// Copyright (c) 1996-1999, Microsoft Corporation, All rights reserved
// Represents the ESS functionality for a given namespace
// Classes defined:
// CEssNamespace
// History:
// 11/27/96 a-levn Compiles.
// 1/6/97 a-levn Updated to initialize TSS.
#ifndef __NSREP_ESS__H_
#define __NSREP_ESS__H_
#include "pragmas.h"
#include "binding.h"
#include "permfilt.h"
#include "permcons.h"
#include "tempfilt.h"
#include "tempcons.h"
#include "corefind.h"
#include "consprov.h"
#include "provreg.h"
#include "wbemtss.h"
#include "poller.h"
#include "essutils.h"
#include "clscache.h"
#include "moniprov.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>
class CEss; class CEssNamespace : public CUpdateLockable { protected: CEss* m_pEss; long m_lRef;
// protects level 1 members. These are members that can be used even
// when level2 members are locked.
CCritSec m_csLevel1; //
// protects level 2 members. When both a level1 and level2 lock need to
// be aquired, the level2 lock MUST be obtained first. This is a wbem cs
// because we hold this lock across calls to core ( which can conceivably
// take longer than 2 minutes - the deadline for normal critical sections )
CWbemCriticalSection m_csLevel2;
// level 1 members
HANDLE m_hInitComplete;
// If events are signaled when we are in the unitialized state, then
// they are temporarily stored here.
CPointerArray<CEventRepresentation> m_aDeferredEvents;
LPWSTR m_wszName; _IWmiProviderFactory* m_pProviderFactory; IWbemServices* m_pCoreSvc; IWbemServices* m_pFullSvc; IWbemInternalServices* m_pInternalCoreSvc; IWbemInternalServices* m_pInternalFullSvc;
// Level 2 members.
BOOL m_bInResync; BOOL m_bStage1Complete; int m_cActive; CBindingTable m_Bindings; CConsumerProviderCache m_ConsumerProviderCache; CEventProviderCache m_EventProviderCache; CPoller m_Poller; CEssClassCache m_ClassCache; CMonitorProvider* m_pMonitorProvider; CCoreEventProvider* m_pCoreEventProvider;
CNtSid m_sidAdministrators;
// this structure maps tells us if we need to do anything for a provider
// when a class changes.
typedef std::set<WString,WSiless,wbem_allocator<WString> > ProviderSet; typedef std::map<WString,ProviderSet,WSiless,wbem_allocator<ProviderSet> > ClassToProviderMap; ClassToProviderMap m_mapProviderInterestClasses;
// the state and init members are both level 1 and level2. They can be
// read when the level1 lock is held. They can only be modified when the
// level2 and level1 locks are held.
HRESULT m_hresInit; enum {
// Initialization is Pending. Can service
// events from core in this state (though will be defferred ).
// it is expected that Initialize() will be called
// sometime in the near future. We also can support limited ops
// while in this state. Any operations that deal with event
// subsciptions or provider objects can be serviced. Any ops that
// deal with event provider registrations must wait for initialization.
// Quiet - Initialization is not pending. The namespace is known to
// be empty of any ess related onjects. Can service events in this
// state, but they are simply discarded.
// We have loaded subscription objects. All ess operations can be
// performed. Events from core now can be processed.
e_Initialized, //
// Shutdown has been called. All operations return error.
} m_eState;
protected: class CConsumerClassDeletionSink : public CEmbeddedObjectSink<CEssNamespace> { public: CConsumerClassDeletionSink(CEssNamespace* pNamespace) : CEmbeddedObjectSink<CEssNamespace>(pNamespace){}
STDMETHOD(Indicate)(long lNumObjects, IWbemClassObject** apObjects); } m_ClassDeletionSink; friend CConsumerClassDeletionSink;
inline void LogOp( LPCWSTR wszOp, IWbemClassObject* pObj );
HRESULT EnsureInitPending();
HRESULT CheckMonitor(IWbemClassObject* pPrevMonitorObj, IWbemClassObject* pMonitorObj); HRESULT CheckEventFilter(IWbemClassObject* pPrevFilterObj, IWbemClassObject* pFilterObj); HRESULT CheckEventConsumer(IWbemClassObject* pPrevConsumerObj, IWbemClassObject* pConsumerObj); HRESULT CheckBinding(IWbemClassObject* pPrevBindingObj, IWbemClassObject* pBindingObj); HRESULT CheckEventProviderRegistration(IWbemClassObject* pReg); HRESULT CheckTimerInstruction(IWbemClassObject* pInst); HRESULT ActOnSystemEvent(CEventRepresentation& Event, long lFlags); HRESULT HandleClassChange(LPCWSTR wszClassName, IWbemClassObject* pClass); HRESULT HandleClassCreation(LPCWSTR wszClassName,IWbemClassObject* pClass); HRESULT HandleConsumerClassDeletion(LPCWSTR wszClassName); HRESULT PrepareForResync(); HRESULT ReactivateAllFilters(); HRESULT CommitResync();
HRESULT ReloadMonitor(ADDREF IWbemClassObject* pEventMonitorObj); HRESULT ReloadEventFilter(ADDREF IWbemClassObject* pEventFilterObj); HRESULT ReloadEventConsumer(READ_ONLY IWbemClassObject* pConsumerObj, long lFlags); HRESULT ReloadBinding(READ_ONLY IWbemClassObject* pBindingObj); HRESULT ReloadTimerInstruction(READ_ONLY IWbemClassObject* pInstObj); HRESULT ReloadProvider(READ_ONLY IWbemClassObject* pInstObj); HRESULT ReloadEventProviderRegistration(IWbemClassObject* pInstObj); HRESULT ReloadConsumerProviderRegistration(IWbemClassObject* pInstObj);
HRESULT AddMonitor(ADDREF IWbemClassObject* pEventMonitorObj); HRESULT AddEventFilter(ADDREF IWbemClassObject* pEventFilterObj, BOOL bInRestart = FALSE); HRESULT AddEventConsumer(READ_ONLY IWbemClassObject* pConsumerObj, long lFlags, BOOL bInRestart = FALSE); HRESULT AddBinding(LPCWSTR wszFilterKey, LPCWSTR wszConsumerKey, READ_ONLY IWbemClassObject* pBindingObj); HRESULT AddBinding(IWbemClassObject* pBindingObj); HRESULT AddTimerInstruction(READ_ONLY IWbemClassObject* pInstObj); HRESULT AddProvider(READ_ONLY IWbemClassObject* pInstObj); HRESULT AddEventProviderRegistration(READ_ONLY IWbemClassObject* pInstObj);
HRESULT RemoveMonitor(IWbemClassObject* pEventMonitorObj); HRESULT RemoveEventFilter(IWbemClassObject* pEventFilterObj); HRESULT RemoveEventConsumer(IWbemClassObject* pConsumerObj); HRESULT RemoveBinding(LPCWSTR wszFilterKey, LPCWSTR wszConsumerKey); HRESULT RemoveTimerInstruction(IWbemClassObject* pInstObj); HRESULT RemoveProvider(IWbemClassObject* pInstObj); HRESULT RemoveEventProviderRegistration(IWbemClassObject* pInstObj); HRESULT RemoveConsumerProviderRegistration(IWbemClassObject* pInstObj);
HRESULT AssertBindings(IWbemClassObject* pEndpoint); HRESULT DeleteConsumerProvider(IWbemClassObject* pReg);
HRESULT PerformSubscriptionInitialization(); HRESULT PerformProviderInitialization(); BOOL IsNeededOnStartup(); HRESULT GetCurrentState(IWbemClassObject* pTemplate, IWbemClassObject** ppObj);
HRESULT CheckSecurity(IWbemClassObject* pPrevObj, IWbemClassObject* pObj); HRESULT EnsureSessionSid(IWbemClassObject* pPrevObj, CNtSid& ActingSid); HRESULT CheckOverwriteSecurity( IWbemClassObject* pPrevObj, CNtSid& ActingSid); HRESULT PutSidInObject(IWbemClassObject* pObj, CNtSid& Sid); HRESULT IsCallerAdministrator(); HRESULT AttemptToActivateFilter(READ_ONLY CEventFilter* pFilter); HRESULT GetFilterEventNamespace(CEventFilter* pFilter, RELEASE_ME CEssNamespace** ppNamespace);
void FireNCFilterEvent(DWORD dwIndex, CEventFilter *pFilter);
CQueueingEventSink* GetQueueingEventSink( LPCWSTR wszSinkName );
~CEssNamespace(); public: CEssNamespace(CEss* pEss); ULONG AddRef(); ULONG Release();
CEss* GetEss() { return m_pEss; } //
// On return, namespace can be used for limited operations. Events
// can be signaled ( though they may be defferred internally ) and
// operations dealing with subscriptions can be performed.
HRESULT PreInitialize( LPCWSTR wszName ); //
// Performs initialization but does NOT transition state to Initialized.
// This is done by calling MarkAsInitialized(). This allows a caller to
// atomically perform initalization of multiple namespaces.
HRESULT Initialize(); //
// Finishes loading event provider registrations and processes
// subcriptions. Transitions to FullyInitialized() state.
HRESULT CompleteInitialization();
// Transitions state to Initialized.
void MarkAsInitialized( HRESULT hres );
// Transitions state to Initialize Pending if previously in the Quiet
// state. Returns TRUE if transition was made.
BOOL MarkAsInitPendingIfQuiet();
// Waits for Initialization to complete.
HRESULT WaitForInitialization(); HRESULT Park(); HRESULT Shutdown(); LPCWSTR GetName() {return m_wszName;} HRESULT GetNamespacePointer(RELEASE_ME IWbemServices** ppNamespace); HRESULT LoadEventProvider(LPCWSTR wszProviderName, IWbemEventProvider** ppProv); HRESULT LoadConsumerProvider(LPCWSTR wszProviderName, IUnknown** ppProv); HRESULT DecorateObject(IWbemClassObject* pObject); HRESULT ProcessEvent(CEventRepresentation& Event, long lFlags); HRESULT ProcessQueryObjectSinkEvent( READ_ONLY CEventRepresentation& Event ); HRESULT SignalEvent(CEventRepresentation& Event, long lFlags); HRESULT ValidateSystemEvent(CEventRepresentation& Event);
void SetActive(); void SetInactive(); HRESULT ActivateFilter(READ_ONLY CEventFilter* pFilter); HRESULT DeactivateFilter(READ_ONLY CEventFilter* pFilter);
// public versions of register/remove notification sink. Do NOT use
// these versions if calling from within ESS. The reason is that these
// versions wait for initialization and lock the namespace which might
// cause deadlocks if called from within ESS. We also don't want to
// generate self instrumentation events for internal calls.
HRESULT RegisterNotificationSink( WBEM_CWSTR wszQueryLanguage, WBEM_CWSTR wszQuery, long lFlags, WMIMSG_QOS_FLAG lQosFlags, IWbemContext* pContext, IWbemObjectSink* pSink );
HRESULT RemoveNotificationSink( IWbemObjectSink* pSink );
HRESULT ReloadProvider( long lFlags, LPCWSTR wszProvider ); //
// Internal versions of register/remove notification sink. They do
// not lock, wait for initialization, or fire self instrumentation events.
// If calling these methods from within ess, specify bInternal as TRUE.
// The pOwnerSid is used when access checks for the subscription should
// be performed based on a particular SID. currently this is only used
// for cross-namespace subscriptions.
HRESULT InternalRegisterNotificationSink( WBEM_CWSTR wszQueryLanguage, WBEM_CWSTR wszQuery, long lFlags, WMIMSG_QOS_FLAG lQosFlags, IWbemContext* pContext, IWbemObjectSink* pSink, bool bInternal, PSID pOwnerSid ); HRESULT InternalRemoveNotificationSink(IWbemObjectSink* pSink);
CWinMgmtTimerGenerator& GetTimerGenerator(); CConsumerProviderCache& GetConsumerProviderCache() {return m_ConsumerProviderCache;}
DWORD GetProvidedEventMask(IWbemClassObject* pClass);
HRESULT EnsureConsumerWatchInstruction(); HRESULT InitializeTimerGenerator(); HRESULT ScheduleDelivery(CQueueingEventSink* pDest); HRESULT RaiseErrorEvent(IWbemEvent* pEvent);
void IncrementObjectCount(); void DecrementObjectCount(); HRESULT AddSleepCharge(DWORD dwSleep); HRESULT AddCache(); HRESULT RemoveCache(); HRESULT AddToCache(DWORD dwAdd, DWORD dwMemberTotal, DWORD* pdwSleep = NULL); HRESULT RemoveFromCache(DWORD dwRemove);
HRESULT LockForUpdate(); HRESULT UnlockForUpdate(); bool IsShutdown() { return m_eState == e_Shutdown; }
HRESULT GetProviderNamespacePointer(IWbemServices** ppServices); HRESULT GetClass( LPCWSTR wszClassName, _IWmiObject** ppClass) { return m_ClassCache.GetClass(wszClassName, GetCurrentEssContext(), ppClass);} HRESULT GetClassFromCore(LPCWSTR wszClassName, _IWmiObject** ppClass); HRESULT GetInstance(LPCWSTR wszPath, _IWmiObject** ppInstance); HRESULT GetDbInstance(LPCWSTR wszDbKey, _IWmiObject** ppInstance); HRESULT CreateInstanceEnum(LPCWSTR wszClass, long lFlags, IWbemObjectSink* pSink); HRESULT ExecQuery(LPCWSTR wszQuery, long lFlags, IWbemObjectSink* pSink); CNtSid& GetAdministratorsSid() {return m_sidAdministrators;} HRESULT GetToken(PSID pSid, IWbemToken** ppToken); HRESULT RegisterFilterForAllClassChanges(CEventFilter* pFilter, QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION* pExpr); HRESULT RegisterSinkForAllClassChanges(IWbemObjectSink* pSink, QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION* pExpr); HRESULT RegisterSinkForClassChanges(IWbemObjectSink* pSink, LPCWSTR wszClassName); HRESULT UnregisterFilterFromAllClassChanges(CEventFilter* pFilter); HRESULT UnregisterSinkFromAllClassChanges(IWbemObjectSink* pSink); HRESULT RegisterProviderForClassChanges( LPCWSTR wszClassName, LPCWSTR wszProvName ); HRESULT FirePostponedOperations(); HRESULT ScheduleFirePostponed(); HRESULT PostponeRelease(IUnknown* pUnk); static PSID GetSidFromObject(IWbemClassObject* pObj);
BOOL DoesThreadOwnNamespaceLock();
void DumpStatistics(FILE* f, long lFlags); friend class CEss; friend class CEssMetaData; friend class CFilterEnumSink; friend class CConsumerEnumSink; friend class CBindingEnumSink; friend class CMonitorEnumSink; friend class CInResync; friend class CAssertBindingsSink; friend class CFirePostponed; };
class CInResync { protected: CEssNamespace* m_pNamespace;
public: CInResync(CEssNamespace* pNamespace) : m_pNamespace(pNamespace) { m_pNamespace->PrepareForResync(); } ~CInResync() { m_pNamespace->ReactivateAllFilters(); m_pNamespace->CommitResync(); } };
class CEssMetaData : public CMetaData { protected: CEssNamespace* m_pNamespace;
public: CEssMetaData(CEssNamespace* pNamespace) : m_pNamespace(pNamespace){}
virtual HRESULT GetClass( LPCWSTR wszName, IWbemContext* pContext, _IWmiObject** ppClass ); };