Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Boot loader TFTP connection handling routines.
Chuck Lenzmeier (chuckl) December 27, 1996 based on code by Mike Massa (mikemas) Feb 21, 1992 based on SpiderTCP code
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
ULONG ConnItoa ( IN ULONG Value, OUT PUCHAR Buffer );
ULONG ConnSigntoa ( IN PUCHAR Sign, IN ULONG SignLength, OUT PUCHAR Buffer );
ULONG ConnAtoSign ( IN PUCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG SignLength, OUT PUCHAR Sign ); #endif // defined(REMOTE_BOOT_SECURITY)
ULONG ConnSafeAtol ( IN PUCHAR Buffer, IN PUCHAR BufferEnd );
BOOLEAN ConnSafeStrequal ( IN PUCHAR Buffer, IN PUCHAR BufferEnd, IN PUCHAR CompareString );
ULONG ConnSafeStrsize ( IN PUCHAR Buffer, IN PUCHAR BufferEnd );
ULONG ConnStrsize ( IN PUCHAR Buffer );
NTSTATUS ConnInitialize ( IN OUT PCONNECTION *Connection, IN USHORT Operation, IN ULONG RemoteHost, IN USHORT RemotePort, IN PUCHAR Filename, IN ULONG BlockSize, #if defined(REMOTE_BOOT_SECURITY)
IN OUT PULONG SecurityHandle, #endif // defined(REMOTE_BOOT_SECURITY)
IN OUT PULONG FileSize ) //
// Open up the connection, make a request packet, and send the
// packet out on it. Allocate space for the connection control
// block and fill it in. Allocate another packet for data and,
// on writes, another to hold received packets. Don't wait
// for connection ack; it will be waited for in cn_rcv or cn_wrt.
// Return pointer to the connection control block, or NULL on error.
{ NTSTATUS status; PCONNECTION connection; PTFTP_PACKET packet; ULONG length; ULONG stringSize; PUCHAR options; PUCHAR end; BOOLEAN blksizeAcked; BOOLEAN tsizeAcked; #if defined(REMOTE_BOOT_SECURITY)
BOOLEAN securityAcked; PUCHAR sign; ULONG signLength; #endif // defined(REMOTE_BOOT_SECURITY)
DPRINT( TRACE, ("ConnInitialize\n") );
#ifdef EFI
// There's nothing to do here for an EFI environment.
return STATUS_SUCCESS; #endif
connection = &NetTftpConnection; *Connection = connection;
RtlZeroMemory( connection, sizeof(CONNECTION) ); connection->Synced = FALSE; // connection not synchronized yet
connection->Operation = Operation; connection->RemoteHost = RemoteHost; connection->LocalPort = UdpAssignUnicastPort(); connection->RemotePort = RemotePort; connection->Timeout = INITIAL_TIMEOUT; connection->Retransmissions = 0;
connection->LastSentPacket = NetTftpPacket[0]; connection->CurrentPacket = NetTftpPacket[1];
if ( Operation == TFTP_RRQ ) { connection->LastReceivedPacket = connection->CurrentPacket; } else { connection->LastReceivedPacket = NetTftpPacket[2]; }
packet = connection->LastSentPacket; packet->Opcode = Operation;
options = (PUCHAR)&packet->BlockNumber; // start of file name
strcpy( options, Filename ); //DPRINT( LOUD, ("ConnInitialize: opening %s\n", options) );
length = ConnStrsize( options ); options += length; strcpy( options, "octet" ); length += sizeof("octet"); options += sizeof("octet"); length += sizeof(packet->Opcode);
if ( BlockSize == 0 ) { BlockSize = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE; } strcpy( options, "blksize" ); length += sizeof("blksize"); options += sizeof("blksize"); stringSize = ConnItoa( BlockSize, options ); DPRINT( REAL_LOUD, ("ConnInitialize: requesting block size = %s\n", options) ); length += stringSize; options += stringSize;
strcpy( options, "tsize" ); length += sizeof("tsize"); options += sizeof("tsize"); stringSize = ConnItoa( (Operation == TFTP_RRQ) ? 0 : *FileSize, options ); DPRINT( REAL_LOUD, ("ConnInitialize: requesting transfer size = %s\n", options) ); length += stringSize; options += stringSize;
if (*SecurityHandle) { strcpy( options, "security" ); length += sizeof("security"); options += sizeof("security"); stringSize = ConnItoa( *SecurityHandle, options ); DPRINT( REAL_LOUD, ("ConnInitialize: requesting security handle = %s\n", options) ); length += stringSize; options += stringSize;
// Sign the name and send that, to make sure it is not changed.
if (TftpSignString(Filename, &sign, &signLength) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return STATUS_UNEXPECTED_NETWORK_ERROR; }
strcpy(options, "sign"); length += sizeof("sign"); options += sizeof("sign"); stringSize = ConnSigntoa( sign, signLength, options ); DPRINT( REAL_LOUD, ("ConnInitialize: using sign = %s\n", options) ); length += stringSize; options += stringSize; } #endif // defined(REMOTE_BOOT_SECURITY)
ConnSendPacket( connection, packet, length );
connection->BlockNumber = 0; connection->BlockSize = BlockSize;
status = ConnWait( connection, TFTP_OACK, &packet ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
options = (PUCHAR)&packet->BlockNumber; end = (PUCHAR)packet + connection->LastReceivedLength;
blksizeAcked = FALSE; tsizeAcked = FALSE; #if defined(REMOTE_BOOT_SECURITY)
securityAcked = FALSE; #endif // defined(REMOTE_BOOT_SECURITY)
while ( (options < end) && (!blksizeAcked || !tsizeAcked #if defined(REMOTE_BOOT_SECURITY)
|| !securityAcked #endif // defined(REMOTE_BOOT_SECURITY)
) ) {
if ( ConnSafeStrequal(options, end, "blksize") ) {
options += sizeof("blksize"); DPRINT( REAL_LOUD, ("ConnInitialize: received block size = %s\n", options) ); BlockSize = ConnSafeAtol( options, end ); if ( (BlockSize < 8) || (BlockSize > connection->BlockSize) ) { goto bad_options; } options += ConnStrsize(options); connection->BlockSize = BlockSize; DPRINT( REAL_LOUD, ("ConnInitialize: block size for transfer = %d\n", BlockSize) ); blksizeAcked = TRUE;
} else if ( ConnSafeStrequal(options, end, "tsize") ) {
options += sizeof("tsize"); DPRINT( REAL_LOUD, ("ConnInitialize: received transfer size = %s\n", options) ); BlockSize = ConnSafeAtol( options, end ); // use this as a temp variable
if ( BlockSize == (ULONG)-1 ) { goto bad_options; } options += ConnStrsize(options); if ( Operation == TFTP_RRQ ) { *FileSize = BlockSize; } tsizeAcked = TRUE;
} else if ( ConnSafeStrequal(options, end, "security") ) {
options += sizeof("security"); DPRINT( REAL_LOUD, ("ConnInitialize: received security handle = %s\n", options) ); BlockSize = ConnSafeAtol( options, end ); // use this as a temp variable
if ( BlockSize == (ULONG)-1 ) { goto bad_options; } options += ConnStrsize(options); if ( BlockSize == *SecurityHandle ) { securityAcked = TRUE; } #endif // defined(REMOTE_BOOT_SECURITY)
} else {
DPRINT( ERROR, ("ConnInitialize: skipping unrecognized option %s\n", options) ); options += ConnSafeStrsize( options, end ); options += ConnSafeStrsize( options, end ); } }
if ( !blksizeAcked || !tsizeAcked ) { goto bad_options; }
if ((!securityAcked) && (*SecurityHandle != 0)) { goto bad_options; } #endif // defined(REMOTE_BOOT_SECURITY)
if ( Operation == TFTP_RRQ ) { DPRINT( REAL_LOUD, ("ConnInitialize: ACKing OACK\n") ); ConnAck( connection ); } }
return status;
DPRINT( ERROR, ("ConnInitialize: bad options in OACK\n") );
ConnError( connection, connection->RemoteHost, connection->RemotePort, TFTP_ERROR_OPTION_NEGOT_FAILED, "Bad TFTP options" );
} // ConnInitialize
NTSTATUS ConnReceive ( IN PCONNECTION Connection, OUT PTFTP_PACKET *Packet ) //
// Receive a tftp packet into the packet buffer pointed to by Connection->CurrentPacket.
// The packet to be received must be a packet of block number Connection->BlockNumber.
// Returns a pointer to the tftp part of received packet. Also performs
// ack sending and retransmission.
{ NTSTATUS status;
#ifdef EFI
// There's nothing to do here for an EFI environment.
status = ConnWait( Connection, TFTP_DATA, Packet ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
Connection->CurrentPacket = Connection->LastReceivedPacket; Connection->CurrentLength = Connection->LastReceivedLength;
ConnAck( Connection ); }
return status;
} // ConnReceive
NTSTATUS ConnSend ( IN PCONNECTION Connection, IN ULONG Length ) //
// Write the data packet contained in Connection->CurrentPacket, with data length len,
// to the net. Wait first for an ack for the previous packet to arrive,
// retransmitting it as needed. Then fill in the net headers, etc. and
// send the packet out. Return TRUE if the packet is sent successfully,
// or FALSE if a timeout or error occurs.
{ NTSTATUS status; PTFTP_PACKET packet; PVOID temp; USHORT blockNumber;
#ifdef EFI
// There's nothing to do here for an EFI environment.
packet = Connection->CurrentPacket; packet->Opcode = TFTP_DATA; blockNumber = Connection->BlockNumber + 1; #ifdef WRAP_TO_1
if ( blockNumber == 0 ) { blockNumber = 1; } #endif
packet->BlockNumber = SWAP_WORD( blockNumber ); Length += sizeof(packet->Opcode) + sizeof(packet->BlockNumber);
if ( Connection->BlockNumber != 0 ) { status = ConnWait( Connection, TFTP_DACK, NULL ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { return status; } }
Connection->BlockNumber = blockNumber; // next expected block number
Connection->Retransmissions = 0;
temp = Connection->LastSentPacket; // next write packet buffer
ConnSendPacket( Connection, Connection->CurrentPacket, Length ); // sets up LastSent...
Connection->CurrentPacket = temp; // for next ConnPrepareSend
} // ConnSend
// Wait for a valid tftp packet of the specified type to arrive on the
// specified tftp connection, retransmitting the previous packet as needed up
// to the timeout period. When a packet comes in, check it out.
// Return a pointer to the received packet or NULL if error or timeout.
{ ULONG now; ULONG timeout; ULONG remoteHost; USHORT remotePort; PTFTP_PACKET packet; ULONG length; USHORT blockNumber;
#ifdef EFI
// There's nothing to do here for an EFI environment.
return STATUS_SUCCESS; #endif
while ( TRUE) {
now = SysGetRelativeTime(); timeout = Connection->NextRetransmit - now; DPRINT( REAL_LOUD, ("ConnWait: now=%d, next retransmit=%d, timeout=%d\n", now, Connection->NextRetransmit, timeout) ); length = UdpReceive( Connection->LastReceivedPacket, sizeof(TFTP_HEADER) + Connection->BlockSize, &remoteHost, &remotePort, timeout ); if ( length <= 0 ) { if ( !ConnRetransmit( Connection, TRUE ) ) { break; } continue; }
// Got a packet; check it out.
packet = Connection->LastReceivedPacket;
// First, check the received length for validity.
Connection->LastReceivedLength = length; if ( (length < sizeof(TFTP_HEADER)) || ((packet->Opcode == TFTP_DATA) && (length > (sizeof(TFTP_HEADER) + Connection->BlockSize))) ) { ConnError( Connection, remoteHost, remotePort, TFTP_ERROR_UNDEFINED, "Bad TFTP packet length" ); continue; }
// Next, check for correct remote host.
if ( remoteHost != Connection->RemoteHost ) { ConnError( Connection, remoteHost, remotePort, TFTP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_TRANSFER_ID, "Sorry, wasn't talking to you!" ); continue; }
// Next, the remote port. If still unsynchronized, use his port.
blockNumber = SWAP_WORD( packet->BlockNumber );
if ( !Connection->Synced && (((packet->Opcode == Opcode) && ((Opcode == TFTP_OACK) || (blockNumber == Connection->BlockNumber))) || (packet->Opcode == TFTP_ERROR)) ) {
Connection->Synced = TRUE; Connection->RemotePort = remotePort; Connection->Timeout = TIMEOUT; // normal data timeout
} else if ( remotePort != Connection->RemotePort ) {
ConnError( Connection, remoteHost, remotePort, TFTP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_TRANSFER_ID, "Unexpected port number" ); continue; }
// Now check out the TFTP opcode.
if ( packet->Opcode == Opcode ) {
if ( (Opcode == TFTP_OACK) || (blockNumber == Connection->BlockNumber) ) {
if ( Packet != NULL ) { *Packet = packet; } Connection->Timeout = TIMEOUT; // normal data timeout
} else if ( (blockNumber == Connection->BlockNumber - 1) && (Opcode == TFTP_DATA) ) {
if ( !ConnRetransmit( Connection, FALSE ) ) { break; }
} else if ( blockNumber > Connection->BlockNumber ) {
DPRINT( ERROR, ("ConnWait: Block number too high (%d vs. %d)\n", blockNumber, Connection->BlockNumber) ); ConnError( Connection, remoteHost, remotePort, TFTP_ERROR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION, "Block number greater than expected" );
} else { // old duplicate; ignore
continue; }
} else if ( packet->Opcode == TFTP_OACK ) {
DPRINT( ERROR, ("ConnWait: received duplicate OACK packet\n") );
if ( Connection->BlockNumber == 1 ) {
if ( !ConnRetransmit( Connection, FALSE ) ) { break; } }
} else if ( packet->Opcode == TFTP_ERROR ) {
//DPRINT( ERROR, ("ConnWait: received error packet; code %x, msg %s\n",
// packet->BlockNumber, packet->Data) );
} else { // unexpected TFTP opcode
DPRINT( ERROR, ("ConnWait: received unknown TFTP opcode %d\n", packet->Opcode) );
ConnError( Connection, remoteHost, remotePort, TFTP_ERROR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION, "Bad opcode received" );
DPRINT( ERROR, ("ConnWait: timeout\n") );
ConnError( Connection, Connection->RemoteHost, Connection->RemotePort, TFTP_ERROR_UNDEFINED, "Timeout on receive" );
} // ConnWait
VOID ConnAck ( IN PCONNECTION Connection ) //
// Generate and send an ack packet for the specified connection. Also
// update the block number. Use the packet stored in Connection->LastSent to build
// the ack in.
{ PTFTP_PACKET packet; ULONG length;
#ifdef EFI
// There's nothing to do here for an EFI environment.
ASSERT( FALSE ); return; #endif
packet = Connection->LastSentPacket;
length = 4; packet->Opcode = TFTP_DACK; packet->BlockNumber = SWAP_WORD( Connection->BlockNumber );
ConnSendPacket( Connection, packet, length ); Connection->Retransmissions = 0; Connection->BlockNumber++; #ifdef WRAP_TO_1
if ( Connection->BlockNumber == 0 ) { Connection->BlockNumber = 1; } #endif
} // ConnAck
VOID ConnError ( IN PCONNECTION Connection, IN ULONG RemoteHost, IN USHORT RemotePort, IN USHORT ErrorCode, IN PUCHAR ErrorMessage ) //
// Make an error packet to send to the specified foreign host and port
// with the specified error code and error message. This routine is
// used to send error messages in response to packets received from
// unexpected foreign hosts or tid's as well as those received for the
// current connection. It allocates a packet specially
// for the error message because such error messages will not be
// retransmitted. Send it out on the connection.
{ PTFTP_PACKET packet; ULONG length;
DPRINT( CONN_ERROR, ("ConnError: code %x, msg %s\n", ErrorCode, ErrorMessage) );
#ifdef EFI
// There's nothing to do here for an EFI environment.
return; #endif
packet = (PTFTP_PACKET)NetTftpPacket[2];
length = 4; packet->Opcode = TFTP_ERROR; packet->BlockNumber = ErrorCode; strcpy( packet->Data, ErrorMessage ); length += ConnStrsize(ErrorMessage);
UdpSend( packet, length, RemoteHost, RemotePort );
} // ConnError
VOID ConnSendPacket ( IN PCONNECTION Connection, IN PVOID Packet, IN ULONG Length ) //
// Send the specified packet, with the specified tftp length (length -
// udp and ip headers) out on the current connection. Fill in the
// needed parts of the udp and ip headers, byte-swap the tftp packet,
// etc; then write it out. Then set up for retransmit.
#ifdef EFI
// There's nothing to do here for an EFI environment.
ASSERT( FALSE ); return; #endif
UdpSend( Packet, Length, Connection->RemoteHost, Connection->RemotePort );
Connection->LastSentPacket = Packet; Connection->LastSentLength = Length; Connection->NextRetransmit = SysGetRelativeTime() + Connection->Timeout;
} // ConnSendPacket
PTFTP_PACKET ConnPrepareSend ( IN PCONNECTION Connection ) //
// Return a pointer to the next tftp packet suitable for filling for
// writes on the connection.
{ #ifdef EFI
// There's nothing to do here for an EFI environment.
ASSERT( FALSE ); return NULL; #endif
return Connection->CurrentPacket;
} // ConnPrepareSend
NTSTATUS ConnWaitForFinalAck ( IN PCONNECTION Connection ) //
// Finish off a write connection. Wait for the last ack, then
// close the connection and return.
{ return ConnWait( Connection, TFTP_DACK, NULL );
} // ConnWaitForFinalAck
BOOLEAN ConnRetransmit ( IN PCONNECTION Connection, IN BOOLEAN Timeout ) //
// Retransmit the last-sent packet, up to MAX_RETRANS times. Exponentially
// back off the timeout time up to a maximum of MAX_TIMEOUT. This algorithm
// may be replaced by a better one in which the timeout time is set from
// the maximum round-trip time to date.
// The second argument indicates whether the retransmission is due to the
// arrival of a duplicate packet or a timeout. If a duplicate, don't include
// this retransmission in the maximum retransmission count.
#ifdef EFI
// There's nothing to do here for an EFI environment.
ASSERT( FALSE ); return TRUE; #endif
if ( Timeout ) {
// This is a timeout. Check the retransmit count.
if ( ++Connection->Retransmissions >= MAX_RETRANS ) {
// Retransmits exhausted.
return FALSE; }
} else {
// Duplicate packet. If we just sent a packet, don't send
// another one. This deals with the case where we receive
// multiple identical packets in rapid succession, possibly
// due to network problems or slowness at the remote computer.
if ( Connection->NextRetransmit == SysGetRelativeTime() + Connection->Timeout ) { return TRUE; } }
Connection->Timeout <<= 1; if ( Connection->Timeout > MAX_TIMEOUT ) { Connection->Timeout = MAX_TIMEOUT; }
ConnSendPacket( Connection, Connection->LastSentPacket, Connection->LastSentLength );
return TRUE;
} // ConnRetransmit
ULONG ConnSafeAtol ( IN PUCHAR Buffer, IN PUCHAR BufferEnd ) { ULONG value; UCHAR c;
value = 0;
while ( Buffer < BufferEnd ) {
c = *Buffer++;
if ( c == 0 ) { return value; }
if ( (c < '0') || (c > '9') ) { break; }
value = (value * 10) + (c - '0'); }
return (ULONG)-1;
} // ConnSafeAtol
ULONG ConnItoa ( IN ULONG Value, OUT PUCHAR Buffer ) { PUCHAR p; ULONG digit; UCHAR c;
p = Buffer;
// Put the value string into the buffer in reverse order.
do { digit = Value % 10; Value /= 10; *p++ = (UCHAR)(digit + '0'); } while ( Value > 0 );
// Terminate the string and move back to the last character in the string.
digit = (ULONG)(p - Buffer + 1); // size of string (including terminator)
*p-- = 0;
// Reverse the string.
do { c = *p; *p-- = *Buffer; *Buffer++ = c; } while ( Buffer < p );
return digit;
} // ConnItoa
ULONG ConnSigntoa ( IN PUCHAR Sign, IN ULONG SignLength, OUT PUCHAR Buffer ) { PUCHAR p; ULONG digit; UCHAR c; ULONG i;
for (i = 0; i < SignLength; i++) {
digit = Sign[i] / 16;
if (digit >= 10) { c = (UCHAR)('a' + digit - 10); } else { c = (UCHAR)('0' + digit); }
*Buffer = c; ++Buffer;
digit = Sign[i] % 16;
if (digit >= 10) { c = (UCHAR)('a' + digit - 10); } else { c = (UCHAR)('0' + digit); }
*Buffer = c; ++Buffer;
*Buffer = '\0';
return (2 * SignLength) + 1;
} // ConnSigntoa
ULONG ConnAtosign ( IN PUCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG SignLength, OUT PUCHAR Sign ) { ULONG nibble; ULONG curDigit; PUCHAR curBuffer;
curDigit = 0; curBuffer = Buffer;
while (curDigit <= SignLength) {
if ((*curBuffer >= '0') && (*curBuffer <= '9')) { nibble = *curBuffer - '0'; } else if ((*curBuffer >= 'a') && (*curBuffer <= 'f')) { nibble = *curBuffer - 'a' + 10; } else if ((*curBuffer >= 'A') && (*curBuffer <= 'F')) { nibble = *curBuffer - 'A' + 10; } else { break; } ++curBuffer;
if ((*curBuffer >= '0') && (*curBuffer <= '9')) { Sign[curDigit] = (CHAR)((nibble << 4) + *curBuffer - '0'); } else if ((*curBuffer >= 'a') && (*curBuffer <= 'f')) { Sign[curDigit] = (CHAR)((nibble << 4) + *curBuffer - 'a' + 10); } else if ((*curBuffer >= 'A') && (*curBuffer <= 'F')) { Sign[curDigit] = (CHAR)((nibble << 4) + *curBuffer - 'A' + 10); } else { break; } ++curBuffer;
++curDigit; }
// If we hit the end of our curBuffer, then skip the rest of the input.
while (*curBuffer != '\0') { ++curBuffer; }
// Return the amount consumed, plus one for the final \0.
return (ULONG)((curBuffer - Buffer) + 1);
} // ConnAtosign
#endif // defined(REMOTE_BOOT_SECURITY)
BOOLEAN ConnSafeStrequal ( IN PUCHAR Buffer, IN PUCHAR BufferEnd, IN PUCHAR CompareString ) {
while ( Buffer < BufferEnd ) { if ( *Buffer != *CompareString ) { return FALSE; } if ( *CompareString == 0 ) { return TRUE; } Buffer++; CompareString++; }
return FALSE;
} // ConnSafeStrequal
ULONG ConnSafeStrsize ( IN PUCHAR Buffer, IN PUCHAR BufferEnd ) { PUCHAR eos;
eos = Buffer;
while ( eos < BufferEnd ) { if ( *eos++ == 0 ) { return (ULONG)(eos - Buffer); } }
return 0;
} // ConnSafeStrsize
ULONG ConnStrsize ( IN PUCHAR Buffer ) { PUCHAR eos;
eos = Buffer;
while ( *eos++ != 0 ) ;
return (ULONG)(eos - Buffer);
} // ConnStrsize