CScopePane* pPane = GetScopePane(); LPCONSOLE2 lpConsole = pPane->GetConsolePtr(); lpConsole->SelectScopeItem(GetItemHandle()); lpConsole->Release(); }
void CScopePaneItem::ExpandItem(BOOL bExpand /* = TRUE*/) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::ExpandItem\n"));
CScopePane* pPane = GetScopePane(); for( int i = 0; i < pPane->GetResultsPaneCount(); i++ ) { LPCONSOLE2 lpConsole = pPane->GetResultsPane(i)->GetConsolePtr(); HRESULT hr = lpConsole->Expand(GetItemHandle(),bExpand); CHECKHRESULT(hr); lpConsole->Release(); } }
void CScopePaneItem::SortItems() { if( m_Children.GetSize() == 1 ) return;
bool bSorted = false;
bool bDirty = false; while( !bSorted ) { bSorted = true; for( int i = 0; i < m_Children.GetSize()-1; i++ ) { CScopePaneItem* pItem1 = m_Children[i]; CScopePaneItem* pItem2 = m_Children[i+1]; TRACE(_T("%s > %s\n"),pItem1->GetDisplayName(),pItem2->GetDisplayName()); if( pItem1->GetDisplayName().CompareNoCase(pItem2->GetDisplayName()) > 0 ) { TRACE(_T("Swapping %s with %s.\n"),pItem1->GetDisplayName(),pItem2->GetDisplayName()); m_Children.SetAt(i,pItem2); m_Children.SetAt(i+1,pItem1); bSorted = false; bDirty = true; } } } /*
if( bDirty ) { LPCONSOLENAMESPACE2 lpNamespace = GetScopePane()->GetConsoleNamespacePtr(); for( int i = 0; i < m_Children.GetSize(); i++ ) { lpNamespace->DeleteItem(m_Children[i]->GetItemHandle(),1L); m_Children[i]->InsertItem(i); } lpNamespace->Release(); } */ }
void CScopePaneItem::ShowItem() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::ShowItem\n"));
if( m_bVisible ) { TRACE(_T("WARNING : Item is already visible.\n")); return; }
if( ! InsertItem(0) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : InsertItem failed.\n")); return; }
m_bVisible = true; }
void CScopePaneItem::HideItem() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::HideItem\n"));
if( !m_bVisible ) { TRACE(_T("WARNING : Item is already hidden.\n")); return; }
if( ! DeleteItem() ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : DeleteItem failed.\n")); }
m_bVisible = false; }
bool CScopePaneItem::IsItemVisible() const { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::IsItemVisible\n"));
return m_bVisible; }
HSCOPEITEM CScopePaneItem::GetItemHandle() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::GetItemHandle\n"));
return m_hItemHandle; }
void CScopePaneItem::SetItemHandle(HSCOPEITEM hItem) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::SetItemHandle\n")); TRACEARGn(hItem);
m_hItemHandle = hItem; }
LPGUID CScopePaneItem::GetItemType() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::GetItemType\n"));
if( ! GfxCheckPtr(m_lpguidItemType,GUID) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : m_lpguidItemType is an invalid pointer.\n")); return NULL; }
return m_lpguidItemType; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::WriteExtensionData(LPSTREAM pStream) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::WriteExtensionData\n")); TRACEARGn(pStream);
return S_OK; }
// Display Name Members
CString CScopePaneItem::GetDisplayName(int nIndex /*= 0*/) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::GetDisplayName\n")); TRACEARGn(nIndex);
if( nIndex >= m_saDisplayNames.GetSize() || nIndex < 0 ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : nIndex is out of array bounds.\n")); return _T(""); } return m_saDisplayNames[nIndex]; }
CStringArray& CScopePaneItem::GetDisplayNames() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::GetDisplayNames\n"));
return m_saDisplayNames; }
void CScopePaneItem::SetDisplayName(int nIndex, const CString& sName) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::SetDisplayName\n")); TRACEARGn(nIndex);
if( nIndex >= m_saDisplayNames.GetSize() || nIndex < 0 ) { TRACE(_T("WARNING : nIndex is out of array bounds. The string will be added to Display Names.\n")); m_saDisplayNames.InsertAt(nIndex,sName); return; }
void CScopePaneItem::SetDisplayNames(const CStringArray& saNames) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::SetDisplayNames\n")); TRACEARGn(saNames.GetSize());
m_saDisplayNames.Copy(saNames); }
// Icon Members
void CScopePaneItem::SetIconIndex(int iIndex) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::SetIconIndex\n")); TRACEARGn(iIndex);
if( iIndex >= m_IconResIds.GetSize() || iIndex < 0 ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : iIndex is out of array bounds.\n")); return; }
m_iCurrentIconIndex = iIndex; }
int CScopePaneItem::GetIconIndex() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::GetIconIndex\n"));
if( m_iCurrentIconIndex >= m_IconResIds.GetSize() || m_iCurrentIconIndex < 0 ) { TRACE(_T("WARNING : m_iCurrentIconIndex is out of array bounds.\n")); return -1; }
return m_iCurrentIconIndex;
UINT CScopePaneItem::GetIconId() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::GetIconId\n"));
if( GetIconIndex() == -1 ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : m_iCurrentIconIndex is out of array bounds.\n")); return 0; }
return m_IconResIds[GetIconIndex()]; }
CUIntArray& CScopePaneItem::GetIconIds() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::GetIconId\n"));
return m_IconResIds; }
void CScopePaneItem::SetOpenIconIndex(int iIndex) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::SetOpenIconIndex\n")); TRACEARGn(iIndex);
if( iIndex >= m_OpenIconResIds.GetSize() || iIndex < 0 ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : iIndex is out of array bounds.\n")); return; }
m_iCurrentOpenIconIndex = iIndex; }
int CScopePaneItem::GetOpenIconIndex() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::GetOpenIconIndex\n"));
if( m_iCurrentOpenIconIndex >= m_OpenIconResIds.GetSize() || m_iCurrentOpenIconIndex < 0 ) { TRACE(_T("WARNING : m_iCurrentOpenIconIndex is out of array bounds.\n")); return -1; }
return m_iCurrentOpenIconIndex; }
UINT CScopePaneItem::GetOpenIconId() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::GetOpenIconId\n"));
if( GetOpenIconIndex() == -1 ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : m_iCurrentOpenIconIndex is out of array bounds.\n")); return 0; }
return m_OpenIconResIds[GetOpenIconIndex()]; }
// Property Sheet Members
bool CScopePaneItem::IsPropertySheetOpen(bool bSearchChildren /*=false*/) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::IsPropertySheetOpen\n"));
// this function attempts to bring up an open property sheet for this scope item
// if it succeeds, then the property sheet is brought to the foreground
// if it fails, then there are no open property sheets for the scope item
if( ! GetScopePane() ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : m_pScopePane is not a valid pointer.\n")); return false; }
LPCONSOLE2 lpConsole = m_pScopePane->GetConsolePtr();
if( ! GfxCheckPtr(lpConsole,IConsole2) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : lpConsole is not a valid pointer.\n")); return false; }
// get a reference to the IPropertySheetProvider interface
HRESULT hr = lpConsole->QueryInterface(IID_IPropertySheetProvider,(LPVOID*)&lpProvider);
if( ! CHECKHRESULT(hr) ) { TRACE(_T("IConsole2::QueryInterface failed.\n")); lpConsole->Release(); return FALSE; }
// create an IDataObject for this scope item
CSnapinDataObject* pdoNew = NULL; pdoNew = new CSnapinDataObject;
if( ! GfxCheckObjPtr(pdoNew,CSnapinDataObject) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : Out of memory.\n")); lpProvider->Release(); lpConsole->Release(); return false; }
LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject = (LPDATAOBJECT)pdoNew->GetInterface(&IID_IDataObject); ASSERT(lpDataObject); pdoNew->SetItem(this);
for( int i = 0; i < m_pScopePane->GetResultsPaneCount(); i++ ) { CResultsPane* pResultsPane = m_pScopePane->GetResultsPane(i); if( GfxCheckObjPtr(pResultsPane,CResultsPane) ) { LPCOMPONENT pComponent = (LPCOMPONENT)pResultsPane->GetInterface(&IID_IComponent); hr = lpProvider->FindPropertySheet(MMC_COOKIE(this),pComponent,lpDataObject); if( hr == S_OK ) break; } }
lpProvider->Release(); lpConsole->Release();
delete pdoNew;
if( hr == S_FALSE || ! CHECKHRESULT(hr) ) { TRACE(_T("INFO : No property sheets were open for this node.\n")); if( bSearchChildren ) // search children for open sheets if requested
{ for( int k = 0; k < GetChildCount(); k++ ) { if( GetChild(k) && GetChild(k)->IsPropertySheetOpen(true) ) { return true; } } } return false; } else { return true; }
return false; }
bool CScopePaneItem::InvokePropertySheet() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::InvokePropertySheet\n"));
// this function programmatically invokes a property sheet for a scope pane item
// see M. Maguire's doc on IAS snapin design for a detailed description on just what
// is going on here. I cannot claim this as my own. :-)
// first see if a property sheet for this item is open already
// if( IsPropertySheetOpen() )
// {
// return true;
// }
if( ! GetScopePane() ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : m_pScopePane is not a valid pointer.\n")); return false; }
LPCONSOLE2 lpConsole = m_pScopePane->GetConsolePtr();
if( ! GfxCheckPtr(lpConsole,IConsole2) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : lpConsole is not a valid pointer.\n")); return false; }
// get a reference to the IPropertySheetProvider interface
HRESULT hr = lpConsole->QueryInterface(IID_IPropertySheetProvider,(LPVOID*)&lpProvider);
if( ! CHECKHRESULT(hr) ) { TRACE(_T("IConsole2::QueryInterface failed.\n")); lpConsole->Release(); return FALSE; }
// create an IDataObject for this scope item
CSnapinDataObject* pdoNew = NULL; pdoNew = new CSnapinDataObject;
if( ! GfxCheckObjPtr(pdoNew,CSnapinDataObject) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : Out of memory.\n")); lpProvider->Release(); lpConsole->Release(); return false; }
LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject = (LPDATAOBJECT)pdoNew->GetInterface(&IID_IDataObject); ASSERT(lpDataObject); pdoNew->SetItem(this);
hr = lpProvider->CreatePropertySheet(GetDisplayName(),TRUE,MMC_COOKIE(this),lpDataObject,MMC_PSO_HASHELP);
if( ! CHECKHRESULT(hr) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : IPropertySheetProvider::CreatePropertySheet failed.\n")); lpProvider->Release(); lpConsole->Release();
delete pdoNew;
return false; }
HWND hWndNotification = NULL; HWND hWndMain = NULL;
hr = lpConsole->GetMainWindow(&hWndMain); if( ! CHECKHRESULT(hr) ) { // Release data allocated in CreatePropertySheet
lpProvider->Show( -1, 0); lpProvider->Release(); lpConsole->Release(); delete pdoNew;
return false; }
// Try to get the correct window that notifications should be sent to.
hWndNotification = FindWindowEx( hWndMain, NULL, _T("MDIClient"), NULL ); hWndNotification = FindWindowEx( hWndNotification, NULL, _T("MMCChildFrm"), NULL ); hWndNotification = FindWindowEx( hWndNotification, NULL, _T("MMCView"), NULL ); if( hWndNotification == NULL ) { // It was a nice try, but it failed, so we should be able to get by by using the main HWND.
hWndNotification = hWndMain; }
LPCOMPONENTDATA lpComponentData = (LPCOMPONENTDATA)m_pScopePane->GetInterface(&IID_IComponentData);
hr = lpProvider->AddPrimaryPages(lpComponentData,TRUE,hWndNotification,TRUE); if( ! CHECKHRESULT(hr) ) { // Release data allocated in CreatePropertySheet
lpProvider->Show(-1,0); lpProvider->Release(); lpConsole->Release();
delete pdoNew;
return false; }
hr = lpProvider->AddExtensionPages(); if( ! CHECKHRESULT(hr) ) { // ISSUE: Should I care if this fails?
TRACE(_T("WARNING : PROPERTYSHEETPROVIDER::AddExtensionPages failed.\n"));
// Release data allocated in CreatePropertySheet
// lpProvider->Show( -1, 0);
// lpProvider->Release();
// lpConsole->Release();
// delete pdoNew;
// return false;
// v-marfin : 62962 Show "details" page on a new creation
BOOL bIsNewDataGroup = this->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CDataGroupScopeItem)); int nShowPage = bIsNewDataGroup ? 0 : 1;
#ifndef IA64
hr = lpProvider->Show( (long) hWndMain, nShowPage); //59643b
#endif // IA64
if( ! CHECKHRESULT( hr ) ) { // Release data allocated in CreatePropertySheet
lpProvider->Show( -1, 0); lpProvider->Release(); lpConsole->Release();
delete pdoNew;
return false; }
lpProvider->Release(); lpConsole->Release(); lpDataObject->Release();
// delete pdoNew;
return true; }
// Context Menu Members
// v-marfin 59644 : Modified prototype to allow passing to selected item count.
// Only allow 3rd party menu item if ony 1 item is selected.
bool CScopePaneItem::InvokeContextMenu(const CPoint& pt, int iSelectedCount) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::InvokeContextMenu\n")); TRACEARGn(pt.x); TRACEARGn(pt.y);
if( ! GetScopePane() ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : m_pScopePane is not a valid pointer.\n")); return false; }
LPCONSOLE2 lpConsole = m_pScopePane->GetConsolePtr();
if( ! GfxCheckPtr(lpConsole,IConsole2) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : lpConsole is not a valid pointer.\n")); return false; }
// get a reference to the IContextMenuProvider interface
HRESULT hr = lpConsole->QueryInterface(IID_IContextMenuProvider,(LPVOID*)&lpProvider);
if( ! CHECKHRESULT(hr) ) { TRACE(_T("IConsole2::QueryInterface failed.\n")); lpConsole->Release(); return FALSE; }
// just in case
hr = lpProvider->EmptyMenuList();
// populate the menu
CONTEXTMENUITEM cmi; CString sResString; CString sResString2; ZeroMemory(&cmi,sizeof(CONTEXTMENUITEM));
// add the top insertion point
hr = lpProvider->AddItem(&cmi);
// add new menu and insertion point
sResString.LoadString(IDS_STRING_NEW); cmi.strName = LPTSTR(LPCTSTR(sResString)); sResString2.LoadString(IDS_STRING_NEW_DESCRIPTION); cmi.strStatusBarText = LPTSTR(LPCTSTR(sResString2)); cmi.lCommandID = CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_NEW; cmi.lInsertionPointID = CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP; cmi.fFlags = MF_POPUP; cmi.fSpecialFlags = CCM_SPECIAL_SUBMENU;
hr = lpProvider->AddItem(&cmi);
hr = lpProvider->AddItem(&cmi);
// add task menu and insertion point
sResString.LoadString(IDS_STRING_TASK); cmi.strName = LPTSTR(LPCTSTR(sResString)); sResString2.LoadString(IDS_STRING_TASK_DESCRIPTION); cmi.strStatusBarText = LPTSTR(LPCTSTR(sResString2)); cmi.lCommandID = CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TASK; cmi.lInsertionPointID = CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP; cmi.fFlags = MF_POPUP; cmi.fSpecialFlags = CCM_SPECIAL_SUBMENU;
hr = lpProvider->AddItem(&cmi);
hr = lpProvider->AddItem(&cmi);
// create an IDataObject for this scope item
CSnapinDataObject* pdoNew = NULL; pdoNew = new CSnapinDataObject;
if( ! GfxCheckObjPtr(pdoNew,CSnapinDataObject) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : Out of memory.\n")); lpProvider->Release(); lpConsole->Release(); return false; }
LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject = (LPDATAOBJECT)pdoNew->GetInterface(&IID_IDataObject); ASSERT(lpDataObject); pdoNew->SetItem(this);
LPUNKNOWN lpUnknown = (LPUNKNOWN)GetScopePane()->GetInterface(&IID_IExtendContextMenu); hr = lpProvider->AddPrimaryExtensionItems(lpUnknown,lpDataObject);
// v-marfin 59644 : Only allow 3rd party menu items if only 1 item is selected
// in the results pane view.
if (iSelectedCount == 1) { // add third party insertion points
hr = lpProvider->AddItem(&cmi);
hr = lpProvider->AddItem(&cmi);
hr = lpProvider->AddThirdPartyExtensionItems(lpDataObject); }
HWND hWndMain = NULL; hr = lpConsole->GetMainWindow(&hWndMain);
// Try to get the correct window that notifications should be sent to.
HWND hWndNotification = FindWindowEx( hWndMain, NULL, _T("MDIClient"), NULL ); hWndNotification = FindWindowEx( hWndNotification, NULL, _T("MMCChildFrm"), NULL ); hWndNotification = FindWindowEx( hWndNotification, NULL, _T("AfxFrameOrView42u"), NULL ); if( hWndNotification == NULL ) { // It was a nice try, but it failed, so we should be able to get by by using the main HWND.
hWndNotification = hWndMain; }
long lSelected = 0L; hr = lpProvider->ShowContextMenu(hWndNotification,pt.x,pt.y,&lSelected);
lpProvider->Release(); lpConsole->Release(); lpDataObject->Release();
return true; }
// Help Topic
CString CScopePaneItem::GetHelpTopic() const { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::GetHelpTopic\n"));
return m_sHelpTopic; }
void CScopePaneItem::SetHelpTopic(const CString& sTopic) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::SetHelpTopic\n")); TRACEARGs(sTopic);
if( sTopic.IsEmpty() ) { TRACE(_T("WARNING : sTopic is an empty string.\n")); }
m_sHelpTopic = sTopic; }
// Messaging Members
LRESULT CScopePaneItem::MsgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::MsgProc\n")); TRACEARGn(msg); TRACEARGn(wparam); TRACEARGn(lparam);
// propagate to all children
for( int i=0; i < m_Children.GetSize(); i++ ) { // stop if a return value of -1 is given
if( m_Children[i]->MsgProc(msg,wparam,lparam) == -1L ) { return -1L; } }
return 0L; }
// MMC Notify Handlers
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnActivate(BOOL bActivated) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnActivate\n")); TRACEARGn(bActivated);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnAddImages(CResultsPane* pPane) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnAddImages\n")); TRACEARGn(pPane);
if( ! GfxCheckObjPtr(pPane,CResultsPane) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : pPane is not a valid pointer to an object.\n")); return E_FAIL; }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnAddMenuItems(LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK piCallback,long __RPC_FAR *pInsertionAllowed) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnAddMenuItems\n")); TRACEARGn(piCallback); TRACEARGn(pInsertionAllowed);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnBtnClick(MMC_CONSOLE_VERB verb) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnBtnClick\n")); TRACEARGn(verb);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnCommand(long lCommandID) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnCommand\n")); TRACEARGn(lCommandID);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnContextHelp() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnContextHelp\n"));
if( GetScopePane() == NULL ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : m_pScopePane is not a valid pointer.\n")); return E_FAIL; }
// v-marfin 62478 : Set help topic based on type of object
if (GfxCheckObjPtr(this,CRootScopeItem)) // HealthMonitor level, top level
{ m_sHelpTopic = _T("HMon21.chm::/oroot.htm"); } else if (GfxCheckObjPtr(this,CAllSystemsScopeItem)) // All Monitored Computers
{ m_sHelpTopic = _T("HMon21.chm::/oallmon.htm"); } else if (GfxCheckObjPtr(this,CSystemScopeItem)) // Monitored Computer
{ m_sHelpTopic = _T("HMon21.chm::/ocomp.htm"); } else if (GfxCheckObjPtr(this,CActionPolicyScopeItem)) // Actions
{ m_sHelpTopic = _T("HMon21.chm::/oact.htm"); } else if (GfxCheckObjPtr(this,CDataGroupScopeItem)) // Data Group
{ m_sHelpTopic = _T("HMon21.chm::/odatagrp.htm"); } else if (GfxCheckObjPtr(this,CDataElementScopeItem)) // Data Collector
{ m_sHelpTopic = _T("HMon21.chm::/odatacol.htm"); } else if (GfxCheckObjPtr(this,CRuleScopeItem)) // Threshold
{ m_sHelpTopic = _T("HMon21.chm::/othreshold.htm"); }
if( m_sHelpTopic.IsEmpty() ) { return S_OK; }
LPCONSOLE2 lpConsole = m_pScopePane->GetConsolePtr();
if( ! GfxCheckPtr(lpConsole,IConsole2) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : lpConsole is not a valid pointer.\n")); return E_FAIL; }
IDisplayHelp* pidh = NULL; HRESULT hr = lpConsole->QueryInterface(IID_IDisplayHelp,(LPVOID*)&pidh);
ASSERT(pidh); if( pidh == NULL || ! CHECKHRESULT(hr) ) { TRACE(_T("Failed on IConsole2::QI(IID_IDisplayHelp).\n")); return hr; } LPOLESTR lpCompiledHelpFile = reinterpret_cast<LPOLESTR>(CoTaskMemAlloc((m_sHelpTopic.GetLength() + 1)* sizeof(TCHAR))); if( lpCompiledHelpFile == NULL ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : Out of memory.\n")); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
_tcscpy(lpCompiledHelpFile, (LPCTSTR)m_sHelpTopic); hr = pidh->ShowTopic(lpCompiledHelpFile);
pidh->Release(); lpConsole->Release();
return hr; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnCreatePropertyPages(LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, INT_PTR handle) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnCreatePropertyPages\n")); TRACEARGn(lpProvider); TRACEARGn(handle);
// return S_FALSE to indicate that no property pages will be created
return S_FALSE; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnCutOrMove() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnCutOrMove\n"));
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnDelete(BOOL bConfirm) // v-marfin 60298
{ TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnDelete\n"));
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnExpand(BOOL bExpand) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnExpand\n")); TRACEARGn(bExpand);
if( bExpand ) { // for each child call InsertItem to insert into namespace
for( int i=0; i < m_Children.GetSize(); i++ ) { if( ! m_Children[i]->InsertItem(i) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : CScopePaneItem::InsertItem failed.\n")); } } }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnGetDisplayInfo(int nColumnIndex, LPTSTR* ppString) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnGetDisplayInfo\n")); TRACEARGn(nColumnIndex); TRACEARGn(ppString);
if( nColumnIndex < 0 || nColumnIndex >= m_saDisplayNames.GetSize() ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : The column index is out of the display name array bounds")); return E_FAIL; }
*ppString = LPTSTR(LPCTSTR(GetDisplayName(nColumnIndex)));
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnGetResultViewType(CString& sViewType,long& lViewOptions) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnGetResultViewType\n")); TRACEARGs(sViewType); TRACEARGn(lViewOptions);
if( ! GetResultsPaneView() ) { return E_FAIL; }
return m_pResultsPaneView->OnGetResultViewType(sViewType,lViewOptions); }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnListpad(BOOL bAttachingListCtrl) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnListpad\n")); TRACEARGn(bAttachingListCtrl);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnMinimized(BOOL bMinimized) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnMinimized\n")); TRACEARGn(bMinimized);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnPaste(LPDATAOBJECT pSelectedItems, LPDATAOBJECT* ppCopiedItems) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnPaste\n")); TRACEARGn(pSelectedItems); TRACEARGn(ppCopiedItems);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnPropertyChange(LPARAM lParam) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnPropertyChange\n")); TRACEARGn(lParam);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnQueryPagesFor() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnQueryPagesFor\n"));
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnQueryPaste(LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnQueryPaste\n")); TRACEARGn(pDataObject);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnRefresh() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnRefresh\n"));
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnRemoveChildren() { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnRemoveChildren\n"));
for( int i = 0; i < GetChildCount(); i++ ) { CScopePaneItem* pItem = GetChild(i); if( pItem ) { if( ! pItem->DeleteItem() ) { TRACE(_T("WARNING : CScopePaneItem::DeleteItem returns false.\n")); } } }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnRename(const CString& sNewName) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnRename\n"));
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnRestoreView(MMC_RESTORE_VIEW* pRestoreView, BOOL* pbHandled) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnRestoreView\n")); TRACEARGn(pRestoreView); TRACEARGn(pbHandled);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnSelect(CResultsPane* pPane, BOOL bSelected) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnSelect\n")); TRACEARGn(pPane); TRACEARGn(bSelected);
if( ! GfxCheckObjPtr(pPane,CResultsPane) ) { return E_FAIL; }
LPCONSOLEVERB lpConsoleVerb = pPane->GetConsoleVerbPtr();
HRESULT hr = lpConsoleVerb->SetVerbState( MMC_VERB_REFRESH, ENABLED, TRUE ); if( ! CHECKHRESULT(hr) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : IConsoleVerb::SetVerbState failed.\n")); lpConsoleVerb->Release(); return hr; }
hr = lpConsoleVerb->SetDefaultVerb( MMC_VERB_OPEN ); if( ! CHECKHRESULT(hr) ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : IConsoleVerb::SetDefaultVerb failed.\n")); lpConsoleVerb->Release(); return hr; } lpConsoleVerb->Release();
return hr; }
HRESULT CScopePaneItem::OnShow(CResultsPane* pPane, BOOL bSelecting) { TRACEX(_T("CScopePaneItem::OnShow\n")); TRACEARGn(pPane); TRACEARGn(bSelecting);
// first we need to track scope item selected since MMC does not do this
CScopePane* pScopePane = GetScopePane();
if( ! pScopePane ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : CScopePaneItem::GetScopePane returns NULL pointer.\n")); return E_FAIL; }
if( ! bSelecting ) // we are being de-selected so tell the scope pane !
{ pScopePane->SetSelectedScopeItem(NULL); } else { pScopePane->SetSelectedScopeItem(this); }
if( ! GetResultsPaneView() ) { TRACE(_T("FAILED : m_pResultsPaneView is not a valid pointer.\n")); return E_FAIL; }
return m_pResultsPaneView->OnShow(pPane,bSelecting,GetItemHandle()); }
// MFC Operations
void CScopePaneItem::OnFinalRelease() { // When the last reference for an automation object is released
// OnFinalRelease is called. The base class will automatically
// deletes the object. Add additional cleanup required for your
// object before calling the base class.
CCmdTarget::OnFinalRelease(); }
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScopePaneItem, CCmdTarget) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScopePaneItem)
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
BEGIN_DISPATCH_MAP(CScopePaneItem, CCmdTarget) //{{AFX_DISPATCH_MAP(CScopePaneItem)
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
// Note: we add support for IID_IScopePaneItem to support typesafe binding
// from VBA. This IID must match the GUID that is attached to the
// dispinterface in the .ODL file.
// {7D4A6861-9056-11D2-BD45-0000F87A3912}
static const IID IID_IScopePaneItem = { 0x7d4a6861, 0x9056, 0x11d2, { 0xbd, 0x45, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0x7a, 0x39, 0x12 } };
BEGIN_INTERFACE_MAP(CScopePaneItem, CCmdTarget) INTERFACE_PART(CScopePaneItem, IID_IScopePaneItem, Dispatch) END_INTERFACE_MAP()
// {7D4A6862-9056-11D2-BD45-0000F87A3912}
IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE_EX(CScopePaneItem, "SnapIn.ScopePaneItem", 0x7d4a6862, 0x9056, 0x11d2, 0xbd, 0x45, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0x7a, 0x39, 0x12)
BOOL CScopePaneItem::CScopePaneItemFactory::UpdateRegistry(BOOL bRegister) { if (bRegister) return AfxOleRegisterServerClass(m_clsid, m_lpszProgID, m_lpszProgID, m_lpszProgID, OAT_DISPATCH_OBJECT); else return AfxOleUnregisterClass(m_clsid, m_lpszProgID); }
// CScopePaneItem message handlers