Module Name:
This module contains the implementation for CMmcDfsAdmin. This is an class for MMC display related calls for the static node(the DFS Admin root node)
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "DfsGUI.h"
#include "Utils.h" // For the LoadStringFromResource method
#include "resource.h" // Contains the menu and toolbar command ids
#include "MenuEnum.h" // Contains the menu command ids
#include "MmcRoot.h" // CMmcDfsRoot class
#include "MmcAdmin.h"
#include "DfsEnums.h" // for common enums, typedefs, etc
#include "DfsWiz.h" // For the wizard pages, CCreateDfsRootWizPage1, 2, ...
#include "DfsNodes.h" // For Node GUIDs
#include "DfsScope.h"
#include "mroots.h"
static const TCHAR s_szWhack[] = _T("\\"); static const TCHAR s_szWhackWhack[] = _T("\\\\");
CMmcDfsAdmin::CMmcDfsAdmin( CDfsSnapinScopeManager* pScopeManager ) :m_hItemParent(NULL), m_bDirty(false), m_lpConsole(NULL) { dfsDebugOut((_T("CMmcDfsAdmin::CMmcDfsAdmin this=%p\n"), this)); m_CLSIDNodeType = s_guidDfsAdminNodeType; m_bstrDNodeType = s_tchDfsAdminNodeType; m_pScopeManager = pScopeManager; }
CMmcDfsAdmin::~CMmcDfsAdmin() /*++
Routine Description:
The dtor for CMmcDfsAdmin. This removes the list of DfsRoots being administered.
--*/ { CleanScopeChildren();
dfsDebugOut((_T("CMmcDfsAdmin::~CMmcDfsAdmin this=%p\n"), this)); }
STDMETHODIMP CMmcDfsAdmin::AddMenuItems( IN LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK i_lpContextMenuCallback, IN LPLONG i_lpInsertionAllowed ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine adds a context menu using the ContextMenuCallback provided.
lpContextMenuCallback - A callback(function pointer) that is used to add the menu items lpInsertionAllowed - Specifies what menus can be added and where they can be added.
--*/ { RETURN_INVALIDARG_IF_NULL(i_lpContextMenuCallback);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; for (int iCommandID = IDM_CONTEXTMENU_COMMAND_MIN, iMenuResource = IDS_MENUS_STATIC_TOP_NEW_DFSROOT; iCommandID <= IDM_CONTEXTMENU_COMMAND_MAX; iCommandID++,iMenuResource++) { CComBSTR bstrMenuText; CComBSTR bstrStatusBarText; hr = GetMenuResourceStrings(iMenuResource, &bstrMenuText, NULL, &bstrStatusBarText); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr);
CONTEXTMENUITEM ContextMenuItem; // The structure which contains menu information
ZeroMemory(&ContextMenuItem, sizeof(ContextMenuItem)); ContextMenuItem.strName = bstrMenuText; ContextMenuItem.strStatusBarText = bstrStatusBarText; ContextMenuItem.lInsertionPointID = lInsertionPoints[iCommandID - IDM_CONTEXTMENU_COMMAND_MIN]; ContextMenuItem.lCommandID = iCommandID;
LONG lInsertionFlag = 0; // Use to check if we have permission to add this menu.
if (*i_lpInsertionAllowed & lInsertionFlag) // Add the menu item we have have the permission
{ hr = i_lpContextMenuCallback->AddItem(&ContextMenuItem); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr); }
} // for
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CMmcDfsAdmin::SetColumnHeader( IN LPHEADERCTRL2 i_piHeaderControl ) { //
// the static node will dispay the messageview in the result pane
return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHODIMP CMmcDfsAdmin::Command( IN LONG i_lCommandID )
Routine Description:
Action to be taken on a context menu selection or click is takes place.
lCommandID - The Command ID of the menu for which action has to be taken
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
switch (i_lCommandID) { case IDM_STATIC_TOP_CONNECTTO: hr = OnConnectTo(); break; case IDM_STATIC_TOP_NEW_DFSROOT: hr = OnNewDfsRoot(); break; default: hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
return hr; };
STDMETHODIMP CMmcDfsAdmin::OnConnectTo( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Action to be taken on menu command "Connect To Dfs Root"
--*/ { // Display the ConnectTo dialog
CConnectToDialog ConnectTo; // Connect To Dialog.
HRESULT hr = ConnectTo.DoModal();
::ShowCursor(FALSE); SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); ::ShowCursor(TRUE);
if (hr != S_OK) // Mostly an error or cancel operation
return hr;
// Get the Dfs Root selected by the user
CComBSTR bstrUserEnteredText; hr = ConnectTo.get_DfsRoot(&bstrUserEnteredText); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr);
CWaitCursor WaitCursor; if (S_OK == CheckUNCPath(bstrUserEnteredText)) { //
// user has entered the fully spelled out root entry path
// add it to scope pane directly
hr = AddDfsRoot(bstrUserEnteredText); } else { //
// user has entered only a domain or server name, we need user to further
// determine the roots he wants to display in the scope pane
CComBSTR bstrScopeWithWhacks; PTSTR pszScopeWithNoWhacks = NULL; if (!mylstrncmpi(bstrUserEnteredText, _T("\\\\"), 2)) { pszScopeWithNoWhacks = bstrUserEnteredText + 2; bstrScopeWithWhacks = bstrUserEnteredText; } else { pszScopeWithNoWhacks = bstrUserEnteredText; bstrScopeWithWhacks = _T("\\\\"); bstrScopeWithWhacks += bstrUserEnteredText; } bstrScopeWithWhacks += _T("\\");
ROOTINFOLIST DfsRootList; if (S_OK == GetMultiDfsRoots(&DfsRootList, pszScopeWithNoWhacks) && !DfsRootList.empty()) { ROOTINFOLIST::iterator i = DfsRootList.begin(); CComBSTR bstrRoot; if (1 == DfsRootList.size()) { //
// this domain or server only hosts one root, add it to scope pane directly
bstrRoot = bstrScopeWithWhacks; bstrRoot += (*i)->bstrRootName; hr = AddDfsRoot(bstrRoot); } else { //
// invoke the multi roots dialog
CMultiRoots mroots; hr = mroots.Init(pszScopeWithNoWhacks, &DfsRootList); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = mroots.DoModal();
if (S_OK == hr) { //
// user has OK'ed the dialog, add each selected root to scope pane
NETNAMELIST *pList = NULL; mroots.get_SelectedRootList(&pList); for (NETNAMELIST::iterator j = pList->begin(); j != pList->end(); j++) { bstrRoot = bstrScopeWithWhacks; bstrRoot += (*j)->bstrNetName; hr = AddDfsRoot(bstrRoot); if (FAILED(hr)) break; } } else if (S_FALSE == hr) { //
// user has cancelled the dialog, reset it to S_OK to avoid msg popup
hr = S_OK; } } } else { //
// could be downlevel server, try to add it to scope pane
hr = AddDfsRoot(bstrUserEnteredText); }
FreeRootInfoList(&DfsRootList); }
if (S_FALSE == hr) DisplayMessageBoxWithOK(IDS_DFSROOT_NOT_EXIST, NULL);
if (FAILED(hr)) DisplayMessageBoxForHR(hr);
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CMmcDfsAdmin::EnumerateScopePane( IN LPCONSOLENAMESPACE i_lpConsoleNameSpace, IN HSCOPEITEM i_hItemParent ) /*++
Routine Description:
To eumerate(add) items in the scope pane. Dfs Roots in this case
i_lpConsoleNameSpace - The callback used to add items to the Scope pane i_hItemParent - HSCOPEITEM of the parent under which all the items will be added.
m_hItemParent = i_hItemParent; m_lpConsoleNameSpace = i_lpConsoleNameSpace;
CWaitCursor WaitCursor; for (DFS_ROOT_LIST::iterator i = m_RootList.begin(); i != m_RootList.end(); i++) { (void)((*i)->m_pMmcDfsRoot)->AddItemToScopePane(m_lpConsoleNameSpace, m_hItemParent); }
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CMmcDfsAdmin::AddDfsRoot( IN BSTR i_bstrDfsRootName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Adds the DfsRoot to the internal list and to the Scope pane.
Arguments: i_bstrDfsRootName - The full path(display name) of the DfsRoot to be created. Example, ComputerName\\DfsRootName or DomainName\DfsRootName
--*/ { RETURN_INVALIDARG_IF_NULL(i_bstrDfsRootName);
CWaitCursor wait;
// Create the IDfsRoot object
CComPtr<IDfsRoot> pDfsRoot; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance (CLSID_DfsRoot, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDfsRoot, (void**) &pDfsRoot); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr);
hr = pDfsRoot->Initialize(i_bstrDfsRootName); if (S_OK != hr) return hr;
// Get the server hosting Dfs.
CComBSTR bstrDfsRootEntryPath; hr = pDfsRoot->get_RootEntryPath(&bstrDfsRootEntryPath); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr);
// If already present in the list, just display a message and return
CMmcDfsRoot *pMmcDfsRoot = NULL; hr = IsAlreadyInList(bstrDfsRootEntryPath, &pMmcDfsRoot); if (S_OK == hr) { pMmcDfsRoot->OnRefresh(); // refresh to pick up other root replicas
return hr; }
// Add the IDfsRoot object to the list and to Scope Pane
hr = AddDfsRootToList(pDfsRoot); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr);
m_bDirty = true; // Dirty is true as we now have a new node in the list
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CMmcDfsAdmin::AddDfsRootToList( IN IDfsRoot* i_pDfsRoot, IN ULONG i_ulLinkFilterMaxLimit, // = FILTERDFSLINKS_MAXLIMIT_DEFAULT,
IN BSTR i_bstrLinkFilterName // = NULL
) /*++
Routine Description:
To add a new DFSRoot only to the list.
i_pDfsRoot - The IDfsRoot object being added to the list
CMmcDfsRoot* pMmcDfsRoot = new CMmcDfsRoot(i_pDfsRoot, this, m_lpConsole, i_ulLinkFilterMaxLimit, i_lLinkFilterType, i_bstrLinkFilterName); RETURN_OUTOFMEMORY_IF_NULL(pMmcDfsRoot);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; if ( FAILED(hr = pMmcDfsRoot->m_hrValueFromCtor) ) { delete pMmcDfsRoot; return hr; }
CComBSTR bstrRootEntryPath; hr = i_pDfsRoot->get_RootEntryPath(&bstrRootEntryPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pMmcDfsRoot; return hr; }
// Create a new node for storing Dfs Root information.
DFS_ROOT_NODE* pNewDfsRootNode = new DFS_ROOT_NODE(pMmcDfsRoot, bstrRootEntryPath); if (!pNewDfsRootNode || !pNewDfsRootNode->m_bstrRootEntryPath) { delete pMmcDfsRoot; delete pNewDfsRootNode; return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Add this DfsRoot to scope pane. Need item parent to be non null
if (m_hItemParent) { hr = (pNewDfsRootNode->m_pMmcDfsRoot)->AddItemToScopePane(m_lpConsoleNameSpace, m_hItemParent); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr); }
m_bDirty = true; // Dirty is true as we now have a new node in the list
return hr; }
// This method returns the pointer to the list containing information of all DfsRoots
// added to the Snapin. The caller SHOULD NOT free the list.
*o_pList = &m_RootList;
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CMmcDfsAdmin::IsAlreadyInList( IN BSTR i_bstrDfsRootEntryPath, OUT CMmcDfsRoot **o_ppMmcDfsRoot ) /*++
Routine Description:
Routine used to check if the DfsRoot is already in the list
i_bstrDfsRootEntryPath - The Server name of the DfsRoot object
Return value:
S_OK, if node is present in the list. S_FALSE, if the node doesn't exist in the list --*/ { for (DFS_ROOT_LIST::iterator i = m_RootList.begin(); i != m_RootList.end(); i++) { if (!lstrcmpi((*i)->m_bstrRootEntryPath, i_bstrDfsRootEntryPath)) { if (o_ppMmcDfsRoot) *o_ppMmcDfsRoot = (*i)->m_pMmcDfsRoot; return S_OK; } }
return S_FALSE; }
HRESULT CMmcDfsAdmin::OnRefresh( ) { // Select this node first
CWaitCursor WaitCursor;
HRESULT hr = S_OK; NETNAMELIST listRootEntryPaths; if (!m_RootList.empty()) { for (DFS_ROOT_LIST::iterator i = m_RootList.begin(); i != m_RootList.end(); i++) { // silently close all property pages
pName->bstrNetName = (*i)->m_bstrRootEntryPath; BREAK_OUTOFMEMORY_IF_NULL((BSTR)(pName->bstrNetName), &hr);
listRootEntryPaths.push_back(pName); } }
if (FAILED(hr)) { FreeNetNameList(&listRootEntryPaths); return hr; }
if (listRootEntryPaths.empty()) return hr;
for (NETNAMELIST::iterator i = listRootEntryPaths.begin(); i != listRootEntryPaths.end(); i++) { (void)AddDfsRoot((*i)->bstrNetName); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CMmcDfsAdmin::OnAddImages(IImageList *pImageList, HSCOPEITEM hsi) { return S_OK; // no listview on the static node
// Delete the node from m_RootList
STDMETHODIMP CMmcDfsAdmin::DeleteMmcRootNode( IN CMmcDfsRoot* i_pMmcDfsRoot ) { RETURN_INVALIDARG_IF_NULL(i_pMmcDfsRoot);
dfsDebugOut((_T("CMmcDfsAdmin::DeleteMmcRootNode %p\n"), i_pMmcDfsRoot));
for (DFS_ROOT_LIST::iterator i = m_RootList.begin(); i != m_RootList.end(); i++) { if ((*i)->m_pMmcDfsRoot == i_pMmcDfsRoot) { m_RootList.erase(i); m_bDirty = true; break; } }
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CMmcDfsAdmin::SetConsoleVerbs( IN LPCONSOLEVERB i_lpConsoleVerb ) /*++
Routine Description:
Routine used to set the console verb settings. Sets all of them except Open off. For all scope pane items, default verb is "open'. For result items, it is "properties"
i_lpConsoleVerb - The callback used to handle console verbs
--*/ { RETURN_INVALIDARG_IF_NULL(i_lpConsoleVerb);
i_lpConsoleVerb->SetVerbState(MMC_VERB_COPY, HIDDEN, TRUE); i_lpConsoleVerb->SetVerbState(MMC_VERB_PASTE, HIDDEN, TRUE); i_lpConsoleVerb->SetVerbState(MMC_VERB_RENAME, HIDDEN, TRUE); i_lpConsoleVerb->SetVerbState(MMC_VERB_PRINT, HIDDEN, TRUE); i_lpConsoleVerb->SetVerbState(MMC_VERB_DELETE, HIDDEN, TRUE); i_lpConsoleVerb->SetVerbState(MMC_VERB_OPEN, HIDDEN, TRUE); i_lpConsoleVerb->SetVerbState(MMC_VERB_REFRESH, ENABLED, TRUE); i_lpConsoleVerb->SetVerbState(MMC_VERB_PROPERTIES, HIDDEN, TRUE);
i_lpConsoleVerb->SetDefaultVerb(MMC_VERB_OPEN); //For scope items, default verb is "open"
return S_OK; }
Used by CMmcDfsAdmin::OnNewDfsRoot() */ class CMmcNewDfsWizard : public CMmcDfsAdmin { public: CMmcNewDfsWizard( CDfsSnapinScopeManager* i_pScopeManager );
virtual ~CMmcNewDfsWizard();
// Checks whether the object has pages to display
STDMETHODIMP QueryPagesFor( ) { return S_OK; };
// Creates and passes back the pages to be displayed
STDMETHODIMP CreatePropertyPages( IN LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK i_lpPropSheetCallback, IN LONG_PTR i_lNotifyHandle );
CMmcNewDfsWizard::CMmcNewDfsWizard( CDfsSnapinScopeManager* i_pScopeManager ) : CMmcDfsAdmin( i_pScopeManager ) { }
CMmcNewDfsWizard::~CMmcNewDfsWizard() { }
// Creates and passes back the pages to be displayed
STDMETHODIMP CMmcNewDfsWizard::CreatePropertyPages( IN LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK i_lpPropSheetCallback, IN LONG_PTR i_lNotifyHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
Used to display the property sheet pages
i_lpPropSheetCallback - The callback used to create the propertysheet. i_lNotifyHandle - Notify handle used by the property page
--*/ { RETURN_INVALIDARG_IF_NULL(i_lpPropSheetCallback);
return S_OK; // since we want to display a propertysheet
STDMETHODIMP CMmcDfsAdmin::OnNewDfsRoot( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Action to be taken on menu command "New Dfs Root". Here is a wizard is used to guide the user through the process of creating a new dfs root.
Arguments: None
--*/ { CMmcNewDfsWizard* pNewDfsWizard = new CMmcNewDfsWizard( m_pScopeManager ); RETURN_OUTOFMEMORY_IF_NULL(pNewDfsWizard);
CComPtr<IDataObject> spDfsWizardDataObject = (IDataObject*)pNewDfsWizard; CREATEDFSROOTWIZINFO CreateWizInfo;// 0 initializes all members to 0. Necessary
CreateWizInfo.pMMCAdmin = this;
CCreateDfsRootWizPage1 WizPage1(&CreateWizInfo); // Wizard pages
CCreateDfsRootWizPage2 WizPage2(&CreateWizInfo); CCreateDfsRootWizPage3 WizPage3(&CreateWizInfo); CCreateDfsRootWizPage4 WizPage4(&CreateWizInfo); CCreateDfsRootWizPage6 WizPage6(&CreateWizInfo); CCreateDfsRootWizPage5 WizPage5(&CreateWizInfo); CCreateDfsRootWizPage7 WizPage7(&CreateWizInfo);
// Get the required interfaces from IConsole2.
CComPtr<IPropertySheetCallback> pPropSheetCallback; // MMC Callback used to add pages
HRESULT hr = m_lpConsole->QueryInterface( IID_IPropertySheetCallback, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pPropSheetCallback)); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr);
CComPtr<IPropertySheetProvider> pPropSheetProvider; // MMC callback used to handle wizard
hr = m_lpConsole->QueryInterface( IID_IPropertySheetProvider, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pPropSheetProvider)); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr);
// Create the wizard
// JonN 2/14/98 Currently MMC-based wizards don't work unless you call AddPrimaryPages.
hr = pPropSheetProvider->CreatePropertySheet( _T(""), // Property sheet title. Should not be null so send empty string.
FALSE, // Wizard and not property sheet.
0, // Cookie
(LPDATAOBJECT)spDfsWizardDataObject, // IDataobject
MMC_PSO_NEWWIZARDTYPE); // Creation flags
// Create the pages for the wizard. Use the handle return to add to our wizard
hr = pPropSheetCallback->AddPage(WizPage1.Create()); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr); hr = pPropSheetCallback->AddPage(WizPage2.Create()); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr); hr = pPropSheetCallback->AddPage(WizPage3.Create()); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr); hr = pPropSheetCallback->AddPage(WizPage4.Create()); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr); hr = pPropSheetCallback->AddPage(WizPage6.Create()); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr); hr = pPropSheetCallback->AddPage(WizPage5.Create()); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr); hr = pPropSheetCallback->AddPage(WizPage7.Create()); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr);
// Ask the provider to use the pages from the callback
hr = pPropSheetProvider->AddPrimaryPages( (IComponentData *)(m_pScopeManager), TRUE, // Don't create a notify handle
NULL, TRUE // Scope pane (not result pane)
HWND hwndMainWin = 0; // MMC main window. Used to make it modal
hr = m_lpConsole->GetMainWindow(&hwndMainWin); // Get the main MMC window
RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr); // Display the wizard
hr = pPropSheetProvider->Show( (LONG_PTR)hwndMainWin, // Parent window of the wizard
0 // Starting page
if (CreateWizInfo.bDfsSetupSuccess) { CComBSTR bstrRootEntryPath = _T("\\\\"); if (CreateWizInfo.DfsType == DFS_TYPE_FTDFS) bstrRootEntryPath += CreateWizInfo.bstrSelectedDomain; else bstrRootEntryPath += CreateWizInfo.bstrSelectedServer; bstrRootEntryPath += _T("\\"); bstrRootEntryPath += CreateWizInfo.bstrDfsRootName;
hr = AddDfsRoot(bstrRootEntryPath); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CMmcDfsAdmin::PutConsolePtr( IN const LPCONSOLE2 i_lpConsole ) /*++
Routine Description:
A routine used just to set the lpconsole pointer. This is used later by display object
Arguments: i_lpConsole - Console pointer.
--*/ { RETURN_INVALIDARG_IF_NULL(i_lpConsole);
m_lpConsole = i_lpConsole;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CMmcDfsAdmin::SetDescriptionBarText( IN LPRESULTDATA i_lpResultData ) /*++
Routine Description:
A routine used set the text in the Description bar above the result view.
Arguments: i_lpResultData - Pointer to the IResultData callback which is used to set the description text
--*/ { RETURN_INVALIDARG_IF_NULL(i_lpResultData);
CComBSTR bstrTextForDescriptionBar; HRESULT hr = LoadStringFromResource(IDS_DESCRIPTION_BAR_TEXT_ADMIN, &bstrTextForDescriptionBar);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = i_lpResultData->SetDescBarText(bstrTextForDescriptionBar);
return hr; }
HRESULT CMmcDfsAdmin::ToolbarSelect( IN const LONG i_lArg, IN IToolbar* i_pToolBar ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handle a select event for a toolbar Enable the buttons, if the event for a selection. Disable the buttons, if the event was for a deselection
Arguments: i_lArg - The argument passed to the actual method. o_pToolBar - The Toolbar pointer. --*/ { RETURN_INVALIDARG_IF_NULL(i_pToolBar);
BOOL bSelect = (BOOL) HIWORD(i_lArg); // Is the event for selection?
EnableToolbarButtons(i_pToolBar, IDT_ADMIN_MIN, IDT_ADMIN_MAX, bSelect);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CMmcDfsAdmin::CreateToolbar( IN const LPCONTROLBAR i_pControlbar, IN const LPEXTENDCONTROLBAR i_lExtendControlbar, OUT IToolbar** o_pToolBar ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create the toolbar. Involves the actual toolbar creation call, creating the bitmap and adding it and finally adding the buttons to the toolbar
Arguments: i_pControlbar - The controlbar used to create toolbar. i_lExtendControlbar - The object implementing IExtendControlbar. This is the class exposed to MMC. o_pToolBar - The Toolbar pointer.
// Create the toolbar
HRESULT hr = i_pControlbar->Create(TOOLBAR, i_lExtendControlbar, reinterpret_cast<LPUNKNOWN*>(o_pToolBar)); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr);
// Add the bitmap to the toolbar
hr = AddBitmapToToolbar(*o_pToolBar, IDB_ADMIN_TOOLBAR); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr);
int iButtonPosition = 0; // The first button position
for (int iCommandID = IDT_ADMIN_MIN, iMenuResource = IDS_MENUS_STATIC_TOP_NEW_DFSROOT; iCommandID <= IDT_ADMIN_MAX; iCommandID++,iMenuResource++,iButtonPosition++) { CComBSTR bstrMenuText; CComBSTR bstrToolTipText; hr = GetMenuResourceStrings(iMenuResource, &bstrMenuText, &bstrToolTipText, NULL); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr);
// Add all the buttons to the toolbar
MMCBUTTON ToolbarButton; ZeroMemory(&ToolbarButton, sizeof ToolbarButton); ToolbarButton.nBitmap = iButtonPosition; ToolbarButton.idCommand = iCommandID; ToolbarButton.fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; ToolbarButton.fsType = TBSTYLE_BUTTON; ToolbarButton.lpButtonText = bstrMenuText; ToolbarButton.lpTooltipText = bstrToolTipText;
// Add the button to the toolbar
hr = (*o_pToolBar)->InsertButton(iButtonPosition, &ToolbarButton); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr); }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CMmcDfsAdmin::ToolbarClick( IN const LPCONTROLBAR i_pControlbar, IN const LPARAM i_lParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
Action to take on a click on a toolbar
Arguments: i_pControlbar - The controlbar used to create toolbar. i_lParam - The lparam to the actual notify. This is the command id of the button on which a click occurred. --*/ { RETURN_INVALIDARG_IF_NULL(i_pControlbar);
switch(i_lParam) // What button did the user click on.
{ case IDT_ADMIN_CONNECTTO: hr = OnConnectTo(); break; case IDT_ADMIN_NEW_DFSROOT: hr = OnNewDfsRoot(); break; default: hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; };
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CMmcDfsAdmin::CleanScopeChildren( ) { /*++
Routine Description:
Recursively deletes all Scope pane children display objects.
--*/ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (!m_RootList.empty()) { // clean up display objects
for (DFS_ROOT_LIST::iterator i = m_RootList.begin(); i != m_RootList.end(); i++) { delete (*i); }
m_RootList.erase(m_RootList.begin(), m_RootList.end());
// Delete all child items from scope pane
if (m_lpConsoleNameSpace) { HSCOPEITEM hChild = NULL; MMC_COOKIE lCookie = 0; while (SUCCEEDED(hr = m_lpConsoleNameSpace->GetChildItem(m_hItemParent, &hChild, &lCookie)) && hChild) { (void) m_lpConsoleNameSpace->DeleteItem(hChild, TRUE); } } }
return S_OK; }