// File: crecover.cxx
// Contents: Implementation for the CRecover support class.
// History: 09-Mar-93 SudK Created
#include "headers.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "crecover.hxx"
// Method: CRecover::CRecover
// Synopsis: The Constructor for this Class. This constructor sets the
// Operation Stage and Operation in its private section to 0.
// No persistent storage operations are done here.
// Arguments: [iprop] -- The IProperty instance. Without this it does not
// make sense to instantiate this class.
// Returns: Nothing.
// History: 09-Mar-1993 SudK Created.
CRecover::CRecover(void) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut(( DEB_TRACE, "CRecover::+CRecover(0x%x)\n", this));
_Operation = 0; _OperStage = 0; _RecoveryState = 0; _RecoveryBuffer = _ulongBuffer; _pPSStg = NULL;
// Method: CRecover::~CRecover
// Synopsis: The Destructor.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: It does nothing actually except to deallocate any memory.
// History: 09-Mar-1993 SudK Created.
CRecover::~CRecover(void) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut(( DEB_TRACE, "CRecover::~CRecover(0x%x)\n", this));
if (_RecoveryBuffer != _ulongBuffer) delete [] _RecoveryBuffer;
if (_pPSStg != NULL) _pPSStg->Release(); }
// Method: CRecover::Initialise
// Synopsis: Set the IProperty interface. This should not be called twice!!
// Arguments: [pPSStg] -- The IPropertySetStg from here we get to Props
// Returns: Nothing.
// History: 09-Mar-1993 SudK Created.
VOID CRecover::Initialize( CStorage *pPSStg) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CRecover::Initialize()\n"));
if (_pPSStg != NULL) _pPSStg->Release();
_pPSStg = pPSStg; _pPSStg->AddRef();
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CRecover::Initialize() exit\n")); }
// Method: CRecover::SetOperationStart
// Synopsis: Used when one is about to start an operation. Takes Operation
// Code and any recovery arg if necessary.
// Arguments: [Operation] -- The operation code for which this class is
// being instantiated.
// [RecoverySvc]-- The Recovery Svc if any associated with this
// Operation.
// Returns: Nothing. If it cant set properties it will throw an exception.
// Notes: Caller should take care of freeing the Service passed in.
// History: 09-Mar-1993 SudK Created.
DWORD CRecover::SetOperationStart(ULONG fOperation, CDfsService *pRecoverySvc) { ULONG size; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CRecover::SetOperationStart()\n"));
// There could be a recovery buffer from a previous different operation.
// So we need to get rid of it and create an appropriate sized one again.
if (_RecoveryBuffer != _ulongBuffer) { delete [] _RecoveryBuffer; _RecoveryBuffer = _ulongBuffer; } //
// Set the private section variables first.
_Operation = fOperation; _OperStage = DFS_OPER_STAGE_START;
// Create the RecoverState and the RecoverySvc in private section.
_RecoveryState = DFS_COMPOSE_RECOVERY_STATE(_Operation, _OperStage);
// Let us figure out the marshalled buffer for the Service and create it.
if (pRecoverySvc != NULL) { size = pRecoverySvc->GetMarshalSize();
_RecoveryBuffer = new BYTE[size + sizeof(ULONG)]; if (_RecoveryBuffer == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; return dwErr; } _PutULong(_RecoveryBuffer, size);
pRecoverySvc->Serialize(_RecoveryBuffer + sizeof(ULONG), size); } else { //
// In this case also we add a BLOB but however, this is only an Empty
// BLOB. So this is easy to handle.
_PutULong(_RecoveryBuffer, 0); }
SetRecoveryProps(_RecoveryState, _RecoveryBuffer, FALSE);
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CRecover::SetOperationStart() exit\n"));
return dwErr; }
// Method: CRecover::SetDefaultProps
// Synopsis: This method sets null recovery props to start.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing.
// Notes: This may throw an exception. Failure of this is truly an
// appropriate time to throw an exception.
// History: 12-21-1993 SudK Created.
VOID CRecover::SetDefaultProps(void) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CRecover::SetDefaultProps()\n"));
_RecoveryState = DFS_RECOVERY_STATE_NONE; _Operation = 0; _OperStage = 0;
_PutULong(_RecoveryBuffer, 0); SetRecoveryProps(_RecoveryState, _RecoveryBuffer, TRUE);
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CRecover::SetDefaultProps() exit\n")); }
// Method: CRecover::SetOperationDone
// Synopsis: This method deletes all recovery properties to signify end of
// the Operation that was in progress.
// Arguments: [Operation] -- The Operation Code.
// Returns: Nothing.
// Notes: This may throw an exception. Failure of this is truly an
// appropriate time to throw an exception.
// History: 09-Mar-1993 SudK Created.
VOID CRecover::SetOperationDone(void) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CRecover::SetOperationDone()\n"));
_RecoveryState = DFS_RECOVERY_STATE_NONE; _Operation = 0; _OperStage = 0;
_PutULong(_RecoveryBuffer, 0); SetRecoveryProps(_RecoveryState, _RecoveryBuffer, FALSE);
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CRecover::SetOperationDone() exit\n")); }
// Method: CRecover::SetOperStage
// Synopsis: This methods sets the operation stage in its private section
// and at the same time updates the VolumeObject.
// Arguments: [OperStage] -- Operation Stage.
// Returns: Nothing. It throws an exception if it has any problems.
// History: 09-Mar-1993 SudK Created.
VOID CRecover::SetOperStage(ULONG OperStage) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CRecover::SetOperStage()\n"));
_OperStage = OperStage; _RecoveryState = DFS_COMPOSE_RECOVERY_STATE(_Operation, _OperStage);
SetRecoveryProps(_RecoveryState, _RecoveryBuffer, FALSE);
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CRecover::SetOperStage() exit\n")); }
// Method: CRecover::SetRecoveryProps
// Synopsis: This method interacts with the actual property interface
// to set the recovery properties.
// Arguments: [RecoveryState] -- Recovery State.
// [RecoveryBuffer] -- Recovery Argument if any.
// [bCreate] -- Whether to create Propset or not.
// Returns: Nothing. Will throw exception if anything goes wrong.
// Notes: Caller must free the buffer that he passed in.
// History: 09-Mar-1993 SudK Created.
VOID CRecover::SetRecoveryProps( ULONG RecoveryState, PBYTE RecoveryBuffer, BOOLEAN bCreate ) { DWORD dwErr; DWORD cbSize;
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CRecover::SetRecoveryProps()\n"));
_GetULong(RecoveryBuffer, cbSize); _PutULong(RecoveryBuffer, RecoveryState);
dwErr = _pPSStg->SetRecoveryProps(RecoveryBuffer, cbSize+sizeof(ULONG));
_PutULong(RecoveryBuffer, cbSize);
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Unable to Set RecoveryProperties %08lx\n",dwErr));
RaiseException ( dwErr, 0, 0, 0 ); }
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CRecover::SetRecoveryProps() exit\n")); }
// Method: CRecover::GetRecoveryProps, private
// Synopsis: Get the recovery related properties off the volume object.
// Arguments:[RecoveryState] -- The RecoveryState is returned here.
// [ppRecoverySvc] -- If there is a recovery Svc it is returned here.
// Returns:
// History: 09-Feb-1993 SudK Created.
DWORD CRecover :: GetRecoveryProps( ULONG *RecoveryState, CDfsService **ppRecoverySvc ) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; PBYTE buffer, svcBuffer; ULONG size;
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CDfsVolume::GetRecoveryProps()\n"));
// Initialize all the arguments to NULL
*RecoveryState = 0; *ppRecoverySvc = NULL;
dwErr = _pPSStg->GetRecoveryProps( &buffer, &size );
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Unable to read recovery Props %08lx\n", dwErr)); SetOperationDone(); return(dwErr); }
// First let us extract the RecoveryState property.
_GetULong(buffer, (*RecoveryState));
// Next let us extract the RecoveryArg property.
svcBuffer = buffer + sizeof(ULONG); size -= sizeof(ULONG);
// Now that we have a buffer we have to create a service out of this.
// If the buffer is of size Zero we will just return back a NULL ptr.
if (size != 0) { dwErr = CDfsService::DeSerialize(svcBuffer, size, ppRecoverySvc); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Failed %d to unmarshall RecoverySvc\n", dwErr)); *ppRecoverySvc = NULL; } }
delete [] buffer;
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CDfsVolume::GetRecoveryProps() exit\n"));
return dwErr; }
#if (DBG == 1) || (_CT_TEST_HOOK == 1)
INIT_RECOVERY_BREAK_INFO() //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: DfsSetRecoveryBreakPoint
// Synopsis: Sets the globals that determine when a recovery break point
// is activated
// Arguments:[pBuffer] -- Marshalled buffer
// [cbSize] -- Size of the marhalled buffer
// Returns: STATUS_SUCCESS -- Success
NTSTATUS DfsSetRecoveryBreakPoint(PBYTE pBuffer, ULONG cbSize) { NTSTATUS Status; MARSHAL_BUFFER marshalBuffer;
MarshalBufferInitialize(&marshalBuffer, cbSize, pBuffer);
Status = DfsRtlGet(&marshalBuffer, &MiRecoveryBkpt, &gRecoveryBkptInfo);
return(Status); } #endif