// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "precomp.h"
#include "wmicom.h"
#include "wmimof.h"
#include "wmimap.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winerror.h>
#include <crc32.h>
#define OffsetToPtr(Base, Offset) ((PBYTE)((PBYTE)Base + Offset))
void WINAPI EventCallbackRoutine(PWNODE_HEADER WnodeHeader, ULONG_PTR Context);
#define WMIINTERFACE m_Class->GetWMIManagementPtr()
BOOL CWMIManagement::CancelWMIEventRegistration( GUID gGuid , ULONG_PTR uContext ) { BOOL fRc = FALSE;
try { if( ERROR_SUCCESS == WmiNotificationRegistration(&gGuid, FALSE,EventCallbackRoutine,uContext, NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK_DIRECT)) { fRc = TRUE; } } catch(...) { // don't throw
return fRc; }
// WMI Data block
void CWMIDataBlock::DumpAllWnode() { //=========================================
// Dump Wnode All Node info
ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"WNODE_ALL_DATA 0x%x\n",m_pAllWnode));
ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," DataBlockOffset..............%x\n",m_pAllWnode->DataBlockOffset)); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," InstanceCount................%x\n",m_pAllWnode->InstanceCount)); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," OffsetInstanceNameOffsets....%x\n",m_pAllWnode->OffsetInstanceNameOffsets)); if( m_fFixedInstance ){ ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," FixedInstanceSize....%x\n",m_pAllWnode->FixedInstanceSize)); } else{ ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," OffsetInstanceData....%x\n",m_pAllWnode->OffsetInstanceDataAndLength[0].OffsetInstanceData)); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," LengthInstanceData....%x\n",m_pAllWnode->OffsetInstanceDataAndLength[0].LengthInstanceData)); }
} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void CWMIDataBlock::DumpSingleWnode() { //=========================================
// Dump Wnode Single Node info
ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"WNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE 0x%x\n",m_pSingleWnode));
ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," OffsetInstanceName....0x%x\n",m_pSingleWnode->OffsetInstanceName)); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," InstanceIndex.........0x%x\n",m_pSingleWnode->InstanceIndex)); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," DataBlockOffset.......0x%x\n",m_pSingleWnode->DataBlockOffset)); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," SizeDataBlock.........0x%x\n",m_pSingleWnode->SizeDataBlock));
} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void CWMIDataBlock::DumpWnodeMsg(char * wcsMsg) { ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"%s\n",wcsMsg)); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n"));
} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::DumpWnodeInfo(char * wcsMsg) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_UNEXPECTED; //=========================================
// Dump Wnode header info first
// WNODE definition
if( m_pHeaderWnode ) { if( !IsBadReadPtr( m_pHeaderWnode, m_pHeaderWnode->BufferSize)) {
ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"WNODE_HEADER 0x%x\n",m_pHeaderWnode)); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," BufferSize........0x%x\n",m_pHeaderWnode->BufferSize)); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," ProviderId........0x%x\n",m_pHeaderWnode->ProviderId)); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," Version...........0x%x\n",m_pHeaderWnode->Version)); if( m_pHeaderWnode->Linkage != 0 ){ ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," Linkage...........%x\n",m_pHeaderWnode->Linkage)); }
ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," TimeStamp:LowPart.0x%x\n",m_pHeaderWnode->TimeStamp.LowPart)); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," TimeStamp:HiPart..0x%x\n",m_pHeaderWnode->TimeStamp.HighPart));
WCHAR * pwcsGuid=NULL;
if( S_OK == StringFromCLSID(m_pHeaderWnode->Guid,&pwcsGuid )){ ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," Guid..............")); TranslateAndLog(pwcsGuid); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"\n")); CoTaskMemFree(pwcsGuid); }
ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," Flags.............0x%x\n",m_pHeaderWnode->Flags));
// Now that we printed the header, we should print out the node
// either single or all
if( m_pSingleWnode ){ DumpSingleWnode(); } if( m_pAllWnode ){ DumpAllWnode(); } //==================================================================
// Now, dump the memory
DWORD dwCount;
if( IsBadReadPtr( m_pHeaderWnode, m_pHeaderWnode->BufferSize) == 0 ) { BYTE * pbBuffer = NULL; BYTE b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,b10; dwCount = m_pHeaderWnode->BufferSize; pbBuffer = new BYTE[dwCount+256]; if( pbBuffer ) { BYTE bDump[12]; ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Writing out buffer, total size to write: %ld", dwCount )); memset(pbBuffer,NULL,dwCount+256); memcpy(pbBuffer,(BYTE*)m_pHeaderWnode,dwCount); BYTE * pTmp = pbBuffer; for( DWORD i = 0; i < dwCount; i +=10) { memset(bDump, NULL, 12 ); memcpy(bDump, pTmp, 10); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER," %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x \n",bDump[0],bDump[1],bDump[2],bDump[3],bDump[4],bDump[5],bDump[6],bDump[7],bDump[8],bDump[9])); pTmp+=10; } SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pbBuffer); } } } } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::MapReturnCode(ULONG uRc) {
if( uRc != 0 ) { ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"WDM call returned error: %lu\n", uRc)); } wsprintf(m_wcsMsg,L"WDM specific return code: %lu",uRc);
case S_OK: return S_OK;
case NO_DATA_AVAILABLE: return S_OK;
} return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
// CWMIDataBlock
// WMIDataBlock handles the reading and writing of a WMI Data
// block.
CWMIDataBlock::CWMIDataBlock() { m_hCurrentWMIHandle = NULL; InitMemberVars(); memset(m_wcsMsg,NULL,MSG_SIZE); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CWMIDataBlock::~CWMIDataBlock() {
if( m_fCloseHandle ) { if( m_hCurrentWMIHandle ) { try { WmiCloseBlock(m_hCurrentWMIHandle); } catch(...){ // don't throw
} } }
ResetDataBuffer(); InitMemberVars(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void CWMIDataBlock::InitMemberVars() { m_fUpdateNamespace = TRUE; m_fMofHasChanged = FALSE; m_uDesiredAccess = 0; m_dwDataBufferSize = 0; m_pbDataBuffer= NULL; m_fMore = 0L; //=======================================
// ptrs
m_pHeaderWnode = NULL; m_pSingleWnode = NULL; m_pAllWnode = NULL; m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock = 0L; m_dwCurrentAllocSize = 0L;
m_uInstanceSize = 0L; } //====================================================================
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::OpenWMIForBinaryMofGuid() { int nRc = 0; HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; m_fCloseHandle = TRUE; try { hr = m_Class->GetGuid(); if( S_OK == hr ) { nRc = WmiOpenBlock(m_Class->GuidPtr(),m_uDesiredAccess, &m_hCurrentWMIHandle); if( nRc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = S_OK; } } } catch(...) { hr = WBEM_E_UNEXPECTED; // don't throw
} return hr; } //====================================================================
int CWMIDataBlock::AssignNewHandleAndKeepItIfWMITellsUsTo() { int nRc = 0;
try { nRc = WmiOpenBlock(m_Class->GuidPtr(),m_uDesiredAccess, &m_hCurrentWMIHandle);
// Now that we opened the block successfully, check to see
// if we need to keep this guy open or not, if we do
// then add it to our list, otherwise don't
if( nRc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //=======================================================
// Call WMI function here to see if we should save or
// not
if( ERROR_SUCCESS == WmiQueryGuidInformation(m_hCurrentWMIHandle,&GuidInfo)) { if(GuidInfo.IsExpensive) {
if( m_fUpdateNamespace ) { //================================================
// Add it to our list of handles to keep
m_fCloseHandle = FALSE; WMIINTERFACE->HandleMap()->Add(*(m_Class->GuidPtr()),m_hCurrentWMIHandle,m_uDesiredAccess); } } } } } catch(...) { nRc = E_UNEXPECTED; // don't throw
return nRc; } //====================================================================
// Ok, we only want to keep the handles that are flagged
// by WMI to be kept, otherwise, we just open the handle
// and then close it. Because of this, we need to
// check first and see if the Guid we are going after
// already has a handle open, if it does, use it
if( m_fUpdateNamespace ) { CAutoBlock(WMIINTERFACE->HandleMap()->GetCriticalSection());
nRc = WMIINTERFACE->HandleMap()->ExistingHandleAlreadyExistsForThisGuidUseIt( *(m_Class->GuidPtr()), m_hCurrentWMIHandle, m_fCloseHandle ,m_uDesiredAccess); if( nRc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { nRc = AssignNewHandleAndKeepItIfWMITellsUsTo(); } } else { nRc = AssignNewHandleAndKeepItIfWMITellsUsTo(); } hr = MapReturnCode(nRc); return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::ProcessDataBlock() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; //================================================================
// Data blocks can either be of fixed instance size or dynamic
// instance size, call this function so we can determine what
// type of data ptr we are working with
// If there are no more, then break. Otherwise, we know
// we are processing at least one instance
ULONG *pMaxPtrTmp = m_pMaxPtr; if( NoMore != AdjustDataBlockPtr(hr)){ hr = FillOutProperties(); } m_pMaxPtr = pMaxPtrTmp;
// If we didn't succeed in processing these blocks, write it out
// If invalid datablock is from Hi-Perf provider, don't log the data
// to the file as this could be because of Embededclass or array
// properties in the class
if(hr == WMI_INVALID_HIPERFPROP) { hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; } else if( hr != S_OK ) { DumpWnodeInfo(ANSI_MSG_INVALID_DATA_BLOCK); }
return hr;
} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int CWMIDataBlock::AdjustDataBlockPtr(HRESULT & hr) { int nType = NoMore; //================================================================
// Get pointer to the data offsets
if( m_fFixedInstance ){ //========================================================
// If WNODE_FLAG_FIXED_INSTANCE_SIZE is set in Flags then
// FixedInstanceSize specifies the size of each data block.
// traverse all instances of requested class
if( m_nCurrentInstance == 1 ){ m_pbWorkingDataPtr = m_pbCurrentDataPtr; } else{ //=============================================================================
// make sure we adjust for the fixed instance size, then make sure that it is
// on an 8 byte boundary.
// otherwise, we are going to calculate where it should go next
CWMIDataTypeMap Map(this,&m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock); ULONG_PTR dwSizeSoFar;
if( m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock < m_pAllWnode->FixedInstanceSize ){ m_pbWorkingDataPtr += m_pAllWnode->FixedInstanceSize - m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock; m_pMaxPtr = (ULONG *)OffsetToPtr(m_pbWorkingDataPtr, m_pAllWnode->FixedInstanceSize); }
dwSizeSoFar = (ULONG_PTR)m_pbWorkingDataPtr - (ULONG_PTR)m_pbCurrentDataPtr; Map.NaturallyAlignData(8,READ_IT); } nType = ProcessOneFixedInstance; } else { m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock = 0L; //====================================================
// If WMI_FLAG_FIXED_DATA_SIZE is not set then
// OffsetInstanceData data is an array of ULONGS that
// specifies the offsets to the data blocks for each
// instance. In this case there is an array of
// InstanceCount ULONGs followed by the data blocks.
// struct {
// ULONG OffsetInstanceData;
// ULONG LengthInstanceData;
// } OffsetInstanceDataAndLength[]; /* [InstanceCount] */
ULONG uOffset; memcpy( &uOffset, m_pbCurrentDataPtr, sizeof(ULONG) ); if( uOffset == 0 ){ nType = NoMore; hr = S_OK; } else{ m_pbCurrentDataPtr += sizeof( ULONG );
memcpy( &m_uInstanceSize, m_pbCurrentDataPtr, sizeof(ULONG) ); m_pbCurrentDataPtr += sizeof( ULONG ); m_pbWorkingDataPtr =(BYTE*) (ULONG *)OffsetToPtr(m_pAllWnode, uOffset); nType = ProcessUnfixedInstance; m_pMaxPtr = (ULONG *)OffsetToPtr(m_pbWorkingDataPtr, m_uInstanceSize);
} m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock = 0L; }
return nType; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::ProcessNameBlock(BOOL fSetName) {
HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; WCHAR wName[NAME_SIZE+2]; SHORT NameLen = 0; BYTE *pbData; ULONG * upNameOffset = NULL;
memset(wName,NULL,NAME_SIZE+2); //=====================================================
// Either the m_pAllWnode or m_pSingleNode is Null,
// which ever isn't, is the type we are working with
if( m_pAllWnode ){ if( IsBadReadPtr( m_upNameOffsets, sizeof( ULONG *)) == 0 ){ upNameOffset = ((ULONG *)OffsetToPtr(m_pAllWnode, *m_upNameOffsets)); } } else{ upNameOffset = m_upNameOffsets; }
hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT; if( IsBadReadPtr( upNameOffset, sizeof( ULONG *)) == 0 ){ if((ULONG *) (upNameOffset) < m_pMaxPtr ){ //================================================================
// Get pointer to the name offsets & point to next one
pbData = (LPBYTE)upNameOffset; if( PtrOk((ULONG*)pbData,(ULONG)0) ){ if( pbData ){ memcpy( &NameLen, pbData, sizeof(USHORT) ); pbData += sizeof(USHORT);
if( NameLen > 0 ){ if( PtrOk((ULONG*)pbData,(ULONG)NameLen) ){
memcpy(wName,pbData,NameLen); pbData+=NameLen; hr = m_Class->SetInstanceName(wName,fSetName); } } } } } } //====================================================================
// If we didn't succeed in processing these blocks, write it out
if( hr != S_OK ){ DumpWnodeInfo(ANSI_MSG_INVALID_NAME_BLOCK); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::ProcessBinaryMofDataBlock(CVARIANT & vResourceName,WCHAR * wcsTmp) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
ULONG *pMaxPtrTmp = m_pMaxPtr; AdjustDataBlockPtr(hr); m_pMaxPtr = pMaxPtrTmp;
CWMIBinMof bMof; hr = bMof.Initialize(WMIINTERFACE,m_fUpdateNamespace); if( S_OK == hr ) {
bMof.SetBinaryMofClassName(vResourceName.GetStr(),wcsTmp); hr = bMof.ExtractBinaryMofFromDataBlock(m_pbWorkingDataPtr,m_uInstanceSize,wcsTmp, m_fMofHasChanged); if( hr != S_OK ) { DumpWnodeInfo(ANSI_MSG_INVALID_DATA_BLOCK); } //===============================================
// Get the next node name and data ptrs ready
if( m_pAllWnode ) { GetNextNode(); } m_nCurrentInstance++; } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::AddBinaryMof(CVARIANT & vImagePath,CVARIANT & vResourceName) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; CAutoWChar wcsTmp(MAX_PATH*2); if( wcsTmp.Valid() ) { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT; //=================================================================
// if we have an image path and resource path, then do the normal
// thing
if((vResourceName.GetType() != VT_NULL ) && ( vImagePath.GetType() != VT_NULL )) { //=============================================================
// If this was a mof that was being added, then add it
CWMIBinMof bMof; hr = bMof.Initialize(WMIINTERFACE,m_fUpdateNamespace); if( S_OK == hr ) {
bMof.ExtractBinaryMofFromFile(vImagePath.GetStr(),vResourceName.GetStr(),wcsTmp, m_fMofHasChanged); } } else if( vResourceName.GetType() != VT_NULL ){ //=================================================================
// if we have a resource to query for
CProcessStandardDataBlock * pTmp = new CProcessStandardDataBlock(); if( pTmp ) { try { pTmp->UpdateNamespace(m_fUpdateNamespace); pTmp->SetClassProcessPtr(m_Class);
hr = pTmp->OpenWMIForBinaryMofGuid(); if( hr == S_OK ) { hr = pTmp->QuerySingleInstance(vResourceName.GetStr()); if( hr == S_OK ) { hr = pTmp->ProcessBinaryMofDataBlock(vResourceName,wcsTmp); m_fMofHasChanged = pTmp->HasMofChanged(); } else { ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Instance failed for: ")); TranslateAndLog(vResourceName.GetStr()); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"***************************************\n")); } } SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pTmp); } catch(...) { SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pTmp); hr = WBEM_E_UNEXPECTED; throw; } } } } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::ProcessBinaryMof() { //================================================================
// The binary mof blocks are always going to be two strings,
// 1). Image Path
// 2). Mof resource name
// If the image path and resource name are both filled in, then
// we need to go open the file and extract the binary mof as
// usual.
// If the Imagepath is empty, then the mof resource name is going
// to contain the static instance name to query for, we then
// process that.
CVARIANT vImagePath, vResourceName; CWMIDataTypeMap MapWMIData(this,&m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock); m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock = 0;
HRESULT hr = MapWMIData.GetDataFromDataBlock(vImagePath,VT_BSTR,0); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = MapWMIData.GetDataFromDataBlock(vResourceName,VT_BSTR,0); if( hr == S_OK ) { if( m_Class->GetHardCodedGuidType() == MOF_ADDED ) { hr = AddBinaryMof( vImagePath, vResourceName); } else { CWMIBinMof bMof; hr = bMof.Initialize(WMIINTERFACE,m_fUpdateNamespace); if( S_OK == hr ) { hr = bMof.DeleteMofsFromEvent(vImagePath, vResourceName, m_fMofHasChanged); } } } } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWMIDataBlock::ResetMissingQualifierValue(WCHAR * pwcsProperty, CVARIANT & vToken ) { BOOL fRc = FALSE; CVARIANT vQual;
CWMIDataTypeMap Map(this,&m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock); //============================================================
// We are only going to support this for numerical types
HRESULT hr = m_Class->GetQualifierValue(pwcsProperty, L"MissingValue", (CVARIANT*)&vQual); if( hr == S_OK ){ if( vQual.GetType() != VT_EMPTY ){ if( Map.SetDefaultMissingQualifierValue( vQual, m_Class->PropertyType(), vToken ) ){ fRc = TRUE; } } } return fRc; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWMIDataBlock::ResetMissingQualifierValue(WCHAR * pwcsProperty, SAFEARRAY *& pSafe) { BOOL fRc = FALSE; CVARIANT vQual; CWMIDataTypeMap Map(this,&m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock); //============================================================
// We are only going to support this for numerical types
HRESULT hr = m_Class->GetQualifierValue(pwcsProperty, L"MissingValue", (CVARIANT*)&vQual); if( hr == S_OK ){ if( vQual.GetType() != VT_EMPTY ) { SAFEARRAY * psa = V_ARRAY((VARIANT*)vQual); CSAFEARRAY Safe(psa); CVARIANT vElement; DWORD dwCount = Safe.GetNumElements(); //============================================================
// Now, process it
if( dwCount > 0 ){ // Set each element of the array
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwCount; i++){
if( S_OK == Safe.Get(i,&vElement) ){ long lType = m_Class->PropertyType();
if( Map.SetDefaultMissingQualifierValue( vQual, lType, vElement ) ){ Map.PutInArray(pSafe,(long *)&i,lType,(VARIANT * )vElement); fRc = TRUE;
} } } } } } return fRc; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::RegisterWMIEvent( WCHAR * wcsGuid, ULONG_PTR uContext, CLSID & Guid, BOOL fRegistered) { ULONG Status; HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_UNEXPECTED;
if( SetGuid(wcsGuid, Guid) ){
try { if( !fRegistered ) { Status = WmiNotificationRegistration(&Guid, TRUE, EventCallbackRoutine, uContext, NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK_DIRECT); } else { Status = WmiNotificationRegistration(&Guid, TRUE, EventCallbackRoutine, uContext, NOTIFICATION_CHECK_ACCESS ); } hr = MapReturnCode(Status); } catch(...) { // don't throw
} }
if( hr != S_OK ) { ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"WmiNotificationRegistration failed ...%ld\n",Status)); }
return hr; } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::GetNextNode() { BOOL fRc = FALSE;
// If we still have more instances to get, then get them
if( m_nCurrentInstance < m_nTotalInstances ){ m_upNameOffsets++; fRc = TRUE; } else{
// Otherwise, lets see if we have another NODE to get, if not, then we are done.
if (m_pAllWnode->WnodeHeader.Linkage != 0){
m_pAllWnode = (PWNODE_ALL_DATA)OffsetToPtr(m_pAllWnode, m_pAllWnode->WnodeHeader.Linkage); m_pHeaderWnode = &(m_pAllWnode->WnodeHeader); m_nTotalInstances = m_pAllWnode->InstanceCount; m_nCurrentInstance = 0; m_upNameOffsets = (ULONG *)OffsetToPtr(m_pAllWnode, m_pAllWnode->OffsetInstanceNameOffsets); if( ParseHeader() ){ fRc = InitializeDataPtr(); } fRc = TRUE; } }
m_fMore = fRc; }
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::ReadWMIDataBlockAndPutIntoWbemInstance() { //===============================================
// Read the data and name blocks
HRESULT hr = ProcessDataBlock(); if( hr == S_OK ){
// if this isn't a binary mof to process, then we will
// process the name block, otherwise we will return
// as binary mofs do not have any more useful info in
// them in the name block - we already have what we need
// from the data block ( at this present time anyway...)
if( !m_Class->GetHardCodedGuidType() ){
hr = ProcessNameBlock(TRUE); if( hr == S_OK ){ //===============================================
// Get the next node name and data ptrs ready
if( m_pAllWnode ){ GetNextNode(); } m_nCurrentInstance++; } } }
return hr; } //=============================================================
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::ReAllocateBuffer(DWORD dwAddOn) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
m_dwCurrentAllocSize += MEMSIZETOALLOCATE * ((dwAddOn / MEMSIZETOALLOCATE) +1);
// save the old buffer ptr
BYTE * pOld = m_pbDataBuffer;
if( pOld ){ // save the location of where we are
ULONG_PTR dwHowmany; dwHowmany = (ULONG_PTR)m_pbWorkingDataPtr - (ULONG_PTR)m_pbDataBuffer;
// get the new buffer
m_pbDataBuffer = new BYTE[m_dwCurrentAllocSize+1]; if( m_pbDataBuffer ) { // copy what we have so far
// Set the working ptr to the current place
m_pbWorkingDataPtr = m_pbDataBuffer; m_pbWorkingDataPtr += dwHowmany;
// delete the old buffer
SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pOld); hr = S_OK; } else { m_dwCurrentAllocSize -= MEMSIZETOALLOCATE * ((dwAddOn / MEMSIZETOALLOCATE) +1); m_pbDataBuffer = pOld; } }
return hr; } //=============================================================
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::AllocateBuffer(DWORD dwSize) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; m_pbDataBuffer = new byte[dwSize+2]; if( m_pbDataBuffer ) { hr = S_OK; } return hr; } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::ResetDataBuffer() { if(m_dwCurrentAllocSize) { m_dwDataBufferSize = 0; m_dwCurrentAllocSize = 0; SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_pbDataBuffer); } } //=============================================================
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::SetAllInstancePtr( PWNODE_ALL_DATA pwAllNode ) { m_pbDataBuffer = (BYTE*)pwAllNode; return(SetAllInstanceInfo()); } //=============================================================
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::SetSingleInstancePtr( PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE pwSingleNode ) { m_pbDataBuffer = (BYTE*)pwSingleNode; return(SetSingleInstanceInfo()); } //=============================================================
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::SetAllInstanceInfo() { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT; if( m_pbDataBuffer ){ m_pAllWnode = (PWNODE_ALL_DATA)m_pbDataBuffer; m_upNameOffsets = (ULONG *)OffsetToPtr(m_pAllWnode, m_pAllWnode->OffsetInstanceNameOffsets); m_nCurrentInstance = 1; m_nTotalInstances = m_pAllWnode->InstanceCount; m_pHeaderWnode = &(m_pAllWnode->WnodeHeader); m_pSingleWnode = NULL; if( m_nTotalInstances > 0 ){ if( ParseHeader() ){ if( InitializeDataPtr()){ hr = S_OK; } } } else{ hr = WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA; } } return hr; } //=============================================================
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::SetSingleInstanceInfo() { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT; if( m_pbDataBuffer ){ m_pSingleWnode = (PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE)m_pbDataBuffer; m_upNameOffsets = (ULONG *)OffsetToPtr(m_pSingleWnode, m_pSingleWnode->OffsetInstanceName); m_nCurrentInstance = 1; m_nTotalInstances = 1; m_pAllWnode = NULL; m_pHeaderWnode = &(m_pSingleWnode->WnodeHeader); if( ParseHeader() ){ if( InitializeDataPtr()){ hr = S_OK; } } } return hr; } //=============================================================
BOOL CWMIDataBlock::InitializeDataPtr() { //=====================================================
// Either the m_pAllWnode or m_pSingleNode is Null,
// which ever isn't, is the type we are working with
if(m_pAllWnode){ if( m_fFixedInstance ){ m_pbCurrentDataPtr =(BYTE*) (ULONG *)OffsetToPtr(m_pAllWnode, m_pAllWnode->DataBlockOffset); //==========================================================================================
// for the case of binary mofs, we need to know the size of the instance to calculate the
// crc, so we need to put the whole size of the fixed instance buffer.
m_uInstanceSize = m_pAllWnode->FixedInstanceSize; } else{ m_pbCurrentDataPtr =(BYTE*)(ULONG*) m_pAllWnode->OffsetInstanceDataAndLength; } m_pMaxPtr = (ULONG *)OffsetToPtr(m_pAllWnode, m_pHeaderWnode->BufferSize); } else{ if( m_pSingleWnode ){ m_fFixedInstance = TRUE; m_pbCurrentDataPtr = (BYTE*)(ULONG *)OffsetToPtr(m_pSingleWnode, m_pSingleWnode->DataBlockOffset); m_pMaxPtr = (ULONG *)OffsetToPtr(m_pSingleWnode, m_pHeaderWnode->BufferSize); //==========================================================================================
// for the case of binary mofs, we need to know the size of the instance to calculate the
// crc, so we need to put the whole size of the fixed instance buffer.
m_uInstanceSize = m_pSingleWnode->SizeDataBlock;
} } if( (ULONG*)m_pbCurrentDataPtr > (ULONG*) m_pMaxPtr ){ return FALSE; } if( (ULONG*) m_pbCurrentDataPtr < (ULONG*) m_pAllWnode ){ return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CWMIDataBlock::ParseHeader() { BOOL fRc; //====================================================
// Check out class to see if it is valid first
if( !m_pHeaderWnode ){ return FALSE; } m_ulVersion = m_pHeaderWnode->Version;
if ((m_pHeaderWnode->BufferSize == 0)){ fRc = FALSE; } else{ if (m_pHeaderWnode->Flags & WNODE_FLAG_FIXED_INSTANCE_SIZE){ m_fFixedInstance = TRUE; } else{ m_fFixedInstance = FALSE; } fRc = TRUE; } return fRc; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::WriteArrayTypes(WCHAR * pwcsProperty, CVARIANT & v) { LONG lType = 0; DWORD dwCount = 0; HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; CVARIANT vValue; BOOL fDynamic = FALSE;
m_Class->GetSizeOfArray( lType,dwCount, fDynamic); if( fDynamic && dwCount == 0 ) { return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
// Make sure we get a valid ptr
VARIANT *p = (VARIANT *)v; SAFEARRAY * psa = V_ARRAY(p); if( IsBadReadPtr( psa, sizeof(SAFEARRAY) != 0)){ return hr; }
CSAFEARRAY Safe(psa); //============================================================
// Make sure there is really what we expect in the array
// NOTE: The MAX represents the fixed size of the array,
// while if it is a dynamic array, the size is determined
// by the property listed in the WMIDATASIZE is property.
// either way, the size returned above is the size the
// array is supposed to be, if it isn't error out.
DWORD dwNumElements = Safe.GetNumElements(); if( dwNumElements != dwCount ){ Safe.Unbind(); // Don't need to destroy, it will be destroyed
// Set missing qualifier value to the value from the NULL
if( vValue.GetType() == VT_NULL ){ ResetMissingQualifierValue(pwcsProperty,psa); }
// if the array is not array of embedded instances
// then check if the buffer allocated is enough
if(lType != VT_UNKNOWN) { // This function check if enought memory is allocated and if not
// allocates memory
if(S_OK != GetBufferReady(m_Class->PropertySize() * (dwCount + 1))) { return WBEM_E_FAILED; } } //============================================================
// Now, process it
if( dwCount > 0 ){ // Set each element of the array
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwCount; i++){ if( lType == VT_UNKNOWN ){ // embedded object
IUnknown * pUnk = NULL; hr = Safe.Get(i, &pUnk); if( pUnk ){ hr = WriteEmbeddedClass(pUnk,vValue); } else{ hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; } } else{
CWMIDataTypeMap MapWMIData(this,&m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock); if(!MapWMIData.SetDataInDataBlock(&Safe,i,vValue,lType,m_Class->PropertySize()) ){ hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; break; } else{ hr = S_OK; } } if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR != hr){ break; } } } Safe.Unbind(); // Don't need to destroy, it will be destroyed
return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::ProcessArrayTypes(VARIANT & vToken,WCHAR * pwcsProperty) { LONG lConvertedType = 0, lType = 0; DWORD dwCount = 0; BOOL fDynamic = TRUE;
HRESULT hr = m_Class->GetSizeOfArray( lType,dwCount, fDynamic); if( hr != S_OK ){ return hr; }
if( dwCount > 0 ) { CWMIDataTypeMap MapWMIData(this,&m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock); //======================================================
// Allocate array with the converted data type.
// WMI and CIM data types do not match, so use the
// mapping class to get the correct size of the target
// property for CIM
lConvertedType = MapWMIData.ConvertType(lType); SAFEARRAY * psa = OMSSafeArrayCreate((unsigned short)lConvertedType,dwCount); if(psa == NULL) { return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
// Now, get the MissingValue for each element of the
// array
lConvertedType = lType; BOOL fMissingValue = FALSE; CVARIANT vQual; SAFEARRAY * psaMissingValue = NULL; long lMax = 0;
CWMIDataTypeMap Map(this,&m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock); hr = m_Class->GetQualifierValue( pwcsProperty, L"MissingValue", (CVARIANT *)&vQual ); if( hr == S_OK ) { if( vQual.GetType() != VT_EMPTY ) { //============================================================
// Make sure we get a valid ptr
psaMissingValue = V_ARRAY((VARIANT*)&vQual); fMissingValue = TRUE; // Don't need to destroy, it will be destroyed in the deconstructor
} }
CSAFEARRAY SafeMissingValue(psaMissingValue); lMax = SafeMissingValue.GetNumElements();
for (long i = 0; i < (long)dwCount; i++) { CVARIANT v;
if( lType == VT_UNKNOWN ) { // embedded object
hr = ProcessEmbeddedClass(v); if( S_OK == hr ) { MapWMIData.PutInArray(psa,(long *)&i,lConvertedType,(VARIANT * )v); } } else { hr = MapWMIData.GetDataFromDataBlock(v,lType,m_Class->PropertySize()); if( hr != S_OK ) { wcscpy(m_wcsMsg,MSG_INVALID_BLOCK_POINTER); } else { BOOL fPutProperty = TRUE; if( fMissingValue ) { if( i < lMax ) { CVARIANT vElement; if( Map.MissingQualifierValueMatches( &SafeMissingValue, i, vElement, v.GetType(), v ) ) { fPutProperty = FALSE; } } } if( fPutProperty ) { MapWMIData.PutInArray(psa,(long *)&i,lConvertedType,(VARIANT * )v); } } } if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR != hr) { break; }
vToken.vt = (VARTYPE)(lConvertedType | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY); vToken.parray = psa; } else{ hr = WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA; } return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::ProcessEmbeddedClass(CVARIANT & v) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
CWMIProcessClass EmbeddedClass(0); hr = EmbeddedClass.Initialize(); if( S_OK == hr ) { hr = EmbeddedClass.InitializeEmbeddedClass(m_Class); DWORD dwAccumulativeSize = 0;
CAutoChangePointer p(&m_Class,&EmbeddedClass); if( hr == S_OK ){
// Align the embedded class properly
int nSize = 0L; hr = EmbeddedClass.GetLargestDataTypeInClass(nSize); // NTRaid:136388
// 07/12/00
if( hr == S_OK && nSize > 0){
CWMIDataTypeMap Map(this,&m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock); if( Map.NaturallyAlignData(nSize, READ_IT)){ dwAccumulativeSize = m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock - nSize; hr = S_OK; } else{ hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; } } else if(nSize <= 0 && hr == S_OK) { hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; } }
// Get the class
if( hr == S_OK ){ hr = FillOutProperties(); if( hr == S_OK ){ m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock += dwAccumulativeSize; //=============================================
// Save the object
EmbeddedClass.SaveEmbeddedClass(v); } } } return hr; }
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::WriteEmbeddedClass( IUnknown * pUnknown,CVARIANT & v) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; CWMIProcessClass EmbeddedClass(0);
hr = EmbeddedClass.Initialize(); if( S_OK == hr ) { hr = EmbeddedClass.InitializeEmbeddedClass(m_Class);
CAutoChangePointer p(&m_Class,&EmbeddedClass);
hr = EmbeddedClass.ReadEmbeddedClassInstance(pUnknown,v); if( hr == S_OK ){ //=============================================
// Align the embedded class properly
int nSize = 0L; hr = EmbeddedClass.GetLargestDataTypeInClass(nSize); if( hr == S_OK && nSize > 0){ CWMIDataTypeMap Map(this,&m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock); if( Map.NaturallyAlignData(nSize,WRITE_IT)){ m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock -= nSize; hr = ConstructDataBlock(FALSE); } else{ hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; } } else{ hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; } } } return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::SetSingleItem() { WCHAR * pwcsInst = NULL; ULONG uRc = E_UNEXPECTED; if( SUCCEEDED(m_Class->GetInstanceName(pwcsInst))) {
try { uRc = WmiSetSingleItem( m_hCurrentWMIHandle, pwcsInst, m_Class->WMIDataId(), m_ulVersion, m_dwDataBufferSize, m_pbDataBuffer); } catch(...) { // don't throw
return(MapReturnCode(uRc)); }
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::GetBufferReady(DWORD dwCount) { if( (m_dwDataBufferSize + dwCount ) > m_dwCurrentAllocSize ){ if( FAILED(ReAllocateBuffer(dwCount))){ return WBEM_E_FAILED; } } return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::WriteDataToBufferAndIfSinglePropertySubmitToWMI( BOOL fInit, BOOL fPutProperty) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; CIMTYPE lType; WCHAR * pwcsProperty; CWMIDataTypeMap MapWMIData(this,&m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock);
if( fInit ){ if( !GetDataBlockReady(MEMSIZETOALLOCATE,FALSE) ){ return WBEM_E_FAILED; } }
// get first delimiter in the ordered string
pwcsProperty = m_Class->FirstProperty(); while (NULL != pwcsProperty){
CVARIANT vValue; vValue.Clear(); memset(&vValue,0,sizeof(CVARIANT)); //======================================================
// Get a property type and value
hr = m_Class->GetPropertyInInstance(pwcsProperty, vValue, lType);
// We need to put in defaults if there are some
// available
if( hr == S_OK ){
if( ( vValue.GetType() == VT_NULL )&& ( m_Class->PropertyType() != CIM_STRING && m_Class->PropertyType() != CIM_DATETIME && m_Class->PropertyCategory() != CWMIProcessClass::Array)) { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } }
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ){
// Check to see if the buffer is big enough
if( S_OK != GetBufferReady(m_Class->PropertySize())){ return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
// Add the current buffer size
switch( m_Class->PropertyCategory()){
case CWMIProcessClass::EmbeddedClass: hr = WriteEmbeddedClass((IUnknown *)NULL,vValue); break;
case CWMIProcessClass::Array: hr = WriteArrayTypes(pwcsProperty,vValue); break;
case CWMIProcessClass::Data: //============================================================
// Set missing qualifier value to the value from the NULL
if( vValue.GetType() == VT_NULL ){ ResetMissingQualifierValue(pwcsProperty,vValue); }
if( !MapWMIData.SetDataInDataBlock( NULL,0,vValue,m_Class->PropertyType(),m_Class->PropertySize())){ hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; } break; } //=================================================
// If we could not set it, then get out
if( hr != S_OK ){ break; } //=================================================
// If we are supposed to put the single property
// at this point, then write it, otherwise, keep
// accumulating it. If it is == NULL, we don't
// want it.
if( fPutProperty ){
// If we are supposed to set just this property, then do so, otherwise don't
m_dwDataBufferSize = m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock; if( m_Class->GetPutProperty() ){
if( ( vValue.GetType() == VT_NULL )&& ( m_Class->PropertyType() != CIM_STRING && m_Class->PropertyType() != CIM_DATETIME )){ ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Datatype does not support NULL values\n")); hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else{ hr = SetSingleItem(); if( hr != S_OK ){ break; } if( !GetDataBlockReady(MEMSIZETOALLOCATE,FALSE) ){ return hr; } } } m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock = 0; } //=================================================
} m_dwDataBufferSize = m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock; pwcsProperty = m_Class->NextProperty(); } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::ConstructDataBlock(BOOL fInit) { return( WriteDataToBufferAndIfSinglePropertySubmitToWMI(fInit,FALSE) ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWMIDataBlock::PutSingleProperties() {
return( WriteDataToBufferAndIfSinglePropertySubmitToWMI(TRUE,TRUE) ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWMIDataBlock::GetListOfPropertiesToPut(int nWhich, CVARIANT & vList) { BOOL fRc = FALSE; //=========================================================
// if nWhich == PUT_PROPERTIES_ONLY, we aren't going to
// do anything special, as, by default, the fPutProperty
// flag on the property is set to TRUE, so, in the
// processing above, we will put the properties that are
// not NULL. The only problem we have now, is if
// __PUT_EXT_PROPERTIES is set to TRUE, then we have to
// loop through all of the properties to see it they
// are in our __PUT_EXT_PROPERTIES list, if they are NOT
// then we are going to set the fPutProperty flag on that
// property to FALSE, so we won't process it above.
if( nWhich == PUT_PROPERTIES_ONLY ){ fRc = TRUE; } else{
// Make sure we get a valid ptr
SAFEARRAY * psa = V_ARRAY((VARIANT*)vList); if( IsBadReadPtr( psa, sizeof(SAFEARRAY) != 0)) { return FALSE; }
CSAFEARRAY Safe(psa); DWORD dwCount = Safe.GetNumElements();
// Set each element of the array
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwCount; i++){ CBSTR bstrProperty; WCHAR * pwcsProperty = NULL; //=================================================
// Loop thru all the properties in the class and
// see which ones are in the list to be PUT
pwcsProperty = m_Class->FirstProperty(); while( pwcsProperty != NULL ){
BOOL fFound = FALSE;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwCount; i++) { if( S_OK != Safe.Get(i, &bstrProperty)) { return FALSE; } if( _wcsicmp( bstrProperty, pwcsProperty ) == 0 ) { fFound = TRUE; break; } } if( !fFound ){ m_Class->SetPutProperty(FALSE); } pwcsProperty = m_Class->NextProperty(); } } Safe.Unbind(); // Don't need to destroy, it will be destroyed
fRc = TRUE; }
return fRc; } //=============================================================
BOOL CWMIDataBlock::GetDataBlockReady(DWORD dwSize,BOOL fReadingData) { BOOL fRc = FALSE;
ResetDataBuffer(); m_dwCurrentAllocSize = dwSize; if( SUCCEEDED(AllocateBuffer(m_dwCurrentAllocSize))) { m_pbCurrentDataPtr = m_pbWorkingDataPtr = m_pbDataBuffer; //===================================================
// If we are writing data, we will let the size
// remain at 0, otherwise set it to what the max
// is we can read.
if(fReadingData){ m_dwDataBufferSize = dwSize; } fRc = TRUE; } else { m_dwCurrentAllocSize = 0; }
return fRc; } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::AddPadding(DWORD dwBytesToPad) { m_pbWorkingDataPtr += dwBytesToPad; } //=============================================================
inline BOOL CWMIDataBlock::PtrOk(ULONG * pPtr,ULONG uHowMany) { ULONG * pNewPtr; pNewPtr = (ULONG *)OffsetToPtr(pPtr,uHowMany); if(pNewPtr <= m_pMaxPtr){ return TRUE; } return FALSE; } //=============================================================
BOOL CWMIDataBlock::CurrentPtrOk(ULONG uHowMany) { return(PtrOk((ULONG *)m_pbWorkingDataPtr,uHowMany)); } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::GetWord(WORD & wWord) { memcpy( &wWord,m_pbWorkingDataPtr,sizeof(WORD)); m_pbWorkingDataPtr += sizeof(WORD); } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::GetDWORD(DWORD & dwWord) { memcpy( &dwWord,m_pbWorkingDataPtr,sizeof(DWORD)); m_pbWorkingDataPtr += sizeof(DWORD); } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::GetFloat(float & fFloat) { memcpy( &fFloat,m_pbWorkingDataPtr,sizeof(float)); m_pbWorkingDataPtr += sizeof(float); } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::GetDouble(DOUBLE & dDouble) { memcpy( &dDouble,m_pbWorkingDataPtr,sizeof(DOUBLE)); m_pbWorkingDataPtr += sizeof(DOUBLE); } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::GetSInt64(WCHAR * pwcsBuffer) { signed __int64 * pInt64; pInt64 = (__int64 *)m_pbWorkingDataPtr; swprintf(pwcsBuffer,L"%I64d",*pInt64); m_pbWorkingDataPtr += sizeof( signed __int64); } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::GetQWORD(unsigned __int64 & uInt64) { memcpy( &uInt64,m_pbWorkingDataPtr,sizeof(unsigned __int64)); m_pbWorkingDataPtr += sizeof(unsigned __int64); }
void CWMIDataBlock::GetUInt64(WCHAR * pwcsBuffer) { unsigned __int64 * puInt64; puInt64 = (unsigned __int64 *)m_pbWorkingDataPtr; swprintf(pwcsBuffer,L"%I64u",*puInt64); m_pbWorkingDataPtr += sizeof(unsigned __int64); } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::GetString(WCHAR * pwcsBuffer,WORD wCount,WORD wBufferSize) { memset(pwcsBuffer,NULL,wBufferSize); memcpy(pwcsBuffer,m_pbWorkingDataPtr, wCount); m_pbWorkingDataPtr += wCount; } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::GetByte(BYTE & bByte) { memcpy( &bByte,m_pbWorkingDataPtr,sizeof(BYTE)); m_pbWorkingDataPtr += sizeof(BYTE); } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::SetWord(WORD wWord) { memcpy(m_pbWorkingDataPtr,&wWord,sizeof(WORD)); m_pbWorkingDataPtr += sizeof(WORD); } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::SetDWORD(DWORD dwWord) { memcpy(m_pbWorkingDataPtr,&dwWord,sizeof(DWORD)); m_pbWorkingDataPtr += sizeof(DWORD); } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::SetFloat(float fFloat) { memcpy(m_pbWorkingDataPtr,&fFloat,sizeof(float)); m_pbWorkingDataPtr += sizeof(float); } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::SetDouble(DOUBLE dDouble) { memcpy( m_pbWorkingDataPtr,&dDouble,sizeof(DOUBLE)); m_pbWorkingDataPtr += sizeof(DOUBLE); } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::SetSInt64(__int64 Int64) { memcpy(m_pbWorkingDataPtr,&Int64,sizeof(__int64)); m_pbWorkingDataPtr += sizeof(__int64); } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::SetUInt64(unsigned __int64 UInt64) { memcpy(m_pbWorkingDataPtr,&UInt64,sizeof(unsigned __int64)); m_pbWorkingDataPtr += sizeof(unsigned __int64); } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::SetString(WCHAR * pwcsBuffer,WORD wCount) { memcpy(m_pbWorkingDataPtr,pwcsBuffer, wCount); m_pbWorkingDataPtr += wCount; } //=============================================================
void CWMIDataBlock::SetByte(byte bByte) { memcpy(m_pbWorkingDataPtr,&bByte,sizeof(byte)); m_pbWorkingDataPtr += sizeof(byte);
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// CProcessStandardDataBlock
CProcessStandardDataBlock::CProcessStandardDataBlock() { m_Class = NULL; m_pMethodInput = NULL; m_pMethodOutput = NULL; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CProcessStandardDataBlock::~CProcessStandardDataBlock() {
} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// WMIRaid:2445
HRESULT CProcessStandardDataBlock::FillOutProperties() { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT; if( m_Class->GetHardCodedGuidType() ) { hr = ProcessBinaryMof(); }
else if(m_Class->GetANewInstance()){ //=========================================================
// get the properties from the class and read the WMI Data
hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; WCHAR * pwcsProperty=NULL; CWMIDataTypeMap MapWMIData(this,&m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock); m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock = 0L;
pwcsProperty = m_Class->FirstProperty(); while (NULL != pwcsProperty) { CVARIANT vToken; //=========================================================
// See if it is an array or not
switch( m_Class->PropertyCategory()){
case CWMIProcessClass::EmbeddedClass: hr = ProcessEmbeddedClass(vToken); if( hr == S_OK ) { m_Class->PutPropertyInInstance(&vToken); } break;
case CWMIProcessClass::Array: VARIANT v; VariantInit(&v); hr = ProcessArrayTypes(v,pwcsProperty); if( hr == WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA ) { hr = S_OK; } else if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = m_Class->PutPropertyInInstance(&v); } VariantClear(&v); break;
case CWMIProcessClass::Data:
hr = MapWMIData.GetDataFromDataBlock(vToken, m_Class->PropertyType(), m_Class->PropertySize()); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { CWMIDataTypeMap Map(this,&m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock); //============================================================
// We are only going to support this for numerical types
CVARIANT vQual; hr = m_Class->GetQualifierValue( pwcsProperty, L"MissingValue", (CVARIANT *)&vQual); if( hr == S_OK ) { if( vQual.GetType() != VT_EMPTY ) { if( !(Map.MissingQualifierValueMatches( NULL, 0,vQual, vToken.GetType(), vToken ) )) { hr = m_Class->PutPropertyInInstance(&vToken); } } else { hr = m_Class->PutPropertyInInstance(&vToken); } } else { hr = m_Class->PutPropertyInInstance(&vToken); } } else { wcscpy(m_wcsMsg,MSG_INVALID_BLOCK_POINTER); } break; } pwcsProperty = m_Class->NextProperty(); } //===============================================
// Set the active value
m_Class->SetActiveProperty(); } return hr; }
HRESULT CProcessStandardDataBlock::CreateOutParameterBlockForMethods() { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; BOOL fRc = FALSE;
// If we don't have a class, then we don't have to
// worry about creating a block
if( !m_pMethodOutput->ValidClass() ){ ResetDataBuffer(); return S_OK; } DWORD dwSize = 0L; hr = m_pMethodOutput->GetSizeOfClass(dwSize); if( hr == S_OK ){ // Allocate space for property
m_dwDataBufferSize = dwSize; if( dwSize > 0 ){ GetDataBlockReady(dwSize,TRUE); } } return hr; }
HRESULT CProcessStandardDataBlock::CreateInParameterBlockForMethods( BYTE *& Buffer, ULONG & uBufferSize) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; BOOL fRc = FALSE;
// If we don't have a class, then we don't have to
// worry about creating a block
if( !m_pMethodInput->ValidClass() ){ Buffer = NULL; uBufferSize = 0; return S_OK; }
// When it goes out of scope, it will reset m_Class back
// to what it was
CAutoChangePointer p(&m_Class,m_pMethodInput); ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"Constructing the data block"));
hr = ConstructDataBlock(TRUE); if( S_OK == hr ){
uBufferSize = (ULONG)m_dwDataBufferSize; Buffer = new byte[ uBufferSize +1]; if( Buffer ) { try { memcpy( Buffer, m_pbDataBuffer, uBufferSize ); ResetDataBuffer(); hr = S_OK; } catch(...) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(Buffer); hr = WBEM_E_UNEXPECTED; throw; } } }
return hr; } //=============================================================
HRESULT CProcessStandardDataBlock::ProcessMethodInstanceParameters() { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
// Create out-param
// ================
m_pMaxPtr = (ULONG *)OffsetToPtr(m_pbDataBuffer, m_dwDataBufferSize); m_nCurrentInstance = 1; m_nTotalInstances = 1; m_pAllWnode = NULL; m_pHeaderWnode = NULL; m_pbCurrentDataPtr = m_pbWorkingDataPtr = m_pbDataBuffer; CAutoChangePointer p(&m_Class,m_pMethodOutput);
hr = FillOutProperties(); if( hr == S_OK ) { hr = m_pMethodOutput->SendInstanceBack(); } return hr; }
// NTRaid:127832
// 07/12/00
HRESULT CProcessStandardDataBlock::ExecuteMethod(ULONG MethodId, WCHAR * MethodInstanceName, ULONG InputValueBufferSize, BYTE * InputValueBuffer ) { ULONG uRc = E_UNEXPECTED;
try { uRc = WmiExecuteMethod(m_hCurrentWMIHandle, MethodInstanceName, MethodId, InputValueBufferSize, InputValueBuffer,&m_dwDataBufferSize,m_pbDataBuffer); if( uRc == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { if( GetDataBlockReady(m_dwDataBufferSize,TRUE)) { uRc = WmiExecuteMethod(m_hCurrentWMIHandle, MethodInstanceName, MethodId, InputValueBufferSize, InputValueBuffer,&m_dwDataBufferSize,m_pbDataBuffer); } } } catch(...) { uRc = E_UNEXPECTED; // don't throw
if( uRc == ERROR_SUCCESS ){ //===========================================================
// If we have an out class, process it, otherwise, we are
// done so set hr to success.
if( m_pMethodOutput->ValidClass() ) { if(SUCCEEDED(ProcessMethodInstanceParameters())){ uRc = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } }
return MapReturnCode(uRc);
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
ULONG CProcessStandardDataBlock::GetDataBufferAndQueryAllData(DWORD dwSize) { ULONG uRc = E_UNEXPECTED; if(GetDataBlockReady(dwSize,TRUE)) { try { uRc = WmiQueryAllData(m_hCurrentWMIHandle, &m_dwDataBufferSize,m_pbDataBuffer); } catch(...) { uRc = E_UNEXPECTED; // don't throw
} } return uRc; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CProcessStandardDataBlock::QueryAllData() { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; //============================================================
// Get the instances
ULONG uRc = GetDataBufferAndQueryAllData(sizeof(WNODE_ALL_DATA)); if( uRc == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { //=================================================
// We just want to try one more time to get it,
// if it fails, then bail out. m_dwDataBufferSize
// should now have the correct size needed in it
uRc = GetDataBufferAndQueryAllData(m_dwDataBufferSize); } //=====================================================
// Ok, since we are querying for all instances, make
// sure the header node says that all of the instances
// are fine, if not reallocate
if( uRc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( S_OK ==(hr = SetAllInstanceInfo())) { if (m_pHeaderWnode->Flags & WNODE_FLAG_TOO_SMALL) { while( TRUE ) { //==========================================================
// keep on querying until we get the correct size
// This error may come from the driver
uRc = GetDataBufferAndQueryAllData(m_dwDataBufferSize); if( uRc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( S_OK ==(hr = SetAllInstanceInfo())) { if (!(m_pHeaderWnode->Flags & WNODE_FLAG_TOO_SMALL)) { break; } } } // end GetDataBufferAndQueryAllData
} // end of while
} // end of WNODE_FLAG_TOO_SMALL test
} // end of SetAllInstanceInfo
// if uRc succeeded, then the return code is already set by SetAllInstance
// otherwise need to map it out
if( uRc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = MapReturnCode(uRc); } return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
ULONG CProcessStandardDataBlock::GetDataBufferAndQuerySingleInstance(DWORD dwSize,WCHAR * wcsInstanceName) { ULONG uRc = E_UNEXPECTED; if(GetDataBlockReady(dwSize,TRUE)) { try { uRc = WmiQuerySingleInstance(m_hCurrentWMIHandle, wcsInstanceName, &m_dwDataBufferSize, m_pbDataBuffer); } catch(...) { uRc = E_UNEXPECTED; // don't throw
} } return uRc; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CProcessStandardDataBlock::QuerySingleInstance(WCHAR * wcsInstanceName) { //============================================================
// Get the instances
ULONG uRc = GetDataBufferAndQuerySingleInstance(sizeof(WNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE) + wcslen(wcsInstanceName),wcsInstanceName); if( uRc == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { uRc = GetDataBufferAndQuerySingleInstance(m_dwDataBufferSize,wcsInstanceName); }
if( uRc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return(SetSingleInstanceInfo()); }
return(MapReturnCode(uRc)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// NTRaid : 136392
// 07/12/00
HRESULT CProcessStandardDataBlock::SetSingleInstance() { ULONG uRc = S_OK;
WCHAR * pwcsInst = NULL; if( SUCCEEDED(m_Class->GetInstanceName(pwcsInst))) {
try { uRc = WmiSetSingleInstance( m_hCurrentWMIHandle, pwcsInst,1,m_dwDataBufferSize,m_pbDataBuffer); } catch(...) { uRc = E_UNEXPECTED; // don't throw
} SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pwcsInst); } return(MapReturnCode(uRc)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// CProcessHiPerfDataBlock
HRESULT CProcessHiPerfDataBlock::OpenHiPerfHandle() { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; ULONG uRc = ERROR_SUCCESS; //========================================================
// Open the handle
try { uRc = WmiOpenBlock(m_Class->GuidPtr(),m_uDesiredAccess, &m_hCurrentWMIHandle); if( uRc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // WMIINTERFACE->HandleMap()->Add(*(m_Class->GuidPtr()),m_hCurrentWMIHandle);
} } catch(...) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; // don't throw
return MapReturnCode(uRc); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
ULONG CProcessHiPerfDataBlock::GetDataBufferAndHiPerfQueryAllData(DWORD dwSize,WMIHANDLE * List, long lHandleCount) { ULONG uRc = E_UNEXPECTED; if(GetDataBlockReady(dwSize,TRUE)) { try { uRc = WmiQueryAllDataMultiple(List, lHandleCount, &m_dwDataBufferSize,m_pbDataBuffer); } catch(...) { uRc = E_UNEXPECTED; // don't throw
} } return uRc; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CProcessHiPerfDataBlock::HiPerfQueryAllData(WMIHANDLE * List,long lHandleCount) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; //============================================================
// Get the instances
ULONG uRc = GetDataBufferAndHiPerfQueryAllData(sizeof(WNODE_ALL_DATA)*lHandleCount,List,lHandleCount); if( uRc == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { //=================================================
// We just want to try one more time to get it,
// if it fails, then bail out. m_dwDataBufferSize
// should now have the correct size needed in it
uRc = GetDataBufferAndHiPerfQueryAllData(m_dwDataBufferSize,List,lHandleCount); } //=====================================================
// Ok, since we are querying for all instances, make
// sure the header node says that all of the instances
// are fine, if not reallocate
if( uRc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( S_OK ==(hr = SetAllInstanceInfo())) { if (m_pHeaderWnode->Flags & WNODE_FLAG_TOO_SMALL) { while( TRUE ) { //==========================================================
// keep on querying until we get the correct size
// This error may come from the driver
uRc = GetDataBufferAndHiPerfQueryAllData(m_dwDataBufferSize,List,lHandleCount); if( uRc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( S_OK ==(hr = SetAllInstanceInfo())) { if (!(m_pHeaderWnode->Flags & WNODE_FLAG_TOO_SMALL)) { break; } } } // end GetDataBufferAndQueryAllData
} // end of while
} // end of WNODE_FLAG_TOO_SMALL test
} // end of SetAllInstanceInfo
} //==========================================================================
// if uRc succeeded, then the return code is already set by SetAllInstance
// otherwise need to map it out
if( uRc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = MapReturnCode(uRc); }
return(hr); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
ULONG CProcessHiPerfDataBlock::GetDataBufferAndHiPerfQuerySingleInstance( DWORD dwSize,WMIHANDLE *List, PWCHAR * pInstances,long lHandleCount) { ULONG uRc = E_UNEXPECTED; if(GetDataBlockReady(dwSize,TRUE)) { try { uRc = WmiQuerySingleInstanceMultiple( List, pInstances, lHandleCount, &m_dwDataBufferSize, m_pbDataBuffer); } catch(...) { uRc = E_UNEXPECTED; // don't throw
} } return uRc; }
HRESULT CProcessHiPerfDataBlock::HiPerfQuerySingleInstance(WMIHANDLE *List, PWCHAR * pInstances, DWORD dwInstanceNameSize, long lHandleCount) { //============================================================
// Get the instances
ULONG uRc = GetDataBufferAndHiPerfQuerySingleInstance((sizeof(WNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE)*lHandleCount) + dwInstanceNameSize ,List,pInstances,lHandleCount); if( uRc == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { uRc = GetDataBufferAndHiPerfQuerySingleInstance(m_dwDataBufferSize,List,pInstances,lHandleCount); }
if( uRc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return(SetSingleInstanceInfo()); }
return(MapReturnCode(uRc)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CProcessHiPerfDataBlock::FillOutProperties() { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT; //=========================================================
// get the properties from the class and read the WMI Data
WCHAR * pwcsProperty=NULL; CWMIDataTypeMap MapWMIData(this,&m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock); m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock = 0L;
pwcsProperty = m_Class->FirstProperty(); while (NULL != pwcsProperty){
// We do not support arrays or embedded classes
if( ( CWMIProcessClass::EmbeddedClass == m_Class->PropertyCategory()) || ( CWMIProcessClass::Array == m_Class->PropertyCategory() ) ){ hr = WMI_INVALID_HIPERFPROP; ERRORTRACE((THISPROVIDER,"\n Class %S has embedded class or array property",m_Class->GetClassName())); break; }
hr = MapWMIData.GetDataFromDataBlock(m_Class->GetAccessInstancePtr(), m_Class->GetPropertyHandle(), m_Class->PropertyType(), m_Class->PropertySize()); if( FAILED(hr) ){ break; }
pwcsProperty = m_Class->NextProperty(); } }
// Now, fill in the specific HI PERF properties
if( hr == S_OK ) { hr = m_Class->SetHiPerfProperties(m_pHeaderWnode->TimeStamp); } return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// This function searches the standard HandleMap for the handle and if it isn't there, it is added.
// The hiperf handles are added/mapped elsewhere.
HRESULT CProcessHiPerfDataBlock::GetWMIHandle(HANDLE & lWMIHandle) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
lWMIHandle = 0; hr = WMIINTERFACE->HandleMap()->GetHandle(*(m_Class->GuidPtr()),lWMIHandle); if( hr != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = OpenHiPerfHandle(); if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { lWMIHandle = m_hCurrentWMIHandle; hr = WMIINTERFACE->HandleMap()->Add( *(m_Class->GuidPtr()), lWMIHandle,WMIGUID_QUERY ); } } return hr; }