// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// File: dsthread.h
#ifndef __DSTHREAD_H__
#define __DSTHREAD_H__
// thread messages
// dispatcher thread posts to worker thread to run query
// worker thread posts to dispatcher thread once done with the query
// worker thread posts to dispatcher thread to ack startup
// message posted to threads to ask for shutdown
// message posted to threads to ack shutdown
void WaitForThreadShutdown(HANDLE* hThreadArray, DWORD dwCount);
// forward declarations
class CDSComponentData;
// CHiddenWnd
class CHiddenWnd : public CWindowImpl<CHiddenWnd> { public: DECLARE_WND_CLASS(L"DSAHiddenWindow")
static const UINT s_ThreadStartNotificationMessage; static const UINT s_ThreadTooMuchDataNotificationMessage; static const UINT s_ThreadHaveDataNotificationMessage; static const UINT s_ThreadDoneNotificationMessage; static const UINT s_SheetCloseNotificationMessage; static const UINT s_SheetCreateNotificationMessage; static const UINT s_RefreshAllNotificationMessage; static const UINT s_ThreadShutDownNotificationMessage;
CHiddenWnd(CDSComponentData* pCD) { ASSERT(pCD != NULL); m_pCD = pCD; }
BOOL Create(); // message handlers
LRESULT OnThreadStartNotification(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled); LRESULT OnThreadTooMuchDataNotification(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled); LRESULT OnThreadHaveDataNotification(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled); LRESULT OnThreadDoneNotification(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled); LRESULT OnSheetCloseNotification(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled); LRESULT OnSheetCreateNotification(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled); LRESULT OnRefreshAllNotification(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled); LRESULT OnThreadShutDownNotification(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled);
BEGIN_MSG_MAP(CHiddenWnd) MESSAGE_HANDLER( CHiddenWnd::s_ThreadStartNotificationMessage, OnThreadStartNotification ) MESSAGE_HANDLER( CHiddenWnd::s_ThreadTooMuchDataNotificationMessage, OnThreadTooMuchDataNotification ) MESSAGE_HANDLER( CHiddenWnd::s_ThreadHaveDataNotificationMessage, OnThreadHaveDataNotification ) MESSAGE_HANDLER( CHiddenWnd::s_ThreadDoneNotificationMessage, OnThreadDoneNotification ) MESSAGE_HANDLER( CHiddenWnd::s_SheetCloseNotificationMessage, OnSheetCloseNotification ) MESSAGE_HANDLER( CHiddenWnd::s_SheetCreateNotificationMessage, OnSheetCreateNotification ) MESSAGE_HANDLER( CHiddenWnd::s_RefreshAllNotificationMessage, OnRefreshAllNotification ) MESSAGE_HANDLER( CHiddenWnd::s_ThreadShutDownNotificationMessage, OnThreadShutDownNotification ) END_MSG_MAP()
private: CDSComponentData* m_pCD; };
// CBackgroundThreadInfo
enum ThreadState { notStarted=0, running, busy, shuttingDown, terminated };
struct CBackgroundThreadInfo { CBackgroundThreadInfo() { m_nThreadID = 0; m_hThreadHandle = 0; m_state = notStarted; }
UINT m_nThreadID; // thread ID if the thread
HANDLE m_hThreadHandle; // thread handle of the thread
ThreadState m_state; };
// CBackgroundThreadBase
class CBackgroundThreadBase : public CWinThread { public: CBackgroundThreadBase(); ~CBackgroundThreadBase();
BOOL Start(HWND hWnd, CDSComponentData* pCD); virtual BOOL InitInstance();// MFC override
virtual int ExitInstance(); virtual int Run() { return -1;} // // MFC override, need to override
protected: BOOL PostMessageToWnd(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); HWND GetHiddenWnd() { ASSERT(m_hWnd!= NULL); return m_hWnd;} CDSComponentData* GetCD() { ASSERT(m_pCD); return m_pCD;}
virtual void PostExitNotification() {}
private: HWND m_hWnd; // hidden window handle
CDSComponentData* m_pCD; };
// CDispatcherThread
class CDispatcherThread : public CBackgroundThreadBase { public: CDispatcherThread(); ~CDispatcherThread();
virtual int Run();
protected: virtual void PostExitNotification();
UINT GetThreadEntryFromPool(); void ReturnThreadToPool(UINT nThreadID); BOOL BroadcastShutDownAllThreads(); BOOL MarkThreadAsTerminated(UINT nThreadID); void WaitForAllWorkerThreadsToExit();
UINT _GetEntryFromArray(); UINT m_nArrCount; CBackgroundThreadInfo* m_pThreadInfoArr; };
// CWorkerThread
class CWorkerThread : public CBackgroundThreadBase { public: CWorkerThread(UINT nParentThreadID); ~CWorkerThread();
virtual int Run();
void AddToQueryResult(CUINode* pUINode); void SendCurrentQueryResult(); BOOL MustQuit() { return m_bQuit; }
protected: virtual void PostExitNotification();
private: UINT m_nParentThreadID; BOOL m_bQuit;
CThreadQueryResult* m_pCurrentQueryResult; WPARAM m_currWParamCookie;
const int m_nMaxQueueLength; };
#endif // __DSTHREAD_H__