#define _MODULE_VERSION_STR "X-1.3"
#define _MODULE_STR "CVssCluster"
#define _AUTHOR_STR "Conor Morrison"
#pragma comment (compiler)
#pragma comment (exestr, _MODULE_STR _MODULE_VERSION_STR)
#pragma comment (user, _MODULE_STR _MODULE_VERSION_STR " Compiled on " __DATE__ " at " __TIME__ " by " _AUTHOR_STR)
// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
// CVssCluster
// Implements cluster support for Vss (i.e. NT backup).
// User mode as part of an NT service. Adheres to the following state
// transition diagram for CVssWriter:
// OnBackupComplete
// Backup Complete <----------------IDLE -------------->Create Writer Metadata
// | ^|^ |
// +--------------------------+|+-------------------------+
// |
// |OnBackupPrepare
// |
// | OnAbort
// PREPARE BACKUP ---------> to IDLE
// |
// |OnPrepareSnapshot
// |
// | OnAbort
// PREPARE SNAPSHOT ---------> to IDLE
// |
// |OnFreeze
// |
// | OnAbort
// FREEZE ---------> to IDLE
// |
// |OnThaw
// |
// | OnAbort
// THAW ---------> to IDLE
// Conor Morrison
// 18-Apr-2001
// Revision History:
// X-1 CM Conor Morrison 18-Apr-2001
// Initial version to address bug #367566.
// .1 Set restore method to custom and reboot required to false.
// Check for component selected or bootable system state in
// OnPrepareSnapshot and ignore if not. Add cleanup to Abort and
// Thaw. Fix bug in RemoveDirectoryTree.
// .2 Incorporate first review comments: change caption to be the component
// name. Set bRestoreMetadata to false. Remove extraneous tracing.
// Release the interface in the while loop. Cleanup after a non-cleanly
// terminated backup. This is done in OnPrepareSnapshot. Tolerate
// error_file_not_found at various places.
// .3 More review comments. Reset g_bDoBackup in the prepare routine.
// SetWriterFailure in more places - any time we veto we should set this.
extern "C" { #include "service.h"
//CMCM! Mask build breaks.
#define _LMERRLOG_
#define _LMAUDIT_
#include "lm.h" // for SHARE_INFO_502
} #include "CVssClusterp.h"
// Up the warning level to 4 - we can survive...
#pragma warning( push, 4 )
// Globals
UNICODE_STRING g_ucsBackupPathLocal; bool g_bDoBackup; // Assume we are not enabled until we find out otherwise.
// Forward declarations for static functions.
static HRESULT StringAllocate( PUNICODE_STRING pucsString, USHORT usMaximumStringLengthInBytes ); static void StringFree( PUNICODE_STRING pucsString ); static void StringAppendString( PUNICODE_STRING pucsTarget, PWCHAR pwszSource ); static void StringAppendString( PUNICODE_STRING pucsTarget, PUNICODE_STRING pucsSource ); static HRESULT StringTruncate (PUNICODE_STRING pucsString, USHORT usSizeInChars); static HRESULT StringCreateFromString (PUNICODE_STRING pucsNewString, PUNICODE_STRING pucsOriginalString, DWORD dwExtraChars); static HRESULT StringCreateFromExpandedString( PUNICODE_STRING pucsNewString, LPCWSTR pwszOriginalString, DWORD dwExtraChars); static HRESULT DoClusterDatabaseBackup( void ); static HRESULT ConstructSecurityAttributes( PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psaSecurityAttributes, BOOL bIncludeBackupOperator ); static VOID CleanupSecurityAttributes( PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psaSecurityAttributes ); static HRESULT CreateTargetDirectory( OUT UNICODE_STRING* pucsTarget ); static HRESULT CleanupTargetDirectory( LPCWSTR pwszTargetPath ); static HRESULT RemoveDirectoryTree (PUNICODE_STRING pucsDirectoryPath);
// Some useful macros.
#define LOGERROR( _hr, _func ) ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_CRITICAL, "VSS: Error: 0x%1!08lx! from: %2\n", (_hr), L#_func )
#ifdef DBG
#define LOGFUNCTIONENTRY( _name ) ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: Function: " #_name " Called.\n" )
#define LOGFUNCTIONEXIT( _name ) ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: Function: " #_name " Exiting.\n" )
#define LOGUNICODESTRING( _ustr ) ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: String %1 == %2\n", L#_ustr, (_ustr).Buffer );
#define LOGSTRING( _str ) ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: String %1 == %2\n", L#_str, _str );
#define LOGFUNCTIONENTRY( _name )
#define LOGFUNCTIONEXIT( _name )
#define LOGUNICODESTRING( _ustr )
#define LOGSTRING( _str )
#define GET_HR_FROM_BOOL(_bSucceed) ((_bSucceed) ? NOERROR : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (GetLastError()))
#define HandleInvalid(_Handle) ((NULL == (_Handle)) || (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == (_Handle)))
#define GET_HR_FROM_HANDLE(_handle) ((!HandleInvalid(_handle)) ? NOERROR : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (GetLastError( )))
#define GET_HR_FROM_POINTER(_ptr) ((NULL != (_ptr)) ? NOERROR : E_OUTOFMEMORY)
#define IS_VALID_PATH( _path ) ( ( ( pwszPathName[0] == DIR_SEP_CHAR ) && ( pwszPathName[1] == DIR_SEP_CHAR ) ) || \
( isalpha( pwszPathName[0] ) && ( pwszPathName[1] == L':' ) && ( pwszPathName[2] == DIR_SEP_CHAR ) ) )
#define StringZero( _pucs ) ( (_pucs)->Buffer = NULL, (_pucs)->Length = 0, (_pucs)->MaximumLength = 0 )
// Defines that identify us as a product to VSS - these are the same as in the old shim
#define COMPONENT_NAME L"Cluster Database"
#define APPLICATION_STRING L"ClusterDatabase"
#define SHARE_NAME L"__NtBackup_cluster"
// Some borrowed defines from the shim stuff.
#define DIR_SEP_STRING L"\\"
#ifndef DIR_SEP_CHAR
#define DIR_SEP_CHAR L'\\'
// Define some constants that are borrowed from the original shim. These will
// be used to build the path to the directory in which the cluster files will
// be placed by the cluster backup. TARGET_PATH gives this full directory. In
// Identify we tell the backup app which directory we are using so it knows
// where to get the files from.
#define ROOT_REPAIR_DIR L"%SystemRoot%\\Repair"
#define BACKUP_SUBDIR L"\\Backup"
#define BOOTABLE_STATE_SUBDIR L"\\BootableSystemState"
#define SERVICE_STATE_SUBDIR L"\\ServiceState"
// DESCRIPTION: CreateIfNotExistAndSetAttributes
// Create the directory specified by pucsTarget if it does not
// already exist and give it the security attributes supplied.
// pucsTarget - string for the directory to create. Full path, possibly
// with %var%
// lpSecurityAttributes - Pointer to security attributes to apply to
// directories created.
// dwExtraAttributes - Additional attributes to apply to the directory.
// None
// Directory created (or it already existed).
// S_OK - All went OK, directory created and set with attributes and
// security supplied.
// Error status from creating directory or setting attributes. Note that
// ALREADY_EXISTS is not returned if the directory already exists.
// However, if it a FILE of the same name as pucsTarget exists then this
// error can be returned.
static HRESULT CreateIfNotExistAndSetAttributes( UNICODE_STRING* pucsTarget, IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, IN DWORD dwExtraAttributes) { LOGFUNCTIONENTRY( CreateIfNotExistAndSetAttributes );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Create the directory
LOGUNICODESTRING( *pucsTarget ); GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( CreateDirectoryW (pucsTarget->Buffer, lpSecurityAttributes ) ); ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: CreateIfNotExistAndSetAttributes: CreateDirectory returned: 0x%1!08lx!\n", hr ); if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) ) { DWORD dwObjAttribs = GetFileAttributesW( pucsTarget->Buffer ); if (( dwObjAttribs != 0xFFFFFFFF ) && ( dwObjAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY )) hr = S_OK; } // Note that we can fail with ALREADY_EXISTS if it is a file by the check above.
if ( FAILED ( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, CreateDirectoryW ); goto ErrorExit; } // Set the extra attributes
if ( dwExtraAttributes != 0 ) { GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( SetFileAttributesW (pucsTarget->Buffer, dwExtraAttributes )); if ( FAILED ( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, SetFileAttributesW ); goto ErrorExit; } } goto ret; ErrorExit: CL_ASSERT( FAILED( hr )); ret: LOGFUNCTIONEXIT( CreateIfNotExistAndSetAttributes ); return hr; }
// DESCRIPTION: CreateTargetDirectory
// Create a new target directory (hardcoded) and return it in
// pucsTarget member variable if not NULL. It will create any
// necessary. Uses helper function that tolerates
// pucsTarget - Address to receive unicode string giving path to
// directory.
// pucsTarget must be all zeros.
// pucsTarget points to buffer containing dir string. Memory was
// allocated for this buffer.
// S_OK - all went well
// Errors from creating directories or memory allocation failure.
static HRESULT CreateTargetDirectory( OUT UNICODE_STRING* pucsTarget ) { LOGFUNCTIONENTRY( CreateTargetDirectory ); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES saSecurityAttributes, *psaSecurityAttributes=&saSecurityAttributes; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR sdSecurityDescriptor; bool bSecurityAttributesConstructed = false;
// We really want a no access acl on this directory but because of various
// problems with the EventLog and ConfigDir writers we will settle for
// admin or backup operator access only. The only possible accessor is
// Backup which is supposed to have the SE_BACKUP_NAME priv which will
// effectively bypass the ACL. No one else needs to see this stuff.
saSecurityAttributes.nLength = sizeof( saSecurityAttributes ); saSecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = &sdSecurityDescriptor; saSecurityAttributes.bInheritHandle = false;
hr = ConstructSecurityAttributes( &saSecurityAttributes, false ); if ( FAILED( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, ConstructSecurityAttributes ); goto ErrorExit; } bSecurityAttributesConstructed = true;
// OK, now we have attributes we can do the directories.
// First expand the Root, checking that our input is NULL.
CL_ASSERT( pucsTarget->Buffer == NULL ); hr = StringCreateFromExpandedString( pucsTarget, ROOT_REPAIR_DIR, MAX_PATH ); if ( FAILED( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, StringCreateFromExpandedString ); goto ErrorExit; }
hr = CreateIfNotExistAndSetAttributes( pucsTarget, psaSecurityAttributes, dwExtraAttributes ); if ( FAILED ( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, CreateIfNotExistAndSetAttributes ); goto ErrorExit; } StringAppendString( pucsTarget, BACKUP_SUBDIR ); hr = CreateIfNotExistAndSetAttributes( pucsTarget, psaSecurityAttributes, dwExtraAttributes ); if ( FAILED ( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, CreateIfNotExistAndSetAttributes ); goto ErrorExit; }
StringAppendString( pucsTarget, BOOTABLE_STATE_SUBDIR ); hr = CreateIfNotExistAndSetAttributes( pucsTarget, psaSecurityAttributes, dwExtraAttributes ); if ( FAILED ( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, CreateIfNotExistAndSetAttributes ); goto ErrorExit; }
StringAppendString( pucsTarget, DIR_SEP_STRING APPLICATION_STRING ); hr = CreateIfNotExistAndSetAttributes( pucsTarget, psaSecurityAttributes, dwExtraAttributes ); if ( FAILED ( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, CreateIfNotExistAndSetAttributes ); goto ErrorExit; }
// At this point we have TARGET_PATH created.
goto ret; ErrorExit: CL_ASSERT( FAILED( hr )); (void) CleanupTargetDirectory( pucsTarget->Buffer ); ret: // In all cases we don't need the security attributes any more.
if ( bSecurityAttributesConstructed ) CleanupSecurityAttributes( &saSecurityAttributes ); return hr ; }
// There are only some valid statuses to pass to SetWriterFailure. These are
// listed below. For now we just return VSS_E_WRITEERROR_NONRETRYABLE. We
// could perhaps switch on the status and return something different depending
// on hr.
// subset of the volumes needed to correctly back up an application
// component.
// VSS_E_WRITERERROR_NONRETRYABLE The writer failed due to an error that
// would likely occur if another snapshot is created.
// VSS_E_WRITERERROR_OUTRESOURCES The writer failed due to a resource
// allocation error.
// VSS_E_WRITERERROR_RETRYABLE The writer failed due to an error that would
// likely not occur if another snapshot is created.
// VSS_E_WRITERERROR_TIMEOUT The writer could not complete the snapshot
// creation process due to a time-out between the freeze and thaw states.
#if defined DBG
HRESULT __hrTmp = SetWriterFailure( VSS_E_WRITERERROR_NONRETRYABLE ); \ if ( FAILED( __hrTmp )) ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_CRITICAL, "VSS: Error from SetWriterFailure: %1!u!\n", (__hrTmp)); \ CL_ASSERT( !FAILED( __hrTmp )); \ } #else
(void) SetWriterFailure( VSS_E_WRITERERROR_NONRETRYABLE ); \ } #endif
#define NameIsDotOrDotDot(_ptszName) \
(( L'.' == (_ptszName) [0]) \ && ((L'\0' == (_ptszName) [1]) \ || ((L'.' == (_ptszName) [1]) \ && (L'\0' == (_ptszName) [2]))))
// DESCRIPTION: CVssWriterCluster::OnIdentify
// Callback when a request for metadata comes in. This routine
// identifies this applications special needs to the backup
// utility.
// IVssCreateWriterMetadata - Interface for some methods we can call.
// Called from Idle state
// Backup returns to idle state.
// true - continue with snapshot operation.
// false - Veto the snapshot creation.
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CVssWriterCluster::OnIdentify(IN IVssCreateWriterMetadata *pMetadata) { LOGFUNCTIONENTRY( OnIdentify );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; bool bRet = true; ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: OnIdentify. CVssCluster.cpp version %1 Add Component %2\n", _MODULE_VERSION_STR, COMPONENT_NAME );
// Add ourselves to the components.
hr = pMetadata->AddComponent (VSS_CT_FILEGROUP, // VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE enumeration value.
NULL, // Pointer to a string containing the logical path of the DB or file group.
COMPONENT_NAME, // Pointer to a string containing the name of the component.
COMPONENT_NAME, // Pointer to a string containing the description of the component.
NULL, // Pointer to a bitmap of the icon representing the database (for UI)
0, // Number of bytes in bitmap.
false, // bRestoreMetadata - Boolean is true if there is writer metadata associated
// with the backup of the component and false if not.
false, // bNotifyOnBackupComplete
false); // bSelectable - true if the component can be selectively backed up.
if ( FAILED( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, IVssCreateWriterMetadata::AddComponent ); bRet = false; // veto on failure
goto ErrorExit; } ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: OnIdentify. Add Files To File Group target path: %1\n", TARGET_PATH ); hr= pMetadata->AddFilesToFileGroup (NULL, COMPONENT_NAME, TARGET_PATH, L"*", true, NULL); if ( FAILED ( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, IVssCreateWriterMetadata::AddFilesToFileGroup ); bRet = false; // veto on failure
goto ErrorExit; } // If we decide to go for copying the checkpoint file to the
// CLUSDB for restore then we need to setup an alternate mapping.
// IVssCreateWriterMetadata::AddAlternateLocationMapping
// [This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
// The AddAlternateLocationMapping method creates an alternate location mapping.
// HRESULT AddAlternateLocationMapping(
// LPCWSTR wszPath,
// LPCWSTR wszFilespec,
// bool bRecursive,
// LPCWSTR wszDestination
// );
// Now, set the restore method to custom. This is because we need
// special actions for restore.
hr = pMetadata->SetRestoreMethod( VSS_RME_CUSTOM, // VSS_RESTOREMETHOD_ENUM Method,
L"", // LPCWSTR wszService,
NULL, // LPCWSTR wszUserProcedure,
false // bool bRebootRequired
); // wszUserProcedure [out] String containing the URL of an HTML or
// XML document describing to the user how the restore is to be
// performed.
if ( FAILED ( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, IVssCreateWriterMetadata::SetRestoreMethod ); bRet = false; // veto on failure
goto ErrorExit; }
goto ret; ErrorExit: CL_ASSERT( FAILED( hr )); CL_ASSERT( bRet == false ); SETWRITERFAILURE( ); ret: return bRet; }
// callback for prepare backup event
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CVssWriterCluster::OnPrepareBackup(IN IVssWriterComponents *pComponent) { LOGFUNCTIONENTRY( OnPrepareBackup ); bool bRet = true; UINT cComponents = 0; IVssComponent* pMyComponent = NULL; BSTR pwszName; g_bDoBackup = false; // Assume false until the loop below or IsBootableSystemStateBackedUp tells us otherwise.
HRESULT hr = pComponent->GetComponentCount( &cComponents ); ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: GetComponentCount returned hr: 0x%1!08lx! cComponents: %2!u!\n", hr, cComponents ); if ( FAILED( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, GetComponentCount ); bRet = false; goto ErrorExit; } // Now, loop over all the components and see if we are there.
for ( UINT iComponent = 0; !g_bDoBackup && iComponent < cComponents; ++iComponent ) { hr = pComponent->GetComponent( iComponent, &pMyComponent ); if ( FAILED( hr )) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_CRITICAL, "VSS: Failed to get Component: %1!u! hr: 0x%2!08lx!\n", iComponent, hr ); bRet = false; goto ErrorExit; } ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_CRITICAL, "VSS: Got Component: 0x%1!08lx!\n", pMyComponent );
// Now check the name.
hr = pMyComponent->GetComponentName( &pwszName ); if ( FAILED( hr )) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_CRITICAL, "VSS: Failed to get Component Name hr: 0x%1!08lx!\n", hr ); bRet = false; pMyComponent->Release( ); goto ErrorExit; }
ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_CRITICAL, "VSS: Got component: %1\n", pwszName );
if ( wcscmp ( pwszName, COMPONENT_NAME ) == 0 ) g_bDoBackup = true;
SysFreeString( pwszName ); pMyComponent->Release( ); } // OK, explicitly selected component count is 0 but we can be part
// of a backup of bootable system state so check for that too.
if ( IsBootableSystemStateBackedUp( )) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: IsBootableSystemStateBackedUp returned true\n" ); g_bDoBackup = true; } goto ret;
ErrorExit: CL_ASSERT( FAILED( hr )); CL_ASSERT( bRet == false ); SETWRITERFAILURE( ); ret: LOGFUNCTIONEXIT( OnPrepareBackup ); return bRet; }
// DESCRIPTION: CVssWriterCluster::OnPrepareSnapshot
// Callback for prepare snapshot event. Actually makes the call to backup
// the cluster. Uses the target path declared in Identify so that the
// ntbackup will pickup our files for us. Before doing anything the
// directory is cleared out (if it exists) and the share deleted (if it
// exists).
// none
// OnPrepareBackup was already called.
// The cluster database is backed up and the data copied to another
// location for backup to save.
// true - continue with snapshot operation.
// false - Veto the snapshot creation.
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CVssWriterCluster::OnPrepareSnapshot() { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus = NERR_Success; HRESULT hr = S_OK; bool bRet = true; UNICODE_STRING ucsBackupDir;
LOGFUNCTIONENTRY( OnPrepareSnapshot ); if ( g_bDoBackup == false ) goto ret;
// Delete the share if it exists. Tolerate errors but warns for anything
// except NERR_NetNameNotFound. Break if debug.
NetStatus = NetShareDel( NULL, SHARE_NAME, 0 ); CL_ASSERT( NetStatus == NERR_Success || NetStatus == NERR_NetNameNotFound ); if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success && NetStatus != NERR_NetNameNotFound ) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_UNUSUAL, "VSS: OnPrepareSnapshot: Tolerating error: %1!u! from NetShareDel\n", NetStatus ); NetStatus = NERR_Success; }
// Delete the directory if it exists. This can only be the case if we
// prematurely exited a previous backup.
// First expand the Root, checking that our input is NULL.
StringZero( &ucsBackupDir ); hr = StringCreateFromExpandedString( &ucsBackupDir, ROOT_REPAIR_DIR, MAX_PATH ); if ( FAILED( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, StringCreateFromExpandedString ); goto ErrorExit; }
StringAppendString( &ucsBackupDir, BACKUP_SUBDIR ); StringAppendString( &ucsBackupDir, BOOTABLE_STATE_SUBDIR ); StringAppendString( &ucsBackupDir, DIR_SEP_STRING APPLICATION_STRING );
ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: OnPrepareSnapshot: Cleaning up target directory: %1\n", ucsBackupDir.Buffer ); hr = CleanupTargetDirectory( ucsBackupDir.Buffer ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_UNUSUAL, "VSS: Tolerating error 0x%1!08lx! from CleanupTargetDirectory.\n", hr ); hr = S_OK; // tolerate this failure.
} StringFree( &ucsBackupDir );
hr = DoClusterDatabaseBackup( ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { LOGERROR( hr, DoClusterDatabaseBackup ); SETWRITERFAILURE( ); bRet = false; // veto on failure
goto ErrorExit; } goto ret; ErrorExit: CL_ASSERT( FAILED( hr )); CL_ASSERT( bRet == false ); SETWRITERFAILURE( ); ret: LOGFUNCTIONEXIT( OnPrepareSnapshot ); return bRet; }
// callback for freeze event
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CVssWriterCluster::OnFreeze() { LOGFUNCTIONENTRY( OnFreeze ); LOGFUNCTIONEXIT( OnFreeze ); return true; }
// callback for thaw event
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CVssWriterCluster::OnThaw() { LOGFUNCTIONENTRY( OnThaw ); if ( g_bDoBackup == false ) goto ret;
if ( g_ucsBackupPathLocal.Buffer ) {
ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: Cleaning up target directory: %1\n", g_ucsBackupPathLocal.Buffer ); HRESULT hr = CleanupTargetDirectory( g_ucsBackupPathLocal.Buffer ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { LOGERROR( hr, CVssWriterCluster::OnThaw ); ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_CRITICAL, "VSS: 0x%1!08lx! from CleanupTargetDirectory. Mapping to S_OK and continuing\n", hr ); hr = S_OK; // tolerate this failure.
} }
// Free the buffer if non-NULL.
StringFree ( &g_ucsBackupPathLocal ); LOGFUNCTIONEXIT( OnThaw ); ret: return true; }
// callback if current sequence is aborted
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CVssWriterCluster::OnAbort() { LOGFUNCTIONENTRY( OnAbort ); bool bRet = OnThaw( ); LOGFUNCTIONEXIT( OnAbort ); return bRet; }
// DESCRIPTION: DoClusterDatabaseBackup
// Perform the backup of the cluster database. This function wraps
// FmBackupClusterDatabase which does the right thing to do the cluster
// backup. This function first creates a directory that will serve as the
// destination for the backup. Next it creates a network share to point
// to this directory and starts the cluster backup. After this is done it
// cleans up.
// none
// . Called only from CVssWriterCluster::OnPrepareSnapshot.
// . We must be the only call to backup in progress on this machine (the
// share names will clash otherwise and clustering may not behave well
// with multiple FmBackupClusterDatabase calls it the same time).
// Cluster database backed up to another location, ready for the backup tool to copy.
// S_OK - all went well.
// Error status from creating directories or net shares or from cluster backup.
static HRESULT DoClusterDatabaseBackup( ) { LOGFUNCTIONENTRY( DoClusterDatabaseBackup );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; bool bNetShareAdded = false; SHARE_INFO_502 ShareInfo; UNICODE_STRING ucsComputerName; UNICODE_STRING ucsBackupPathNetwork; NET_API_STATUS NetStatus;
StringZero( &ucsComputerName ); StringZero( &g_ucsBackupPathLocal ); StringZero( &ucsBackupPathNetwork );
// Create the directories and set the attributes and security and stuff.
// Set g_ucsBackupPathLocal to the directory created.
hr = CreateTargetDirectory( &g_ucsBackupPathLocal ); if ( FAILED (hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, CreateTargetDirectory ); goto ErrorExit; }
#ifdef DBG
{ // Check that the directory does exist.
DWORD dwFileAttributes = GetFileAttributesW( g_ucsBackupPathLocal.Buffer ); hr = GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( dwFileAttributes != -1 ); ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: GetFileAttributes(1) returned 0x%1!08lx! for path: %2\n", hr, g_ucsBackupPathLocal.Buffer ); } #endif
hr = StringAllocate (&ucsComputerName, (MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH * sizeof (WCHAR)) + sizeof (UNICODE_NULL)); if ( FAILED( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, StringAllocate ); goto ErrorExit; }
DWORD dwNameLength = ucsComputerName.MaximumLength / sizeof (WCHAR); hr = GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( GetComputerNameW( ucsComputerName.Buffer, &dwNameLength )); if ( FAILED ( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, GetComputerNameW ); goto ErrorExit; } ucsComputerName.Length = (USHORT) (dwNameLength * sizeof (WCHAR));
hr = StringAllocate (&ucsBackupPathNetwork, (USHORT) (sizeof (L'\\') + sizeof (L'\\') + ucsComputerName.Length + sizeof (L'\\') + ( wcslen( SHARE_NAME ) * sizeof( WCHAR ) ) + sizeof (UNICODE_NULL))); if ( FAILED ( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, GetComputerNameW ); goto ErrorExit; }
ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: backup path network size: %1!u!\n", ucsBackupPathNetwork.Length );
// Should we uniquify the directory name at all here
// to cater for the possiblity that we may be involved
// in more than one snapshot at a time?
StringAppendString( &ucsBackupPathNetwork, L"\\\\" ); StringAppendString( &ucsBackupPathNetwork, &ucsComputerName ); StringAppendString( &ucsBackupPathNetwork, L"\\" ); StringAppendString( &ucsBackupPathNetwork, SHARE_NAME );
ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: backup path network: %1\n", ucsBackupPathNetwork.Buffer );
ZeroMemory( &ShareInfo, sizeof( ShareInfo ));
ShareInfo.shi502_netname = SHARE_NAME; ShareInfo.shi502_type = STYPE_DISKTREE; ShareInfo.shi502_permissions = ACCESS_READ | ACCESS_WRITE | ACCESS_CREATE; ShareInfo.shi502_max_uses = 1; ShareInfo.shi502_path = g_ucsBackupPathLocal.Buffer;
#ifdef DBG
{ // Check that the directory does exist.
DWORD dwFileAttributes = GetFileAttributesW( g_ucsBackupPathLocal.Buffer ); hr = GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( dwFileAttributes != -1 ); ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: GetFileAttributes(2) returned 0x%1!08lx! for path: %2\n", hr, g_ucsBackupPathLocal.Buffer ); } #endif
// Make sure to try to delete the share first in case for some reason it exists.
NetStatus = NetShareDel( NULL, SHARE_NAME, 0 ); ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: NetShareDel returned: %1!u!\n", NetStatus ); if ( NetStatus == NERR_NetNameNotFound ) NetStatus = NERR_Success; CL_ASSERT( NetStatus == NERR_Success );
#ifdef DBG
{ // Check that the directory does exist.
DWORD dwFileAttributes = GetFileAttributesW( g_ucsBackupPathLocal.Buffer ); hr = GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( dwFileAttributes != -1 ); ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: GetFileAttributes(3) returned 0x%1!08lx! for path: %2\n", hr, g_ucsBackupPathLocal.Buffer ); } #endif
ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: NetShareAdd: Adding share: %1 with path: %2\n", SHARE_NAME, g_ucsBackupPathLocal.Buffer );
NetStatus = NetShareAdd( NULL, 502, (LPBYTE)(&ShareInfo), NULL ); ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: NetShareAdd completed: %1!u!\n", NetStatus ); if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) { LOGERROR( NetStatus, NetShareAdd ); if ( NetStatus == NERR_DuplicateShare ) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: Mapping NERR_DuplicateShare to success\n" ); NetStatus = NERR_Success; } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( NetStatus ); goto ErrorExit; } } bNetShareAdded = true;
#ifdef DBG
{ // Check that the directory does exist.
DWORD dwFileAttributes = GetFileAttributesW( g_ucsBackupPathLocal.Buffer ); hr = GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( dwFileAttributes != -1 ); ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: GetFileAttributes returned 0x%1!08lx! for path: %2\n", hr, g_ucsBackupPathLocal.Buffer ); } #endif
// If we are not logging to the quorum log then we don't do the backup.
if ( CsNoQuorumLogging || CsUserTurnedOffQuorumLogging ) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: Quorum logging is turned off. Not attempting backup.\n" ); //
// CMCM!
// We could opt to take a checkpoint and then setup alternate
// path to ensure it is copied over CLUSDB on restore.
hr = S_OK; } else { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: Calling FmBackupClusterDatabase with path: %1\n", ucsBackupPathNetwork.Buffer );
DWORD dwStatus = FmBackupClusterDatabase( ucsBackupPathNetwork.Buffer ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwStatus ); ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: FmBackupClusterDatabase completed. hr: 0x%1!08lx! \n", hr ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { LOGERROR( hr, FmBackupClusterDatabase ); goto ErrorExit; } } goto ret; ErrorExit: CL_ASSERT( FAILED( hr )); ret: #ifdef DBG
ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS:\n" ); ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: DEBUG - sleeping for 30s. This would be a good time to test killing backup in progress...\n" ); ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS:\n" ); Sleep( 30*1000 ); #endif
// Common cleanup for success or failure.
if ( bNetShareAdded ) { NetStatus = NetShareDel (NULL, SHARE_NAME, 0); ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: NetShareDel returned: %1!u!\n", NetStatus ); if ( NetStatus == NERR_NetNameNotFound ) NetStatus = NERR_Success; CL_ASSERT( NetStatus == NERR_Success ); }
// Cleanup strings but leave the local path so we can cleanup the files later.
StringFree( &ucsComputerName ); StringFree( &ucsBackupPathNetwork );
LOGFUNCTIONEXIT( DoClusterDatabaseBackup ); return hr; }
// DESCRIPTION: ConstructSecurityAttributes
// Routines to construct and cleanup a security descriptor which can be
// applied to limit access to an object to member of either the
// Administrators or Backup Operators group.
// psaSecurityAttributes - Pointer to a SecurityAttributes structure which
// has already been setup to point to a blank
// security descriptor.
// bIncludeBackupOperator - Whether or not to include an ACE to grant
// BackupOperator access
// None.
// Security attributes created that are suitable for backup directory
// S_OK - Attributes created OK.
// Error from setting up attributes or SID or ACL.
static HRESULT ConstructSecurityAttributes( PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psaSecurityAttributes, BOOL bIncludeBackupOperator ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwStatus; DWORD dwAccessMask = FILE_ALL_ACCESS; PSID psidBackupOperators = NULL; PSID psidAdministrators = NULL; PACL paclDiscretionaryAcl = NULL; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY sidNtAuthority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; EXPLICIT_ACCESS eaExplicitAccess [2]; //
// Initialise the security descriptor.
hr = GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( InitializeSecurityDescriptor( psaSecurityAttributes->lpSecurityDescriptor, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION )); if ( FAILED( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, InitializeSecurityDescriptor ); goto ErrorExit; }
if ( bIncludeBackupOperator ) { //
// Create a SID for the Backup Operators group.
hr = GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( AllocateAndInitializeSid( &sidNtAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_BACKUP_OPS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &psidBackupOperators )); if ( FAILED( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, AllocateAndInitializeSid ); goto ErrorExit; } } //
// Create a SID for the Administrators group.
hr = GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( AllocateAndInitializeSid( &sidNtAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &psidAdministrators )); if ( FAILED( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, InitializeSecurityDescriptor ); goto ErrorExit; }
// Initialize the array of EXPLICIT_ACCESS structures for an
// ACEs we are setting.
// The first ACE allows the Backup Operators group full access
// and the second, allowa the Administrators group full
// access.
eaExplicitAccess[0].grfAccessPermissions = dwAccessMask; eaExplicitAccess[0].grfAccessMode = SET_ACCESS; eaExplicitAccess[0].grfInheritance = SUB_CONTAINERS_AND_OBJECTS_INHERIT; eaExplicitAccess[0].Trustee.pMultipleTrustee = NULL; eaExplicitAccess[0].Trustee.MultipleTrusteeOperation = NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE; eaExplicitAccess[0].Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_SID; eaExplicitAccess[0].Trustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_ALIAS; eaExplicitAccess[0].Trustee.ptstrName =( LPTSTR ) psidAdministrators; if ( bIncludeBackupOperator ) { eaExplicitAccess[1].grfAccessPermissions = dwAccessMask; eaExplicitAccess[1].grfAccessMode = SET_ACCESS; eaExplicitAccess[1].grfInheritance = SUB_CONTAINERS_AND_OBJECTS_INHERIT; eaExplicitAccess[1].Trustee.pMultipleTrustee = NULL; eaExplicitAccess[1].Trustee.MultipleTrusteeOperation = NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE; eaExplicitAccess[1].Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_SID; eaExplicitAccess[1].Trustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_ALIAS; eaExplicitAccess[1].Trustee.ptstrName =( LPTSTR ) psidBackupOperators; }
// Create a new ACL that contains the new ACEs.
dwStatus = SetEntriesInAcl( bIncludeBackupOperator ? 2 : 1, eaExplicitAccess, NULL, &paclDiscretionaryAcl ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwStatus ); if ( FAILED( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, SetEntriesInAcl ); goto ErrorExit; }
// Add the ACL to the security descriptor.
hr = GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( SetSecurityDescriptorDacl( psaSecurityAttributes->lpSecurityDescriptor, true, paclDiscretionaryAcl, false )); if ( FAILED( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, SetSecurityDescriptorDacl ); goto ErrorExit; }
paclDiscretionaryAcl = NULL; goto ret;
ErrorExit: CL_ASSERT( FAILED( hr )); ret: // Cleanup (some may be NULL)
FreeSid( psidAdministrators ); FreeSid( psidBackupOperators ); LocalFree( paclDiscretionaryAcl ); return hr; }
// DESCRIPTION: CleanupSecurityAttributes
// Deallocate the ACL if present with the security attributes.
// psaSecurityAttributes - Pointer to a SecurityAttributes structure which
// has already been setup to point to a blank
// security descriptor.
// psaSecurityAttributes points to security attributes as allocated by
// ConstructSecurityAttributes.
// Memory freed if it was in use.
// None.
static VOID CleanupSecurityAttributes( PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psaSecurityAttributes ) { BOOL bDaclPresent = false; BOOL bDaclDefaulted = true; PACL paclDiscretionaryAcl = NULL;
BOOL bSucceeded = GetSecurityDescriptorDacl( psaSecurityAttributes->lpSecurityDescriptor, &bDaclPresent, &paclDiscretionaryAcl, &bDaclDefaulted );
if ( bSucceeded && bDaclPresent && !bDaclDefaulted && ( paclDiscretionaryAcl != NULL )) {
LocalFree( paclDiscretionaryAcl ); } }
// DESCRIPTION: CleanupTargetDirectory
// Deletes all the files present in the directory pointed at by the target
// path member variable if not NULL. It will also remove the target
// directory itself, eg for a target path of c:\dir1\dir2 all files under
// dir2 will be removed and then dir2 itself will be deleted.
// pwszTargetPath - full path to the directory to cleanup.
// pwszTargetPath non NULL.
// Directory and contained files deleted.
// S_OK - Directory and contained files all cleaned up OK.
// Error status from RemoveDirectoryTree or from GetFileAttributesW
static HRESULT CleanupTargetDirectory( LPCWSTR pwszTargetPath ) { LOGFUNCTIONENTRY( CleanupTargetDirectory );
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwFileAttributes = 0; BOOL bSucceeded; WCHAR wszTempBuffer [50]; UNICODE_STRING ucsTargetPath; UNICODE_STRING ucsTargetPathAlternateName;
CL_ASSERT( pwszTargetPath != NULL );
StringZero( &ucsTargetPath ); StringZero( &ucsTargetPathAlternateName );
// Create strings with extra space for appending onto later.
hr = StringCreateFromExpandedString( &ucsTargetPath, pwszTargetPath, MAX_PATH ); if ( FAILED( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, StringCreateFromExpandedString ); goto ErrorExit; }
hr = StringCreateFromString( &ucsTargetPathAlternateName, &ucsTargetPath, MAX_PATH ); if ( FAILED( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, StringCreateFromString ); goto ErrorExit; }
dwFileAttributes = GetFileAttributesW( ucsTargetPath.Buffer ); hr = GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( dwFileAttributes != -1 ); if (( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND )) || ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ))) { hr = NOERROR; dwFileAttributes = 0; }
if ( FAILED( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, GetFileAttributesW ); goto ErrorExit; }
// If there is a file there then blow it away, or if it's
// a directory, blow it and all it's contents away. This
// is our directory and no one but us gets to play there.
// The random rename directory could exist but it's only for cleanup anyway...
hr = RemoveDirectoryTree( &ucsTargetPath ); if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND )) hr = S_OK; if ( FAILED( hr )) { srand( (unsigned) GetTickCount( )); _itow( rand (), wszTempBuffer, 16 ); StringAppendString( &ucsTargetPathAlternateName, wszTempBuffer ); bSucceeded = MoveFileW( ucsTargetPath.Buffer, ucsTargetPathAlternateName.Buffer ); if (bSucceeded) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_UNUSUAL, "VSS: CleanupTargetDirectory failed to delete %1 with hr: 0x%2!08lx! so renamed to %3\n", ucsTargetPath.Buffer, hr, ucsTargetPathAlternateName.Buffer ); } else { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_UNUSUAL, "VSS: CleanupTargetDirectory failed to delete %1 with hr: 0x%2!08lx!" " failed to rename to %3 with status 0x%4!08lx!\n", ucsTargetPath.Buffer, hr, ucsTargetPathAlternateName.Buffer, GET_HR_FROM_BOOL (bSucceeded) ); } } goto ret; ErrorExit: CL_ASSERT( FAILED( hr )); ret: StringFree( &ucsTargetPathAlternateName ); StringFree( &ucsTargetPath ); LOGFUNCTIONEXIT( CleanupTargetDirectory ); return hr; }
// DESCRIPTION: RemoveDirectoryTree
// Deletes all the sub-directories and files in the specified directory
// and then deletes the directory itself.
// pucsDirectoryPath - pointer to the directory
// Called only from CleanupTargetDirectory
// Directory tree deleted.
// S_OK - Directory tree deleted.
// Error status from deleting directory or from allocating strings.
static HRESULT RemoveDirectoryTree( PUNICODE_STRING pucsDirectoryPath ) { LOGFUNCTIONENTRY( RemoveDirectoryTree );
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; HANDLE hFileScan = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwSubDirectoriesEntered = 0; USHORT usCurrentPathCursor = 0; PWCHAR pwchLastSlash = NULL; bool bContinue = true; UNICODE_STRING ucsCurrentPath; WIN32_FIND_DATAW FileFindData;
StringZero (&ucsCurrentPath); LOGUNICODESTRING( *pucsDirectoryPath ); // Create the string with enough extra characters to allow all the
// appending later on!
hr = StringCreateFromString (&ucsCurrentPath, pucsDirectoryPath, MAX_PATH); if ( FAILED ( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, StringCreateFromString ); goto ErrorExit; } pwchLastSlash = wcsrchr (ucsCurrentPath.Buffer, DIR_SEP_CHAR); usCurrentPathCursor = (USHORT)(pwchLastSlash - ucsCurrentPath.Buffer) + 1;
while ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && bContinue ) { if ( HandleInvalid( hFileScan )) { //
// No valid scan handle so start a new scan
ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: Starting scan: %1\n", ucsCurrentPath.Buffer ); hFileScan = FindFirstFileW( ucsCurrentPath.Buffer, &FileFindData ); hr = GET_HR_FROM_HANDLE( hFileScan ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { StringTruncate( &ucsCurrentPath, usCurrentPathCursor ); StringAppendString( &ucsCurrentPath, FileFindData.cFileName ); } } else { //
// Continue with the existing scan
hr = GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( FindNextFileW( hFileScan, &FileFindData )); if (SUCCEEDED( hr )) {
StringTruncate( &ucsCurrentPath, usCurrentPathCursor ); StringAppendString( &ucsCurrentPath, FileFindData.cFileName );
} else if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES )) {
FindClose( hFileScan ); hFileScan = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (dwSubDirectoriesEntered > 0) { //
// This is a scan of a sub-directory that is now
// complete so delete the sub-directory itself.
StringTruncate( &ucsCurrentPath, usCurrentPathCursor - 1 ); hr = GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( RemoveDirectory( ucsCurrentPath.Buffer )); dwSubDirectoriesEntered--; } if ( dwSubDirectoriesEntered == 0) { //
// We are back to where we started except that the
// requested directory is now gone. Time to leave.
bContinue = false; hr = NOERROR; } else { //
// Move back up one directory level, reset the cursor
// and prepare the path buffer to begin a new scan.
pwchLastSlash = wcsrchr( ucsCurrentPath.Buffer, DIR_SEP_CHAR ); usCurrentPathCursor =( USHORT )( pwchLastSlash - ucsCurrentPath.Buffer ) + 1; StringTruncate( &ucsCurrentPath, usCurrentPathCursor ); StringAppendString( &ucsCurrentPath, L"*" ); }
// No files to be processed on this pass so go back and try to
// find another or leave the loop as we've finished the task.
continue; } } if (SUCCEEDED( hr )) { if ( FileFindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) { SetFileAttributesW( ucsCurrentPath.Buffer, FileFindData.dwFileAttributes ^ (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) ); }
if ( !NameIsDotOrDotDot( FileFindData.cFileName )) { if (( FileFindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT ) || !( FileFindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY )) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: RemoveDirectoryTree: Deleting file: %1\n", ucsCurrentPath.Buffer ); hr = GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( DeleteFileW( ucsCurrentPath.Buffer ) ); } else { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: RemoveDirectoryTree: RemoveDirectory: %1\n", ucsCurrentPath.Buffer ); hr = GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( RemoveDirectory( ucsCurrentPath.Buffer )); if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY )) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: RemoveDirectoryTree: dir not empty. Restarting scan.\n" ); //
// The directory wasn't empty so move down one level,
// close the old scan and start a new one.
hr = S_OK; FindClose( hFileScan ); hFileScan = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; StringAppendString( &ucsCurrentPath, DIR_SEP_STRING L"*" ); usCurrentPathCursor =( ucsCurrentPath.Length / sizeof (WCHAR) ) - 1; dwSubDirectoriesEntered++; } } } } LOGUNICODESTRING( ucsCurrentPath ); } // while
if ( FAILED( hr )) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: RemoveDirectoryTree: exited while loop due to failed hr: 0x%1!08lx!\n", hr ); goto ErrorExit; }
goto ret; ErrorExit: CL_ASSERT( FAILED( hr )); ret: if ( !HandleInvalid( hFileScan )) FindClose( hFileScan );
StringFree( &ucsCurrentPath );
return hr; }
// Some useful UNICODE string stuff.
static HRESULT StringAllocate( PUNICODE_STRING pucsString, USHORT usMaximumStringLengthInBytes ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LPVOID pvBuffer = NULL; SIZE_T cActualLength = 0;
pvBuffer = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap( ), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, usMaximumStringLengthInBytes ); hr = GET_HR_FROM_POINTER( pvBuffer ); if ( FAILED (hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, StringAllocate ); goto ErrorExit; } pucsString->Buffer = (PWCHAR)pvBuffer; pucsString->Length = 0; pucsString->MaximumLength = usMaximumStringLengthInBytes;
cActualLength = HeapSize ( GetProcessHeap( ), 0, pvBuffer ); if ( ( cActualLength <= MAXUSHORT ) && ( cActualLength > usMaximumStringLengthInBytes )) pucsString->MaximumLength = (USHORT) cActualLength;
goto ret; ErrorExit: CL_ASSERT( FAILED( hr )); ret: ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: Allocated string at: 0x%1!08lx! Length: %2!u! MaxLength: %3!u!\n", pucsString->Buffer, pucsString->Length, pucsString->MaximumLength ); return hr; }
static void StringFree( PUNICODE_STRING pucsString ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
CL_ASSERT( pucsString->Length <= pucsString->MaximumLength ); CL_ASSERT( ( pucsString->Buffer == NULL) ? pucsString->Length == 0 : pucsString->MaximumLength > 0 );
if ( pucsString->Buffer == NULL ) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_UNUSUAL, "VSS: StringFree. Attempt to free NULL buffer.\n" ); return; }
ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: Freeing string at: %1\n", pucsString->Buffer );
ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "VSS: Freeing string at: 0x%1!08lx! Length: %2!u! MaxLength: %3!u!\n", pucsString->Buffer, pucsString->Length, pucsString->MaximumLength );
hr = GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( HeapFree( GetProcessHeap( ), 0, pucsString->Buffer )); CL_ASSERT ( SUCCEEDED( hr ));
pucsString->Buffer = NULL; pucsString->Length = 0; pucsString->MaximumLength = 0; }
static HRESULT StringCreateFromExpandedString( PUNICODE_STRING pucsNewString, LPCWSTR pwszOriginalString, DWORD dwExtraChars) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwStringLength;
// Remember, ExpandEnvironmentStringsW () includes the terminating null in the response.
dwStringLength = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW (pwszOriginalString, NULL, 0) + dwExtraChars;
hr = GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( dwStringLength != 0 ); if ( FAILED ( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, ExpandEnvironmentStringsW ); goto ErrorExit; }
if ( (dwStringLength * sizeof (WCHAR)) > MAXUSHORT ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_BAD_LENGTH ); LOGERROR( hr, ExpandEnvironmentStringsW ); goto ErrorExit; }
hr = StringAllocate( pucsNewString, (USHORT)( dwStringLength * sizeof (WCHAR) )); if ( FAILED( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, StringAllocate ); goto ErrorExit; }
// Note that if the expanded string has gotten bigger since we
// allocated the buffer then too bad, we may not get all the
// new translation. Not that we really expect these expanded
// strings to have changed any time recently.
dwStringLength = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW (pwszOriginalString, pucsNewString->Buffer, pucsNewString->MaximumLength / sizeof (WCHAR)); hr = GET_HR_FROM_BOOL( dwStringLength != 0 ); if ( FAILED ( hr )) { LOGERROR( hr, ExpandEnvironmentStringsW ); goto ErrorExit; } pucsNewString->Length = (USHORT) ((dwStringLength - 1) * sizeof (WCHAR)); goto ret; ErrorExit: CL_ASSERT( FAILED( hr )); ret: CL_ASSERT( pucsNewString->Length <= pucsNewString->MaximumLength ); return hr; }
static HRESULT StringCreateFromString (PUNICODE_STRING pucsNewString, PUNICODE_STRING pucsOriginalString, DWORD dwExtraChars) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; ULONG ulStringLength = pucsOriginalString->MaximumLength + (dwExtraChars * sizeof (WCHAR));
if (ulStringLength >= (MAXUSHORT - sizeof (UNICODE_NULL))) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (ERROR_BAD_LENGTH); goto ErrorExit; }
hr = StringAllocate (pucsNewString, (USHORT) (ulStringLength + sizeof (UNICODE_NULL))); if ( FAILED( hr )) goto ErrorExit;
memcpy (pucsNewString->Buffer, pucsOriginalString->Buffer, pucsOriginalString->Length); pucsNewString->Length = pucsOriginalString->Length; pucsNewString->Buffer [pucsNewString->Length / sizeof (WCHAR)] = UNICODE_NULL; goto ret; ErrorExit: CL_ASSERT( FAILED( hr )); ret: return hr; }
static void StringAppendString( PUNICODE_STRING pucsTarget, PUNICODE_STRING pucsSource ) { CL_ASSERT( pucsTarget->Length <= pucsTarget->MaximumLength ); CL_ASSERT( pucsSource->Length <= pucsSource->MaximumLength ); CL_ASSERT( pucsTarget->Length + pucsSource->Length < pucsTarget->MaximumLength );
memmove( &pucsTarget->Buffer [pucsTarget->Length / sizeof (WCHAR)], pucsSource->Buffer, pucsSource->Length + sizeof( UNICODE_NULL )); pucsTarget->Length = pucsTarget->Length + pucsSource->Length;
CL_ASSERT( pucsTarget->Length <= pucsTarget->MaximumLength ); CL_ASSERT( pucsSource->Length <= pucsSource->MaximumLength ); }
static void StringAppendString( PUNICODE_STRING pucsTarget, PWCHAR pwszSource ) { CL_ASSERT( pucsTarget->Length <= pucsTarget->MaximumLength ); CL_ASSERT( pucsTarget->Length + ( wcslen( pwszSource ) * sizeof( WCHAR )) < pucsTarget->MaximumLength );
USHORT Length = (USHORT) wcslen( pwszSource ) * sizeof ( WCHAR ); memmove( &pucsTarget->Buffer [pucsTarget->Length / sizeof (WCHAR)], pwszSource, Length + sizeof( UNICODE_NULL )); pucsTarget->Length = pucsTarget->Length + Length;
CL_ASSERT( pucsTarget->Length <= pucsTarget->MaximumLength ); }
static HRESULT StringTruncate (PUNICODE_STRING pucsString, USHORT usSizeInChars) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; USHORT usNewLength = (USHORT)(usSizeInChars * sizeof (WCHAR));
if (usNewLength > pucsString->Length) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (ERROR_BAD_LENGTH); } else { pucsString->Buffer [usSizeInChars] = UNICODE_NULL; pucsString->Length = usNewLength; } return hr; }
#pragma warning( pop )