Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements the storage of variable length objects over the top of of a fixed length page system. It keeps a set of admin pages for holding the pages active by this subsystem, along with how much space is used on each. When a page becomes empty it frees up the page to the page system. It also deals with blocks that span multiple pages
History: paulall 02-Feb-2001 Created
#include <windows.h>
#include "VarObjHeap.h"
#include "pagemgr.h"
#ifdef DBG
#include <tchar.h>
#include <wbemutil.h>
//CVarObjHeap will do little other than initialize variables. The Initialize method
//deals with starting everything up.
CVarObjHeap::CVarObjHeap() : m_pObjectFile(NULL), m_dwPageSize(0), m_dwStatus(AdminPagesNeedReading) { }
//~CVarObjHeap will break the connection with the transacted object file layer
CVarObjHeap::~CVarObjHeap() { Shutdown(0); }
//Initialize will create the link with the transacted object file layer
DWORD CVarObjHeap::Initialize(CPageSource *pPageManager) { //Initialize the object file layer...
DWORD dwRes = pPageManager->GetObjectHeapPageFile(&m_pObjectFile);
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) m_dwPageSize = m_pObjectFile->GetPageSize();
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_dwStatus = AdminPagesNeedReading; dwRes = ReadAdminPages(pPageManager, true); }
return dwRes; }
//Shutdown will close the transactioned object file layer and tidy up anything else
//that is needed.
DWORD CVarObjHeap::Shutdown(DWORD dwShutdownType) { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS;
//Flush the admin pages... remember the error though!
dwRes = FlushAdminPages();
if (m_pObjectFile) { m_pObjectFile->Release(); m_pObjectFile = NULL; }
//Delete the admin pages structures
m_aAdminPages.Lock(); while (m_aAdminPages.Size()) { VarObjAdminPageEntry * pEntry = (VarObjAdminPageEntry*)m_aAdminPages[0]; delete [] pEntry->pbPage; delete pEntry; m_aAdminPages.RemoveAt(0); } m_aAdminPages.Unlock();
return dwRes; }
//InvalidateCache - called when a transaction is aborted and we need to re-read cached
//data. Data we cache is mainlyh the admin pages, therefore we should just re-read
DWORD CVarObjHeap::InvalidateCache() { m_dwStatus = AdminPagesNeedReading; return ReadAdminPages(0, true); }
DWORD CVarObjHeap::FlushCaches() { m_dwStatus = AdminPagesNeedReading; return ReadAdminPages(0, false); }
//ReadBuffer retrieves the appropriate page(s) from the virtual page store and copies
//off the actual block from those page(s). It may reside on the main page if it is small,
//it may reside on main page and some of the next page, or it may reside on main page,
//one or more whole pages following that, followed by a partial (or full) page.
DWORD CVarObjHeap::ReadBuffer(/* in */ ULONG ulPageId, /* in */ ULONG ulOffsetId, /* out */ BYTE **ppReturnedBlock, /* out */ DWORD *pdwBlockSize) { if ((ulPageId == 0) || (ulOffsetId == 0)) DebugBreak();
DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (m_dwStatus == NoError) { //Nothing to do... help with compiler prediction logic
} else if ((m_dwStatus == AdminPageReadFailure) || (m_dwStatus == AdminPagesNeedReading)) { dwRes = ReadAdminPages(0, true); if (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) return dwRes; } else if (m_dwStatus == RootAdminPageCreationFailure) { OutputDebugString(L"WinMgmt: Repository initialization failed and we were still called to retrieve stuff! Yeah, right!\n"); DebugBreak(); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } //We need to retrieve the page from the file store, and then we need to retrieve the
//block from the the page. We need to allocate the appropriate memory and copy it
//into that memory.
BYTE *pbPage = new BYTE[m_dwPageSize]; if (pbPage == NULL) dwRes = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; CVectorDeleteMe<BYTE> vdm1(pbPage);
//So, first we need to retrieve the page...
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwRes = m_pObjectFile->GetPage(ulPageId, 0, pbPage);
//Retrieve the REAL offset and size to the block based on offsetId
BYTE *pOffsetPointer = NULL; DWORD dwBlockSize = 0; DWORD dwCRC32 = 0; if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwRes = OffsetToPointer(ulOffsetId, pbPage, &pOffsetPointer, &dwBlockSize, &dwCRC32);
//We can now allocate the real block now as we know how big it is. We may not have all
//the pages in memory yet though!
BYTE *pBlock = NULL; if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) pBlock = new BYTE[dwBlockSize];
if ((dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (pBlock == NULL)) dwRes = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
DWORD dwBlockNumber = 0; DWORD dwAmountCopiedSoFar = 0; //Copy off the first block
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwSizeOfFirstPageBlock = min(dwBlockSize, DWORD((pbPage + m_dwPageSize) - pOffsetPointer)); dwAmountCopiedSoFar = dwSizeOfFirstPageBlock; memcpy(pBlock, pOffsetPointer, dwSizeOfFirstPageBlock); } //We should now loop through the pages (retrieving them if necessary) and copying
//the data into our buffer
while ((dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwAmountCopiedSoFar < dwBlockSize)) { dwBlockNumber++; //Read the next page...
dwRes = m_pObjectFile->GetPage(ulPageId + dwBlockNumber, 0, pbPage);
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //Distinguish if this is a full page or not...
if ((dwAmountCopiedSoFar + m_dwPageSize) > dwBlockSize) { //This is a partial block, so copy as much as is needed
DWORD dwPartialSize = dwBlockSize - dwAmountCopiedSoFar; memcpy((pBlock + dwAmountCopiedSoFar), pbPage, dwPartialSize); dwAmountCopiedSoFar += dwPartialSize; } else { //This is a full block, so grab it all...
memcpy((pBlock + dwAmountCopiedSoFar), pbPage, m_dwPageSize); dwAmountCopiedSoFar += m_dwPageSize; } } } #ifdef DBG
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //Can only check for single-page blocks!
if (ulOffsetId != 1) { dwRes = ValidatePageCRCWithAdminPage(pbPage, ulPageId); } } #endif
//If we are successful, lets do a CRC check on the object
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { try { DWORD dwNewCRC32 = CreateCRC32(pBlock, dwBlockSize); FINALIZE_CRC32(dwNewCRC32); if (dwNewCRC32 != dwCRC32) { #ifdef DBG
OutputDebugString(L"WinMgmt: CRC check on an object retrieved from repository is invalid\n"); DebugBreak(); #endif
} catch (...) { #ifdef DBG
OutputDebugString(L"WinMgmt: CRC check on an object retrieved from repository is invalid\n"); DebugBreak(); #endif
dwRes = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } //If successful we need to return the pointer to the object
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *ppReturnedBlock = pBlock; *pdwBlockSize = dwBlockSize; } else { delete [] pBlock; }
return dwRes; }
//WriteNewBuffer will write a new page based on size of BYTE *, and return the
//new virtual pageId and offsetId of the block. Although we may use multiple pages
//we only need to return the details of the first page.
DWORD CVarObjHeap::WriteNewBuffer(/* in */ ULONG ulBlockSize, /* in */ const BYTE *pBlock, /* out */ ULONG *pulPageId, /* out */ ULONG *pulOffsetId) { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (m_dwStatus == NoError) { //Nothing to do... help with compiler prediction logic
} else if ((m_dwStatus == AdminPageReadFailure) || (m_dwStatus == AdminPagesNeedReading)) { dwRes = ReadAdminPages(0, true); if (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) return dwRes; } else if (m_dwStatus == RootAdminPageCreationFailure) { OutputDebugString(L"WinMgmt: Repository initialization failed and we were still called to retrieve stuff! Yeah, right!\n"); DebugBreak(); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; }
//If this block will not fit on a single page we call the dedicated method!
if (ulBlockSize > (m_dwPageSize - (sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry) * 2))) return AllocateMultiPageBuffer(ulBlockSize, pBlock, pulPageId, pulOffsetId);
BYTE *pbPage = new BYTE[m_dwPageSize]; if (pbPage == NULL) dwRes = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; CVectorDeleteMe<BYTE> vdm(pbPage);
DWORD dwPageId = 0;
//Find a page that has enough space for this
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwRes = FindPageWithSpace(ulBlockSize, &dwPageId);
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //There is a page with space in it!
//Read the page from the file
dwRes = m_pObjectFile->GetPage(dwPageId, 0, pbPage);
#ifdef DBG
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwRes = ValidatePageCRCWithAdminPage(pbPage, dwPageId); if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwRes = ValidatePageFreeSpaceWithAdminPage(pbPage, dwPageId); if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwRes = ValidatePageFreeSpace(pbPage, ulBlockSize); #endif /* DBG */
} else if (dwRes == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { //We didn't find space so we allocate a new page
dwRes = AllocateNewPage(ulBlockSize, &dwPageId, pbPage); }
//We now have a page, albeit a new page or an existing one, so now we need
//to allocate space from it
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwRes = AllocateFromPage(dwPageId, pbPage, ulBlockSize, pBlock, pulOffsetId); }
//Write the page to the object file
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwRes = m_pObjectFile->PutPage(dwPageId, 0, pbPage);
DWORD dwCRC32 = 0; if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwCRC32 = CreateCRC32(pbPage, m_dwPageSize); FINALIZE_CRC32(dwCRC32); }
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwRes = UpdateAdminPageForAllocate(dwPageId, ulBlockSize, dwCRC32);
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwRes = FlushAdminPages(); //Update the pageId for the client caller
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *pulPageId = dwPageId; if ((*pulPageId == 0) || (*pulOffsetId == 0)) DebugBreak(); }
#ifdef DBG
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwRes = ValidatePageFreeSpaceWithAdminPage(pbPage, dwPageId); if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwRes = ValidateAllCRC32OnPage(pbPage); #endif
return dwRes; }
//WriteExistingBuffer will update an existing block with new data. The old virtual page
//and offset are passed in, and new ones are returned. They may or may not be the same
//depending on if it still fits in the page or not.
DWORD CVarObjHeap::WriteExistingBuffer(/* in */ ULONG ulBlockSize, /* in */ const BYTE *pBlock, /* in */ ULONG ulOldPageId, /* in */ ULONG ulOldOffsetId, /* out */ ULONG *pulNewPageId, /* out */ ULONG *pulNewOffsetId) { //Validate the in parameters!
if ((ulOldPageId == 0) || (ulOldOffsetId == 0)) { DebugBreak(); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; }
DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (m_dwStatus == NoError) { //Nothing to do... help with compiler prediction logic
} else if ((m_dwStatus == AdminPageReadFailure) || (m_dwStatus == AdminPagesNeedReading)) { dwRes = ReadAdminPages(0, true); if (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) return dwRes; } else if (m_dwStatus == RootAdminPageCreationFailure) { OutputDebugString(L"WinMgmt: Repository initialization failed and we were still called to retrieve stuff! Yeah, right!\n"); DebugBreak(); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; }
//We need to retrieve the page that is being updated, then we need to overwrite the
//original stuff in the page. We may need to shuffle all the existing blocks around
//within the page to make sure everything is fully packed. We may need to adjust
//the free-page list with the amount of space we have available on this page.
//TODO! Do this properly!!!
dwRes = DeleteBuffer(ulOldPageId, ulOldOffsetId); if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwRes = WriteNewBuffer(ulBlockSize, pBlock, pulNewPageId, pulNewOffsetId);
//Validate the out parameters!
if ((*pulNewPageId == 0) || (*pulNewOffsetId == 0)) { DebugBreak(); dwRes = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } return dwRes; }
//DeleteBuffer is called to delete the item in the store given the virtual pageId and
DWORD CVarObjHeap::DeleteBuffer(/* in */ ULONG ulPageId, /* in */ ULONG ulOffsetId) { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (m_dwStatus == NoError) { //Nothing to do... help with compiler prediction logic
} else if ((m_dwStatus == AdminPageReadFailure) || (m_dwStatus == AdminPagesNeedReading)) { dwRes = ReadAdminPages(0, true); if (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) return dwRes; } else if (m_dwStatus == RootAdminPageCreationFailure) { OutputDebugString(L"WinMgmt: Repository initialization failed and we were still called to retrieve stuff! Yeah, right!\n"); DebugBreak(); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; }
//Allocate space for the page we are going to manipulate
BYTE *pbPage = new BYTE[m_dwPageSize]; if (pbPage == NULL) dwRes = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; CVectorDeleteMe<BYTE> vdm(pbPage);
//Retrieve the page that contains this object
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwRes = m_pObjectFile->GetPage(ulPageId, 0, pbPage);
//If this object is a multi-page object we have a different algorithm
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (MultiPageObject(pbPage)) return DeleteMultiPageBuffer(ulPageId, ulOffsetId, pbPage); }
//Remove the object from this page
DWORD dwSize = 0; if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwRes = RemoveFromPage(ulPageId, ulOffsetId, pbPage, &dwSize);
DWORD dwCRC32 = 0; if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwCRC32 = CreateCRC32(pbPage, m_dwPageSize); FINALIZE_CRC32(dwCRC32); }
//Update the admin page, possibly even deleting the page!
bool bPageDeleted = false; if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwRes = UpdateAdminPageForDelete(ulPageId, dwSize, dwCRC32, &bPageDeleted);
//Flush the page back to the object file and update admin page
if ((dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) && !bPageDeleted) { dwRes = m_pObjectFile->PutPage(ulPageId, 0, pbPage); }
//Flush the admin pages
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwRes = FlushAdminPages();
return dwRes; }
//AllocateFromPage - adds an allocation to the end of the existing allocations
DWORD CVarObjHeap::AllocateFromPage(/* in */ DWORD dwPageId, /* in */ BYTE *pbPage, /* in */ ULONG ulBlockSize, /* in */ const BYTE *pBlock, /* out*/ ULONG *pdwNewOffset) { #ifdef XFILES_DEBUG
if (dwPageId == 0x125) { OutputDebugString(L"===============================\n"); OutputDebugString(L"Start of AllocateFromPage\n"); DumpPageOffsetTable(dwPageId, pbPage); } #endif
DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; //Get a pointer to the start of the offset table
VarObjObjOffsetEntry *pOffsetEntry = (VarObjObjOffsetEntry *) pbPage;
//This is the location where the last block resided and size so we can calculate
//where the new block goes
DWORD dwLastOffset = pOffsetEntry[0].dwPhysicalStartOffset; DWORD dwLastSize = 0; DWORD dwNewOffsetId = GetTickCount() + (DWORD)rand(); bool bNewOffsetIdClash = false;
//Loop through the table until we get to the end... adjusting the offset within the
//entries along the way to account for the fact we will be shifting them by the size
//of an offset entry.
for (DWORD dwOffsetIndex = 0; pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwOffsetId != 0; dwOffsetIndex++) { //Shuffle the size of this offset by one entry because we will be doing a memcpy
//when this is done so we have room for our new entry.
pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwPhysicalStartOffset += sizeof VarObjObjOffsetEntry; dwLastOffset = pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwPhysicalStartOffset; dwLastSize = pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwBlockLength;
if (pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwOffsetId == dwNewOffsetId) { bNewOffsetIdClash = true; } }
//While we have an offset class we need to keep re-calculating
while (bNewOffsetIdClash) { bNewOffsetIdClash = false; dwNewOffsetId = GetTickCount() + (DWORD)rand(); for (DWORD dwIndex = 0; pOffsetEntry[dwIndex].dwOffsetId != 0; dwIndex++) { if (pOffsetEntry[dwIndex].dwOffsetId == dwNewOffsetId) { bNewOffsetIdClash = true; break; } } }
//Now dwOffsetIndex is where we are going to insert this new offset entry, and dwLastOffset + dwLastSize
//is the new location where we need to copy this data...
//Only problem now though is that we need to shuffle all data along by the size of an offset entry!
MoveMemory(&pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex+1], &pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex], ((dwLastOffset + dwLastSize) - pOffsetEntry[0].dwPhysicalStartOffset) + sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry));
//Write the new entry in the offset table
pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwOffsetId = dwNewOffsetId;
if (dwLastOffset == 0) { //First block of the page!
pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwPhysicalStartOffset = (sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry) * 2); } else { pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwPhysicalStartOffset = dwLastOffset + dwLastSize; }
pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwBlockLength = ulBlockSize;
if (dwPageId == 0x125) { OutputDebugString(L"===============================\n"); OutputDebugString(L"Start of AllocateFromPage\n"); DumpPageOffsetTable(dwPageId, pbPage); } #endif
//Write the block to the page
#ifdef DBG
if (pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwPhysicalStartOffset + ulBlockSize > m_dwPageSize) { OutputDebugString(L"WinMgmt: Object heap is about to write past the end of a page boundary and will cause heap corruption if we continue!\n"); DebugBreak(); dwRes = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } #endif
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //Generate the CRC
DWORD dwCRC32 = CreateCRC32(pBlock, ulBlockSize); FINALIZE_CRC32(dwCRC32); pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwCRC = dwCRC32;
//Copy the blob into the block
CopyMemory(pbPage + pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwPhysicalStartOffset, pBlock, ulBlockSize);
//Return the offset ID
*pdwNewOffset = dwNewOffsetId; }
return dwRes; }
//OffsetToPointer - Given and offsetId and a page, calculate the physical pointer to the
//object and also return the size of the block.
DWORD CVarObjHeap::OffsetToPointer(/* in */ ULONG ulOffsetId, /* in */ BYTE *pbPage, /* out*/ BYTE **pOffsetPointer, /* out*/ ULONG *pdwBlockSize, /* out*/ DWORD *pdwCRC32) { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
//Get a pointer to the start of the offset table
VarObjObjOffsetEntry *pOffsetEntry = (VarObjObjOffsetEntry *) pbPage;
//Loop through the table until we find the one we are interested in
for (DWORD dwOffsetIndex = 0; pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwOffsetId != 0; dwOffsetIndex++) { if (pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwOffsetId == ulOffsetId) { dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; *pdwBlockSize = pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwBlockLength; *pOffsetPointer = pbPage + pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwPhysicalStartOffset; *pdwCRC32 = pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwCRC;
break; } }
return dwRes; }
//ReadAdminPages - Reads the admin pages into memory and marks them as clean (no changes)
DWORD CVarObjHeap::ReadAdminPages(CPageSource *pTransactionManager, bool bReReadPages) { m_aAdminPages.Lock();
//Check it wasn't lock contention that meant we had multiple
//threads trying to re-read the admin pages.
if (m_dwStatus == NoError) { m_aAdminPages.Unlock(); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
//Delete anything we may already have in the list in case we need to re-read it in
//case of an aborted transaction.
while (m_aAdminPages.Size()) { VarObjAdminPageEntry * pEntry = (VarObjAdminPageEntry*)m_aAdminPages[0]; delete [] pEntry->pbPage; delete pEntry; m_aAdminPages.RemoveAt(0); }
DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (bReReadPages) { m_dwStatus = AdminPagesNeedReading;
DWORD dwAdminPageId = 0; //First admin page always resides on page 0
do { bool bDirty = false; BYTE *pbAdminPage = new BYTE[m_dwPageSize]; VarObjAdminPageEntry *pEntry = new VarObjAdminPageEntry; if ((pbAdminPage == NULL) || (pEntry == NULL)) { dwRes = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; m_dwStatus = AdminPageReadFailure; }
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwRes = m_pObjectFile->GetPage(dwAdminPageId, 0, pbAdminPage);
if ((dwRes == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) && (dwAdminPageId == 0)) { //This is the first attempt, so we need to create the admin page!
dwRes = m_pObjectFile->NewPage(1, 1, &dwAdminPageId); if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //Write the default data to the admin page
bDirty = true; VarObjHeapAdminPage* pAdminPage = (VarObjHeapAdminPage*)pbAdminPage; pAdminPage->dwNextAdminPage = 0; pAdminPage->dwNumberEntriesOnPage = 0; pAdminPage->dwVersion = VAROBJ_VERSION;
dwRes = m_pObjectFile->PutPage(dwAdminPageId, 0, pbAdminPage); if (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_dwStatus = RootAdminPageCreationFailure; } } else { m_dwStatus = RootAdminPageCreationFailure; } } else if ((dwAdminPageId == 0) && (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { m_dwStatus = AdminPageReadFailure; } }
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pEntry->dwPageId = dwAdminPageId; pEntry->pbPage = pbAdminPage; pEntry->bDirty = bDirty; }
if ((dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (m_aAdminPages.Add(pEntry) != CFlexArray::no_error)) { dwRes = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; m_dwStatus = AdminPageReadFailure; }
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwAdminPageId = ((VarObjHeapAdminPage*)pbAdminPage)->dwNextAdminPage; else { //Tidy up!
delete [] pbAdminPage; delete pEntry; } } while ((dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwAdminPageId != 0));
//If we had a problem we need to delete everything in the admin list
if (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { while (m_aAdminPages.Size()) { VarObjAdminPageEntry * pEntry = (VarObjAdminPageEntry*)m_aAdminPages[0]; delete [] pEntry->pbPage; delete pEntry; m_aAdminPages.RemoveAt(0); } }
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_dwStatus = NoError; }
} m_aAdminPages.Unlock();
return dwRes; }
//FlushAdminPages - Writes each of the changed admin pages back to the object file
DWORD CVarObjHeap::FlushAdminPages() { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; m_aAdminPages.Lock(); for (DWORD dwIndex = 0; dwIndex != m_aAdminPages.Size(); dwIndex++) { VarObjAdminPageEntry * pEntry = (VarObjAdminPageEntry*)m_aAdminPages[dwIndex]; #if DBG
if ((dwIndex == 0) && (pEntry->dwPageId != 0)) { OutputDebugString(L"WinMgmt: Repository corrupt! First admin page should always be page 0!\n"); DebugBreak(); } VarObjHeapAdminPage *pAdminPage = (VarObjHeapAdminPage*) pEntry->pbPage; if ((dwIndex != 0) && (pAdminPage->dwVersion != 0)) { OutputDebugString(L"WinMmgt: Repository corrupt! Trailing admin pages should have version stamp of 0!\n"); DebugBreak(); } #endif
if (pEntry->bDirty) dwRes = m_pObjectFile->PutPage(pEntry->dwPageId, 0, pEntry->pbPage); if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) pEntry->bDirty = false; else break; } m_aAdminPages.Unlock(); return dwRes; }
//Find a page form the admin pages that can accomodate a particular buffer size
DWORD CVarObjHeap::FindPageWithSpace(/* in */ DWORD dwRequiredSize, /* out*/ DWORD *pdwPageId) { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; m_aAdminPages.Lock(); for (DWORD dwPageIndex = 0; (*pdwPageId == 0) && (dwPageIndex != m_aAdminPages.Size()); dwPageIndex++) { VarObjHeapAdminPage * pAdminPage = (VarObjHeapAdminPage *)(((VarObjAdminPageEntry*)m_aAdminPages[dwPageIndex])->pbPage); VarObjHeapFreeList *pFreeListEntry = (VarObjHeapFreeList *)(((BYTE*)pAdminPage) + sizeof (VarObjHeapAdminPage)); #if DBG
if ((dwPageIndex != 0) && (pAdminPage->dwVersion != 0)) { OutputDebugString(L"WinMgmt: Repository admin page is corrupt as version is invalid!\n"); DebugBreak(); } if (pAdminPage->dwNumberEntriesOnPage > ((m_dwPageSize - sizeof(VarObjHeapAdminPage)) / sizeof(VarObjHeapFreeList))) { OutputDebugString(L"WinMgmt: Repository admin page is corrupt because it thinks there are more entries than fit on the page!\n"); DebugBreak(); } #endif
for (DWORD dwFreeIndex = 0; (*pdwPageId == 0) && (dwFreeIndex != pAdminPage->dwNumberEntriesOnPage); dwFreeIndex++) { if (pFreeListEntry[dwFreeIndex].dwFreeSpace >= (dwRequiredSize + sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry))) { *pdwPageId = pFreeListEntry[dwFreeIndex].dwPageId; dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } } m_aAdminPages.Unlock(); return dwRes; }
//Allocate a new page for use with objects.
DWORD CVarObjHeap::AllocateNewPage(/* in */ DWORD ulBlockSize, /* out*/ DWORD *pdwPageId, /* in */ BYTE *pbNewObjectPage) { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; //Allocate a new page from the object file
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwRes = m_pObjectFile->NewPage(0, 1, pdwPageId);
if (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) return dwRes; //We need to know if we get to the end without finding space because at that point
//we need to allocate a new admin page!
//Find an admin page that has space for this new entry
m_aAdminPages.Lock(); for (DWORD dwPageIndex = 0; dwPageIndex != m_aAdminPages.Size(); dwPageIndex++) { VarObjHeapAdminPage * pAdminPage = (VarObjHeapAdminPage *)(((VarObjAdminPageEntry*)m_aAdminPages[dwPageIndex])->pbPage); VarObjHeapFreeList *pFreeListEntry = (VarObjHeapFreeList *)(((BYTE*)pAdminPage) + sizeof (VarObjHeapAdminPage));
if ((sizeof(VarObjHeapAdminPage) + ((pAdminPage->dwNumberEntriesOnPage + 1) * sizeof(VarObjHeapFreeList))) <= m_dwPageSize) { dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; } } m_aAdminPages.Unlock();
if (m_aAdminPages.Size() == 0) { OutputDebugString(L"Winmgmt: Repository admin page list is empty (1)\n"); DebugBreak(); } //We did not find an admin page with any additional slots available. We need to allocate
//a new admin page
DWORD dwNewAdminPageId = 0;
//We need to allocate a new page in the object file
dwRes = m_pObjectFile->NewPage(0, 1, &dwNewAdminPageId);
if (m_aAdminPages.Size() == 0) { OutputDebugString(L"Winmgmt: Repository admin page list is empty (2)\n"); DebugBreak(); } //we need to allocate all the memory for the admin page cache
BYTE *pbNewAdminPage = NULL; VarObjAdminPageEntry *pAdminPageEntry = NULL; if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pbNewAdminPage = new BYTE[m_dwPageSize]; pAdminPageEntry = new VarObjAdminPageEntry;
if ((pbNewAdminPage == NULL) || (pAdminPageEntry == NULL)) dwRes = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (m_aAdminPages.Add(pAdminPageEntry) != CFlexArray::no_error) { dwRes = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } } if (m_aAdminPages.Size() == 0) { OutputDebugString(L"Winmgmt: Repository admin page list is empty (3)\n"); DebugBreak(); } if (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { delete [] pbNewAdminPage; delete pAdminPageEntry; }
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //Write the admin page entry detail
pAdminPageEntry->dwPageId = dwNewAdminPageId; pAdminPageEntry->pbPage = pbNewAdminPage; pAdminPageEntry->bDirty = true; //new page needs to be written!
//Hook the previous admin page to this one (we have already added the new one remember!
if (m_aAdminPages.Size() == 0) { OutputDebugString(L"Winmgmt: Repository admin page list is empty (4)\n"); DebugBreak(); } VarObjAdminPageEntry *pPreviousAdminPageEntry = (VarObjAdminPageEntry*)m_aAdminPages[m_aAdminPages.Size() - 2]; VarObjHeapAdminPage *pPreviousAdminPage = (VarObjHeapAdminPage *)(pPreviousAdminPageEntry->pbPage); pPreviousAdminPage->dwNextAdminPage = dwNewAdminPageId; pPreviousAdminPageEntry->bDirty = true; //We just changed the page so it needs to be marked for flushing
//Initialize this new admin page with everything necessary
VarObjHeapAdminPage *pNewAdminPage = (VarObjHeapAdminPage *)pbNewAdminPage; pNewAdminPage->dwNextAdminPage = 0; pNewAdminPage->dwNumberEntriesOnPage = 0; pNewAdminPage->dwVersion = 0; //not used on anything but the first page!
//Now we have all the details in there, we can set the index to this page so we can allocate
//add the new object page to it!
dwPageIndex = m_aAdminPages.Size() - 1; } }
//By here we now have the admin page we have space to put this new page entry!
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //cached admin page entry, update the dirty bit as we are changing it
VarObjAdminPageEntry *pAdminPageEntry = (VarObjAdminPageEntry*)m_aAdminPages[dwPageIndex]; pAdminPageEntry->bDirty = true;
//Admin page header, update the number of entries
VarObjHeapAdminPage *pAdminPage = (VarObjHeapAdminPage *)pAdminPageEntry->pbPage; pAdminPage->dwNumberEntriesOnPage++;
//Add the entry to the end!
VarObjHeapFreeList *pFreeList = (VarObjHeapFreeList *)(pAdminPageEntry->pbPage + sizeof(VarObjHeapAdminPage) + (sizeof(VarObjHeapFreeList) * (pAdminPage->dwNumberEntriesOnPage - 1))); pFreeList->dwPageId = *pdwPageId; pFreeList->dwFreeSpace = m_dwPageSize - sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry); pFreeList->dwCRC32 = 0; pFreeList->dwReserved = 0;
//Now we need to need to initialize the new object page to look like an empty page
ZeroMemory(pbNewObjectPage, sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry));
} return dwRes; }
//Allocates a multi-page entry in the object file. This requires
//different algorithms to work things out so is a special case
DWORD CVarObjHeap::AllocateMultiPageBuffer(/* in */ ULONG ulBlockSize, /* in */ const BYTE *pBlock, /* out */ ULONG *pulPageId, /* out */ ULONG *pulOffsetId) { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; //Whole pages calculation
DWORD dwNumberPagesNeeded = (ulBlockSize + (sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry) * 2)) / m_dwPageSize;
//Partial page calculation
if ((ulBlockSize + (sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry) * 2) % m_dwPageSize) != 0) dwNumberPagesNeeded++;
DWORD dwFirstPageId = 0; dwRes = m_pObjectFile->NewPage(0, dwNumberPagesNeeded, &dwFirstPageId);
for (DWORD dwCurrentOffset = 0, dwPageIndex = 0; dwPageIndex != dwNumberPagesNeeded; dwPageIndex++) { BYTE *pPage = new BYTE[m_dwPageSize]; if (pPage == NULL) dwRes = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; CVectorDeleteMe<BYTE> vdm(pPage);
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwCurrentOffset == 0) { //We have to write the header for the offset page
ZeroMemory(pPage, sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry) * 2); VarObjObjOffsetEntry *pEntry = (VarObjObjOffsetEntry*) pPage; pEntry->dwBlockLength = ulBlockSize; pEntry->dwOffsetId = 1; pEntry->dwPhysicalStartOffset = sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry) * 2;
DWORD dwCRC32 = CreateCRC32(pBlock, ulBlockSize); FINALIZE_CRC32(dwCRC32); pEntry->dwCRC = dwCRC32;
//Fill the rest of this page
CopyMemory(pPage + (sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry) * 2), pBlock, m_dwPageSize - (sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry) * 2)); dwCurrentOffset = m_dwPageSize - (sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry) * 2); } else { if (ulBlockSize - dwCurrentOffset > m_dwPageSize) { CopyMemory(pPage, pBlock + dwCurrentOffset, m_dwPageSize); dwCurrentOffset += m_dwPageSize; } else { CopyMemory(pPage, pBlock + dwCurrentOffset, ulBlockSize - dwCurrentOffset); dwCurrentOffset += (ulBlockSize - dwCurrentOffset);
//NOTE!!! dwCurrentOffset should equal ulBlockSize now!!!!!
} }
dwRes = m_pObjectFile->PutPage(dwFirstPageId + dwPageIndex, 0, pPage); } if (FAILED(dwRes)) break; }
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //Set up the pageId and offset details the client requested
*pulPageId = dwFirstPageId; *pulOffsetId = 1; }
return dwRes; }
//DeleteMultiPageBuffer - handles the deletion of an object when it spans
//multiple pages
DWORD CVarObjHeap::DeleteMultiPageBuffer(/* in */ ULONG ulPageId, /* in */ ULONG ulOffsetId, /* in */ BYTE *pbPage) { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS;
//Calculate how many pages are used:
VarObjObjOffsetEntry *pEntry = (VarObjObjOffsetEntry*)pbPage;
//Whole pages calculation
DWORD dwNumberPagesNeeded = (pEntry->dwBlockLength + (sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry) * 2)) / m_dwPageSize;
//Partial page calculation
if ((pEntry->dwBlockLength + (sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry) * 2) % m_dwPageSize) != 0) dwNumberPagesNeeded++;
for (DWORD dwPageIndex = 0; dwPageIndex != dwNumberPagesNeeded; dwPageIndex ++) { dwRes = m_pObjectFile->FreePage(0, ulPageId + dwPageIndex);
if (FAILED(dwRes)) break; } return dwRes; }
//DeleteFromPage - removes an object from a specific object page
DWORD CVarObjHeap::RemoveFromPage(/* in */ ULONG ulPageId, /* in */ ULONG ulOffsetId, /* in */ BYTE *pbPage, /* out*/ DWORD *pdwSize) { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
//Need to remove the entry from the offset table, subtracting the deleted object size
//from the offset of all items following it
VarObjObjOffsetEntry *pEntry = (VarObjObjOffsetEntry*)pbPage; DWORD dwFoundOffset = 0; DWORD dwFoundSize = 0; DWORD dwFoundIndex = 0; for (DWORD dwIndex = 0; pEntry[dwIndex].dwOffsetId != 0; dwIndex ++) {
if (pEntry[dwIndex].dwOffsetId == ulOffsetId) { //This is ours, so record the details
dwFoundOffset = pEntry[dwIndex].dwPhysicalStartOffset; dwFoundSize = pEntry[dwIndex].dwBlockLength; *pdwSize = dwFoundSize; dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; dwFoundIndex = dwIndex; } else if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //We have already found it so we need to adjust this entry
//to account for the removed space
pEntry[dwIndex - 1].dwPhysicalStartOffset = pEntry[dwIndex].dwPhysicalStartOffset - dwFoundSize - sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry); pEntry[dwIndex - 1].dwBlockLength = pEntry[dwIndex].dwBlockLength; pEntry[dwIndex - 1].dwOffsetId = pEntry[dwIndex].dwOffsetId; pEntry[dwIndex - 1].dwCRC = pEntry[dwIndex].dwCRC; } else { //Adjust for the fact that we are removing an entry for the offset table
pEntry[dwIndex].dwPhysicalStartOffset -= sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry); } }
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //We need to adjust the end-of-list by one place also
pEntry[dwIndex - 1].dwPhysicalStartOffset = 0; pEntry[dwIndex - 1].dwBlockLength = 0; pEntry[dwIndex - 1].dwOffsetId = 0; pEntry[dwIndex - 1].dwCRC = 0;
//Now we need to adjust all entries up to the deleted one by the size of
//the offset table entry... although if this was the first item in the list then there
//is nothing to do
if (dwFoundIndex != 0) { MoveMemory(pbPage + pEntry[0].dwPhysicalStartOffset, pbPage + pEntry[0].dwPhysicalStartOffset + sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry), dwFoundOffset - (pEntry[0].dwPhysicalStartOffset + sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry))); }
//Now we need to shuffle all entries that appeared after this entry back one... if this
//was the last entry then we don't have anything to do.
if (pEntry[dwFoundIndex].dwOffsetId != 0) { MoveMemory(pbPage + pEntry[dwFoundIndex].dwPhysicalStartOffset, pbPage + dwFoundOffset + dwFoundSize, (pEntry[dwIndex - 2].dwPhysicalStartOffset + pEntry[dwIndex - 2].dwBlockLength) - (pEntry[dwFoundIndex].dwPhysicalStartOffset)); }
return dwRes; }
//UpdateAdminPageForAllocate - Updates the admin page to decrement the amount
//of free space on a page by this amount ( + sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry))
DWORD CVarObjHeap::UpdateAdminPageForAllocate(/* in */ ULONG ulPageId, /* in */ ULONG ulBlockSize, /* in */ DWORD dwNewCRC) { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
//Find an admin page that has this page
for (DWORD dwPageIndex = 0; dwPageIndex != m_aAdminPages.Size(); dwPageIndex++) { VarObjAdminPageEntry* pAdminPageEntry = (VarObjAdminPageEntry*)m_aAdminPages[dwPageIndex]; VarObjHeapAdminPage * pAdminPage = (VarObjHeapAdminPage *)(pAdminPageEntry->pbPage); VarObjHeapFreeList *pFreeListEntry = (VarObjHeapFreeList *)(((BYTE*)pAdminPage) + sizeof (VarObjHeapAdminPage));
for (DWORD dwEntry = 0; dwEntry != pAdminPage->dwNumberEntriesOnPage; dwEntry ++) { if (ulPageId == pFreeListEntry[dwEntry].dwPageId) { pFreeListEntry[dwEntry].dwFreeSpace -= (ulBlockSize + sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry)); pFreeListEntry[dwEntry].dwCRC32 = dwNewCRC; pAdminPageEntry->bDirty = true; #if XFILES_DEBUG
wchar_t buf[100]; swprintf(buf, L"Page 0x%08X has allocated 0x%08X bytes. Space left 0x%08X\n", ulPageId, ulBlockSize + sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry), pFreeListEntry[dwEntry].dwFreeSpace); OutputDebugString(buf); #endif
dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; } }
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) break; }
return dwRes; }
//UpdateAdminPageForDelete - Updates the admin page for giving space back. If the page
//is totally empty we should delete the page altogether. Note that the space taken
//up is sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry) more than specified because of the offset entry!
DWORD CVarObjHeap::UpdateAdminPageForDelete(/* in */ ULONG ulPageId, /* in */ ULONG ulBlockSize, /* in */ DWORD dwNewCRC, /* out */ bool *pbPageDeleted) { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; bool bFinished = false;
//Find an admin page that has this page
for (DWORD dwPageIndex = 0; dwPageIndex != m_aAdminPages.Size(); dwPageIndex++) { VarObjAdminPageEntry* pAdminPageEntry = (VarObjAdminPageEntry*)m_aAdminPages[dwPageIndex]; VarObjHeapAdminPage * pAdminPage = (VarObjHeapAdminPage *)(pAdminPageEntry->pbPage); VarObjHeapFreeList *pFreeListEntry = (VarObjHeapFreeList *)(((BYTE*)pAdminPage) + sizeof (VarObjHeapAdminPage));
for (DWORD dwEntry = 0; dwEntry != pAdminPage->dwNumberEntriesOnPage; dwEntry ++) { if (ulPageId == pFreeListEntry[dwEntry].dwPageId) { pFreeListEntry[dwEntry].dwFreeSpace += (ulBlockSize + sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry)); pFreeListEntry[dwEntry].dwCRC32 = dwNewCRC; dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; bFinished = true; pAdminPageEntry->bDirty = true; #if XFILES_DEBUG
wchar_t buf[100]; swprintf(buf, L"Page 0x%08X has deallocated 0x%08X bytes. Space left 0x%08X\n", ulPageId, ulBlockSize + sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry), pFreeListEntry[dwEntry].dwFreeSpace); OutputDebugString(buf); #endif
if (pFreeListEntry[dwEntry].dwFreeSpace == (m_dwPageSize - sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry))) { dwRes = RemoveEntryFromAdminPage(dwPageIndex, dwEntry);
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwRes = m_pObjectFile->FreePage(0, ulPageId); *pbPageDeleted = true; } } break; } } if (bFinished) break; }
return dwRes; }
//Deletes a page, and updates the admin pages as appropriage. If the admin page
//is now enpty we delete this admin page and update the next pointer of the previous
//page. We do not delete the first admin page however as it has a special pageId
//that is reserved.
DWORD CVarObjHeap::DeletePage(/* in */ DWORD ulPageId) { DWORD dwRes = m_pObjectFile->FreePage(0, ulPageId); bool bFinished = false;
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwRes = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; for (DWORD dwPageIndex = 0; dwPageIndex != m_aAdminPages.Size(); dwPageIndex++) { VarObjHeapAdminPage * pAdminPage = (VarObjHeapAdminPage *)(((VarObjAdminPageEntry*)m_aAdminPages[dwPageIndex])->pbPage); VarObjHeapFreeList *pFreeListEntry = (VarObjHeapFreeList *)(((BYTE*)pAdminPage) + sizeof (VarObjHeapAdminPage));
for (DWORD dwEntry = 0; dwEntry != pAdminPage->dwNumberEntriesOnPage; dwEntry ++) { if (ulPageId == pFreeListEntry[dwEntry].dwPageId) { dwRes = RemoveEntryFromAdminPage(dwPageIndex, dwEntry); bFinished = true; break; } } if (bFinished) break; } }
return dwRes; }
//Removes an object page entry from an admin page, removing the
//admin page if it is no longer needed
DWORD CVarObjHeap::RemoveEntryFromAdminPage(/* in */ DWORD dwAdminPageIndex, /* in */ DWORD dwAdminPageEntry) { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS;
VarObjAdminPageEntry *pAdminPageEntry = (VarObjAdminPageEntry*)m_aAdminPages[dwAdminPageIndex]; VarObjHeapAdminPage * pAdminPage = (VarObjHeapAdminPage *)pAdminPageEntry->pbPage; VarObjHeapFreeList *pFreeListEntry = (VarObjHeapFreeList *)(((BYTE*)pAdminPage) + sizeof (VarObjHeapAdminPage));
pAdminPage->dwNumberEntriesOnPage--; if ((pAdminPage->dwNumberEntriesOnPage == 0) && (dwAdminPageIndex != 0)) { //Need to delete this admin page... update the previous pages next admin page entry
VarObjAdminPageEntry *pPreviousAdminPageEntry = (VarObjAdminPageEntry*)m_aAdminPages[dwAdminPageIndex - 1]; VarObjHeapAdminPage * pPreviousAdminPage = (VarObjHeapAdminPage *)pPreviousAdminPageEntry->pbPage; pPreviousAdminPage->dwNextAdminPage = pAdminPage->dwNextAdminPage; //Set the dirty bit on that page so it gets flushed!
pPreviousAdminPageEntry->bDirty = true; //Do the actual free page of this admin page
dwRes = m_pObjectFile->FreePage(0, pAdminPageEntry->dwPageId);
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_aAdminPages.RemoveAt(dwAdminPageIndex); delete pAdminPageEntry; }
} else if ((pAdminPage->dwNumberEntriesOnPage == 0) && (dwAdminPageIndex == 0)) { //The first admin page cannot be deleted so we just ignore this
} else if (pAdminPage->dwNumberEntriesOnPage != 0) { //We just need to delete the entry, so shuffle the entries about
//in the page
MoveMemory(&pFreeListEntry[dwAdminPageEntry], &pFreeListEntry[dwAdminPageEntry+1], sizeof(VarObjHeapFreeList) * (pAdminPage->dwNumberEntriesOnPage - dwAdminPageEntry)); }
return dwRes; }
#ifdef DBG
//Given a page we validate that there is in fact enough space
//for this block. If there is not it asserts. This implies
//that the admin page is not in sync with the actual pages.
DWORD CVarObjHeap::ValidatePageFreeSpace(/* in */ const BYTE *pbPage, /* in */ DWORD ulBlockSize) { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; VarObjObjOffsetEntry *pEntry = (VarObjObjOffsetEntry*) pbPage; DWORD dwNextAvailableOffset = pEntry[0].dwPhysicalStartOffset + pEntry[0].dwBlockLength;
//Search through the offset table until we find the last entry
for (DWORD dwIndex = 0; pEntry[dwIndex].dwOffsetId != 0; dwIndex++) { dwNextAvailableOffset = pEntry[dwIndex].dwPhysicalStartOffset + pEntry[dwIndex].dwBlockLength; }
if ((dwNextAvailableOffset + ulBlockSize + sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry))> m_dwPageSize) { dwRes = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; OutputDebugString(L"WinMgmt Repository Corruption: Object heap admin page free space information is out of sync with actual pages!\n"); DebugBreak(); } return dwRes; }
//Given a page and a page ID, it validates the amount of free space
//on the page is equal to the amount the admin page thinks is on
DWORD CVarObjHeap::ValidatePageFreeSpaceWithAdminPage(/* in */ const BYTE *pbPage, /* in */ DWORD ulPageId) { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; VarObjObjOffsetEntry *pEntry = (VarObjObjOffsetEntry*) pbPage; DWORD dwNextAvailableOffset = pEntry[0].dwPhysicalStartOffset + pEntry[0].dwBlockLength;
//Search through the offset table until we find the last entry
for (DWORD dwIndex = 0; pEntry[dwIndex].dwOffsetId != 0; dwIndex++) { dwNextAvailableOffset = pEntry[dwIndex].dwPhysicalStartOffset + pEntry[dwIndex].dwBlockLength; }
DWORD dwFreeSpace = m_dwPageSize - dwNextAvailableOffset;
//Find the page in the admin page table
for (DWORD dwPageIndex = 0; dwPageIndex != m_aAdminPages.Size(); dwPageIndex++) { VarObjHeapAdminPage * pAdminPage = (VarObjHeapAdminPage *)(((VarObjAdminPageEntry*)m_aAdminPages[dwPageIndex])->pbPage); VarObjHeapFreeList *pFreeListEntry = (VarObjHeapFreeList *)(((BYTE*)pAdminPage) + sizeof (VarObjHeapAdminPage));
for (DWORD dwEntry = 0; dwEntry != pAdminPage->dwNumberEntriesOnPage; dwEntry ++) { //If this is the page we are interested in...
if (ulPageId == pFreeListEntry[dwEntry].dwPageId) { //check the free space matches...
if (pFreeListEntry[dwEntry].dwFreeSpace != dwFreeSpace) { //Oops, it doesn't! We have a problem!
OutputDebugString(L"WinMgmt Repository Corruption: Free space in page is out of sink with the free space listed in admin page!\n"); DebugBreak(); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } } return dwRes; }
//Dumps the offset table of a page to the debugger
DWORD CVarObjHeap::DumpPageOffsetTable(/* in */ DWORD dwPageId, /* in */ const BYTE *pbPage) { wchar_t buf[100]; OutputDebugString(L"================================\n"); _stprintf(buf, L"Dumping offset table for pageId <0x%X>\n", dwPageId); OutputDebugString(buf); OutputDebugString(L"================================\n"); DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; VarObjObjOffsetEntry *pEntry = (VarObjObjOffsetEntry*) pbPage; for (DWORD dwIndex = 0; pEntry[dwIndex].dwOffsetId != 0; dwIndex++) { _stprintf(buf, L"0x%08X, 0x%08X, 0x%08X, 0x%08X\n", dwIndex, pEntry[dwIndex].dwOffsetId, pEntry[dwIndex].dwBlockLength, pEntry[dwIndex].dwPhysicalStartOffset); OutputDebugString(buf); } _stprintf(buf, L"0x%08X, 0x%08X, 0x%08X, 0x%08X\n", dwIndex, pEntry[dwIndex].dwOffsetId, pEntry[dwIndex].dwBlockLength, pEntry[dwIndex].dwPhysicalStartOffset); OutputDebugString(buf); OutputDebugString(L"================================\n");
return ERROR_SUCCESS; } #endif /* DBG */
static DWORD g_CRCTable[] = { 0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba, 0x076dc419, 0x706af48f, 0xe963a535, 0x9e6495a3, 0x0edb8832, 0x79dcb8a4, 0xe0d5e91e, 0x97d2d988, 0x09b64c2b, 0x7eb17cbd, 0xe7b82d07, 0x90bf1d91, 0x1db71064, 0x6ab020f2, 0xf3b97148, 0x84be41de, 0x1adad47d, 0x6ddde4eb, 0xf4d4b551, 0x83d385c7, 0x136c9856, 0x646ba8c0, 0xfd62f97a, 0x8a65c9ec, 0x14015c4f, 0x63066cd9, 0xfa0f3d63, 0x8d080df5, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x4c69105e, 0xd56041e4, 0xa2677172, 0x3c03e4d1, 0x4b04d447, 0xd20d85fd, 0xa50ab56b, 0x35b5a8fa, 0x42b2986c, 0xdbbbc9d6, 0xacbcf940, 0x32d86ce3, 0x45df5c75, 0xdcd60dcf, 0xabd13d59, 0x26d930ac, 0x51de003a, 0xc8d75180, 0xbfd06116, 0x21b4f4b5, 0x56b3c423, 0xcfba9599, 0xb8bda50f, 0x2802b89e, 0x5f058808, 0xc60cd9b2, 0xb10be924, 0x2f6f7c87, 0x58684c11, 0xc1611dab, 0xb6662d3d, 0x76dc4190, 0x01db7106, 0x98d220bc, 0xefd5102a, 0x71b18589, 0x06b6b51f, 0x9fbfe4a5, 0xe8b8d433, 0x7807c9a2, 0x0f00f934, 0x9609a88e, 0xe10e9818, 0x7f6a0dbb, 0x086d3d2d, 0x91646c97, 0xe6635c01, 0x6b6b51f4, 0x1c6c6162, 0x856530d8, 0xf262004e, 0x6c0695ed, 0x1b01a57b, 0x8208f4c1, 0xf50fc457, 0x65b0d9c6, 0x12b7e950, 0x8bbeb8ea, 0xfcb9887c, 0x62dd1ddf, 0x15da2d49, 0x8cd37cf3, 0xfbd44c65, 0x4db26158, 0x3ab551ce, 0xa3bc0074, 0xd4bb30e2, 0x4adfa541, 0x3dd895d7, 0xa4d1c46d, 0xd3d6f4fb, 0x4369e96a, 0x346ed9fc, 0xad678846, 0xda60b8d0, 0x44042d73, 0x33031de5, 0xaa0a4c5f, 0xdd0d7cc9, 0x5005713c, 0x270241aa, 0xbe0b1010, 0xc90c2086, 0x5768b525, 0x206f85b3, 0xb966d409, 0xce61e49f, 0x5edef90e, 0x29d9c998, 0xb0d09822, 0xc7d7a8b4, 0x59b33d17, 0x2eb40d81, 0xb7bd5c3b, 0xc0ba6cad, 0xedb88320, 0x9abfb3b6, 0x03b6e20c, 0x74b1d29a, 0xead54739, 0x9dd277af, 0x04db2615, 0x73dc1683, 0xe3630b12, 0x94643b84, 0x0d6d6a3e, 0x7a6a5aa8, 0xe40ecf0b, 0x9309ff9d, 0x0a00ae27, 0x7d079eb1, 0xf00f9344, 0x8708a3d2, 0x1e01f268, 0x6906c2fe, 0xf762575d, 0x806567cb, 0x196c3671, 0x6e6b06e7, 0xfed41b76, 0x89d32be0, 0x10da7a5a, 0x67dd4acc, 0xf9b9df6f, 0x8ebeeff9, 0x17b7be43, 0x60b08ed5, 0xd6d6a3e8, 0xa1d1937e, 0x38d8c2c4, 0x4fdff252, 0xd1bb67f1, 0xa6bc5767, 0x3fb506dd, 0x48b2364b, 0xd80d2bda, 0xaf0a1b4c, 0x36034af6, 0x41047a60, 0xdf60efc3, 0xa867df55, 0x316e8eef, 0x4669be79, 0xcb61b38c, 0xbc66831a, 0x256fd2a0, 0x5268e236, 0xcc0c7795, 0xbb0b4703, 0x220216b9, 0x5505262f, 0xc5ba3bbe, 0xb2bd0b28, 0x2bb45a92, 0x5cb36a04, 0xc2d7ffa7, 0xb5d0cf31, 0x2cd99e8b, 0x5bdeae1d, 0x9b64c2b0, 0xec63f226, 0x756aa39c, 0x026d930a, 0x9c0906a9, 0xeb0e363f, 0x72076785, 0x05005713, 0x95bf4a82, 0xe2b87a14, 0x7bb12bae, 0x0cb61b38, 0x92d28e9b, 0xe5d5be0d, 0x7cdcefb7, 0x0bdbdf21, 0x86d3d2d4, 0xf1d4e242, 0x68ddb3f8, 0x1fda836e, 0x81be16cd, 0xf6b9265b, 0x6fb077e1, 0x18b74777, 0x88085ae6, 0xff0f6a70, 0x66063bca, 0x11010b5c, 0x8f659eff, 0xf862ae69, 0x616bffd3, 0x166ccf45, 0xa00ae278, 0xd70dd2ee, 0x4e048354, 0x3903b3c2, 0xa7672661, 0xd06016f7, 0x4969474d, 0x3e6e77db, 0xaed16a4a, 0xd9d65adc, 0x40df0b66, 0x37d83bf0, 0xa9bcae53, 0xdebb9ec5, 0x47b2cf7f, 0x30b5ffe9, 0xbdbdf21c, 0xcabac28a, 0x53b39330, 0x24b4a3a6, 0xbad03605, 0xcdd70693, 0x54de5729, 0x23d967bf, 0xb3667a2e, 0xc4614ab8, 0x5d681b02, 0x2a6f2b94, 0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b, 0x2d02ef8d };
//Creates a CRC for a block
DWORD CVarObjHeap::CreateCRC32(/* in */ const BYTE *pBlock, /* in */ DWORD dwSize, /* in */ DWORD dwPreviousCRC) { if(dwSize == 0) return dwPreviousCRC;
DWORD dwNewCRC = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < dwSize; n++) { dwNewCRC = g_CRCTable[ BYTE(dwPreviousCRC ^ DWORD(pBlock[n]))] ^ ((dwPreviousCRC >> 8) & 0x00FFFFFF); dwPreviousCRC = dwNewCRC; } return dwNewCRC; }
#ifdef DBG
//Checks the CRCs of all objects on a page (cannot do this
//for a multi-page object though as we only have the first
DWORD CVarObjHeap::ValidateAllCRC32OnPage(/* in */ const BYTE *pbPage) { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS;
//Get a pointer to the start of the offset table
VarObjObjOffsetEntry *pOffsetEntry = (VarObjObjOffsetEntry *) pbPage;
//Loop through the table until we find the one we are interested in
for (DWORD dwOffsetIndex = 0; pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwOffsetId != 0; dwOffsetIndex++) { if (pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwBlockLength > (m_dwPageSize - (sizeof(VarObjObjOffsetEntry) * 2))) { break; } else { try { DWORD dwNewCRC32 = CreateCRC32(pbPage + pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwPhysicalStartOffset, pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwBlockLength); FINALIZE_CRC32(dwNewCRC32); if (dwNewCRC32 != pOffsetEntry[dwOffsetIndex].dwCRC) { OutputDebugString(L"WinMgmt: Page Check: CRC check on an object retrieved from repository is invalid\n"); DebugBreak(); dwRes = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; }
} catch (...) { OutputDebugString(L"WinMgmt: Page Check: CRC check on an object retrieved from repository is invalid\n"); DebugBreak(); dwRes = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } } return dwRes; }
//Validates the page check-sum with the admin page
DWORD CVarObjHeap::ValidatePageCRCWithAdminPage(/* in */ const BYTE *pbPage, /* in */ DWORD dwPageId) { DWORD dwCRC32 = 0; dwCRC32 = CreateCRC32(pbPage, m_dwPageSize); FINALIZE_CRC32(dwCRC32);
for (DWORD dwPageIndex = 0; dwPageIndex != m_aAdminPages.Size(); dwPageIndex++) { VarObjHeapAdminPage * pAdminPage = (VarObjHeapAdminPage *)(((VarObjAdminPageEntry*)m_aAdminPages[dwPageIndex])->pbPage); VarObjHeapFreeList *pFreeListEntry = (VarObjHeapFreeList *)(((BYTE*)pAdminPage) + sizeof (VarObjHeapAdminPage));
if ((dwPageIndex != 0) && (pAdminPage->dwVersion != 0)) { OutputDebugString(L"WinMgmt: Repository admin page is corrupt as version is invalid!\n"); DebugBreak(); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (pAdminPage->dwNumberEntriesOnPage > ((m_dwPageSize - sizeof(VarObjHeapAdminPage)) / sizeof(VarObjHeapFreeList))) { OutputDebugString(L"WinMgmt: Repository admin page is corrupt because it thinks there are more entries than fit on the page!\n"); DebugBreak(); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; }
for (DWORD dwFreeIndex = 0; dwFreeIndex != pAdminPage->dwNumberEntriesOnPage; dwFreeIndex++) { if (pFreeListEntry[dwFreeIndex].dwPageId == dwPageId) { if (pFreeListEntry[dwFreeIndex].dwCRC32 == 0) return ERROR_SUCCESS; else if (pFreeListEntry[dwFreeIndex].dwCRC32 == dwCRC32) return ERROR_SUCCESS; else { OutputDebugString(L"WinMgmt: Repository admin page has an invalid CRC for the object page!\n"); DebugBreak(); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } } } OutputDebugString(L"WinMgmt: Requested page was not found in the admin page list!\n"); DebugBreak(); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } #endif