Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Helper End javascript that drives the RCTOOL
Rajesh Soy 07/00
Revision History:
Modified: Sudha Srinivasan 08/00 to accomodate Remote Data Collection. --*/
// ParseIncident: Basic XML parse to parse the Incident
function ParseIncident() { var IncidentDoc = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM"); try { IncidentDoc.load( g_szIncidentFile ); if ( IncidentDoc.parseError.reason != "") { alert( IncidentDoc.parseError.reason); } //
// Fetch the Upload data
var UploadData = IncidentDoc.documentElement.firstChild; //
// Fetch the attributes of the upload data
var Attributes = UploadData.attributes; //
// UserName
try { g_szUserName = Attributes.getNamedItem("USERNAME").nodeValue; } catch(error) { g_szUserName = "Unknown"; } //
// ProblemDescription
try { g_szProblemDescription = Attributes.getNamedItem("PROBLEMDESCRIPTION").nodeValue; } catch(error) { g_szProblemDescription = ""; } //
// SALEM ticket
try { g_szRCTicketEncrypted = Attributes.getNamedItem("SalemID").nodeValue; } catch(error) { g_szRCTicketEncrypted = null; } } catch(error) { alert("Failed to load: " + g_szIncidentFile + " Error: " + error); } }
// ValidateIncident: Validates the incident information loaded from XML
function ValidateIncident() { var bRetVal = true; if("" == g_oCurrentIncident.UserName) { alert( L_ERRLOADINGUSERNAME_MSG ); bRetVal = false; } if("" == g_oCurrentIncident.RCTicket) { alert( L_ERRLOADINGRCTICKET_MSG ); bRetVal = false; } return bRetVal; }
// InitializeRCTool: Stuff done when the RCTool page is loaded in the helpctr
function InitializeRCTool() { try { //
// Create an instance of the SAF Incident Object
g_oCurrentIncident = oSAFClassFactory.CreateObject_Incident(); //
// Create an instance of the SAF Encryption Object
g_oEncryption = oSAFClassFactory.CreateObject_Encryption(); } catch(error) { alert("Problem in initialising " +error); //
// Todo: Handle Error
} //
// Parse the document URL to Get the location of the Incident file
// Location the position of "?"
var i = document.URL.indexOf("?", 1); if (i > 0) { //
// Go past "?"
var g_szIncidentFileURL = document.URL.slice(i+2); //
// Go past "IncidentFile="
var j = g_szIncidentFileURL.indexOf("=", 1); //
// Split g_szIncidentFileURL to obtain the path to incident XML blob
g_szIncidentFile = g_szIncidentFileURL.slice(j+1); } else { alert ("Unable to locate Incident File"); //
// Todo: Add code to handle this error here
// Populate the incident object from the XML
// representation of the incident (call LoadXML)
try { //
// Load the incident from the XML blob
g_oCurrentIncident.LoadFromXMLFile( g_szIncidentFile ); //
// Validate the information loaded
if( false == ValidateIncident()) { alert(L_ERRLOADINGINCIDENT_MSG); //
// If incident loaded from XML is invalid
// Use my XML parser to load the incident data
ParseIncident(); } else { //
// Incident loaded from XML blob is valid
// Get the UserName of the person requesting support
g_szUserName = g_oCurrentIncident.UserName; //
// Get the Description of the problem
g_szProblemDescription = g_oCurrentIncident.ProblemDescription; //
// Get the RC Ticket
g_szRCTicketEncrypted = g_oCurrentIncident.RCTicket; } } catch(error) { alert( L_UNABLETOLOAD_MESSAGE + "\n" + error ); //
// Use my XML parser to load the incident data
ParseIncident(); } //
// Set the UI elements to be displayed from the data
// contained in the incident object
window.InviteSent.innerHTML = "<font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" color=\"#333333\"> \ <font size=\"2\" face=\"Courier New, Courier, mono\"> \ <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">" + g_szUserName + "</font> </font></font>"; window.SenderMessage.innerHTML = "<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" color=\"#333333\"> \ <font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"> \ <font size=\"2\">" + g_szProblemDescription + "</font></font></font>"; window.InviteExpires.innerHTML = "<font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"2\" color=\"#333333\">" + g_szExpiryTime + "</font>"; //
// Check to see if we need to ask for password
if(true == g_oCurrentIncident.RCTicketEncrypted) { //
// RCTicket is encrypted. We need to ask for the password
PasswordTbl.style.visibility = "visible"; //alert("Encrypted RCTicket: " + g_szRCTicketEncrypted);
} else { //
// RCTicket is not encrypted. Dont need to ask for the password
PasswordTbl.style.visibility = "hidden"; g_szRCTicket = g_szRCTicketEncrypted; } return; }
// DecryptRCTicket: Calls into the SAF Encryption/Decryption API to decrypt
// RCTicket
function DecryptRCTicket() { try { if(false == g_bPasswordSet) { //
// Get the password
g_szPassword = PasswordBox.value; //
// Use g_szPassword to decrypt the g_szRCTicketEncrypted.
g_szRCTicket = g_oEncryption.DecryptString( g_szPassword, g_szRCTicketEncrypted ); //alert("Decrypted RCTicket: " + g_szRCTicket);
// Password has been set
g_bPasswordSet = true; } } catch(error) { alert( L_ERRPWD_MSG ); PasswordBox.value = ""; }
return g_bPasswordSet; }
// PasswordSet: Use password as key to decrypt RCTicket on data entry.
function PasswordSet() { if (window.event.keyCode == 13) { //
// Decrypt the RCTicket
DecryptRCTicket(); } return; }
// Display_Screen2: Launches the actual RCTool
function Display_Screen2() { //
// Check if Password needs to be set
if(true == g_oCurrentIncident.RCTicketEncrypted) { //
// Decrypt RCTicket
if(false == DecryptRCTicket()) { //
// Invalid password. Re-enter
return; } } //
// Go To HC Home Page
navigate(c_szHomePage); var vArgs = new Array(2); vArgs[0] = g_szRCTicket; // Remote Control Ticket
vArgs[1] = g_szUserName; // UserName of Helpee
// Launch the actual RCTool in a seperate window
window.showModalDialog("RCToolScreen2.htm", vArgs, "dialogwidth:" + Screen2Width + "px;dialogHeight:" + Screen2Height + "px;status:no;resizable:yes"); }
// InitScreen2: Initializes Screen 2
function InitScreen2() { //
// Set status to not connected
StatusId.innerText = L_NOTCONNECTION_MSG; //
// Hide all the divs, except the one that displays connection status
div1.style.visibility = "hidden"; div2.style.visibility = "hidden"; group1.style.visibility = "hidden"; connecting.style.visibility = "visible"; ConnectStarted = 0; g_bConnected = true;
// Set the text for the quit session button
ConnectionId.innerText = L_QUITSESSION; //
// Check if the RemoteClientDesktopHost object is loaded
// if loaded, connected
checkLoadx(); return; }
// This checks to see if the Remote desktop client host object is loaded. if not wait 3 sec and try again
function checkLoadx() { //
// Check if DesktopClientHost object loaded
if(L_COMPLETE != RemoteDesktopClientHost.readyState) { //
// Not loaded yet
setTimeout('checkLoadx()', 3000); alert("Here in checkload"); } else { //
// Object loaded: Make a connection to the helpee's machine using SALEM API
RCConnect(); } }
// Count down method for the connect two minute count down
function TwoMinuteCountDown() { if (NotConnected == 1) { //
// Connection not established yet
if ((minutes + seconds)> 0) { //
// If timeout not expired
if (seconds == 0) { minutes = minutes - 1; seconds = 60; } setTimeout('TwoMinuteCountDown()', 2000); seconds = seconds - 2; if (minutes > 0) { window.TwoMinutesText.innerHTML ="" + minutes + " Minute " + seconds + " Seconds"; } else { if (seconds > 0) { window.TwoMinutesText.innerHTML ="" + seconds + " Seconds"; } else { window.TwoMinutesText.innerHTML ="Time out"; } } } else { window.ConnectMessage.innerHTML ="<font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" color=\"#000099\"><br>No Answer From...</font></font>"; window.FailedRetry.style.visibility = "visible"; g_bConnected = false; } } }
// setupFirstScreen: Sets up the helper screen
function setupFirstScreen() { // put screen size of 730 by 500 here
if (640 >= window.screen.availWidth) { window.group1.style.width = "640px"; window.screen2.style.width = "640px";
window.dialogWidth = "640px"; window.dialogHeight = "480px"; } else { window.group1.style.width = "700px"; window.screen2.style.width = "700px";
window.dialogWidth = " 730px"; window.dialogHeight = "500px"; } //
// Hide the desktop client host object
div2.style.visibility = "hidden"; //
// Enable chat controls on the screen
//div3.style.visibility = "visible";
//div4.style.visibility = "visible";
//div5.style.visibility = "visible";
window.ConnectMessage.innerHTML ="<font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" color=\"#000099\"><br>Attempting to Connect with ...</font></font>"; window.ConnectHelpee.innerHTML = "<font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" color=\"#333333\"> \ <font size=\"2\" face=\"Courier New, Courier, mono\"> \ <font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">" + g_szUserName + "</font> </font></font>"; window.FailedRetry.style.visibility = "hidden";
} //
// RCConnect connects to the user's terminal
function RCConnect() { var vArgs = window.dialogArguments; g_szRCTicket = vArgs[0]; g_szUserName = vArgs[1]; //alert("RCTicket: " + g_szRCTicket);
//alert("UserName: " + g_szUserName);
if(null != RemoteDesktopClientHost) { g_bNewBinaries = true; try { //
// set screen up for the connect anouncement screen size.
setupFirstScreen(); //alert( L_ATTEMPTCONNECTION_MSG );
StatusId.innerText = L_ATTEMPTCONNECTION_MSG; NotConnected = 1;// set connect shut down boolean
minutes=2;// initialize the two minute countdown timer
TwoMinuteCountDown(); // START the two minute countdown timer.
// Obtain the RDSClient object
g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient = RemoteDesktopClientHost.GetRemoteDesktopClient(); //StatusId.innerText = "Binding Events";
if(null != g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient) { //
// Bind the event handlers for this object.
g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.OnConnected = function() { ConnectedHandler(); }
g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.OnDisconnected = function(reason) { DisconnectedHandler(reason); } if (false == g_bNewBinaries) { //
// Using the Old SALEM interfaces
g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.OnChannelDataReady = function(channelID) { ChannelDataReadyHandler(channelID); } g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.ConnectToServer(g_szRCTicket); } else { //
// Using the NEW Salem interfaces
g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.OnRemoteControlRequestComplete = function(status) { RemoteControlRequestCompleteHandler( status ); } //alert("RCTicket: " + g_szRCTicket);
g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.ConnectParms = g_szRCTicket; //alert("Calling ConnectToServer");
g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.ConnectToServer(); } //
// ToDo: Handle connection failure conditions
} else { window.ConnectMessage.innerHTML ="<font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" color=\"#000099\"><br>No Answer From...</font></font>"; alert( L_ERRRDSCLIENT_MSG ); } } catch(error) { alert( L_ERRCONNECT_MSG + "\n" + error ); window.ConnectMessage.innerHTML ="<font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" color=\"#000099\"><br>No Answer From...</font></font>"; } } else { window.ConnectMessage.innerHTML ="<font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" color=\"#000099\"><br>No Answer From...</font></font>"; alert( L_ERRRDSCLIENTHOST_MSG ); } return; }
// RemoteControlRequestCompleteHandler: Fired when Remote Control request completes
function RemoteControlRequestCompleteHandler( status ) { alert("RCStatus: " + status); }
// HideChatBox: Toggles the chat box controls
function HideChatBox() { if(false == g_bChatBoxHidden) { //
// Chatbox is visible. Hide it
chatText.style.visibility = "hidden"; sendChatButton.style.visibility = "hidden"; incomingChatText.style.visibility = "hidden"; g_bChatBoxHidden = true; //HideChatBoxId.value = L_SHOWCHAT;
} else { //
// Chatbox is Hidden. Show it
chatText.style.visibility = "visible"; sendChatButton.style.visibility = "visible"; incomingChatText.style.visibility = "visible"; g_bChatBoxHidden = false; //HideChatBoxId.value = L_HIDECHAT;
} }
// ToggleConnection: Toggles between Quit Session and Connect
function ToggleConnection() { if(false == g_bConnected) { //
// Establish Connection
RCConnect(); g_bConnected = true; ConnectionId.innerText = L_QUITSESSION; } else { //
// Disconnect
RCDisconnect(); g_bConnected = false; ConnectionId.innerText = L_CONNECT; } return; }
// Routine to enable Remote Control
function ControlRemotePCHandler() { var Doc = null; var RCCommand = null; try {
if(null != g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient) { //
// If RemoteControl is not ON already, Enable it
if( false == g_bRCEnabled ) { //
// Disable chat controls on the screen
div2.style.visibility = "visible"; div3.style.visibility = "visible"; div4.style.visibility = "hidden"; div5.style.visibility = "hidden"; //
// Create an XML document
Doc = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM"); //
// Create the RCCOMMAND root node
RCCommand = Doc.createElement( c_szRCCommand ); //
// Set the NAME attribute to REMOTECTRLSTART
RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szRCCommandName, c_szRemoteCtrlStart ); //
// Send control message to other end to signal Remote control start
g_oControlChannel.SendChannelData( RCCommand.xml ); //
// ToDo: We should wait for an ack from the helpee here
// Resize the helper's screen using the helpee's screen
// resolution obtained during connection handshake
if (UserWidth <= window.screen.availWidth) { window.dialogWidth = " " + (parseInt(UserWidth) + 20) + "px"; window.dialogHeight = " " + (parseInt(UserHeight)+145) + "px"; window.group1.style.width = " " + (parseInt(UserWidth)) + "px"; window.screen2.style.width = " " + (parseInt(UserWidth)) + "px"; window.RemoteDesktopClientHost.style.width = " " + (parseInt(UserWidth)) + "px"; window.RemoteDesktopClientHost.style.height = " " + (parseInt(UserHeight)) + "px"; } else { window.dialogWidth = window.screen.availWidth; window.dialogHeight = " " + parseInt(window.screen.availHeight) + "px"; window.group1.style.width = " " + (parseInt(window.screen.availWidth) - 20) + "px"; window.screen2.style.width = " " + (parseInt(window.screen.availWidth) - 20) + "px"; window.RemoteDesktopClientHost.style.width = " " + (parseInt(UserWidth)) + "px"; window.RemoteDesktopClientHost.style.height = " " + (parseInt(UserHeight)) + "px"; } //
// Enable Remote Control
g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.ConnectRemoteDesktop(); //
// Hide the Chat Boxes control button
HideChatBox(); //HideChatBoxId.style.visibility = "hidden";
// Hide the File XFer button
FileXferId.disabled = true; //
// Change Mode
StatusId.innerText = c_szRCMODE;
g_bRCEnabled = true; ControlRemotePC.value = L_ENDRC; } else { //
// Disable Remote Control
g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.DisConnectRemoteDesktop(); //
// put screen size of 730 by 500 here
if (640 >= window.screen.availWidth) { window.group1.style.width = "640px"; window.screen2.style.width = "640px";
window.dialogWidth = "640px"; window.dialogHeight = "480px"; } else { window.group1.style.width = " 730px"; window.screen2.style.width = " 730px";
window.dialogWidth = " 730px"; window.dialogHeight = "500px"; }
// Hide the desktop client host object
div2.style.visibility = "hidden"; //
// Enable chat controls on the screen
div3.style.visibility = "visible"; div4.style.visibility = "visible"; div5.style.visibility = "visible"; //
// Show the Chat Boxes control button
HideChatBox(); //HideChatBoxId.style.visibility = "visible";
FileXferId.disabled = false; g_bRCEnabled = false; ControlRemotePC.value = L_STARTRC; //
// Create an XML document
Doc = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM"); //
// Create the RCCOMMAND root node
RCCommand = Doc.createElement( c_szRCCommand ); //
// Set the NAME attribute to REMOTECTRLEND
RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szRCCommandName, c_szRemoteCtrlEnd ); //
// Send control message to other end to signal Remote control end
// Wait for SALEM to allow data transfer on channels
alert( L_RCSUCCESS_MSG ); g_oControlChannel.SendChannelData( RCCommand.xml ); //
// Change Mode
StatusId.innerText = c_szCHATMODE;
} } } catch(error) { alert( L_ERRRCTOGGLEFAILED_MSG ); }
// Routine to disable Remote Control
function CloseConnectionHandler() { if(null != g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient) { g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.DisConnectRemoteDesktop(); } }
// ConnectedHandler: Triggered on connection establishment
function ConnectedHandler() { var x; StatusId.innerText = L_WAITFORHELPEE_MSG; try { if (false == g_bNewBinaries) { //
// Using Old interface
// Add the chat channel
g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.AddChannels(c_szChatChannelID); //
// Add the control channel
g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.AddChannels( c_szControlChannelID ); } else { //
// Use new interface
// Get the Channel Manager
g_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr = g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.ChannelManager; //
// Open the Chat channel
g_oChatChannel = g_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr.OpenDataChannel( c_szChatChannelID ); //
// Open the Control Channel
g_oControlChannel = g_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr.OpenDataChannel( c_szControlChannelID ); //
// Setup the ChannelDataReady handlers
g_oChatChannel.OnChannelDataReady = function() { ChatChannelDataReadyHandler(); } g_oControlChannel.OnChannelDataReady = function() { ControlChannelDataReadyHandler(); } } } catch(x) { //
// Todo: Add handler here
} }
// SendChatData sends chat data to remote machine
function SendChatData() { if (g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient != null) { if (false == g_bNewBinaries) { //
// Send chat data to user (using Old interfaces)
g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.SendChannelData(c_szChatChannelID, chatText.value); } else { //
// Send chat data to user (using New interfaces)
g_oChatChannel.SendChannelData( chatText.value ); } //
// Update chat history window
incomingChatText.value = incomingChatText.value + L_cszExpertID + chatText.value; //
// Clear chat msg window
chatText.value=""; //
// Scroll down
incomingChatText.doScroll("scrollbarPageDown"); } }
// RCDisconnect: Disconnects remote connection
function RCDisconnect() { if (g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient != null) { if (false == g_bNewBinaries) { //
// Using the old interface
// Remove the chat channel
g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.RemoveChannels( c_szChatChannelID ); //
// Remove the control channel
g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.RemoveChannels( c_szControlChannelID ); } if(false == g_bUserDisconnect) { //
// Disconnect from Server (only if helper initiated)
g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.DisconnectFromServer(); } window.close(); //alert( L_DISCONNECTED_MSG );
} }
// DisconnectedHandler: Fired when Session disconnected
function DisconnectedHandler(reason) { //
// Close down RC Connection
RCDisconnect(); }
// ParseControlData: Parse the data sent on the control channel
function ParseControlData ( str ) { var Doc = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM"); var RCCommand = null; var szCommandName = null; try { if( false == Doc.loadXML( str )) { alert ( L_ERRLOADXMLFAIL_MSG ); } if ( Doc.parseError.reason != "") { alert( Doc.parseError.reason); } //
// Get the RCCOMMAND node
RCCommand = Doc.documentElement; //
// Get the NAME of the command
szCommandName = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szRCCommandName );
if( szCommandName == c_szScreenInfo ) { //
// SCREENINFO: Contains width/height/colordepth of user's machine
UserWidth = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szWidth ); UserHeight = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szHeight ); UserColorDepth = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szColorDepth ); //
// put screen size of 730 by 500 here
if (640 >= window.screen.availWidth) { window.group1.style.width = "610px"; window.screen2.style.width = "610px";
window.dialogWidth = "640px"; window.dialogHeight = "480px"; } else { window.group1.style.width = "700px"; window.screen2.style.width = "700px"; window.dialogWidth = " 730px"; window.dialogHeight = "500px"; }
// Enable controls on the screen
div1.style.visibility = "visible"; div2.style.visibility = "hidden"; div3.style.visibility = "visible"; div4.style.visibility = "visible"; div5.style.visibility = "visible"; connecting.style.visibility = "hidden"; //ControlRemotePC.disabled = false;
//chatText.disabled = false;
//sendChatButton.disabled = false;
NotConnected = 0; ConnectStarted = 1 //
// Update status
StatusId.innerText = c_szCHATMODE; } else if( szCommandName == c_szDisconnectRC ) { //
// DISCONNECTRC: Disconnect the connection
g_bUserDisconnect = true; RCDisconnect(); } else if( szCommandName == c_szFileXfer ) { //
// File Transfer Initiation
var vArgs = new Array(6); var FileXferWidth = "600"; var FileXferHeight = "500"; vArgs[0] = 1; // Destination Mode
vArgs[1] = g_oControlChannel; // Control Channel
vArgs[2] = g_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr; // Channel Manager
vArgs[3] = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szFileName ); // FILENAME
vArgs[4] = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szFileSize ); // FILESIZE
vArgs[5] = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szChannelId ); // CHANNELID
//alert("launching RCFileXfer.htm");
window.showModelessDialog("RCFileXfer.htm", vArgs, "dialogwidth:" + FileXferWidth + "px;dialogHeight:" + FileXferHeight + "px;status:no;resizable:yes"); } else if ( szCommandName == c_szRemoteDataCollection ) { // alert("Inside the remote data collection");
// File Transfer Initiation
var vArgs = new Array(6); var FileXferWidth = "600"; var FileXferHeight = "500";
var Mode = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szRemoteDataCollectMode ); // DATA COLLECTION MODE
vArgs[1] = g_oControlChannel; // Control Channel
vArgs[2] = g_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr; // Channel Manager
vArgs[3] = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szFileName ); // FILENAME
vArgs[4] = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szFileSize ); // FILESIZE
vArgs[5] = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szChannelId ); // CHANNELID
g_szFileName = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szFileName ); // FILENAME
g_szChannelId = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szChannelId ); // CHANNELID
// alert("The channel id is : "+ g_szChannelId );
if ( "DATARESPONSE" == Mode ) { vArgs[0] = 1; // Destination Mode
} // alert("launching RemoteDataCollection.htm");
window.showModelessDialog("RemoteDataCollection.htm", vArgs, "dialogwidth:" + FileXferWidth + "px;dialogHeight:" + FileXferHeight + "px;status:no;resizable:yes"); } } catch(error) { alert( error ); } }
// ChannelDataReadyHandler: Fired when there is data available on any channel
function ChannelDataReadyHandler(channelID) { var str = null; if (channelID == c_szChatChannelID) { if (false == g_bNewBinaries) { //
// Using the old interface
// Incoming data on the chat channel
str = g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.ReceiveChannelData(channelID); } else { //
// Using the new interface
str = g_oChatChannel.ReceiveChannelData(); } //
// Update chat history window
incomingChatText.value = incomingChatText.value + L_cszUserID + str; incomingChatText.doScroll("scrollbarPageDown"); } else if (channelID == c_szControlChannelID) { //
// Incoming data on the control channel. Data on this
// channel will be in XML.
// This channel will be used to support the following:
// 1. Server side (user end) disconnect
// 2. File transfer
if (false == g_bNewBinaries) { //
// Using the old interface
str = g_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.ReceiveChannelData(channelID); } else { //
// Using the new interface
str = g_oControlChannel.ReceiveChannelData(); } //
// Parse the data sent on the control channel
ParseControlData ( str ); } return; }
// ChatChannelDataReadyHandler: Fired when there is data available on Chat channel
function ChatChannelDataReadyHandler() { var str = null; //
// Incoming data on the chat channel
str = g_oChatChannel.ReceiveChannelData(); //
// Update chat history window
incomingChatText.value = incomingChatText.value + L_cszUserID + str; incomingChatText.doScroll("scrollbarPageDown"); return; }
// ControlChannelDataReadyHandler: Fired when there is data available on Control channel
function ControlChannelDataReadyHandler() { var str = null; //
// Incoming data on the control channel. Data on this
// channel will be in XML.
// This channel will be used to support the following:
// 1. Server side (user end) disconnect
// 2. File transfer
str = g_oControlChannel.ReceiveChannelData(); //
// Parse the data sent on the control channel
ParseControlData ( str ); return; }
// OnEnter: This is fired when Expert hits <ENTER> in the chat message window
function OnEnter() { if (window.event.keyCode == 13) { //
// Send chat data to user
SendChatData(); } }
var g_iChannelId = 1000;
// LaunchFileXfer: Launches the File Xfer UI
function LaunchFileXfer( mode ) { var vArgs = new Array(4); var FileXferWidth = "600"; var FileXferHeight = "500"; vArgs[0] = mode; // Source Mode
vArgs[1] = g_oControlChannel; // Control Channel
vArgs[2] = g_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr; // Channel Manager
vArgs[3] = g_iChannelId++; // alert("mode :" + mode);
// alert("g_oControlChannel :" + g_oControlChannel);
// alert("g_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr :" + g_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr);
// alert("g_iChannelId :" + g_iChannelId);
window.showModelessDialog("RCFileXfer.htm", vArgs, "dialogwidth:" + FileXferWidth + "px;dialogHeight:" + FileXferHeight + "px;status:no;resizable:yes"); return; } //
// LaunchRemoteDataCollection: Launches the Remote Data Transfer
function LaunchRemoteDataCollection( mode ) { var vArgs = new Array(4); var FileXferWidth = "600"; var FileXferHeight = "500"; vArgs[0] = mode; // Source Mode
vArgs[1] = g_oControlChannel; // Control Channel
vArgs[2] = g_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr; // Channel Manager
vArgs[3] = g_iChannelId++;
window.showModelessDialog("RemoteDataCollection.htm", vArgs, "dialogwidth:" + FileXferWidth + "px;dialogHeight:" + FileXferHeight + "px;status:no;resizable:yes"); return; }