// Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// CBCAInterface.h
// Description:
// This file contains the declaration of the CBCAInterface
// class. This class implements the IClusCfgBaseCluster interface.
// Documentation:
// TODO: fill in pointer to external documentation
// Implementation Files:
// CBCAInterface.cpp
// Maintained By:
// Vij Vasu (VVasu) 07-MAR-2000
// Make sure that this file is included only once per compile path.
#pragma once
// Include Files
// For IUnknown
#include <unknwn.h>
// For IClusCfgBaseCluster
// For IClusCfgInitialize
// For IClusCfgCallback
#include "ClusCfgServer.h"
#include "ClusCfgPrivate.h"
// For CSmartIfacePtr
#include "SmartClasses.h"
// For the a few common types and definitions
#include "CommonDefs.h"
// For the CStr class
#include "CStr.h"
// For the CList class
#include "CList.h"
// Forward declarations.
class CBaseClusterAction; class CException; class CExceptionWithString; class CAssert;
// class CBCAInterface
// Description:
// This class implements the IClusCfgBaseCluster interface.
class CBCAInterface : public IClusCfgBaseCluster , public IClusCfgInitialize { public: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHOD( QueryInterface )( REFIID riidIn, void ** ppvOut ); STDMETHOD_( ULONG, AddRef )( void ); STDMETHOD_( ULONG, Release )( void );
// IClusCfgBaseCluster methods
// Indicate that a cluster is to be formed.
STDMETHOD( SetForm )( const WCHAR * pcszClusterNameIn , const WCHAR * pcszClusterBindingStringIn , const WCHAR * pcszClusterAccountNameIn , const WCHAR * pcszClusterAccountPwdIn , const WCHAR * pcszClusterAccountDomainIn , const DWORD dwClusterIPAddressIn , const DWORD dwClusterIPSubnetMaskIn , const WCHAR * pcszClusterIPNetworkIn );
// Indicate that this node should be added to a cluster.
STDMETHOD( SetJoin )( const WCHAR * pcszClusterNameIn , const WCHAR * pcszClusterBindingStringIn , const WCHAR * pcszClusterAccountNameIn , const WCHAR * pcszClusterAccountPwdIn , const WCHAR * pcszClusterAccountDomainIn );
// Indicate that this node needs to be cleaned up.
STDMETHOD( SetCleanup )( void );
// Commit the action desired.
STDMETHOD( Commit )( void );
// Rollback the committed action.
STDMETHOD( Rollback )( void );
// IClusCfgInitialize methods
// Initialize this object.
STDMETHOD( Initialize )( IUnknown * punkCallbackIn , LCID lcidIn );
// Other public methods
// Create an instance of this class.
static HRESULT S_HrCreateInstance( IUnknown ** ppunkOut );
// Send progress notification [ string id overload ]
void SendStatusReport( const CLSID & clsidTaskMajorIn , const CLSID & clsidTaskMinorIn , ULONG ulMinIn , ULONG ulMaxIn , ULONG ulCurrentIn , HRESULT hrStatusIn , UINT uiDescriptionStringIdIn , bool fIsAbortAllowedIn = true );
// Send progress notification [ string overload ]
void SendStatusReport( const CLSID & clsidTaskMajorIn , const CLSID & clsidTaskMinorIn , ULONG ulMinIn , ULONG ulMaxIn , ULONG ulCurrentIn , HRESULT hrStatusIn , const WCHAR * pcszDescriptionStringIn , bool fIsAbortAllowedIn = true );
// Queue a status report to be sent when an exception is caught.
void QueueStatusReportCompletion( const CLSID & clsidTaskMajorIn , const CLSID & clsidTaskMinorIn , ULONG ulMinIn , ULONG ulMaxIn , UINT uiDescriptionStringIdIn );
// Process an exception that should be shown to the user.
HRESULT HrProcessException( CExceptionWithString & resExceptionObjectInOut ) throw();
// Process an assert exception.
HRESULT HrProcessException( const CAssert & rcaExceptionObjectIn ) throw();
// Process a general exception.
HRESULT HrProcessException( const CException & rceExceptionObjectIn ) throw();
// Process an unknown exception.
HRESULT HrProcessException( void ) throw();
// Public accessor methods
// Has this action been successfully committed?
bool FIsCommitComplete() const throw() { return m_fCommitComplete; }
// Can this action be rolled back?
bool FIsRollbackPossible() const throw() { return m_fRollbackPossible; }
// Are callbacks supported?
bool FIsCallbackSupported() const throw() { return m_fCallbackSupported; }
private: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Private types
// Smart pointer to a base cluster action.
typedef CSmartGenericPtr< CPtrTrait< CBaseClusterAction > > SmartBCAPointer;
// Structure that holds the data required to send pending status reports.
struct SPendingStatusReport { const CLSID m_clsidTaskMajor; const CLSID m_clsidTaskMinor; ULONG m_ulMin; ULONG m_ulMax; UINT m_uiDescriptionStringId;
// Constructor
SPendingStatusReport( const CLSID & rclsidTaskMajorIn , const CLSID & rclsidTaskMinorIn , ULONG ulMinIn , ULONG ulMaxIn , UINT uiDescriptionStringIdIn ) : m_clsidTaskMajor( rclsidTaskMajorIn ) , m_clsidTaskMinor( rclsidTaskMinorIn ) , m_ulMin( ulMinIn ) , m_ulMax( ulMaxIn ) , m_uiDescriptionStringId( uiDescriptionStringIdIn ) { } //*** SPendingStatusReport()
}; // struct SPendingStatusReport
// List of pending status reports
typedef CList< SPendingStatusReport > PendingReportList;
// Private member functions
// Private constructors, destructor and assignment operator.
// All of these methods are private for two reasons:
// 1. Lifetimes of objects of this class are controlled by S_HrCreateInstance and Release.
// 2. Copying of an object of this class is prohibited.
// Default constructor.
CBCAInterface( void );
// Destructor.
~CBCAInterface( void );
// Copy constructor.
CBCAInterface( const CBCAInterface & );
// Assignment operator.
CBCAInterface & operator =( const CBCAInterface & );
// Private accessor methods
// Set the commit status.
void SetCommitCompleted( bool fComplete = true ) throw() { m_fCommitComplete = fComplete; }
// Indicate if rollback is possible
void SetRollbackPossible( bool fPossible = true ) throw() { m_fRollbackPossible = fPossible; }
// Indicate if callbacks are supported or not.
void SetCallbackSupported( bool fSupported = true ) throw() { m_fCallbackSupported = fSupported; }
// Other private methods
// Send all those status reports that were supposed to be sent
void CompletePendingStatusReports( HRESULT hrStatusIn ) throw();
// Private data
// Indicates if this action has been successfully committed or not.
bool m_fCommitComplete;
// Indicates if this action can be rolled back or not.
bool m_fRollbackPossible;
// Indicates if callbacks are supported or not.
bool m_fCallbackSupported;
// Reference count for this object.
LONG m_cRef;
// The locale id.
LCID m_lcid;
// Pointer to the action to be performed during Commit()
SmartBCAPointer m_spbcaCurrentAction;
// Pointer to the synchronous callback interface.
CSmartIfacePtr< IClusCfgCallback > m_spcbCallback;
// List of status reports that need to be send when an exception is caught.
PendingReportList m_prlPendingReportList;
}; //*** class CBCAInterface