// Copyright (c) 1996-1999, Microsoft Corporation, All rights reserved
// ESS.H
// Implements the class that contains all the fuctionality of the ESS by
// virtue of containing all the necessary components.
// Classes defined:
// CEss
// History:
// 11/27/96 a-levn Compiles.
// 1/6/97 a-levn Updated to initialize TSS.
#ifndef __ESS__H_
#define __ESS__H_
#include "pragmas.h"
#include "nsrep.h"
#include "equeue.h"
#include "wbemtss.h"
#include "essself.h"
#include <evtlog.h>
#include <sleeper.h>
#include <wmimsg.h>
#include <wstlallc.h>
// class CEss
// This class is the central "collection point" for the ESS. It contains the
// list of namespace objects and some shared components.
class CInitActiveNamespacesRequest; class CInitNamespaceRequest;
class CEss { protected: typedef std::map<WString, CEssNamespace*, WSiless, wbem_allocator<CEssNamespace*> > TNamespaceMap;
typedef TNamespaceMap::iterator TNamespaceIterator;
TNamespaceMap m_mapNamespaces; CWinMgmtTimerGenerator m_TimerGenerator; CEventQueue m_Queue; IWbemLocator* m_pLocator; _IWmiCoreServices* m_pCoreServices; _IWmiProvSS* m_pProvSS; _IWmiProvSSSink* m_pProvSSSink; LPWSTR m_wszServerName;
IWbemDecorator* m_pDecorator; IWbemLifeControl* m_pLifeControl; long m_lObjectCount; long m_lNumActiveNamespaces;
CEventLog m_EventLog; CRegistryMinMaxLimitControl m_LimitControl; IWbemTokenCache* m_pTokenCache; HANDLE m_hReadyEvent;
BOOL m_bLastCallForCoreCalled; CCritSec m_cs;
// the number of namespaces that were active on startup by are still
// initializating.
long m_lOutstandingActiveNamespaceInit;
// we use a background thread to perform recovery of guaranteed
// event deliveries.
HANDLE m_hRecoveryThread; HRESULT InitiateRecovery(); static ULONG WINAPI PerformRecovery( void* pCtx ); HANDLE m_hExitBootPhaseTimer; static void CALLBACK ExitBootPhaseCallback( LPVOID, BOOLEAN ); void ExecuteDeferredNSInitRequests();
// If we are in the boot phase, then we will queue up the ns init events
// until we're out of the boot phase.
CPointerArray<CExecRequest> m_aDeferredNSInitRequests;
BOOL m_bMSMQDisabled;
public: CEss(); ~CEss();
void TriggerDeferredInitialization();
HRESULT Initialize( LPCWSTR wszServer, long lFlags, _IWmiCoreServices* pCoreServices, IWbemDecorator* pDecorator );
HRESULT Shutdown(BOOL bIsSystemShutdown); HRESULT LastCallForCore(LONG lSystemShutDown);
HRESULT GetNamespaceObject( LPCWSTR wszNamespace, BOOL bEnsureActivation, RELEASE_ME CEssNamespace** ppNamespace );
HRESULT GetNamespacePointer( LPCWSTR wszNamespace, BOOL bRepositoryOnly, RELEASE_ME IWbemServices** ppNamespace );
HRESULT Decorate(IWbemClassObject* pObject, LPCWSTR wszNamespace); HRESULT GetProviderFactory(LPCWSTR wszNamespace, IWbemServices* pNamespace, _IWmiProviderFactory** ppFactory);
HRESULT ReloadProvider( long lFlags, LPCWSTR wszNamespace, LPCWSTR wszName );
HRESULT PurgeNamespace(LPCWSTR wszNamespace);
HRESULT ProcessEvent(READ_ONLY CEventRepresentation& Event, long lFlags); HRESULT ProcessQueryObjectSinkEvent( READ_ONLY CEventRepresentation& Event ); HRESULT VerifyInternalEvent(READ_ONLY CEventRepresentation& Event);
HRESULT RegisterNotificationSink(WBEM_CWSTR wszNamespace, WBEM_CWSTR wszQueryLanguage, WBEM_CWSTR wszQuery, long lFlags, IWbemContext* pContext, IWbemObjectSink* pSink); HRESULT RemoveNotificationSink(IWbemObjectSink* pSink);
CWinMgmtTimerGenerator& GetTimerGenerator() {return m_TimerGenerator;} CEventLog& GetEventLog() {return m_EventLog;}
void IncrementObjectCount(); void DecrementObjectCount();
HRESULT SetNamespaceActive(LPCWSTR wszNamespace); HRESULT SetNamespaceInactive(LPCWSTR wszNamespace); HRESULT SaveActiveNamespaceList(); HRESULT RequestStartOnBoot(BOOL bStart = TRUE); HRESULT InitializeTimerGenerator(LPCWSTR wszNamespace, IWbemServices* pNamespace);
static HRESULT DecorateObject(IWbemClassObject* pObj, LPCWSTR wszNamespace);
HRESULT EnqueueDeliver(CQueueingEventSink* pDest); HRESULT Enqueue(CExecRequest* pReq);
HRESULT AddSleepCharge(DWORD dwSleep); HRESULT AddCache(); HRESULT RemoveCache(); HRESULT AddToCache(DWORD dwAdd, DWORD dwMemberTotal, DWORD* pdwSleep = NULL); HRESULT RemoveFromCache(DWORD dwRemove); HRESULT GetToken(PSID pSid, IWbemToken** ppToken);
HRESULT CreatePersistentQueue( LPCWSTR wszQueueName, DWORD dwQos ); HRESULT DestroyPersistentQueue( LPCWSTR wszQueueName );
void DumpStatistics(FILE* f, long lFlags);
// each namespace that is active on startup notifies us when it has
// finished initialization.
void NotifyActiveNamespaceInitComplete();
typedef CPointerArray<CInitActiveNamespacesRequest> InitActiveNsRequestList;
HRESULT PrepareNamespaceInitRequest( LPCWSTR wszNamespace, CInitActiveNamespacesRequest* pRequest );
HRESULT PrepareNamespaceInitRequests( IWbemServices* pRoot, BOOL bRediscover, InitActiveNsRequestList& aRequests); HRESULT RecursivePrepareNamespaceInitRequests( LPCWSTR wszNamespace, IWbemServices* pNamespace, CInitActiveNamespacesRequest* pRequest);
HRESULT ScheduleNamespaceInitialize( CExecRequest* pReq );
HRESULT LoadActiveNamespaces( IWbemServices* pRoot, BOOL bRediscover );
HRESULT CreateNamespaceObject( LPCWSTR wszNormName, CEssNamespace** ppNamespace );
HRESULT LoadNamespaceObject( LPCWSTR wszNamespace, BOOL bKnownEmpty, RELEASE_ME CEssNamespace** ppNamespace ); inline HRESULT GetQueueManager( IWmiMessageQueueManager** ppQueueMgr ); friend class CInObjectCount; };
class CInObjectCount { protected: CEss* m_pEss; public: CInObjectCount(CEss* pEss) : m_pEss(pEss) { m_pEss->IncrementObjectCount(); } ~CInObjectCount() { m_pEss->DecrementObjectCount(); } }; #endif