Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Revision History:
Jeff Sigman 05/01/00 Created Jeff Sigman 05/10/00 Version 1.5 released Jeff Sigman 10/18/00 Fix for Soft81 bug(s)
#include "precomp.h"
// Open the IA64LDR.EFI image and load the OS
do { //
// Convert OS path to unicode from ACSII
uniBuf = RutlUniStrDup(String); if (!uniBuf) { break; } //
// Open the ia64ldr.efi
Status = (*CurDir)->Open( *CurDir, &FileHandle, uniBuf, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, 0); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { break; }
ldrDevPath = FileDevicePath(LoadedImage->DeviceHandle, uniBuf); if (!ldrDevPath) { break; }
Status = BS->LoadImage( FALSE, ImageHandle, ldrDevPath, NULL, 0, &exeHdl); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { break; }
Print (L"\nAttempting to launch... %s\n", uniBuf); WaitForSingleEvent(ST->ConIn->WaitForKey, 5000000); ST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke(ST->ConIn, &Key); //
// Clean up
ldrDevPath = RutlFree(ldrDevPath); uniBuf = RutlFree(uniBuf); String = RutlFree(String); //
// Disable the cursor
ST->ConOut->EnableCursor(ST->ConOut, FALSE); bError = FALSE; //
// Start the OS baby!!
BS->StartImage(exeHdl, 0, NULL); //
// If we get here the OS failed to load
bError = TRUE; //
// Re-enable the cursor
ST->ConOut->EnableCursor(ST->ConOut, TRUE);
} while (FALSE); //
// Clean up
if (ldrDevPath) { ldrDevPath = RutlFree(ldrDevPath); } if (uniBuf) { uniBuf = RutlFree(uniBuf); } if (FileHandle) { FileHandle->Close(FileHandle); } if (String) { String = RutlFree(String); } //
// Where the heck is the lib for this?
// if (exeHdl)
// UnloadImage(&exeHdl);
return bError; }
// Struct Cleanup
BOOLEAN FreeBootData( IN VOID* hBootData ) { UINTN i; BOOT_DATA* pBootData = (BOOT_DATA*) hBootData;
if (!pBootData) { return TRUE; }
for (i = 0; i < pBootData->dwIndex; i++) { pBootData->pszSPart[i] = RutlFree(pBootData->pszSPart[i]); pBootData->pszOSLdr[i] = RutlFree(pBootData->pszOSLdr[i]); pBootData->pszLPart[i] = RutlFree(pBootData->pszLPart[i]); pBootData->pszFileN[i] = RutlFree(pBootData->pszFileN[i]); pBootData->pszIdent[i] = RutlFree(pBootData->pszIdent[i]); pBootData->pszShort[i] = RutlFree(pBootData->pszShort[i]); }
pBootData->pszShort[pBootData->dwIndex] = RutlFree(pBootData->pszShort[pBootData->dwIndex]);
pBootData->pszIdent[pBootData->dwIndex] = RutlFree(pBootData->pszIdent[pBootData->dwIndex]);
if (pBootData->pszLoadOpt) { pBootData->pszLoadOpt = RutlFree(pBootData->pszLoadOpt); }
pBootData->dwLastKnown = 0; pBootData->dwIndex = 0; pBootData->dwCount = 0;
return FALSE; }
// Sort the load options based placing the passed option first
BOOLEAN SortLoadOptions( IN VOID* hBootData, IN char* Buffer, IN UINTN* dwSize, IN UINTN* dwOption, IN UINTN* dwMax, IN EFI_FILE_HANDLE* FileHandle ) { char *FndTok[BOOT_MAX], *Start = NULL, *End = NULL, *NewOpt = NULL, *Sortme = NULL, *Token = NULL, *Last = NULL, *Find = NULL; UINTN i = 0, j = 0, dwIndex = 0, dwStLen = 0, dwOrigLen = 0, dwLen = 0; BOOLEAN bError = FALSE; BOOT_DATA* pBootData = (BOOT_DATA*) hBootData;
do { //
// Find the BOOT_LDOPT option
Start = strstr(Buffer, BOOT_LDOPT); if (!Start) { bError = TRUE; break; } //
// Find the end of the option
End = (Start += strlena(BOOT_LDOPT)); while (*(End++) != '\r') ; dwOrigLen = (End - Start) - 1; //
// Create buffer to use for temp sort storage
NewOpt = AllocateZeroPool(dwOrigLen + 1); if (!NewOpt) { bError = TRUE; break; } //
// Copy only that option to a new buffer
CopyMem(NewOpt, Start, dwOrigLen); //
// Replace any leading ';' with a nodebug
while ((NewOpt[i] == ';') && (i < *dwMax)) { FndTok[i] = RutlStrDup(BL_DEBUG_NONE); if (!FndTok[i]) { bError = TRUE; break; }
dwIndex += strlena(FndTok[i++]); } //
// Remove tokens
Token = strtok(NewOpt, BOOT_TOKEN);
while ((Token != NULL) && (Token < (NewOpt + dwOrigLen)) && (i < *dwMax) ) { if (Find = FindAdvLoadOptions(Token)) { //
// User has booted using adv options, clearing them out
// Add a NULL at the location of the adv opt
*Find = '\0';
FndTok[i] = RutlStrDup(Token); } else { FndTok[i] = RutlStrDup(Token); if (!FndTok[i]) { bError = TRUE; break; } }
dwIndex += strlena(FndTok[i++]); Token = strtok(NULL, BOOT_TOKEN); }
while (i < *dwMax) { FndTok[i] = RutlStrDup(BL_DEBUG_NONE); if (!FndTok[i]) { bError = TRUE; break; }
dwIndex += strlena(FndTok[i++]); } //
// Create buffer to store sorted data
Sortme = AllocateZeroPool(dwLen = dwIndex + *dwMax + 1); if (!Sortme) { bError = TRUE; break; }
// Copy selected option as the first option
if (pBootData->pszLoadOpt) { //
// if user has selected an adv boot option, it is plum'd here
dwStLen = strlena(pBootData->pszLoadOpt) + dwLen + strlena(SPACES);
Sortme = ReallocatePool(Sortme, dwLen, dwStLen); if (!Sortme) { bError = TRUE; break; } //
// they will need to match up later
dwLen = dwStLen;
dwIndex = strlena(FndTok[*dwOption]); CopyMem(Sortme, FndTok[*dwOption], dwIndex); dwStLen = dwIndex;
dwIndex = strlena(SPACES); CopyMem(Sortme + dwStLen, SPACES, dwIndex); dwStLen += dwIndex;
dwIndex = strlena(pBootData->pszLoadOpt); CopyMem(Sortme + dwStLen, pBootData->pszLoadOpt, dwIndex); dwStLen += dwIndex; } else { CopyMem(Sortme, FndTok[*dwOption], strlena(FndTok[*dwOption])); dwStLen = strlena(FndTok[*dwOption]); } //
// Append a seperator
*(Sortme + (dwStLen++)) = ';'; //
// Smash the rest of the options back in
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { //
// Skip the option that was moved to the front
if (j == *dwOption) { continue; }
CopyMem(Sortme + dwStLen, FndTok[j], strlena(FndTok[j])); dwStLen += strlena(FndTok[j]); //
// Append a seperator
*(Sortme + (dwStLen++)) = ';'; }
dwStLen--; *(Sortme + dwStLen++) = '\r'; *(Sortme + dwStLen++) = '\n';
if (dwLen != dwStLen) { bError = TRUE; break; } //
// Write new sorted load options to file
(*FileHandle)->SetPosition(*FileHandle, (Start - Buffer)); (*FileHandle)->Write(*FileHandle, &dwStLen, Sortme); //
// Write options that following load options back to file
(*FileHandle)->SetPosition(*FileHandle, (Start - Buffer) + dwStLen - 1); dwStLen = *dwSize - (End - Buffer); (*FileHandle)->Write(*FileHandle, &dwStLen, End); //
// Set last known good
if (Last = strstr(End, BOOT_LASTK)) { (*FileHandle)->SetPosition( *FileHandle, (Start - Buffer) + dwLen + (Last - End) - 1);
if (pBootData->dwLastKnown) { dwIndex = strlena(LAST_TRUE); (*FileHandle)->Write(*FileHandle, &dwIndex, LAST_TRUE); } else { dwIndex = strlena(LAST_FALSE); (*FileHandle)->Write(*FileHandle, &dwIndex, LAST_FALSE); } } //
// Subtract the terminators
dwLen -= 2;
if (dwOrigLen <= dwLen) { break; } //
// append semi-colon's at the end of the file if we have left over room
// don't reuse 'i', need it below to free
for (j = 0; j < (dwOrigLen - dwLen); j++) { dwStLen = 1; (*FileHandle)->Write(*FileHandle, &dwStLen, ";"); }
} while (FALSE);
if (Sortme) { Sortme = RutlFree(Sortme); }
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { FndTok[j] = RutlFree(FndTok[j]); }
if (NewOpt) { NewOpt = RutlFree(NewOpt); }
return bError; }
// Sort the boot options based placing the passed option first
BOOLEAN SortBootData( IN char* Option, IN char* StrArr[], IN UINTN* dwOption, IN UINTN* dwMax, IN char* Buffer ) { char *Start = NULL, *End = NULL, *NewOpt = NULL; UINTN i, dwIndex = 0, dwLen = 0; BOOLEAN bError = TRUE;
do { //
// Find the option header
Start = strstr(Buffer, Option); if (!Start) { break; } //
// Find the end of the option
End = (Start += strlena(Option)); while (*(End++) != '\n') ; dwLen = End - Start; //
// Create buffer to use for temp sort storage
NewOpt = AllocateZeroPool(dwLen); if (!NewOpt) { break; } //
// Copy only that option to a new buffer
CopyMem(NewOpt, StrArr[*dwOption], strlena(StrArr[*dwOption])); dwIndex += strlena(StrArr[*dwOption]); //
// Append a seperator
*(NewOpt+(dwIndex++)) = ';';
for (i = 0; i < *dwMax; i++) { if (i == *dwOption) { continue; }
CopyMem(NewOpt + dwIndex, StrArr[i], strlena(StrArr[i])); dwIndex += strlena(StrArr[i]); *(NewOpt+(dwIndex++)) = ';'; }
while (dwIndex++ < (dwLen - 1)) { *(NewOpt + (dwIndex - 1)) = ';'; }
*(NewOpt + (dwLen - 2)) = '\r'; *(NewOpt + dwLen - 1) = '\n';
if (dwIndex != dwLen) { break; } //
// Copy new sorted data in the buffer
CopyMem(Start, NewOpt, dwIndex);
bError = FALSE;
} while (FALSE);
if (NewOpt) { NewOpt = RutlFree(NewOpt); }
return bError; }
// Parse options from file data
BOOLEAN OrderBootFile( IN UINTN dwOption, IN char* Buffer, IN VOID* hBootData ) { BOOLEAN bError = TRUE; BOOT_DATA* pBootData = (BOOT_DATA*) hBootData;
do { //
// Find/sort the BOOT_SPART option
if (SortBootData( BOOT_SPART, pBootData->pszSPart, &dwOption, &(pBootData->dwIndex), Buffer)) { Print(L"OrderBootFile() failed for BOOT_SPART option!\n"); break; } //
// Find/sort the BOOT_OSLDR option
if (SortBootData( BOOT_OSLDR, pBootData->pszOSLdr, &dwOption, &(pBootData->dwIndex), Buffer)) { Print(L"OrderBootFile() failed for BOOT_OSLDR option!\n"); break; } //
// Find/sort the BOOT_LPART option
if (SortBootData( BOOT_LPART, pBootData->pszLPart, &dwOption, &(pBootData->dwIndex), Buffer)) { Print(L"OrderBootFile() failed for BOOT_LPART option!\n"); break; } //
// Find/sort the BOOT_FILEN option
if (SortBootData( BOOT_FILEN, pBootData->pszFileN, &dwOption, &(pBootData->dwIndex), Buffer)) { Print(L"OrderBootFile() failed for BOOT_FILEN option!\n"); break; } //
// Find/sort the BOOT_IDENT option
if (SortBootData( BOOT_IDENT, pBootData->pszIdent, &dwOption, &(pBootData->dwIndex), Buffer)) { Print(L"OrderBootFile() failed for BOOT_IDENT option!\n"); break; }
bError = FALSE;
} while (FALSE);
return bError; }
// Chop-up name to be short to 'pretty up' the menu
BOOLEAN CreateShortNames( IN VOID* hBootData ) { char *start = NULL, *end = NULL; UINTN i, Len = 0; BOOLEAN bError = FALSE; BOOT_DATA* pBootData = (BOOT_DATA*) hBootData;
do { for (i = 0; i < pBootData->dwIndex; i++) { start = strstr(pBootData->pszOSLdr[i], wacks); end = strstr(pBootData->pszOSLdr[i], EFIEXT); //
// check for foo case (thx jhavens)
if ((end == NULL) || (start == NULL) ) { start = pBootData->pszOSLdr[i]; end = start; while (*(end++) != '\0') ; Len = end - start; } //
// Non-foo case, person has atleast one '\' && '.efi'
if (!Len) { start += 1;
while (*end != wackc) { if (end <= start) { start = pBootData->pszOSLdr[i]; end = strstr(pBootData->pszOSLdr[i], wacks); break; }
end--; }
Len = end - start; }
if ((end == NULL) || (start == NULL) || (Len < 1) ) { bError = TRUE; break; }
pBootData->pszShort[i] = AllocateZeroPool(Len + 1); if (!pBootData->pszShort[i]) { bError = TRUE; break; }
CopyMem(pBootData->pszShort[i], start, end - start);
Len = 0; start = NULL; end = NULL; }
} while (FALSE);
return bError; }
// Find the passed option from the file data
BOOLEAN FindOpt( IN char* pszOption, IN char* Buffer, OUT char* pszArray[], OUT UINTN* dwCount ) { char *Start = NULL, *End = NULL, *Option = NULL, *Token = NULL; UINTN dwIndex = 0; BOOLEAN bError = TRUE;
do { //
// Find the option
Start = strstr(Buffer, pszOption); if (!Start) { break; } //
// Find the end of the option
Start += strlena(pszOption); End = Start; while (*(End++) != '\r') ;
Option = AllocateZeroPool((End-Start)); if (!Option) { break; } //
// Copy only that option to a new buffer
CopyMem(Option, Start, (End-Start)-1); *(Option+((End-Start)-1)) = 0x00; //
// Remove tokens
Token = strtok(Option, BOOT_TOKEN); if (!Token) { break; }
if (!(*dwCount)) { while ((Token != NULL) && (dwIndex < BOOT_MAX) ) { pszArray[(dwIndex)++] = RutlStrDup(Token); Token = strtok(NULL, BOOT_TOKEN); }
*dwCount = dwIndex; } else { while ((Token != NULL) && (dwIndex < *dwCount) ) { pszArray[(dwIndex)++] = RutlStrDup(Token); Token = strtok(NULL, BOOT_TOKEN); } }
if (dwIndex == 0) { break; }
bError = FALSE;
} while (FALSE);
if (Option) { Option = RutlFree(Option); }
return bError; }
// Get the options in their entirety from the file data
BOOLEAN GetBootData( IN VOID* hBootData, IN char* Buffer ) { UINTN i; char* TempStr = NULL; CHAR16* UniStr = NULL; BOOLEAN bError = TRUE; BOOT_DATA* pBootData = (BOOT_DATA*) hBootData;
do { //
// Find the BOOT_IDENT option
if (FindOpt( BOOT_IDENT, Buffer, pBootData->pszIdent, &pBootData->dwIndex)) { break; }
pBootData->pszIdent[pBootData->dwIndex] = RutlStrDup(BL_EXIT_EFI1); if (!pBootData->pszIdent[pBootData->dwIndex]) { break; } //
// Find the BOOT_SPART option
if (FindOpt( BOOT_SPART, Buffer, pBootData->pszSPart, &pBootData->dwIndex)) { break; } //
// Find the BOOT_OSLDR option
if (FindOpt( BOOT_OSLDR, Buffer, pBootData->pszOSLdr, &pBootData->dwIndex)) { break; }
if (CreateShortNames(pBootData)) { break; } //
// Append 'exit' to the end of the menu
pBootData->pszShort[pBootData->dwIndex] = RutlStrDup(BL_EXIT_EFI2); if (!pBootData->pszShort[pBootData->dwIndex]) { break; } //
// Find the BOOT_LPART option
if (FindOpt( BOOT_LPART, Buffer, pBootData->pszLPart, &pBootData->dwIndex)) { break; } //
// Find the BOOT_FILEN option
if (FindOpt( BOOT_FILEN, Buffer, pBootData->pszFileN, &pBootData->dwIndex)) { break; } //
// Find the BOOT_CNTDW option
if (TempStr = strstr(Buffer, BOOT_CNTDW)) { UniStr = RutlUniStrDup(TempStr + strlena(BOOT_CNTDW));
if ((UniStr != NULL) && (Atoi(UniStr) > 0) && (Atoi(UniStr) < BOOT_COUNT) ) { pBootData->dwCount = Atoi(UniStr); bError = FALSE; break; } } //
// Set the count to the default if setting it failed
if (!pBootData->dwCount) { pBootData->dwCount = BOOT_COUNT; }
bError = FALSE;
} while (FALSE);
if (UniStr) { UniStr = RutlFree(UniStr); }
return bError; }
// fill out startup.nsh with the name of this program
void PopulateStartFile( IN EFI_FILE_HANDLE* StartFile ) { UINTN size; CHAR16 UnicodeMarker = UNICODE_BYTE_ORDER_MARK;
size = sizeof(UnicodeMarker); (*StartFile)->Write(*StartFile, &size, &UnicodeMarker);
size = (StrLen(THISFILE)) * sizeof(CHAR16); (*StartFile)->Write(*StartFile, &size, THISFILE);
return; }
// Parse cmdline params
void ParseArgs( IN EFI_FILE_HANDLE* CurDir, IN EFI_LOADED_IMAGE* LoadedImage ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_FILE_HANDLE StartFile = NULL;
do { if (MetaiMatch(LoadedImage->LoadOptions, REGISTER1) || MetaiMatch(LoadedImage->LoadOptions, REGISTER2) ) { Status = (*CurDir)->Open( *CurDir, &StartFile, STARTFILE, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ | EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE | EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE, 0); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { break; }
Status = StartFile->Delete(StartFile); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { break; }
StartFile = NULL;
Status = (*CurDir)->Open( *CurDir, &StartFile, STARTFILE, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ | EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE | EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE, 0); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { PopulateStartFile(&StartFile); } }
} while (FALSE); //
// Clean up
if (StartFile) { StartFile->Close(StartFile); }
return; }
// Read in BOOT.NVR and return buffer of contents
void* ReadBootFile( IN UINTN* Size, IN EFI_FILE_HANDLE* FileHandle ) { char* Buffer = NULL; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_FILE_INFO* BootInfo = NULL;
do { *Size = (SIZE_OF_EFI_FILE_INFO + 255) * sizeof(CHAR16);
BootInfo = AllocateZeroPool(*Size); if (!BootInfo) { break; }
Status = (*FileHandle)->GetInfo( *FileHandle, &GenericFileInfo, Size, BootInfo); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { break; } //
// Find out how much we will need to alloc
*Size = (UINTN) BootInfo->FileSize;
Buffer = AllocateZeroPool((*Size) + 1); if (!Buffer) { break; }
Status = (*FileHandle)->Read(*FileHandle, Size, Buffer); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Buffer = RutlFree(Buffer); break; }
} while (FALSE); //
// Clean up
if (BootInfo) { BootInfo = RutlFree(BootInfo); }
return Buffer; }
// Remove any extra semi-colons from BOOT.NVR
BOOLEAN CleanBootFile( IN EFI_FILE_HANDLE* FileHandle, IN EFI_FILE_HANDLE* CurDir ) { char *Buffer = NULL, *CpBuffer = NULL; UINTN i, Size = 0, NewSize = 0; BOOLEAN bError = TRUE; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_FILE_HANDLE NewFile = NULL;
do { (*FileHandle)->SetPosition(*FileHandle, 0);
Buffer = ReadBootFile(&Size, FileHandle); if (!Buffer) { break; }
CpBuffer = AllocateZeroPool(Size); if (!CpBuffer) { break; }
for (i = 0; i < Size; i++) { if ((*(Buffer + i) == ';') && ((*(Buffer + i + 1) == ';') || (*(Buffer + i + 1) == '\r') || (i + 1 == Size) ) ) { continue; }
*(CpBuffer + NewSize) = *(Buffer + i); NewSize++; } //
// Remove the exisiting BOOT.NVR
Status = (*FileHandle)->Delete(*FileHandle); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { break; }
*FileHandle = NULL;
Status = (*CurDir)->Open( *CurDir, &NewFile, BOOT_NVR, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ | EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE | EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE, 0); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { break; }
Status = NewFile->Write(NewFile, &NewSize, CpBuffer); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { break; }
bError = FALSE;
} while (FALSE); //
// Clean up
if (NewFile) { NewFile->Close(NewFile); }
if (CpBuffer) { CpBuffer = RutlFree(CpBuffer); }
if (Buffer) { Buffer = RutlFree(Buffer); }
return bError; }
// Backup the BOOT.NVR so we have a fall back
BOOLEAN BackupBootFile( IN char* Buffer, IN UINTN* Size, IN EFI_FILE_HANDLE* CurDir ) { BOOLEAN bError = FALSE; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle = NULL;
do { //
// Delete the backup file if already exists
Status = (*CurDir)->Open( *CurDir, &FileHandle, BACKUP_NVR, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ | EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE, 0); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = FileHandle->Delete(FileHandle); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { break; } }
FileHandle = NULL; //
// Copy current file data to a newly created backup file
Status = (*CurDir)->Open( *CurDir, &FileHandle, BACKUP_NVR, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ | EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE | EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE, 0); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = FileHandle->Write(FileHandle, Size, Buffer); }
} while (FALSE); //
// Clean up
if (FileHandle) { FileHandle->Close(FileHandle); }
if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { bError = TRUE; }
return bError; }
// EFI Entry Point
EFI_STATUS EfiMain( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE* ST ) { char* Buffer = NULL; char* OSPath = NULL; UINTN Size = 0, Launch = 0, Menu = 0; BOOT_DATA* pBootData = NULL; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle = NULL, RootFs = NULL; EFI_DEVICE_PATH* DevicePath = NULL; EFI_LOADED_IMAGE* LoadedImage = NULL;
do { InitializeLib(ImageHandle, ST); //
// Get the device handle and file path to the EFI OS Loader itself.
Status = BS->HandleProtocol( ImageHandle, &LoadedImageProtocol, &LoadedImage); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"Can not retrieve LoadedImageProtocol handle\n"); break; }
Status = BS->HandleProtocol( LoadedImage->DeviceHandle, &DevicePathProtocol, &DevicePath); if (EFI_ERROR(Status) || DevicePath == NULL) { Print(L"Can not find DevicePath handle\n"); break; } //
// Open volume for the device where the EFI OS Loader was loaded from
RootFs = LibOpenRoot(LoadedImage->DeviceHandle); if (!RootFs) { Print(L"Can not open the volume for the file system\n"); break; } //
// Look for any cmd line params
ParseArgs(&RootFs, LoadedImage); //
// Attempt to open the boot.nvr
Status = RootFs->Open( RootFs, &FileHandle, BOOT_NVR, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ | EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE, 0); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"Can not open the file %s\n", BOOT_NVR); break; }
Buffer = ReadBootFile(&Size, &FileHandle); if (!Buffer) { Print(L"ReadBootFile() failed!\n"); break; }
if (BackupBootFile(Buffer, &Size, &RootFs)) { Print(L"BackupBootFile() failed!\n"); break; } //
// Alloc for boot file data struct
pBootData = (BOOT_DATA*) AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(BOOT_DATA)); if (!pBootData) { Print(L"Failed to allocate memory for BOOT_DATA!\n"); break; }
if (GetBootData(pBootData, Buffer)) { Print(L"Failed in GetBootData()!\n"); break; }
Menu = DisplayMenu(pBootData);
if (Menu < pBootData->dwIndex) { if (!OrderBootFile(Menu, Buffer, pBootData)) { FileHandle->SetPosition(FileHandle, 0); FileHandle->Write(FileHandle, &Size, Buffer);
if (SortLoadOptions( pBootData, Buffer, &Size, &Menu, &(pBootData->dwIndex), &FileHandle) ) { Print(L"Failed to SortLoadOptions()!\n"); break; }
if (CleanBootFile(&FileHandle, &RootFs)) { Print(L"Failed to CleanBootFile()!\n"); break; } } else { Print(L"Failed to OrderBootFile()!\n"); break; } } else { break; }
OSPath = RutlStrDup(strstr(pBootData->pszOSLdr[Menu], wacks) + 1); if (!OSPath) { Print(L"Failed to allocate memory for OSPath!\n"); break; }
Launch = 1;
} while (FALSE); //
// Clean up
if (pBootData) { if (pBootData->dwIndex) { FreeBootData(pBootData); }
pBootData = RutlFree(pBootData); }
if (Buffer) { Buffer = RutlFree(Buffer); }
if (FileHandle) { FileHandle->Close(FileHandle); }
if (Launch) { if (LaunchOS(OSPath, ImageHandle, &RootFs, LoadedImage)) { Print (L"Failed to LaunchOS()!\n"); } }
return EFI_SUCCESS; }