Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the generic routines and initialization code for the kernel debugger extensions dll.
Stephane Plante (splante)
User Mode
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <ntverp.h>
#include <imagehlp.h>
// globals
EXT_API_VERSION ApiVersion = { 5, 0, EXT_API_VERSION_NUMBER, 0 }; WINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS ExtensionApis; USHORT SavedMajorVersion; USHORT SavedMinorVersion; ULONG_PTR AcpiExtAddress = 0; ULONG_PTR AcpiTreeAddress = 0; ULONG_PTR AcpiObjAddress = 0; ULONG_PTR AcpiFacsAddress = 0; ULONG_PTR AcpiFadtAddress = 0; ULONG_PTR AcpiHdrAddress = 0; ULONG_PTR AcpiMapicAddress = 0; ULONG_PTR AcpiRsdtAddress = 0; ULONG_PTR AcpiUnasmAddress = 0; ULONG AcpiUnasmLength = 0;
DllInit( HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, DWORD dwReserved ) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break;
case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break;
case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: break; }
return TRUE; }
VOID WinDbgExtensionDllInit( PWINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, USHORT MajorVersion, USHORT MinorVersion ) { ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis; SavedMajorVersion = MajorVersion; SavedMinorVersion = MinorVersion; return; }
BOOL GetUlong ( IN PCHAR String, IN PULONG Value ) { BOOL status; ULONG_PTR Location; ULONG result;
Location = GetExpression( String ); if (!Location) {
dprintf("unable to get %s\n",String); return FALSE;
status = ReadMemory( Location, Value, sizeof(ULONG), &result ); if (status == FALSE || result != sizeof(ULONG)) {
return FALSE;
} return TRUE; }
BOOL GetUlongPtr ( IN PCHAR String, IN PULONG_PTR Address ) { BOOL status; ULONG_PTR Location; ULONG result;
Location = GetExpression( String ); if (!Location) {
dprintf("unable to get %s\n",String); return FALSE;
status = ReadMemory( Location, Address, sizeof(ULONG_PTR), &result ); if (status == FALSE || result != sizeof(ULONG)) {
return FALSE;
} return TRUE; }
LPEXT_API_VERSION ExtensionApiVersion( VOID ) { return &ApiVersion; }
DECLARE_API( accfield ) { ULONG_PTR fieldAddress = 0;
if (args != NULL) {
fieldAddress = GetExpression( args );
if (fieldAddress == 0) {
dprintf("accfield: <address>\n"); return;
dumpAccessFieldUnit( fieldAddress, (ULONG) -1, 0 );
DECLARE_API( acpiext ) { BOOL b; DEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; DEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; ULONG_PTR deviceExtensionAddress = 0; ULONG verbose = VERBOSE_ALL;
// Read the address of the device object
if ( args != NULL) {
sscanf( args, "%lx %x", &deviceExtensionAddress, &verbose );
if (deviceExtensionAddress == 0) {
if ( args != NULL) {
deviceExtensionAddress = GetExpression( args );
} if (deviceExtensionAddress == 0) {
b = GetUlongPtr( "ACPI!RootDeviceExtension", &deviceExtensionAddress ); if (!b) {
deviceExtensionAddress = 0;
} if (deviceExtensionAddress == 0) {
dprintf("acpiext <address>\n"); return;
// Read the device object
b = ReadMemory( deviceExtensionAddress, &deviceExtension, sizeof(DEVICE_EXTENSION), NULL ); if (!b || deviceExtension.Signature != ACPI_SIGNATURE) {
// Try to read a device object instead
b = ReadMemory( deviceExtensionAddress, &deviceObject, sizeof(DEVICE_OBJECT), NULL ); if (!b) {
dprintf("0x%08lx: Could not read DeviceObject\n", deviceExtensionAddress); return;
// Try to read an extension now
deviceExtensionAddress = (ULONG_PTR) deviceObject.DeviceExtension; if (deviceExtensionAddress == 0) {
dprintf("acpiext: Could not find ACPI Extension\n"); return;
} }
dumpAcpiExtension( deviceExtensionAddress, verbose, 0 ); return; }
DECLARE_API( buildlist ) { UCHAR tempBuff[100];
if (args != NULL && args[0] != 0) {
_snprintf( tempBuff, 100, "ACPI!ACPIBuild%sList", args ); dumpAcpiBuildList( tempBuff );
} else {
DECLARE_API( call ) { ULONG_PTR callAddress = 0;
if (args != NULL) {
callAddress = GetExpression( args );
if (callAddress == 0) {
dprintf("call: <address>\n"); return;
dumpCall( callAddress, (ULONG) -1, 0 );
DECLARE_API( context ) { BOOL b; ULONG_PTR contextAddress = 0; ULONG verbose = 0;
// If there are arguments, try to read them
if ( args != NULL) {
sscanf( args, "%lx %x", &contextAddress, &verbose );
if (contextAddress == 0) {
if (args != NULL) {
contextAddress = GetExpression(args);
if (contextAddress == 0) {
CTXT context; PLIST listEntry; ULONG resultLength;
// Try to read the default address
b = GetUlongPtr( "ACPI!gplistCtxtHead", &contextAddress ); if (!b || contextAddress == 0) {
dprintf("context: Could not read ACPI!gplistCtxtHead\n" ); return;
// Read the list and look at the first item
b = ReadMemory( contextAddress, &listEntry, sizeof(PLIST), &resultLength ); if (!b || resultLength != sizeof(PLIST)) {
dprintf( "context: Could not read PLIST @ 0x%08lx\n", contextAddress ); return;
// The first item in the list is the context that we are
// interested in
contextAddress = (ULONG_PTR) listEntry - ( (ULONG_PTR) &(context.listCtxt) - (ULONG_PTR) &(context) );
// Is there a context there?
if (contextAddress == 0) {
dprintf( "context: No current context\n" );
dumpContext( contextAddress, verbose ); return;
DECLARE_API( dm ) { ULONG_PTR address = 0; ULONG i; ULONG length = 0; PUCHAR name = NULL; PUCHAR tok = NULL; char sz[1000];
if (args != NULL) {
strcpy(sz, args);
for (i = 0, tok = strtok( sz, " \t" ); i < 3, tok != NULL; i +=1 ) {
if (i == 0) {
address = GetExpression( tok ); tok = strtok( NULL, " Ll\t" );
} else if (i == 1) {
length = (ULONG)GetExpression ( tok ); tok = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r");
} else if (i == 2) {
name = tok; tok = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r");
if (address == 0 || length == 0 || name == NULL) {
dprintf("dm <address> L<length> <filename>\n"); return;
dumpMemory( address, length, name ); return; }
#if 0
DECLARE_API( dsdt ) { ULONG_PTR address = 0; ULONG i; PUCHAR name = NULL; PUCHAR tok = NULL; UCHAR tempBuff[1000];
if (args != NULL) {
strcpy(tempBuff, args);
for (i = 0, tok = strtok( tempBuff, " \t" ); i < 2, tok != NULL; i +=1 ) {
if (i == 0) {
address = GetExpression( tok ); tok = strtok( NULL, " \n\r\t" );
} else if (i == 1) {
name = tok; tok = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r");
if (address == 0) {
ACPIInformation acpiInformation; BOOL status; ULONG_PTR infAddress = 0; ULONG returnLength;
status = GetUlongPtr("ACPI!AcpiInformation", &infAddress ); if (status == TRUE) {
status = ReadMemory( infAddress, &acpiInformation, sizeof(ACPIInformation), &returnLength ); if (status && returnLength == sizeof(ACPIInformation)) {
address = (ULONG_PTR) acpiInformation.DiffSystemDescTable;
} }
if (address == 0) {
dprintf("dsdt <address>\n");
dumpDSDT( address, name ); return; } #endif
DECLARE_API( facs ) {
if (args != NULL) {
AcpiFacsAddress = GetExpression( args );
if (AcpiFacsAddress == 0) {
ACPIInformation acpiInformation; BOOL status; ULONG_PTR address; ULONG returnLength;
status = GetUlongPtr( "ACPI!AcpiInformation", &address ); if (status == TRUE) {
status = ReadMemory( address, &acpiInformation, sizeof(ACPIInformation), &returnLength ); if (status && returnLength == sizeof(ACPIInformation)) {
AcpiFacsAddress = (ULONG_PTR) acpiInformation.FirmwareACPIControlStructure;
if (AcpiFacsAddress == 0) {
dprintf("facs <address>\n"); return;
dumpFACS( AcpiFacsAddress ); return;
DECLARE_API( fadt ) {
if (args != NULL && *args != '\0') {
AcpiFadtAddress = GetExpression( args );
if (AcpiFadtAddress == 0) {
ACPIInformation acpiInformation; BOOL status; ULONG_PTR address; ULONG returnLength;
status = GetUlongPtr( "ACPI!AcpiInformation", &address ); if (status == TRUE) {
status = ReadMemory( address, &acpiInformation, sizeof(ACPIInformation), &returnLength ); if (status && returnLength == sizeof(ACPIInformation)) {
AcpiFadtAddress = (ULONG_PTR) acpiInformation.FixedACPIDescTable;
if (AcpiFadtAddress == 0) {
dprintf("fadt <address>\n"); return;
} dumpFADT( AcpiFadtAddress ); return;
DECLARE_API( gbl ) { ULONG verbose = VERBOSE_1;
if (args != NULL) {
if (!strcmp(args, "-v")) {
verbose |= VERBOSE_2;
dumpGBL( verbose ); }
DECLARE_API ( gpe ) { dumpAcpiGpeInformation( ); return; }
DECLARE_API( hdr ) { BOOL b; BOOL virtualMemory = FALSE; DESCRIPTION_HEADER header; ULONG returnLength;
if (args != NULL) {
AcpiHdrAddress = GetExpression( args );
} if (AcpiHdrAddress == 0) {
dprintf("hdr <address>\n"); return;
// First check to see if we find the correct things
b = ReadPhysicalOrVirtual( AcpiHdrAddress, &header, sizeof(DESCRIPTION_HEADER), &returnLength, virtualMemory ); if (!b) {
// Attempt to read a Virtual address
virtualMemory = !virtualMemory; b = ReadPhysicalOrVirtual( AcpiHdrAddress, &header, sizeof(DESCRIPTION_HEADER), &returnLength, virtualMemory );
// Is the signature 'known'?
if (header.Signature != FADT_SIGNATURE && header.Signature != FACS_SIGNATURE && header.Signature != RSDT_SIGNATURE && header.Signature != APIC_SIGNATURE && header.Signature != DSDT_SIGNATURE && header.Signature != SSDT_SIGNATURE && header.Signature != PSDT_SIGNATURE && header.Signature != SBST_SIGNATURE) {
// Unknown -- try again
virtualMemory = !virtualMemory; b = ReadPhysicalOrVirtual( AcpiHdrAddress, &header, sizeof(DESCRIPTION_HEADER), &returnLength, virtualMemory ); if (!b) {
virtualMemory = !virtualMemory; b = ReadPhysicalOrVirtual( AcpiHdrAddress, &header, sizeof(DESCRIPTION_HEADER), &returnLength, virtualMemory );
} dumpHeader( AcpiHdrAddress, &header, TRUE ); return;
DECLARE_API( kb ) { BOOL b; ULONG_PTR contextAddress = 0; ULONG verbose = 0;
// If there are arguments, try to read them
if (args != NULL) {
contextAddress = GetExpression(args);
if (contextAddress == 0) {
CTXT context; PLIST listEntry; ULONG resultLength;
// Try to read the default address
b = GetUlongPtr( "ACPI!gplistCtxtHead", &contextAddress ); if (!b || contextAddress == 0) {
dprintf("kb: Could not read ACPI!gplistCtxtHead\n" ); return;
// Read the list and look at the first item
b = ReadMemory( contextAddress, &listEntry, sizeof(PLIST), &resultLength ); if (!b || resultLength != sizeof(PLIST)) {
dprintf( "kb: Could not read PLIST @ 0x%08lx\n", contextAddress ); return;
// The first item in the list is the context that we are
// interested in
contextAddress = (ULONG_PTR) listEntry - ( (ULONG_PTR) &(context.listCtxt) - (ULONG_PTR) &(context) );
// Is there a context there?
if (contextAddress == 0) {
dprintf( "kb: No current context\n" );
stackTrace( contextAddress, 0 ); return;
DECLARE_API( kv ) { BOOL b; ULONG_PTR contextAddress = 0; ULONG verbose = 0;
// If there are arguments, try to read them
if (args != NULL) {
contextAddress = GetExpression(args);
if (contextAddress == 0) {
CTXT context; PLIST listEntry; ULONG resultLength;
// Try to read the default address
b = GetUlongPtr( "ACPI!gplistCtxtHead", &contextAddress ); if (!b || contextAddress == 0) {
dprintf("kv: Could not read ACPI!gplistCtxtHead\n" ); return;
// Read the list and look at the first item
b = ReadMemory( contextAddress, &listEntry, sizeof(PLIST), &resultLength ); if (!b || resultLength != sizeof(PLIST)) {
dprintf( "kv: Could not read PLIST @ 0x%08lx\n", contextAddress ); return;
// The first item in the list is the context that we are
// interested in
contextAddress = (ULONG_PTR) listEntry - ( (ULONG_PTR) &(context.listCtxt) - (ULONG_PTR) &(context) );
// Is there a context there?
if (contextAddress == 0) {
dprintf( "kv: No current context\n" );
stackTrace( contextAddress, 1 ); return;
DECLARE_API( inf ) { dumpAcpiInformation( ); return; }
DECLARE_API( mapic ) { if (args != NULL) {
AcpiMapicAddress = GetExpression( args );
if (AcpiMapicAddress == 0) {
ACPIInformation acpiInformation; BOOL status; ULONG_PTR address; ULONG returnLength;
status = GetUlongPtr( "ACPI!AcpiInformation", &address ); if (status == TRUE) {
status = ReadMemory( address, &acpiInformation, sizeof(ACPIInformation), &returnLength ); if (status && returnLength == sizeof(ACPIInformation)) {
AcpiMapicAddress = (ULONG_PTR) acpiInformation.MultipleApicTable; } } }
if (AcpiMapicAddress == 0) { dprintf("mapic <address>"); return; }
dumpMAPIC( AcpiMapicAddress ); return;
DECLARE_API( node ) { ULONG_PTR nodeAddress;
nodeAddress = GetExpression( args ); if (nodeAddress == 0) {
dprintf("node: Illegal Address (%s == NULL)\n", args ); return; } dumpAcpiDeviceNodes( nodeAddress, VERBOSE_4, 0 );
DECLARE_API( nsobj ) { ULONG_PTR address = 0;
if (args != NULL) {
address = GetExpression( args );
if (args == 0) {
dprintf( "nsobj: Could not find %s\n", (args != NULL ? args : "null") ); return;
dumpNSObject( address, 0xFFFF, 0 ); }
DECLARE_API( nstree ) { ULONG_PTR address = 0;
if ((args != NULL) && (*args != '\0')) {
address = GetExpression( args );
} else {
address = GetExpression( "acpi!gpnsNameSpaceRoot" );
} if (address == 0) {
dprintf( "nstree: Could not find %s\n", (args != NULL ? args : "acpi!gpnsNameSpaceRoot" ) ); return;
dumpNSTree( address, 0 ); }
DECLARE_API( objdata ) { BOOL b; ULONG address = 0;
// Read the address of the device object
if (args != NULL) {
AcpiObjAddress = GetExpression( args );
} if (AcpiObjAddress == 0) {
dprintf("object <address>\n"); return;
dumpPObject( AcpiObjAddress, 0xFFFF, 0); return;
DECLARE_API( pnpreslist ) { ULONG_PTR address = 0;
if (args != NULL) {
address = GetExpression( args );
} if (address == 0) {
dprintf("pnpreslist <address>\n"); return;
dumpPnPResources( address ); }
DECLARE_API( polist ) { UCHAR tempBuff[100];
if (args != NULL && args[0] != 0) {
_snprintf( tempBuff, 100, "ACPI!ACPIPower%sList", args ); dumpAcpiPowerList( tempBuff );
} else {
DECLARE_API( ponodes ) { dumpAcpiPowerNodes(); }
#if 0
DECLARE_API( psdt ) {
ULONG_PTR address = 0; ULONG i; PUCHAR name = NULL; PUCHAR tok = NULL; UCHAR tempBuff[1000];
if (args != NULL) {
strcpy(tempBuff, args);
for (i = 0, tok = strtok( tempBuff, " \t" ); i < 2, tok != NULL; i +=1 ) {
if (i == 0) {
address = GetExpression( tok ); tok = strtok( NULL, " Ll\t" );
} else if (i == 1) {
name = tok; tok = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r");
if (address == 0) {
dprintf("psdt <address>"); return;
dumpDSDT( address, name ); return; } #endif
DECLARE_API( rsdt ) {
if (args != NULL) {
AcpiRsdtAddress = GetExpression( args );
} if (AcpiRsdtAddress == 0) {
ACPIInformation acpiInformation; BOOL status; ULONG_PTR address; ULONG returnLength;
status = GetUlongPtr( "ACPI!AcpiInformation", &address ); if (status == TRUE) {
status = ReadMemory( address, &acpiInformation, sizeof(ACPIInformation), &returnLength ); if (status && returnLength == sizeof(ACPIInformation)) {
AcpiRsdtAddress = (ULONG_PTR) acpiInformation.RootSystemDescTable; }
} if (AcpiRsdtAddress == 0) {
if (!findRSDT( &AcpiRsdtAddress) ) {
dprintf("Could not locate the RSDT pointer\n"); return;
dumpRSDT( AcpiRsdtAddress ); return;
DECLARE_API( scope ) { ULONG_PTR scopeAddress = 0;
if (args != NULL) {
scopeAddress = GetExpression( args );
if (scopeAddress == 0) {
dprintf("scope: <address>\n"); return;
dumpScope( scopeAddress, (ULONG) -1, 0 );
#if 0
DECLARE_API( ssdt ) {
ULONG_PTR address = 0; ULONG i; PUCHAR name = NULL; PUCHAR tok = NULL; UCHAR tempBuff[1000];
if (args != NULL) {
strcpy(tempBuff, args);
for (i = 0, tok = strtok( tempBuff, " \t" ); i < 2, tok != NULL; i +=1 ) {
if (i == 0) {
address = GetExpression( tok ); tok = strtok( NULL, " Ll\t" );
} else if (i == 1) {
name = tok; tok = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r");
if (address == 0) {
dprintf("ssdt <address>"); return;
dumpDSDT( address, name ); return; } #endif
DECLARE_API( term ) { ULONG_PTR termAddress = 0;
if (args != NULL) {
termAddress = GetExpression( args );
if (termAddress == 0) {
dprintf("term: <address>\n"); return;
dumpTerm( termAddress, (ULONG) -1, 0 );
DECLARE_API( version ) { #if DBG
PCHAR DebuggerType = "Checked"; #else
PCHAR DebuggerType = "Free"; #endif
dprintf( "%s Extension dll for Build %d debugging %s kernel for Build %d\n", DebuggerType, VER_PRODUCTBUILD, SavedMajorVersion == 0x0c ? "Checked" : "Free", SavedMinorVersion ); }
DECLARE_API( amli ) /*++
Routine Description:
Invoke AMLI debugger
Return Value:
--*/ { if ((args == NULL) || (*args == '\0')) { dprintf("Usage: amli <cmd> [arguments ...]\n" "where <cmd> is one of the following:\n"); AMLIDbgHelp(NULL, NULL, 0, 0); dprintf("\n"); } else { AMLIDbgExecuteCmd((PSZ)args); dprintf("\n"); } }
DECLARE_API( irqarb ) {
dprintf("Moved to kdexts.dll Try '!acpiirqarb'\n"); }