Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
#if !defined(AFX_SCOPEPANEITEM_H__7D4A6863_9056_11D2_BD45_0000F87A3912__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_SCOPEPANEITEM_H__7D4A6863_9056_11D2_BD45_0000F87A3912__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
// ScopePaneItem.h : header file
#include <mmc.h>
class CScopePane; class CResultsPaneView; class CScopePaneItem; class CResultsPane;
typedef CTypedPtrArray<CObArray,CScopePaneItem*> ScopePaneItemArray; typedef int (*SPIFINDPROC) (const ScopePaneItemArray& ScopeItems, LPARAM param);
// CScopePaneItem command target
class CScopePaneItem : public CCmdTarget {
// Construction/Destruction
public: CScopePaneItem(); virtual ~CScopePaneItem();
// Create/Destroy
public: virtual bool Create(CScopePane* pScopePane, CScopePaneItem* pParentItem); virtual void Destroy();
// Scope Pane Members
public: CScopePane* GetScopePane() const; void SetScopePane(CScopePane* pScopePane); protected: CScopePane* m_pScopePane;
// Parent Scope Item Members
public: CScopePaneItem* GetParent() const; void SetParent(CScopePaneItem* pParentItem);
// v-marfin 59237 : Display new data collectors with generated unique name
CString GetUniqueDisplayName(CString sProposedName);
protected: CScopePaneItem* m_pParent;
// Child Scope Item Members
public: int GetChildCount() const; CScopePaneItem* GetChild(int iIndex); int AddChild(CScopePaneItem* pChildItem); void RemoveChild(int iIndex); void RemoveChild(CScopePaneItem* pChildItem); void DestroyChild(CScopePaneItem* pChild); int FindChild(SPIFINDPROC pFindProc, LPARAM param); protected: ScopePaneItemArray m_Children;
// Results Pane View Members
public: virtual CResultsPaneView* CreateResultsPaneView(); CResultsPaneView* GetResultsPaneView()const; protected: CResultsPaneView* m_pResultsPaneView;
// MMC-Related Item Members
public: virtual bool InsertItem(int iIndex); virtual bool DeleteItem(); virtual bool SetItem(); void SelectItem(); void ExpandItem(BOOL bExpand = TRUE); void SortItems(); void ShowItem(); void HideItem(); bool IsItemVisible() const; HSCOPEITEM GetItemHandle(); void SetItemHandle(HSCOPEITEM hItem); LPGUID GetItemType(); virtual HRESULT WriteExtensionData(LPSTREAM pStream); protected: HSCOPEITEM m_hItemHandle; LPGUID m_lpguidItemType; bool m_bVisible;
// Display Name Members
public: CString GetDisplayName(int nIndex = 0); virtual CStringArray& GetDisplayNames(); void SetDisplayName(int nIndex, const CString& sName); void SetDisplayNames(const CStringArray& saNames); protected: CStringArray m_saDisplayNames;
// Icon Members
public: void SetIconIndex(int iIndex); int GetIconIndex(); UINT GetIconId(); CUIntArray& GetIconIds(); void SetOpenIconIndex(int iIndex); int GetOpenIconIndex(); UINT GetOpenIconId(); protected: CUIntArray m_IconResIds; int m_iCurrentIconIndex; CUIntArray m_OpenIconResIds; int m_iCurrentOpenIconIndex;
// Property Sheet Members
public: bool IsPropertySheetOpen(bool bSearchChildren = false); bool InvokePropertySheet();
// Context Menu Members
// v-marfin 59644 : Modified prototype to allow passing to selected item count
bool InvokeContextMenu(const CPoint& pt, int iSelectedCount= -1);
// Help Topic
public: CString GetHelpTopic() const; void SetHelpTopic(const CString& sTopic); protected: CString m_sHelpTopic;
// Messaging Members
public: virtual LRESULT MsgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
// MMC Notify Handlers
public: virtual HRESULT OnActivate(BOOL bActivated); virtual HRESULT OnAddImages(CResultsPane* pPane); virtual HRESULT OnAddMenuItems(LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK piCallback,long __RPC_FAR *pInsertionAllowed); virtual HRESULT OnBtnClick(MMC_CONSOLE_VERB verb); virtual HRESULT OnCommand(long lCommandID); virtual HRESULT OnContextHelp(); virtual HRESULT OnCutOrMove(); virtual HRESULT OnCreatePropertyPages(LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, INT_PTR handle); virtual HRESULT OnDelete(BOOL bConfirm=TRUE); // v-marfin 60298
virtual HRESULT OnExpand(BOOL bExpand); virtual HRESULT OnGetDisplayInfo(int nColumnIndex, LPTSTR* ppString); virtual HRESULT OnGetResultViewType(CString& sViewType,long& lViewOptions); virtual HRESULT OnListpad(BOOL bAttachingListCtrl); virtual HRESULT OnMinimized(BOOL bMinimized); virtual HRESULT OnPaste(LPDATAOBJECT pSelectedItems, LPDATAOBJECT* ppCopiedItems); virtual HRESULT OnPropertyChange(LPARAM lParam); virtual HRESULT OnQueryPagesFor(); virtual HRESULT OnQueryPaste(LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject); virtual HRESULT OnRefresh(); virtual HRESULT OnRemoveChildren(); virtual HRESULT OnRename(const CString& sNewName); virtual HRESULT OnRestoreView(MMC_RESTORE_VIEW* pRestoreView, BOOL* pbHandled); virtual HRESULT OnSelect(CResultsPane* pPane,BOOL bSelected); virtual HRESULT OnShow(CResultsPane* pPane, BOOL bSelecting);
// MFC Operations
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
public: virtual void OnFinalRelease(); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
// MFC Implementation
// Generated message map functions
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
// Generated OLE dispatch map functions
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
#endif // !defined(AFX_SCOPEPANEITEM_H__7D4A6863_9056_11D2_BD45_0000F87A3912__INCLUDED_)