// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997-2001.
// File: Cookie.cpp
// Contents: Implementation of CCertMgrCookie and related classes
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <gpedit.h>
#include "cookie.h"
#include "storegpe.h"
#pragma warning(push, 3)
#include <atlimpl.cpp>
#pragma warning(pop)
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifndef ALPHA
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
#include "stdcooki.cpp"
#include "stdutils.cpp"
#include "certifct.h"
// CCertMgrCookie
// returns <0, 0 or >0
CCertMgrCookie::CCertMgrCookie (CertificateManagerObjectType objecttype, LPCWSTR lpcszMachineName, LPCWSTR objectName) : CStoresMachineName (lpcszMachineName), m_objecttype (objecttype), m_objectName (objectName), m_resultDataID (0), m_nOpenPageCount (0) { ASSERT (IsValidObjectType (m_objecttype)); if ( m_objectName.IsEmpty () ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ()); VERIFY (m_objectName.LoadString (IDS_CERTIFICATE_MANAGER)); } }
CCertMgrCookie::~CCertMgrCookie () { }
HRESULT CCertMgrCookie::CompareSimilarCookies( CCookie* pOtherCookie, int* pnResult ) { ASSERT (pOtherCookie);
CCertMgrCookie* pcookie = reinterpret_cast <CCertMgrCookie*>(pOtherCookie); ASSERT (pcookie); if ( pcookie && m_objecttype != pcookie->m_objecttype ) { *pnResult = ((int)m_objecttype) - ((int)pcookie->m_objecttype); // arbitrary ordering
return S_OK; }
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
CCookie* CCertMgrCookie::QueryBaseCookie(int i) { ASSERT(!i); return (CCookie*)this; }
int CCertMgrCookie::QueryNumCookies() { return 1; }
LPCWSTR CCertMgrCookie::GetObjectName() { return m_objectName; }
HRESULT CCertMgrCookie::Commit() { return S_OK; }
UINT CCertMgrCookie::IncrementOpenPageCount () { m_nOpenPageCount++; return m_nOpenPageCount; }
UINT CCertMgrCookie::DecrementOpenPageCount () { ASSERT (0 != m_nOpenPageCount); if ( 0 != m_nOpenPageCount ) m_nOpenPageCount--;
return m_nOpenPageCount; }
bool CCertMgrCookie::HasOpenPropertyPages () const { return (0 != m_nOpenPageCount) ? true : false; }
CCertStore::CCertStore ( CertificateManagerObjectType objecttype, LPCSTR pszStoreProv, DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR lpcszMachineName, LPCWSTR objectName, const CString & pcszLogStoreName, const CString & pcszPhysStoreName, const SPECIAL_STORE_TYPE storeType, const DWORD dwLocation, IConsole* pConsole) : CCertMgrCookie (objecttype, lpcszMachineName, objectName), m_hCertStore (0), m_dwFlags (dwFlags), m_storeProvider (pszStoreProv), m_pcszStoreName (pcszLogStoreName), m_storeType (storeType), m_bReadOnly (false), m_bUnableToOpenMsgDisplayed (false), m_dwLocation (dwLocation), m_pConsole (pConsole), m_bDirty (false), m_fReadOnlyFlagChecked (false), m_nCertCount (0), m_fCertCountValid (false), m_nLockCnt (0) // test
{ _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::CCertStore LS: %s PS: %s\n", (LPCWSTR) pcszLogStoreName, (LPCWSTR) pcszPhysStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); if ( CERT_STORE_PROV_COLLECTION != pszStoreProv ) { ASSERT (!pcszLogStoreName.IsEmpty ()); if ( !pcszPhysStoreName.IsEmpty () ) m_pcszStoreName += _T("\\") + pcszPhysStoreName; } ASSERT (m_pConsole); if ( m_pConsole ) m_pConsole->AddRef (); _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::CCertStore - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); }
CCertStore::~CCertStore () { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::~CCertStore - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); Close (true); // force close
if ( m_pConsole ) m_pConsole->Release (); _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::~CCertStore - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); }
HCERTSTORE CCertStore::GetStoreHandle (BOOL bSilent /* = FALSE*/, HRESULT* phr /* = 0*/) { ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype);
DWORD dwErr = 0; if ( !m_hCertStore ) { void* pvPara = 0; if ( CERT_STORE_PROV_COLLECTION != m_storeProvider ) pvPara = (void*)(LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName; m_dwFlags |= CERT_STORE_SET_LOCALIZED_NAME_FLAG;
_TRACE (0, L"Opening %s store\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); m_hCertStore = ::CertOpenStore (m_storeProvider, X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, NULL, m_dwFlags | CERT_STORE_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_FLAG, pvPara); if ( !m_hCertStore ) { dwErr = GetLastError (); if ( phr ) *phr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); _TRACE (0, L"Open of %s store failed. 0x%x\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName, dwErr); _TRACE (0, L"Opening %s store (read-only)\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); m_dwFlags |= CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG; m_hCertStore = ::CertOpenStore (m_storeProvider, X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, NULL, m_dwFlags, pvPara); if ( m_hCertStore ) m_bReadOnly = true; else { dwErr = GetLastError (); if ( phr ) *phr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); _TRACE (0, L"CertOpenStore (%s) failed: 0x%x\n", (PCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName, dwErr); } } if ( !m_hCertStore ) { dwErr = GetLastError (); if ( phr ) *phr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); _TRACE (0, L"Open of %s store (read-only) failed. 0x%x\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName, dwErr); if ( CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME_W == m_storeProvider) { _TRACE (0, L"Open %s store (file-based).\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); DWORD cbData = 0; BYTE* pbData = NULL;
//get the BLOB from the file
HRESULT hr = RetrieveBLOBFromFile ((LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName, &cbData, &pbData); if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) ) { //open a generic memory store
if ( m_hCertStore ) { if ( !CertAddSerializedElementToStore ( m_hCertStore, pbData, cbData, CERT_STORE_ADD_ALWAYS, 0, CERT_STORE_ALL_CONTEXT_FLAG, NULL, NULL) ) { // CertAddSerializedElementToStore failed. This means this is probably a
// base64 certificate or a store containing a base64 certificate. Open it
// up with CryptQueryObject.
_TRACE (0, L"CCertStore::GetStoreHandle () - File input is not a serialized element.\n"); DWORD dwMsgAndCertEncodingType = 0; DWORD dwContentType = 0; DWORD dwFormatType = 0; PCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext = 0; CERT_BLOB certBlob; HCERTSTORE hCertStore = 0;
::ZeroMemory (&certBlob, sizeof (CERT_BLOB)); certBlob.cbData = cbData; certBlob.pbData = pbData; BOOL bResult = ::CryptQueryObject ( CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_BLOB, // CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_FILE,
(void *) &certBlob, //(LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName,
CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_SERIALIZED_CERT | CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_CERT | CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS7_SIGNED | CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS7_UNSIGNED | CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS7_SIGNED_EMBED, CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_FLAG_ALL, 0, &dwMsgAndCertEncodingType, &dwContentType, &dwFormatType, &hCertStore, NULL, (const void **) &pCertContext); if ( bResult && pCertContext ) { // The file contains a certificate context
hr = AddCertificateContext (pCertContext, 0, false); } else if ( bResult && hCertStore ) { // The file contains a certificate store, so close the temporary memory store we created
// and assign the returned store handle to the global handle.
::CertCloseStore (m_hCertStore, CERT_CLOSE_STORE_FORCE_FLAG); m_hCertStore = hCertStore; } else { CString caption; CString message; int iRetVal = 0;
if ( m_pConsole ) m_pConsole->MessageBox (message, caption, MB_ICONWARNING | MB_OK, &iRetVal); } } } else { dwErr = GetLastError (); _TRACE (0, L"CertOpenStore (%s) failed: 0x%x\n", (PCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName, dwErr); } } else { _TRACE (0, L"CCertStore::GetStoreHandle () - Unable to retrieve BLOB from file: %x.\n", hr); } if ( phr ) *phr = hr; } } else { _TRACE (0, L"Open of %s store succeeded.\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); } }
if ( !m_hCertStore && !m_bUnableToOpenMsgDisplayed && !bSilent && (USERDS_STORE != GetStoreType ()) ) { m_bUnableToOpenMsgDisplayed = true; CString caption; CString text; int iRetVal = 0;
VERIFY (caption.LoadString (IDS_CERTIFICATE_MANAGER)); text.FormatMessage (IDS_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_STORE, GetStoreName (), GetSystemMessage (dwErr)); if ( m_pConsole ) m_pConsole->MessageBox ( text, caption, MB_OK, &iRetVal); }
return m_hCertStore; }
//get the bytes from the file name
// Note; Memory is allocated via malloc. S_OK is returned
// via succees
HRESULT CCertStore::RetrieveBLOBFromFile (LPCWSTR pwszFileName, DWORD *pcb, BYTE **ppb) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::RetrieveBLOBFromFile - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); HRESULT hr = S_OK; HANDLE hFile = NULL; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
if(!pcb || !ppb || !pwszFileName) return E_INVALIDARG;
*ppb=NULL; *pcb=0;
hFile = ::CreateFile (pwszFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, // lpsa
OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile ) { *pcb = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); if ( 0xffffffff != *pcb ) { *ppb = (BYTE *)malloc(*pcb);
if ( *ppb ) { // Read the pkcs7 message
if ( !ReadFile(hFile, *ppb, *pcb, &dwBytesRead, NULL) || dwBytesRead != *pcb ) { free(*ppb); *ppb=NULL; hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());; } } else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
//close the file handle
CloseHandle(hFile); } else hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::RetrieveBLOBFromFile - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return S_OK; }
bool CCertStore::IsReadOnly () { ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype);
// GetCertStore () sets the read-only checked flag
// Optimization: If the flag is true, it's already been set.
if ( !m_fReadOnlyFlagChecked ) { GetStoreHandle (); Close (); m_fReadOnlyFlagChecked = true; }
return m_bReadOnly; }
HRESULT CCertStore::Commit() { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::Commit - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); HRESULT hr = CCertMgrCookie::Commit ();
if ( m_hCertStore && !m_bReadOnly && m_bDirty ) { BOOL bResult = ::CertControlStore (m_hCertStore, 0, CERT_STORE_CTRL_COMMIT, NULL); if ( bResult ) m_bDirty = false; else { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError (); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr);
(LPWSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL); // Display the string.
CString caption; CString message; int iRetVal = 0;
VERIFY (caption.LoadString (IDS_CERTIFICATE_MANAGER)); message.FormatMessage (IDS_CANT_SAVE_STORE, GetStoreName (), (LPWSTR) lpMsgBuf); if ( m_pConsole ) m_pConsole->MessageBox ((LPCWSTR) message, (LPCWSTR) caption, MB_OK, &iRetVal); // Free the buffer.
LocalFree (lpMsgBuf); } } }
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::Commit - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return hr; }
bool CCertStore::ContainsCertificates() { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::ContainsCertificates - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); bool bResult = false;
bResult = (GetCertCount () > 0); _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::ContainsCertificates - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return bResult; }
bool CCertStore::ContainsCRLs() { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::ContainsCRLs - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); bool bResult = false; PCCRL_CONTEXT pCRLContext = EnumCRLs (0); if ( !pCRLContext ) bResult = false; else { ::CertFreeCRLContext (pCRLContext); bResult = true; } Close ();
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::ContainsCRLs - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return bResult; }
bool CCertStore::ContainsCTLs() { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::ContainsCTLs - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); bool bResult = false; PCCTL_CONTEXT pCTLContext = EnumCTLs (0); if ( !pCTLContext ) bResult = false; else { ::CertFreeCTLContext (pCTLContext); bResult = true; } Close ();
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::ContainsCTLs - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return bResult; }
LPCWSTR CCertStore::GetLocalizedName() { // _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::GetLocalizedName - %s\n",
// (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName);
ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); if ( m_localizedName.IsEmpty () ) { m_localizedName = ::CryptFindLocalizedName (GetObjectName ()); if ( m_localizedName.IsEmpty () ) { DWORD cbLocalizedName; HCERTSTORE hStore = 0; bool bStoreOpenedByThisMethod = false;
// NTRAID# 366562 Safer: Inconsistent drag-and-drop behavior for certificate rules
if ( m_hCertStore ) hStore = m_hCertStore; else { hStore = GetStoreHandle (); bStoreOpenedByThisMethod = true; }
if ( hStore ) { if ( CertGetStoreProperty( hStore, CERT_STORE_LOCALIZED_NAME_PROP_ID, NULL, &cbLocalizedName)) { LPWSTR pwszLocalizedName = new WCHAR[cbLocalizedName/sizeof (WCHAR)]; if ( pwszLocalizedName ) { ::ZeroMemory (pwszLocalizedName, cbLocalizedName); if ( CertGetStoreProperty( hStore, CERT_STORE_LOCALIZED_NAME_PROP_ID, pwszLocalizedName, &cbLocalizedName )) { m_localizedName = pwszLocalizedName; if ( m_localizedName == m_pcszStoreName ) m_localizedName = GetObjectName (); } delete [] pwszLocalizedName; } }
if ( bStoreOpenedByThisMethod ) Close (); } }
// If it's still empty, get the object name
if ( m_localizedName.IsEmpty () ) m_localizedName = GetObjectName (); } // _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::GetLocalizedName - %s\n",
// (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName);
return (LPCWSTR) m_localizedName; }
CString CCertStore::GetStoreName() const { // _TRACE (0, L"Entering and leaving CCertStore::GetStoreName - %s\n",
// (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName);
ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); return m_pcszStoreName; }
HRESULT CCertStore::AddCertificateContext( PCCERT_CONTEXT pContext, LPCONSOLE pConsole, bool bDeletePrivateKey, PCCERT_CONTEXT* ppNewCertContext) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::AddCertificateContext - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); ASSERT (pContext); if ( !pContext ) return E_POINTER;
HRESULT hr = S_OK; HCERTSTORE hCertStore = GetStoreHandle (FALSE, &hr);
if ( hCertStore ) { PCCERT_CONTEXT pNewContext = 0;
BOOL bResult = ::CertAddCertificateContextToStore (hCertStore, ::CertDuplicateCertificateContext (pContext), CERT_STORE_ADD_NEW, &pNewContext); if ( !bResult ) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError (); _TRACE (0, L"CertAddCertificateContextToStore () failed: 0x%x\n", dwErr);
if ( CRYPT_E_EXISTS == dwErr ) { if ( pConsole ) // if !pConsole then no popup is desired
{ CCertificate cert (pContext, this); CString text; CString caption; int iRetVal = 0;
text.FormatMessage (IDS_DUPLICATE_CERT, (PCWSTR) GetLocalizedName (), (PCWSTR) cert.GetFriendlyName (), (PCWSTR) cert.GetSubjectName ()); VERIFY (caption.LoadString (IDS_CERTIFICATE_MANAGER)); hr = pConsole->MessageBox (text, caption, MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2, &iRetVal); if ( IDYES == iRetVal ) { bResult = ::CertAddCertificateContextToStore (hCertStore, ::CertDuplicateCertificateContext (pContext), CERT_STORE_ADD_REPLACE_EXISTING, &pNewContext); if ( !bResult ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (GetLastError ()); } } else hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (CRYPT_E_EXISTS); } } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); } } else { m_fCertCountValid = false; SetDirty (); ASSERT (pNewContext); if ( bDeletePrivateKey ) { ::CertSetCertificateContextProperty (pNewContext, CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID, 0, NULL); } }
if ( pNewContext && ppNewCertContext) *ppNewCertContext = pNewContext; Close (); } else hr = E_FAIL;
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::AddCertificateContext - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return hr; }
void CCertStore::IncrementCertCount () { m_nCertCount++; }
int CCertStore::GetCertCount() { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::GetCertCount - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); if ( !m_fCertCountValid ) { PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext = 0;
m_nCertCount = 0; while ( 1 ) { pCertContext = EnumCertificates (pCertContext); if ( pCertContext ) m_nCertCount++; else break; } Close (); m_fCertCountValid = true; } _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::GetCertCount - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return m_nCertCount; }
BOOL CCertStore::operator ==(CCertStore &rStore) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::operator == - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); BOOL bResult = FALSE;
if ( GetStoreHandle () == rStore.GetStoreHandle () ) bResult = TRUE;
Close (); rStore.Close (); _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::operator == - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return bResult; }
CCertificate* CCertStore::GetSubjectCertificate(PCERT_INFO pCertId) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::GetSubjectCertificate - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); CCertificate* pCert = 0;
HCERTSTORE hCertStore = GetStoreHandle (); if ( hCertStore ) { PCCERT_CONTEXT pSignerCert = ::CertGetSubjectCertificateFromStore ( hCertStore, X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, pCertId); if ( pSignerCert ) { pCert = new CCertificate (pSignerCert, this); } Close (); }
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::GetSubjectCertificate - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return pCert; }
PCCERT_CONTEXT CCertStore::EnumCertificates(PCCERT_CONTEXT pPrevCertContext) { // _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::EnumCertificates - %s\n",
// (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName);
PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext = 0;
ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); HCERTSTORE hCertStore = GetStoreHandle (); if ( hCertStore ) pCertContext = ::CertEnumCertificatesInStore (hCertStore, pPrevCertContext);
m_fCertCountValid = false;
// _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::EnumCertificates - %s\n",
// (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName);
return pCertContext; }
PCCTL_CONTEXT CCertStore::EnumCTLs(PCCTL_CONTEXT pPrevCtlContext) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::EnumCTLs - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); PCCTL_CONTEXT pCTLContext = 0;
ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype);
HCERTSTORE hCertStore = GetStoreHandle (); if ( hCertStore ) pCTLContext = ::CertEnumCTLsInStore (hCertStore, pPrevCtlContext);
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::EnumCTLs - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return pCTLContext; }
PCCRL_CONTEXT CCertStore::EnumCRLs(PCCRL_CONTEXT pPrevCrlContext) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::EnumCRLs - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); PCCRL_CONTEXT pCRLContext = 0;
ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); HCERTSTORE hCertStore = GetStoreHandle (); if ( hCertStore ) pCRLContext = ::CertEnumCRLsInStore (hCertStore, pPrevCrlContext);
_TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::EnumCRLs - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return pCRLContext; }
PCCERT_CONTEXT CCertStore::FindCertificate( DWORD dwFindFlags, DWORD dwFindType, const void * pvFindPara, PCCERT_CONTEXT pPrevCertContext) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::FindCertificate - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext = 0; HCERTSTORE hCertStore = GetStoreHandle (); if ( hCertStore ) pCertContext = ::CertFindCertificateInStore (hCertStore, X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, dwFindFlags, dwFindType, pvFindPara, pPrevCertContext);
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::FindCertificate - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return pCertContext; }
void CCertStore::FinalCommit() { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::FinalCommit - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); // Called only from destructor
if ( m_hCertStore && m_bDirty ) ::CertControlStore (m_hCertStore, 0, CERT_STORE_CTRL_COMMIT, NULL); _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::FinalCommit - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); }
bool CCertStore::AddCTLContext(PCCTL_CONTEXT pCtlContext) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::AddCTLContext - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); BOOL bResult = FALSE; HCERTSTORE hCertStore = GetStoreHandle (); if ( hCertStore ) { bResult = ::CertAddCTLContextToStore (hCertStore, pCtlContext, CERT_STORE_ADD_NEW, 0); Close (); } if ( bResult ) SetDirty (); _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::AddCTLContext - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return bResult ? true : false; }
bool CCertStore::AddCRLContext(PCCRL_CONTEXT pCrlContext) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::AddCRLContext - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); BOOL bResult = FALSE; HCERTSTORE hCertStore = GetStoreHandle (); if ( hCertStore ) { bResult = ::CertAddCRLContextToStore (hCertStore, pCrlContext, CERT_STORE_ADD_NEW, 0); Close (); } if ( bResult ) SetDirty (); _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::AddCRLContext - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return bResult ? true : false; }
PCCRL_CONTEXT CCertStore::GetCRL(PCCERT_CONTEXT pIssuerContext, PCCRL_CONTEXT pPrevCrlContext, DWORD * pdwFlags) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::GetCRL - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); PCCRL_CONTEXT pCRLContext = 0;
ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); HCERTSTORE hCertStore = GetStoreHandle (); if ( hCertStore ) { pCRLContext = ::CertGetCRLFromStore (hCertStore, pIssuerContext, pPrevCrlContext, pdwFlags); Close (); } _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::GetCRL - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return pCRLContext; }
HRESULT CCertStore::Resync() { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::Resync - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// 256803 CertMgr: F5 refresh of Certificates Current User - Active
// Directory User Object, overwrites UserCerificate DS object resulting
// in data loss
// Close (true);
if ( (CERT_STORE_PROV_COLLECTION != m_storeProvider) && !m_bReadOnly && CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP != m_objecttype ) { FinalCommit (); }
HCERTSTORE hCertStore = GetStoreHandle (FALSE); if ( hCertStore ) { BOOL bResult = ::CertControlStore (hCertStore, 0, CERT_STORE_CTRL_RESYNC, NULL); if ( !bResult ) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError (); ASSERT (ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED == dwErr); if ( ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED != dwErr ) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); } } m_fCertCountValid = false;
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::Resync - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return hr; }
int CCertStore::GetCTLCount() { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::GetCTLCount - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype); int nCTLCount = 0; PCCTL_CONTEXT pCTLContext = 0;
while ( 1 ) { pCTLContext = EnumCTLs (pCTLContext); if ( pCTLContext ) nCTLCount++; else break; }
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::GetCTLCount - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return nCTLCount; }
HRESULT CCertStore::AddStoreToCollection(HCERTSTORE hSiblingStore, DWORD dwUpdateFlags, DWORD dwPriority) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::AddStoreToCollection - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); HRESULT hr = S_OK; HCERTSTORE hCertStore = GetStoreHandle (); if ( hCertStore && hSiblingStore) { BOOL bResult = ::CertAddStoreToCollection (hCertStore, hSiblingStore, dwUpdateFlags, dwPriority); if ( bResult ) SetDirty (); else { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError (); ASSERT (ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED == dwErr); if ( ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED != dwErr ) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); } } else hr = E_FAIL;
Close (); _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::AddStoreToCollection - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return hr; }
HRESULT CCertStore::AddStoreToCollection(CCertStore& siblingStore, DWORD dwUpdateFlags, DWORD dwPriority) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::AddStoreToCollection - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); HRESULT hr = S_OK; HCERTSTORE hSiblingStore = siblingStore.GetStoreHandle (); if ( hSiblingStore) { hr = AddStoreToCollection (hSiblingStore, dwUpdateFlags, dwPriority); } else hr = E_FAIL;
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::AddStoreToCollection - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return hr; }
void CCertStore::SetDirty() { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::SetDirty - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); m_bDirty = true; _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::SetDirty - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); }
void CCertStore::Close(bool bForceClose) { // _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStore::Close - %s\n",
// (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName);
ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_LOG_STORE == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_PHYS_STORE == m_objecttype); if ( CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype || bForceClose ) { if ( m_hCertStore && m_nLockCnt <= 0 ) { if ( (CERT_STORE_PROV_COLLECTION != m_storeProvider) && !m_bReadOnly && CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_RSOP != m_objecttype ) { FinalCommit (); } ::CertCloseStore (m_hCertStore, 0); _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving%s store closed\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); m_hCertStore = 0; m_bDirty = false; } } // _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStore::Close - %s\n",
// (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName);
BOOL CCertStore::AddEncodedCTL(DWORD dwMsgAndCertEncodingType, const BYTE *pbCtlEncoded, DWORD cbCtlEncoded, DWORD dwAddDisposition, PCCTL_CONTEXT *ppCtlContext) { BOOL bResult = FALSE;
HCERTSTORE hCertStore = GetStoreHandle (); if ( hCertStore ) { bResult = ::CertAddEncodedCTLToStore (hCertStore, dwMsgAndCertEncodingType, pbCtlEncoded, cbCtlEncoded, dwAddDisposition, ppCtlContext); if ( bResult ) { m_bDirty = true; Commit (); } Close (); }
return bResult; }
void CCertStore::InvalidateCertCount() { m_fCertCountValid = false; }
void CCertStore::Lock() { m_nLockCnt++; }
void CCertStore::Unlock() { ASSERT (m_nLockCnt > 0); m_nLockCnt--; }
CContainerCookie::CContainerCookie (CCertStore& rStore, CertificateManagerObjectType objectType, LPCWSTR lpcszMachineName, LPCWSTR objectName) : CCertMgrCookie (objectType, lpcszMachineName, objectName), m_rCertStore (rStore) { m_rCertStore.AddRef (); ASSERT (CERTMGR_CRL_CONTAINER == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_CTL_CONTAINER == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_CERT_CONTAINER == m_objecttype); }
CContainerCookie::~CContainerCookie () { ASSERT (CERTMGR_CRL_CONTAINER == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_CTL_CONTAINER == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_CERT_CONTAINER == m_objecttype); m_rCertStore.Release (); }
CCertStore& CContainerCookie::GetCertStore () const { ASSERT (CERTMGR_CRL_CONTAINER == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_CTL_CONTAINER == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_CERT_CONTAINER == m_objecttype); return m_rCertStore; }
HRESULT CContainerCookie::Commit() { ASSERT (CERTMGR_CRL_CONTAINER == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_CTL_CONTAINER == m_objecttype || CERTMGR_CERT_CONTAINER == m_objecttype); CCertMgrCookie::Commit ();
return m_rCertStore.Commit (); }
CUsageCookie::CUsageCookie ( CertificateManagerObjectType objecttype, LPCWSTR lpcszMachineName, LPCWSTR objectName) : CCertMgrCookie (objecttype, lpcszMachineName, objectName), m_OIDListPos (0), m_nCertCount (0) { ASSERT (CERTMGR_USAGE == m_objecttype); }
CUsageCookie::~CUsageCookie () { ASSERT (CERTMGR_USAGE == m_objecttype); LPSTR pszOID = 0; while ( !m_OIDList.IsEmpty () ) { pszOID = m_OIDList.RemoveHead (); ASSERT (pszOID); if ( pszOID ) delete [] pszOID; } }
void CUsageCookie::AddOID (LPCSTR pszNewOID) { ASSERT (CERTMGR_USAGE == m_objecttype); LPSTR pszOID = new char[strlen (pszNewOID)+1]; if ( pszOID ) { ::ZeroMemory (pszOID, strlen (pszNewOID) + 1); strcpy (pszOID, pszNewOID); m_OIDList.AddTail (pszOID); } }
LPSTR CUsageCookie::GetFirstOID () { ASSERT (CERTMGR_USAGE == m_objecttype); LPSTR pszOID = 0;
m_OIDListPos = m_OIDList.GetHeadPosition (); if ( m_OIDListPos ) pszOID = m_OIDList.GetNext (m_OIDListPos);
return pszOID; }
LPSTR CUsageCookie::GetNextOID () { ASSERT (CERTMGR_USAGE == m_objecttype); LPSTR pszOID = 0;
if ( m_OIDListPos ) pszOID = m_OIDList.GetNext (m_OIDListPos);
return pszOID; }
int CUsageCookie::GetOIDCount () const { ASSERT (CERTMGR_USAGE == m_objecttype); return (int)m_OIDList.GetCount (); }
void CUsageCookie::SetCertCount(int nCertCount) { m_nCertCount = nCertCount; }
int CUsageCookie::GetCertCount() const { return m_nCertCount; }
if ( !_wcsicmp (pwszStoreName, MY_SYSTEM_STORE_NAME) ) storeType = MY_STORE; else if ( !_wcsicmp (pwszStoreName, CA_SYSTEM_STORE_NAME) ) storeType = CA_STORE; else if ( !_wcsicmp (pwszStoreName, ROOT_SYSTEM_STORE_NAME) ) storeType = ROOT_STORE; else if ( !_wcsicmp (pwszStoreName, TRUST_SYSTEM_STORE_NAME) ) storeType = TRUST_STORE; else if ( !_wcsicmp (pwszStoreName, USERDS_SYSTEM_STORE_NAME) ) storeType = USERDS_STORE; else if ( !_wcsicmp (pwszStoreName, ACRS_SYSTEM_STORE_NAME) ) storeType = ACRS_STORE; else if ( !_wcsicmp (pwszStoreName, REQUEST_SYSTEM_STORE_NAME) ) storeType = REQUEST_STORE; else { // The stores might be concatenated with machine or services names.
// Check for the token preceded by a slash.
CString revStoreName (pwszStoreName); revStoreName.MakeReverse (); revStoreName.MakeUpper (); CString revToken (MY_SYSTEM_STORE_NAME); revToken.MakeReverse (); revToken += L"\\"; if ( 0 == revStoreName.Find (revToken) ) { storeType = MY_STORE; goto Found; }
revToken = CA_SYSTEM_STORE_NAME; revToken.MakeReverse (); revToken += L"\\"; if ( 0 == revStoreName.Find (revToken) ) { storeType = CA_STORE; goto Found; }
revToken = ROOT_SYSTEM_STORE_NAME; revToken.MakeReverse (); revToken += L"\\"; if ( 0 == revStoreName.Find (revToken) ) { storeType = ROOT_STORE; goto Found; }
revToken = TRUST_SYSTEM_STORE_NAME; revToken.MakeReverse (); revToken += L"\\"; if ( 0 == revStoreName.Find (revToken) ) { storeType = TRUST_STORE; goto Found; }
revToken = USERDS_SYSTEM_STORE_NAME; revToken.MakeReverse (); revToken += L"\\"; if ( 0 == revStoreName.Find (revToken) ) { storeType = USERDS_STORE; goto Found; }
revToken = ACRS_SYSTEM_STORE_NAME; revToken.MakeReverse (); revToken += L"\\"; if ( 0 == revStoreName.Find (revToken) ) { storeType = ACRS_STORE; goto Found; }
revToken = REQUEST_SYSTEM_STORE_NAME; revToken.MakeReverse (); revToken += L"\\"; if ( 0 == revStoreName.Find (revToken) ) { storeType = REQUEST_STORE; goto Found; } }
return storeType; }
CEnrollmentNodeCookie::CEnrollmentNodeCookie ( CertificateManagerObjectType objecttype, LPCWSTR objectName, IGPEInformation* pGPEInformation) : CCertMgrCookie (objecttype, 0, objectName), m_pGPEInformation (pGPEInformation) { if ( m_pGPEInformation ) m_pGPEInformation->AddRef (); }
CEnrollmentNodeCookie::~CEnrollmentNodeCookie () { if ( m_pGPEInformation ) m_pGPEInformation->Release (); }
IGPEInformation* CEnrollmentNodeCookie::GetGPEInformation () { return m_pGPEInformation; }
void CCertMgrCookie::Refresh() {
SPECIAL_STORE_TYPE StoreNameToType (const CString& szStoreName) { SPECIAL_STORE_TYPE type = NO_SPECIAL_TYPE;
if ( szStoreName == ACRS_SYSTEM_STORE_NAME ) type = ACRS_STORE; else if ( szStoreName == ROOT_SYSTEM_STORE_NAME ) type = ROOT_STORE; else if ( szStoreName == TRUST_SYSTEM_STORE_NAME ) type = TRUST_STORE; else if ( szStoreName == EFS_SYSTEM_STORE_NAME ) type = EFS_STORE; else if ( szStoreName == SAFER_TRUSTED_PUBLISHER_STORE_NAME ) type = SAFER_TRUSTED_PUBLISHER_STORE; else if ( szStoreName == SAFER_DISALLOWED_STORE_NAME ) type = SAFER_DISALLOWED_STORE;
return type; }