Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
// Registry-based performance counter reading helper
#include "precomp.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wbemidl.h>
#include <wbemint.h>
#include "flexarry.h"
#include "ntperf.h"
#include "perfhelp.h"
#include "refreshr.h"
// PerfHelper::GetInstances
// This is called to retrieve all instances of a given class.
// Parameters:
// <pBuf> The perf blob retrieved from HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA.
// <pClassMap> A map object of the class required.
// <pSink> The sink to which to deliver the objects.
void PerfHelper::GetInstances( LPBYTE pBuf, CClassMapInfo *pClassMap, IWbemObjectSink *pSink ) { PPERF_OBJECT_TYPE PerfObj = 0; PPERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION PerfInst = 0; PPERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION PerfCntr = 0, CurCntr = 0; PPERF_COUNTER_BLOCK PtrToCntr = 0; PPERF_DATA_BLOCK PerfData = (PPERF_DATA_BLOCK) pBuf; DWORD i, j, k;
// Get the first object type.
// ==========================
PerfObj = (PPERF_OBJECT_TYPE)((PBYTE)PerfData + PerfData->HeaderLength);
// Process all objects.
// ====================
for (i = 0; i < PerfData->NumObjectTypes; i++ ) { // Within each PERF_OBJECT_TYPE is a series of
// ==========================================
PerfCntr = (PPERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION) ((PBYTE)PerfObj + PerfObj->HeaderLength);
// If the current object isn't of the class we requested,
// simply skip over it. I am not sure if this can really
// happen or not in practice.
// ======================================================
if (PerfObj->ObjectNameTitleIndex != pClassMap->m_dwObjectId) { PerfObj = (PPERF_OBJECT_TYPE)((PBYTE)PerfObj + PerfObj->TotalByteLength); continue; }
if (PerfObj->NumInstances > 0) { // Get the first instance.
// =======================
PerfInst = (PPERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION)((PBYTE)PerfObj + PerfObj->DefinitionLength);
// Retrieve all instances.
// =======================
for (k = 0; k < DWORD(PerfObj->NumInstances); k++ ) { CurCntr = PerfCntr;
// Get the first counter.
// ======================
PtrToCntr = (PPERF_COUNTER_BLOCK)((PBYTE)PerfInst + PerfInst->ByteLength);
// Quickly clone a new instance to send back to the user.
// Since SpawnInstance() returns an IWbemClassObject and
// we really need an IWbemObjectAccess,we have to QI
// after the spawn. We need to fix this, as this number
// of calls is too time consuming.
// ======================================================
IWbemObjectAccess *pNewInst = 0; IWbemClassObject *pClsObj = 0; pClassMap->m_pClassDef->SpawnInstance(0, &pClsObj); pClsObj->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemObjectAccess, (LPVOID *) &pNewInst);
pClsObj->Release(); // We only need the IWbemObjectAccess pointer
// Locate the instance name.
// ==========================
LPWSTR pName = (LPWSTR) ((PBYTE)PerfInst + PerfInst->NameOffset); // Retrieve all counters.
// ======================
for(j = 0; j < PerfObj->NumCounters; j++ ) { // Find the WBEM property handle based on the counter title index.
// This function does a quick binary search of the class map object
// to find the handle that goes with this counter.
// ================================================================
LONG hPropHandle = pClassMap->GetPropHandle(CurCntr->CounterNameTitleIndex); if (hPropHandle == 0) continue;
// Data is (LPVOID)((PBYTE)PtrToCntr + CurCntr->CounterOffset);
// Only supporting simple DWORD types for now. BobW knows more about
// all this stuff and can extend it properly.
// ==================================================================
if ((CurCntr->CounterType & 0x700) == 0) { LPDWORD pdwVal = LPDWORD((LPVOID)((PBYTE)PtrToCntr + CurCntr->CounterOffset)); HRESULT hRes = pNewInst->WriteDWORD(hPropHandle, *pdwVal); } // Get next counter.
// =================
CurCntr = (PPERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION)((PBYTE)CurCntr + CurCntr->ByteLength); }
// Write the instance 'name'
// =========================
if (pName && pClassMap->m_dwNameHandle) { pNewInst->WritePropertyValue( pClassMap->m_dwNameHandle, (wcslen(pName) + 1) * 2, LPBYTE(pName) ); }
// Deliver the instance to the user.
// =================================
pSink->Indicate(1, (IWbemClassObject **) &pNewInst); pNewInst->Release(); // Move to the next perf instance.
// ================================
PerfInst = (PPERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION)((PBYTE)PtrToCntr + PtrToCntr->ByteLength); } }
// Cases where the counters have no instances.
// ===========================================
else { // Get the first counter.
// ======================
PtrToCntr = (PPERF_COUNTER_BLOCK) ((PBYTE)PerfObj + PerfObj->DefinitionLength );
// Quickly clone a new instance to send back to the user.
// Since SpawnInstance() returns an IWbemClassObject and
// we really need an IWbemObjectAccess,we have to QI
// after the spawn. We need to fix this, as this number
// of calls is too time consuming.
// ======================================================
IWbemObjectAccess *pNewInst = 0; IWbemClassObject *pClsObj = 0; pClassMap->m_pClassDef->SpawnInstance(0, &pClsObj); pClsObj->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemObjectAccess, (LPVOID *) &pNewInst); pClsObj->Release(); // Retrieve all counters.
// ======================
for( j=0; j < PerfObj->NumCounters; j++ ) { // Find the WBEM property handle based on the counter title index.
// This function does a quick binary search of the class map object
// to find the handle that goes with this counter.
// ================================================================
LONG hPropHandle = pClassMap->GetPropHandle(PerfCntr->CounterNameTitleIndex); if (hPropHandle == 0) continue;
// Data is (LPVOID)((PBYTE)PtrToCntr + PerfCntr->CounterOffset);
// We will ignore non-DWORD types for now.
// =======================================
if ((PerfCntr->CounterType & 0x700) == 0) { LPDWORD pdwVal = LPDWORD((LPVOID)((PBYTE)PtrToCntr + PerfCntr->CounterOffset)); HRESULT hRes = pNewInst->WriteDWORD(hPropHandle, *pdwVal); }
PerfCntr = (PPERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION)((PBYTE)PerfCntr + PerfCntr->ByteLength); }
// Since IWbemObjectAccess derives from IWbemClassObject, the following
// cast is legal. Note that indicate wants IWbemClassObject objects.
// ====================================================================
pSink->Indicate(1, (IWbemClassObject **) &pNewInst); pNewInst->Release(); }
// Get the next object type.
// =========================
PerfObj = (PPERF_OBJECT_TYPE)((PBYTE)PerfObj + PerfObj->TotalByteLength); } }
// PerfHelper::RefreshInstances
void PerfHelper::RefreshInstances( LPBYTE pBuf, CNt5Refresher *pRef ) { PPERF_OBJECT_TYPE PerfObj = 0; PPERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION PerfInst = 0; PPERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION PerfCntr = 0, CurCntr = 0; PPERF_COUNTER_BLOCK PtrToCntr = 0; PPERF_DATA_BLOCK PerfData = (PPERF_DATA_BLOCK) pBuf; DWORD i, j, k;
// Get the first object type.
// ==========================
PerfObj = (PPERF_OBJECT_TYPE)((PBYTE)PerfData + PerfData->HeaderLength);
// Process all objects.
// ====================
for (i = 0; i < PerfData->NumObjectTypes; i++ ) { // Within each PERF_OBJECT_TYPE is a series of
// ==========================================
PerfCntr = (PPERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION) ((PBYTE)PerfObj + PerfObj->HeaderLength);
if (PerfObj->NumInstances > 0) { // Get the first instance.
// =======================
PerfInst = (PPERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION)((PBYTE)PerfObj + PerfObj->DefinitionLength);
// Retrieve all instances.
// =======================
for (k = 0; k < DWORD(PerfObj->NumInstances); k++ ) { CurCntr = PerfCntr;
// Get the first counter.
// ======================
PtrToCntr = (PPERF_COUNTER_BLOCK)((PBYTE)PerfInst + PerfInst->ByteLength);
// Locate the instance name.
// ==========================
LPWSTR pName = (LPWSTR) ((PBYTE)PerfInst + PerfInst->NameOffset);
// Find the instance in the refresher, if there is one, which
// corresponds to the instance we are looking at.
// ==========================================================
CClassMapInfo *pClassMap = 0; IWbemObjectAccess *pInst = 0;
BOOL bRes = pRef->FindInst( PerfObj->ObjectNameTitleIndex, // Object type (WBEM Class)
pName, // Instance name
&pInst, &pClassMap ); // Retrieve all counters for the instance if it was one of the instances
// we are supposed to be refreshing.
// =====================================================================
if (bRes) { for (j = 0; j < PerfObj->NumCounters; j++ ) { LONG hPropHandle = pClassMap->GetPropHandle(CurCntr->CounterNameTitleIndex); if (hPropHandle == 0) continue;
// Data is (LPVOID)((PBYTE)PtrToCntr + CurCntr->CounterOffset);
if ((CurCntr->CounterType & 0x700) == 0) { LPDWORD pdwVal = LPDWORD((LPVOID)((PBYTE)PtrToCntr + CurCntr->CounterOffset)); HRESULT hRes = pInst->WriteDWORD(hPropHandle, *pdwVal); } // Get next counter.
// =================
CurCntr = (PPERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION)((PBYTE)CurCntr + CurCntr->ByteLength); } }
// Get the next instance.
// ======================
PerfInst = (PPERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION)((PBYTE)PtrToCntr + PtrToCntr->ByteLength); } }
// Cases where the counters have no instances.
// ===========================================
else { // Get the first counter.
// ======================
PtrToCntr = (PPERF_COUNTER_BLOCK) ((PBYTE)PerfObj + PerfObj->DefinitionLength );
// Find the singleton WBEM instance which correponds to the singleton perf instance
// along with its class def so that we have the property handles.
// Note that since the perf object index translates to a WBEM class and there
// can only be one instance, all that is required to find the instance in the
// refresher is the perf object title index.
// =================================================================================
CClassMapInfo *pClassMap = 0; IWbemObjectAccess *pInst = 0;
BOOL bRes = pRef->FindSingletonInst( PerfObj->ObjectNameTitleIndex, &pInst, &pClassMap ); // Retrieve all counters if the instance is one we are supposed to be refreshing.
// ==============================================================================
if (bRes) { for( j=0; j < PerfObj->NumCounters; j++ ) { // Get the property handle for the counter.
// ========================================
LONG hPropHandle = pClassMap->GetPropHandle(PerfCntr->CounterNameTitleIndex); if (hPropHandle == 0) continue; // Data is (LPVOID)((PBYTE)PtrToCntr + PerfCntr->CounterOffset);
// We will ignore non-DWORD types for now.
// =======================================
if ((PerfCntr->CounterType & 0x700) == 0) { LPDWORD pdwVal = LPDWORD((LPVOID)((PBYTE)PtrToCntr + PerfCntr->CounterOffset)); HRESULT hRes = pInst->WriteDWORD(hPropHandle, *pdwVal); } PerfCntr = (PPERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION)((PBYTE)PerfCntr + PerfCntr->ByteLength); } } }
// Get the next object type.
// =========================
PerfObj = (PPERF_OBJECT_TYPE)((PBYTE)PerfObj + PerfObj->TotalByteLength); } }
// QueryInstances
// Used to send back all instances of a perf counter. The counter
// is specified by the <pClassMap> object, which is tightly bound to
// a particular counter.
BOOL PerfHelper::QueryInstances( CClassMapInfo *pClassMap, IWbemObjectSink *pSink ) { DWORD dwBufSize = 0; DWORD dwType = 0; LPBYTE pBuf = 0; for (;;) { dwBufSize += 0x20000; // 128K
pBuf = new BYTE[dwBufSize];
wchar_t ID[32]; LONG lStatus;
swprintf(ID, L"%d", pClassMap->m_dwObjectId); lStatus = RegQueryValueExW( HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA, ID, 0, &dwType, pBuf, &dwBufSize );
if (lStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { continue; }
if (lStatus) return FALSE;
break; }
// Decode the instances and send them back.
// ========================================
GetInstances(pBuf, pClassMap, pSink); // Cleanup.
// ========
delete [] pBuf;
return TRUE; }
// RefreshInstances
// Used to refresh a set of instances.
BOOL PerfHelper::RefreshInstances( CNt5Refresher *pRef ) { DWORD dwBufSize = 0; DWORD dwType = 0; LPBYTE pBuf = 0;
// Build up the Perf Object ID list.
// =================================
DWORD dwNumIds; DWORD *pdwIdList; pRef->GetObjectIds(&dwNumIds, &pdwIdList);
wchar_t *IDList = new wchar_t[dwNumIds * 8]; // Allow 8 wide chars per id
IDList[0] = 0;
for (DWORD n = 0; n < dwNumIds; n++) { wchar_t Tmp[32]; swprintf(Tmp, L"%d", pdwIdList[n]); if (n > 0) wcscat(IDList, L" "); wcscat(IDList, Tmp); }
delete [] pdwIdList;
for (;;) { dwBufSize += 0x20000; // 128K
pBuf = new BYTE[dwBufSize];
LONG lStatus;
lStatus = RegQueryValueExW( HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA, IDList, 0, &dwType, pBuf, &dwBufSize );
if (lStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { continue; }
if (lStatus) { delete [] pBuf; delete [] IDList; return FALSE; }
break; }
// Decode the instances and send them back.
// ========================================
RefreshInstances(pBuf, pRef); // Cleanup.
// ========
delete [] pBuf; delete [] IDList;
return TRUE; }