Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Support of trace output and internationalized strings.
a-davj 13-July-97 Created.
#include "precomp.h"
#include <reg.h>
#include "strings.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <wbemutil.h>
#include <wbemcli.h>
#include <bmof.h>
#include <mrciclass.h>
#include <arrtempl.h>
#include <scopeguard.h>
#include "mofutils.h"
TCHAR JustInCase = 0; //***************************************************************************
// int Trace
// Allows for the output function (printf in this case) to be overridden.
// *fmt format string. Ex "%s hello %d"
// ... argument list. Ex cpTest, 23
// size of output in characters.
int Trace(bool bError, DWORD dwID, ...) {
IntString is(dwID); TCHAR * fmt = is;
TCHAR *buffer = new TCHAR[2048]; if(buffer == NULL) return 0; char *buffer2 = new char[4096]; if(buffer2 == NULL) { delete buffer; return 0; }
va_list argptr; int cnt; va_start(argptr, dwID);
#ifdef UNICODE
cnt = _vsnwprintf(buffer, 2048, fmt, argptr); #else
cnt = _vsnprintf(buffer, 2048, fmt, argptr); #endif
va_end(argptr); CharToOem(buffer, buffer2);
printf("%s", buffer2); if(bError) ERRORTRACE((LOG_MOFCOMP,"%s", buffer2)); else DEBUGTRACE((LOG_MOFCOMP,"%s", buffer2));
delete buffer; delete buffer2; return cnt; }
void PrintUsage() { Trace(false, USAGE1); Trace(false, USAGE1A); Trace(false, USAGE1B); Trace(false, USAGE1C); Trace(false, USAGE1D); Trace(false, USAGE1E); Trace(false, USAGE1F); Trace(false, USAGE2); Trace(false, USAGE3); Trace(false, USAGE4); Trace(false, USAGE4a); Trace(false, USAGE4b); Trace(false, USAGE5); Trace(false, USAGE6); Trace(false, USAGE7); Trace(false, USAGE8); Trace(false, USAGE9); Trace(false, USAGE10); Trace(false, USAGE11); Trace(false, USAGE12); Trace(false, USAGE12A); Trace(false, USAGE12B); Trace(false, USAGE12C); Trace(false, USAGE12D); Trace(false, USAGE12E); Trace(false, USAGE13); Trace(false, USAGE14); } //******************************************************************************
// See GETVER.H for documentation
BOOL GetVerInfo(TCHAR * pResStringName, TCHAR * pRes, DWORD dwResSize) { // Extract Version informatio
DWORD dwTemp, dwSize = MAX_PATH; TCHAR cName[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bRet = FALSE; HINSTANCE hInst = GetModuleHandle(NULL); long lSize = GetModuleFileName(hInst, cName, MAX_PATH); if(lSize == 0) return FALSE; lSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(cName, &dwTemp); if(lSize < 1) return FALSE; BYTE * pBlock = new BYTE[lSize]; if(pBlock != NULL) { bRet = GetFileVersionInfo(cName, NULL, lSize, pBlock);
if(bRet) { TCHAR lpSubBlock[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR * lpBuffer = NULL; UINT wBuffSize = MAX_PATH;
short * piStuff; bRet = VerQueryValue(pBlock, TEXT("\\VarFileInfo\\Translation") , (void**)&piStuff, &wBuffSize); if(bRet) { wsprintf(lpSubBlock,TEXT("\\StringFileInfo\\%04x%04x\\%ls"),piStuff[0], piStuff[1],L"ProductVersion"); bRet = VerQueryValue(pBlock, lpSubBlock, (void**)&lpBuffer, &wBuffSize); } if(bRet == FALSE) { // Try again in english
wsprintf(lpSubBlock,TEXT("\\StringFileInfo\\040904E4\\%ls"),pResStringName); bRet = VerQueryValue(pBlock, lpSubBlock,(void**)&lpBuffer, &wBuffSize); } if(bRet) lstrcpyn(pRes, lpBuffer, dwResSize); }
delete pBlock; } return bRet; }
IntString::IntString(DWORD dwID) { DWORD dwSize, dwRet;
for(dwSize = 128; dwSize < 4096; dwSize *= 2) { m_pString = new TCHAR[dwSize]; if(m_pString == NULL) { m_pString = &JustInCase; // should never happen!
return; } dwRet = LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), dwID, m_pString, dwSize);
// Check for failure to load
if(dwRet == 0) { delete m_pString; m_pString = &JustInCase; // should never happen!
return; } // Check for the case where the buffer was too small
if((dwRet + 1) >= dwSize) delete m_pString; else return; // all is well!
} }
IntString::~IntString() { if(m_pString != &JustInCase) delete(m_pString); } //***************************************************************************
// BOOL bGetString
// Converts a command line argument into a WCHAR string. Note that the arugment is
// of the form /X:stuff. This is passed a pointer to the colon.
// pArg Input, pointer to the colon
// pOut Points the the output buffer where the data is to be copied.
// IT IS ASSUMED THAT pOut points to a buffer of MAX_PATH length
// TRUE if OK
BOOL bGetString(char * pIn, WCHAR * pOut) { if(pIn == NULL) return FALSE; if(*pIn != ':') { PrintUsage(); return FALSE; } pIn++; // skip passed the colon
int iLen = mbstowcs(NULL, pIn, strlen(pIn)+1); if(iLen > MAX_PATH-1) { PrintUsage(); return FALSE; } int iRet = mbstowcs(pOut, pIn, MAX_PATH-1); if(iRet < 1) { PrintUsage(); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } //***************************************************************************
// ValidFlags.
bool ValidFlags(bool bClass, long lFlags) { if(bClass) return ((lFlags == WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_OR_UPDATE) || (lFlags == WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY) || (lFlags == WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_ONLY) || (lFlags == WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_SAFE_MODE) || (lFlags == WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_FORCE_MODE) || (lFlags == (WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_SAFE_MODE)) || (lFlags == (WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_FORCE_MODE))); else return ((lFlags == WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_OR_UPDATE) || (lFlags == WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY) || (lFlags == WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_ONLY)); }
HRESULT ExtractFromResource( IMofCompiler * pCompiler, LPWSTR pwsResourceName, [in, string] LPWSTR FileName, [in, string] LPWSTR ServerAndNamespace, [in, string] LPWSTR User, [in, string] LPWSTR Authority, [in, string] LPWSTR Password, [in] LONG lOptionFlags, // autocomp, check, etc
[in] LONG lClassFlags, [in] LONG lInstanceFlags, [in, out] WBEM_COMPILE_STATUS_INFO * pInfo, BOOL bUseLocal, WORD wLocaleId ) {
pInfo->lPhaseError = 1; // 0, 1, 2, or 3 matching current return value
pInfo->hRes = 0; // Actual error
pInfo->ObjectNum = 0; pInfo->FirstLine = 0; pInfo->LastLine = 0; pInfo->dwOutFlags = 0;
// load the driver that has the resource
// load up the library as a datafile
hInst = LoadLibraryEx(FileName,NULL,LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); if( hInst == NULL ) { pInfo->hRes = GetLastError(); return pInfo->hRes; }
ON_BLOCK_EXIT(FreeLibrary, hInst); // Get the handle to the resource
if( bUseLocal) { hSrc = FindResourceEx(hInst,pwsResourceName, L"MOFDATA",wLocaleId); } else { hSrc = FindResource(hInst,pwsResourceName, L"MOFDATA"); } if( hSrc == NULL ) { pInfo->hRes = GetLastError(); return pInfo->hRes; }
// Get a pointer to the resource
hResource = LoadResource( hInst,hSrc); if(hResource == NULL) { pInfo->hRes = GetLastError(); return pInfo->hRes; } BYTE * pRes = (BYTE *)LockResource(hResource); DWORD dwSize = SizeofResource(hInst,hSrc); if(pRes == NULL) { pInfo->hRes = GetLastError(); return pInfo->hRes; }
// finally do the actual compile
hr = pCompiler->CompileBuffer( dwSize, pRes, ServerAndNamespace, User, Authority, Password, lOptionFlags, lClassFlags, lInstanceFlags, pInfo); return hr; }