// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <comdef.h>
#include "provlog.h"
// CDsLog::CDsLog
// Purpose: Contructs an empty CDsLog object.
// Parameters:
// None
CDsLog :: CDsLog() { m_lpszLogFileName = NULL; m_fpLogFile = NULL;
// Turn on logging by default
m_bEnabled = TRUE;
// Enable all severity levels
m_iLevel = NONE; }
// CDsLog::~CDsLog
// Purpose: Destructor
CDsLog :: ~CDsLog() { delete [] m_lpszLogFileName;
if(m_fpLogFile) fclose(m_fpLogFile); }
// CDsLog::LogMessage
// Purpose: See Header
BOOLEAN CDsLog :: Initialise(LPCWSTR lpszRegistrySubTreeRoot) { // Get the various values from the registry
if(!GetRegistryValues(lpszRegistrySubTreeRoot)) return FALSE;
// Open the Log File
m_fpLogFile = _tfopen((LPTSTR)(_bstr_t)(m_lpszLogFileName), __TEXT("w")); if(m_fpLogFile) WriteInitialMessage(); return (m_fpLogFile != NULL); }
// CDsLog::LogMessage
// Purpose: See Header
BOOLEAN CDsLog :: Initialise(LPCWSTR lpszFileName, BOOLEAN bEnabled, UINT iLevel) { m_bEnabled = bEnabled; m_iLevel = iLevel;
m_fpLogFile = _tfopen((LPTSTR)(_bstr_t)(lpszFileName), __TEXT("w")); if(m_fpLogFile) WriteInitialMessage(); return (m_fpLogFile != NULL); }
// CDsLog::LogMessage
// Purpose: See Header
void CDsLog :: LogMessage(UINT iLevel, LPCWSTR lpszMessage, ...) {
va_list marker; va_start(marker, lpszMessage);
if(m_bEnabled && iLevel >= m_iLevel) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_FileCriticalSection);
_vftprintf(m_fpLogFile, lpszMessage, marker); fflush(m_fpLogFile);
LeaveCriticalSection(&m_FileCriticalSection); }
// CDsLog::GetRegistryValues
// Purpose: See Header
BOOLEAN CDsLog :: GetRegistryValues(LPCWSTR lpszRegistrySubTreeRoot) { HKEY subtreeRootKey; if( RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, (LPTSTR)(_bstr_t)(lpszRegistrySubTreeRoot), 0, KEY_READ, &subtreeRootKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
// Retrieve the "File" value
LONG lDataLength = 0; if(RegQueryValue(subtreeRootKey, FILE_STRING, NULL, &lDataLength) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_lpszLogFileName = new TCHAR [lDataLength + 1];
if(RegQueryValue(subtreeRootKey, FILE_STRING, m_lpszLogFileName, &lDataLength) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { retVal = FALSE; } } else retVal = FALSE;
// Retrieve the "Enabled" value
lDataLength = 0; if(RegQueryValue(subtreeRootKey, ENABLED_STRING, NULL, &lDataLength) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LPTSTR lpszEnabled = new TCHAR [lDataLength + 1];
if(RegQueryValue(subtreeRootKey, FILE_STRING, lpszEnabled, &lDataLength) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { retVal = FALSE; } else // Convert the string to boolena
{ if(_tcscmp(lpszEnabled, ONE_STRING) == 0) m_bEnabled = TRUE; else m_bEnabled = FALSE; }
delete [] lpszEnabled; } else retVal = FALSE;
// Retrieve the "Level" value
lDataLength = 0; if(RegQueryValue(subtreeRootKey, LEVEL_STRING, NULL, &lDataLength) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LPTSTR lpszEnabled = new TCHAR [lDataLength + 1];
if(RegQueryValue(subtreeRootKey, FILE_STRING, lpszEnabled, &lDataLength) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { retVal = FALSE; } else // Convert the string to boolena
{ if(_tcscmp(lpszEnabled, ONE_STRING) == 0) m_bEnabled = TRUE; else m_bEnabled = FALSE; }
delete [] lpszEnabled; } else retVal = FALSE;
// Close the registry key
RegCloseKey(subtreeRootKey); return retVal; }
// CDsLog::WriteInitialMessage
// Purpose: See Header
void CDsLog :: WriteInitialMessage() { if(m_bEnabled) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_FileCriticalSection);
// Get the DateTime in Ascii format
struct tm *newtime; time_t long_time; time( &long_time ); /* Get time as long integer. */ newtime = localtime( &long_time ); /* Convert to local time. */ _ftprintf(m_fpLogFile, __TEXT("Log File Created at : %s\n"), _tasctime(newtime)); _ftprintf(m_fpLogFile, __TEXT("================================================\n\n")); fflush(m_fpLogFile); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_FileCriticalSection);
} }