Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This handles requests to have devices set themselves at specific power levels
Stephane Plante (splante)
Kernel mode only.
Revision History:
09-Oct-96 Initial Revision 20-Nov-96 Interrupt Vector support 31-Mar-97 Cleanup 17-Sep-97 Major Rewrite 06-Jan-98 Cleaned Up the SST code
#include "pch.h"
// This is the variable that indicates wether or not the DPC is running
BOOLEAN AcpiPowerDpcRunning;
// This is the variable that indicates wether or not the DPC has completed
// real work
BOOLEAN AcpiPowerWorkDone;
// This is the lock that is used to protect certain power resources and
// lists
KSPIN_LOCK AcpiPowerLock;
// This is the lock that is used *only* within this module to queue requests
// onto the Phase0 list *and* to modify the state of some global variables
KSPIN_LOCK AcpiPowerQueueLock;
// This is the list that the build dpc queue power requests onto until it
// has finished building all of the device extensions. Once the extensions
// are built, the contents of the list are moved onto the AcpiPowerQueueList
LIST_ENTRY AcpiPowerDelayedQueueList;
// This is the only list that routines outside of the DPC can queue reqests
// onto
LIST_ENTRY AcpiPowerQueueList;
// This is the list where we run the _STA to determine if the resources that
// we care about are still present
LIST_ENTRY AcpiPowerPhase0List;
// This is the list for the phase where we run PS1-PS3 and figure out
// which PowerResources need to be in the 'on' state
LIST_ENTRY AcpiPowerPhase1List;
// This is the list for when we process the System Requests. It turns out
// that we have to let all of the DeviceRequests through Phase1 before
// we can figure out which devices are on the hibernate path, and which
// arent
LIST_ENTRY AcpiPowerPhase2List;
// This is the list for the phase where we run ON or OFF
LIST_ENTRY AcpiPowerPhase3List;
// This is the list for the phase where we check to see if ON/OFF ran okay
LIST_ENTRY AcpiPowerPhase4List;
// This is the list for the phase where we run PSW or PSW
LIST_ENTRY AcpiPowerPhase5List;
// This is the list for the phase where we have WaitWake Irps pending
LIST_ENTRY AcpiPowerWaitWakeList;
// This is the list for the synchronize power requests
LIST_ENTRY AcpiPowerSynchronizeList;
// This is the list of Power Device Nodes objects
LIST_ENTRY AcpiPowerNodeList;
// This is what we use to queue up the DPC
KDPC AcpiPowerDpc;
// This is where we remember if the system is in steady state or if it is going
// into standby
BOOLEAN AcpiPowerLeavingS0;
// This is the list that we use to pre-allocate storage for requests
// This is the list that we use to pre-allocate storage for object data
// This table is used to map DevicePowerStates from the ACPI format to some
// thing the system can handle
DEVICE_POWER_STATE DevicePowerStateTranslation[DEVICE_POWER_MAXIMUM] = { PowerDeviceD0, PowerDeviceD1, PowerDeviceD2, PowerDeviceD3 };
// This table is used to map SystemPowerStates from the ACPI format to some
// thing the system can handle
SYSTEM_POWER_STATE SystemPowerStateTranslation[SYSTEM_POWER_MAXIMUM] = { PowerSystemWorking, PowerSystemSleeping1, PowerSystemSleeping2, PowerSystemSleeping3, PowerSystemHibernate, PowerSystemShutdown };
// This table is used to map SystemPowerStates from the NT format to the
// ACPI format
ULONG AcpiSystemStateTranslation[PowerSystemMaximum] = { -1, // PowerSystemUnspecified
0, // PowerSystemWorking
1, // PowerSystemSleepingS1
2, // PowerSystemSleepingS2
3, // PowerSystemSleepingS3
4, // PowerSystemHibernate
5 // PowerSystemShutdown
// This is the table used to map functions in the Phase0 case WORK_DONE_STEP_0
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase0Table1[AcpiPowerRequestMaximum+1] = { ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase0DeviceSubPhase1, ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase0SystemSubPhase1, ACPIDevicePowerProcessForward, ACPIDevicePowerProcessForward, ACPIDevicePowerProcessForward, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid };
// This is the table used to map functions in the Phase0 case WORK_DONE_STEP_1
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase0Table2[AcpiPowerRequestMaximum+1] = { ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase0DeviceSubPhase2, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid };
// This is the dispatch table for Phase 0
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION *AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase0Dispatch[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase0Table1, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase0Table2 };
// This is the table used to map functions in the Phase1 case WORK_DONE_STEP_0
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase1Table1[AcpiPowerRequestMaximum+1] = { ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase1DeviceSubPhase1, ACPIDevicePowerProcessForward, ACPIDevicePowerProcessForward, ACPIDevicePowerProcessForward, ACPIDevicePowerProcessForward, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid };
// This is the table used to map functions in the Phase1 case WORK_DONE_STEP_1
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase1Table2[AcpiPowerRequestMaximum+1] = { ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase1DeviceSubPhase2, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid };
// This is the table used to map functions in the Phase1 case WORK_DONE_STEP_2
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase1Table3[AcpiPowerRequestMaximum+1] = { ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase1DeviceSubPhase3, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid };
// This is the table used to map functions in the Phase1 case WORK_DONE_STEP_3
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase1Table4[AcpiPowerRequestMaximum+1] = { ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase1DeviceSubPhase4, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid };
// This is the dispatch table for Phase 1
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION *AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase1Dispatch[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase1Table1, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase1Table2, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase1Table3, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase1Table4 };
// This is the table used to map functions in the Phase2 case WORK_DONE_STEP_0
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase2Table1[AcpiPowerRequestMaximum+1] = { ACPIDevicePowerProcessForward, ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase2SystemSubPhase1, ACPIDevicePowerProcessForward, ACPIDevicePowerProcessForward, ACPIDevicePowerProcessForward, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid };
// This is the table used to map functions in the Phase2 case WORK_DONE_STEP_1
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase2Table2[AcpiPowerRequestMaximum+1] = { ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase2SystemSubPhase2, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid };
// This is the table used to map functions in the Phase3 case WORK_DONE_STEP_2
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase2Table3[AcpiPowerRequestMaximum+1] = { ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase2SystemSubPhase3, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid };
// This is the dispatch table for Phase 2
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION *AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase2Dispatch[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase2Table1, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase2Table2, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase2Table3 };
// This is the table used to map functions in the Phase5 case WORK_DONE_STEP_0
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase5Table1[AcpiPowerRequestMaximum+1] = { ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase1, ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5SystemSubPhase1, ACPIDevicePowerProcessForward, ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5WarmEjectSubPhase1, ACPIDevicePowerProcessForward, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid };
// This is the table used to map functions in the Phase 5 case WORK_DONE_STEP_1
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase5Table2[AcpiPowerRequestMaximum+1] = { ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase2, ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5SystemSubPhase2, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5WarmEjectSubPhase2, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid };
// This is the table used to map functions in the Phase 5 case WORK_DONE_STEP_2
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase5Table3[AcpiPowerRequestMaximum+1] = { ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase3, ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5SystemSubPhase3, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid };
// This is the table used to map functions in the Phase 5 case WORK_DONE_STEP_3
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase5Table4[AcpiPowerRequestMaximum+1] = { ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase4, ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5SystemSubPhase4, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid };
// This is the table used to map functions in the Phase 5 case WORK_DONE_STEP_4
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase5Table5[AcpiPowerRequestMaximum+1] = { ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase5, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid };
// This is the table used to map functions in the Phase 5 case WORK_DONE_STEP_5
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase5Table6[AcpiPowerRequestMaximum+1] = { ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase6, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid, ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid };
// This is the dispatch table for Phase 5
PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION *AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase5Dispatch[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase5Table1, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase5Table2, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase5Table3, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase5Table4, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase5Table5, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase5Table6 };
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,ACPIDevicePowerDetermineSupportedDeviceStates)
VOID ACPIDeviceCancelWaitWakeIrp( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called when the system wants to cancel any pending WaitWake Irps
Note: This routine is called at DPC level
DeviceObject - The target device for which the irp was sent to Irp - The irp to be cancelled
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; PACPI_POWER_CALLBACK callBack; PACPI_POWER_REQUEST powerRequest; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = ACPIInternalGetDeviceExtension(DeviceObject); PLIST_ENTRY listEntry; PVOID context;
ASSERT( KeGetCurrentIrql() == DISPATCH_LEVEL);
// Let the world know that we are getting a cancel routine
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_WARNING, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDeviceCancelWaitWakeIrp - Start\n", Irp ) );
// We need to grab the lock so that we look for the irp in the lists
// of pending WaitWake events. The cancel lock is already acquired
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock );
// Walk the list, looking for the Irp in question
listEntry = AcpiPowerWaitWakeList.Flink; while (listEntry != &AcpiPowerWaitWakeList) {
// Crack the record, and get ready to look at the next item
powerRequest = CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, ACPI_POWER_REQUEST, ListEntry );
// Does the power request match the current target? We also know that
// for WaitWake requests, the context poitns to the Irp, so we make
// sure that those match as well.
if (powerRequest->DeviceExtension != deviceExtension || (PIRP) powerRequest->Context != Irp ) {
listEntry = listEntry->Flink; continue;
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDeviceCancelWaitWakeIrp - Match 0x%08lx\n", Irp, powerRequest ) );
// Remove the request from the WaitWakeList
RemoveEntryList( listEntry );
// Rebuild the GPE mask
ACPIWakeRemoveDevicesAndUpdate( NULL, NULL );
// Grab whatever information we feel we need from the request
powerRequest->Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; callBack = powerRequest->CallBack; context = powerRequest->Context;
// Release the power spinlock and the Cancel spinlock
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock ); IoReleaseCancelSpinLock( Irp->CancelIrql );
// Call the completion routine
(*callBack)( deviceExtension, Irp, STATUS_CANCELLED );
// Disable the device --- the CallBack *must* be invoked by this
// routine, so we don't need to do it ourselves
status = ACPIWakeEnableDisableAsync( deviceExtension, FALSE, ACPIDeviceCancelWaitWakeIrpCallBack, powerRequest );
// We are done, so we can return now
} // while (listEntry != &AcpiPowerWaitWakeList)
// In this case, the irp isn't in our queue. Display and assert for
// now
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_WARNING, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDeviceCancelWaitWakeIrp - Not Found!\n", Irp ) );
// We really shouldn't fall to this point,
// Release the spinlocks
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock ); IoReleaseCancelSpinLock( Irp->CancelIrql );
VOID EXPORT ACPIDeviceCancelWaitWakeIrpCallBack( IN PNSOBJ AcpiObject, IN NTSTATUS Status, IN POBJDATA ObjectData, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called after _PSW(Off) has been run as part of the task of cancelling the irp. This routine is here so that we can free the request and to allow us to keep track of things
AcpiObject - Points to the control method that was run Status - Result of the method ObjectData - Information about the result Context - ACPI_POWER_REQUEST
Return Value:
--*/ { PACPI_POWER_REQUEST powerRequest = (PACPI_POWER_REQUEST) Context; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = powerRequest->DeviceExtension;
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "ACPIDeviceCancelWaitWakeIrpCallBack = 0x%08lx\n", Status ) );
// free the request
ExFreeToNPagedLookasideList( &RequestLookAsideList, powerRequest );
VOID ACPIDeviceCompleteCommon( IN PULONG OldWorkDone, IN ULONG NewWorkDone ) /*++
Routine Description:
Since the completion routines all have to do some bit of common work to get the DPC firing again, this routine reduces the code duplication
OldWorkDone - Pointer to the old work done NewWorkDone - The new amount of work that has been completed
NOTENOTE: There is an implicit assumption that the current value of WorkDone in the request is WORK_DONE_PENDING
Return Value:
--*/ { KIRQL oldIrql;
// Mark the request as being complete
InterlockedCompareExchange( OldWorkDone, NewWorkDone, WORK_DONE_PENDING );
// We need this lock to look at the following variables
KeAcquireSpinLock( &AcpiPowerQueueLock, &oldIrql );
// No matter what, work was done
AcpiPowerWorkDone = TRUE;
// Is the DPC already running?
if (!AcpiPowerDpcRunning) {
// Better make sure it does then
KeInsertQueueDpc( &AcpiPowerDpc, 0, 0 );
// Done with the lock
KeReleaseSpinLock( &AcpiPowerQueueLock, oldIrql );
VOID EXPORT ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( IN PNSOBJ AcpiObject, IN NTSTATUS Status, IN POBJDATA ObjectData, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the generic completion handler. If the interpreter has successfully executed the method, it completes the request to the next desired WORK_DONE, otherwise it fails the request.
AcpiObject - Points to the control method that was run Status - Result of the method ObjectData - Information about the result Context - ACPI_POWER_REQUEST
Return Value:
--*/ { DEVICE_POWER_STATE deviceState; PACPI_POWER_REQUEST powerRequest = (PACPI_POWER_REQUEST) Context; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = powerRequest->DeviceExtension;
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase = 0x%08lx\n", Status ) );
// Decide what state we should transition to next
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
// Then complete the request as failed
powerRequest->Status = Status; ACPIDeviceCompleteCommon( &(powerRequest->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_FAILURE);
} else {
// Get ready to go the next stage
ACPIDeviceCompleteCommon( &(powerRequest->WorkDone), powerRequest->NextWorkDone );
} }
VOID EXPORT ACPIDeviceCompleteInterpreterRequest( IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called after the interpreter has flushed its queue and marked itself as no longer accepting requests.
Context - The context we told the interpreter to pass back to us
Return Value:
--*/ {
// This is just a wrapper for CompleteRequest (because the interpreter
// used different callbacks in this case)
ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( NULL, STATUS_SUCCESS, NULL, Context ); }
VOID EXPORT ACPIDeviceCompletePhase3Off( IN PNSOBJ AcpiObject, IN NTSTATUS Status, IN POBJDATA ObjectData, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called after _OFF has been run on a Power Resource
AcpiObject - Points to the control method that was run Status - Result of the method ObjectData - Information about the result Context - ACPI_POWER_DEVICE_NODE
Return Value:
ACPIPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, "ACPIDeviceCompletePhase3Off: PowerNode: 0x%08lx OFF = 0x%08lx\n", powerNode, Status ) );
// We need a spin lock for this
KeAcquireSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, &oldIrql );
// First step is to set the new flags for the node
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
ACPIInternalUpdateFlags( &(powerNode->Flags), DEVICE_NODE_ON, TRUE );
} else {
ACPIInternalUpdateFlags( &(powerNode->Flags), DEVICE_NODE_FAIL, FALSE );
// We can give up the lock now
KeReleaseSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, oldIrql );
// Done
ACPIDeviceCompleteCommon( &(powerNode->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_COMPLETE ); }
VOID EXPORT ACPIDeviceCompletePhase3On( IN PNSOBJ AcpiObject, IN NTSTATUS Status, IN POBJDATA ObjectData, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called after _ON has been run on a Power Resource
AcpiObject - Points to the control method that was run Status - Result of the method ObjectData - Information about the result Context - ACPI_POWER_DEVICE_NODE
Return Value:
ACPIPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, "ACPIDeviceCompletePhase3On: PowerNode: 0x%08lx ON = 0x%08lx\n", powerNode, Status ) );
// We need a spin lock for this
KeAcquireSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, &oldIrql );
// First step is to set the new flags for the node
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
ACPIInternalUpdateFlags( &(powerNode->Flags), DEVICE_NODE_ON, FALSE );
} else {
ACPIInternalUpdateFlags( &(powerNode->Flags), DEVICE_NODE_FAIL, FALSE );
// We can give up the lock now
KeReleaseSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, oldIrql );
// Done
ACPIDeviceCompleteCommon( &(powerNode->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_COMPLETE ); }
VOID ACPIDeviceCompleteRequest( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine invokes the callbacks on a given PowerRequest, dequeues the request from any list that it is on, and does any other post-processing that is required.
Note: this is where *all* of the various special handling should be done. A prime example of something that should be done here is that we want to return STATUS_SUCCESS to any Dx irp that are more off
None used
--*/ { KIRQL oldIrql; PACPI_POWER_CALLBACK callBack = PowerRequest->CallBack; PACPI_POWER_REQUEST nextRequest; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension;
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDeviceCompleteRequest = 0x%08lx\n", PowerRequest, PowerRequest->Status ) );
if (PowerRequest->RequestType == AcpiPowerRequestDevice ) {
if (deviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerState != PowerDeviceUnspecified) {
// If this is the first time we have seen the request, and it
// is a failure, then we should undo whatever it was we did
if (PowerRequest->FailedOnce == FALSE && !NT_SUCCESS(PowerRequest->Status) ) {
// Grab the queue Lock
KeAcquireSpinLock( &AcpiPowerQueueLock, &oldIrql );
// Transition back to the previous state
PowerRequest->u.DevicePowerRequest.DevicePowerState = deviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerState; PowerRequest->FailedOnce = TRUE;
// Remove the Request from the current list
RemoveEntryList( &(PowerRequest->ListEntry) );
// Insert the request back in the Phase0 list
InsertTailList( &(AcpiPowerQueueList), &(PowerRequest->ListEntry) );
// Work was done --- we reinserted the request into the queues
AcpiPowerWorkDone = TRUE;
// Make sure that the dpc is running, start it if neccessary.
if ( !AcpiPowerDpcRunning ) {
KeInsertQueueDpc( &AcpiPowerDpc, NULL, NULL );
// Done with the queue lock
KeReleaseSpinLock( &AcpiPowerQueueLock, oldIrql );
// we cannot continue
// Are we turning the device more off?
deviceState = PowerRequest->u.DevicePowerRequest.DevicePowerState; if (deviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerState < deviceState ) {
// Yes, then no matter what, we succeeded
PowerRequest->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
// Invoke the callback, if there is any
if (callBack != NULL) {
(*callBack)( deviceExtension, PowerRequest->Context, PowerRequest->Status );
// Grab the queue Lock
KeAcquireSpinLock( &AcpiPowerQueueLock, &oldIrql );
// Remove the Request from all lists
RemoveEntryList( &(PowerRequest->ListEntry) ); RemoveEntryList( &(PowerRequest->SerialListEntry) );
// Should we queue up another request?
if (!IsListEmpty( &(deviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerRequestListEntry) ) ) {
// No? Then make sure that the request gets processed
nextRequest = CONTAINING_RECORD( deviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerRequestListEntry.Flink, ACPI_POWER_REQUEST, SerialListEntry );
InsertTailList( &(AcpiPowerQueueList), &(nextRequest->ListEntry) );
// Remember this as the current request
deviceExtension->PowerInfo.CurrentPowerRequest = nextRequest;
} else {
deviceExtension->PowerInfo.CurrentPowerRequest = NULL;
// Done with the queue lock
KeReleaseSpinLock( &AcpiPowerQueueLock, oldIrql );
// Free the allocate memory
ExFreeToNPagedLookasideList( &RequestLookAsideList, PowerRequest );
Routine Description:
This is the actual worker function that fills in a PowerRequest
DeviceExtension - Target device PowerState - Target S or D state CallBack - routine to call when done CallBackContext - context to pass when done PowerAction - The reason we are doing this RequestType - What kind of request we are looking at Flags - Some flags that will let us control the behavior more
Return Value:
--*/ { KIRQL oldIrql; PACPI_POWER_REQUEST powerRequest;
// Allocate a powerRequest structure
powerRequest = ExAllocateFromNPagedLookasideList( &RequestLookAsideList ); if (powerRequest == NULL) {
// Call the completion routine
if (*CallBack != NULL) {
(*CallBack)( DeviceExtension, CallBackContext, STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES );
// Fill in the common parts of the structure powerRequest structure
RtlZeroMemory( powerRequest, sizeof(ACPI_POWER_REQUEST) ); powerRequest->Signature = ACPI_SIGNATURE; powerRequest->CallBack = CallBack; powerRequest->Context = CallBackContext; powerRequest->DeviceExtension = DeviceExtension; powerRequest->WorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_0; powerRequest->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; powerRequest->RequestType = RequestType; InitializeListHead( &(powerRequest->ListEntry) ); InitializeListHead( &(powerRequest->SerialListEntry) );
// At this point, we need the spinlock
KeAcquireSpinLock( &AcpiPowerQueueLock, &oldIrql );
// Fill in the request specific parts of the structure
switch (RequestType) { case AcpiPowerRequestDevice: {
ULONG count;
count = InterlockedCompareExchange( &(DeviceExtension->HibernatePathCount), 0, 0); if (count) {
// If we are on the hibernate path, then special rules apply
// We need to basically lock down all the power resources on the
// device.
if (PowerAction == PowerActionHibernate && Power.DeviceState == PowerDeviceD3) {
} else if (PowerAction != PowerActionHibernate && Power.DeviceState == PowerDeviceD0) {
powerRequest->u.DevicePowerRequest.DevicePowerState = Power.DeviceState; powerRequest->u.DevicePowerRequest.Flags = Flags;
// If the transition is *to* a lower Dx state, then we need to run
// the function that lets the system that we are about to do this work
if (Power.DeviceState > DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerState && DeviceExtension->DeviceObject != NULL) {
PoSetPowerState( DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, DevicePowerState, Power );
} break;
} case AcpiPowerRequestWaitWake: {
NTSTATUS status;
powerRequest->u.WaitWakeRequest.SystemPowerState = Power.SystemState; powerRequest->u.WaitWakeRequest.Flags = Flags;
// Release the spinlock --- no longer required, enable the wakeup for the
// device and return
KeReleaseSpinLock( &AcpiPowerQueueLock, oldIrql ); status = ACPIWakeEnableDisableAsync( DeviceExtension, TRUE, ACPIDeviceIrpWaitWakeRequestPending, powerRequest ); if (status == STATUS_PENDING) {
} return status;
} case AcpiPowerRequestSystem: powerRequest->u.SystemPowerRequest.SystemPowerState = Power.SystemState; powerRequest->u.SystemPowerRequest.SystemPowerAction = PowerAction; break;
case AcpiPowerRequestWarmEject: powerRequest->u.EjectPowerRequest.EjectPowerState = Power.SystemState; powerRequest->u.EjectPowerRequest.Flags = Flags; break;
case AcpiPowerRequestSynchronize: powerRequest->u.SynchronizePowerRequest.Flags = Flags; break;
// Should we even queue the request?
goto ACPIDeviceInitializePowerRequestExit;
// Add the request to the right place in the lists. Note that this function
// must be called with the PowerQueueLock being held.
ACPIDeviceInternalQueueRequest( DeviceExtension, powerRequest, Flags );
// Done with the spinlock
KeReleaseSpinLock( &AcpiPowerQueueLock, oldIrql );
// The request will not be completed immediately. Note that we return
// MORE_PROCESSING requird just in case this routine was called within
// the context of a completion routine. It is the caller's responsibility
// to turn this into a STATUS_PENDING
NTSTATUS ACPIDeviceInternalDelayedDeviceRequest( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN DEVICE_POWER_STATE DeviceState, IN PACPI_POWER_CALLBACK CallBack, IN PVOID CallBackContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called when a device extension wants to transition to another Device State. This one differs from the ACPIDeviceInternalDeviceRequest function in that the queue is only emptied by the build device DPC when it has flushed the device list
DeviceExtension - The device which wants to transition DeviceState - What the desired target state is CallBack - The function to call when done CallBackContext - The argument to pass to that function
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; POWER_STATE powerState;
// Let the user know what is going on
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, DeviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDeviceInternalDelayedDeviceRequest - " "Transition to D%d\n", CallBackContext, (DeviceState - PowerDeviceD0) ) );
// Cast the desired state
powerState.DeviceState = DeviceState;
// Queue the request
status = ACPIDeviceInitializePowerRequest( DeviceExtension, powerState, CallBack, CallBackContext, PowerActionNone, AcpiPowerRequestDevice, (DEVICE_REQUEST_DELAYED | DEVICE_REQUEST_UNLOCK_DEVICE) ); if (status == STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED) {
} return status; }
NTSTATUS ACPIDeviceInternalDeviceRequest( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN DEVICE_POWER_STATE DeviceState, IN PACPI_POWER_CALLBACK CallBack, IN PVOID CallBackContext, IN ULONG Flags ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called when a device extension wants to transition to another Device State
DeviceExtension - The device which wants to transition DeviceState - What the desired target state is CallBack - The function to call when done CallBackContext - The argument to pass to that function Flags - Flags (lock, unlock, etc)
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; POWER_STATE powerState;
// Let the user know what is going on
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, DeviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDeviceInternalDeviceRequest - Transition to D%d\n", CallBackContext, (DeviceState - PowerDeviceD0) ) );
// Cast the desired state
powerState.DeviceState = DeviceState;
// Queue the request
status = ACPIDeviceInitializePowerRequest( DeviceExtension, powerState, CallBack, CallBackContext, PowerActionNone, AcpiPowerRequestDevice, Flags ); if (status == STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED) {
} return status;
VOID ACPIDeviceInternalQueueRequest( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest, IN ULONG Flags ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called with the AcpiPowerQueueLock being held. The routine correctly adds the PowerRequest into the right list entries such that it will get processed in the correct order
DeviceExtension - The device in question PowerRequest - The request to queue Flags - Useful information about the request
Return Value:
--*/ { if (Flags & DEVICE_REQUEST_TO_SYNC_QUEUE) {
// add the request to the synchronize list
InsertHeadList( &AcpiPowerSynchronizeList, &(PowerRequest->ListEntry) );
} else if (IsListEmpty( &(DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerRequestListEntry) ) ) {
// We are going to add the request to both the device's serial list and
// the main power queue.
InsertTailList( &(DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerRequestListEntry), &(PowerRequest->SerialListEntry) ); if (Flags & DEVICE_REQUEST_DELAYED) {
InsertTailList( &(AcpiPowerDelayedQueueList), &(PowerRequest->ListEntry) );
} else {
InsertTailList( &(AcpiPowerQueueList), &(PowerRequest->ListEntry) );
} else {
// Serialize the request
InsertTailList( &(DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerRequestListEntry), &(PowerRequest->SerialListEntry) );
// Remember that Work *was* done
AcpiPowerWorkDone = TRUE;
// Make sure that the dpc is running, if it has to
if (!(Flags & DEVICE_REQUEST_DELAYED) && !AcpiPowerDpcRunning ) {
KeInsertQueueDpc( &AcpiPowerDpc, NULL, NULL );
// Done
return; }
NTSTATUS ACPIDeviceInternalSynchronizeRequest( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PACPI_POWER_CALLBACK CallBack, IN PVOID CallBackContext, IN ULONG Flags ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called when a device wants to make sure that the power dpc is empty
DeviceExtension - The device which wants to know CallBack - The function to call when done CallBackContext - The argument to pass to that function Flags - Flags (lock, unlock, etc)
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; POWER_STATE powerState;
// Let the user know what is going on
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, DeviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDeviceInternalSynchronizeRequest\n" ) );
// We don't care about the state
powerState.DeviceState = PowerDeviceUnspecified;
// Queue the request
status = ACPIDeviceInitializePowerRequest( DeviceExtension, powerState, CallBack, CallBackContext, PowerActionNone, AcpiPowerRequestSynchronize, (Flags | DEVICE_REQUEST_TO_SYNC_QUEUE) ); if (status == STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED) {
} return status;
VOID ACPIDeviceIrpCompleteRequest( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PVOID Context, IN NTSTATUS Status ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is one of the completion routines for Irp-based device power management requests
This routine will always complete the request with the given status.
DeviceExtension - Points to the DeviceExtension that was the target Context - The Irp that was associated with the request Status - The Result of the request
Return Value:
None --*/ { PIRP irp = (PIRP) Context; LONG oldReferenceValue;
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, DeviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDeviceIrpCompleteRequest = 0x%08lx\n", irp, Status ) );
// Start the next power request
PoStartNextPowerIrp( irp );
// Mark it pending (again) because it was pending already
IoMarkIrpPending( irp );
// Complete this irp
irp->IoStatus.Status = Status; IoCompleteRequest( irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT );
// Remove our reference
ACPIInternalDecrementIrpReferenceCount( DeviceExtension ); }
VOID ACPIDeviceIrpDelayedDeviceOffRequest( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PVOID Context, IN NTSTATUS Status ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is one of the completion routines for Irp-based device power management requests
This routine completes the irp (on failure), or forwards it to the DeviceObject below this one (on success)
DeviceExtension - Points to the DeviceExtension that was the target Context - The Irp that was associated with the request Status - The Result of the request
Return Value:
None --*/ { PIRP irp = (PIRP) Context; LONG oldReferenceValue;
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, DeviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDeviceIrpDelayedDeviceOffRequest = 0x%08lx\n", irp, Status ) );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
// Start the next power request
PoStartNextPowerIrp( irp );
// Complete this irp
irp->IoStatus.Status = Status; IoCompleteRequest( irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT );
} else {
// We cannot call ForwardPowerIrp because that would blow away our
// completion routine
// Increment the OutstandingIrpCount since a completion routine
// counts for this purpose
InterlockedIncrement( (&DeviceExtension->OutstandingIrpCount) );
// Forward the power irp to target device
IoCopyCurrentIrpStackLocationToNext( irp );
// We want the completion routine to fire. We cannot call
// ACPIDispatchForwardPowerIrp here because we set this completion
// routine
IoSetCompletionRoutine( irp, ACPIDeviceIrpDeviceFilterRequest, ACPIDeviceIrpCompleteRequest, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
// Start the next power irp
PoStartNextPowerIrp( irp );
// Let the person below us execute. Note: we can't block at
// any time within this code path.
ASSERT( DeviceExtension->TargetDeviceObject != NULL); PoCallDriver( DeviceExtension->TargetDeviceObject, irp );
// Remove our reference
ACPIInternalDecrementIrpReferenceCount( DeviceExtension ); }
VOID ACPIDeviceIrpDelayedDeviceOnRequest( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PVOID Context, IN NTSTATUS Status ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is one of the completion routines for Irp-based device power management requests
This routine completes the irp (on failure), or forwards it to the DeviceObject below this one (on success)
DeviceExtension - Points to the DeviceExtension that was the target Context - The Irp that was associated with the request Status - The Result of the request
Return Value:
None --*/ { PIRP irp = (PIRP) Context; LONG oldReferenceValue;
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, DeviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDeviceIrpDelayedDeviceOnRequest = 0x%08lx\n", irp, Status ) );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
// Start the next power request
PoStartNextPowerIrp( irp );
// Complete this irp
irp->IoStatus.Status = Status; IoCompleteRequest( irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT );
} else {
// We cannot call ForwardPowerIrp because that would blow away our
// completion routine
// Increment the OutstandingIrpCount since a completion routine
// counts for this purpose
InterlockedIncrement( (&DeviceExtension->OutstandingIrpCount) );
// Forward the power irp to target device
IoCopyCurrentIrpStackLocationToNext( irp );
// We want the completion routine to fire. We cannot call
// ACPIDispatchForwardPowerIrp here because we set this completion
// routine
IoSetCompletionRoutine( irp, ACPIBuildRegOnRequest, ACPIDeviceIrpCompleteRequest, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
// Let the person below us execute. Note: we can't block at
// any time within this code path.
ASSERT( DeviceExtension->TargetDeviceObject != NULL); PoCallDriver( DeviceExtension->TargetDeviceObject, irp );
// Remove our reference
ACPIInternalDecrementIrpReferenceCount( DeviceExtension ); }
NTSTATUS ACPIDeviceIrpDeviceFilterRequest( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PACPI_POWER_CALLBACK CallBack ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called when an Irp wishes to do D-level power management
Note: that we always pass the Irp back as the Context for the CallBack
DeviceObject - The target device object Irp - The target irp CallBack - The routine to call when done
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOLEAN unlockDevice = FALSE; DEVICE_POWER_STATE deviceState; LONG oldReferenceValue; NTSTATUS status; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = ACPIInternalGetDeviceExtension(DeviceObject); PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp ); POWER_ACTION powerAction; POWER_STATE powerState;
// Grab the requested device state
deviceState = irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState; powerAction = irpStack->Parameters.Power.ShutdownType;
// Let the user know what is going on
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDeviceIrpDeviceFilterRequest - Transition to D%d\n", Irp, (deviceState - PowerDeviceD0) ) );
// Do we need to mark the irp as pending?
if (Irp->PendingReturned) {
IoMarkIrpPending( Irp );
// Lets us look at the current status code for the request. On error,
// we cannot call a completion routine because we would complete the
// irp at that point. Double-completing an irp is bad.
status = Irp->IoStatus.Status; if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// Remove our reference
ACPIInternalDecrementIrpReferenceCount( deviceExtension ); return status;
// Cast the desired state
powerState.DeviceState = deviceState;
// Determine if we should unlock the device
if (powerAction == PowerActionShutdown || powerAction == PowerActionShutdownReset || powerAction == PowerActionShutdownOff) {
unlockDevice = TRUE;
} #endif
// Queue the request --- this function will always return
// MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED instead of PENDING, so we don't have
// to mess with it
status = ACPIDeviceInitializePowerRequest( deviceExtension, powerState, CallBack, Irp, powerAction, AcpiPowerRequestDevice, (unlockDevice ? DEVICE_REQUEST_UNLOCK_DEVICE : 0) ); return status; }
Routine Description:
This routine is called when an Irp wishes to do D-level power management
Note: that we always pass the Irp back as the Context for the CallBack
DeviceObject - The target device object Irp - The target irp CallBack - The routine to call when done
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOLEAN unlockDevice = FALSE; DEVICE_POWER_STATE deviceState; NTSTATUS status; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = ACPIInternalGetDeviceExtension(DeviceObject); PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp ); POWER_ACTION powerAction; POWER_STATE powerState;
// Grab the requested device state and power action
deviceState = irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.DeviceState; powerAction = irpStack->Parameters.Power.ShutdownType;
// Let the user know what is going on
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDeviceIrpDeviceRequest - Transition to D%d\n", Irp, (deviceState - PowerDeviceD0) ) );
// Do we need to mark the irp as pending?
if (Irp->PendingReturned) {
IoMarkIrpPending( Irp );
// Lets us look at the current status code for the request. On error,
// we will just call the completion right now, and it is responsible
// for doing the 'right' thing
status = Irp->IoStatus.Status; if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// Call the completion routine and return
if (*CallBack != NULL ) {
(*CallBack)( deviceExtension, Irp, status ); return status;
// Cast the desired state
powerState.DeviceState = deviceState;
// Determine if we should unlock the device
if (powerAction == PowerActionShutdown || powerAction == PowerActionShutdownReset || powerAction == PowerActionShutdownOff) {
unlockDevice = TRUE;
} #endif
// Queue the request --- this function will always return
// MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED instead of PENDING, so we don't have
// to mess with it
status = ACPIDeviceInitializePowerRequest( deviceExtension, powerState, CallBack, Irp, powerAction, AcpiPowerRequestDevice, (unlockDevice ? DEVICE_REQUEST_UNLOCK_DEVICE : 0) ); return status; }
VOID ACPIDeviceIrpForwardRequest( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PVOID Context, IN NTSTATUS Status ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is one of the completion routines for Irp-based device power management requests
This routine completes the irp (on failure), or forwards it to the DeviceObject below this one (on success)
DeviceExtension - Points to the DeviceExtension that was the target Context - The Irp that was associated with the request Status - The Result of the request
Return Value:
None --*/ { PIRP irp = (PIRP) Context; LONG oldReferenceValue;
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, DeviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDeviceIrpForwardRequest = 0x%08lx\n", irp, Status ) );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
// Start the next power request
PoStartNextPowerIrp( irp );
// Complete this irp
irp->IoStatus.Status = Status; IoCompleteRequest( irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT );
} else {
PDEVICE_OBJECT devObject; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( irp );
devObject = irpSp->DeviceObject;
// Forward the request
ACPIDispatchForwardPowerIrp( devObject, irp );
// Remove our reference
ACPIInternalDecrementIrpReferenceCount( DeviceExtension ); }
Routine Description:
This routine is called when an Irp wishes to do S-level power management
Note: that we always pass the Irp back as the Context for the CallBack
DeviceObject - The target device object Irp - The target irp CallBack - The routine to call when done
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = ACPIInternalGetDeviceExtension(DeviceObject); PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp ); POWER_ACTION powerAction; POWER_STATE powerState; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE systemState;
// Grab the requested system state and system action
systemState = irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState; powerAction = irpStack->Parameters.Power.ShutdownType;
// Let the user know what is going on
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDeviceIrpSystemRequest - Transition to S%d\n", Irp, ACPIDeviceMapACPIPowerState(systemState) ) );
// Do we need to mark the irp as pending?
if (Irp->PendingReturned) {
IoMarkIrpPending( Irp );
// Lets us look at the current status code for the request. On error,
// we will just call the completion right now, and it is responsible
// for doing the 'right' thing
status = Irp->IoStatus.Status; if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// Call the completion routine and return
(*CallBack)( deviceExtension, Irp, status ); return status;
// Cast the desired state
powerState.SystemState = systemState;
// Queue the request --- this function will always return
// MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED instead of PENDING, so we don't have
// to mess with it
status = ACPIDeviceInitializePowerRequest( deviceExtension, powerState, CallBack, Irp, powerAction, AcpiPowerRequestSystem, 0 ); return status; }
Routine Description:
This routine is called when an Irp wishes to do wake support
Note: that we always pass the Irp back as the Context for the CallBack
Note: this function is coded differently then the other DeviceIrpXXXRequest functions --- there are no provisions made that this routine can be called as a IoCompletionRoutine, although the arguments could support it.
DeviceObject - The target device object Irp - The target irp CallBack - The routine to call when done
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = ACPIInternalGetDeviceExtension(DeviceObject); PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp ); POWER_STATE powerState; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE systemState;
// Grab the requested device state
systemState = irpStack->Parameters.WaitWake.PowerState;
// Let the user know what is going on
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_WAKE, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDeviceIrpWaitWakeRequest - Wait Wake S%d\n", Irp, ACPIDeviceMapACPIPowerState(systemState) ) );
// Cast the desired state
powerState.SystemState = systemState;
// Queue the request --- this function will always return
// MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED instead of PENDING, so we don't have
// to mess with it
status = ACPIDeviceInitializePowerRequest( deviceExtension, powerState, CallBack, Irp, PowerActionNone, AcpiPowerRequestWaitWake, DEVICE_REQUEST_NO_QUEUE ); return status; }
VOID ACPIDeviceIrpWaitWakeRequestComplete( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called when the WaitWake Irp is finally complete and we need to pass it back to whomever called us with it
PowerRequest - The request that was completed
Return Value:
--*/ { KIRQL oldIrql; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension;
// Make sure that we own the power lock for this
KeAcquireSpinLock( &AcpiPowerQueueLock, &oldIrql );
// Remember the device extension
deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension;
// Make sure that the request can no longer be cancelled
if (PowerRequest->u.WaitWakeRequest.Flags & DEVICE_REQUEST_HAS_CANCEL) {
KIRQL cancelIrql; PIRP irp = (PIRP) PowerRequest->Context;
IoAcquireCancelSpinLock( &cancelIrql );
IoSetCancelRoutine( irp, NULL ); PowerRequest->u.WaitWakeRequest.Flags &= ~DEVICE_REQUEST_HAS_CANCEL;
IoReleaseCancelSpinLock( cancelIrql );
// Add the request to the right place in the lists. Note this function
// must be called with the PowerQueueLock being held
ACPIDeviceInternalQueueRequest( deviceExtension, PowerRequest, PowerRequest->u.WaitWakeRequest.Flags );
// Done with spinlock
KeReleaseSpinLock( &AcpiPowerQueueLock, oldIrql ); }
VOID EXPORT ACPIDeviceIrpWaitWakeRequestPending( IN PNSOBJ AcpiObject, IN NTSTATUS Status, IN POBJDATA ObjectData, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called after _PSW has been run and we want to enable the GPE associated with the current object
AcpiObject - Points to the control method that was run Status - Result of the method ObjectData - Information about the result Context - ACPI_POWER_REQUEST
Return Value:
--*/ { KIRQL oldIrql; PACPI_POWER_REQUEST powerRequest = (PACPI_POWER_REQUEST) Context; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = powerRequest->DeviceExtension; PIRP irp = (PIRP) powerRequest->Context;
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_WAKE, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDeviceIrpWaitWakeRequestPending= 0x%08lx\n", powerRequest, Status ) );
// Did we fail the request?
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
powerRequest->Status = Status; ACPIDeviceIrpWaitWakeRequestComplete( powerRequest ); return;
// At this point, we need the power spin lock and the cancel spinlock
IoAcquireCancelSpinLock( &oldIrql ); KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock );
// Remember that we have this request outstanding
InsertTailList( &(AcpiPowerWaitWakeList), &(powerRequest->ListEntry) );
// Has the irp been cancelled?
if (irp->Cancel) {
// Yes, so lets release release the power lock and call the
// cancel routine
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock ); ACPIDeviceCancelWaitWakeIrp( deviceExtension->DeviceObject, irp );
// Return now --- the cancel routine should have taken care off
// everything else
// Remember that this request has a cancel routine
powerRequest->u.WaitWakeRequest.Flags |= DEVICE_REQUEST_HAS_CANCEL;
// Update the Gpe Wake Bits
ACPIWakeRemoveDevicesAndUpdate( NULL, NULL );
// Mark the Irp as cancelable
IoSetCancelRoutine( irp, ACPIDeviceCancelWaitWakeIrp );
// Done with the spinlocks
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock ); IoReleaseCancelSpinLock( oldIrql );
} // ACPIDeviceIrpWaitWakeRequestPending
NTSTATUS ACPIDeviceIrpWarmEjectRequest( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PIRP Irp, IN PACPI_POWER_CALLBACK CallBack, IN BOOLEAN UpdateHardwareProfile ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called when an Irp wishes to do S-level power management
Note: that we always pass the Irp back as the Context for the CallBack
DeviceExtension - Extension of the device with the _EJx methods to run Irp - The target irp CallBack - The routine to call when done Flags - Update profiles, etc
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp ); POWER_ACTION ejectAction; POWER_STATE powerState; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE ejectState;
// Grab the requested system state
ejectState = irpStack->Parameters.Power.State.SystemState;
// Let the user know what is going on
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, DeviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDeviceIrpWarmEjectRequest - Transition to S%d\n", Irp, ACPIDeviceMapACPIPowerState(ejectState) ) );
// Do we need to mark the irp as pending?
if (Irp->PendingReturned) {
IoMarkIrpPending( Irp );
// Lets us look at the current status code for the request. On error,
// we will just call the completion right now, and it is responsible
// for doing the 'right' thing
status = Irp->IoStatus.Status; if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// Call the completion routine and return
(*CallBack)( DeviceExtension, Irp, status ); return status;
// Cast the desired state
powerState.SystemState = ejectState;
// Queue the request --- this function will always return
// MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED instead of PENDING, so we don't have
// to mess with it
status = ACPIDeviceInitializePowerRequest( DeviceExtension, powerState, CallBack, Irp, PowerActionNone, AcpiPowerRequestWarmEject, UpdateHardwareProfile ? DEVICE_REQUEST_UPDATE_HW_PROFILE : 0 ); return status; }
#if 0
Routine Description:
This isn't a routine. Its a macro. It returns a ULONG that corresponds to ACPI based System Power State based on the NT SystemPower State
Level - The NT Based S state
Return Value:
--*/ { } #endif
#if 0
DEVICE_POWER_STATE ACPIDeviceMapPowerState( ULONG Level ) /*++
Routine Description:
This isn't a routine. Its a macro. It returns a DEVICE_POWER_STATE that corresponds to the mapping provided in the ACPI spec
Level - The 0-based D level (0 == D0, 1 == D1, ..., 3 == D3)
Return Value:
DEVICE_POWER_STATE --*/ { } #endif
#if 0
SYSTEM_POWER_STATE ACPIDeviceMapSystemState( ULONG Level ) /*++
Routine Description:
This isn't a routine. Its a macro. It returns a SYSTEM_POWER_STATE that corresponds to the mapping provided in the ACPI spec
Level - The 0-based S level (0 = Working, ..., 5 = Shutdown)
Return Value:
--*/ { } #endif
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerDetermineSupportedDeviceStates( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PULONG SupportedPrStates, IN PULONG SupportedPsStates ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine calculates the bit masks that reflect which D states are supported via PRx methods and which D states are supported via PSx methods
DeviceExtension - Device Extension to determine D-States SupportedPrStates - Bit Mask of supported D-States via _PRx SupportedPsStates - Bit Mask of supported D-States via _PSx
Return Value:
--*/ { DEVICE_POWER_STATE index; PNSOBJ object; ULONG i; ULONG prBitIndex = 0; ULONG prNames[] = { PACKED_PR0, PACKED_PR1, PACKED_PR2 }; ULONG psBitIndex = 0; ULONG psNames[] = { PACKED_PS0, PACKED_PS1, PACKED_PS2, PACKED_PS3 }; ULONG supportedIndex = 0;
ASSERT( DeviceExtension != NULL ); ASSERT( SupportedPrStates != NULL ); ASSERT( SupportedPsStates != NULL );
// Assume we support nothing
*SupportedPrStates = 0; *SupportedPsStates = 0;
// This is another place that we want to be able to call this code even
// though there is no NameSpace Object associated with this extension.
// This special case code lets us avoid adding a check to GetNamedChild
if (DeviceExtension->Flags & DEV_PROP_NO_OBJECT) {
// Assume that we support 'PS' states 0 and 3
psBitIndex = ( 1 << PowerDeviceD0 ) + ( 1 << PowerDeviceD3 ); goto ACPIDevicePowerDetermineSupportedDeviceStatesExit;
// Look for all of the _PS methods
for (i = 0, index = PowerDeviceD0; index <= PowerDeviceD3; i++, index++) {
// Does the object exist?
object = ACPIAmliGetNamedChild( DeviceExtension->AcpiObject, psNames[i] ); if (object != NULL) {
psBitIndex |= (1 << index);
// Look for all of the _PR methods
for (i = 0, index = PowerDeviceD0; index <= PowerDeviceD2; i++, index++) {
// Does the object exist?
object = ACPIAmliGetNamedChild( DeviceExtension->AcpiObject, prNames[i] ); if (object != NULL) {
prBitIndex |= (1 << index);
// We always support D3 'passively'
prBitIndex |= (1 << PowerDeviceD3);
// The supported index is the union of which _PR and which _PS are
// present
supportedIndex = (prBitIndex | psBitIndex);
// If we didn't find anything, then there is nothing for us to do
if (!supportedIndex) {
// Done
// One of the rules that we have setup is that we must support D3 and
// D0 if we support any power states at all. Make sure that this is
// true.
if ( !(supportedIndex & (1 << PowerDeviceD0) ) ) {
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_CRITICAL, DeviceExtension, "does not support D0 power state!\n" ) ); KeBugCheckEx( ACPI_BIOS_ERROR, ACPI_REQUIRED_METHOD_NOT_PRESENT, (ULONG_PTR) DeviceExtension, (prBitIndex != 0 ? PACKED_PR0 : PACKED_PS0), 0 );
} if ( !(supportedIndex & (1 << PowerDeviceD3) ) ) {
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_CRITICAL, DeviceExtension, "does not support D3 power state!\n" ) ); KeBugCheckEx( ACPI_BIOS_ERROR, ACPI_REQUIRED_METHOD_NOT_PRESENT, (ULONG_PTR) DeviceExtension, PACKED_PS3, 0 ); ACPIInternalError( ACPI_INTERNAL );
} if ( prBitIndex != 0 && psBitIndex != 0 && prBitIndex != psBitIndex) {
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_CRITICAL, DeviceExtension, "has mismatch between power plane and power source information!\n" ) ); prBitIndex &= psBitIndex; psBitIndex &= prBitIndex;
// Give the answer of what we support
*SupportedPrStates = prBitIndex; *SupportedPsStates = psBitIndex;
// Done
VOID ACPIDevicePowerDpc( IN PKDPC Dpc, IN PVOID DpcContext, IN PVOID SystemArgument1, IN PVOID SystemArgument2 ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is where all of the Power-related work is done. It looks at queued requests and processes them as appropriate.
None used
Return Value:
--*/ { LIST_ENTRY tempList; NTSTATUS status;
// First step is to acquire the DPC Lock, and check to see if another
// DPC is already running
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerQueueLock ); if (AcpiPowerDpcRunning) {
// The DPC is already running, so we need to exit now
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerQueueLock ); return;
// Remember that the DPC is now running
AcpiPowerDpcRunning = TRUE;
// Initialize the list that will hold the synchronize items
InitializeListHead( &tempList );
// We must try to do *some* work
do {
// Assume that we won't do any work
AcpiPowerWorkDone = FALSE;
// If there are items in the Queue list, move them to the Phase0 list
if (!IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerQueueList ) ) {
ACPIInternalMovePowerList( &AcpiPowerQueueList, &AcpiPowerPhase0List );
// We can release the spin lock now
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerQueueLock );
// If there are items in the Phase0 list, process the list
if (!IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerPhase0List ) ) {
status = ACPIDevicePowerProcessGenericPhase( &AcpiPowerPhase0List, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase0Dispatch, FALSE ); if (NT_SUCCESS(status) && status != STATUS_PENDING) {
// This indicates that we have completed all the work
// on the Phase0 list, so we are ready to move all the
// items to the next list
ACPIInternalMovePowerList( &AcpiPowerPhase0List, &AcpiPowerPhase1List );
// If there are items in Phase1 list, process the list
if (!IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerPhase1List ) && IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerPhase0List) ) {
status = ACPIDevicePowerProcessGenericPhase( &AcpiPowerPhase1List, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase1Dispatch, FALSE ); if (NT_SUCCESS(status) && status != STATUS_PENDING) {
// This indicates that we have completed all the work
// on the Phase1 list, so we are ready to move all the
// items to the next list
ACPIInternalMovePowerList( &AcpiPowerPhase1List, &AcpiPowerPhase2List );
// If there are items in the Phase2 list, then process those
if (IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerPhase0List) && IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerPhase1List) && !IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerPhase2List) ) {
status = ACPIDevicePowerProcessGenericPhase( &AcpiPowerPhase2List, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase2Dispatch, FALSE ); if (NT_SUCCESS(status) && status != STATUS_PENDING) {
// This indicates that we have completed all the work
// on the Phase1 list, so we are ready to move all the
// items to the next list
ACPIInternalMovePowerList( &AcpiPowerPhase2List, &AcpiPowerPhase3List );
// We cannot do this step if the Phase1List or Phase2List are non-empty
if (IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerPhase0List) && IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerPhase1List) && IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerPhase2List) && !IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerPhase3List) ) {
status = ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase3( ); if (NT_SUCCESS(status) && status != STATUS_PENDING) {
// This indicates that we have completed all the work
// on the Phase2 list, so we are ready to move all the
// itmes to the Phase3 list
ACPIInternalMovePowerList( &AcpiPowerPhase3List, &AcpiPowerPhase4List );
// We can always empty the Phase4 list
if (!IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerPhase4List ) ) {
status = ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase4( ); if (NT_SUCCESS(status) && status != STATUS_PENDING) {
// This indicates that we have completed all the work
// on the Phase1 list, so we are ready to move all the
// items to the Phase2 list
ACPIInternalMovePowerList( &AcpiPowerPhase4List, &AcpiPowerPhase5List );
// We can always empty the Phase5 list
if (!IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerPhase5List) ) {
status = ACPIDevicePowerProcessGenericPhase( &AcpiPowerPhase5List, AcpiDevicePowerProcessPhase5Dispatch, TRUE );
// We need the lock again, since we are about to check to see if
// we have completed some work
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerQueueLock );
} while ( AcpiPowerWorkDone );
// The DPC is no longer running
AcpiPowerDpcRunning = FALSE;
// Have we flushed all of our queues?
if (IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerPhase0List ) && IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerPhase1List ) && IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerPhase2List ) && IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerPhase3List ) && IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerPhase4List ) && IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerPhase5List ) ) {
// Let the world know
ACPIPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, "ACPIDevicePowerDPC: Queues Empty. Terminating.\n" ) );
// Do we have a synchronization request?
if (!IsListEmpty( &AcpiPowerSynchronizeList ) ) {
// Move all the item from the Sync list to the temp list
ACPIInternalMovePowerList( &AcpiPowerSynchronizeList, &tempList );
// We no longer need the lock
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerQueueLock );
// Do we have any work in the synchronize list?
if (!IsListEmpty( &tempList) ) {
ACPIDevicePowerProcessSynchronizeList( &tempList );
} }
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerFlushQueue( PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will block until the Power queues have been flushed
DeviceExtension - The device extension which wants to flush
Return Value:
--*/ { KEVENT event; NTSTATUS status;
// Initialize the event that we will wait on
KeInitializeEvent( &event, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE );
// Now, push a request onto the stack such that when the power lists
// have been emptied, we unblock this thread
status = ACPIDeviceInternalSynchronizeRequest( DeviceExtension, ACPIDevicePowerNotifyEvent, &event, 0 );
// Block until its done
if (status == STATUS_PENDING) {
KeWaitForSingleObject( &event, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL ); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// Let the world know
return status; }
VOID ACPIDevicePowerNotifyEvent( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PVOID Context, IN NTSTATUS Status ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called when all the power queues are empty
DeviceExtension - The device that asked to be notified Context - KEVENT Status - The result of the operation
--*/ { PKEVENT event = (PKEVENT) Context;
// Set the event
KeSetEvent( event, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE ); }
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessForward( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called in liew of another PowerProcessPhaseXXX routine. It is called because there is no real work to do in the current phase on the selected request
PowerRequest - The request that we must process
Return Value:
--*/ { InterlockedCompareExchange( &(PowerRequest->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_COMPLETE, WORK_DONE_PENDING );
// Remember that we have completed some work
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerQueueLock ); AcpiPowerWorkDone = TRUE; KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerQueueLock );
// We always succeed
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessGenericPhase( IN PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry, IN PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION **DispatchTable, IN BOOLEAN Complete ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine dispatches an item on the queue to the proper handler, based on what type of request is present
ListEntry - The list we are currently walking DispatchTable - Where to find which functions to call Complete - Do we need complete the request when done?
Return Value:
- If any request is not marked as being complete, then STATUS_PENDING is returned, otherwise, STATUS_SUCCESS is returned
--*/ { BOOLEAN allWorkComplete = TRUE; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PACPI_POWER_FUNCTION *powerTable; PACPI_POWER_REQUEST powerRequest; PLIST_ENTRY currentEntry = ListEntry->Flink; PLIST_ENTRY tempEntry; ULONG workDone;
// Look at all the items in the list
while (currentEntry != ListEntry) {
// Turn this into a device request
powerRequest = CONTAINING_RECORD( currentEntry, ACPI_POWER_REQUEST, ListEntry );
// Set the temporary pointer to the next element
tempEntry = currentEntry->Flink;
// Check to see if we have any work to do on the request
workDone = InterlockedCompareExchange( &(powerRequest->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_PENDING, WORK_DONE_PENDING );
// Do we have a table associated with this level of workdone?
powerTable = DispatchTable[ workDone ]; if (powerTable != NULL) {
// Mark the request as pending
workDone = InterlockedCompareExchange( &(powerRequest->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_PENDING, workDone );
// Call the function
status = (powerTable[powerRequest->RequestType])( powerRequest );
// Did we succeed?
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// Go to the next request
// If we got an error before, then we must assume that we
// have completed the work request
// Grab the next entry
currentEntry = tempEntry;
// Check the status of the request
if (workDone != WORK_DONE_COMPLETE) {
allWorkComplete = FALSE;
// Do we need to complete the request or not?
if (workDone == WORK_DONE_FAILURE || (Complete == TRUE && workDone == WORK_DONE_COMPLETE)) {
// We are done with the request
ACPIDeviceCompleteRequest( powerRequest );
// Have we completed all of our work?
return (allWorkComplete ? STATUS_SUCCESS : STATUS_PENDING); } // ACPIPowerProcessGenericPhase
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessInvalid( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called in liew of another PowerProcessPhaseXXX routine. It is called because the request is invalid
PowerRequest - The request that we must process
Return Value:
--*/ {
// Note the status of the request as having failed
PowerRequest->Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_1;
// Complete the request
ACPIDeviceCompleteRequest( PowerRequest );
// Remember that we have completed some work
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerQueueLock ); AcpiPowerWorkDone = TRUE; KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerQueueLock );
// We always fail
return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_1; } // ACPIPowerProcessInvalid
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase0DeviceSubPhase1( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine looks for the _STA object and evalutes it. We will base many things on wether or not the device is present
PowerRequest - The request that we are asked to process
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; POBJDATA resultData = &(PowerRequest->ResultData);
// The next step is STEP_1
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_1;
// Initialize the result data
RtlZeroMemory( resultData, sizeof(OBJDATA) );
// Get the device presence
status = ACPIGetDeviceHardwarePresenceAsync( deviceExtension, ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase, PowerRequest, &(resultData->uipDataValue), &(resultData->dwDataLen) ); ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase0DeviceSubPhase1 = 0x%08lx\n", PowerRequest, status ) ); if (status == STATUS_PENDING) {
return status;
// Call the completion routine by brute force. Note that at this
// point, we count everything as being SUCCESS
ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( NULL, status, resultData, PowerRequest ); return STATUS_SUCCESS;
} // ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase0DeviceSubPhase1
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase0DeviceSubPhase2( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called after the _STA method on a device has been run. If the method was successfull, or not present, then we can continue to process the request
PowerRequest - The request that we are asked to process
Return Value:
--*/ { PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; POBJDATA resultData = &(PowerRequest->ResultData);
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase0DeviceSubPhase2\n", PowerRequest ) );
// If the bit isn't set as being present, then we must abort this
// request
if (!(resultData->uipDataValue & STA_STATUS_PRESENT) ) {
// The next work done phase is WORK_DONE_FAILURE. This allows the
// request to be completed right away. We will mark the status as
// success however, so that processing can continue
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_FAILURE; PowerRequest->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
} else {
// We are done with this work
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_COMPLETE;
// Call the completion routine by brute force. Note that at this
// point, we count everything as being SUCCESS
ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( NULL, STATUS_SUCCESS, NULL, PowerRequest ); return STATUS_SUCCESS;
} // ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase0DeviceSubPhase2
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase0SystemSubPhase1( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine unpauses the interpreter (if so required)
PowerRequest - The request we are currently processing
Return Value:
--*/ { PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE systemState;
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase0SystemSubPhase1\n", PowerRequest ) );
// We are done the first phase
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_COMPLETE;
// Fetch the target system state
systemState = PowerRequest->u.SystemPowerRequest.SystemPowerState;
// If we are going to S0, then tell the interperter to resume
if (systemState == PowerSystemWorking) {
// Call the completion routine
ACPIDeviceCompleteInterpreterRequest( PowerRequest );
// We are successfull
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase0SystemSubPhase1
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase1DeviceSubPhase1( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
Any device that is going to transition to the D3 state should have have it resources disabled. This function detects if this is the case and runs the _DIS object, if appropriate
PowerRequest - The current request structure that we must process
Return Value:
If we ignore errors, then this function can only return: STATUS_SUCCESS STATUS_PENDING Otherwise, it can return any STATUS_XXX code it wants
--*/ { DEVICE_POWER_STATE deviceState; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; PNSOBJ disObject = NULL; ULONG flags;
// Get some data from the request
deviceState = PowerRequest->u.DevicePowerRequest.DevicePowerState; flags = PowerRequest->u.DevicePowerRequest.Flags;
// We are going to need to fake the value from an _STA, so lets do
// that now
RtlZeroMemory( &(PowerRequest->ResultData), sizeof(OBJDATA) ); PowerRequest->ResultData.dwDataType = OBJTYPE_INTDATA; PowerRequest->ResultData.uipDataValue = 0;
// Decide what the next subphase will be. The rule here is that if we
// are going to D0, then we can skip to Step 3, otherwise, we must go
// to Step 1. We also skip to step3 if we are on the hibernate path
if (deviceState == PowerDeviceD0 || (flags & DEVICE_REQUEST_LOCK_HIBER) ) {
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_3; goto ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase1DeviceSubPhase1Exit;
} else if (deviceExtension->Flags & DEV_PROP_NO_OBJECT) {
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_2; goto ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase1DeviceSubPhase1Exit;
} else {
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_1; if (deviceState != PowerDeviceD3) {
goto ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase1DeviceSubPhase1Exit;
} }
// See if the _DIS object exists
disObject = ACPIAmliGetNamedChild( deviceExtension->AcpiObject, PACKED_DIS ); if (disObject != NULL) {
// Lets run that method
status = AMLIAsyncEvalObject( disObject, NULL, 0, NULL, ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase, PowerRequest );
// If we got a pending back, then we should return now
if (status == STATUS_PENDING) {
return status;
} }
// Call the completion routine by brute force. Note that at this
// point, we count everything as being SUCCESS
ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( disObject, status, NULL, PowerRequest ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase1DeviceSubPhase1
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase1DeviceSubPhase2( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine runs the _PS1, _PS2, or _PS3 control methods
PowerRequest - The current request structure that we must process
Return Value:
If we ignore errors, then this function can only return: STATUS_SUCCESS STATUS_PENDING Otherwise, it can return any STATUS_XXX code it wants
--*/ { DEVICE_POWER_STATE deviceState; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; PNSOBJ powerObject = NULL;
// The next phase that we will go to is Step_2
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_2;
// Since we cannot get to this subphase when transitioning to D0, its
// safe to just look for the object to run
deviceState = PowerRequest->u.DevicePowerRequest.DevicePowerState; powerObject = deviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerObject[ deviceState ];
// If there is an object, then run the control method
if (powerObject != NULL) {
status = AMLIAsyncEvalObject( powerObject, NULL, 0, NULL, ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase, PowerRequest );
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase1DeviceSubPhase2 " "= 0x%08lx\n", PowerRequest, status ) );
// If we cannot complete the work ourselves, we must stop now
if (status == STATUS_PENDING) {
return status;
// Call the completion routine by brute force.
ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( powerObject, status, NULL, PowerRequest ); return STATUS_SUCCESS;
} // ACPIPowerProcessPhase1DeviceSubPhase2
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase1DeviceSubPhase3( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine runs the _STA of the device to make sure that it has in fact been turned off
PowerRequest - The current request structure that we must process
Return Value:
If we ignore errors, then this function can only return: STATUS_SUCCESS STATUS_PENDING Otherwise, it can return any STATUS_XXX code it wants
--*/ { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; POBJDATA resultData = &(PowerRequest->ResultData); PNSOBJ staObject = NULL; PNSOBJ acpiObject = NULL;
// The next stage is STEP_3
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_3;
// We already have space allocate for the result of the _STA. Make
// that there is no garbage present
RtlZeroMemory( resultData, sizeof(OBJDATA) );
// Is there an _STA object present on this device?
if (deviceExtension->Flags & DEV_PROP_DOCK) {
ASSERT( deviceExtension->Dock.CorrospondingAcpiDevice ); acpiObject = deviceExtension->Dock.CorrospondingAcpiDevice->AcpiObject;
} else {
acpiObject = deviceExtension->AcpiObject; }
staObject = ACPIAmliGetNamedChild( acpiObject, PACKED_STA ); if (staObject != NULL) {
status = AMLIAsyncEvalObject( staObject, resultData, 0, NULL, ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase, PowerRequest ); ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase1DeviceSubPhase3 " "= 0x%08lx\n", PowerRequest, status ) );
} else {
// Lets fake the data. Note that in this case we will pretend that
// the value is 0x0, even though the spec says that the default
// is (ULONG) - 1. The reason we are doing this is that in this
// case we want to approximate the behaviour of the real _STA...
resultData->dwDataType = OBJTYPE_INTDATA; resultData->uipDataValue = STA_STATUS_PRESENT; status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
// Do we have to call the completion routine ourselves?
if (status != STATUS_PENDING) {
ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( staObject, status, NULL, PowerRequest );
// Always return success
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase1DeviceSubPhase3
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase1DeviceSubPhase4( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function determines which device nodes need to be looked at. The generic rule is that we need to remember which nodes belong to a device that is either starting or stopping to use that node. Generally, these are the nodes in the current power state and the nodes in the desired power state
PowerRequest - The current request structure that we must process
Return Value:
If we ignore errors, then this function can only return: STATUS_SUCCESS STATUS_PENDING Otherwise, it can return any STATUS_XXX code it wants
--*/ { DEVICE_POWER_STATE deviceState; KIRQL oldIrql; PACPI_DEVICE_POWER_NODE deviceNode = NULL; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; POBJDATA resultData = &(PowerRequest->ResultData); ULONG flags;
// Clear the result
AMLIFreeDataBuffs( resultData, 1 ); RtlZeroMemory( resultData, sizeof(OBJDATA) );
// We cannot walk any data structures without holding a lock
KeAcquireSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, &oldIrql );
// First step is to find the list of nodes which are in use by this
// device
deviceState = deviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerState; if (deviceState >= PowerDeviceD0 && deviceState <= PowerDeviceD2) {
// In this case, we have to look at the current and the desired
// device states only
deviceNode = deviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerNode[ deviceState ];
// Next step is to look at all the nodes and mark the power objects
// as requiring an update
while (deviceNode != NULL) {
InterlockedExchange( &(deviceNode->PowerNode->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_STEP_0 ); deviceNode = deviceNode->Next;
// Now, we need to find the list of nodes which are going to be used
deviceState = PowerRequest->u.DevicePowerRequest.DevicePowerState; if (deviceState >= PowerDeviceD0 && deviceState <= PowerDeviceD2) {
deviceNode = deviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerNode[ deviceState ];
// Next step is to look at all the nodes and mark the power objects
// as requiring an update
while (deviceNode != NULL) {
InterlockedExchange( &(deviceNode->PowerNode->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_STEP_0 ); deviceNode = deviceNode->Next;
} else {
// In this case, we have to look at all possible Device states
for (deviceState = PowerDeviceD0; deviceState < PowerDeviceD3; deviceState++) {
deviceNode = deviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerNode[ deviceState ];
// Next step is to look at all the nodes and mark the power objects
// as requiring an update
while (deviceNode != NULL) {
InterlockedExchange( &(deviceNode->PowerNode->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_STEP_0 ); deviceNode = deviceNode->Next;
// This is the device state that we will go to
deviceState = PowerRequest->u.DevicePowerRequest.DevicePowerState;
// If this is a request on the hibernate path, the mark all the nodes
// for the D0 as being required Hibernate nodes
flags = PowerRequest->u.DevicePowerRequest.Flags; if (flags & DEVICE_REQUEST_LOCK_HIBER) {
deviceNode = deviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerNode[ PowerDeviceD0 ];
// Next step is to look at all the nodes and mark the power objects
// as requiring an update
while (deviceNode != NULL) {
ACPIInternalUpdateFlags( &(deviceNode->PowerNode->Flags), (DEVICE_NODE_HIBERNATE_PATH | DEVICE_NODE_OVERRIDE_ON), FALSE ); ACPIInternalUpdateFlags( &(deviceNode->PowerNode->Flags), DEVICE_NODE_OVERRIDE_OFF, TRUE ); InterlockedExchange( &(deviceNode->PowerNode->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_STEP_0 ); deviceNode = deviceNode->Next;
} else if (flags & DEVICE_REQUEST_UNLOCK_HIBER) {
deviceNode = deviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerNode[ PowerDeviceD0 ]; //
// Next step is to look at all the nodes and mark the power objects
// as requiring an update
while (deviceNode != NULL) {
ACPIInternalUpdateFlags( &(deviceNode->PowerNode->Flags), (DEVICE_NODE_HIBERNATE_PATH | DEVICE_NODE_OVERRIDE_ON), TRUE ); InterlockedExchange( &(deviceNode->PowerNode->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_STEP_0 ); deviceNode = deviceNode->Next;
// Remember the desired state
deviceExtension->PowerInfo.DesiredPowerState = deviceState;
// Also, consider that the device is now in an unknown state ---
// if we fail something, the is the power state that we will be left
// at
deviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerState = PowerDeviceUnspecified;
// We no longer need the PowerLock
KeReleaseSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, oldIrql );
// Done
ACPIDeviceCompleteCommon( &(PowerRequest->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_COMPLETE ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase2SystemSubPhase1( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine updates the PowerObject references so that we can run _ON or _OFF methods as needed
This also cause _WAK() to be run on the system
PowerRequest - The current request structure that we must process
Return Value:
If we ignore errors, then this function can only return: STATUS_SUCCESS STATUS_PENDING Otherwise, it can return any STATUS_XXX code it wants
--*/ { BOOLEAN restart = FALSE; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; OBJDATA objData; PACPI_DEVICE_POWER_NODE deviceNode = NULL; PACPI_POWER_DEVICE_NODE powerNode = NULL; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; PLIST_ENTRY deviceList; PLIST_ENTRY powerList; PNSOBJ sleepObject = NULL; POWER_ACTION systemAction; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE systemState; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE wakeFromState; ULONG hibernateCount;
// The next stage after this one is STEP_1
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_1;
// Get the desired system state
systemState = PowerRequest->u.SystemPowerRequest.SystemPowerState; systemAction = PowerRequest->u.SystemPowerRequest.SystemPowerAction;
// Is the system restarting?
restart = ( (systemState == PowerSystemShutdown) && (systemAction == PowerActionShutdownReset) );
// We need to hold this lock before we can walk this list
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock );
// Get the first power node
powerList = AcpiPowerNodeList.Flink;
// Walk the list and see which devices need to be turned on or
// turned off
while (powerList != &AcpiPowerNodeList) {
// Obtain the power node from the listEntry
powerNode = CONTAINING_RECORD( powerList, ACPI_POWER_DEVICE_NODE, ListEntry );
// Next node
powerList = powerList->Flink;
// We need to walk the list of device nodes to see if any of
// the devices are in the hibernate path.
deviceList = powerNode->DevicePowerListHead.Flink; while (deviceList != &(powerNode->DevicePowerListHead) ) {
// Obtain the devicenode from the list pointer
deviceNode = CONTAINING_RECORD( deviceList, ACPI_DEVICE_POWER_NODE, DevicePowerListEntry );
// Point to the next node
deviceList = deviceList->Flink;
// Grab the associated device extension
deviceExtension = deviceNode->DeviceExtension;
// Does the node belong on the hibernate path
hibernateCount = InterlockedCompareExchange( &(deviceExtension->HibernatePathCount), 0, 0 ); if (hibernateCount) {
// Mark the node as being in the hibernate path, or not, as the
// case might be
ACPIInternalUpdateFlags( &(powerNode->Flags), DEVICE_NODE_HIBERNATE_PATH, (BOOLEAN) !hibernateCount );
// First check is to see if the node is on the hibernate path and
// this is a hibernate request, or if the system is restarting
if ( (hibernateCount && systemState == PowerSystemHibernate) || (restart == TRUE) ) {
if (powerNode->Flags & DEVICE_NODE_OVERRIDE_OFF) {
// make sure that the Override Off flag is disabled
ACPIInternalUpdateFlags( &(powerNode->Flags), DEVICE_NODE_OVERRIDE_OFF, TRUE );
// Mark the node as requiring an update
InterlockedExchange( &(powerNode->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_STEP_0 );
} else {
// Does the node support the indicates system state?
if (powerNode->SystemLevel < systemState) {
// No --- we must disable it, but if we cannot always be on.
if ( !(powerNode->Flags & DEVICE_NODE_ALWAYS_ON) ) {
ACPIInternalUpdateFlags( &(powerNode->Flags), DEVICE_NODE_OVERRIDE_OFF, FALSE );
// Mark the node as requiring an update
InterlockedExchange( &(powerNode->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_STEP_0 );
} else if (powerNode->Flags & DEVICE_NODE_OVERRIDE_OFF) {
// Disable this flag
ACPIInternalUpdateFlags( &(powerNode->Flags), DEVICE_NODE_OVERRIDE_OFF, TRUE );
// Mark the node as requiring an update
InterlockedExchange( &(powerNode->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_STEP_0 );
// Set the WakeFromState while we still hold the power lock.
wakeFromState = AcpiMostRecentSleepState;
// We don't need to hold lock anymore
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock );
// We can only do the following if we are transitioning to the S0 state
if (systemState == PowerSystemWorking) {
// Always run the _WAK method (this clears the PTS(S5) if that is
// the last thing we did, otherwise it is the proper action to take
sleepObject = ACPIAmliGetNamedChild( PowerRequest->DeviceExtension->AcpiObject->pnsParent, PACKED_WAK );
// We only try to evaluate a method if we found an object
if (sleepObject != NULL) {
// Remember that AMLI doesn't use our definitions, so we will
// have to normalize the S value
RtlZeroMemory( &objData, sizeof(OBJDATA) ); objData.dwDataType = OBJTYPE_INTDATA; objData.uipDataValue = ACPIDeviceMapACPIPowerState( wakeFromState );
// Safely run the control method
status = AMLIAsyncEvalObject( sleepObject, NULL, 1, &objData, ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase, PowerRequest );
// If we got STATUS_PENDING, then we cannot do any more work here.
if (status == STATUS_PENDING) {
return status;
// Always call the completion routine
ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( sleepObject, status, NULL, PowerRequest );
// Never return anything other then STATUS_SUCCESS
} // ACPIPowerProcessPhase2SystemSubPhase1
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase2SystemSubPhase2( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This phase is called after the _WAK method has been run
PowerRequest - The current request structure that we must process
Return Value:
If we ignore errors, then this function can only return: STATUS_SUCCESS STATUS_PENDING Otherwise, it can return any STATUS_XXX code it wants
// The next stage is STEP_2
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_2;
// We need to make sure that the IRQ arbiter has been restored
// if we are making an S0 transition
systemState = PowerRequest->u.SystemPowerRequest.SystemPowerState; if (systemState == PowerSystemWorking) {
// Restore the IRQ arbiter
status = IrqArbRestoreIrqRouting( ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase, (PVOID) PowerRequest ); if (status == STATUS_PENDING) {
// Do not do any more work here
return status;
// Call the next completion routine
ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( NULL, status, NULL, PowerRequest );
// Always return success
} // ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase2SystemSubPhase2
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase2SystemSubPhase3( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This phase is used to see if we need to re-run the _PSW for all the devices. We need to do this when we restore from the hibernate state
PowerRequest - The current request structure that we must process
Return Value:
If we ignore errors, then this function can only return: STATUS_SUCCESS STATUS_PENDING Otherwise, it can return any STATUS_XXX code it wants
// The next stage is COMPLETE
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_COMPLETE;
// If we just transitioned from Hibernate, then we must re-enable all
// the wake devices
systemState = PowerRequest->u.SystemPowerRequest.SystemPowerState;
// Grab the current most recent sleep state and make sure to hold the
// locks while doing so
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock ); wakeFromState = AcpiMostRecentSleepState; KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock );
if (systemState == PowerSystemWorking && wakeFromState == PowerSystemHibernate) {
// Restore the IRQ arbiter
status = ACPIWakeRestoreEnables( ACPIWakeRestoreEnablesCompletion, PowerRequest ); if (status == STATUS_PENDING) {
// Do not do any more work here
return status;
// Call the next completion routine
ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( NULL, status, NULL, PowerRequest );
// Always return success
} // ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase2SystemSubPhase3
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase3( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine ensures that the Power Resources are in sync
Return Value:
- If any request is not marked as being complete, then STATUS_PENDING is returned, otherwise, STATUS_SUCCESS is returned
--*/ { BOOLEAN returnPending = FALSE; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PACPI_DEVICE_POWER_NODE deviceNode; PACPI_POWER_DEVICE_NODE powerNode; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; PLIST_ENTRY deviceList; PLIST_ENTRY powerList; ULONG useCounts; ULONG wakeCount; ULONG workDone;
// Grab the PowerLock that we need for this
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock );
// Grab the first node in the PowerNode list
powerList = AcpiPowerNodeList.Flink;
// Walk the list forward to device what to turn on
while (powerList != &AcpiPowerNodeList) {
// Look at the current power node
powerNode = CONTAINING_RECORD( powerList, ACPI_POWER_DEVICE_NODE, ListEntry );
// Next item in the list
powerList = powerList->Flink;
// Have we marked the node has having some potential work that
// needs to be done?
workDone = InterlockedCompareExchange( &(powerNode->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_STEP_1, WORK_DONE_STEP_0 );
// If we don't have any work to do, then loop back to the start
if (workDone != WORK_DONE_STEP_0) {
// We need to walk the list of device nodes to see if
// any of the devices are in need of this power resource
useCounts = 0; deviceList = powerNode->DevicePowerListHead.Flink; while (deviceList != &(powerNode->DevicePowerListHead) ) {
// Obtain the deviceNode from the list pointer
deviceNode = CONTAINING_RECORD( deviceList, ACPI_DEVICE_POWER_NODE, DevicePowerListEntry );
// Point to the next node
deviceList = deviceList->Flink;
// Grab the associated device extension
deviceExtension = deviceNode->DeviceExtension;
// Grab the number of wake counts on the node
wakeCount = InterlockedCompareExchange( &(deviceExtension->PowerInfo.WakeSupportCount), 0, 0 );
// Does the device node belong to the desired state? The
// other valid state is if the node is required to wake the
// device and we have functionality enabled.
if (deviceExtension->PowerInfo.DesiredPowerState == deviceNode->AssociatedDeviceState || (wakeCount && deviceNode->WakePowerResource) ) {
// Set the number of use counts in the PowerResource
InterlockedExchange( &(powerNode->UseCounts), useCounts );
// See if the override bits are set properly
if ( (powerNode->Flags & DEVICE_NODE_TURN_OFF) ) {
// Do not run anything
} if ( !(powerNode->Flags & DEVICE_NODE_TURN_ON) && useCounts == 0 ) {
// Do not run anything
// We are going to do some work on this node, so mark it as
// such, so that we don't accidently run the _OFF method for
// this device
workDone = InterlockedCompareExchange( &(powerNode->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_PENDING, WORK_DONE_STEP_1 );
// We cannot hold the spin lock while we eval the method
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock );
// Evaluate the method to turn this node on
status = AMLIAsyncEvalObject( powerNode->PowerOnObject, NULL, 0, NULL, ACPIDeviceCompletePhase3On, powerNode );
// Let the world know
ACPIPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, "ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase3: PowerNode: 0x%08lx ON = 0x%08lx\n", powerNode, status ) );
if (status != STATUS_PENDING) {
// Fake a call to the callback
ACPIDeviceCompletePhase3On( powerNode->PowerOnObject, status, NULL, powerNode );
} else {
// Remember that a function returned Pending
returnPending = TRUE;
// Reacquire the spinlock so that we can loop again
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock );
} // while
// Grab the blink so that we can start walking the list backward
powerList = AcpiPowerNodeList.Blink;
// Walk the list backward
while (powerList != &AcpiPowerNodeList) {
// Look at the current power node
powerNode = CONTAINING_RECORD( powerList, ACPI_POWER_DEVICE_NODE, ListEntry );
// Next item in the list
powerList = powerList->Blink;
// Have we marked the node has having some potential work that
// needs to be done?
workDone = InterlockedCompareExchange( &(powerNode->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_PENDING, WORK_DONE_STEP_1 );
// To do work on this node, we need to see WORK_DONE_STEP_1
if (workDone != WORK_DONE_STEP_1) {
// While we are here, we can check to see if the request is
// complete --- if it isn't then we must return STATUS_PENDING
if (workDone != WORK_DONE_COMPLETE) {
returnPending = TRUE;
} continue;
// Release the spinlock since we cannot own it while we call
// the interpreter
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock );
// If we are here, we *must* run the _OFF method
status = AMLIAsyncEvalObject( powerNode->PowerOffObject, NULL, 0, NULL, ACPIDeviceCompletePhase3Off, powerNode );
// Let the world know
ACPIPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, "ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase3: PowerNode: 0x%08lx OFF = 0x%08lx\n", powerNode, status ) );
if (status != STATUS_PENDING) {
// Fake a call to the callback
ACPIDeviceCompletePhase3Off( powerNode->PowerOffObject, status, NULL, powerNode );
} else {
// Remember that a function returned Pending
returnPending = TRUE;
// Reacquire the spinlock so that we can loop again
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock );
// We no longer need the spin lock
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock );
// Do we need to return status pending?
return (returnPending ? STATUS_PENDING : STATUS_SUCCESS);
} // ACPIPowerProcessPhase3
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase4( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine looks at the all the PowerNodes again and determines wether or not to fail a given request by wether or not a powernode failed to go to the desired state
Return Value:
--*/ { PACPI_DEVICE_POWER_NODE deviceNode; PACPI_POWER_DEVICE_NODE powerNode; PACPI_POWER_REQUEST powerRequest; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; PLIST_ENTRY listEntry = AcpiPowerPhase4List.Flink; PLIST_ENTRY nodeList; PLIST_ENTRY requestList;
// Now, we have to look at all the power nodes, and clear the fail flags
// This has to be done under spinlock protection
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock );
listEntry = AcpiPowerNodeList.Flink; while (listEntry != &AcpiPowerNodeList) {
powerNode = CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, ACPI_POWER_DEVICE_NODE, ListEntry ); listEntry = listEntry->Flink;
if (powerNode->Flags & DEVICE_NODE_FAIL) {
// Clear the failure flag
ACPIInternalUpdateFlags( &(powerNode->Flags), DEVICE_NODE_FAIL, TRUE );
// Loop for all the device extensions
nodeList = powerNode->DevicePowerListHead.Flink; while (nodeList != &(powerNode->DevicePowerListHead)) {
deviceNode = CONTAINING_RECORD( nodeList, ACPI_DEVICE_POWER_NODE, DevicePowerListEntry ); nodeList = nodeList->Flink;
// We must do the next part not under spinlock
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock );
// Grab the device extension associated with this node
deviceExtension = deviceNode->DeviceExtension;
// Loop on all the requests
requestList = AcpiPowerPhase4List.Flink; while (requestList != &AcpiPowerPhase4List) {
powerRequest = CONTAINING_RECORD( requestList, ACPI_POWER_REQUEST, ListEntry ); requestList = requestList->Flink;
// Do we have a match?
if (powerRequest->DeviceExtension != deviceExtension) {
// No? Then continue
// Yes? Then fail the request
powerRequest->Status = STATUS_ACPI_POWER_REQUEST_FAILED; ACPIDeviceCompleteRequest( powerRequest );
// Reacquire the lock
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock );
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock );
// Always return success
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase1( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine runs the _PS0 control method
PowerRequest - The current request structure that we must process
Return Value:
If we ignore errors, then this function can only return: STATUS_SUCCESS STATUS_PENDING Otherwise, it can return any STATUS_XXX code it wants
--*/ { BOOLEAN nodeOkay = TRUE; DEVICE_POWER_STATE deviceState; KIRQL oldIrql; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PACPI_DEVICE_POWER_NODE deviceNode = NULL; PACPI_POWER_DEVICE_NODE powerNode = NULL; PACPI_POWER_INFO powerInfo; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; PNSOBJ powerObject = NULL;
// What is our desired device state?
deviceState = PowerRequest->u.DevicePowerRequest.DevicePowerState;
// Grab the power Information structure
powerInfo = &(deviceExtension->PowerInfo);
// Decide what the next subphase will be. The rule here is that if we
// are not going to D0, then we can skip to STEP_2, otherwise, we must go
// to STEP_1
if (deviceState != PowerDeviceD0) {
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_2;
} else {
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_1;
// We cannot walk any data structures without holding a lock
KeAcquireSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, &oldIrql );
// Look at the device nodes for D0
deviceNode = powerInfo->PowerNode[PowerDeviceD0];
// Next step is to look at all the nodes and mark the power objects
// as requiring an update
while (deviceNode != NULL) {
// Grab the associated power node
powerNode = deviceNode->PowerNode;
// Make sure that the power node is in the ON state
if ( !(powerNode->Flags & DEVICE_NODE_ON) ) {
nodeOkay = FALSE; break;
// Look at the next node
deviceNode = deviceNode->Next;
// We are done with the lock
KeReleaseSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, oldIrql );
// Are all the nodes in the correct state?
if (!nodeOkay) {
} else {
// Otherwise, see if there is a _PS0 method to run
powerObject = powerInfo->PowerObject[ deviceState ];
// If there is an object, then run the control method
if (powerObject != NULL) {
status = AMLIAsyncEvalObject( powerObject, NULL, 0, NULL, ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase, PowerRequest );
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase1 " "= 0x%08lx\n", PowerRequest, status ) );
// If we cannot complete the work ourselves, we must stop now
if (status == STATUS_PENDING) {
return status;
} else {
status = STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// Call the completion routine by brute force. Note that at this
// point, we count everything as being SUCCESS
ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( powerObject, status, NULL, PowerRequest ); return STATUS_SUCCESS;
} // ACPIPowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase1
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase2( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine runs the _SRS control method
Note: that we only come down this path if we are transitioning to D0
PowerRequest - The current request structure that we must process
Return Value:
If we ignore errors, then this function can only return: STATUS_SUCCESS STATUS_PENDING Otherwise, it can return any STATUS_XXX code it wants
--*/ { DEVICE_POWER_STATE deviceState = PowerRequest->u.DevicePowerRequest.DevicePowerState; KIRQL oldIrql; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; PNSOBJ srsObject = NULL;
// The next phase is STEP_2
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_2;
if (!(deviceExtension->Flags & DEV_PROP_NO_OBJECT)) {
// Is there an _SRS object present on this device?
srsObject = ACPIAmliGetNamedChild( deviceExtension->AcpiObject, PACKED_SRS ); }
if (srsObject != NULL) {
// We must hold this lock while we run the Control Method.
// Note: Because the interpreter will make a copy of the data
// arguments passed to it, we only need to hold the lock as long
// as it takes for the interpreter to return
KeAcquireSpinLock( &AcpiDeviceTreeLock, &oldIrql ); if (deviceExtension->PnpResourceList != NULL) {
// Evalute the method
status = AMLIAsyncEvalObject( srsObject, NULL, 1, deviceExtension->PnpResourceList, ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase, PowerRequest );
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase2 " "= 0x%08lx\n", PowerRequest, status ) );
// Mo longer need the lock
KeReleaseSpinLock( &AcpiDeviceTreeLock, oldIrql );
if (status == STATUS_PENDING) {
return status;
} else {
// Consider the request successfull
// Call the completion routine brute force
ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( srsObject, status, NULL, PowerRequest );
// Always return success
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase2
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase3( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine enables or disables the lock on the device
PowerRequest - The current request structure that we must process
Return Value:
If we ignore errors, then this function can only return: STATUS_SUCCESS STATUS_PENDING Otherwise, it can return any STATUS_XXX code it wants
--*/ { DEVICE_POWER_STATE deviceState; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; OBJDATA objData; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; PNSOBJ lckObject = NULL; ULONG flags;
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(%#08lx): ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase4\n", PowerRequest ) );
// What is our desired device state and action?
deviceState = PowerRequest->u.DevicePowerRequest.DevicePowerState; flags = PowerRequest->u.DevicePowerRequest.Flags;
// If we aren't going to D0, then skip to the end
if (deviceState != PowerDeviceD0) {
// The next stage is STEP_5
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_5;
} else {
// The next stage is STEP_3
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_3;
if (deviceExtension->Flags & DEV_PROP_NO_OBJECT) {
goto ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase3Exit;
// Is there an _LCK object present on this device?
lckObject = ACPIAmliGetNamedChild( deviceExtension->AcpiObject, PACKED_LCK );
if (lckObject == NULL) {
goto ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase3Exit;
// Initialize the argument that we will pass to the function
RtlZeroMemory( &objData, sizeof(OBJDATA) ); objData.dwDataType = OBJTYPE_INTDATA;
// Look at the flags and see if we should lock or unlock the device
objData.uipDataValue = 1; // Lock the device
} else if (flags & DEVICE_REQUEST_UNLOCK_DEVICE) {
objData.uipDataValue = 0; // Unlock the device
} else {
goto ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase3Exit;
// Run the control method now
status = AMLIAsyncEvalObject( lckObject, NULL, 1, &objData, ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase, PowerRequest ); ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase3 " "= 0x%08lx\n", PowerRequest, status ) );
// Do we have to call the completion routine ourselves?
if (status != STATUS_PENDING) {
ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( lckObject, status, NULL, PowerRequest );
// Always return success
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase3
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase4( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine runs the _STA control method
Note: that we only come down this path if we are transitioning to D0
PowerRequest - The current request structure that we must process
Return Value:
If we ignore errors, then this function can only return: STATUS_SUCCESS STATUS_PENDING Otherwise, it can return any STATUS_XXX code it wants
--*/ { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; POBJDATA resultData = &(PowerRequest->ResultData);
// The next phase is STEP_4
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_4;
// Make sure to initialize the structure. Since we are using the
// objdata structure in request, we need to make sure that it will
// look like something that the interpreter will understand
RtlZeroMemory( resultData, sizeof(OBJDATA) );
// Get the status of the device
status = ACPIGetDeviceHardwarePresenceAsync( deviceExtension, ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase, PowerRequest, &(resultData->uipDataValue), &(resultData->dwDataLen) ); ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase4 " "= 0x%08lx\n", PowerRequest, status ) ); if (status == STATUS_PENDING) {
return status;
// Call the completion routine ourselves
ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( NULL, status, NULL, PowerRequest );
// Always return success
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase4
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase5( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the where we look at the device state.
PowerRequest - The request we are currently handling
Return Value:
--*/ { PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; POBJDATA resultData = &(PowerRequest->ResultData);
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase5\n", PowerRequest ) );
// The next phase is STEP_5
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_5;
// First things first --- we just ran _STA (or faked it), so we
// must check the return data
if (!(resultData->uipDataValue & STA_STATUS_PRESENT) || !(resultData->uipDataValue & STA_STATUS_WORKING_OK) || ( !(resultData->uipDataValue & STA_STATUS_ENABLED) && !(deviceExtension->Flags & DEV_TYPE_FILTER) ) ) {
// This device is not working
PowerRequest->Status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_STATE; ACPIDeviceCompleteCommon( &(PowerRequest->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_FAILURE ); return STATUS_SUCCESS;
// We don't clear the result or do anything on the resultData structure
// because we only used some of its storage --- the entire structure
// is not valid. However, just to be safe, we will zero everything out
RtlZeroMemory( resultData, sizeof(OBJDATA) );
// Call the completion routine by brute force. Note that at this
// point, we count everything as being SUCCESS
ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( NULL, STATUS_SUCCESS, NULL, PowerRequest );
// Always return success
} // ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase5
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase6( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the final routine in the device path. This routines determines if everything is okay and updates the system book-keeping.
PowerRequest - The request we are currently handling
Return Value:
--*/ { PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; POBJDATA resultData = &(PowerRequest->ResultData); POWER_STATE state;
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase6\n", PowerRequest ) );
// We need a spinlock to touch these values
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock );
// Update the current PowerState with the requested PowerState
deviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerState = deviceExtension->PowerInfo.DesiredPowerState;
// We also need to store the new device state so that we can notify
// the system
state.DeviceState = deviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerState;
// Remember the device object
deviceObject = deviceExtension->DeviceObject;
// Just release the spin lock
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock );
// If this deviceExtension has an associated deviceObject, then
// we had better tell the system about which state we are in
if (deviceObject != NULL) {
// Notify the system
PoSetPowerState( deviceObject, DevicePowerState, state );
// Make sure that we set the current status in the PowerRequest
// to indicate what happened
PowerRequest->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
// We are done
ACPIDeviceCompleteCommon( &(PowerRequest->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_COMPLETE );
// Always return success
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5DeviceSubPhase6
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5SystemSubPhase1( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine runs the _PTS, or _WAK method
PowerRequest - The current request structure that we must process
Return Value:
If we ignore errors, then this function can only return: STATUS_SUCCESS STATUS_PENDING Otherwise, it can return any STATUS_XXX code it wants
--*/ { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; OBJDATA objData; PACPI_POWER_INFO powerInfo; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; PNSOBJ sleepObject = NULL; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE systemState = PowerRequest->u.SystemPowerRequest.SystemPowerState;
// The next phase is STEP_1
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_1;
// If we are going back to the working state, then don't run any _PTS
// code
if (systemState != PowerSystemWorking) {
// First step it to initialize the objData so that we can remember
// what arguments we want to pass to the AML Interpreter
RtlZeroMemory( &objData, sizeof(OBJDATA) ); objData.dwDataType = OBJTYPE_INTDATA;
// Obtain the correct NameSpace object to run
sleepObject = ACPIAmliGetNamedChild( deviceExtension->AcpiObject->pnsParent, PACKED_PTS );
// We only try to evaluate a method if we found an object
if (sleepObject != NULL) {
// Remember that AMLI doesn't use our definitions, so we will
// have to normalize the S value
objData.uipDataValue = ACPIDeviceMapACPIPowerState( systemState );
// Safely run the control method
status = AMLIAsyncEvalObject( sleepObject, NULL, 1, &objData, ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase, PowerRequest );
// If we got STATUS_PENDING, then we cannot do any more work here.
if (status == STATUS_PENDING) {
return status;
// Call the completion routine
ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( sleepObject, status, NULL, PowerRequest );
// We are successfull
} // ACPIPowerProcessPhase5SystemSubPhase1
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5SystemSubPhase2( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine runs the _SST method
PowerRequest - The current request structure that we must process
Return Value:
If we ignore errors, then this function can only return: STATUS_SUCCESS STATUS_PENDING Otherwise, it can return any STATUS_XXX code it wants
--*/ { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; OBJDATA objData; PACPI_POWER_INFO powerInfo; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; PNSOBJ sstObject = NULL; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE systemState = PowerRequest->u.SystemPowerRequest.SystemPowerState;
// The next phase is STEP_2
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_2;
// First step it to initialize the objData so that we can remember
// what arguments we want to pass to the AML Interpreter
RtlZeroMemory( &objData, sizeof(OBJDATA) ); objData.dwDataType = OBJTYPE_INTDATA;
// Obtain the correct NameSpace object to run
sstObject = ACPIAmliGetNamedChild( deviceExtension->AcpiObject->pnsParent, PACKED_SI ); if (sstObject != NULL) {
sstObject = ACPIAmliGetNamedChild( sstObject, PACKED_SST );
// We only try to evaluate a method if we found an object
if (sstObject != NULL) {
switch (systemState) { case PowerSystemWorking: objData.uipDataValue = 1; break;
case PowerSystemHibernate: objData.uipDataValue = 4; break;
case PowerSystemSleeping1: case PowerSystemSleeping2: case PowerSystemSleeping3: objData.uipDataValue = 3; break;
default: objData.uipDataValue = 0;
// Safely run the control method
status = AMLIAsyncEvalObject( sstObject, NULL, 1, &objData, ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase, PowerRequest );
// If we got STATUS_PENDING, then we cannot do any more work here.
if (status == STATUS_PENDING) {
return status;
} else {
// Consider the request successfull
// Call the completion routine
ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( sstObject, status, NULL, PowerRequest );
// We are successfull
} // ACPIPowerProcessPhase5SystemSubPhase2
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5SystemSubPhase3( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will pause the interpreter if requird
PowerRequest - The request we are currently processing
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE systemState;
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5SystemSubPhase3\n", PowerRequest ) );
// The next phase is STEP_3
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_STEP_3;
// Fetch the target system state
systemState = PowerRequest->u.SystemPowerRequest.SystemPowerState;
// If we are going to a system state other than S0, then we need to pause
// the interpreter. After this call completes, no one can execute a control
// method
if (systemState != PowerSystemWorking) {
status = AMLIPauseInterpreter( ACPIDeviceCompleteInterpreterRequest, PowerRequest ); if (status == STATUS_PENDING) {
return status;
// Call the completion routine
ACPIDeviceCompleteInterpreterRequest( PowerRequest );
// We are successfull
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5SystemSubPhase3
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5SystemSubPhase4( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the final routine in the system path. It updates the bookkeeping
PowerRequest - The request we are currently processing
Return Value:
--*/ { KIRQL oldIrql; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; POWER_STATE state; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE systemState;
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(0x%08lx): ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5SystemSubPhase4\n", PowerRequest ) );
// Fetch the target system state
systemState = PowerRequest->u.SystemPowerRequest.SystemPowerState;
// Grab the spinlock
IoAcquireCancelSpinLock( &oldIrql ); KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock );
// Remember this as being our most recent sleeping state
AcpiMostRecentSleepState = systemState;
// Update the Gpe Wake Bits
ACPIWakeRemoveDevicesAndUpdate( NULL, NULL );
// Fetch the associated device object
deviceObject = deviceExtension->DeviceObject;
// We are done with the lock
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AcpiPowerLock ); IoReleaseCancelSpinLock( oldIrql );
// Is there an ACPI device object?
if (deviceObject != NULL) {
// Notify the system of the new S state
state.SystemState = systemState; PoSetPowerState( deviceObject, SystemPowerState, state );
// Make sure that we set the current status in the PowerRequest
// to indicate what happened.
PowerRequest->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
// Finally, we mark the power request has having had all of its works
// done
ACPIDeviceCompleteCommon( &(PowerRequest->WorkDone), WORK_DONE_COMPLETE ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5SystemSubPhase4
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5WarmEjectSubPhase1( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the method that runs the _EJx method appropriate for this device
PowerRequest - The request we are currently processing
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; OBJDATA objData; PACPI_POWER_INFO powerInfo; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; PNSOBJ ejectObject = NULL; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE ejectState = PowerRequest->u.EjectPowerRequest.EjectPowerState; ULONG ejectNames[] = { 0, 0, PACKED_EJ1, PACKED_EJ2, PACKED_EJ3, PACKED_EJ4, 0 }; ULONG flags;
// The next phase is STEP_1 if we have profile work to do, otherwise we're
// done.
flags = PowerRequest->u.EjectPowerRequest.Flags;
// Obtain the correct NameSpace object to run
ejectObject = ACPIAmliGetNamedChild( deviceExtension->AcpiObject, ejectNames[ejectState] );
// If we didn't find the object, then something terrible happened
// and we cannot continue
if (ejectObject == NULL) {
// Kiss the device goodbye
status = ACPIGetNothingEvalIntegerAsync( deviceExtension, ejectNames[ejectState], 1, ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase, PowerRequest ); ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(%0x%08lx) : ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5WarmEjectSubPhase1 = %08lx\n", PowerRequest, status ) ); if (status == STATUS_PENDING) {
return status;
// Call the completion routine by brute force. Note that at this
// point, we count everything as being SUCCESS
ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( ejectObject, status, NULL, PowerRequest ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5WarmEjectSubPhase2( IN PACPI_POWER_REQUEST PowerRequest ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the method that runs the _DCK method appropriate for this device
PowerRequest - The request we are currently processing
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; OBJDATA objData; PACPI_POWER_INFO powerInfo; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = PowerRequest->DeviceExtension; PDEVICE_EXTENSION dockExtension; PNSOBJ dckObject = NULL;
// The next phase is WORK_DONE_COMPLETE
PowerRequest->NextWorkDone = WORK_DONE_COMPLETE;
// Obtain the correct NameSpace object to run
dckObject = ACPIAmliGetNamedChild( deviceExtension->AcpiObject, PACKED_DCK );
// We might not find the _DCK method if this isn't a dock.
if (dckObject != NULL) {
dockExtension = ACPIDockFindCorrespondingDock( deviceExtension );
if (dockExtension && (dockExtension->Dock.IsolationState == IS_ISOLATION_DROPPED)) {
// Kiss the dock connect goodbye. Note that we don't even care
// about the return value because of the spec says that if it
// is called with 0, it should be ignored
dockExtension->Dock.IsolationState = IS_ISOLATED;
status = ACPIGetNothingEvalIntegerAsync( deviceExtension, PACKED_DCK, 0, ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase, PowerRequest );
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_POWER, deviceExtension, "(%0x%08lx) : ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase5WarmEjectSubPhase2 = %08lx\n", PowerRequest, status ) ); if (status == STATUS_PENDING) {
return status;
// Call the completion routine by brute force. Note that at this
// point, we count everything as being SUCCESS
ACPIDeviceCompleteGenericPhase( dckObject, status, NULL, PowerRequest ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
NTSTATUS ACPIDevicePowerProcessSynchronizeList( IN PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine completes all of the synchronize requests...
ListEntry - The list we are currently walking
Return Value:
- If any request is not marked as being complete, then STATUS_PENDING is returned, otherwise, STATUS_SUCCESS is returned
--*/ { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PACPI_POWER_REQUEST powerRequest; PLIST_ENTRY currentEntry = ListEntry->Flink; PLIST_ENTRY tempEntry;
// Look at all the items in the list
while (currentEntry != ListEntry) {
// Turn this into a device request
powerRequest = CONTAINING_RECORD( currentEntry, ACPI_POWER_REQUEST, ListEntry );
// Set the temporary pointer to the next element
tempEntry = currentEntry->Flink;
// We are done with the request
ACPIDeviceCompleteRequest( powerRequest );
// Grab the next entry
currentEntry = tempEntry;
// Have we completed all of our work?
return (STATUS_SUCCESS); } // ACPIDevicePowerProcessSynchronizeList