// Copyright (C) 1992, Microsoft Corporation.
// File: DfsDump.c
// Contents: DFS driver debugging dump.
// Classes:
// Functions: main
// Usage
// DfsReadAndPrintString - Print a string in a dfs structure
// DumpPkt - Dump PKT, entries and services
// DumpDevs - Dump device structures
// DumpFcbs - Dump FCB hash table and all FCBs
// History: 03 Jan 92 Alanw Created.
#include <ntos.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <tdi.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include "nodetype.h"
#include "dfsmrshl.h"
#include "dfsfsctl.h"
#include "pkt.h"
#include "dsstruc.h"
#include "fcbsup.h"
#include "dsfsctl.h"
#include "attach.h"
#include "testsup.h"
#define START_OF_NONPAGED_MEM 0x0ff000000
VOID Usage( char* progname );
VOID DfsDump( PVOID Ptr );
VOID DfsDumpDfsService( PDFS_SERVICE Ptr);
VOID DfsDumpDSMachine( PDS_MACHINE Ptr);
VOID DfsDumpDSTransport( PDS_TRANSPORT Ptr);
VOID DumpPkt( void );
VOID DumpDevs( void );
VOID DumpFcbs( void );
#define MemUsage(ptr, size) { \
if (((ULONG) (ptr))>START_OF_NONPAGED_MEM) { \ NonPagedMem = NonPagedMem + size; \ } else { \ PagedMem = PagedMem + size; \ } \ }
#define MemUsageStr(str) MemUsage((str).Buffer, (str).MaximumLength)
ULONG NonPagedMem, PagedMem; DS_DATA DfsData, *pDfsData; VCB Vcb;
BOOLEAN Dflag = FALSE; // dump device objects
BOOLEAN Fflag = FALSE; // dump FCB hash table and FCBs
BOOLEAN Pflag = FALSE; // dump PKT and services
BOOLEAN Vflag = FALSE; // verbose - dump all fields
PWSTR gpwszServer = NULL;
__cdecl main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { FILE_DFS_READ_STRUCT_PARAM RsParam; PLIST_ENTRY Link; char* progname; NTSTATUS Stat; VCB *pVcb; WCHAR wszServer[CNLEN + 1]; BOOL fInvalidArg = FALSE;
printf("\n"); progname = argv[0];
// if (argc >= 3) {
// Usage(progname);
// return 3;
// }
while (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-') { char *pszFlags = &argv[1][1];
while (*pszFlags) { switch (*pszFlags++) { case 'a': Dflag = Fflag = Pflag = TRUE; break;
case 'd': Dflag = TRUE; break;
case 'f': Fflag = TRUE; break;
case 'p': Pflag = TRUE; break;
case 'v': Vflag = TRUE; break;
case 's': if(*pszFlags != ':' || strlen(pszFlags) > CNLEN || strlen(pszFlags) < 2) { Usage(progname); fInvalidArg = TRUE; break; }
pszFlags++; mbstowcs(wszServer,pszFlags, strlen(pszFlags) + 1); gpwszServer = wszServer; pszFlags += strlen(pszFlags); break;
default: Usage(progname); fInvalidArg = TRUE; } } argv++; argc--; }
if(fInvalidArg) return 3;
if (!Dflag && !Fflag && !Pflag) { Pflag = TRUE; }
// Dump out the data structures of the DFS driver.
RsParam.StructKey = (ULONG)NULL; RsParam.TypeCode = DSFS_NTC_DATA_HEADER; RsParam.ByteCount = sizeof DfsData;
Stat = DsfsReadStruct(&RsParam, (PUCHAR)&DfsData); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Stat)) { printf("%s: DsfsReadStruct for DfsData returned %08x\n", progname, Stat); return 3; }
Link = DfsData.VcbQueue.Flink; pVcb = CONTAINING_RECORD(Link, VCB, VcbLinks); RsParam.StructKey = (ULONG) pVcb; RsParam.TypeCode = DSFS_NTC_VCB; RsParam.ByteCount = sizeof Vcb; Stat = DsfsReadStruct(&RsParam, (PUCHAR) &Vcb); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Stat)) { return 3; }
pDfsData = CONTAINING_RECORD((Vcb.VcbLinks.Blink), DS_DATA, VcbQueue);
MemUsage(pDfsData, RsParam.ByteCount);
if (Vflag) {
printf("DfsData @ %08x:\t", pDfsData); DfsDump(&DfsData); printf("\n");
} else {
printf("DfsData @ %08x:\n\n", pDfsData); }
if (Dflag) { DumpDevs(); }
if (Fflag) { DumpFcbs(); }
if (Pflag) { DumpPkt(); }
printf("Total Paged Mem Used: %d\n", PagedMem); printf("Total NonPaged Mem Used: %d\n", NonPagedMem);
return 0; }
VOID Usage( char* progname ) { printf("Usage: %s [-vdfp] [-s:server]\n", progname); printf(" -v\tVerbose\n"); printf(" -d\tDump device structures\n"); printf(" -f\tDump FCB structures\n"); printf(" -p\tDump PKT structures(default)\n"); printf(" -s:server\tDump the PKT on the indicated Cairo server\n"); exit (1); }
if (pStr->Buffer == NULL) { printf("*NULL*"); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (pStr->Length > sizeof Buf) { printf("*StringTooLong*"); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } RsParam.StructKey = (ULONG) pStr->Buffer; RsParam.TypeCode = 0; RsParam.ByteCount = pStr->Length; if (! NT_SUCCESS( Stat = DsfsReadStruct(&RsParam, Buf))) return Stat;
// MemUsage(RsParam.StructKey, RsParam.ByteCount);
Str = *pStr; Str.Buffer = (WCHAR *)Buf; printf("%wZ", &Str); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// Function: DumpPkt, local
// Synopsis: This routine will dump the contents of the PKT and
// all the associated data.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: None
// Requires: DfsData must have previously been loaded into memory.
VOID DumpPkt( void ) { FILE_DFS_READ_STRUCT_PARAM RsParam; PLIST_ENTRY Link, Sentinel = NULL; DFS_PKT_ENTRY PktEntry, *pPktEntry; DFS_SERVICE Service; PDS_TRANSPORT pTransport; DFS_MACHINE_ENTRY MachEntry; PDS_MACHINE pMachine; NTSTATUS Stat; ULONG i, j, k; char* pszMsg;
pTransport = (PDS_TRANSPORT) malloc ( sizeof(DS_TRANSPORT)+512*sizeof(UCHAR) ); pMachine = (PDS_MACHINE) malloc ( sizeof(DS_MACHINE)+512*sizeof(PVOID) ); //
// Now we take care of the Pkt dump.
if (Vflag) { printf("Pkt @ %08x:\t", &(pDfsData->Pkt)); DfsDump(&(DfsData.Pkt)); printf("\n"); } else { //
// In here place whatever needs to be dumped from Pkt.
printf("Pkt @ %08x:\n", &(pDfsData->Pkt)); printf("\tDomainPktEntry @ %08x\n", DfsData.Pkt.DomainPktEntry); printf("\n"); }
// We now work with the Pkt Entries in the Pkt.
Link = DfsData.Pkt.EntryList.Flink;
for (i=0; i<DfsData.Pkt.EntryCount; i++) {
pPktEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Link, DFS_PKT_ENTRY, Link); RsParam.StructKey = (ULONG) pPktEntry; RsParam.TypeCode = DSFS_NTC_PKT_ENTRY; RsParam.ByteCount = sizeof(DFS_PKT_ENTRY);
Stat = DsfsReadStruct(&RsParam, (PUCHAR) &PktEntry);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Stat)) { exit(3); }
MemUsage(RsParam.StructKey, RsParam.ByteCount);
if (Vflag) { printf("\nPktEntry @ %08x:\t",pPktEntry); DfsDump(&PktEntry); printf("\n");
} else { //
// Place any other fields from PktEntry that need to
// be dumped out here.
printf("\tPktEntry @ %08x:\t",pPktEntry); printf("EntryId.Prefix: "); Stat = DfsReadAndPrintString(&(PktEntry.Id.Prefix)); printf("\n"); }
// We now need to deal with the local service
// in the Pkt entry.
if (PktEntry.LocalService) { RsParam.StructKey = (ULONG) PktEntry.LocalService; RsParam.TypeCode = 0; RsParam.ByteCount = sizeof(DFS_SERVICE);
Stat = DsfsReadStruct(&RsParam, (PUCHAR) &Service);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Stat)) { exit(3); }
MemUsage(RsParam.StructKey, RsParam.ByteCount);
MemUsageStr(Service.Name); MemUsageStr(Service.Address);
if (Vflag) { printf("\nLOCAL_SERVICE:\n"); DfsDumpDfsService(&Service); } else { printf("\t\tLocalService: "); DfsReadAndPrintString((PUNICODE_STRING)&(Service.Address)); printf("\n"); } }
// We now need to dump the service list in the EntryInfo
// structure in the PktEntry above.
for (j=0; j<PktEntry.Info.ServiceCount; j++) {
RsParam.StructKey = (ULONG) (PktEntry.Info.ServiceList + j); RsParam.TypeCode = 0; RsParam.ByteCount = sizeof(DFS_SERVICE); Stat = DsfsReadStruct(&RsParam, (PUCHAR) &Service);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Stat)) { exit(3); }
MemUsage(RsParam.StructKey, RsParam.ByteCount); MemUsageStr(Service.Name); MemUsageStr(Service.Address);
if (PktEntry.Info.ServiceList + j == PktEntry.ActiveService) { pszMsg = " (active)"; } else { pszMsg = ""; } if (Vflag) { printf("\nSERVICE# %d%s:\n", j, pszMsg); DfsDumpDfsService(&Service);
// Now we need to dump the MACHINE_ADDR structure as well.
RsParam.StructKey = (ULONG) (Service.pMachEntry); RsParam.TypeCode = 0; RsParam.ByteCount = sizeof(DFS_MACHINE_ENTRY); Stat = DsfsReadStruct(&RsParam, (PUCHAR) &MachEntry); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Stat)) { printf("Failed to read pDFS_MACHINE_ENTRY address %08lx\n", Stat); exit(3); }
RsParam.StructKey = (ULONG) MachEntry.pMachine; RsParam.TypeCode = 0; RsParam.ByteCount = sizeof(DS_MACHINE); Stat = DsfsReadStruct(&RsParam, (PUCHAR) pMachine);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Stat)) { exit(3); }
if (pMachine->cTransports != 0) { RsParam.StructKey = (ULONG) (((CHAR *) MachEntry.pMachine) + DS_MACHINE_SIZE); RsParam.TypeCode = 0; RsParam.ByteCount = (USHORT) pMachine->cTransports*sizeof(PDS_TRANSPORT); Stat = DsfsReadStruct(&RsParam, (PUCHAR) &pMachine->rpTrans[0]); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Stat)) { exit(3); } } MemUsage(RsParam.StructKey, RsParam.ByteCount); DfsDumpDSMachine(pMachine);
// We really need to read the PrincipalName also but lets skip
// for now.
for (k=0; k<pMachine->cTransports; k++) { RsParam.StructKey = (ULONG) (pMachine->rpTrans[k]); RsParam.ByteCount = DS_TRANSPORT_SIZE; RsParam.TypeCode = 0; Stat = DsfsReadStruct(&RsParam, (PUCHAR) pTransport); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Stat)) exit(3);
MemUsage(RsParam.StructKey, RsParam.ByteCount);
// Now we need to read the actual address buffer in.
if (pTransport->taddr.AddressLength != 0) {
RsParam.StructKey = (ULONG) (((CHAR *) (pMachine->rpTrans[k])) + DS_TRANSPORT_SIZE); RsParam.ByteCount = pTransport->taddr.AddressLength; RsParam.TypeCode = 0; Stat = DsfsReadStruct(&RsParam, (PUCHAR) &pTransport->taddr.Address[0]); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Stat)) exit(3); } DfsDumpDSTransport(pTransport); }
} else { printf("\t\tService#%d%s: ", j, pszMsg); DfsReadAndPrintString((PUNICODE_STRING) &(Service.Address)); printf("\n"); } } printf("\n"); Link = PktEntry.Link.Flink; } free(pTransport); free(pMachine);
// Function: DumpDevs, local
// Synopsis: This routine will dump the contents of the devices
// associated with the DFS FSD.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: None
// Requires: DfsData must have previously been loaded into memory.
// Now we dump the Provider list.
if (DfsData.pProvider) {
for (i=0; i<(ULONG)DfsData.cProvider; i++) {
RsParam.StructKey = (ULONG) (DfsData.pProvider+i); RsParam.TypeCode = DSFS_NTC_PROVIDER; RsParam.ByteCount = sizeof(PROVIDER_DEF);
Stat = DsfsReadStruct(&RsParam, (PUCHAR) &Provider); if (NT_SUCCESS(Stat)) { break; }
MemUsage(RsParam.StructKey, RsParam.ByteCount); MemUsageStr(Provider.DeviceName);
printf("Provider#%d @ %08x:\t", i, RsParam.StructKey); if (Vflag) { DfsDump(&Provider); } else { printf("Device Name: "); DfsReadAndPrintString(&(Provider.DeviceName)); } printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); }
// Dump the file system device object
if (Vflag) { DEVICE_OBJECT Fsdo, *pFsdo;
pFsdo = DfsData.FileSysDeviceObject; RsParam.StructKey = (ULONG) pFsdo; RsParam.TypeCode = IO_TYPE_DEVICE; RsParam.ByteCount = sizeof Fsdo;
Stat = DsfsReadStruct(&RsParam, (PUCHAR) &Fsdo); if (NT_SUCCESS(Stat)) {
MemUsage(RsParam.StructKey, RsParam.ByteCount);
printf("FileSysDeviceObject @ %08x:\t", pFsdo); DfsDump(&Fsdo); printf("\n"); } } else MemUsage(DfsData.FileSysDeviceObject, sizeof (DEVICE_OBJECT));
// Now we look at the volume device objects
for (Link = DfsData.AVdoQueue.Flink; Link != Sentinel; Link = DfsVdo.VdoLinks.Flink) { pDfsVdo = CONTAINING_RECORD( Link, DFS_VOLUME_OBJECT, VdoLinks );
RsParam.StructKey = (ULONG) pDfsVdo; RsParam.TypeCode = IO_TYPE_DEVICE; RsParam.ByteCount = sizeof DfsVdo; if (! NT_SUCCESS( Stat = DsfsReadStruct(&RsParam, (PUCHAR)&DfsVdo))) exit(3);
MemUsage(RsParam.StructKey, RsParam.ByteCount);
if (Link == DfsData.AVdoQueue.Flink) Sentinel = DfsVdo.VdoLinks.Blink;
if (Vflag) { printf("DfsVdo @ %08x:\t", pDfsVdo); DfsDump(&DfsVdo); printf("\n"); } else { printf("DfsVdo @ %08x:\t", pDfsVdo); Stat = DfsReadAndPrintString(&DfsVdo.Provider.DeviceName); printf("\n"); } }
// Now we look at the Vcbs (logical root device object extensions).
for (Link = DfsData.VcbQueue.Flink; Link != Sentinel; Link = DfsLrdo.Vcb.VcbLinks.Flink) { pDfsLrdo = CONTAINING_RECORD( Link, LOGICAL_ROOT_DEVICE_OBJECT, Vcb.VcbLinks );
RsParam.StructKey = (ULONG) pDfsLrdo; RsParam.TypeCode = IO_TYPE_DEVICE; RsParam.ByteCount = sizeof DfsLrdo; if (! NT_SUCCESS( Stat = DsfsReadStruct(&RsParam, (PUCHAR)&DfsLrdo))) exit(3);
MemUsage(RsParam.StructKey, RsParam.ByteCount);
MemUsageStr(DfsLrdo.Vcb.LogicalRoot); MemUsageStr(DfsLrdo.Vcb.LogRootPrefix);
if (Link == DfsData.VcbQueue.Flink) Sentinel = DfsLrdo.Vcb.VcbLinks.Blink;
if (Vflag) { printf("DfsLrdo @ %08x:\t", pDfsLrdo); DfsDump(&DfsLrdo); printf("\n"); } else { printf("DfsLrdo @ %08x:\t", pDfsLrdo); Stat = DfsReadAndPrintString(&DfsLrdo.Vcb.LogicalRoot); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Stat)) exit(3); printf("\n\tPrefix =\t"); Stat = DfsReadAndPrintString(&DfsLrdo.Vcb.LogRootPrefix); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Stat) ) exit(3); printf("\n"); } } }
// Function: DumpFcbs, local
// Synopsis: This routine will dump the contents of the FCB hash
// table, and all the associated FCBs.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: None
// Requires: DfsData must have previously been loaded into memory.
VOID DumpFcbs( void ) { FILE_DFS_READ_STRUCT_PARAM RsParam; struct _FCB_HASH{ FCB_HASH_TABLE FcbHash; LIST_ENTRY FcbHashBuckets2[127]; } FcbHashTab, *pFcbHashTab; FCB Fcb, *pFcb; NTSTATUS Stat; ULONG i;
RsParam.StructKey = (ULONG) (pFcbHashTab = (struct _FCB_HASH *)DfsData.FcbHashTable); RsParam.TypeCode = 0; RsParam.ByteCount = sizeof (NODE_TYPE_CODE) + sizeof (NODE_BYTE_SIZE); if (! NT_SUCCESS( Stat = DsfsReadStruct(&RsParam, (PUCHAR) &FcbHashTab))) { printf("Error accessing DfsData.FcbHashTable\n"); exit(4); }
RsParam.StructKey = (ULONG) DfsData.FcbHashTable; RsParam.TypeCode = FcbHashTab.FcbHash.NodeTypeCode; RsParam.ByteCount = FcbHashTab.FcbHash.NodeByteSize; if (! NT_SUCCESS( Stat = DsfsReadStruct(&RsParam, (PUCHAR) &FcbHashTab))) { printf("Error accessing DfsData.FcbHashTable\n"); exit(4); }
MemUsage(RsParam.StructKey, RsParam.ByteCount);
if (Vflag) { printf("\nFcbHashTable @ %08x:\t", DfsData.FcbHashTable); DfsDump(&FcbHashTab); } else { printf("FcbHashTable @ %08x\n", DfsData.FcbHashTable); }
// Now we look at the FCBs.
for (i = 0; i <= FcbHashTab.FcbHash.HashMask; i++) { PLIST_ENTRY ListHead, Link, Sentinel = NULL;
ListHead = &FcbHashTab.FcbHash.HashBuckets[i]; if (ListHead->Flink == NULL) // Never initialized
continue; if ((PUCHAR) ListHead->Flink == ((PUCHAR)ListHead - (PUCHAR) &FcbHashTab) + (PUCHAR)pFcbHashTab) { printf(" HashBucket[%2d] ==> <empty>\n", i); continue; }
printf(" HashBucket[%2d] ==> ", i);
for (Link = ListHead->Flink; Link != Sentinel; Link = Fcb.HashChain.Flink) { pFcb = CONTAINING_RECORD( Link, FCB, HashChain );
RsParam.StructKey = (ULONG) pFcb; RsParam.TypeCode = DSFS_NTC_FCB; RsParam.ByteCount = sizeof Fcb; if (! NT_SUCCESS( Stat = DsfsReadStruct(&RsParam, (PUCHAR)&Fcb))) { printf("Error accessing Fcb\n"); exit(4); }
MemUsage(RsParam.StructKey, RsParam.ByteCount);
if (Link == ListHead->Flink) Sentinel = Fcb.HashChain.Blink;
if (Vflag) { printf("Fcb @ %08x:\t", pFcb); DfsDump(&Fcb); printf("\n"); } else { printf("%08x ", pFcb); } } printf("\n"); }
printf("\n"); }