Module Name:
This module contains the declaration for CDfsSnapinResultManager.
#ifndef __DFSRESLT_H_
#define __DFSRESLT_H_
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#include <mmc.h>
#include "mmcdispl.h"
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CDfsSnapinResultManager : public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>, public CComCoClass<CDfsSnapinResultManager, &CLSID_DfsSnapinResultManager>, public IComponent, public IExtendContextMenu, public IExtendControlbar { public:
friend class CDfsSnapinScopeManager;
CDfsSnapinResultManager():m_pScopeManager(NULL), m_pSelectScopeDisplayObject(NULL) { }
virtual ~CDfsSnapinResultManager() { }
// IComponent Methods
STDMETHOD(Initialize)( IN LPCONSOLE i_lpConsole ); STDMETHOD(Notify)( IN LPDATAOBJECT i_lpDataObject, IN MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE i_Event, IN LPARAM i_lArg, IN LPARAM i_lParam ); STDMETHOD(Destroy)( IN MMC_COOKIE i_lCookie ); STDMETHOD(GetResultViewType)( IN MMC_COOKIE i_lCookie, OUT LPOLESTR* o_ppViewType, OUT LPLONG o_lpViewOptions ); STDMETHOD(QueryDataObject)( IN MMC_COOKIE i_lCookie, IN DATA_OBJECT_TYPES i_DataObjectType, OUT LPDATAOBJECT* o_ppDataObject ); STDMETHOD(GetDisplayInfo)( IN OUT RESULTDATAITEM* io_pResultDataItem ); STDMETHOD(CompareObjects)( IN LPDATAOBJECT i_lpDataObjectA, IN LPDATAOBJECT i_lpDataObjectB );
// IExtendContextMenu methods.
// For adding context menu items
STDMETHOD (AddMenuItems)( IN LPDATAOBJECT i_lpDataObject, IN LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK i_lpContextMenuCallback, IN LPLONG i_lpInsertionAllowed );
// For taking action on a context menu selection.
STDMETHOD (Command)( IN LONG i_lCommandID, IN LPDATAOBJECT i_lpDataObject );
// IExtendControlbar methods
// Used to set the control bar
STDMETHOD (SetControlbar)( IN LPCONTROLBAR i_pControlbar );
// A notify to the control bar
STDMETHOD (ControlbarNotify)( IN MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE i_Event, IN LPARAM i_lArg, IN LPARAM i_lParam );
// helpers
private: void DetachAllToolbars();
// Handling the Notify event for Select
STDMETHOD(DoNotifySelect)( IN LPDATAOBJECT i_lpDataObject, IN BOOL i_bSelect, IN HSCOPEITEM i_hParent );
// Handling the Notify event for Show
STDMETHOD(DoNotifyShow)( IN LPDATAOBJECT i_lpDataObject, IN BOOL i_bShow, IN HSCOPEITEM i_hParent );
// Handling the notify method for MMCN_DBLCLICK
STDMETHOD(DoNotifyDblClick)( IN LPDATAOBJECT i_lpDataObject );
// Handling the notify method for MMCN_DELETE
STDMETHOD(DoNotifyDelete)( IN LPDATAOBJECT i_lpDataObject );
// Handling the notify method for MMCN_CONTEXTHELP
STDMETHOD(DoNotifyViewChange)( IN LPDATAOBJECT i_lpDataObject, IN LONG_PTR i_lArg, IN LONG_PTR i_lParam );
STDMETHOD(DoNotifyRefresh)( IN LPDATAOBJECT i_lpDataObject );
// Data members
private: CDfsSnapinScopeManager* m_pScopeManager; // The corresponding Scope Manager object
CComPtr<IHeaderCtrl2> m_pHeader; // The header control for the result view
CComPtr<IResultData> m_pResultData; CComPtr<IConsoleVerb> m_pConsoleVerb; // Sets the console verb
CComPtr<IConsole2> m_pConsole; CComPtr<IControlbar> m_pControlbar; // Callback used to handle toolbars, etc
CMmcDisplay* m_pSelectScopeDisplayObject; // The CMmcDisplay pointer of the scope pane items
// That is currently selected in the view.
CComPtr<IToolbar> m_pMMCAdminToolBar; CComPtr<IToolbar> m_pMMCRootToolBar; CComPtr<IToolbar> m_pMMCJPToolBar; CComPtr<IToolbar> m_pMMCReplicaToolBar; };
#endif //__DFSRESLT_H_