Copyright (c) 1990, 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module goes through ROM area and tries to pick up all the ROM blocks.
Shie-Lin Tzong (shielint) 21-Jan-92
Real mode.
Revision History:
#include "hwdetect.h"
#include "hwvbios.h"
#if defined(_GAMBIT_)
#include "ssc.h"
#if !defined(_GAMBIT_)
BOOLEAN AddRomBlock ( ULONG RomAddress, ULONG RomSize )
Routine Description:
This routine adds a ROM/RAM block to our ROM list.
RomAddress - the starting address of the ROM/RAM block to be added.
RomSize - the size of the ROM/RAM block (in byte).
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if success. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned.
{ LONG AddSize; ULONG AddAddress; FPTEMPORARY_ROM_BLOCK pCurrentBlock, pNextBlock; ULONG CurrentBlock, NextBlock, AddBlock; ULONG EndAddBlock, EndCurrentBlock, EndNextBlock; BOOLEAN fOverlap=FALSE;
pCurrentBlock = NULL; pNextBlock = NULL; AddSize = RomSize; AddAddress = RomAddress; AddBlock = RomAddress;
// If there are other blocks, make sure there is no overlap with them
if (BlockHead) {
pCurrentBlock = BlockHead; pNextBlock = pCurrentBlock->Next; CurrentBlock = pCurrentBlock->RomBlock.Address; EndCurrentBlock = CurrentBlock + pCurrentBlock->RomBlock.Size; EndAddBlock = RomAddress + RomSize;
while (pCurrentBlock!=NULL) {
// calculate location of next block (if it's there)
if(pNextBlock) { NextBlock = pNextBlock->RomBlock.Address; EndNextBlock = NextBlock + pNextBlock->RomBlock.Size; }
// if overlapping with current block, then stop and
// resolve overlap
if((RomAddress < EndCurrentBlock)&& (RomAddress >= CurrentBlock)){ fOverlap = TRUE; break; }
// if add block is lower than the current one,
// or there is not a next block, then no need to search further
if((EndAddBlock <= CurrentBlock) || (pNextBlock == NULL)) { break; }
// if block is lower than next one, but greater than current
// one, we have found the right area
if ((EndAddBlock <= NextBlock) && (AddBlock >= EndCurrentBlock)) { break; }
// if conflicting with next block, stop searching and
// resolve conflict after this loop
if((EndAddBlock > NextBlock) && (EndAddBlock <= EndNextBlock)) { fOverlap = TRUE; break; }
pCurrentBlock = pNextBlock; pNextBlock = pCurrentBlock->Next; CurrentBlock = NextBlock; EndCurrentBlock = EndNextBlock; } }
// if we have reached this point, there may be a conflict
// with the current block.
if(fOverlap) { if(AddBlock < EndCurrentBlock) { AddAddress = EndCurrentBlock; AddSize = EndAddBlock - EndCurrentBlock; if(AddSize <= 0) { return TRUE; } } if((pNextBlock != NULL) && (EndAddBlock > NextBlock)) { AddSize = NextBlock - AddBlock; if(AddSize <= 0) { return TRUE; } } }
BlockPointer->RomBlock.Address = AddAddress; BlockPointer->RomBlock.Size = AddSize;
// Put it on the list.
// if it belongs on top, put it there
if ((pCurrentBlock == NULL)|| ((pCurrentBlock == BlockHead) && (CurrentBlock > AddBlock))) { BlockPointer->Next = pCurrentBlock; BlockHead = BlockPointer; } else {
// else add to middle or bottom depending on NextBlock
BlockPointer->Next = pNextBlock; pCurrentBlock->Next = BlockPointer; } BlockPointer++; // Note that this works because
// we know the offset part of
// the addr is always < 64k.
return TRUE; } VOID AddPs2CardRomRam ( VOID )
Routine Description:
This routine adds ROM/RAM block to our ROM list for missed MCA Adapters.
Notes: This function was constructed to recognize PS/2 cards that normally are missed. Without this code, VBIOS will not recognize certain adapters since they have no ROM header, or use RAM.
POS ID Adapter Name ROM RAM ------- ------------ --- --- E000 Token Ring x x E001 Token Ring x x E04F 3119 Scanner x E1FF 3270 Ver B x E7FF 3270 Ver A x
Return Value:
// for every adapter slot, we search if the card is IBM Token Ring.
// if yes, we will calculate RAM and ROM address from POS information
// and add these blocks to our ROM BLOCK list.
for (i = 0L; i < POS_MAX_SLOT; i++) {
ROMAddr = 0L; RAMAddr = 0L; RAMSize = 0L; ROMSize = 0L;
// get the POS ID of the card
PosData = HwMcaPosData + i; CardID = PosData->AdapterId; switch(CardID) {
// 4Mhz Token ring (0xE000) or 16/4Mhz Token ring (0xE001)
case 0xE000: case 0xE001:
// get ROM and RAM addresses of adapter
ROMAddr = ((ULONG)PosData->PosData3 & 0xfe)<<12; RAMAddr = ((ULONG)PosData->PosData1 & 0xfe)<<12; RAMSize = (ULONG) (1<<((PosData->PosData2 & 0x0c)>>2)) * 8192L; ROMSize = 8192L; break;
// 3119 Scanner
// formula (shl (and (not (shr POS[0] 4)) 0xf) 13) + 0xC0000
case 0xE04F:
RAMAddr = (((~((ULONG)PosData->PosData1 >> 4)) & 0xf) << 13) + 0xC0000L; RAMSize = 0x2000L; // size is fixed
// 3270 Version A
case 0xE7FF:
RAMAddr = 0xCE000L; // address is fixed
RAMSize = 8192L; // size is fixed
// 3270 Version B
case 0xE1FF:
RAMAddr = ((ULONG)PosData->PosData2) << 12; RAMSize = 8192L; // size is fixed
default: break; }
// if adapter has ROM, then add it
if (ROMAddr) { AddRomBlock(ROMAddr, ROMSize); }
// if adapter has RAM, then add it
if (RAMAddr) { AddRomBlock(RAMAddr, RAMSize); } } }
BOOLEAN ScanRomBlocks( VOID )
Routine Description:
This routine scans the ROM IO area and checks for 55AA at every 512 bytes for valid ROM blocks.
------------- | | | | ------------------100000 ^ | | | | | | -------------f0000 (ROMBIOS_START) --- | | | ^ | | | | EXTROM_LEN -------------e0000 (PS2BIOS_START) --- | | | | ^ Search | | | | Search | Range | | -------------d0000 Range | on AT | | | | on PS/2| | V | | V V ------------------c0000 (EXTROM_START) --- ---
ON AT: Scan through EXTROM_START-effff for ROM Blocks ON PS2 Scan through EXTROM_START-dffff for ROM Blocks
Return Value:
{ ULONG BlockSize; BOOLEAN Success = TRUE; FPUCHAR Current; ULONG RomAddr, RomEnd;
// As per the machine type restrict the search range
if ((HwBusType == MACHINE_TYPE_MCA) || (BiosSystemEnvironment.Model == PS2_L40) || (BiosSystemEnvironment.Model == PS1_386) || (BiosSystemEnvironment.Model == PS2_AT)) {
RomEnd = PS2BIOS_START; } else { RomEnd = ROMBIOS_START; }
while (RomAddr < RomEnd) {
if (((FPROM_HEADER)Current)->Signature == ROM_HEADER_SIGNATURE) {
BlockSize = (ULONG)((FPROM_HEADER)Current)->NumberBlocks * BLOCKSIZE;
if ((RomAddr + BlockSize) > RomEnd) { BlockSize = RomEnd - RomAddr; }
// V7 VRAM card does not correctly report its BlockSize. Since
// this is a very popular video card, we provide a workaround
// for it.
if ((RomAddr == 0xC0000) && (BlockSize < 0x8000)) { BlockSize = 0x8000; } if (!AddRomBlock(RomAddr, BlockSize)) { Success = FALSE; break; } RomAddr += BlockSize; RomAddr = ALIGN_UP(RomAddr, ROM_HEADER_INCREMENT); MAKE_FP(Current, RomAddr); continue; } RomAddr += ROM_HEADER_INCREMENT; MAKE_FP(Current, RomAddr); }
// Last but not least, add the system ROM to the list
if (Success) {
RomAddr = ROMBIOS_START; BlockSize = ROMBIOS_LEN; if ((HwBusType == MACHINE_TYPE_MCA) || (BiosSystemEnvironment.Model == PS2_L40) || (BiosSystemEnvironment.Model == PS1_386) || (BiosSystemEnvironment.Model == PS2_AT)) { RomAddr = PS2BIOS_START; BlockSize = PS2BIOS_LEN; }
if (!AddRomBlock(RomAddr, BlockSize)) { Success = FALSE; } }
return Success; }
FPTEMPORARY_ROM_BLOCK MatchRomBlock ( ULONG PhysicalAddr )
Routine Description:
This routine finds the ROM block which the 'PhysicalAddr' is in.
PhysicalAddr - the physical address ...
Return Value:
A pointer to the detected ROM block.
CurrentBlock = BlockHead; while (CurrentBlock) { RomBlock = CurrentBlock->RomBlock; if (RomBlock.Address <= PhysicalAddr && RomBlock.Address + RomBlock.Size > PhysicalAddr) { break; } else { CurrentBlock = CurrentBlock->Next; } } return(CurrentBlock); }
Routine Description:
This routine checks if the passed in ROM blocks contain the same information. This ususally happens when the two ROM blocks are for video ROM and shadowed video ROM.
Source - the source ROM block.
Destination - the ROM block to compare with.
Return Value:
BOOLEAN TRUE if the two ROM blocks are the same else FALSE is returned.
if (Source == NULL || Destination == NULL) { return(FALSE); }
// First make sure their sizes are the same.
if (Source->RomBlock.Size == Destination->RomBlock.Size) { if (!HwRomCompare(Source->RomBlock.Address, Destination->RomBlock.Address, Source->RomBlock.Size)){ return(TRUE); } } return(FALSE);
VOID CheckVideoRom ( VOID )
Routine Description:
This routine checks if the int 10h video handler is in the video ROM block detected by us. If not, the video ROM must have been remapped/shadowed to other area (usually 0xE0000.)
NOTE: In this function, I commented out the code which removes the Video ROM block if it has been shadowed. I found out machine POST code does not modify ALL the VIDEO ROM related pointers.
Return Value:
{ ULONG Vector, Handler, VectorAddr = 0x10 * sizeof(ULONG); FPULONG pVectorAddr; FPTEMPORARY_ROM_BLOCK RomBlock, VideoRomBlock; ULONG Size;
MAKE_FP(pVectorAddr, VectorAddr); Vector = *pVectorAddr; Handler = ((Vector >> 16) << 4) + (Vector & 0xffff); RomBlock = MatchRomBlock(Handler);
// Check if the int 10h handler falls in one of our ROM blocks.
if (RomBlock) { if (RomBlock->RomBlock.Address >= 0xC0000 && RomBlock->RomBlock.Address < 0xC8000) {
// if int 10h handler is in the standard video ROM area, we simply
// return. Either the video ROM is not shadowed or it
// is a in-place shadow.
return; } else {
// The ROM block associated with the int 10h handler is not in
// standard video bios ROM area. It must have been mapped to
// the current location. We now need to make sure we have the
// ROM block which contains the 40:a8 VGA parameter.
VectorAddr = VGA_PARAMETER_POINTER; MAKE_FP(pVectorAddr, VectorAddr); Vector = *pVectorAddr; Handler = ((Vector >> 16) << 4) + (Vector & 0xffff); VideoRomBlock = MatchRomBlock(Handler); if (VideoRomBlock == NULL) {
// We did not find the Video ROM associated with the
// VGA parameters. Try detect it.
// In the following memory comparison, we skip the first 16 bytes.
// Because most likely the reason we did not find the standard
// Video ROM is because the signature word is missing.
Handler = (Handler & 0xF0000) + (RomBlock->RomBlock.Address & 0xFFFF); if (!HwRomCompare(RomBlock->RomBlock.Address + 0x10, Handler + 0x10, RomBlock->RomBlock.Size - 0x10)) { if ( ( ( Handler & 0xFFFF ) == 0 ) && ( RomBlock->RomBlock.Size < 0x8000 ) ) { Size = 0x8000; } else { Size = RomBlock->RomBlock.Size; } AddRomBlock(Handler, Size); } } } } else {
// There is no ROM block associated with the int 10h handler.
// We can find the shadowed video ROM block if:
// We detected the original video ROM in 0xC0000 - 0xC8000 range
VideoRomBlock = MatchRomBlock((Handler & 0xFFFF) + 0xC0000); if (VideoRomBlock != NULL) {
// In the following memory comparison, we skip the first 16 bytes.
// Because most likely the reason we did not find the shadow rom
// is the signature word is missing.
if (!HwRomCompare(VideoRomBlock->RomBlock.Address + 0x10, (Handler & 0xF0000) + (VideoRomBlock->RomBlock.Address & 0xFFFF) + 0x10, VideoRomBlock->RomBlock.Size - 0x10)) {
AddRomBlock((VideoRomBlock->RomBlock.Address & 0xFFFF) + (Handler & 0xF0000), VideoRomBlock->RomBlock.Size); } } } } #endif // _GAMBIT_
VOID GetRomBlocks( FPUCHAR ReservedBuffer, PUSHORT Size )
Routine Description:
This routine scans the ROM IO area and collects all the ROM blocks.
ReservedBuffer - Supplies a far pointer to the buffer.
Size - Supplies a near pointer to a variable to receive the size of the ROM block.
Return Value:
#if defined(_GAMBIT_)
*Size = 0; #else
FPTEMPORARY_ROM_BLOCK Source; ULONG StartAddr, EndAddr; FPUSHORT TestAddr; FPROM_BLOCK Destination; USHORT BufferSize; ULONG EBiosAddress = 0, EBiosLength = 0; ULONG far *EBiosInformation = (ULONG far *) ((DOS_BEGIN_SEGMENT << 4) + EBIOS_INFO_OFFSET);
// First we reserve the max space needed and build our temporary rom
// block list in the heap space below the space reservedand. After
// the temporary list is built, we then copy it to the caller supplied
// reserved space.
BlockPointer = (FPTEMPORARY_ROM_BLOCK)HwAllocateHeap(0, FALSE); BlockHead = NULL; *Size = 0;
GetBiosSystemEnvironment((PUCHAR)&BiosSystemEnvironment); if (BiosSystemEnvironment.ConfigurationFlags & 0x4) {
// If extened BIOS data area is allocated, we will find out its
// location and size and save in ROM blocks.
_asm { push es mov ah, 0xC1 int 15h jc short Exit
cmp ah, 0x86 je short Exit
mov bx, 0 mov dx, 0 mov ax, 0 mov al, es:[bx] shl ax, 10 mov word ptr EBiosLength, ax mov ax, es mov dx, es shl ax, 4 shr dx, 12 mov word ptr EBiosAddress, ax mov word ptr EBiosAddress + 2, dx Exit: pop es } }
// Save the Extended BIOS data area address and size at 700:40
if (EBiosLength) { *EBiosInformation++ = EBiosAddress; *EBiosInformation = EBiosLength; } else { *EBiosInformation++ = 0L; *EBiosInformation = 0L; } if (!ScanRomBlocks()) { return; }
if (HwBusType == MACHINE_TYPE_MCA) { AddPs2CardRomRam(); }
// On some machines, when they shadow video ROM from 0xC0000 to
// 0xE0000, they copy code only (no signature.) So, we need
// special code to work around the problem.
// Now do our special hack for IBM. On SOME IBM PCs, they use
// E0000-FFFFF for system BIOS (even on non PS/2 machines.) Since
// system BIOS has no ROM header, it is very hard to know the starting
// address of system ROM. So we:
// 1. Make sure there is no ROM block in E0000-EFFFF area.
// 2. and E0000-EFFFF contains valid data.
// If both 1 and 2 are true, we assume E0000-EFFFF is part of system
// ROM.
Source = BlockHead; while (Source) { StartAddr = Source->RomBlock.Address; EndAddr = StartAddr + Source->RomBlock.Size - 1; if ((StartAddr < 0xE0000 && EndAddr < 0xE0000) || (StartAddr >= 0xF0000)) { Source = Source->Next; } else { break; } } if (Source == NULL) { for (StartAddr = 0xE0000; StartAddr < 0xF0000; StartAddr += 0x800) { MAKE_FP(TestAddr, StartAddr); if (*TestAddr != 0xffff) { AddRomBlock(0xE0000, 0x10000); break; } } }
// Now copy the rom block list to our reserved space and release
// the extra space we reserved.
Source = BlockHead; Destination = (FPROM_BLOCK)ReservedBuffer; BufferSize = 0; while (Source) { *Destination = *((FPROM_BLOCK)&Source->RomBlock); BufferSize += sizeof(ROM_BLOCK); Source = Source->Next; Destination++; } *Size = BufferSize; #endif // _GAMBIT_
VOID HwGetBiosDate( ULONG StartingAddress, USHORT Length, PUSHORT Year, PUSHORT Month, PUSHORT Day ) /*++
Routine Description:
Scans the specified area for the most recent date of the form xx/xx/xx.
StartingAddress - First address to scan Length - Length of area to scan
Return Value:
Year - If non-zero, the year of the date (1991, 1992, ...) Month - If non-zero, then month of the date found Day - If non-zero, the day of the date found
--*/ { FPUCHAR fp, date; USHORT y, m, d; UCHAR c; ULONG i, temp;
#if defined(_GAMBIT_)
*Year = (USHORT) TimeFields.Year; *Month = (USHORT) TimeFields.Month; *Day = (USHORT) TimeFields.Day; } #else
// Zero return values
*Year = 0; *Month = 0; *Day = 0;
// Search for date with the format MM/DD/YY or M1M1M2M2//D1D1D2D2//Y1Y1Y2Y2
MAKE_FP(fp, StartingAddress); // initialize fp pointer
while (Length > 8) {
c = fp[7]; if ((c < '0' || c > '9') && (c != '/' && c != '-')) { // these 8 bytes are not a date, next location
fp += 8; Length -= 8; continue; }
date = fp; // check for date at this pointer
fp += 1; // skip to next byte
Length -= 1;
// Check for date of the form MM/DD/YY
y = 0; if (date[0] >= '0' && date[0] <= '9' && date[1] >= '0' && date[1] <= '9' && (date[2] == '/' || date[2] == '-') && date[3] >= '0' && date[3] <= '9' && date[4] >= '0' && date[4] <= '9' && (date[5] == '/' || date[5] == '-') && date[6] >= '0' && date[6] <= '9' && date[7] >= '0' && date[7] <= '9' ) {
// A valid looking date field at date, crack it
y = (date[6] - '0') * 10 + date[7] - '0' + 1900; m = (date[0] - '0') * 10 + date[1] - '0'; d = (date[3] - '0') * 10 + date[4] - '0'; }
// Check for date of the form M1M1M2M2//D1D1D2D2//Y1Y1Y2Y2
if (Length >= 15 && date[ 0] >= '0' && date[ 0] <= '9' && date[ 0] == date[ 1] && date[ 2] >= '0' && date[ 2] <= '9' && date[ 2] == date[ 3] && (date[ 4] == '/' || date[ 4] == '-') && date[ 4] == date[ 5] && date[ 6] >= '0' && date[ 6] <= '9' && date[ 6] == date[ 7] && date[ 8] >= '0' && date[ 8] <= '9' && date[ 8] == date[ 9] && (date[10] == '/' || date[10] == '-') && date[10] == date[11] && date[12] >= '0' && date[12] <= '9' && date[12] == date[13] && date[14] >= '0' && date[14] <= '9' && date[14] == date[15]) {
// A valid looking date field at date, crack it
y = (date[12] - '0') * 10 + date[14] - '0' + 1900; m = (date[ 0] - '0') * 10 + date[ 2] - '0'; d = (date[ 6] - '0') * 10 + date[ 8] - '0'; }
if (y != 0) { if (m < 1 || m > 12 || d < 1 || d > 31) { y = 0; // bad field in date, skip it
} else { if (y < 1980) {
// Roll to next century.
y += 100; } } }
// Check for date of the form 19xx or 20xx
// First, check the 5th character is not a digit.
#define IS_DIGIT(x) (((x) >= '0') && ((x) <= '9'))
if (!IS_DIGIT(date[4])) { for (i = 0, temp = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!IS_DIGIT(date[i])) { temp = 0; break; } temp = (temp * 10) + date[i] - '0'; } if ((temp >= 1980) || (temp < 2599)) {
// Looks like a reasonable date, use it.
y = temp; m = 0; d = 0; } }
if (!y) { // not a date - skip it
continue; }
if ((y > *Year) || (y == *Year && m > *Month) || (y == *Year && m == *Month && d > *Day) ) {
// This date is more recent
*Year = y; *Month = m; *Day = d; } } #endif // _GAMBIT_