/* * msi.mof * * � 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * */
#pragma autorecover #pragma classflags("forceupdate")
Qualifier Description : ToSubClass Amended; Qualifier Values : ToSubClass Amended; Qualifier DisplayName : Amended; Qualifier BitValues:ToSubClass Amended ;
Qualifier Aggregate : ToSubClass ; Qualifier Aggregation : ToSubClass ; Qualifier ArrayType : ToSubClass ; Qualifier Association : ToInstance ToSubClass DisableOverride ; Qualifier ValueMap : ToSubClass ; Qualifier BitMap : ToSubClass ; Qualifier CIM_Key : ToSubClass ; Qualifier CIMTYPE : ToSubClass ; Qualifier Deprecated : ToSubClass ; Qualifier Enumeration : ToSubClass ; Qualifier EnumPrivileges : ToSubClass ; Qualifier Fixed : ToSubclass; Qualifier ImplementationSource : ToSubClass ; Qualifier Key : ToInstance ToSubClass DisableOverride ; Qualifier Locale : ToInstance ; Qualifier MappingStrings : ToSubClass ; Qualifier Max : ToSubClass ; Qualifier MaxLen : ToSubClass ; Qualifier Min : ToSubClass ; Qualifier ModelCorrespondence : ToSubClass ; Qualifier Not_Null : ToSubClass ; Qualifier Override : Restricted ; Qualifier Privileges : ToSubClass ; Qualifier Propagated : ToSubClass ; Qualifier provider : ToInstance ; Qualifier Range : ToSubClass ; Qualifier Read : ToSubClass ; Qualifier Schema : ToInstance ; Qualifier Singleton : ToSubClass ToInstance ; Qualifier SUBTYPE : ToSubClass ; Qualifier Units : ToSubClass ; Qualifier UUID : ToInstance ; Qualifier Volatile : ToSubClass ; Qualifier Weak : ToSubClass ; Qualifier Write : ToSubClass ; Qualifier WritePrivileges : ToSubClass ;
#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\Root")
[Locale(0x409)] instance of __Namespace { Name = "CIMV2"; };
#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2")
instance of __Win32Provider as $Z { Name = "MSIProv"; ClsId = "{BE0A9830-2B8B-11d1-A949-0060181EBBAD}"; ImpersonationLevel = 1; PerUserInitialization = "TRUE"; HostingModel = "LocalSystemHost"; }; instance of __InstanceProviderRegistration { Provider = $Z; SupportsGet = "TRUE"; SupportsEnumeration = "TRUE"; SupportsPut = "TRUE"; SupportsDelete = "TRUE"; }; instance of __MethodProviderRegistration { Provider = $Z; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{CE3324AA-DB34-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description("Instances of this class represent products as they are " "installed by MSI. A product generally correlates to a single installation " "package."), provider ("MSIProv") , dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"}, SupportsUpdate] class Win32_Product:CIM_Product { [Read, Description ("The installed state of the product."), ValueMap {"-6", "-2", "-1", "1", "2", "5"}, Values {"Bad Configuration", "Invalid Argument", "Unknown Package", "Advertised", "Absent", "Installed"} ] sint16 InstallState; [Read, Description ("The location of the locally cached package for this product.")] string PackageCache; [DEPRECATED, Read, Description ("The installation date. The InstallDate property has been " "deprecated in favor of the InstallDate2 property which is of type DateTime rather than String. " "New implementations should use the InstallDate2 property.")] string InstallDate; [Read, Description ("The InstallDate2 property represents the " "installation date of the product.")] datetime InstallDate2;
[Read, Description ("The location of the installed product.")] string InstallLocation;
//methods [static, Implemented, Description( "This method Will install an associated Win32_Product using the installation " "package provided through PackageLocation and any command line options " "that are supplied. The method can return the following values:\n" "0 - Success.\n" "2147549445 - RPC Server Fault Error. \n" "Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to the " "documentation on error codes returned by the Windows Installer API and " "the Win32 error codes."), ValueMap {"0", "2147549445", ".."}, Values {"Success", "RPC Server Fault Error", "Other"}] uint32 Install ( [in, Description("The path to the package that is to be installed")] string PackageLocation, [in, Description("The command line options for the install. These " "should be in the form of property=setting")] string Options, [in, Description("Indicates whether the operation should be applied to " "the current user (FALSE) or all users on the machine (TRUE).")] boolean AllUsers = FALSE );
[static, Implemented, Description( "This method will preform an administrative install of an associated " "Win32_Product using the installation package provided through " "PackageLocation and any command line options that are supplied. " "The method can return the following values:\n" "0 - Success.\n" "2147549445 - RPC Server Fault Error. \n" "Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to the " "documentation on error codes returned by the Windows Installer API and " "the Win32 error codes."), ValueMap {"0", "2147549445", ".."}, Values {"Success", "RPC Server Fault Error", "Other"}] uint32 Admin ( [in, Description("The path to the package that is to be admined")] string PackageLocation, [in, Description("The location for the administrative image to be installed " "at.")] string TargetLocation, [in, Description("The command line options for the upgrade. These " "should be in the form of property=setting")] string Options );
[static, Implemented, Description( "This method will advertise an associated Win32_Product using the installation " "package provided through PackageLocation and any command line options " "that are supplied. " "The method can return the following values:\n" "0 - Success.\n" "2147549445 - RPC Server Fault Error. \n" "Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to the " "documentation on error codes returned by the Windows Installer API and " "the Win32 error codes."), ValueMap {"0", "2147549445", ".."}, Values {"Success", "RPC Server Fault Error", "Other"}] uint32 Advertise ( [in, Description("The path to the package that is to be advertised")] string PackageLocation, [in, Description("The command line options for the advetisement. These " "should be in the form of property=setting")] string Options, [in, Description("Indicates whether the operation should be applied to " "the current user (FALSE) or all users on the machine (TRUE).")] boolean AllUsers = FALSE );
[Implemented, Description( "This method will reinstall the associated instance of Win32_Product " "using the specified reinstallation mode. " "The method can return the following values:\n" "0 - Success.\n" "2147549445 - RPC Server Fault Error. \n" "Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to the " "documentation on error codes returned by the Windows Installer API and " "the Win32 error codes."), ValueMap {"0", "2147549445", ".."}, Values {"Success", "RPC Server Fault Error", "Other"}] uint32 Reinstall ( [In, Description("Specifies the reinstall mode"), Values{"FileMissing","FileOlderVersion", "FileEqualVersion", "FileExact", "FileVerify", "FileReplace", "UserData", "MachineData", "Shortcut", "Package"}, Valuemap {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"}] uint16 ReinstallMode = 1 );
[Implemented, Description( "This method will upgrade the associated Win32_Product using the upgrade " "package provided through PackageLocation and any command line options " "that are supplied. " "The method can return the following values:\n" "0 - Success.\n" "2147549445 - RPC Server Fault Error. \n" "Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to the " "documentation on error codes returned by the Windows Installer API and " "the Win32 error codes."), ValueMap {"0", "2147549445", ".."}, Values {"Success", "RPC Server Fault Error", "Other"}] uint32 Upgrade ( [in, Description("The path to the package that contains the upgrade")] string PackageLocation, [in, Description("The command line options for the upgrade. These " "should be in the form of property=setting")] string Options );
[Implemented, Description( "This method will configure the associated instance of Win32_Product " "to the specified install state and level. " "The method can return the following values:\n" "0 - Success.\n" "2147549445 - RPC Server Fault Error. \n" "Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to the " "documentation on error codes returned by the Windows Installer API and " "the Win32 error codes."), ValueMap {"0", "2147549445", ".."}, Values {"Success", "RPC Server Fault Error", "Other"}] uint32 Configure ( [in, Values {"Default", "Local", "Source"}, Valuemap {"1", "2", "3"}] uint16 InstallState = 1, [in, Values {"Default", "Minimum", "Maximum"}, Valuemap {"1", "2", "3"}] uint16 InstallLevel = 1 ); [Implemented, Description( "This method will uninstall the associated instance of " "Win32_Product. " "The method can return the following values:\n" "0 - Success.\n" "2147549445 - RPC Server Fault Error. \n" "Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to the " "documentation on error codes returned by the Windows Installer API and " "the Win32 error codes."), ValueMap {"0", "2147549445", ".."}, Values {"Success", "RPC Server Fault Error", "Other"}] uint32 Uninstall(); };
[Locale(0x409),UUID("{A7A5AEBA-E3D2-11d2-8601-0000F8102E5F}"), Description ( "SoftwareFeatures and SoftwareElements: A 'SoftwareFeature' is a distinct subset of a " "Product, consisting of one or more 'SoftwareElements'. Each SoftwareElement is " "defined in a Win32_SoftwareElement instance, and the association between a feature " "and its SoftwareFeature(s) is defined in the Win32_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElement Association. " " Any component can be 'shared' between two or more SoftwareFeatures. If two or " "more features reference the same component, that component will be " "selected for installation if any of these features are selected.") , dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_SoftwareFeature:CIM_SoftwareFeature { [Description ( "Remote execution option, one of irsEnum: ifrsFavorLocal = 0: Install " "components locally, if possible ifrsFavorSource = 1: Install " "components to run from the source CD/Server, if possible " "ifrsFollowParent = 2: Follow the remote execution option of the parent " "feature"), Read ] uint16 Attributes; [Read, Description ("The installed state of the software feature."), ValueMap {"-6", "-2", "-1", "1", "2", "3", "4"}, Values {"Bad Configuration", "Invalid Argument", "Unknown Package", "Advertised", "Absent", "Local", "Source"}] sint16 InstallState; [Description( "Number of times this SoftwareFeature has been used"), Read] uint16 Accesses; [Description( "Last time this SoftwareFeature was used"), Read] datetime LastUse;
//methods [Implemented, Description( "This method will reinstall the associated instance of Win32_SoftwareFeature " "using the specified reinstallation mode. " "The method can return the following values:\n" "0 - Success.\n" "2147549445 - RPC Server Fault Error. \n" "Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to the " "documentation on error codes returned by the Windows Installer API and " "the Win32 error codes."), ValueMap {"0", "2147549445", ".."}, Values {"Success", "RPC Server Fault Error", "Other"}] uint32 Reinstall ( [in, Description("Specifies the reinstall mode"), Values{"FileMissing","FileOlderVersion", "FileEqualVersion", "FileExact", "FileVerify", "FileReplace","UserData", "MachineData", "Shortcut", "Package"}, Valuemap{"1", "2", "3", "4", "5","6", "7", "8", "9", "10"}] uint16 ReinstallMode = 1 );
[Implemented, Description( "This method will configure the associated instance of Win32_SoftwareFeature " "to the specified install state. " "The method can return the following values:\n" "0 - Success.\n" "2147549445 - RPC Server Fault Error. \n" "Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to the " "documentation on error codes returned by the Windows Installer API and " "the Win32 error codes."), ValueMap {"0", "2147549445", ".."}, Values {"Success", "RPC Server Fault Error", "Other"}] uint32 Configure ( [in, Values {"Default", "Advertise", "Local", "Absent", "Source"}, Valuemap{"1", "2", "3","4", "5"}] uint16 InstallState = 1 ); }; [Locale(0x409),UUID("{92ECDE80-E3D2-11d2-8601-0000F8102E5F}"), Description ( "SoftwareFeatures and SoftwareElements: A 'SoftwareFeature' is a distinct subset of a " "Product, consisting of one or more 'SoftwareElements'. Each SoftwareElement is " "defined in a Win32_SoftwareElement instance, and the association between a feature " "and its SoftwareFeature(s) is defined in the Win32_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElement Association. " " Any component can be 'shared' between two or more SoftwareFeatures. If two or " "more features reference the same component, that component will be " "selected for installation if any of these features are selected.") , dynamic , provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_SoftwareElement:CIM_SoftwareElement { [Read, Description ("A bit map containing the remote execution options for " "the software element.")] uint16 Attributes; [Read, Description ( "The path to the installed software element. If the component is a registry key," "the registry roots are represented numerically. For example, a registry path of " "\"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\" would be returned as \"01:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\"." " The registry roots returned are defined as follows:" "Root" "Returned Value\n" "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT 00\n" "HKEY_CURRENT_USER 01\n" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 02\n" "HKEY_USERS 03")] string Path; [Read, Description ( "The current installed state for the software element."), values{"Not Used", "Bad Configuration", "Source Absent", "Error","Absent", "Local","Source"}, valuemap{"-7", "-6", "-4", "-1", "2", "3", "4"}] sint16 InstallState; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID("{CC78410E-E3D1-11d2-8601-0000F8102E5F}"), Dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , Description ( "The Win32_ApplicationService class represents any installed or " "advertised components or applications available on the system. " "Instances of this class include all properly installed and instrumented " "executables.") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ApplicationService:CIM_Service { };
[Locale(0x409),UUID("{656E1F1E-E3D2-11d2-8601-0000F8102E5F}"), Dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , Description ( "The Win32_CommandLineAccess class represents the command line interface " "to a service or application. The name of the access point is always the " "full command line text.") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_CommandLineAccess:CIM_ServiceAccessPoint { [Description ( "The value of the Commandline property provides the string used to start " "the service."), Read ] string CommandLine; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{280AE270-DB34-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description("Instances of this class represent conditional checks that must " "be evaluated to TRUE before their associated Win32_SoftwareElement can be " "installed."), dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_SoftwareElementCondition:CIM_Check { [Read, Description ("A conditional statement which evaluates to TRUE or FALSE to determine" " whether the associated software element should is installed.")] string Condition; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{E79C9694-DB32-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , Description ( "The LaunchCondition class is used by the LaunchConditions action. It " "contains a list of conditions, all of which must be satisfied for the " "action to succeed.") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_LaunchCondition:CIM_Check { [Read, Description ("A condition that must evaluate to TRUE for installation to begin.")] string Condition; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{43FF3654-DB32-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "The Condition class can be used to modify the selection state of any " "entry in the Feature class, based on a conditional expression. If " "Condition evaluates to True, the corresponding Level value in the " "Feature class will be set to the value specified in the Condition class'" "s Level column. Using this mechanism, any feature can be permanently " "disabled (by setting the Level to 0), set to be always installed (by " "setting the Level to 1), or set to a different install priority (by " "setting Level to an intermediate value). The Level may be set based " "upon any conditional statement, such as a test for platform, operating " "system, a particular property setting, etc.") , dynamic, provider ( "MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_Condition:CIM_Check { [Read, Description ("The install level for the associated software feature " "if condition evaluates to TRUE.")] uint16 Level; [Read, Description ("A conditional statement which evaluates to TRUE or FALSE " "to determine whether the Level value should be applied to the associated software " "feature.")] string Condition; [Read, Description ("The name of the feature within the associated product to which " "this condition applies.")] string Feature; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{BBB7EBAA-DB32-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "Each instance of this class represents a source file with it's various " "attributes, ordered by a unique, non-localized identifier. For " "uncompressed files, the File property is ignored, and the FileName " "column is used for both the source and destination file name. You must " "set the 'Uncompressed' bit of the Attributes column for any file that " "is not compressed in a cabinet.") , dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_FileSpecification:CIM_FileSpecification { [Description ( "List of decimal language Ids, comma-separated if more than one."), Read ] string Language; [Description ( "Integer containing bit flags representing file attributes (with the " "decimal value of each bit position in parentheses). See the remarks " "below for more information: Bit 0: Read Only (1) Bit 1: " "Hidden (2) Bit 2: System (4) Bit 8: Split (256) - the file " "is split between two or more compression cabinets Bit 9: Vital (" "512) - this file is vital for the proper operation of the component to " "which it belongs Bit 12: Permanent (4096) - the file will not be " "removed on uninstall Bit 13: Uncompressed (8192) - the file is " "uncompressed on the source media Bit 14: Patch (16384) (reserved " "for future use) Bit 15: PatchSourceIgnore (32768) - the file can be " "ignored during a patch upgrade if it is run-from-source"), Read ] uint16 Attributes; [Description ( "Sequence with respect to the media images; order must track cabinet " "order."), Read ] uint16 Sequence; [Fixed, Read, Description ("A unique key which identifies a file within the scope of a product.")] string FileID; [Fixed, Read] string Version; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{47772EC4-DB21-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "This class contains the .INI information that the application needs to " "set in an .INI file. The .INI file information is written out when the " "corresponding component has been selected to be installed, either " "locally or run from source.") , dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_IniFileSpecification:CIM_FileSpecification { [Read, Description ("The .ini file section.")] string Section; [Read, Description ("The .ini file key within the section.")] string Key; [Read, Description ("The value to be written.")] string Value; [Read, Description ("The type of modification made.\n" " Hexadecimal \n Decimal \n Modification \n\n" "0x000 \n 0 \n Creates or updates a .ini entry. \n\n" "0x001 \n 1 \n Creates a .ini entry only if the entry does not already exist. \n\n" "0x003 \n 3 \n Creates a new entry or appends a new comma-separated value to an existing entry.")] uint16 Action; [Read, Description ("A unique key identifying this ini file specification within its product.")] string IniFile; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{6328B2A8-DB32-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "This class represents the directory layout for the product. Each " "instance of the class represents a directory in both the source image " "and the destination image. Directory resolution is performed during the " "CostFinalize action and is done as follows: Root destination " "directories: Root directories entries are those with a null " "Directory_Parent value or a Directory_Parent value identical to the " "Directory value. The value in the Directory property is interpreted as " "the name of a property defining the location of the destination " "directory. If the property is defined, the destination directory is " "resolved to the property's value. If the property is undefined, the " "ROOTDRIVE property is used instead to resolve the path. Root source " "directorires: The value of the DefaultDir column for root entries is " "interpreted as the name of a property defining the source location of " "this directory. This property must be defined or an error will occur. " "Non-root destination directories: The Directory value for a non-root " "directory is also interpreted as the name of a property defining the " "location of the destination. If the property is defined, the " "destination directory is resolved to the property's value. If the " "property is not defined, the destination directory is resolved to a " "sub-directory beneath the resolved destination directory for the " "Directory_Parent entry. The DefaultDir value defines the name of the " "sub-directory. Non-root source directories: The source directory for a " "non-root directory is resolved to a sub-directory of the resolved " "source directory for the Directory_Parent entry. Again, the DefaultDir " "value defines the name of the sub-directory.") , dynamic, provider ( "MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_DirectorySpecification:CIM_DirectorySpecification { [Read] string DefaultDir; [Read] string Directory; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{8518ABC0-DB32-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description("Instances of this class contain information about any environment " "variables that may need to be registered for their associated products installation."), Dynamic, Provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_EnvironmentSpecification:CIM_Check { [Read, Description ("Token name for the environment specification within its package.")] string Environment; [Read, Description ("The value for this environment as a formatted string.")] string Value; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{C744CF5A-DB33-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "This optional class allows the author to 'reserve' a specified amount " "of disk space in any directory, depending on the installation state of " "a component. Reserving cost in this way could be useful for authors who " "want to ensure that a minimum amount of disk space will be available " "after the installation is completed. For example, this disk space might " "be reserved for user documents, or for application files (such as index " "files) that are created only after the application is launched " "following installation. The ReserveCost class also allows custom " "actions to specify an approximate cost for any files, registry entries, " "or other items, that the custom action might install.") , dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ReserveCost:CIM_Check { [Read, Description ("A unique key identifying this reserve cost item within its product.")] string ReserveKey; [Read, Description ("The name of the directory (as a path, reference to a directory specification or reference to a property) where the space is reserved.")] string ReserveFolder; [Read, Description ("The number of bytes of disk space reserved if the associated software element is installed to run locally.")] uint32 ReserveLocal; [Read, Description ("The number of bytes of disk space reserved if the associated software element is installed to run from source.")] uint32 ReserveSource; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{45BD8DD2-DB33-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description("This class represents any ODBC drivers that are to be installed " "as part of a particular product."), Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ODBCDriverSpecification:CIM_Check { [Read, Description ("Token name for the driver within its package.")] string Driver; [Read] string Description; [Read, Description("The FileID of the Win32_FileSpecification representing this driver.")] string File; [Read, Description("The FileID of the Win32_FileSpecification representing this drivers setup dll.")] string SetupFile; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{51E28842-DB33-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description("Instances of this class represent any ODBC Translators that are " "included as part of a products installation."), Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ODBCTranslatorSpecification:CIM_Check { [Read, Description ("Token name for the translator within its package.")] string Translator; [Read] string Description; [Read, Description ("The FileID of the Win32_FileSpecification representing this translator.")] string File; [Read, Description ("The FileID of the Win32_FileSpecification representing this translators setup dll.")] string SetupFile; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{1F20B83E-DB33-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description("This class specifies any Data Sources (DSNs) that need to be registered " "as part of an installation."), Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ODBCDataSourceSpecification:CIM_Check { [Read, Description ("Token name for the data source within its package.")] string DataSource; [Read] string Description; [Read, Description ("The associated ODBC driver name.")] string DriverDescription; [Read, Description (" The type of registration for this data source. \n ) indicates per machine, \n 1 indicates per user.")] string Registration; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{DBAD0F60-DB34-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description("Instances of this class represent the services that are to be installed " "along with an associated package."), Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ServiceSpecification:CIM_Check { [Read, Description ("A unique key identifying this service specification item within its product.")] string ID; [Read] string Name; [Read, Description ("This property is the string that user interface programs use to identify the service.")] string DisplayName; [Read, Description ("This property is a set of bit flags that specify the type of service.\n" " One of the following service types must be specified in this column.\n" " Type of service\n Value \n Description \n\n" "SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS \n 0x00000010 \n A Microsoft Win32� service that runs its own process.\n\n" "SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS \n0x00000020 \n A Win32 service that shares a process.\n\n" "SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS \n 0x00000100A \n Win32 service that interacts with the desktop." " This value cannot be used alone and must be added to one of the two previous types.\n\n\n" "The following types of service are unsupported.\n" " Type of service \n Value \n Description \n\n" "SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER \n 0x00000001 \n A driver service.\n\n" "SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER \n 0x00000002 \n A file system driver service.")] sint32 ServiceType; [Read, Description ("This property is a set of bit flags that specify when to start the service.\n" " One of the following types of service start must be specified in this column.\n" " Type of service start \n Value \n Description \n\n" "SERVICE_AUTO_START \n 0x00000002 \n A service start during startup of the system.\n\n" "SERVICE_DEMAND_START \n 0x00000003 \n A service start when the service control manager calls " "the StartService function.\n\n" "SERVICE_DISABLED \n 0x00000004 \n Specifies a service that can no longer be started.\n\n" "The following types of service starts are valid only for driver services.\n" " Type of driver service start\n ValueDescription \n\n" "SERVICE_BOOT_START \n 0x00000000 \n A device driver started by the operating system loader.\n\n" "SERVICE_SYSTEM_START \n 0x00000001 \n A device driver started by calling the IoInitSystem function." " Use this in the ServiceControl Table, with the StartServices action put after the InstallServices" " action, to start a driver service during an install.")] sint32 StartType; [Read, Description ("This column specifies the action taken by the startup program if " "the service fails to start during startup. One of the following error control flags " "must be specified in this column.\n" " Adding the value 0x08000 to the flags in the following table specifies that the overall install" " will fail if the service cannot be installed into the system.\n\n" " Value \n" "Startup program's action \n\n" "0x00000000 \n" "Logs the error and continues with the startup operation.\n\n" "0x00000001 \n" "Logs the error, displays a message box and continues the startup operation.\n\n" "0x00000003 \n" "Logs the error if it is possible and the system is restarted with the last configuration " "known to be good. If the last-known-good configuration is being started, the startup " "operation fails.")] sint32 ErrorControl; [Read, Description ("This property contains the string that names the load ordering group " "of which this service is a member.")] string LoadOrderGroup; [Read, Description ("This column is a list of names of services or load ordering groups" " that the system must start before this service. Names in the list are separated by Nulls." " If the service has no dependencies, then Null or an empty string is returned." " Dependency on a group means that this service can run if at least one member of the group" " is running after an attempt to start all members of the group.")] string Dependencies; [Read, Description ("The account name used to start this service.")] string StartName; [Read, Description ("The password associated with StratName.")] string Password; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{8D500594-DB33-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description("Instances of this class represent and ProgIDs that need to be registered " "durring a given installation."), Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ProgIDSpecification:CIM_Check { [Fixed, Read] string ProgID; [Fixed, Read, Description ("Contains the ProgID for any version independent programs.")] string Parent; [Read] string Description; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{A3864E0E-DB33-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "The WriteRegistryValues action sets up registry information that the " "application desires in the system Registry. The registry information is " "gated by the Component class. A registry value is written to the system " "registry if the corresponding component has been set to be installed " "either locally or run from source.") , dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_RegistryAction:CIM_Action { [Description ( "The registry value name. If the Value column is null, then the " "following strings in the Name column have special significance. + " "The key is to be created, if absent upon the installation of the " "component. - The key is to be deleted, if present, with all its " "values and subkeys upon the uninstallation of the component. * The " "key is to be created, if absent upon the installation of the component " "AND the key is to be deleted, if present, with all its values and " "subkeys upon the uninstallation of the component."), Read ] string Registry; [Read, Description ("This property contains the registry value name." " If this is Null, then the data entered into the Value proeprty are written to" " the default registry key.")] string EntryName; [Read, Description ("This property is the registry value.")] string EntryValue; [Values{"HKEY_CURRENT_USER", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", "HKEY_USERS"}, ValueMap{-1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3}, Read] sint16 Root; [Read, Description ("The key for the registry value.")] string Key; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{B94A25A8-DB33-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "The RemoveIniValues action deletes .INI file information that the " "application desires to delete from .INI files. The deletion of the " "information is gated by the Component class. A .INI value is deleted if " "the corresponding component has been set to be installed either locally " "or run from source.") , dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_RemoveIniAction:CIM_Action { [Read, Description ("The .ini file section.")] string Section; [Read, Description ("The .ini file key below the section.")] string Key; [Read, Description ("The value to be deleted.")] string Value; [Read, Description ("The type of modification made.\n" " Hexadecimal \n Decimal \n Meaning\n\n" "0x002 \n 2 \n Deletes .ini entry. \n\n" "0x004 \n 4 \n Deletes a tag from a .ini entry.")] uint16 Action; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{FF7DA3FC-DB32-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "The MoveFiles action allows the author to locate files that already " "exist on the user's machine, and move or copy those files to a new " "location.") , dynamic, provider("MSIProv"), MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"}] class Win32_MoveFileAction:CIM_FileAction { [Read, Description ("This property contains the name of the source files to be moved or copied.\n" " This property may be left blank. See the description of the SourceFolder property." " This field may contain wildcard characters (* and ?).")] string SourceName; [Read, Description ("This property contains the name to be given to the original file" " after it is moved or copied. If this field is blank, then the destination" " file is given the same name as the source file.")] string DestName; [Read, Description ("This property contains the name of a Win32_Property having a value" " that resolves to the full path to the source directory. If the SourceName property is " "left blank, then the property named in the SourceFolder property is assumed to contain " "the full path to the source file itself (including the file name).")] string SourceFolder; [Read, Description ("The name of a win32_Property whose value resolves to the" " full path to the destination directory.")] string DestFolder; [Read, Description ("Integer value specifying the operating mode. ) indicates a copy," " 1 indicates a move.")] uint16 Options; [Read, Description ("A unique key identifying this move file action within its product.")] string FileKey; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{38BA58F0-DB32-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "The RegisterClassInfo action manages the registration of COM class " "information with the system. In the Advertise mode the action registers " "all COM classes for which the corresponding feature is enabled. Else " "the action registers COM classes for which the corresponding feature is " "currently selected to be installed.") , dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ClassInfoAction:CIM_Action { [Read, Description ("The class identifier of a COM server")] string CLSID; [Read, Description ("The default Program ID associated with this Class ID.")] string ProgID; [Read, Description ("The VI Program ID associated with this Class ID.")] string VIProgID; [Read, Description ("An indicator as to whether this object is insertable or not.")] uint16 Insertable; [Read, Description ("Application ID containing DCOM information " "for the associated application (string GUID).")] string AppID; [Read, Description ("Contains information for the HKCR (this CLSID) key. " " If multiple patterns exist, they must be delimited by a semicolon, and numeric subkeys " "are generated: 0, 1, 2.")] string FileTypeMask; [Read, Description ("This property is optional only when the Context property is set to" " the LocalServer or LocalServer32 server context. The text is registered as the argument" " against the OLE server and is used by OLE for invoking the server.")] string Argument; [Read, Description (" Default inproc handler. May be optionally provided only for " "Context = LocalServer or LocalServer32. A non-numeric value is treated as a system file" " that serves as the 32-bit InprocHandler (appearing as the InprocHandler32 value). \n" " Value \n Meaning \n\n " "1 = default (system) \n 16-bit InprocHandler (appearing as the InprocHandler value) \n\n" "2 = default (system) \n 32-bit InprocHandler (appearing as the InprocHandler32 value) \n\n" "3 = default (system) \n 16-bit as well as 32-bit InprocHandlers")] string DefInprocHandler; [Read, Description ("The server context for this server. This may be one of the following" " values: LocalServer, LocalServer32, InprocServer, InprocServer32")] string Context; [Read, Description ("The name used remotely for the server.")] string RemoteName; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{F3F3A266-DB32-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "The RegisterMIMEInfo action registers the MIME related registry " "information with the system. In the Advertise mode the action registers " "all MIME info for servers for which the corresponding feature is " "enabled. Else the action registers MIME info for servers for which the " "corresponding feature is currently selected to be installed.") , dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_MIMEInfoAction:CIM_Action { [Read, Description ("This column is an identifier for the MIME content." " It is commonly written in the form of type/format.")] string ContentType; [Read, Description ("This property contains the COM server CLSID" " that is associated with the MIME content.")] string CLSID; [Read, Description ("This column contains the server extension" " that is to be associated with the MIME content, without the dot.")] string Extension; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{C63BAA94-DB32-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "The RegisterFonts action registers installed fonts with the system. It " "maps the Font.FontTitle to the path of the font file installed. The " "RegisterFonts action is triggered when the Component to which the Font." "File_ belongs is selected for install. This implies that fonts can be " "made private, shared or system by making the Components to which they " "belong so.") , dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , ImplementationSource ( "MSI") ] class Win32_FontInfoAction:CIM_Action { [Read, Description ("Font name. For TrueType Fonts and TrueType Collections" " if NULL the installer registers the font after reading the correct font title" " from the font file.")] string FontTitle; [Read, Description ("The FileID of a Win32_FileSpecification that represents" " this fonts file.")] string File; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{FAE1F7B6-DB33-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "The CreateShortcuts action manages the creation of shortcuts. In the " "Advertise mode, the action creates shortcuts to the key files of " "components of features that are enabled. Advertised shortcuts are those " "for which the Target property is the feature of the component and the " "directory of the shortcut is one of the Shell folders or below one. " "Advertised shortcuts are created with a Microsoft installer technology " "Descriptor as the target. Non-advertised shortcuts are those for which " "the Target column in the Shortcut class is a property or the directory " "of the shortcut is not one of the Shell folders or below one. " "Advertised shortcuts are created with a Microsoft installer technology " "Descriptor as the target. In the non-advertise mode (normal install) " "the action creates shortcuts to the key files of components of features " "that are selected for install as well as non-advertised shortcuts whose " "component is selected for install.") , dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ShortcutAction:CIM_Action { [Description ("The command-line arguments for the shortcut."), Read ] string Arguments; [Description ( "The hotkey for the shortcut. It has the virtual-key code for the key in " "the low-order byte, and the modifier flags in the high-order byte. "), Read ] uint16 HotKey; [Description ("The icon index for the shortcut.") ] string IconIndex; [Description("The Show Command specifies the view state of the " "application window and is similar to the ShowWindow Windows function."), ValueMap{"0", "3", "7"}, Read, Values{"SW_SHOWNORMAL", "SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED", "SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE"}] uint16 ShowCmd; [Description ("The name of the shortcut to be created."), Read ] string Shortcut; [Read] string Name; [Read, Description ("The Shortcut target specifies the action to be taken" " when a shortcut is launched. This can reference a software feature or " "a file specification of directory specification.")] string Target; [Read, Description ("The name of the Win32_Property that has the path of" " the working directory for the shortcut.")] string WkDir; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{5D06847A-DB34-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "The RegisterTypeLibraries action registers type libraries with the " "system. The action works on each file referenced which is triggered to " "be installed.") , dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_TypeLibraryAction:CIM_Action { [Fixed, Description ("The language of the type library."), Read ] uint16 Language; [Fixed, Read, Description ("The cost associated with the registration of " "the type library in bytes.")] uint32 Cost; [Fixed, Description ("The GUID that identifies the library."), Read ] string LibID; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{DC7E5E90-DB33-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "The SelfRegModules action processes all the modules in the SelfReg to " "register the modules, if installed.") , dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_SelfRegModuleAction:CIM_Action { [Read, Description ("The value to be deleted.")] uint16 Cost; [Read, Description ("The FileID of a Win32_FileSpecification associated" " with this selfreg module action.")] string File; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{990E7AE6-DB33-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "The PublishComponents action manages the advertisement of the " "components that may be faulted in by other products with the system. In " "the Advertise mode the action publishes the all components for which " "the corresponding feature is enabled. Else the action publishes " "components for which the corresponding feature is currently selected to " "be installed.") , dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_PublishComponentAction:CIM_Action { [Read, Description ("The SoftwareElementID of the software element associated with this action.")] string ComponentID; [Read, Description ("A text string that qualifies the value in the ComponentId property." " A qualifier is used to distinguish multiple forms of the same software element, such as" " a software element that is implemented in multiple languages.")] string Qual; [Read, Description ("A localizable text describing the qualified component" " of this instance. The string is commonly parsed by the application and" " can be displayed to the user.")] string AppData; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{1D40FFD4-DB32-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "The BindImage action binds each executable that needs to be bound to " "the DLLs imported by it by computing the virtual address of each " "function that is imported from all DLLs. The computed virtual address " "is then saved in the importing image's Import Address Table (IAT). The " "action works on each file installed locally.") , dynamic, provider ( "MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_BindImageAction:CIM_Action { [Read, Description (" A list of paths, separated by semicolons, that represent" " the paths to be searched to find the imported DLLs. The list is usually a list" " of Win32_Properties, with each Win32_Property.Name enclosed inside square brackets ([ ]).")] string Path; [Read, Description ("The FileID of a Win32_FileSpecification" " for which this action applies (must be a valid binary file.)")] string File; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{9668DF4E-DB32-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "The ExtensionInfoAction manages the registration of " "extension related information with the system. The action registers " "the extension servers for which the corresponding feature is currently " "selected to be uninstalled.") , dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ExtensionInfoAction:CIM_Action { [Read, Description ("The Program ID associated with this extension.")] string ProgID; [Read, Description ("Parameters for shell execution.")] string ShellNew; [Read, Description ("Value for shell execution.")] string ShellNewValue; [Read, Description ("The extension associated with an instance.")] string Extension; [Read, Description ("The verb for the command.")] string Verb; [Read, Description ("The text displayed on the context menu.")] string Command; [Read, Description ("Value for the command arguments.")] string Argument; [Read, Description("The MIME type associated with this extension.")] string MIME; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{785B1AD0-DB32-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "The DuplicateFileAction allows the author to make one or more " "duplicate copies of files installed by the InstallFiles executable action, either " "to a different directory than the original file, or to the same " "directory, but with a different name.") , dynamic, provider ("MSIProv" ) , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_DuplicateFileAction:CIM_CopyFileAction { [Read, Description ("A unique key identifying this duplicate file action within its product.")] string FileKey; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{AE565838-DB33-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "The RemoveFiles action uninstalls files previously installed by the " "InstallFiles action. Each of these files is 'gated' by a link to an " "entry in the Component class; only those files whose components are " "resolved to the iisAbsent Action state, or the iisSource Action state " "IF the component is currently installed locally, will be removed. The " "RemoveFiles action can also remove specific author-specified files that " "weren't installed by the InstallFiles action. Each of these files is '" "gated' by a link to an entry in the Component class; those files whose " "components are resolved to any 'active' Action state (i.e. not in the '" "off', or NULL, state) will be removed (if the file exists in the " "specified directory, of course). This implies that removal of files " "will be attempted when the gating component is first installed, during " "a reinstall, and again when the gating component is removed.") , dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_RemoveFileAction:CIM_RemoveFileAction { [Read, Description ("The property contains the name of the file to be removed." " If this column is null, then the specified folder will be removed if it is empty. " "All of the files that match the wildcard will be removed from the specified directory.")] string FileName; [Read, Description ("The name of a Win32_Property whose value is assumed" " to resolve to the full path to the folder of the file to be removed. " "The property can be the name of a directory iproperty for a Win32_DirectorySpecification" " or any other property that represents a full path.")] string DirProperty; [Read, Description ("A unique key identifying this remove file action within its product.")] string FileKey; [Read, Description ("A bit map that tells when this action will be preformed based on " "the following\n" "Hexadecimal \n Decimal \n Description \n\n" " 0x001 \n 1 \n Remove only when the associated component is being installed " "(msiInstallStateLocalor msiInstallStateSource).\n\n" "0x002 \n 2 \n Remove only when the associated component is being removed " "(msiInstallStateAbsent).\n\n" "0x003 \n 3 \n Remove in either of the above cases.")] uint16 InstallMode; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{55A2DC30-DB32-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( "The CreateFolder action creates empty folders for components set to be " "installed locally. The removal of these folders is handled by the " "RemoveFolders action. When a folder is created (and didn't already " "exist), it is registered with the appropriate component id.") , dynamic , provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_CreateFolderAction:CIM_CreateDirectoryAction { }; [Locale(0x409),UUID("{CD7CA121-E3D2-11d2-8601-0000F8102E5F}"), Description("This abstract class represents any resources that are " "used by the MSI installer durring the course of an installation, " "patch or upgrade"), Abstract, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_MSIResource:CIM_Setting { }; [Locale(0x409),UUID("{14575942-E3E1-11d2-8601-0000F8102E5F}"), Description("The PatchPackage class describes all patch packages that " "have been applied to this product. For each patch package, the unique " "identifier for the patch is provided along with information about the " "media image the on which the patch is located."), Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_PatchPackage:Win32_MSIResource { [Key, Read, Description ("The unique identifier for a patch package.")] string PatchID; [Key, Read, Description ("The product code for the product to which this patch package is applied.")] string ProductCode; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID("{CD7CA120-E3D2-11d2-8601-0000F8102E5F}"), Description ( "This table contains the property names and values for all defined " "properties in the installation. Properties with Null values are not " "present in the table.") , dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_Property:Win32_MSIResource { [Read, Description ("The value of the property.")] string Value; [Key, Read, Description ("The name of the property.")] string Property; [Key, Read, Description ("The product code for the product of which this property is a part.")] string ProductCode; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID("{7A9E24ED-E3D2-11d2-8601-0000F8102E5F}"), Description("Instances of this class represent individual patches that are " "to be applied to a particular file and whose source reside at a specified " "location."), Dynamic, Provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_Patch:Win32_MSIResource { [Key, Read, Description ("The FileID of the Win32_FileSpecification this patch applies to.")] string File; [Key, Read, Description ("The position of this patch in the sequence of patches on the source media.")] sint16 Sequence; [Read, Description ("The size of the patch in bytes.")] uint32 PatchSize; [Read, Description ("A bit flag representing patch attributes. A value of 1 " " indicates that the failure to apply this patch is not a fatal error.")] uint16 Attributes; [Key, Read, Description ("The product code for the product to which this patch is applied.")] string ProductCode; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID("{DB150AA8-E3D1-11d2-8601-0000F8102E5F}"), Description("Instances ofthis class represent binary information (such as bitmapps, " "icons, executables, etc...) that are used by an installation."), Dynamic, Provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_Binary:Win32_MSIResource { [Key, Read] string Name; [Description("This property represents the binary data that is associated " "with this object."), Read] string Data; [Key, Read, Description ("The product code for the product of which this binary is a part.")] string ProductCode; };
#pragma deleteclass("Win32_Upgrade", NOFAIL)
[Locale(0x409),UUID("{E7D29B98-E3D1-11d2-8601-0000F8102E5F}"), Description("Instances of this class represent instrctions for controlling both " "installed and uninstalled services."), Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ServiceControl:Win32_MSIResource { [Key, Read, Description ("A unique key identifying this service control item within its product.")] string ID; [Key, Read, Description ("The product code for the product of which this service control is a part.")] string ProductCode; [Read] string Name; [Read, Description ("A bit map representing the operations for which this object applies." " The following are the valid values \n" " Hexadecimal \n Decimal \n Description \n" " 0x001 \n 1 \n Starts the service during the StartServices action. \n\n" " 0x002 \n 2 \n Stops the service during the StopServices action. \\nn" " 0x004 \n 4 \n <reserved> \n\n" " 0x008 \n 8 \n Deletes the service during the DeleteServices action.\n\n" " The following values are only used during an uninstall \n\n " " Hexadecimal \n Decimal \n Description \n\n" " 0x010 \n 16 \n Starts the service during the StartServices action.\n\n" " 0x020 \n 32 \n Stops the service during the StopServices action.\n\n" " 0x040 \n 64 \n <reserved> \n\n" " 0x080 \n 128\n Deletes the service during the DeleteServices action.")] string Event; [Read, Description ("A value of 1 in this column means to wait until the" " service actually completes before proceeding. This implies that the event " "is critical to the install, and that if the event fails the resulting error cannot be" " ignored. A value of 0 in this column means to wait only until the service control " "manager (SCM) reports that this service is in a pending state.")] uint16 Wait; [Read, Description ("A list of arguments for starting services. The arguments are " "separated by null characters [~]. For example, the list of arguments One, Two, and" " Three are listed as: One[~]Two[~]Three.")] string Arguments; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID("{023763EC-E3D2-11d2-8601-0000F8102E5F}"), Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ODBCAttribute:CIM_Setting { [Key, Read] string Driver; [Key, Read, Description ("The name of the ODBC attribute.")] string Attribute; [Read, Description ("The value of this attribute.")] string Value; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID("{100985A4-E3D2-11d2-8601-0000F8102E5F}"), Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ODBCSourceAttribute:CIM_Setting { [Key, Read, Description ("Token name for the data source within its package to which this attribute applies.")] string DataSource; [Key, Read, Description ("The name of the data source attribute.")] string Attribute; [Read, Description ("The value for this data source attribute.")] string Value; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{F3B44268-DB34-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), dynamic, provider ("MSIProv") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElements:CIM_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElements { [key, Override("GroupComponent"), Read] Win32_SoftwareFeature REF GroupComponent; [key, Override("PartComponent"), Read] Win32_SoftwareElement REF PartComponent; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{E7CD451C-DB34-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), provider ("MSIProv") , dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_SoftwareFeatureParent:CIM_Dependency { [key, Override("Dependent"), Read] Win32_SoftwareFeature REF Dependent; [key, Override("Antecedent"), Read] Win32_SoftwareFeature REF Antecedent; };
//RuleBased("Select * From " // "Win32_SoftwareFeature As A " // "Join " // "Win32_Condition As B " // "On A.Name = B.Name")
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{5016E228-DB34-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Association, Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} , Description ( "This association relates an MSI feature with any condition or " "locational information that a feature may require.") ] class Win32_SoftwareFeatureCheck { [Key, Read] Win32_SoftwareFeature REF Element; [Key, Read] CIM_Check REF Check; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{1E45DFA6-DB34-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} , Description ( "This association relates an MSI element with any condition or " "locational information that a feature may require.") ] class Win32_SoftwareElementCheck:CIM_SoftwareElementChecks { [Key, Read] Win32_SoftwareElement REF Element; [Key, Read] CIM_Check REF Check; }; // RuleBased("Select * From " // "Win32_SoftwareFeature As A " // "Join " // "Win32_Product As B " // "On A.IdentifyingNumber = B.IdentifyingNumber")
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{80D071C8-DB33-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), dynamic, provider ("MSIProv"), MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ProductSoftwareFeatures:CIM_ProductSoftwareFeatures { [key, Read] Win32_Product REF Product; [key, Read] Win32_SoftwareFeature REF Component; };
//RuleBased("Select * From " // "Win32_Product As A " // "Join " // "Win32_Property As B " // "On A.IdentifyingNumber = B.ProductCode") [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{6EBF1FC0-DB33-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Association, Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ProductResource { [Key, Read] Win32_Product REF Product; [Key, Read] Win32_MSIResource REF Resource; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{63ECB33C-DB33-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Association, Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ProductCheck { [Key, Read] Win32_Product REF Product; [Key, Read] CIM_Check REF Check; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{0D51A84E-DB32-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Association, Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} , Description ( "This association relates an MSI action with any locational information " "it requires. This location is in the form of a file and/or directory " "specification.") ] class Win32_ActionCheck { [Key, Read] CIM_Action REF Action; [Key, Read] CIM_Check REF Check; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{FCD0E156-DB31-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Association, Abstract, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} , Description ( "This association relates an MSI check with any setting information " "it requires.") ] class Win32_SettingCheck { [Read] CIM_Setting REF Setting; [Read] CIM_Check REF Check; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{2C6811D2-DB32-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Association, Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"}, Description ( "This association relates a MSI Check with any locational information " "it requires. The location is in the form of a file and/or directory " "specification.") ] class Win32_CheckCheck { [Key, Read, Description ("The Check reference represents one side of " "the Check.")] CIM_Check REF Check; [Key, Read, Description ("The Location reference represents the other " "side of the Check.")] CIM_Check REF Location; };
[Association, Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{3F3B81D4-DB34-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} , Description ( "This association relates an MSI feature with an action used to register " "and/or publish the feature") ] class Win32_SoftwareFeatureAction { [Key, Read] Win32_SoftwareFeature REF Element; [Key, Read] CIM_Action REF Action; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{E40D5488-DB31-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Association, abstract, Description ( "This association relates an MSI feature with an action used to register " "and/or publish the feature") ] class Win32_ManagedSystemElementResource { }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{322CE0F0-DB34-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} , Description ( "This association relates an MSI feature with an action used to register " "and/or publish the feature") ] class Win32_SoftwareElementResource:Win32_ManagedSystemElementResource { [Key, Override("Element"), Read] Win32_SoftwareElement REF Element; [Key, Override("Setting"), Read] Win32_MSIResource REF Setting; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{1362C2AC-DB34-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} , Description ( "This association relates an MSI software element with an action that " "access the element.") ] class Win32_SoftwareElementAction:CIM_SoftwareElementActions { [Key, Read] CIM_Action REF Action; [Key, Read] Win32_SoftwareElement REF Element; };
//RuleBased("Select * From " // "Win32_FileSpecification As A " // "Join " // "Win32_Patch As B " // "On A.Attribute = B.Attribute")
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{A51D806C-DB32-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_PatchFile:Win32_SettingCheck { [key, Read] Win32_FileSpecification REF Check; [Key, Read] Win32_Patch REF Setting; };
//RuleBased("Select * From " // "Win32_ODBCDriverSpecification As A " // "Join " // "Win32_ODBCAttribute As B " // "On A.Driver = B.Driver")
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{2B306494-DB33-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ODBCDriverAttribute:Win32_SettingCheck { [Key, Read] Win32_ODBCDriverSpecification REF Check; [Key, Read] Win32_ODBCAttribute REF Setting; };
//RuleBased("Select * From " // "Win32_ODBCDataSourceSpecification As A " // "Join " // "Win32_ODBCSourceAttribute As B " // "On A.DataSource = B.DataSource") [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{0E5ACD14-DB33-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ODBCDataSourceAttribute:Win32_SettingCheck { [Key, Read] Win32_ODBCDataSourceSpecification REF Check; [Key, Read] Win32_ODBCSourceAttribute REF Setting; }; [Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{3A20796C-DB33-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ODBCDriverSoftwareElement:CIM_SoftwareElementChecks { [Key, Read] Win32_ODBCDriverSpecification REF Check; [Key, Read] Win32_SoftwareElement REF Element; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{DB91D602-DB32-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( " The InstalledSoftwareElement association allows one to to identify " "the Computer System a particular Software element is installed on. ") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} , Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic] class Win32_InstalledSoftwareElement:CIM_InstalledSoftwareElement { [Key, Min (0) , Max (1) , Description ( "References the software element that is installed."), Read ] Win32_SoftwareElement REF Software; [Key, Min (0) , Max (1), Description ( "References the computer system hosting a particular software element. " ), Read ] CIM_ComputerSystem REF System; };
[Association, Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{08145BE0-DB34-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} , Provider ( "MSIProv") , Dynamic] class Win32_ShortcutSAP { [Key, Read] Win32_ShortcutAction REF Action; [Key, Read] Win32_CommandLineAccess REF Element; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{ED2ED490-DB33-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Association, Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic, MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} ] class Win32_ServiceSpecificationService { [Key, Override("Setting"), Read] Win32_ServiceSpecification REF Check; [Key, Override("Element"), Read] Win32_Service REF Element; };
[Locale(0x409),UUID ( "{C170CF06-DB34-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ), Description ( " The ApplicationCommandLine association allows one to to identify " "connection between an application and it's command line access point.") , MappingStrings{"Microsoft.MSI"} , Provider ("MSIProv") , Dynamic] class Win32_ApplicationCommandLine:CIM_ServiceAccessBySAP { [Key, Override("Antecedent"), Description ( "References the application."), Read ] Win32_ApplicationService REF Antecedent; [Key, Override("Dependent"), Description ( "references the commandline used to access the antecedent." ), Read ] Win32_CommandLineAccess REF Dependent; };