// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997-2001.
// File: StoreGPE.cpp
// Contents: Implementation of CCertStoreGPE
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <gpedit.h>
#include "cookie.h"
#include "storegpe.h"
#include "certifct.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifndef ALPHA
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
GUID g_guidExtension = { 0xb1be8d72, 0x6eac, 0x11d2, {0xa4, 0xea, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0x79, 0xf8, 0x3a }}; GUID g_guidRegExt = REGISTRY_EXTENSION_GUID; GUID g_guidSnapin = CLSID_CertificateManager;
HRESULT CCertStoreGPE::Commit () { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStoreGPE::Commit - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ( GetStoreType () == EFS_STORE && !m_fIsNullEFSPolicy ) { if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) ) hr = WriteEFSBlobToRegistry (); }
if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) && m_bDirty ) { hr = CCertStore::Commit (); ASSERT (SUCCEEDED (hr)); ASSERT (m_pGPEInformation); if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) && m_pGPEInformation ) { hr = m_pGPEInformation->PolicyChanged ( m_fIsComputerType ? TRUE : FALSE, TRUE, &g_guidExtension, &g_guidSnapin ); hr = m_pGPEInformation->PolicyChanged ( m_fIsComputerType ? TRUE : FALSE, TRUE, &g_guidRegExt, &g_guidSnapin ); ASSERT (SUCCEEDED (hr)); } }
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStoreGPE::Commit - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return hr; }
CCertStoreGPE::CCertStoreGPE ( DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR lpcszMachineName, LPCWSTR objectName, const CString & pcszLogStoreName, const CString & pcszPhysStoreName, IGPEInformation * pGPTInformation, const GUID& compDataGUID, IConsole* pConsole) : CCertStore (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE, CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM, dwFlags, lpcszMachineName, objectName, pcszLogStoreName, pcszPhysStoreName, StoreNameToType (pcszLogStoreName), 0, pConsole), m_pGPEInformation (pGPTInformation), m_fIsComputerType (false), m_fIsNullEFSPolicy (true), // assume NULL policy until proven otherwise
m_hGroupPolicyKey (0) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStoreGPE::CCertStoreGPE - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) pcszLogStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype); ASSERT (m_pGPEInformation); if ( m_pGPEInformation ) { m_pGPEInformation->AddRef (); if ( ::IsEqualGUID (compDataGUID, NODEID_User) ) { m_fIsComputerType = false; m_dwFlags |= CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER_GROUP_POLICY; } else if ( ::IsEqualGUID (compDataGUID, NODEID_Machine) ) { m_fIsComputerType = true; m_dwFlags |= CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_GROUP_POLICY; } else ASSERT (0); } _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStoreGPE::CCertStoreGPE - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) pcszLogStoreName); }
CCertStoreGPE::~CCertStoreGPE () { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStoreGPE::~CCertStoreGPE - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName);; ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype);
if ( m_hGroupPolicyKey ) RegCloseKey (m_hGroupPolicyKey);
if ( m_pGPEInformation ) { m_pGPEInformation->Release (); m_pGPEInformation = 0; }
CERT_CONTEXT_PSID_STRUCT* pCert = 0; while (!m_EFSCertList.IsEmpty () ) { pCert = m_EFSCertList.RemoveHead (); ASSERT (pCert); if ( pCert ) delete pCert; } _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStoreGPE::~CCertStoreGPE - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); }
HCERTSTORE CCertStoreGPE::GetStoreHandle (BOOL bSilent /*= FALSE*/, HRESULT* phr /* = 0*/) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStoreGPE::GetStoreHandle - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype); CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_PARA RelocatePara; void* pvPara = 0;
if ( !m_hCertStore ) { DWORD dwErr = 0;
if ( EFS_STORE == GetStoreType () && m_fIsNullEFSPolicy ) { // Test to see if EFS key exists, if not, flag this as
// having no EFS policy and return.
HKEY hEFSKey = 0; LONG lResult = ::RegOpenKeyEx (GetGroupPolicyKey (), CERT_EFSBLOB_REGPATH, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hEFSKey); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult ) { m_fIsNullEFSPolicy = false; VERIFY (ERROR_SUCCESS == ::RegCloseKey (hEFSKey)); } else return 0; } RelocatePara.hKeyBase = GetGroupPolicyKey (); RelocatePara.pwszSystemStore = (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName; pvPara = (void*) &RelocatePara; m_hCertStore = ::CertOpenStore (m_storeProvider, X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, NULL, m_dwFlags | CERT_STORE_SET_LOCALIZED_NAME_FLAG | CERT_STORE_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_FLAG, pvPara); if ( !m_hCertStore ) { dwErr = GetLastError (); if ( phr ) *phr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); m_hCertStore = ::CertOpenStore (m_storeProvider, X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, NULL, m_dwFlags | CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG | CERT_STORE_SET_LOCALIZED_NAME_FLAG, pvPara); if ( m_hCertStore ) m_bReadOnly = true; else { dwErr = GetLastError (); if ( phr ) *phr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); _TRACE (0, L"CertOpenStore (%s) failed: 0x%x\n", (PCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName, dwErr); } }
if ( !m_hCertStore && !m_bUnableToOpenMsgDisplayed && !bSilent && (USERDS_STORE != GetStoreType ()) ) { m_bUnableToOpenMsgDisplayed = true; CString caption; CString text; int iRetVal = 0;
VERIFY (caption.LoadString (IDS_CERTIFICATE_MANAGER)); text.FormatMessage (IDS_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_STORE, GetStoreName (), GetSystemMessage (dwErr)); if ( m_pConsole ) m_pConsole->MessageBox (text, caption, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION, &iRetVal); } }
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStoreGPE::GetStoreHandle - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName);
return m_hCertStore; }
bool CCertStoreGPE::CanContain(CertificateManagerObjectType nodeType) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStoreGPE::CanContain - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype); bool bCanContain = false;
switch (nodeType) { case CERTMGR_CERTIFICATE: if ( ROOT_STORE == GetStoreType () || EFS_STORE == GetStoreType () ) { bCanContain = true; } break;
case CERTMGR_CTL: if ( TRUST_STORE == GetStoreType () ) { bCanContain = true; } break;
default: break; }
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStoreGPE::CanContain - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return bCanContain; }
bool CCertStoreGPE::IsMachineStore() { _TRACE (0, L"Entering and leaving CCertStoreGPE::IsMachineStore - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype);
if (m_dwFlags & CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_GROUP_POLICY) return true; else return false; }
HKEY CCertStoreGPE::GetGroupPolicyKey() { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStoreGPE::GetGroupPolicyKey - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype); if ( !m_hGroupPolicyKey ) { if ( m_fIsComputerType ) { HRESULT hr = m_pGPEInformation->GetRegistryKey (GPO_SECTION_MACHINE, &m_hGroupPolicyKey); ASSERT (SUCCEEDED (hr)); } else { HRESULT hr = m_pGPEInformation->GetRegistryKey (GPO_SECTION_USER, &m_hGroupPolicyKey); ASSERT (SUCCEEDED (hr)); } }
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStoreGPE::GetGroupPolicyKey - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return m_hGroupPolicyKey; }
IGPEInformation * CCertStoreGPE::GetGPEInformation() const { _TRACE (0, L"Entering and leaving CCertStoreGPE::GetGPEInformation - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype); return m_pGPEInformation; }
HRESULT CCertStoreGPE::WriteEFSBlobToRegistry() { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStoreGPE::WriteEFSBlobToRegistry - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ( !m_fIsNullEFSPolicy ) { HKEY hGroupPolicyKey = GetGroupPolicyKey (); if ( hGroupPolicyKey ) { DWORD dwDisposition = 0; HKEY efsBlobKey = 0; int nCertCnt = GetCertCount ();
LONG lResult = ::RegCreateKeyEx (hGroupPolicyKey, // handle of an open key
CERT_EFSBLOB_REGPATH, // address of subkey name
0, // reserved
L"", // address of class string
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, // special options flag
KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // desired security access
NULL, // address of key security structure
&efsBlobKey, // address of buffer for opened handle
&dwDisposition); // address of disposition value buffer
ASSERT (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS); if ( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { PEFS_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO* pEFSPKI = new PEFS_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO[nCertCnt]; DWORD* cbPKI = new DWORD[nCertCnt]; PRECOVERY_KEY_1_1* pRecoveryKey = new PRECOVERY_KEY_1_1[nCertCnt]; DWORD* cbRecoveryKey = new DWORD[nCertCnt]; PRECOVERY_POLICY_1_1 pRecoveryPolicy = 0; DWORD cbRecoveryPolicy = 0; BYTE* pData = 0; DWORD cbData = 0; int nActualCertCnt = 0; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext = 0;
if ( !pEFSPKI || ! cbPKI || ! pRecoveryKey || !cbRecoveryKey ) { VERIFY (ERROR_SUCCESS == ::RegCloseKey (efsBlobKey)); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
::ZeroMemory (pEFSPKI, nCertCnt*sizeof (PEFS_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO)); ::ZeroMemory (cbPKI, nCertCnt*sizeof (DWORD)); ::ZeroMemory (pRecoveryKey, nCertCnt*sizeof (PRECOVERY_KEY_1_1)); ::ZeroMemory (cbRecoveryKey, nCertCnt*sizeof (DWORD));
while ( 1 ) { // Subsequent calls to CertEnumCertificatesInStore () free pCertContext. If
// we must break prematurely out of this loop, we must CertFreeCertificateContext ()
// explicitly on the last pCertContext
pCertContext = EnumCertificates (pCertContext); if ( pCertContext ) { hr = CreatePublicKeyInformationCertificate ( GetPSIDFromCert (pCertContext), pCertContext->pbCertEncoded, pCertContext->cbCertEncoded, &pEFSPKI[nActualCertCnt], &cbPKI[nActualCertCnt]); if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) ) { cbRecoveryKey[nActualCertCnt] = sizeof (ULONG) + cbPKI[nActualCertCnt]; pRecoveryKey[nActualCertCnt] = (PRECOVERY_KEY_1_1) ::LocalAlloc (LPTR, cbRecoveryKey[nActualCertCnt]); if ( pRecoveryKey[nActualCertCnt] ) { pRecoveryKey[nActualCertCnt]->TotalLength = cbRecoveryKey[nActualCertCnt]; memcpy (&(pRecoveryKey[nActualCertCnt]->PublicKeyInfo), pEFSPKI[nActualCertCnt], cbPKI[nActualCertCnt]); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; ::CertFreeCertificateContext (pCertContext); break; } } nActualCertCnt++; if ( nActualCertCnt > nCertCnt ) { ASSERT (0); ::CertFreeCertificateContext (pCertContext); break; } } else break; } Close (); ASSERT (nActualCertCnt == nCertCnt); if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) ) {
cbRecoveryPolicy = sizeof (RECOVERY_POLICY_HEADER); for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nActualCertCnt; nIndex++) cbRecoveryPolicy += cbRecoveryKey[nIndex]; pRecoveryPolicy = (PRECOVERY_POLICY_1_1) ::LocalAlloc (LPTR, cbRecoveryPolicy); if ( pRecoveryPolicy ) { pRecoveryPolicy->RecoveryPolicyHeader.MajorRevision = EFS_RECOVERY_POLICY_MAJOR_REVISION_1; pRecoveryPolicy->RecoveryPolicyHeader.MinorRevision = EFS_RECOVERY_POLICY_MINOR_REVISION_1; pRecoveryPolicy->RecoveryPolicyHeader.RecoveryKeyCount = nActualCertCnt;
// Build array of variable size recovery keys.
BYTE* ptr = (BYTE*) pRecoveryPolicy->RecoveryKeyList; for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nActualCertCnt; nIndex++) { memcpy (ptr, pRecoveryKey[nIndex], cbRecoveryKey[nIndex]); ptr += cbRecoveryKey[nIndex]; } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if ( pRecoveryPolicy ) // otherwise, the value is set to 0
{ pData = (BYTE*) pRecoveryPolicy; cbData = cbRecoveryPolicy; } lResult = RegSetValueEx (efsBlobKey, // handle of key to set value for
CERT_EFSBLOB_VALUE_NAME, // address of value to set
0, // reserved
REG_BINARY, // flag for value type
pData, // address of value data
cbData); // size of value data
if ( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { m_bDirty = true; } else DisplaySystemError (NULL, lResult); } VERIFY (ERROR_SUCCESS == ::RegCloseKey (efsBlobKey)); efsBlobKey = 0;
// Free all the allocated pointers in the arrays.
for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nActualCertCnt; nIndex++) { if ( pEFSPKI[nIndex] ) ::LocalFree (pEFSPKI[nIndex]); if ( pRecoveryKey[nIndex] ) ::LocalFree (pRecoveryKey[nIndex]); }
// Free the allocated arrays
if ( pEFSPKI ) delete [] pEFSPKI; if ( cbPKI ) delete [] cbPKI; if ( cbRecoveryKey ) delete [] cbRecoveryKey; if ( pRecoveryKey ) delete [] pRecoveryKey;
if ( pRecoveryPolicy ) ::LocalFree (pRecoveryPolicy); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (lResult); DisplaySystemError (NULL, lResult); } if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) ) m_bDirty = true; } }
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStoreGPE::WriteEFSBlobToRegistry - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return hr; }
#define POINTER_TO_OFFSET( Pointer, Base ) (((PUCHAR)(Pointer)) - ((PUCHAR)(Base)))
HRESULT CCertStoreGPE::CreatePublicKeyInformationCertificate( IN PSID pUserSid OPTIONAL, PBYTE pbCert, DWORD cbCert, OUT PEFS_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO * PublicKeyInformation, DWORD* pcbPublicKeyInfo) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStoreGPE::CreatePublicKeyInformationCertificate - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype); ASSERT (PublicKeyInformation && pcbPublicKeyInfo); if ( !PublicKeyInformation || !pcbPublicKeyInfo ) return E_POINTER;
DWORD PublicKeyInformationLength = 0; DWORD UserSidLength = 0; PWCHAR Base = 0;
if (pUserSid != NULL) { UserSidLength = GetLengthSid( pUserSid ); }
PublicKeyInformationLength = sizeof( EFS_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO ) + UserSidLength + cbCert;
// Allocate and fill in the PublicKeyInformation structure
*PublicKeyInformation = (PEFS_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) ::LocalAlloc (LPTR, PublicKeyInformationLength);
if ( !(*PublicKeyInformation) ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
(*PublicKeyInformation)->Length = PublicKeyInformationLength; (*PublicKeyInformation)->KeySourceTag = (ULONG)EfsCertificate;
// Copy the string and SID data to the end of the structure.
Base = (PWCHAR)(*PublicKeyInformation); Base = (PWCHAR)((PBYTE)Base + sizeof( EFS_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO ));
if (pUserSid != NULL) { (*PublicKeyInformation)->PossibleKeyOwner = (ULONG)POINTER_TO_OFFSET( Base, *PublicKeyInformation ); CopySid( UserSidLength, (PSID)Base, pUserSid ); } else { (*PublicKeyInformation)->PossibleKeyOwner = (ULONG)NULL; }
Base = (PWCHAR)((PBYTE)Base + UserSidLength);
(*PublicKeyInformation)->CertificateInfo.CertificateLength = cbCert; (*PublicKeyInformation)->CertificateInfo.Certificate = (ULONG)POINTER_TO_OFFSET( Base, *PublicKeyInformation );
memcpy( (PBYTE)Base, pbCert, cbCert ); *pcbPublicKeyInfo = PublicKeyInformationLength;
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStoreGPE::CreatePublicKeyInformationCertificate - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return 0; }
void CCertStoreGPE::AddCertToList(PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext, PSID userPSID) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStoreGPE::AddCertToList - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype); if ( pCertContext && userPSID ) { CERT_CONTEXT_PSID_STRUCT* pCert = new CERT_CONTEXT_PSID_STRUCT ( pCertContext, userPSID); if ( pCert ) { m_EFSCertList.AddTail (pCert); m_bDirty = true; } } _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStoreGPE::AddCertToList - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); }
PSID CCertStoreGPE::GetPSIDFromCert (PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStoreGPE::GetPSIDFromCert - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype); PSID pSID = 0; CERT_CONTEXT_PSID_STRUCT* pCert = 0; POSITION curPos = 0;
for (POSITION nextPos = m_EFSCertList.GetHeadPosition (); nextPos; ) { curPos = nextPos; pCert = m_EFSCertList.GetNext (nextPos); if ( CertCompareCertificate ( X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, pCert->m_pCertContext->pCertInfo, pCertContext->pCertInfo) ) { pSID = pCert->m_psid; break; } }
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStoreGPE::GetPSIDFromCert - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return pSID; }
void CCertStoreGPE::FinalCommit() { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStoreGPE::FinalCommit - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (CERTMGR_LOG_STORE_GPE == m_objecttype); // Called only from destructor
// Cannot commit here for GPT: GPT has already freed all pertinent data
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStoreGPE::FinalCommit - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); }
bool CCertStoreGPE::IsNullEFSPolicy() { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStoreGPE::IsNullEFSPolicy - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); GetStoreHandle (); // to initialize
Close (); _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStoreGPE::IsNullEFSPolicy - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return m_fIsNullEFSPolicy; }
void CCertStoreGPE::AllowEmptyEFSPolicy() { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStoreGPE::AllowEmptyEFSPolicy - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); m_fIsNullEFSPolicy = false; _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStoreGPE::AllowEmptyEFSPolicy - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); }
HRESULT CCertStoreGPE::AddCertificateContext(PCCERT_CONTEXT pContext, LPCONSOLE pConsole, bool bDeletePrivateKey) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStoreGPE::AddCertificateContext - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); HRESULT hr = S_OK; AllowEmptyEFSPolicy (); hr = CCertStore::AddCertificateContext (pContext, pConsole, bDeletePrivateKey);
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStoreGPE::AddCertificateContext - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return hr; }
HRESULT CCertStoreGPE::DeleteEFSPolicy(bool bCommitChanges) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStoreGPE::DeleteEFSPolicy - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); ASSERT (EFS_STORE == GetStoreType ()); if ( EFS_STORE == GetStoreType () ) { // If the store is open, close it first
if ( m_hCertStore ) { CERT_CONTEXT_PSID_STRUCT* pCert = 0; while (!m_EFSCertList.IsEmpty () ) { pCert = m_EFSCertList.RemoveHead (); ASSERT (pCert); if ( pCert ) delete pCert; }
m_hCertStore = 0; }
LRESULT lResult = ::RegDelnode (GetGroupPolicyKey (), CERT_EFSBLOB_REGPATH); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult ) { m_fIsNullEFSPolicy = true; m_bDirty = true;
if ( bCommitChanges ) Commit (); } else DisplaySystemError (NULL, (DWORD)lResult); }
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStoreGPE::DeleteEFSPolicy - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CCertStoreGPE::PolicyChanged() { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CCertStoreGPE::PolicyChanged - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if ( m_pGPEInformation ) { hr = m_pGPEInformation->PolicyChanged ( m_fIsComputerType ? TRUE : FALSE, TRUE, &g_guidExtension, &g_guidSnapin); hr = m_pGPEInformation->PolicyChanged ( m_fIsComputerType ? TRUE : FALSE, TRUE, &g_guidRegExt, &g_guidSnapin); }
_TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CCertStoreGPE::PolicyChanged - %s\n", (LPCWSTR) m_pcszStoreName); return hr; }
PCCERT_CONTEXT CCertStoreGPE::EnumCertificates (PCCERT_CONTEXT pPrevCertContext) { PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext = CCertStore::EnumCertificates (pPrevCertContext);
if ( pCertContext ) m_fIsNullEFSPolicy = false;
return pCertContext; }
CERT_CONTEXT_PSID_STRUCT::CERT_CONTEXT_PSID_STRUCT (PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext, PSID psid) : m_pCertContext (0), m_psid (0) { if ( pCertContext && psid ) { m_pCertContext = CertDuplicateCertificateContext (pCertContext); DWORD dwSidSize = ::GetLengthSid (psid); if ( dwSidSize > 0 ) { m_psid = new BYTE[dwSidSize]; if ( m_psid ) { ::ZeroMemory (m_psid, dwSidSize); if ( !::CopySid (dwSidSize, m_psid, psid) ) { ASSERT (0); delete [] m_psid; m_psid = 0; } } } } }
CERT_CONTEXT_PSID_STRUCT::~CERT_CONTEXT_PSID_STRUCT () { if ( m_pCertContext ) ::CertFreeCertificateContext (m_pCertContext); if ( m_psid ) delete [] m_psid; }