// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "wmicom.h"
#include "wdmshell.h"
#include "wmimof.h"
#include "wmimap.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winerror.h>
// Determine if a hi perf class or not
BOOL CWMIClassType::IsHiPerfClass(WCHAR * wcsClass, IWbemServices * pServices) { BOOL fRc = FALSE; IWbemClassObject * p = NULL; CBSTR cbsClass(wcsClass); HRESULT hr = pServices->GetObject(cbsClass,0,NULL,&p, NULL); if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IWbemQualifierSet * pIWbemQualifierSet = NULL; hr = p->GetQualifierSet(&pIWbemQualifierSet); if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { long lType = 0L; CVARIANT vQual; hr = pIWbemQualifierSet->Get(L"HiPerf", 0, &vQual,&lType); if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { fRc = vQual.GetBool(); } } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pIWbemQualifierSet); } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(p); return fRc; } //=============================================================================================================
// CWMIStandardShell
CWMIStandardShell::CWMIStandardShell() { m_pClass = NULL; m_pWDM = NULL; m_fInit = FALSE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CWMIStandardShell::~CWMIStandardShell() { SAFE_DELETE_PTR(m_pWDM); SAFE_DELETE_PTR(m_pClass); m_fInit = FALSE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIStandardShell::Initialize(WCHAR * wcsClass, BOOL fInternalEvent, CHandleMap * pList, BOOL fUpdate, ULONG uDesiredAccess, IWbemServices __RPC_FAR * pServices, IWbemObjectSink __RPC_FAR * pHandler, IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pCtx) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
if( !m_fInit ) { m_pClass = new CWMIProcessClass(0); if( m_pClass ) { hr = m_pClass->Initialize(); if( S_OK == hr ) { m_pClass->WMI()->SetWMIPointers(pList,pServices,pHandler,pCtx); m_pClass->SetHiPerf(FALSE); if( !fInternalEvent ) { if( wcsClass ) { hr = m_pClass->SetClass(wcsClass); if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if( !m_pClass->ValidClass()) { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT; } } } } else { if( wcsClass ) { hr = m_pClass->SetClassName(wcsClass); } }
if( hr == S_OK ) { m_pWDM = new CProcessStandardDataBlock(); if( m_pWDM ) { m_pWDM->SetDesiredAccess(uDesiredAccess); m_pWDM->SetClassProcessPtr(m_pClass); m_pWDM->UpdateNamespace(fUpdate);
m_fInit = TRUE; } } } } } return hr; }
HRESULT CWMIStandardShell::SetGuidForEvent( WORD wType, WCHAR * wcsGuid) { HRESULT hRes = WBEM_E_FAILED; if( m_fInit ) { // ==============================================
// Inform the WMI we want to register for the
// event
// ==============================================
switch( wType ){ case MOF_ADDED: hRes = S_OK; m_pClass->SetHardCodedGuidType(wType); wcscpy( wcsGuid,WMI_RESOURCE_MOF_ADDED_GUID); break;
case MOF_DELETED: hRes = S_OK; m_pClass->SetHardCodedGuidType(wType); wcscpy( wcsGuid,WMI_RESOURCE_MOF_REMOVED_GUID); break;
case STANDARD_EVENT: hRes = m_pClass->GetQualifierString( NULL, L"guid", wcsGuid,GUID_SIZE); break; } } return hRes; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIStandardShell::ProcessSingleInstance( WCHAR * wcsInstanceName/*, PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE pwSingle */) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; if( m_fInit ) {
// If we are not working with a specific guy, then
// query WMI to get it, if, of course it is valid
if( m_pClass->ValidClass() ){
/* if( pwSingle){
hr = m_pWDM->SetSingleInstancePtr((PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE)pwSingle); } else{*/ hr = m_pWDM->OpenWMI(); if( hr == S_OK ){ hr = m_pWDM->QuerySingleInstance(wcsInstanceName); } // }
// If we got the data and a valid class, the process it
if( hr == S_OK ) { hr = m_pWDM->ReadWMIDataBlockAndPutIntoWbemInstance(); if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_pClass->SendInstanceBack(); } } } } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIStandardShell::ProcessAllInstances( ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; if( m_fInit ) {
// If we are not working with a specific guy, then
// query WMI to get it
// if( pwAllNode ){
// hr = m_pWDM->SetAllInstancePtr((PWNODE_ALL_DATA)pwAllNode);
// }
// else{
hr = m_pWDM->OpenWMI(); if( hr == S_OK ){ hr = m_pWDM->QueryAllData(); } // }
// If we got the data then process it
if( hr == S_OK ){ while( TRUE ){ hr = m_pWDM->ReadWMIDataBlockAndPutIntoWbemInstance(); if( hr == S_OK ){ hr = m_pClass->SendInstanceBack(); } if( hr != S_OK ){ break; } if( !m_pWDM->MoreToProcess() ){ break; } } } } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIStandardShell::ExecuteMethod( WCHAR * wcsInstance, WCHAR * MethodName, IWbemClassObject * pParentClass, IWbemClassObject * pInClassData, IWbemClassObject * pInClass, IWbemClassObject * pOutClass) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; if( m_fInit ) { CWMIProcessClass MethodInput(0); CWMIProcessClass MethodOutput(0);
if( SUCCEEDED( MethodInput.Initialize() ) && SUCCEEDED( MethodOutput.Initialize() ) ) { MethodInput.SetWMIPointers(m_pClass); MethodOutput.SetWMIPointers(m_pClass);
// Initialize all of the necessary stuff and get the
// definition of the class we are working with
if( pInClass ) { hr = MethodInput.SetClass(pInClass); if( hr != S_OK ){ return hr; } pInClass->AddRef(); MethodInput.SetClassPointerOnly(pInClassData); }
if( pOutClass ){ hr = MethodOutput.SetClass(pOutClass); if( hr != S_OK ){ return hr; } pOutClass->AddRef(); }
// Notify WMI which class we are going to be executing
// methods on
hr = m_pWDM->OpenWMI(); if( hr == S_OK ){
m_pWDM->SetMethodInput(&MethodInput); m_pWDM->SetMethodOutput(&MethodOutput);
// Create in Param Block
// ========================
BYTE * InputBuffer=NULL; ULONG uInputBufferSize=0L;
hr = m_pWDM->CreateInParameterBlockForMethods(InputBuffer,uInputBufferSize); if( hr == S_OK ){ // Allocate Out Param Block
// ========================
ULONG WMIMethodId = m_pClass->GetMethodId(MethodName);
// If we got the data then process it
hr = m_pWDM->CreateOutParameterBlockForMethods(); if( hr == S_OK ){ hr = m_pWDM->ExecuteMethod( WMIMethodId,wcsInstance, uInputBufferSize,InputBuffer); } }
SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(InputBuffer); } } } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIStandardShell::ProcessEvent( WORD wBinaryMofType, PWNODE_HEADER WnodeHeader) {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; if( m_fInit ) {
// If the image path is empty, it is a binary guid
// which we need to process
if( wBinaryMofType ){ hr = ProcessBinaryGuidsViaEvent( WnodeHeader, wBinaryMofType ); } else{ //=======================================================
// Process the data event
if( WnodeHeader->Flags & WNODE_FLAG_ALL_DATA ){ hr = m_pWDM->SetAllInstancePtr((PWNODE_ALL_DATA)WnodeHeader); } else if( WnodeHeader->Flags & WNODE_FLAG_SINGLE_INSTANCE ){ hr = m_pWDM->SetSingleInstancePtr((PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE)WnodeHeader); } if( hr == S_OK ){ //===================================================================
// Process all wnodes.
while( TRUE ){
if( S_OK == ( hr = m_pWDM->ReadWMIDataBlockAndPutIntoWbemInstance()) ){ //===========================================================
// Now, send it to all consumers registered for this event
hr = m_pClass->SendInstanceBack(); } //===============================================================
// If we errored out,we don't know that any of the pointers
// are ok, so get out of there.
else{ break; }
// Process all of the instances for this event
if( !m_pWDM->MoreToProcess() ){ break; } } } } //============================================================================
// Since we never allocated anything, just used the incoming stuff,
// for cleanliness sake, init ptrs to null
m_pWDM->InitDataBufferToNull(); } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIStandardShell::FillInAndSubmitWMIDataBlob( IWbemClassObject * pIClass, int nTypeOfPut, CVARIANT & vList) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; if( m_fInit ) {
hr = m_pWDM->OpenWMI(); if( hr == S_OK ){ // Now, work with the class we want to write
if( SUCCEEDED(m_pClass->SetClassPointerOnly(pIClass))){ if( nTypeOfPut == PUT_WHOLE_INSTANCE ){ hr = m_pWDM->ConstructDataBlock(TRUE) ; if( S_OK == hr ){ hr = m_pWDM->SetSingleInstance(); } } else{ if(m_pWDM->GetListOfPropertiesToPut(nTypeOfPut,vList)){ hr = m_pWDM->PutSingleProperties(); } else{ hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_CONTEXT; } } } } } return(hr); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIStandardShell::QueryAndProcessAllBinaryGuidInstances(CNamespaceManagement & Namespace, BOOL & fMofHasChanged, KeyList * pArrDriversInRegistry) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; if( m_fInit ) { hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; CAutoWChar wcsTmpKey(MAX_PATH*3); if( wcsTmpKey.Valid() ) { m_pClass->SetHardCodedGuidType(MOF_ADDED); m_pClass->GetGuid(); hr = m_pWDM->OpenWMI(); if( hr == S_OK ) { hr = m_pWDM->QueryAllData(); //======================================================
// If we got the data then process it
if( hr == S_OK ) { while( TRUE ) { hr = m_pWDM->ProcessNameBlock(FALSE); if( hr == S_OK ) { hr = m_pWDM->ProcessBinaryMofDataBlock(CVARIANT(m_pClass->GetClassName()),wcsTmpKey); if( hr == S_OK ) { Namespace.UpdateQuery(L" and Name != ",wcsTmpKey); } if( pArrDriversInRegistry ) { pArrDriversInRegistry->Remove(wcsTmpKey); }
if( !m_pWDM->MoreToProcess() ) { break; } } } } } } } return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIStandardShell::ProcessBinaryGuidsViaEvent( PWNODE_HEADER WnodeHeader, WORD wType ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; if( m_fInit ) { //======================================================
// Initialize all of the necessary stuff and get the
// definition of the class we are working with
m_pClass->SetHardCodedGuidType(wType); //==================================================================
// We are working with a specific guy, so we need to find out
// if it is a Binary Mof Guid to do a query all data on, or
// if it is a Resource Name and File to open up and extract
if( WnodeHeader->Flags & WNODE_FLAG_ALL_DATA ) { hr = m_pWDM->SetAllInstancePtr((PWNODE_ALL_DATA)WnodeHeader); if(hr == S_OK) { hr = m_pWDM->ReadWMIDataBlockAndPutIntoWbemInstance(); } } else if( WnodeHeader->Flags & WNODE_FLAG_SINGLE_INSTANCE ) { hr = m_pWDM->SetSingleInstancePtr((PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE)WnodeHeader); if( hr == S_OK ) { hr = m_pWDM->ProcessDataBlock(); } } else { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } return hr; }
// CWMIHiPerfShell
CWMIHiPerfShell::CWMIHiPerfShell(BOOL fAutoCleanup) { m_fAutoCleanup = fAutoCleanup; m_pWDM = NULL; m_pClass = NULL; m_fInit = FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIHiPerfShell::Initialize(BOOL fUpdate, ULONG uDesiredAccess, CHandleMap * pList,WCHAR * wcs, IWbemServices __RPC_FAR * pServices, IWbemObjectSink __RPC_FAR * pHandler, IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pCtx) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
m_pClass = new CWMIProcessClass(0); if( m_pClass ) { hr = m_pClass->Initialize(); if( S_OK == hr ) { m_pClass->WMI()->SetWMIPointers(pList,pServices,pHandler,pCtx); m_pClass->SetHiPerf(TRUE); m_pClass->SetClass(wcs);
m_pWDM = new CProcessHiPerfDataBlock; if( m_pWDM ) { m_pWDM->SetDesiredAccess(uDesiredAccess); m_pWDM->UpdateNamespace(fUpdate); m_pWDM->SetClassProcessPtr(m_pClass); m_fInit = TRUE; } hr = S_OK; } } return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CWMIHiPerfShell::~CWMIHiPerfShell() { if( m_fAutoCleanup ) { SAFE_DELETE_PTR(m_pClass); } SAFE_DELETE_PTR(m_pWDM); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIHiPerfShell::QueryAllHiPerfData() { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; if( m_fInit ) { //===============================================================
// There is only one handle for this class, so see if we can
// get it
HANDLE WMIHandle = 0;
hr = m_pWDM->GetWMIHandle(WMIHandle); if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // =====================================================
// Query for all of the objects for this class
// Add all the objects at once into the enumerator
// Handles are guaranteed to be open at this time
hr = QueryAllInstances(WMIHandle,NULL); } } return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIHiPerfShell::RefreshCompleteList() { //=======================================================================
// Go through all the enumerators and instances to refresh everything
HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; if( m_fInit ) { CAutoBlock(m_pHiPerfMap->GetCriticalSection()); HANDLE WMIHandle = 0; IWbemHiPerfEnum * pEnum = NULL; CWMIProcessClass * pSavedClass = m_pClass;
hr = m_pHiPerfMap->GetFirstHandle( WMIHandle, m_pClass, pEnum); while( hr == S_OK ) { if( WMIHandle ) { m_pWDM->SetClassProcessPtr(m_pClass); if( pEnum ) { hr = QueryAllInstances(WMIHandle,pEnum); } else { hr = QuerySingleInstance(WMIHandle); }
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_pHiPerfMap->GetNextHandle(WMIHandle,m_pClass,pEnum); } } if( hr == WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA ) { hr = S_OK; break; } }
m_pClass = pSavedClass; } return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIHiPerfShell::HiPerfQuerySingleInstance(WCHAR * wcsInstance) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; if( m_fInit ) { //======================================================
// Go through the list of handles and get the handles
// to send and how many there are, also, get the
// instance names
IWbemObjectAccess * pAccess = NULL; CWMIProcessClass * pClass = NULL;
HANDLE WMIHandle = 0; ULONG_PTR lTmp = (ULONG_PTR)pAccess;
hr = m_pHiPerfMap->FindHandleAndGetClassPtr(WMIHandle,lTmp, pClass); if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = QuerySingleInstance(WMIHandle); } } return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIHiPerfShell::AddAccessObjectToRefresher(IWbemObjectAccess *pAccess, IWbemObjectAccess ** ppRefreshable, ULONG_PTR *plId) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; if( m_fInit ) { //======================================================
// Get the definition of the class we are working with
hr = m_pClass->SetAccess(pAccess); if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CAutoBlock(m_pHiPerfMap->GetCriticalSection());
HANDLE WMIHandle = 0; CLSID Guid;
hr = m_pWDM->GetWMIHandle(WMIHandle); if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // =======================================================
// We have the WMI Handle, now add it to the hi perf map
// for this refresher
// =======================================================
if( m_pClass->GetANewAccessInstance() ) { //====================================================
// Set the flag so we don't get a new instance for
// this anymore
m_pClass->GetNewInstance(FALSE); hr = m_pClass->SetKeyFromAccessPointer(); if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *ppRefreshable = m_pClass->GetAccessInstancePtr(); *plId = (ULONG_PTR)(*ppRefreshable);
hr = m_pHiPerfMap->Add(WMIHandle, *plId, m_pClass, NULL ); } } } } } return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIHiPerfShell::AddEnumeratorObjectToRefresher(IWbemHiPerfEnum* pHiPerfEnum, ULONG_PTR *plId) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
if( m_fInit ) { //===============================================================
// There is only one handle for this class, so see if we can
// get it
HANDLE WMIHandle = 0; CLSID Guid; CAutoBlock(m_pHiPerfMap->GetCriticalSection());
hr = m_pWDM->GetWMIHandle(WMIHandle); if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *plId = (ULONG_PTR)pHiPerfEnum; hr = m_pHiPerfMap->Add(WMIHandle, *plId, m_pClass,pHiPerfEnum); } } return hr; }
HRESULT CWMIHiPerfShell::RemoveObjectFromHandleMap(ULONG_PTR lHiPerfId) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; if( m_fInit ) { HANDLE hHandle = 0; CHandleMap *pHandleMap = m_pClass->WMI()->HandleMap(); CAutoBlock(m_pHiPerfMap->GetCriticalSection());
// First, delete the object from the map
hr = m_pHiPerfMap->Delete( hHandle, lHiPerfId ); if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //==========================================================
// If we got a handle back, then we know it is an access
// instance and we need to release the WMI Handle
if( hHandle ){ hr = pHandleMap->ReleaseHandle(hHandle); } } } return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIHiPerfShell::QueryAllInstances(HANDLE WMIHandle,IWbemHiPerfEnum* pHiPerfEnum) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; if( m_fInit ) { long lCount = 0; HandleList ids; //==================================================
// Collect all of the WDM Handles to query all at
// once.
// 170635
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = ids.Add(WMIHandle))) { // =====================================================
// Query for all of the objects for this class
// Add all the objects at once into the enumerator
// Handles are guaranteed to be open at this time
HANDLE * pHandles = (HANDLE*)*(ids.List()); hr = m_pWDM->HiPerfQueryAllData(pHandles,ids.Size()); //======================================================
// If we got the data then process it
if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //======================================================
// Get the list of ptrs
AccessList AccessList; while( TRUE ) { hr = m_pWDM->ReadWMIDataBlockAndPutIntoWbemInstance(); if( hr == S_OK ) { IWbemObjectAccess * p = m_pClass->GetAccessInstancePtr(); if(SUCCEEDED(hr = AccessList.Add(p))) { lCount++; } } if( hr != S_OK ) { break; } if( !m_pWDM->MoreToProcess() ) { break; } if( !pHiPerfEnum ) { m_pClass->SendInstanceBack(); } }
// Now, once we have collected them, send them off
// if asked to
if( pHiPerfEnum ) { if( lCount > 0 ) { long * pLong = new long[lCount]; if(pLong) { for(long l = 0; l < lCount; l++) { pLong[l] = l; }
IWbemObjectAccess ** pAccess = (IWbemObjectAccess**)AccessList.List(); // Remove all the objects in the enumerator before adding the object
pHiPerfEnum->RemoveAll(0); hr = pHiPerfEnum->AddObjects( 0L, AccessList.Size(), pLong, pAccess); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pLong); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } } } } return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIHiPerfShell::QuerySingleInstance(HANDLE WMIHandle) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; if( m_fInit ) { CVARIANT varName;
hr = m_pClass->GetKeyFromAccessPointer((CVARIANT *)&varName); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { WCHAR * p = varName.GetStr(); if(p) { hr = m_pWDM->HiPerfQuerySingleInstance(&WMIHandle, &p, 1,1); //======================================================
// If we got the data, process it
if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_pWDM->ReadWMIDataBlockAndPutIntoWbemInstance(); // if( hr == S_OK )
// {
// m_pClass->SendInstanceBack();
// }
} } else { hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; } } } return hr; }