Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Routines for validating a network name and making sure that it is ok to use.
John Vert (jvert) 4/15/1997
Revision History:
--*/ #include "clusrtlp.h"
#include <lmerr.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include "icanon.h"
#include "netcan.h"
#include <nb30.h>
#include <msgrutil.h>
#include <lmaccess.h>
#include <lmuse.h>
#include <lmwksta.h>
#include <netlogon.h>
#include <logonp.h>
#include <windns.h>
#include <ipexport.h>
BOOL ClRtlIsNetNameValid( IN LPCWSTR NetName, OUT OPTIONAL CLRTL_NAME_STATUS *Result, IN BOOL CheckIfExists ) /*++
Routine Description:
Validates a network name to make sure it is ok to use. If it is not ok, it optionally returns the reason.
The checks this routine does include: Name must not be zero length (NetNameEmpty) After conversion to OEM, name must be <= MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH (NetNameTooLong) No spaces (NetNameInvalidChars) No internet characters "@, (NetNameInvalidChars) Name already present on network (NetNameInUse)
This routine is netbios-centric in that the name passed in must meet the criteria for a valid netbios name. At some point, we'll need to pass in the type of validation since it is possible on NT5 to configure a netbios-less environment.
NetName - Supplies the network name.
Result - if present, returns the exact check that failed.
CheckIfExists - Specifies whether a check should be made to see if the network name exists on the network.
Return Value:
TRUE - the network name is valid.
FALSE - the network name is not valid.
{ DWORD UnicodeSize; DWORD OemSize; BOOL Valid = FALSE; CLRTL_NAME_STATUS Reason = NetNameOk; DWORD Status;
// Check the Unicode length.
UnicodeSize = lstrlenW(NetName); if (UnicodeSize == 0) { Reason = NetNameEmpty; goto error_exit; } if (UnicodeSize > MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH) { Reason = NetNameTooLong; goto error_exit; }
// netbios names are converted to multi-byte before being registered. Make
// sure that when converted to MBCS, the name is not more than
OemSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, 0, NetName, UnicodeSize, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (OemSize > MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH) { Reason = NetNameTooLong; goto error_exit; }
// Now call NetpwNameValidate. This will only check for invalid characters since
// we have already validated the length.
if (NetpwNameValidate((LPWSTR)NetName, NAMETYPE_COMPUTER, 0) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Reason = NetNameInvalidChars; goto error_exit; }
// Now we need to check for an invalid DNS name. If this fails, it is
// probably because of additional invalid characters. Currently we do not
// support the thing net setup does where it creates an alternate DNS name
// that is different than the netbios name. There should be no periods in
// this name as well, since that will cause the DNS validate name check to
// fail when this name is brought online.
Status = DnsValidateName_W( NetName, DnsNameHostnameLabel ); if ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( Status == DNS_ERROR_NON_RFC_NAME ) { Reason = NetNameDNSNonRFCChars; } else { Reason = NetNameInvalidChars; } goto error_exit; }
// Finally, check to see if this name is already present on the network.
if (CheckIfExists) { Status = NetpCheckNetBiosNameNotInUse((LPWSTR)NetName); if (Status != NERR_Success) { Reason = NetNameInUse; goto error_exit; } }
Reason = NetNameOk; Valid = TRUE;
error_exit: if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Result)) { *Result = Reason; } return(Valid); }
#define clearncb(x) memset((char *)x,'\0',sizeof(NCB))
Routine Description:
FmtNcbName - format a name NCB-style
Given a name, a name type, and a destination address, this function copies the name and the type to the destination in the format used in the name fields of a Network Control Block.
Modifies 16 bytes starting at the destination address.
DestBuf - Pointer to the destination buffer.
Name - Unicode NUL-terminated name string
Type - Name type number (0, 3, 5, or 32) (3=NON_FWD, 5=FWD)
Return Value:
NERR_Success - The operation was successful
Translated Return Code from the Rtl Translate routine.
NOTE: This should only be called from UNICODE
NET_API_STATUS MsgFmtNcbName( char * DestBuf, WCHAR * Name, DWORD Type) { DWORD i; // Counter
NTSTATUS ntStatus; OEM_STRING ansiString; UNICODE_STRING unicodeString; PCHAR pAnsiString;
// Convert the unicode name string into an ansi string - using the
// current locale.
unicodeString.Length = (USHORT)(wcslen(Name) * sizeof(WCHAR)); unicodeString.MaximumLength = unicodeString.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); unicodeString.Buffer = Name;
ntStatus = RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &ansiString, &unicodeString, TRUE); // Allocate the ansiString Buffer.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
return RtlNtStatusToDosError( ntStatus ); }
pAnsiString = ansiString.Buffer; *(pAnsiString+ansiString.Length) = '\0';
// copy each character until a NUL is reached, or until NCBNAMSZ-1
// characters have been copied.
for (i=0; i < NCBNAMSZ - 1; ++i) { if (*pAnsiString == '\0') { break; }
// Copy the Name
*DestBuf++ = (char)toupper(*pAnsiString++); }
// Free the buffer that RtlUnicodeStringToOemString created for us.
// NOTE: only the ansiString.Buffer portion is free'd.
RtlFreeOemString( &ansiString);
// Pad the name field with spaces
for(; i < NCBNAMSZ - 1; ++i) { *DestBuf++ = ' '; }
// Set the name type.
*DestBuf = (CHAR) Type; // Set name type
return(NERR_Success); }
Routine Description:
Attempt to discover the if the name is in use. If the name shows up on any LANA then consider it in use.
pszName - name to check
Return Value:
NERR_Success if ok, NERR_NameInUse otherwise
{ //
// initial and delta value used to allocate NAME_BUFFER buffers
NCB ncb; LANA_ENUM lanaBuffer; DWORD index; UCHAR nbStatus; NET_API_STATUS netStatus = NERR_Success; DWORD numNameBuffers = NUM_NAME_BUFFERS; WORD aStatBufferSize = (WORD)(sizeof(ADAPTER_STATUS)+ numNameBuffers * sizeof(NAME_BUFFER)); UCHAR staticAStat[ sizeof(ADAPTER_STATUS)+ NUM_NAME_BUFFERS * sizeof(NAME_BUFFER) ]; PADAPTER_STATUS adapterStatus; PNAME_BUFFER nameBuffer;
// Find the number of networks by sending an enum request via
// Netbios. there is no (easy) way to distinguish netbt from IPX.
clearncb(&ncb); ncb.ncb_command = NCBENUM; // Enumerate LANA nums (wait)
ncb.ncb_buffer = (PUCHAR)&lanaBuffer; ncb.ncb_length = sizeof(LANA_ENUM);
nbStatus = Netbios (&ncb); if (nbStatus != NRC_GOODRET) { return( NetpNetBiosStatusToApiStatus( nbStatus ) ); }
// clear the NCB and format the remote name appropriately.
clearncb(&ncb); netStatus = MsgFmtNcbName( (char *)ncb.ncb_callname, pszName, 0x20); if ( netStatus != NERR_Success ) { return ( netStatus ); }
// have our buffers initially point to the static buffer
adapterStatus = (PADAPTER_STATUS)staticAStat; nameBuffer = (PNAME_BUFFER)(adapterStatus + 1);
// cycle through the lanas, issueing an adapter status on the remote name.
for ( index = 0; index < lanaBuffer.length && netStatus == NERR_Success; index++ ) { NetpNetBiosReset( lanaBuffer.lana[index] );
astat_retry: ncb.ncb_command = NCBASTAT; ncb.ncb_buffer = (PUCHAR)adapterStatus; ncb.ncb_length = aStatBufferSize; ncb.ncb_lana_num = lanaBuffer.lana[index]; nbStatus = Netbios( &ncb );
if ( nbStatus == NRC_INCOMP ) {
// buffer not large enough and we don't know how big a buffer we
// need. allocate a larger buffer and retry the request until we
// get success or another type of failure.
if ( (PUCHAR)adapterStatus != staticAStat ) { LocalFree( adapterStatus ); }
numNameBuffers += NUM_NAME_BUFFERS; aStatBufferSize = (WORD)(sizeof(ADAPTER_STATUS)+ numNameBuffers * sizeof(NAME_BUFFER)); adapterStatus = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, aStatBufferSize );
if ( adapterStatus == NULL ) { return netStatus; // err on the side of caution
nameBuffer = (PNAME_BUFFER)(adapterStatus + 1); goto astat_retry; } else if ( nbStatus == NRC_GOODRET ) {
// got something back. Look through the list of names to make sure
// our name is really online. We couldv'e gotten here through a
// stale name registration.
while ( adapterStatus->name_count-- ) { if (( nameBuffer->name_flags & GROUP_NAME ) == 0 ) { if ( _strnicmp( nameBuffer->name, ncb.ncb_callname, NCBNAMSZ - 1 ) == 0 ) { netStatus = NERR_NameInUse; break; } } ++nameBuffer; } }
if ( netStatus != NERR_Success ) { break; } }
if ( (PUCHAR)adapterStatus != staticAStat ) { LocalFree( adapterStatus ); }
return( netStatus ); }