Copyright (c) 1988-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Directory command
#include "cmd.h"
Usage: ------
DIR <filespec> /n /d /w /p /b /s /l /o<sortorder> /a<attriblist>
DIR /?
<filespec> may include any or none of: drive; directory path; wildcarded filename. If drive or directory path are omitted, the current defaults are used. If the file name or extension is omitted, wildcards are assumed.
/n Normal display form FAT drives is name followed by file information, for non-FAT drives it is file information followed by name. This switch will use the non-FAT format independent of the filesystem.
/w Wide listing format. Files are displayed in compressed 'name.ext' format. Subdirectory files are enclosed in brackets, '[dirname]'.
/d Same as /w but display sort by columns instead of by rows.
/p Paged, or prompted listing. A screenful is displayed at a time. The name of the directory being listed appears at the top of each page.
/b Bare listing format. Turns off /w or /p. Files are listed in compressed 'name.ext' format, one per line, without additional information. Good for making batch files or for piping. When used with /s, complete pathnames are listed.
/s Descend subdirectory tree. Performs command on current or specified directory, then for each subdirectory below that directory. Directory header and footer is displayed for each directory where matching files are found, unless used with /b. /b suppresses headers and footers.
Tree is explored depth first, alphabetically within the same level.
/l Display file names, extensions and paths in lowercase. ;M010
/o Sort order. /o alone sorts by default order (dirs-first, name, extension). A sort order may be specified after /o. Any of the following characters may be used: nedsg (name, extension, date/time, size, group-dirs-first). Placing a '-' before any letter causes a downward sort on that field. E.g., /oe-d means sort first by extension in alphabetical order, then within each extension sort by date and time in reverse chronological order.
/a Attribute selection. Without /a, hidden and system files are suppressed from the listing. With /a alone, all files are listed. An attribute list may follow /a, consisting of any of the following characters: hsdar (hidden, system, directory, archive, read-only). A '-' before any letter means 'not' that attribute. E.g., /ar-d means files that are marked read-only and are not directory files. Note that hidden or system files may be included in the listing. They are suppressed without /a but are treated like any other attribute with /a.
/t Which time stamp to use. /t:a - last access /t:c - create /t:w - last write
/, Show thousand separators in output display.
/4 Show 4 digit years
DIRCMD An environment variable named DIRCMD is parsed before the DIR command line. Any command line options may be specified in DIRCMD, and become defaults. /? will be ignored in DIRCMD. A filespec may be specified in DIRCMD and will be used unless a filespec is specified on the command line. Any switch specified in DIRCMD may be overridden on the command line. If the original DIR default action is desired for a particular switch, the switch letter may be preceded by a '-' on the command line. E.g.,
/-w use long listing format /-p don't page the listing /-b don't use bare format /-s don't descend subdirectory tree /-o display files in disk order /-a suppress hidden and system files
extern TCHAR SwitChar, PathChar; extern TCHAR CurDrvDir[] ; extern ULONG DCount ; extern DWORD DosErr ; extern BOOL CtrlCSeen;
HANDLE OpenConsole(); STATUS PrintPatterns( PDRP );
STATUS NewDisplayFileListHeader( IN PFS FileSpec, IN PSCREEN pscr, IN PVOID Data );
STATUS NewDisplayFile( IN PFS FileSpec, IN PFF CurrentFF, IN PSCREEN pscr, IN PVOID Data );
STATUS NewDisplayFileList( IN PFS FileSpec, IN PSCREEN pscr, IN PVOID Data );
// This global is set in SortFileList and is used by the sort routine called
// within qsort. This array contains pointers to compare functions. Our sort
// does not just sort against 1 criteria but all of the criteria in the sort
// description array built from the command line.
PSORTDESC prgsrtdsc;
// dwTimeType is also globally set in SortFileList and is used to control
// which time field is used for sorting.
ULONG dwTimeType;
Routine Description:
Prints out a catalog of a specified directory.
pszCmdLine - Command line (see comment above)
Return Value:
Return: SUCCESS - no completion. FAILURE - failed to complete entire catalog.
int Dir ( TCHAR *pszCmdLine ) {
// drp - structure holding current set of parameters. It is initialized
// in ParseDirParms function. It is also modified later when
// parameters are examined to determine if some turn others on.
DRP drpCur = {0, 0, 0, 0, {{0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}}, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0} ;
// szEnvVar - pointer to value of the DIRCMD environmental variable.
// This should be a form of the command line that is
// used to alter DIR default behavior.
TCHAR szEnvVar[MAX_PATH + 2];
// szCurDrv - Hold current drive letter
TCHAR szCurDrv[MAX_PATH + 2];
// OldDCount - Holds the level number of the heap. It is used to
// free entries off the stack that might not have been
// freed due to error processing (ctrl-c etc.)
ULONG OldDCount;
OldDCount = DCount;
// Setup defaults
// Display everything but system and hidden files
// rgfAttribs set the attribute bits to that are of interest and
// rgfAttribsOnOff says either the attributes should be present
// or not (i.e. On or Off)
drpCur.rgfAttribs = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN; drpCur.rgfAttribsOnOff = 0; drpCur.rgfSwitches = THOUSANDSEPSWITCH;
// Number of patterns present. A pattern is a string that may have
// wild cards. It is used to match against files present in the directory
// 0 patterns will show all files (i.e. mapped to *.*)
drpCur.cpatdsc = 0;
DEBUG((ICGRP, DILVL, "DIR:\t arg = `%ws'", (UINT_PTR)pszCmdLine)) ;
// default time is LAST_WRITE_TIME.
drpCur.dwTimeType = LAST_WRITE_TIME;
// DIRCMD holds a copy of default parameters to Dir
// parse these into drpCur (list of parameters to dir) and use as
// default into parsing parameters on command line.
if (GetEnvironmentVariable(TEXT("DIRCMD"), szEnvVar, MAX_PATH + 2)) {
if (ParseDirParms(szEnvVar, &drpCur) == FAILURE) {
// Error in parsing environment variable
// DOS 5.0 continues with command even if the
// environmental variable is wrong
// Override environment variable with command line options
if (ParseDirParms(pszCmdLine, &drpCur) == FAILURE) {
return( FAILURE ); }
// If bare format then turn off the other formats
// bare format will have no addition information on the line so
// make sure that options set from the DIRCMD variable etc. to
// not combine with the bare switch
if (drpCur.rgfSwitches & BAREFORMATSWITCH) { drpCur.rgfSwitches &= ~WIDEFORMATSWITCH; drpCur.rgfSwitches &= ~SORTDOWNFORMATSWITCH; drpCur.rgfSwitches &= ~SHORTFORMATSWITCH; drpCur.rgfSwitches &= ~THOUSANDSEPSWITCH; drpCur.rgfSwitches &= ~DISPLAYOWNER; }
// If short form (short file names) turn off others
if (drpCur.rgfSwitches & SHORTFORMATSWITCH) { drpCur.rgfSwitches &= ~WIDEFORMATSWITCH; drpCur.rgfSwitches &= ~SORTDOWNFORMATSWITCH; drpCur.rgfSwitches &= ~BAREFORMATSWITCH; }
// If no patterns on the command line use the default which
// would be the current directory
GetDir((PTCHAR)szCurDrv, GD_DEFAULT); if (drpCur.cpatdsc == 0) { drpCur.cpatdsc++; drpCur.patdscFirst.pszPattern = gmkstr( mystrlen( szCurDrv ) * sizeof( TCHAR ) + sizeof( TCHAR )); mystrcpy( drpCur.patdscFirst.pszPattern, szCurDrv ); drpCur.patdscFirst.fIsFat = TRUE; drpCur.patdscFirst.pszDir = NULL; drpCur.patdscFirst.ppatdscNext = NULL;
DEBUG((ICGRP, DILVL, "Dir: Parameters")) ; DEBUG((ICGRP, DILVL, "\t rgfSwitches %x", drpCur.rgfSwitches)) ; DEBUG((ICGRP, DILVL, "\t rgfAttribs %x", drpCur.rgfAttribs)) ; DEBUG((ICGRP, DILVL, "\t rgfAttribsOnOff %x", drpCur.rgfAttribsOnOff)) ; DEBUG((ICGRP, DILVL, "\t csrtdsc %d", drpCur.csrtdsc)) ;
// Print out this particular pattern. If the recursion switch
// is set then this will desend down the tree.
rc = PrintPatterns(&drpCur);
mystrcpy(CurDrvDir, szCurDrv);
// Free unneeded memory
FreeStack( OldDCount );
#ifdef _CRTHEAP_
// Force the crt to release heap we may have taken on recursion
if (drpCur.rgfSwitches & RECURSESWITCH) { _heapmin(); } #endif
return( (int)rc );
STATUS SetTimeType( IN PTCHAR pszTok, OUT PDRP pdrp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Parses the 'time' string
pszTok -
Return Value:
pdrp - where to place the time type
Return: TRUE - recognized all parameters FALSE - syntax error.
An error is printed if incountered.
ULONG irgch;
// Move over optional ':'
if (*pszTok == COLON) { pszTok++; }
for( irgch = 0; pszTok[irgch]; irgch++ ) {
switch (_totupper(pszTok[irgch])) {
case TEXT('C'):
pdrp->dwTimeType = CREATE_TIME; break;
case TEXT('A'):
pdrp->dwTimeType = LAST_ACCESS_TIME; break;
case TEXT('W'):
pdrp->dwTimeType = LAST_WRITE_TIME; break;
} // switch
} // for
return( SUCCESS );
STATUS SetAttribs( IN PTCHAR pszTok, OUT PDRP pdrp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Parses the 'attribute' string
pszTok - list of attributes
Return Value:
pdrp - where to place the attributes recognized. this is the parameter structure.
Return: TRUE - recognized all parameters FALSE - syntax error.
An error is printed if incountered.
ULONG irgch; BOOLEAN fOff;
ULONG rgfAttribs, rgfAttribsOnOff;
// rgfAttributes hold 1 bit per recognized attribute. If the bit is
// on then do something with this attribute. Either select the file
// with this attribute or select the file without this attribute.
// rgfAttribsOnOff controls wither to select for the attribute or
// select without the attribute.
// /a triggers selection of all files by default
// so override the default
pdrp->rgfAttribs = rgfAttribs = 0; pdrp->rgfAttribsOnOff = rgfAttribsOnOff = 0;
// Move over optional ':'
if (*pszTok == COLON) { pszTok++; }
// rgfAttribs and rgfAttribsOnOff must be maintained in the
// same bit order.
for( irgch = 0, fOff = FALSE; pszTok[irgch]; irgch++ ) {
switch (_totupper(pszTok[irgch])) {
#define AddAttribute(a) \
{ \ rgfAttribs |= (a); \ if (fOff) { \ rgfAttribsOnOff &= ~(a); \ fOff = FALSE; \ } else { \ rgfAttribsOnOff |= (a); \ } \ }
case TEXT('L'): AddAttribute( FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT ); break; case TEXT('H'): AddAttribute( FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN ); break; case TEXT('S'): AddAttribute( FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM ); break; case TEXT('D'): AddAttribute( FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ); break; case TEXT('A'): AddAttribute( FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE ); break; case TEXT('R'): AddAttribute( FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ); break;
case MINUS: if (fOff) { PutStdErr(MSG_PARAMETER_FORMAT_NOT_CORRECT, ONEARG, pszTok + irgch ); return( FAILURE ); }
fOff = TRUE; break;
} // switch
} // for
pdrp->rgfAttribs = rgfAttribs; pdrp->rgfAttribsOnOff = rgfAttribsOnOff;
return( SUCCESS );
STATUS SetSortDesc( IN PTCHAR pszTok, OUT PDRP pdrp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Parses the 'attribute' string
pszTok - list of sort orders
Return Value:
pdrp - where to place the sort orderings recognized. this is the parameter structure.
Return: TRUE - recognized all parameters FALSE - syntax error.
An error is printed if incountered.
ULONG irgch, irgsrtdsc;
DEBUG((ICGRP, DILVL, "SetSortDesc for `%ws'", pszTok));
// Move over optional ':'
if (*pszTok == COLON) { pszTok++; }
// Sorting order is based upon the order of entries in rgsrtdsc.
// srtdsc contains a pointer to a compare function and a flag
// wither to sort up or down.
for( irgch = 0, irgsrtdsc = pdrp->csrtdsc ; pszTok[irgch] && irgsrtdsc < MAXSORTDESC ; irgch++, irgsrtdsc++) {
switch (_totupper(pszTok[irgch])) {
case TEXT('N'): pdrp->rgsrtdsc[irgsrtdsc].fctCmp = CmpName; break; case TEXT('E'): pdrp->rgsrtdsc[irgsrtdsc].fctCmp = CmpExt; break; case TEXT('D'): pdrp->rgsrtdsc[irgsrtdsc].fctCmp = CmpTime; break; case TEXT('S'): pdrp->rgsrtdsc[irgsrtdsc].fctCmp = CmpSize; break; case TEXT('G'): pdrp->rgsrtdsc[irgsrtdsc].fctCmp = CmpType; break; case MINUS:
// Check that there are not 2 -- in a row
if (pszTok[irgch+1] == MINUS) {
pdrp->rgsrtdsc[irgsrtdsc].Order = DESCENDING; irgsrtdsc--; break;
} // switch
} // for
// Was there any specific sort order (something besides /O
if (irgsrtdsc == 0) {
// Setup default sorting
pdrp->rgsrtdsc[0].fctCmp = CmpType; pdrp->rgsrtdsc[1].fctCmp = CmpName; irgsrtdsc = 2; }
DEBUG((ICGRP, DILVL, "SetSortDesc count %d", irgsrtdsc)); pdrp->csrtdsc = irgsrtdsc; pdrp->rgsrtdsc[irgsrtdsc].fctCmp = NULL; return( SUCCESS ); }
STATUS ParseDirParms ( IN PTCHAR pszCmdLine, OUT PDRP pdrp )
Routine Description:
Parse the command line translating the tokens into values placed in the parameter structure. The values are or'd into the parameter structure since this routine is called repeatedly to build up values (once for the environment variable DIRCMD and once for the actual command line).
pszCmdLine - pointer to command line user typed
Return Value:
pdrp - parameter data structure
Return: TRUE - if valid command line. FALSE - if not.
--*/ {
PTCHAR pszTok;
TCHAR szT[10] ; USHORT irgchTok; BOOLEAN fToggle; PPATDSC ppatdscCur;
DEBUG((ICGRP, DILVL, "DIR:ParseParms for `%ws'", pszCmdLine));
// Tokensize the command line (special delimeters are tokens)
szT[0] = SwitChar ; szT[1] = NULLC ; pszTok = TokStr(pszCmdLine, szT, TS_SDTOKENS) ;
ppatdscCur = &(pdrp->patdscFirst); //
// If there was a pattern put in place from the environment.
// just add any new patterns on. So move to the end of the
// current list.
if (pdrp->cpatdsc) {
while (ppatdscCur->ppatdscNext) {
ppatdscCur = ppatdscCur->ppatdscNext;
} }
pdrp->csrtdsc = 0; //
// At this state pszTok will be a series of zero terminated strings.
// "/o foo" wil be /0o0foo0
for ( irgchTok = 0; *pszTok ; pszTok += mystrlen(pszTok)+1, irgchTok = 0) {
DEBUG((ICGRP, DILVL, "PRIVSW: pszTok = %ws", (UINT_PTR)pszTok)) ;
// fToggle control whether to turn off a switch that was set
// in the DIRCMD environment variable.
fToggle = FALSE; if (pszTok[irgchTok] == (TCHAR)SwitChar) {
if (pszTok[irgchTok + 2] == MINUS) {
// disable the previously enabled the switch
fToggle = TRUE; irgchTok++; }
switch (_totupper(pszTok[irgchTok + 2])) {
// New Format is the os/2 default HPFS format. The main
// difference is the filename is at the end of a long display
// instead of at the beginning
case TEXT('N'):
fToggle ? (pdrp->rgfSwitches |= OLDFORMATSWITCH) : (pdrp->rgfSwitches |= NEWFORMATSWITCH); if (pszTok[irgchTok + 3]) { PutStdErr(MSG_PARAMETER_FORMAT_NOT_CORRECT, ONEARG, (UINT_PTR)(&(pszTok[irgchTok + 2])) ); return( FAILURE ); } break;
case TEXT('W'):
fToggle ? (pdrp->rgfSwitches ^= WIDEFORMATSWITCH) : (pdrp->rgfSwitches |= WIDEFORMATSWITCH); if (pszTok[irgchTok + 3]) { PutStdErr(MSG_PARAMETER_FORMAT_NOT_CORRECT, ONEARG, (UINT_PTR)(&(pszTok[irgchTok + 2])) ); return( FAILURE ); } break;
case TEXT('D'):
fToggle ? (pdrp->rgfSwitches ^= SORTDOWNFORMATSWITCH) : (pdrp->rgfSwitches |= SORTDOWNFORMATSWITCH); if (pszTok[irgchTok + 3]) { PutStdErr(MSG_PARAMETER_FORMAT_NOT_CORRECT, ONEARG, (UINT_PTR)(&(pszTok[irgchTok + 2])) ); return( FAILURE ); } break;
case TEXT('P'):
fToggle ? (pdrp->rgfSwitches ^= PAGEDOUTPUTSWITCH) : (pdrp->rgfSwitches |= PAGEDOUTPUTSWITCH); if (pszTok[irgchTok + 3]) { PutStdErr(MSG_PARAMETER_FORMAT_NOT_CORRECT, ONEARG, (UINT_PTR)(&(pszTok[irgchTok + 2])) ); return( FAILURE ); } break;
case TEXT('4'):
fToggle ? (pdrp->rgfSwitches ^= YEAR2000) : (pdrp->rgfSwitches |= YEAR2000); if (pszTok[irgchTok + 3]) { PutStdErr(MSG_PARAMETER_FORMAT_NOT_CORRECT, ONEARG, (UINT_PTR)(&(pszTok[irgchTok + 2])) ); return( FAILURE ); } break;
case TEXT('B'):
fToggle ? (pdrp->rgfSwitches ^= BAREFORMATSWITCH) : (pdrp->rgfSwitches |= BAREFORMATSWITCH); if (pszTok[irgchTok + 3]) { PutStdErr(MSG_PARAMETER_FORMAT_NOT_CORRECT, ONEARG, (UINT_PTR)(&(pszTok[irgchTok + 2])) ); return( FAILURE ); } break;
case TEXT('L'):
fToggle ? (pdrp->rgfSwitches ^= LOWERCASEFORMATSWITCH) : (pdrp->rgfSwitches |= LOWERCASEFORMATSWITCH); if (pszTok[irgchTok + 3]) { PutStdErr(MSG_PARAMETER_FORMAT_NOT_CORRECT, ONEARG, (UINT_PTR)(&(pszTok[irgchTok + 2])) ); return( FAILURE ); } break;
#ifndef WIN95_CMD
case TEXT('Q'):
fToggle ? (pdrp->rgfSwitches ^= DISPLAYOWNER) : (pdrp->rgfSwitches |= DISPLAYOWNER); if (pszTok[irgchTok + 3]) { PutStdErr(MSG_PARAMETER_FORMAT_NOT_CORRECT, ONEARG, (UINT_PTR)(&(pszTok[irgchTok + 2])) ); return( FAILURE ); } break; #endif
case TEXT('S'):
fToggle ? (pdrp->rgfSwitches ^= RECURSESWITCH) : (pdrp->rgfSwitches |= RECURSESWITCH); if (pszTok[irgchTok + 3]) { PutStdErr(MSG_PARAMETER_FORMAT_NOT_CORRECT, ONEARG, (UINT_PTR)(&(pszTok[irgchTok + 2])) ); return( FAILURE ); } break;
case TEXT('C'):
fToggle ? (pdrp->rgfSwitches ^= THOUSANDSEPSWITCH) : (pdrp->rgfSwitches |= THOUSANDSEPSWITCH); if (pszTok[irgchTok + 3]) { PutStdErr(MSG_PARAMETER_FORMAT_NOT_CORRECT, ONEARG, (UINT_PTR)(&(pszTok[irgchTok + 2])) ); return( FAILURE ); } break;
case TEXT('X'):
pdrp->rgfSwitches |= SHORTFORMATSWITCH; pdrp->rgfSwitches |= NEWFORMATSWITCH; if (pszTok[irgchTok + 3]) { PutStdErr(MSG_PARAMETER_FORMAT_NOT_CORRECT, ONEARG, (UINT_PTR)(&(pszTok[irgchTok + 2])) ); return( FAILURE ); } break;
case MINUS:
PutStdOut(MSG_HELP_DIR, NOARGS); return( FAILURE ); break;
case TEXT('O'):
fToggle ? (pdrp->rgfSwitches ^= SORTSWITCH) : (pdrp->rgfSwitches |= SORTSWITCH); if (fToggle) { if ( _tcslen( &(pszTok[irgchTok + 2]) ) > 1) { PutStdErr(MSG_PARAMETER_FORMAT_NOT_CORRECT, ONEARG, (UINT_PTR)(&(pszTok[irgchTok + 2])) ); return( FAILURE ); } pdrp->csrtdsc = 0; pdrp->rgsrtdsc[0].fctCmp = NULL; break; }
if (SetSortDesc( &(pszTok[irgchTok+3]), pdrp)) { return( FAILURE ); } break;
case TEXT('A'):
if (fToggle) { if ( _tcslen( &(pszTok[irgchTok + 2]) ) > 1) { PutStdErr(MSG_PARAMETER_FORMAT_NOT_CORRECT, ONEARG, (UINT_PTR)(&(pszTok[irgchTok + 2])) ); return( FAILURE ); } pdrp->rgfAttribs = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN; pdrp->rgfAttribsOnOff = 0; break; }
if (SetAttribs(&(pszTok[irgchTok + 3]), pdrp) ) { return( FAILURE ); } break;
case TEXT('T'):
if (fToggle) {
// revert to default
pdrp->dwTimeType = LAST_WRITE_TIME; break; } if (SetTimeType(&(pszTok[irgchTok + 3]), pdrp) ) { return( FAILURE ); } break;
szT[0] = SwitChar; szT[1] = pszTok[2]; szT[2] = NULLC; PutStdErr(MSG_INVALID_SWITCH, ONEARG, (UINT_PTR)(&(pszTok[irgchTok + 2])) );
return( FAILURE );
} // switch
// TokStr parses /N as /0N0 so we need to move over the
// switchar in or to move past the actual switch value
// in for loop.
pszTok += 2;
} else {
// If there already is a list the extend it else put info
// directly into structure.
if (pdrp->cpatdsc) {
ppatdscCur->ppatdscNext = (PPATDSC)gmkstr(sizeof(PATDSC)); ppatdscCur = ppatdscCur->ppatdscNext; ppatdscCur->ppatdscNext = NULL;
pdrp->cpatdsc++; ppatdscCur->pszPattern = (PTCHAR)gmkstr(_tcslen(pszTok)*sizeof(TCHAR) + sizeof(TCHAR)); mystrcpy(ppatdscCur->pszPattern, StripQuotes(pszTok) ); ppatdscCur->fIsFat = TRUE;
} // for
return( SUCCESS ); }
// return a pointer to the a new pattern with wild cards inserted.
// If no change has occured the passed in pattern is returned.
// NULL is returned if error.
Routine Description:
This routine determines if any modification of to the current. NOTE that pszInPattern is freed!
Return Value:
--*/ PTCHAR SetWildCards ( IN PTCHAR pszInPattern, IN BOOLEAN fFatDrive )
PTCHAR pszNewPattern = NULL; PTCHAR pszT; USHORT cb; DWORD l;
DEBUG((ICGRP, DILVL, "DIR:SetWildCards")); DEBUG((ICGRP, DILVL, "\t fFatDrive = %x",fFatDrive));
// failure to allocate will not return but go through an
// abort call in gmkstr
l = max(mystrlen(pszInPattern)+2, MAX_PATH+2) * sizeof(TCHAR); pszNewPattern = (PTCHAR)gmkstr(l); mystrcpy(pszNewPattern, pszInPattern);
// On FAT the default for .xxx is *.xxx while for HPFS .xxx is
// just a file name.
// If .xxx or \xxx\.xxx then tranform into *.xxx or \xxx\*.xxx
// Likewise for no extension the default would be foo.*
if (fFatDrive) {
pszT = mystrrchr(pszInPattern, PathChar);
// If there is no slash then check if pattern begining with
// a .xxx (making sure not to confuse it with just a . or .. at
// start of pattern)
// If there a slash then check for \xxx\.xxx again making sure
// it is not \xxx\.. or \xxx\.
if ((!pszT && *pszInPattern == DOT && *(pszInPattern + 1) != NULLC && *(pszInPattern + 1) != DOT ) || (pszT && *(pszT + 1) == DOT && *(pszT + 2) != NULLC && *(pszT + 2) != DOT ) ) {
if (pszT) { cb = (USHORT)(pszT - pszInPattern + 1); _tcsncpy(pszNewPattern, pszInPattern, cb); *(pszNewPattern + cb) = NULLC; } else { *pszNewPattern = NULLC; cb = 0; } mystrcat(pszNewPattern, TEXT("*")); mystrcat(pszNewPattern, pszInPattern + cb); // FreeStr( pszInPattern );
return( pszNewPattern );
} }
return( pszNewPattern );
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ BOOLEAN IsFATDrive ( IN PTCHAR pszPath ) {
DWORD cbComponentMax; TCHAR szFileSystemName[MAX_PATH + 2]; TCHAR szDrivePath[ MAX_PATH + 2 ]; TCHAR szDrive[MAX_PATH + 2];
DosErr = 0; if (GetDrive(pszPath, (PTCHAR)szDrive)) {
DEBUG((ICGRP, DILVL, "DIR:IsFatDrive `%ws'", szDrive));
mystrcpy( szDrivePath, szDrive ); mystrcat( szDrivePath, TEXT("\\") );
// We return that the file system in question is a FAT file system
// if the component length is more than 12 bytes.
if (GetVolumeInformation( szDrivePath, NULL, 0, NULL, &cbComponentMax, NULL, szFileSystemName, MAX_PATH + 2 ) ) { if (!_tcsicmp(szFileSystemName, TEXT("FAT")) && cbComponentMax == 12) { return(TRUE); } else { return(FALSE); } } else {
DosErr = GetLastError();
// if GetVolumeInformation failed because we're a substed drive
// or a down-level server, don't fail.
if (DosErr == ERROR_DIR_NOT_ROOT) { DosErr = 0; } return(FALSE); } } else {
// If we could not get the drive then assume it is not FAT.
// If it is not accessable etc. then that will be caught
// later.
return( FALSE ); }
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ BOOLEAN GetDrive( IN PTCHAR pszPattern, OUT PTCHAR szDrive ) { TCHAR szCurDrv[MAX_PATH + 2]; PTCHAR pszT; TCHAR ch = NULLC;
if (pszPattern == NULL) {
return( FALSE );
// assume we have the default case with no drive
// letter specified
GetDir((PTCHAR)szCurDrv,GD_DEFAULT); szDrive[0] = szCurDrv[0];
// If we have a UNC name do not return a drive. No
// drive operation would be allowed
// For everything else a some drive operation would
// be valid
// handle UNC names with drive letter (allowed in DOS)
if ((pszPattern[1] == COLON) && (pszPattern[2] == BSLASH) && (pszPattern[3] == BSLASH)) { mystrcpy(&pszPattern[0],&pszPattern[2]); }
if ((pszPattern[0] == BSLASH) && (pszPattern[1] == BSLASH)) {
pszT = mystrchr(&(pszPattern[2]), BSLASH); if (pszT == NULL) {
// badly formed unc name
return( FALSE );
} else {
// look for '\\foo\bar\xxx'
pszT = mystrchr(pszT + 1, BSLASH); //
// pszPattern contains more then just share point
if (pszT != NULL) {
ch = *pszT; *pszT = NULLC; } mystrcpy(szDrive, pszPattern); if (ch != NULLC) {
*pszT = ch;
} return ( TRUE ); } }
// Must be a drive letter
if ((pszPattern[0]) && (pszPattern[1] == COLON)) { szDrive[0] = (TCHAR)_totupper(*pszPattern); }
szDrive[1] = COLON; szDrive[2] = NULLC; return( TRUE ); }
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ STATUS PrintPatterns ( IN PDRP pdpr ) {
TCHAR szDriveCur[MAX_PATH + 2]; TCHAR szDrivePrev[MAX_PATH + 2]; TCHAR szDriveNext[MAX_PATH + 2]; TCHAR szPathForFreeSpace[MAX_PATH + 2]; PPATDSC ppatdscCur; PPATDSC ppatdscX; PFS pfsFirst; PFS pfsCur; PFS pfsPrev; ULONG i; STATUS rc; PSCREEN pscr;
// Creating the console output is done early since error message
// should go through the console. If PrintPattern is called
// many times in the future this will be required since the
// error message should need to be under pause control
if (OpenScreen( &pscr) == FAILURE) { return( FAILURE ); }
// This will be NULL if for any reason we STDOUT is not a valid
// console handle, such as file redirection or redirection to a
// non-console device. In that case we turn off any paged output.
if (!(pscr->hndScreen)) {
pdpr->rgfSwitches &= ~PAGEDOUTPUTSWITCH;
// Default will be the size of the screen - 1
// subtract 1 to account for the current line
if (pdpr->rgfSwitches & PAGEDOUTPUTSWITCH) {
SetPause( pscr, pscr->crowMax - 1 ); }
// Sortdown => wide format but a different display order
if (pdpr->rgfSwitches & SORTDOWNFORMATSWITCH) { pdpr->rgfSwitches |= WIDEFORMATSWITCH; }
// determine FAT drive from original pattern.
// Used in several places to control name format etc.
DosErr = 0;
if (BuildFSFromPatterns(pdpr, TRUE, TRUE, &pfsFirst) == FAILURE) {
return( FAILURE );
pfsPrev = NULL;
mystrcpy( szPathForFreeSpace, TEXT("") ); mystrcpy( szDriveCur, TEXT("") );
for( pfsCur = pfsFirst; pfsCur; pfsCur = pfsCur->pfsNext) {
mystrcpy( szPathForFreeSpace, pfsCur->pszDir );
// Set up flags based on type of drive. FAT drives get
// FAT format and are unable to display anything except
if (pfsCur->fIsFat) { pdpr->rgfSwitches |= FATFORMAT; if (pdpr->dwTimeType != LAST_WRITE_TIME) { PutStdErr(MSG_TIME_NOT_SUPPORTED, NOARGS); return( FAILURE ); }
} else {
// If it is not fat then print out in new format that
// puts names to the right to allow for extra long names
if (!(pdpr->rgfSwitches & OLDFORMATSWITCH)) { pdpr->rgfSwitches |= NEWFORMATSWITCH; } }
// If we're not in bare mode, print out header if this
// is the first time or if the drive letter changes.
if ((pdpr->rgfSwitches & BAREFORMATSWITCH) == 0) {
mystrcpy( szDrivePrev, szDriveCur );
GetDrive(pfsCur->pszDir, szDriveCur);
if (_tcsicmp( szDriveCur, szDrivePrev ) != 0) {
if ((pfsPrev != NULL && WriteEol( pscr ) != SUCCESS) || DisplayVolInfo( pscr, pfsCur->pszDir ) != SUCCESS) { return FAILURE; } } }
// Walk down the tree printing each directory or just return
// after specificied directory.
pdpr->FileCount = pdpr->DirectoryCount = 0; pdpr->TotalBytes.QuadPart = 0i64;
rc = WalkTree( pfsCur, pscr, pdpr->rgfAttribs, pdpr->rgfAttribsOnOff, pdpr->rgfSwitches & RECURSESWITCH,
pdpr, // Data for display functions
NULL, // Error
NewDisplayFileListHeader, // PreScan
(pdpr->rgfSwitches & (WIDEFORMATSWITCH | SORTSWITCH)) ? NULL : NewDisplayFile, // Scan
NewDisplayFileList // PostScan
// If we enumerated everything and we printed some files and the next
// file spec is on a different drive, display the free space
if (rc == SUCCESS && pdpr->FileCount + pdpr->DirectoryCount != 0) {
if (!(pdpr->rgfSwitches & BAREFORMATSWITCH )) {
mystrcpy( szDriveNext, TEXT("") ); if (pfsCur->pfsNext) { GetDrive( pfsCur->pfsNext->pszDir, szDriveNext ); }
if (_tcsicmp( szDriveNext, szDriveCur )) { if ((pdpr->rgfSwitches & RECURSESWITCH) != 0) { CHECKSTATUS ( WriteEol( pscr )); CHECKSTATUS( DisplayTotals( pscr, pdpr->FileCount, &pdpr->TotalBytes, pdpr->rgfSwitches )); } CHECKSTATUS( DisplayDiskFreeSpace( pscr, szPathForFreeSpace, pdpr->rgfSwitches, pdpr->DirectoryCount )); } } } else if (!CtrlCSeen) {
if (rc == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { PutStdErr( rc, NOARGS ); } else if (pdpr->FileCount + pdpr->DirectoryCount == 0) { WriteFlush( pscr ); PutStdErr( MSG_FILE_NOT_FOUND, NOARGS ); rc = 1; } }
FreeStr(pfsCur->pszDir); for(i = 1, ppatdscCur = pfsCur->ppatdsc; i <= pfsCur->cpatdsc; i++, ppatdscCur = ppatdscX) {
ppatdscX = ppatdscCur->ppatdscNext; FreeStr(ppatdscCur->pszPattern); FreeStr(ppatdscCur->pszDir); FreeStr((PTCHAR)ppatdscCur); }
if (pfsPrev) {
FreeStr((PTCHAR)pfsPrev); }
pfsPrev = pfsCur; }
WriteFlush( pscr );
return(rc); }
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ int _cdecl CmpName( const void *elem1, const void *elem2 ) { int result;
result = lstrcmpi( ((PFF)(* (PPFF)elem1))->data.cFileName, ((PFF)(* (PPFF)elem2))->data.cFileName); return result; }
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ int _cdecl CmpExt( const void *pszElem1, const void *pszElem2 ) { PTCHAR pszElem1T, pszElem2T; int rc;
// Move pointer to name to make it all easier to read
pszElem1 = &(((PFF)(* (PPFF)pszElem1))->data.cFileName); pszElem2 = &(((PFF)(* (PPFF)pszElem2))->data.cFileName);
// Locate the extensions if any
if (((pszElem1T = mystrrchr( pszElem1, DOT)) == NULL ) ||
(!_tcscmp(TEXT(".."),pszElem1) || !_tcscmp(TEXT("."),pszElem1)) ) {
// If no extension then point to end of string
pszElem1T = ((PTCHAR)pszElem1) + mystrlen(pszElem1 ); }
if (((pszElem2T = mystrrchr( pszElem2, DOT)) == NULL ) || (!_tcscmp(TEXT(".."),pszElem2) || !_tcscmp(TEXT("."),pszElem2)) ) {
// If no extension then point to end of string
pszElem2T = ((PTCHAR)pszElem2) + mystrlen(pszElem2 ); } rc = lstrcmpi( pszElem1T, pszElem2T ); return rc; }
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ int _cdecl CmpTime( const void *pszElem1, const void *pszElem2 ) {
LPFILETIME pft1, pft2;
switch (dwTimeType) {
pft1 = & ((* (PPFF)pszElem1)->data.ftLastAccessTime); pft2 = & ((* (PPFF)pszElem2)->data.ftLastAccessTime); break;
pft1 = & ((* (PPFF)pszElem1)->data.ftLastWriteTime); pft2 = & ((* (PPFF)pszElem2)->data.ftLastWriteTime); break;
pft1 = & ((* (PPFF)pszElem1)->data.ftCreationTime); pft2 = & ((* (PPFF)pszElem2)->data.ftCreationTime); break;
return(CompareFileTime( pft1, pft2 ) );
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ int _cdecl CmpSize( const void * pszElem1, const void * pszElem2 ) { ULARGE_INTEGER ul1, ul2;
ul1.HighPart = (* (PPFF)pszElem1)->data.nFileSizeHigh; ul2.HighPart = (* (PPFF)pszElem2)->data.nFileSizeHigh; ul1.LowPart = (* (PPFF)pszElem1)->data.nFileSizeLow; ul2.LowPart = (* (PPFF)pszElem2)->data.nFileSizeLow;
if (ul1.QuadPart < ul2.QuadPart) return -1; else if (ul1.QuadPart > ul2.QuadPart) return 1; else return 0;
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ int _cdecl CmpType( const void *pszElem1, const void *pszElem2 ) {
// This dependents upon FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY not being the high bit.
return( (( (* (PPFF)pszElem2)->data.dwFileAttributes) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) - (( (* (PPFF)pszElem1)->data.dwFileAttributes) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) );
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ int _cdecl SortCompare( IN const void * elem1, IN const void * elem2 ) {
ULONG irgsrt; int rc;
// prgsrtdsc is set in SortFileList
for (irgsrt = 0; prgsrtdsc[irgsrt].fctCmp; irgsrt++) {
if (prgsrtdsc[irgsrt].Order == DESCENDING) {
if (rc = prgsrtdsc[irgsrt].fctCmp(elem2, elem1)) { return( rc ); }
} else {
if (rc = prgsrtdsc[irgsrt].fctCmp(elem1, elem2)) { return( rc ); }
} } return( 0 );
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ VOID SortFileList( IN PFS pfsFiles, IN PSORTDESC prgsrtdscLocal, IN ULONG dwTimeTypeLocal )
// Set these globally to handle fixed parameters list for qsort
dwTimeType = dwTimeTypeLocal; prgsrtdsc = prgsrtdscLocal;
// Make sure there is something to sort
if (pfsFiles->cff) { if (prgsrtdsc[0].fctCmp) { qsort(pfsFiles->prgpff, pfsFiles->cff, sizeof(PTCHAR), SortCompare); } }