Copyright (c) 1991-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Neil Sandlin (neilsa) 26-Apr-99
Kernel mode only.
--*/ #include "pch.h"
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,MemCardIrpReadWrite)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,MemCardReadWrite)
NTSTATUS MemCardIrpReadWrite( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp )
Routine Description:
This routine handles read/write irps for the memory card. It validates parameters and calls MemCardReadWrite to do the real work.
DeviceObject - a pointer to the object that represents the device that I/O is to be done on.
Irp - a pointer to the I/O Request Packet for this request.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS if the packet was successfully read or written; the appropriate error is propogated otherwise.
{ NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PMEMCARD_EXTENSION memcardExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); BOOLEAN writeOperation; //
// If the device is not active (not started yet or removed) we will
// just fail this request outright.
if ( memcardExtension->IsRemoved || !memcardExtension->IsStarted) {
if ( memcardExtension->IsRemoved) { status = STATUS_DELETE_PENDING; } else { status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } goto ReadWriteComplete; }
if (((irpSp->Parameters.Read.ByteOffset.LowPart + irpSp->Parameters.Read.Length) > memcardExtension->ByteCapacity) || (irpSp->Parameters.Read.ByteOffset.HighPart != 0)) {
status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto ReadWriteComplete; }
// verify that user is really expecting some I/O operation to
// occur.
if (!irpSp->Parameters.Read.Length) { //
// Complete this zero length request with no boost.
Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto ReadWriteComplete; } if ((DeviceObject->Flags & DO_VERIFY_VOLUME) && !(irpSp->Flags & SL_OVERRIDE_VERIFY_VOLUME)) { //
// The disk changed, and we set this bit. Fail
// all current IRPs for this device; when all are
// returned, the file system will clear
status = STATUS_VERIFY_REQUIRED; goto ReadWriteComplete; }
writeOperation = (irpSp->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_WRITE) ? TRUE : FALSE; //
// Do the operation
status = MemCardReadWrite(memcardExtension, irpSp->Parameters.Read.ByteOffset.LowPart, MmGetSystemAddressForMdl(Irp->MdlAddress), irpSp->Parameters.Read.Length, writeOperation); ReadWriteComplete:
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { Irp->IoStatus.Information = irpSp->Parameters.Read.Length; } else { Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; }
Irp->IoStatus.Status = status; IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); return status; }
NTSTATUS MemCardReadWrite( IN PMEMCARD_EXTENSION memcardExtension, IN ULONG startOffset, IN PVOID UserBuffer, IN ULONG lengthToCopy, IN BOOLEAN writeOperation )
Routine Description:
This routine is called to read/write data to/from the memory card. It breaks the request into pieces based on the size of our memory window.
DeviceObject - a pointer to the object that represents the device that I/O is to be done on.
Irp - a pointer to the I/O Request Packet for this request.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS if the packet was successfully read or written; the appropriate error is propogated otherwise.
{ NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PCHAR userBuffer = UserBuffer; ULONG windowOffset; ULONG singleCopyLength; BOOLEAN bSuccess; ULONGLONG CardBase; if (writeOperation && (memcardExtension->PcmciaInterface.IsWriteProtected)(memcardExtension->UnderlyingPDO)) { return STATUS_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECTED; } MemCardDump(MEMCARDRW,("MemCard: DO %.8x %s offset %.8x, buffer %.8x, len %x\n", memcardExtension->DeviceObject, writeOperation?"WRITE":"READ", startOffset, UserBuffer, lengthToCopy)); // pcmcia controller is 4k page granular
windowOffset = startOffset % 4096; CardBase = startOffset - windowOffset; while(lengthToCopy) { bSuccess = (memcardExtension->PcmciaInterface.ModifyMemoryWindow) ( memcardExtension->UnderlyingPDO, memcardExtension->HostBase, CardBase, TRUE, memcardExtension->MemoryWindowSize, 0, 0, FALSE); if (!bSuccess) { status = STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_READY; break; } singleCopyLength = (lengthToCopy <= (memcardExtension->MemoryWindowSize - windowOffset)) ? lengthToCopy : (memcardExtension->MemoryWindowSize - windowOffset); MemCardDump(MEMCARDRW,("MemCard: COPY %.8x (devbase %.8x) %s buffer %.8x, len %x\n", memcardExtension->MemoryWindowBase+windowOffset, (ULONG)(CardBase+windowOffset), (writeOperation ? "<=" : "=>"), userBuffer, singleCopyLength)); if (writeOperation) {
MemCardMtdWrite(memcardExtension, userBuffer, memcardExtension->MemoryWindowBase+windowOffset, singleCopyLength);
} else {
MemCardMtdRead(memcardExtension, userBuffer, memcardExtension->MemoryWindowBase+windowOffset, singleCopyLength);
} lengthToCopy -= singleCopyLength; userBuffer += singleCopyLength; CardBase += memcardExtension->MemoryWindowSize; windowOffset = 0; }
return status; }