Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of the alerts general property page.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <pdh.h>
#include <pdhmsg.h>
#include <common.h>
#include "smcfgmsg.h"
#include "dialogs.h"
#include "smlogs.h"
#include "smalrtq.h"
#include "AlrtGenP.h"
#include <pdhp.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
static const COMBO_BOX_DATA_MAP OverUnderCombo[] = { {OU_OVER, IDS_OVER}, {OU_UNDER, IDS_UNDER} }; static const DWORD dwOverUnderComboEntries = sizeof(OverUnderCombo)/sizeof(OverUnderCombo[0]);
ULONG CAlertGenProp::HashCounter( LPTSTR szCounterName, ULONG lHashSize) { ULONG h = 0; ULONG a = 31415; //a, b, k are primes
const ULONG k = 16381; const ULONG b = 27183; LPTSTR szThisChar; TCHAR Char;
if (szCounterName) { for (szThisChar = szCounterName; * szThisChar; szThisChar ++) { Char = * szThisChar; if (_istupper(Char) ) { Char = _tolower(Char); }
h = (a * h + ((ULONG) Char)) % k; a = a * b % (k - 1); } } return (h % lHashSize); }
BOOL CAlertGenProp::InsertAlertToHashTable( PALERT_INFO_BLOCK paibInfo ) { ULONG lHashValue; PHASH_ENTRY pEntry; PHASH_ENTRY pNewEntry = NULL; BOOLEAN bInsert = TRUE; PPDH_COUNTER_PATH_ELEMENTS pCounter = NULL;
PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
// Todo: validate pointers
lHashValue = HashCounter(paibInfo->szCounterPath, eHashTableSize);
pEntry = m_HashTable[lHashValue];
pdhStatus = AllocInitCounterPath ( paibInfo->szCounterPath, &pCounter );
if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { while (pEntry) { if ( ( AIBF_OVER & pEntry->dwFlags ) == ( AIBF_OVER & paibInfo->dwFlags ) && pEntry->dLimit == paibInfo->dLimit && ERROR_SUCCESS != CheckDuplicateCounterPaths(pCounter, pEntry->pCounter ) ) { bInsert = FALSE; break; } pEntry = pEntry->pNext; } if (bInsert) { // Insert at head of bucket list
pNewEntry = (PHASH_ENTRY) G_ALLOC(sizeof(HASH_ENTRY)); if (pNewEntry) { pNewEntry->pCounter = pCounter; pNewEntry->dwFlags = paibInfo->dwFlags; pNewEntry->dLimit = paibInfo->dLimit; pNewEntry->pNext = m_HashTable[lHashValue]; m_HashTable[lHashValue] = pNewEntry; } else { pdhStatus = PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; bInsert = FALSE; } } } else { if ( NULL != pCounter ) { delete pCounter; } bInsert = FALSE; }
if ( !bInsert ) { // Set status on error // Todo: Only set status if pdhStatus != 0.
// Will need to pass pdhStatus as a parameter in order to do this.
SetLastError(pdhStatus); } return (bInsert); }
void CAlertGenProp::InitAlertHashTable( void ) { memset(&m_HashTable, 0, sizeof(m_HashTable)); }
void CAlertGenProp::ClearAlertHashTable( void ) { ULONG i; PHASH_ENTRY pEntry; PHASH_ENTRY pNext;
for (i = 0; i < eHashTableSize; i ++) { pNext = m_HashTable[i]; while (pNext != NULL) { pEntry = pNext; pNext = pEntry->pNext;
G_FREE(pEntry->pCounter); G_FREE(pEntry); } } }
// browse counters callback function
static PDH_FUNCTION DialogCallBack(CAlertGenProp *pDlg) { // add strings in buffer to list box
LPTSTR NewCounterName; INT iListIndex; LONG lFirstNewIndex = LB_ERR; DWORD dwItemExtent; CListBox *pCounterList; PALERT_INFO_BLOCK paibInfo = NULL; DWORD dwIbSize; DWORD dwReturnStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; CDC* pCDC = NULL; ResourceStateManager rsm;
#define CTRBUFLIMIT (0x7fffffff)
if ( PDH_MORE_DATA == pDlg->m_dlgConfig.CallBackStatus ) { if ( pDlg->m_dlgConfig.cchReturnPathLength < CTRBUFLIMIT ) {
pDlg->m_dwCounterListBufferSize *= 2; delete pDlg->m_szCounterListBuffer; pDlg->m_szCounterListBuffer = NULL;
try { pDlg->m_szCounterListBuffer = new WCHAR[pDlg->m_dwCounterListBufferSize]; } catch ( ... ) { pDlg->m_dwCounterListBufferSize = 0; pDlg->m_dlgConfig.CallBackStatus = PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; dwReturnStatus = PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwReturnStatus ) { // clear buffer
memset (pDlg->m_szCounterListBuffer, 0, pDlg->m_dwCounterListBufferSize);
pDlg->m_dlgConfig.szReturnPathBuffer = pDlg->m_szCounterListBuffer; pDlg->m_dlgConfig.cchReturnPathLength = pDlg->m_dwCounterListBufferSize; pDlg->m_dlgConfig.CallBackStatus = PDH_RETRY; dwReturnStatus = PDH_RETRY; } } else { pDlg->m_dlgConfig.CallBackStatus = PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; dwReturnStatus = PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; }
} else if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == pDlg->m_dlgConfig.CallBackStatus ) {
pCounterList = (CListBox *)pDlg->GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_COUNTER_LIST); pCDC = pCounterList->GetDC(); for (NewCounterName = pDlg->m_szCounterListBuffer; *NewCounterName != 0; NewCounterName += (lstrlen(NewCounterName) + 1)) {
// Allocate a buffer to hold the alert info and
// add to list box
dwIbSize = sizeof(ALERT_INFO_BLOCK) + ((lstrlen(NewCounterName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (paibInfo != NULL) { // load the fields
paibInfo->dwSize = dwIbSize; paibInfo->szCounterPath = (LPTSTR)&paibInfo[1]; paibInfo->dwFlags = AIBF_OVER; // clear all the flags, setting default to "Over"
paibInfo->dLimit = CAlertGenProp::eInvalidLimit; lstrcpyW (paibInfo->szCounterPath, NewCounterName);
// Insert the new string at the end of the list box.
iListIndex = pCounterList->InsertString (-1, NewCounterName ); if (iListIndex != LB_ERR) { pCounterList->SetItemDataPtr (iListIndex, (LPVOID)paibInfo); if ( LB_ERR == lFirstNewIndex ) lFirstNewIndex = iListIndex; // update list box extent
if ( NULL != pCDC ) { dwItemExtent = (DWORD)(pCDC->GetTextExtent(NewCounterName)).cx; if (dwItemExtent > pDlg->m_dwMaxHorizListExtent) { pDlg->m_dwMaxHorizListExtent = dwItemExtent; pCounterList->SetHorizontalExtent(dwItemExtent); } } } else { dwReturnStatus = PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; delete paibInfo; } } else { dwReturnStatus = PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; } } if ( NULL != pCDC ) { pDlg->m_CounterList.ReleaseDC(pCDC); pCDC = NULL; } // select the first new entry in the list box.
if (lFirstNewIndex != LB_ERR) { pCounterList->SetCurSel (lFirstNewIndex); pDlg->PublicOnSelchangeCounterList(); pDlg->SetModifiedPage(); // to indicate a change
// clear buffer
memset (pDlg->m_szCounterListBuffer, 0, pDlg->m_dwCounterListBufferSize); dwReturnStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { // Not successful
dwReturnStatus = pDlg->m_dlgConfig.CallBackStatus; } return dwReturnStatus; }
// CAlertGenProp property page
CAlertGenProp::CAlertGenProp(MMC_COOKIE mmcCookie, LONG_PTR hConsole) : CSmPropertyPage ( CAlertGenProp::IDD, hConsole ) { // save variables from arg list
m_pAlertQuery = reinterpret_cast <CSmAlertQuery *>(mmcCookie); ASSERT ( m_pAlertQuery->CastToAlertQuery() );
// init AFX variables
// init other member variables
ZeroMemory ( &m_dlgConfig, sizeof(m_dlgConfig) ); m_szCounterListBuffer = NULL; m_dwCounterListBufferSize = 0L; m_ndxCurrentItem = LB_ERR; // nothing selected
m_szAlertCounterList = NULL; m_cchAlertCounterListSize = 0; m_dwMaxHorizListExtent = 0; }
CAlertGenProp::CAlertGenProp() : CSmPropertyPage(CAlertGenProp::IDD) { ASSERT (FALSE); // the constructor w/ args should be used instead
// init variables that should be from arg list
m_pAlertQuery = NULL;
// init AFX variables
// init other member variables
m_szCounterListBuffer = NULL; m_dwCounterListBufferSize = 0L; m_ndxCurrentItem = LB_ERR; // nothing selected
m_szAlertCounterList = NULL; m_cchAlertCounterListSize = 0; m_dwMaxHorizListExtent = 0; }
CAlertGenProp::~CAlertGenProp() { if (m_szAlertCounterList != NULL) delete (m_szAlertCounterList); if (m_szCounterListBuffer != NULL) delete (m_szCounterListBuffer); }
void CAlertGenProp::InitAfxDataItems() { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CAlertGenProp)
m_dLimitValue = eInvalidLimit; m_nSampleUnits = 0; //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
void CAlertGenProp::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { HWND hWndCtrl = NULL; CString strTemp; TCHAR szT[MAXSTR]; LPTSTR szStop; DOUBLE dTemp; AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CAlertGenProp)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ALRTS_SAMPLE_UNITS_COMBO, m_SampleUnitsCombo); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ALRTS_OVER_UNDER, m_OverUnderCombo); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ALRTS_COUNTER_LIST, m_CounterList); ValidateTextEdit(pDX, IDC_ALRTS_SAMPLE_EDIT, 6, &m_SharedData.stiSampleTime.dwValue, eMinSampleInterval, eMaxSampleInterval); DDX_CBIndex(pDX, IDC_ALRTS_SAMPLE_UNITS_COMBO, m_nSampleUnits); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_ALRTS_COMMENT_EDIT, m_strComment); DDV_MaxChars(pDX, m_strComment, 255); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_ALRTS_START_STRING, m_strStartDisplay); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_RUNAS_EDIT, m_strUserDisplay ); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
// User defined DDX
if ( pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate ) { m_SharedData.stiSampleTime.dwUnitType = (DWORD)((CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_SAMPLE_UNITS_COMBO))-> GetItemData(m_nSampleUnits); } // Alert limit value
{ hWndCtrl = pDX->PrepareEditCtrl(IDC_ALRTS_VALUE_EDIT);
if (pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate) { ::GetWindowText(hWndCtrl, szT, MAXSTR);
strTemp = szT; DDV_MaxChars(pDX, strTemp, 23);
if (szT[0] == _T('.') || (szT[0] >= _T('0') && szT[0] <= _T('9'))) { dTemp = _tcstod(szT, & szStop); if ( HUGE_VAL != dTemp ) { m_dLimitValue = dTemp; } else { _stprintf(szT, _T("%.*g"), DBL_DIG, m_dLimitValue); strTemp.Format (IDS_ALERT_CHECK_LIMIT_VALUE, DBL_MAX ); MessageBox (strTemp, m_pAlertQuery->GetLogName(), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_VALUE_EDIT)->SetWindowText(szT); GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_VALUE_EDIT)->SetFocus(); } } else { m_dLimitValue = eInvalidLimit; } } else { if ( eInvalidLimit != m_dLimitValue ) { _stprintf(szT, _T("%.*g"), DBL_DIG, m_dLimitValue); } else { // Display NULL string for invalid limit value.
szT[0] = _T('\0'); } GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_VALUE_EDIT)->SetWindowText(szT); } } }
void CAlertGenProp::ImplementAdd() { LONG lBeforeCount; LONG lAfterCount; CString strText; CString strBrowseTitle; CString strDefaultPath; CString strObjCounter;
ResourceStateManager rsm;
if (m_szCounterListBuffer == NULL) {
MFC_TRY strObjCounter.LoadString ( IDS_DEFAULT_PATH_OBJ_CTR ); m_dwCounterListBufferSize = 0x4000; m_szCounterListBuffer = new WCHAR[m_dwCounterListBufferSize]; if ( ((CSmLogService*)m_pAlertQuery->GetLogService())->IsLocalMachine() ) { strDefaultPath = _T("\\"); } else { strDefaultPath = _T("\\\\"); strDefaultPath += ((CSmLogService*)m_pAlertQuery->GetLogService())->GetMachineName(); } strDefaultPath += strObjCounter; lstrcpy ( m_szCounterListBuffer, strDefaultPath); MFC_CATCH_MINIMUM;
if ( NULL != m_szCounterListBuffer && !strDefaultPath.IsEmpty() ) { lstrcpy ( m_szCounterListBuffer, strDefaultPath); } else { m_dwCounterListBufferSize = 0; return; } }
m_dlgConfig.bIncludeInstanceIndex = 1; m_dlgConfig.bLocalCountersOnly = 0;
m_dlgConfig.bSingleCounterPerAdd = 0; m_dlgConfig.bSingleCounterPerDialog = 0;
// disallow wild cards.
m_dlgConfig.bWildCardInstances = 0;
m_dlgConfig.bHideDetailBox = 1; m_dlgConfig.bInitializePath = 1; m_dlgConfig.bDisableMachineSelection = 0; m_dlgConfig.bIncludeCostlyObjects = 0; m_dlgConfig.bReserved = 0;
m_dlgConfig.hWndOwner = this->m_hWnd; m_dlgConfig.szDataSource = NULL;
m_dlgConfig.szReturnPathBuffer = m_szCounterListBuffer; m_dlgConfig.cchReturnPathLength = m_dwCounterListBufferSize; m_dlgConfig.pCallBack = (CounterPathCallBack)DialogCallBack; m_dlgConfig.dwDefaultDetailLevel = PERF_DETAIL_WIZARD; m_dlgConfig.dwCallBackArg = (UINT_PTR)this;
strBrowseTitle.LoadString ( IDS_ADD_COUNTERS ); m_dlgConfig.szDialogBoxCaption = strBrowseTitle.GetBuffer( strBrowseTitle.GetLength() );
// get count of items in the list box before calling the browser
lBeforeCount = m_CounterList.GetCount();
PdhBrowseCountersW (&m_dlgConfig);
// get count of items in the list box After calling the browser
// to see if the Apply button should enabled
lAfterCount = m_CounterList.GetCount();
if (lAfterCount > lBeforeCount) SetModifiedPage(TRUE);
// see if the remove button should be enabled
GetDlgItem (IDC_ALRTS_REMOVE_BTN)->EnableWindow( lAfterCount > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
delete m_szCounterListBuffer; m_szCounterListBuffer = NULL; m_dwCounterListBufferSize = 0; GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_VALUE_EDIT)->SetFocus(); SetButtonState (); }
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAlertGenProp, CSmPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAlertGenProp)
// CAlertGenProp message handlers
void CAlertGenProp::OnChangeUser() { //
// If you can not access remote WBEM, you can not modify RunAs info,
// changing the user name is not allowed.
if (m_bCanAccessRemoteWbem) { // When the user hits OK in the password dialog,
// the user name might not have changed.
UpdateData ( TRUE );
m_strUserDisplay.TrimLeft(); m_strUserDisplay.TrimRight();
if ( 0 != m_strUserSaved.Compare ( m_strUserDisplay ) ) { m_pAlertQuery->m_fDirtyPassword = PASSWORD_DIRTY; SetModifiedPage(TRUE); } else { m_pAlertQuery->m_fDirtyPassword &= ~PASSWORD_DIRTY; } //
// If default user is typed, never need to set password
if (m_strUserDisplay.IsEmpty() || m_strUserDisplay.GetAt(0) == L'<') { if (m_bPwdButtonEnabled) { GetDlgItem(IDC_SETPWD_BTN)->EnableWindow(FALSE); m_bPwdButtonEnabled = FALSE; } } else { if (!m_bPwdButtonEnabled) { GetDlgItem(IDC_SETPWD_BTN)->EnableWindow(TRUE); m_bPwdButtonEnabled = TRUE; } } } else { //
// We can not modify the RunAs info, then display
// an error message and retore the original user name in RunAs
UpdateData(TRUE); if (ConnectRemoteWbemFail(m_pAlertQuery, FALSE)) { GetDlgItem(IDC_RUNAS_EDIT)->SetWindowText(m_strUserSaved); } } }
void CAlertGenProp::OnPwdBtn() { CString strTempUser;
if (!m_bCanAccessRemoteWbem) { ConnectRemoteWbemFail(m_pAlertQuery, TRUE); return; }
MFC_TRY strTempUser = m_strUserDisplay;
m_strUserDisplay.TrimLeft(); m_strUserDisplay.TrimRight();
m_pAlertQuery->m_strUser = m_strUserDisplay;
m_strUserDisplay = m_pAlertQuery->m_strUser;
if ( 0 != strTempUser.CompareNoCase ( m_strUserDisplay ) ) { SetDlgItemText ( IDC_RUNAS_EDIT, m_strUserDisplay ); } MFC_CATCH_MINIMUM; }
void CAlertGenProp::OnAddBtn() { ImplementAdd();
return; }
void CAlertGenProp::OnDblclkAlrtsCounterList() { ImplementAdd();
return; } void CAlertGenProp::OnRemoveBtn() { PALERT_INFO_BLOCK paibInfo; INT nCurSel; INT nLbItemCount; BOOL bChanged = FALSE; DWORD dwItemExtent; INT iIndex; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH+1];
nLbItemCount = m_CounterList.GetCount(); nCurSel = m_CounterList.GetCurSel(); if (nCurSel != LB_ERR) { paibInfo = (PALERT_INFO_BLOCK)m_CounterList.GetItemDataPtr(nCurSel); if ( paibInfo != NULL ) delete(paibInfo); if ( LB_ERR != m_CounterList.DeleteString(nCurSel) ) { // clear the max extent
m_dwMaxHorizListExtent = 0;
for ( iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_CounterList.GetCount(); iIndex++ ) { if ( 0 < m_CounterList.GetText( iIndex, szPath ) ) { dwItemExtent = (DWORD)((m_CounterList.GetDC())->GetTextExtent (szPath)).cx; if (dwItemExtent > m_dwMaxHorizListExtent) { m_dwMaxHorizListExtent = dwItemExtent; m_CounterList.SetHorizontalExtent(dwItemExtent); } } }
if (nCurSel == (nLbItemCount - 1)) { // then the last item was deleted so select the new "last"
if ( 0 == nCurSel ) { nCurSel = LB_ERR; } else { nCurSel--; } } //else the current selection should still be in the list box
m_CounterList.SetCurSel (nCurSel); m_ndxCurrentItem = nCurSel; LoadAlertItemData (nCurSel); bChanged = TRUE; } } SetButtonState(); SetModifiedPage(bChanged); }
void CAlertGenProp::OnDeltaposSampleSpin(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { OnDeltaposSpin(pNMHDR, pResult, &m_SharedData.stiSampleTime.dwValue, eMinSampleInterval, eMaxSampleInterval); }
void CAlertGenProp::OnSelendokSampleUnitsCombo() { int nSel; nSel = ((CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_SAMPLE_UNITS_COMBO))->GetCurSel(); if ((nSel != LB_ERR) && (nSel != m_nSampleUnits)) { UpdateData ( TRUE ); SetModifiedPage ( TRUE ); } }
void CAlertGenProp::OnSampleTimeChanged() { DWORD dwOldValue; dwOldValue = m_SharedData.stiSampleTime.dwValue; UpdateData ( TRUE ); if (dwOldValue != m_SharedData.stiSampleTime.dwValue) { SetModifiedPage(TRUE); } }
void CAlertGenProp::OnChangeAlertValueEdit() { SaveAlertItemData(); }
void CAlertGenProp::PublicOnSelchangeCounterList() { OnSelchangeCounterList(); }
void CAlertGenProp::OnKillFocusUpdateAlertData() { SaveAlertItemData(); }
void CAlertGenProp::OnSelchangeCounterList() { INT nCurSel;
nCurSel = m_CounterList.GetCurSel(); if (nCurSel != LB_ERR) { // Save the data from the previous item.
SaveAlertItemData(); // Load the data from the new item.
LoadAlertItemData(nCurSel); } else { // clear the fields
m_dLimitValue=eInvalidLimit; UpdateData(FALSE); } }
void CAlertGenProp::UpdateAlertStartString () { eStartType eCurrentStartType; int nResId = 0; ResourceStateManager rsm;
eCurrentStartType = DetermineCurrentStartType();
if ( eStartManually == eCurrentStartType ) { nResId = IDS_ALERT_START_MANUALLY; } else if ( eStartImmediately == eCurrentStartType ) { nResId = IDS_ALERT_START_IMMED; } else if ( eStartSched == eCurrentStartType ) { nResId = IDS_ALERT_START_SCHED; } if ( 0 != nResId ) { m_strStartDisplay.LoadString(nResId); } else { m_strStartDisplay.Empty(); }
return; }
BOOL CAlertGenProp::IsValidLocalData() { BOOL bIsValid = FALSE; INT nInvalidIndex = -1; PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; PALERT_INFO_BLOCK paibInfo; int iListCount; int iIndex; BOOL bInsert; BOOL bAtLeastOneDuplicateCounter = FALSE; BOOL bSelectionDeleted = FALSE; CString strText; // test to see if there are any counters in the list box
if (m_CounterList.GetCount() > 0) { if ( GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_VALUE_EDIT) == GetFocus() ) { SaveAlertItemData(); // Set the Is Saved flag for this value.
} bIsValid = LoadListFromDlg(&nInvalidIndex, TRUE); if ( ((!bIsValid) && (nInvalidIndex != -1)) || ((m_dLimitValue < 0.0) || (m_dLimitValue > DBL_MAX))) { // then one of the list items has not been reviewed
// by the user so remind them
strText.Format (IDS_ALERT_CHECK_LIMITS, DBL_MAX ); MessageBox (strText, m_pAlertQuery->GetLogName(), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); m_CounterList.SetCurSel(nInvalidIndex); OnSelchangeCounterList(); m_CounterList.SetFocus(); GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_VALUE_EDIT)->SetFocus(); bIsValid = FALSE; } else { // Eliminate duplicate alert paths, then reload the list
iListCount = m_CounterList.GetCount(); if ( LB_ERR != iListCount ) { InitAlertHashTable ( ); // Walk the list backwards to delete duplicate items.
for ( iIndex = iListCount - 1; iIndex >= 0; iIndex-- ) { paibInfo = (PALERT_INFO_BLOCK)m_CounterList.GetItemDataPtr(iIndex); if ( NULL != paibInfo ) { bInsert = InsertAlertToHashTable ( paibInfo ); pdhStatus = bInsert ? ERROR_SUCCESS : GetLastError(); } else { bInsert = FALSE; } if (! bInsert && pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bAtLeastOneDuplicateCounter = TRUE; // Set item data pointer to NULL because
// SaveAlertItemData can be called after this.
// Clear the selection if >= current index.
if ( m_ndxCurrentItem >= iIndex ) { m_ndxCurrentItem = LB_ERR; bSelectionDeleted = TRUE; } m_CounterList.SetItemDataPtr(iIndex, NULL); m_CounterList.DeleteString(iIndex); delete paibInfo; }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != pdhStatus ) { // Message box Pdh error message, go on to next
CString strMsg; CString strPdhMessage;
FormatSystemMessage ( pdhStatus, strPdhMessage );
MFC_TRY strMsg.Format ( IDS_CTRS_PDH_ERROR, paibInfo->szCounterPath ); strMsg += strPdhMessage; MFC_CATCH_MINIMUM
MessageBox ( strMsg, m_pAlertQuery->GetLogName(), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } }
ClearAlertHashTable ( );
if ( bAtLeastOneDuplicateCounter ) { CString strMsg;
strMsg.LoadString ( IDS_ALERT_DUPL_PATH ); MessageBox ( strMsg, m_pAlertQuery->GetLogName(), MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
// Only deleting duplicates, so no need to recalculate the max extent
// Reset the selection if necessary
if ( bSelectionDeleted && LB_ERR == m_ndxCurrentItem ) { if (m_CounterList.GetCount() > 0) { m_CounterList.SetCurSel (0); m_ndxCurrentItem = 0; m_CounterList.SetFocus(); LoadAlertItemData (0); } }
} bIsValid = LoadListFromDlg ( &nInvalidIndex ); assert ( bIsValid ); } } } else { // the counter list is empty
strText.LoadString (IDS_NO_COUNTERS); MessageBox (strText, m_pAlertQuery->GetLogName(), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_ADD_BTN)->SetFocus(); bIsValid = FALSE; }
if (bIsValid) { bIsValid = ValidateDWordInterval(IDC_ALRTS_SAMPLE_EDIT, m_pAlertQuery->GetLogName(), (long) m_SharedData.stiSampleTime.dwValue, eMinSampleInterval, eMaxSampleInterval); }
if (bIsValid) { // Validate sample interval value and unit type
bIsValid = SampleIntervalIsInRange( m_SharedData.stiSampleTime, m_pAlertQuery->GetLogName() );
if ( !bIsValid ) { GetDlgItem ( IDC_ALRTS_SAMPLE_EDIT )->SetFocus(); } }
return bIsValid; }
BOOL CAlertGenProp::OnSetActive() { BOOL bReturn;
bReturn = CSmPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); if (!bReturn) return FALSE;
ResourceStateManager rsm;
m_pAlertQuery->GetPropPageSharedData ( &m_SharedData );
UpdateAlertStartString(); m_strUserDisplay = m_pAlertQuery->m_strUser; UpdateData(FALSE); //to load the static string.
return TRUE; }
BOOL CAlertGenProp::OnKillActive() { BOOL bContinue = TRUE; ResourceStateManager rsm;
// Parent class OnKillActive calls UpdateData(TRUE)
bContinue = CPropertyPage::OnKillActive();
if ( bContinue ) { m_pAlertQuery->m_strUser = m_strUserDisplay; bContinue = IsValidData(m_pAlertQuery, VALIDATE_FOCUS); if ( bContinue ) { // Save property page shared data.
m_pAlertQuery->SetPropPageSharedData ( &m_SharedData ); } }
if ( bContinue ) { SetIsActive ( FALSE ); }
return bContinue; }
BOOL CAlertGenProp::OnApply() { BOOL bContinue = TRUE; CString strText;
ResourceStateManager rsm;
bContinue = UpdateData(TRUE);
if ( bContinue ) { bContinue = IsValidData(m_pAlertQuery, VALIDATE_APPLY ); }
if ( bContinue ) { bContinue = SampleTimeIsLessThanSessionTime( m_pAlertQuery ); if ( !bContinue ) { GetDlgItem ( IDC_ALRTS_SAMPLE_EDIT )->SetFocus(); } }
// Write the data to the query.
if ( bContinue ) { // send the list to the parent query
// update counter list
m_pAlertQuery->SetCounterList( m_szAlertCounterList, m_cchAlertCounterListSize );
m_pAlertQuery->SetLogComment ( m_strComment );
// Sample interval
ASSERT ( SLQ_TT_TTYPE_SAMPLE == m_SharedData.stiSampleTime.wTimeType ); ASSERT ( SLQ_TT_DTYPE_UNITS == m_SharedData.stiSampleTime.wDataType );
// update counter sample interval
bContinue = m_pAlertQuery->SetLogTime (&m_SharedData.stiSampleTime, (DWORD)m_SharedData.stiSampleTime.wTimeType); }
if ( bContinue ) { bContinue = Apply(m_pAlertQuery); }
if (bContinue) { bContinue = CPropertyPage::OnApply(); }
if (bContinue) { // Save property page shared data.
m_pAlertQuery->UpdatePropPageSharedData(); bContinue = UpdateService ( m_pAlertQuery, FALSE ); }
return bContinue; }
void CAlertGenProp::OnCancel() { m_pAlertQuery->SyncPropPageSharedData(); // clear memory shared between property pages.
void CAlertGenProp::OnClose() { // free the item data pointers from the list box
INT nNumItems; INT nCurSel; PALERT_INFO_BLOCK paibInfo;
nNumItems = m_CounterList.GetCount(); if (nNumItems != LB_ERR) { for (nCurSel = 0; nCurSel < nNumItems; nCurSel++) { paibInfo = (PALERT_INFO_BLOCK)m_CounterList.GetItemDataPtr(nCurSel); if (paibInfo != NULL) { delete (paibInfo); m_CounterList.SetItemDataPtr(nCurSel, NULL); } } } CPropertyPage::OnClose(); }
void CAlertGenProp::PostNcDestroy() { // delete this;
if ( NULL != m_pAlertQuery ) { m_pAlertQuery->SetActivePropertyPage( NULL ); }
CPropertyPage::PostNcDestroy(); }
BOOL CAlertGenProp::SaveAlertItemData () { // update the info block to reflect the current values
PALERT_INFO_BLOCK paibInfo; BOOL bReturn = FALSE; CComboBox* pOverUnder; INT nCurSel; DWORD dwFlags;
pOverUnder = (CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_OVER_UNDER); if ((pOverUnder != NULL) && (m_ndxCurrentItem != LB_ERR)) { nCurSel = m_ndxCurrentItem; if (nCurSel != LB_ERR) { paibInfo = (PALERT_INFO_BLOCK)m_CounterList.GetItemDataPtr(nCurSel); if (paibInfo != NULL) { DWORD dwOldFlags; double dOldLimit; dwOldFlags = paibInfo->dwFlags; dOldLimit = paibInfo->dLimit;
if (UpdateData(TRUE)) { paibInfo->dLimit = m_dLimitValue; dwFlags = (pOverUnder->GetCurSel() == OU_OVER) ? AIBF_OVER : 0; if ( eInvalidLimit < paibInfo->dLimit ) { dwFlags |= AIBF_SAVED; } paibInfo->dwFlags = dwFlags;
if ( ( dOldLimit != m_dLimitValue ) || ( dwOldFlags & AIBF_OVER ) != ( dwFlags & AIBF_OVER ) ) { SetModifiedPage(); // to indicate a change
} bReturn = TRUE; } } } }
return bReturn; }
BOOL CAlertGenProp::LoadAlertItemData (INT nIndex) { // update the info block to reflect the current values
PALERT_INFO_BLOCK paibInfo; BOOL bReturn = FALSE; CComboBox* pOverUnder; INT nCurSel;
pOverUnder = (CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_OVER_UNDER);
if ( pOverUnder != NULL ) { nCurSel = m_CounterList.GetCurSel(); if (nCurSel != LB_ERR) { paibInfo = (PALERT_INFO_BLOCK)m_CounterList.GetItemDataPtr(nCurSel); if (paibInfo != NULL) { pOverUnder->SetCurSel( ((paibInfo->dwFlags & AIBF_OVER) == AIBF_OVER) ? OU_OVER : OU_UNDER); m_dLimitValue = paibInfo->dLimit; m_ndxCurrentItem = nIndex; // If the data is loaded from a property bag, the limit might not have been seen.
if ( eInvalidLimit < m_dLimitValue ) { paibInfo->dwFlags |= AIBF_SEEN; } UpdateData(FALSE); bReturn = TRUE; } } }
return bReturn; }
BOOL CAlertGenProp::SetButtonState () { BOOL bState; // enable the windows base on whether or not the list box
// has any contents
bState = (m_CounterList.GetCount() > 0); GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_TRIGGER_CAPTION)->EnableWindow(bState); GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_TRIGGER_VALUE_CAPTION)->EnableWindow(bState); GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_OVER_UNDER)->EnableWindow(bState); GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_VALUE_EDIT)->EnableWindow(bState); GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_REMOVE_BTN)->EnableWindow(bState); GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_SAMPLE_EDIT)->EnableWindow(bState); GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_SAMPLE_CAPTION)->EnableWindow(bState); GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_SAMPLE_INTERVAL_CAPTION)->EnableWindow(bState); GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_SAMPLE_SPIN)->EnableWindow(bState); GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_SAMPLE_UNITS_CAPTION)->EnableWindow(bState); GetDlgItem(IDC_ALRTS_SAMPLE_UNITS_COMBO)->EnableWindow(bState);
if (m_pAlertQuery->GetLogService()->IsWindows2000Server()) { CWnd* pRunAsStatic;
// Get the static "Run As" window, you can only call this function
// when "Run As" really exists
pRunAsStatic = GetRunAsWindow(); if (pRunAsStatic) { pRunAsStatic->EnableWindow(FALSE); } GetDlgItem(IDC_RUNAS_EDIT)->EnableWindow(FALSE); }
if (m_pAlertQuery->GetLogService()->IsWindows2000Server() || m_strUserDisplay.IsEmpty() || m_strUserDisplay.GetAt(0) == L'<') {
GetDlgItem(IDC_SETPWD_BTN)->EnableWindow(FALSE); m_bPwdButtonEnabled = FALSE; } return bState; }
BOOL CAlertGenProp::LoadDlgFromList () { BOOL bReturn = TRUE; LPTSTR szThisString = NULL; DWORD dwBufSize; DWORD dwThisStringLen; UINT nIndex; DWORD dwItemExtent; CDC* pCDC = NULL;
if (m_szAlertCounterList != NULL) { pCDC = m_CounterList.GetDC(); for (szThisString = m_szAlertCounterList; *szThisString != 0 && TRUE == bReturn; szThisString += dwThisStringLen +1) {
dwThisStringLen = lstrlen(szThisString); dwBufSize = sizeof (ALERT_INFO_BLOCK) + ((dwThisStringLen + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR)); MFC_TRY paibInfo = (PALERT_INFO_BLOCK) new CHAR[dwBufSize]; MFC_CATCH_MINIMUM; if (paibInfo != NULL) { if (MakeInfoFromString(szThisString, paibInfo, &dwBufSize)) { if ( 0 <= paibInfo->dLimit ) { paibInfo->dwFlags |= AIBF_SAVED; } nIndex = m_CounterList.AddString(paibInfo->szCounterPath); if (nIndex != LB_ERR) {
m_CounterList.SetItemDataPtr (nIndex, (LPVOID)paibInfo); // update list box extent
if ( NULL != pCDC ) { dwItemExtent = (DWORD)(pCDC->GetTextExtent (paibInfo->szCounterPath)).cx; if (dwItemExtent > m_dwMaxHorizListExtent) { m_dwMaxHorizListExtent = dwItemExtent; m_CounterList.SetHorizontalExtent(dwItemExtent); } } paibInfo = NULL; } else { delete paibInfo; bReturn = FALSE; } } else { delete paibInfo; bReturn = FALSE; } } else { bReturn = FALSE; } } } if ( NULL != pCDC ) { m_CounterList.ReleaseDC(pCDC); pCDC = NULL; } // Todo: Error message on failure
return bReturn; }
BOOL CAlertGenProp::LoadListFromDlg ( INT *piInvalidEntry, BOOL bInvalidateOnly ) { INT nNumItems; INT nCurSel; PALERT_INFO_BLOCK paibInfo; DWORD dwSizeReqd = 0; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwSizeLeft = 0; LPTSTR szNextString; BOOL bReturn = TRUE;
nNumItems = m_CounterList.GetCount(); if ((nNumItems != LB_ERR) && (nNumItems > 0)) { // find size required for buffer
for (nCurSel = 0; nCurSel < nNumItems; nCurSel++) { paibInfo = (PALERT_INFO_BLOCK)m_CounterList.GetItemDataPtr(nCurSel); if (paibInfo != NULL) { if ((paibInfo->dwFlags & (AIBF_SEEN | AIBF_SAVED)) != 0) { dwSizeReqd += (paibInfo->dwSize - sizeof(ALERT_INFO_BLOCK)) / sizeof (WCHAR); dwSizeReqd += 24; } else { if (piInvalidEntry != NULL) { *piInvalidEntry = nCurSel; bReturn = FALSE; break; } } } } if ( bReturn && !bInvalidateOnly ) { LPTSTR pszTemp = NULL;
dwSizeReqd += 1; // add room for the MSZ NULL
MFC_TRY; pszTemp = new WCHAR[dwSizeReqd]; MFC_CATCH_MINIMUM;
if ( NULL != pszTemp ) { // allocate a block of memory for the list
if (m_szAlertCounterList != NULL) { delete(m_szAlertCounterList); }
m_cchAlertCounterListSize = 0; m_szAlertCounterList = pszTemp;
// now fill it with the Alert paths
dwSizeLeft = dwSizeReqd; szNextString = m_szAlertCounterList; for (nCurSel = 0; nCurSel < nNumItems; nCurSel++) { paibInfo = (PALERT_INFO_BLOCK)m_CounterList.GetItemDataPtr(nCurSel); if (paibInfo != NULL) { dwSize = dwSizeLeft; if (MakeStringFromInfo (paibInfo, szNextString, &dwSize)) { dwSize += 1; // to include the null
dwSizeLeft -= dwSize; m_cchAlertCounterListSize += dwSize; szNextString += dwSize; ASSERT (m_cchAlertCounterListSize < dwSizeReqd); } else { // ran out of buffer
bReturn = FALSE; break; } } } if (bReturn) { *szNextString++ = 0; // MSZ Null
m_cchAlertCounterListSize++; if (piInvalidEntry != NULL) { *piInvalidEntry = -1; } } } // else error
} } else { // no items to return
bReturn = FALSE; } return bReturn; }
BOOL CAlertGenProp::OnInitDialog() { CComboBox *pCombo; CString csComboBoxString; DWORD nIndex; UINT nResult; LPTSTR szTmpCtrLst; DWORD dwSize;
ResourceStateManager rsm;
// Here m_pAlertQuery should not be NULL, if it is,
// There must be something wrong.
if ( NULL == m_pAlertQuery ) { return TRUE; }
m_bCanAccessRemoteWbem = m_pAlertQuery->GetLogService()->CanAccessWbemRemote(); m_pAlertQuery->SetActivePropertyPage( this );
// call property page init to init combo members.
CSmPropertyPage::OnInitDialog(); SetHelpIds ( (DWORD*)&s_aulHelpIds );
Initialize( m_pAlertQuery ); m_strUserDisplay = m_pAlertQuery->m_strUser; m_strUserSaved = m_strUserDisplay;
// Load the shared data to get the sample data unit type.
m_pAlertQuery->GetPropPageSharedData ( &m_SharedData ); // load combo box
pCombo = &m_SampleUnitsCombo; pCombo->ResetContent(); for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < dwTimeUnitComboEntries; nIndex++) { csComboBoxString.Empty(); if (csComboBoxString.LoadString ( TimeUnitCombo[nIndex].nResId)) { nResult = pCombo->InsertString (nIndex, (LPCWSTR)csComboBoxString); ASSERT (nResult != CB_ERR); nResult = pCombo->SetItemData (nIndex, (DWORD)TimeUnitCombo[nIndex].nData); ASSERT (nResult != CB_ERR); // set selected in combo box here
if (m_SharedData.stiSampleTime.dwUnitType == (DWORD)(TimeUnitCombo[nIndex].nData)) { m_nSampleUnits = nIndex; nResult = pCombo->SetCurSel(nIndex); ASSERT (nResult != CB_ERR); } } }
pCombo = &m_OverUnderCombo; pCombo->ResetContent(); for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < dwOverUnderComboEntries; nIndex++) { csComboBoxString.Empty(); if (csComboBoxString.LoadString ( OverUnderCombo[nIndex].nResId)) { nResult = pCombo->InsertString (nIndex, (LPCWSTR)csComboBoxString); ASSERT (nResult != CB_ERR); nResult = pCombo->SetItemData (nIndex, (DWORD)TimeUnitCombo[nIndex].nData); ASSERT (nResult != CB_ERR); } }
// get data from current alert query
m_pAlertQuery->GetLogComment( m_strComment ); szTmpCtrLst = (LPTSTR)m_pAlertQuery->GetCounterList (&dwSize); if (szTmpCtrLst != NULL) { MFC_TRY; m_szAlertCounterList = new WCHAR [dwSize]; MFC_CATCH_MINIMUM; if ( NULL != m_szAlertCounterList ) { memcpy (m_szAlertCounterList, szTmpCtrLst, (dwSize * sizeof(WCHAR))); m_cchAlertCounterListSize = dwSize; } }
// Call UpdateData again, after loading data into members.
UpdateData ( FALSE );
// load list box
// m_CounterList is initialized in UpdateData
if (m_CounterList.GetCount() > 0) { m_CounterList.SetCurSel (0); m_CounterList.SetFocus(); LoadAlertItemData (0); }
SetButtonState ();
return FALSE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
void CAlertGenProp::OnCommentEditChange() { UpdateData( TRUE ); SetModifiedPage(TRUE); }
void CAlertGenProp::OnCommentEditKillFocus() { CString strOldText; strOldText = m_strComment; UpdateData ( TRUE ); if ( 0 != strOldText.Compare ( m_strComment ) ) { SetModifiedPage(TRUE); } }