// Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// CRegistryKey.cpp
// Description:
// Contains the definition of the CRegistryKey class.
// Maintained By:
// Vij Vasu (Vvasu) 08-MAR-2000
// Include Files
// The precompiled header.
#include "pch.h"
// CRegistryKey::CRegistryKey()
// Description:
// Default constructor of the CRegistryKey class
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
CRegistryKey::CRegistryKey( void ) throw() { BCATraceScope( "" );
} //*** CRegistryKey::CRegistryKey()
// CRegistryKey::CRegistryKey()
// Description:
// Constructor of the CRegistryKey class. Opens the specified key.
// Arguments:
// hKeyParentIn
// Handle to the parent key.
// pszSubKeyNameIn
// Name of the subkey.
// samDesiredIn
// Access rights desired. Defaults to KEY_ALL_ACCESS
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any thrown by functions called.
CRegistryKey::CRegistryKey( HKEY hKeyParentIn , const WCHAR * pszSubKeyNameIn , REGSAM samDesiredIn ) { BCATraceScope( "" );
OpenKey( hKeyParentIn, pszSubKeyNameIn, samDesiredIn );
} //*** CRegistryKey::CRegistryKey()
// CRegistryKey::~CRegistryKey()
// Description:
// Default destructor of the CRegistryKey class
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
CRegistryKey::~CRegistryKey( void ) throw() { BCATraceScope( "" );
} //*** CRegistryKey::~CRegistryKey()
// void
// CRegistryKey::OpenKey()
// Description:
// Opens the specified key.
// Arguments:
// hKeyParentIn
// Handle to the parent key.
// pszSubKeyNameIn
// Name of the subkey.
// samDesiredIn
// Access rights desired. Defaults to KEY_ALL_ACCESS
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
void CRegistryKey::OpenKey( HKEY hKeyParentIn , const WCHAR * pszSubKeyNameIn , REGSAM samDesiredIn ) { BCATraceScope3( "hKeyParentIn = %p, pszSubKeyNameIn = '%ws', samDesiredIn = %#x", hKeyParentIn, pszSubKeyNameIn == NULL ? L"<null>" : pszSubKeyNameIn, samDesiredIn );
HKEY hTempKey = NULL; LONG lRetVal;
lRetVal = TW32( RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyParentIn , pszSubKeyNameIn , 0 , samDesiredIn , &hTempKey ) );
// Was the key opened properly?
if ( lRetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { BCATraceMsg2( "RegOpenKeyEx( '%ws' ) retured error %#08x. Throwing an exception.", pszSubKeyNameIn, lRetVal ); LogMsg( "CRegistryKey::OpenKey - RegOpenKeyEx( '%ws' ) retured error %#08x. Throwing an exception.", pszSubKeyNameIn, lRetVal );
BCATraceMsg1( "Handle to key = %p", hTempKey );
// Store the opened key in the member variable.
m_shkKey.Assign( hTempKey );
} //*** CRegistryKey::OpenKey()
// void
// CRegistryKey::CreateKey()
// Description:
// Creates the specified key. If the key already exists, this functions
// opens the key.
// Arguments:
// hKeyParentIn
// Handle to the parent key.
// pszSubKeyNameIn
// Name of the subkey.
// samDesiredIn
// Access rights desired. Defaults to KEY_ALL_ACCESS
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
void CRegistryKey::CreateKey( HKEY hKeyParentIn , const WCHAR * pszSubKeyNameIn , REGSAM samDesiredIn ) { BCATraceScope3( "hKeyParentIn = %p, pszSubKeyNameIn = '%ws', samDesiredIn = %#x", hKeyParentIn, pszSubKeyNameIn == NULL ? L"<null>" : pszSubKeyNameIn, samDesiredIn ); if ( pszSubKeyNameIn == NULL ) { BCATraceMsg( "Key = NULL. This is an error! Throwing exception." ); THROW_ASSERT( E_INVALIDARG, "The name of the subkey cannot be NULL." ); }
HKEY hTempKey = NULL; LONG lRetVal;
lRetVal = TW32( RegCreateKeyEx( hKeyParentIn , pszSubKeyNameIn , 0 , NULL , REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE , samDesiredIn , NULL , &hTempKey , NULL ) );
// Was the key opened properly?
if ( lRetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { BCATraceMsg2( "RegCreateKeyEx( '%ws' ) retured error %#08x. Throwing an exception.", pszSubKeyNameIn, lRetVal ); LogMsg( "CRegistryKey::CreateKey - RegCreateKeyEx( '%ws' ) retured error %#08x.", pszSubKeyNameIn, lRetVal );
BCATraceMsg1( "Handle to key = %p", hTempKey );
// Store the opened key in the member variable.
m_shkKey.Assign( hTempKey );
} //*** CRegistryKey::CreateKey()
// void
// CRegistryKey::QueryValue()
// Description:
// Reads a value under this key. The memory for this value is allocated
// by this function. The caller is responsible for freeing this memory.
// Arguments:
// pszValueNameIn
// Name of the value to read.
// ppbDataOut
// Pointer to the pointer to the data. Cannot be NULL.
// pdwDataSizeInBytesOut
// Number of bytes allocated in the data buffer. Cannot be NULL.
// pdwTypeOut
// Pointer to the type of the value.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
// CAssert
// If the parameters are incorrect.
void CRegistryKey::QueryValue( const WCHAR * pszValueNameIn , LPBYTE * ppbDataOut , LPDWORD pdwDataSizeBytesOut , LPDWORD pdwTypeOut ) const { BCATraceScope1( "pszValueNameIn = '%ws'", pszValueNameIn == NULL ? L"<null>" : pszValueNameIn );
LONG lRetVal = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD cbBufferSize = 0; DWORD dwType = REG_SZ;
// Check parameters
if ( ( pdwDataSizeBytesOut == NULL ) || ( ppbDataOut == NULL ) ) { BCATraceMsg( "One of the required input pointers is NULL. Throwing exception." ); THROW_ASSERT( E_INVALIDARG , "CRegistryKey::QueryValue() => Required input pointer in NULL" ); } // if: parameters are invalid.
// Initialize outputs.
*ppbDataOut = NULL; *pdwDataSizeBytesOut = 0;
// Get the required size of the buffer.
lRetVal = TW32( RegQueryValueEx( m_shkKey.HHandle() // handle to key to query
, pszValueNameIn // address of name of value to query
, 0 // reserved
, NULL // address of buffer for value type
, NULL // address of data buffer
, &cbBufferSize // address of data buffer size
) );
if ( lRetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { BCATraceMsg2( "RegQueryValueEx( '%ws' ) retured error %#08x. Throwing an exception.", pszValueNameIn, lRetVal ); LogMsg( "CRegistryKey::QueryValue - RegQueryValueEx( '%ws' ) retured error %#08x.", pszValueNameIn, lRetVal );
SmartByteArray sbaBuffer( new BYTE[ cbBufferSize ] );
if ( sbaBuffer.FIsEmpty() ) { BCATraceMsg1( "Could not allocate %d bytes of memory. Throwing an exception.", cbBufferSize ); LogMsg( "CRegistryKey::QueryValue - Could not allocate %d bytes of memory.", lRetVal ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) , IDS_ERROR_REGISTRY_QUERY ); }
// Read the value.
lRetVal = TW32( RegQueryValueEx( m_shkKey.HHandle() // handle to key to query
, pszValueNameIn // address of name of value to query
, 0 // reserved
, &dwType // address of buffer for value type
, sbaBuffer.PMem() // address of data buffer
, &cbBufferSize // address of data buffer size
) );
// Was the key read properly?
if ( lRetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { BCATraceMsg2( "RegQueryValueEx( '%ws' ) retured error %#08x. Throwing an exception.", pszValueNameIn, lRetVal ); LogMsg( "CRegistryKey::QueryValue - RegQueryValueEx( '%ws' ) retured error %#08x.", pszValueNameIn, lRetVal );
*ppbDataOut = sbaBuffer.PRelease(); *pdwDataSizeBytesOut = cbBufferSize;
if ( pdwTypeOut != NULL ) { *pdwTypeOut = dwType; }
} //*** CRegistryKey::QueryValue()
// void
// CRegistryKey::SetValue()
// Description:
// Writes a value under this key.
// Arguments:
// pszValueNameIn
// Name of the value to be set.
// cpbDataIn
// Pointer to the pointer to the data buffer.
// dwDataSizeInBytesIn
// Number of bytes in the data buffer.
// pdwTypeIn
// Type of the value.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
void CRegistryKey::SetValue( const WCHAR * pszValueNameIn , DWORD dwTypeIn , const BYTE * cpbDataIn , DWORD dwDataSizeBytesIn ) const { BCATraceScope5( "HKEY = %p, pszValueNameIn = '%s', dwTypeIn = %d, cpbDataIn = %p, dwDataSizeBytesIn = %d." , m_shkKey.HHandle() , pszValueNameIn , dwTypeIn , cpbDataIn , dwDataSizeBytesIn );
DWORD dwRetVal = TW32( RegSetValueEx( m_shkKey.HHandle() , pszValueNameIn , 0 , dwTypeIn , cpbDataIn , dwDataSizeBytesIn ) );
if ( dwRetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { BCATraceMsg2( "RegSetValueEx( '%s' ) retured error %#x. Throwing an exception.", pszValueNameIn, dwRetVal ); LogMsg( "CRegistryKey::SetValue - RegSetValueEx( '%s' ) retured error %#x.", pszValueNameIn, dwRetVal );
} //*** CRegistryKey::SetValue()
// void
// CRegistryKey::RenameKey()
// Description:
// Rename this key.
// Arguments:
// pszNewNameIn
// The new name for this key.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
// This function calls the NtRenameKey API with the handle returned by
// RegOpenKeyEx. This will work as long as we are not dealing with a
// remote registry key.
void CRegistryKey::RenameKey( const WCHAR * pszNewNameIn ) { BCATraceScope2( "HKEY = %p, pszNewNameIn = '%s'." , m_shkKey.HHandle() , pszNewNameIn );
RtlInitUnicodeString( &ustrNewName, pszNewNameIn );
// Begin_Replace00
// BUGBUG: Vij Vasu (Vvasu) 10-APR-2000
// Dynamically linking to NtDll.dll to allow testing on Win2K
// Replace the section below ( Begin_Replace00 to End-Replace00 ) with
// the single marked statment ( Begin_Replacement00 to End_Replacement00 ).
{ typedef CSmartResource< CHandleTrait< HMODULE , BOOL , FreeLibrary , reinterpret_cast< HMODULE >( NULL ) > > SmartModuleHandle;
SmartModuleHandle smhNtDll( LoadLibrary( L"NtDll.dll" ) );
if ( smhNtDll.FIsInvalid() ) { dwRetVal = GetLastError();
BCATraceMsg1( "LoadLibrary() retured error %#08x. Throwing an exception.", dwRetVal );
THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( dwRetVal // NTSTATUS codes are compatible with HRESULTS
, IDS_ERROR_REGISTRY_RENAME ); } // if: LoadLibrary failed.
FARPROC pNtRenameKey = GetProcAddress( smhNtDll.HHandle(), "NtRenameKey" );
if ( pNtRenameKey == NULL ) { dwRetVal = GetLastError();
BCATraceMsg1( "GetProcAddress() retured error %#08x. Throwing an exception.", dwRetVal );
THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( dwRetVal // NTSTATUS codes are compatible with HRESULTS
, IDS_ERROR_REGISTRY_RENAME ); } // if: GetProcAddress() failed
dwRetVal = ( reinterpret_cast< NTSTATUS (*)( HANDLE, PUNICODE_STRING ) >( pNtRenameKey ) )( m_shkKey.HHandle() , &ustrNewName ); }
// End_Replace00
/* Begin_Replacement00 - delete this line
dwRetVal = NtRenameKey( m_shkKey.HHandle() , &ustrNewName ); End_Replacement00 - delete this line */
if ( NT_ERROR( dwRetVal ) ) { BCATraceMsg2( "NtRenameKey( '%ws' ) retured error %#08x. Throwing an exception.", pszNewNameIn, dwRetVal ); LogMsg( "CRegistryKey::RenameKey - NtRenameKey( '%ws' ) retured error %#08x.", pszNewNameIn, dwRetVal );
THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( dwRetVal // NTSTATUS codes are compatible with HRESULTS
, IDS_ERROR_REGISTRY_RENAME ); } // if: RegRenameKeyEx failed.
} //*** CRegistryKey::RenameKey()