Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file provides the code that changes the system from the ACPI S0 (running) state to any one of the sleep states.
Jake Oshins (jakeo) Feb. 11, 1997
Revision History:
--*/ #include "halp.h"
#include "acpitabl.h"
#include "xxacpi.h"
#include "kddll.h"
#include "ixsleep.h"
// Internal functions
NTSTATUS HalpAcpiSleep( IN PVOID Context, IN LONG NumberProcessors, IN volatile PLONG Number );
VOID HalpSetClockBeforeSleep( VOID );
VOID HalpSetClockAfterSleep( VOID );
BOOLEAN HalpWakeupTimeElapsed( VOID );
VOID HalpFreeTiledCR3 ( VOID );
VOID HalpReenableAcpi( VOID );
VOID HalpPiix4Detect( BOOLEAN DuringBoot );
typedef struct _ERESOURCE { LIST_ENTRY SystemResourcesList; PVOID OwnerTable; SHORT ActiveCount; USHORT Flag; PKSEMAPHORE SharedWaiters; PKEVENT ExclusiveWaiters; LIST_ENTRY OwnerThreads[2]; ULONG ContentionCount; USHORT NumberOfSharedWaiters; USHORT NumberOfExclusiveWaiters; union { PVOID Address; ULONG CreatorBackTraceIndex; };
#pragma alloc_text(PAGELK, HalpAcpiPreSleep)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGELK, HalpAcpiPostSleep)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGELK, HalpWakeupTimeElapsed)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGELK, HalpReenableAcpi)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGELK, HaliSetWakeEnable)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGELK, HaliSetWakeAlarm)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGELK, HalpMapNvsArea)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGELK, HalpFreeNvsBuffers)
#if DBG
BOOLEAN HalpFailSleep = FALSE; #endif
#define PM1_TMR_EN 0x0001
#define PM1_RTC_EN 0x0400
// For re-enabling the debugger's com port.
extern PUCHAR KdComPortInUse;
extern PACPI_BIOS_MULTI_NODE HalpAcpiMultiNode; extern PUCHAR HalpAcpiNvsData; extern PVOID *HalpNvsVirtualAddress;
BOOLEAN HalpAcpiPreSleep( SLEEP_STATE_CONTEXT Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { USHORT pmTimer; PUSHORT pm1a; PUSHORT pm1b; PUSHORT pm1astatus; PUSHORT pm1bstatus; BOOLEAN wakeupElapsed;
pm1astatus = (PUSHORT) HalpFixedAcpiDescTable.pm1a_evt_blk_io_port; pm1bstatus = (PUSHORT) HalpFixedAcpiDescTable.pm1b_evt_blk_io_port; pm1a = (PUSHORT)(HalpFixedAcpiDescTable.pm1a_evt_blk_io_port + (HalpFixedAcpiDescTable.pm1_evt_len / 2));
pm1b = (PUSHORT)(HalpFixedAcpiDescTable.pm1b_evt_blk_io_port + (HalpFixedAcpiDescTable.pm1_evt_len / 2));
HalpSleepContext.AsULONG = Context.AsULONG;
#if DBG
if (HalpFailSleep) { return FALSE; } #endif
// If we should have woken up already, don't sleep.
wakeupElapsed = HalpWakeupTimeElapsed();
// If an RTC alarm is set, then enable it and disable
// periodic interrupts (for profiling.)
if (!wakeupElapsed) { HalpSetClockBeforeSleep(); }
// Save the (A)PIC for any sleep state, as we need to play
// with it on the way back up again.
HalpSaveInterruptControllerState(); if (Context.bits.Flags & SLEEP_STATE_SAVE_MOTHERBOARD) {
HalpSaveDmaControllerState(); HalpSaveTimerState();
// We need to make sure that the PM Timer is disabled from this
// point onward. We also need to make that the RTC Enable is only
// enabled if the RTC should wake up the computer
pmTimer = READ_PORT_USHORT(pm1a); if (HalpFixedAcpiDescTable.pm1b_evt_blk_io_port) {
pmTimer |= READ_PORT_USHORT(pm1b);
// Clear the timer enable bit.
pmTimer &= ~PM1_TMR_EN;
// Check to see if we the machine supports RTC Wake in Fixed Feature
// space. Some machines implement RTC support via control methods
if ( !(HalpFixedAcpiDescTable.flags & RTC_WAKE_GENERIC) ) {
// Check to see if we need to disable/enable the RTC alarm
if (!HalpWakeupState.RtcWakeupEnable) {
pmTimer &= ~PM1_RTC_EN;
} else {
pmTimer |= PM1_RTC_EN;
// Write it back into the hardware.
WRITE_PORT_USHORT(pm1a, pmTimer); if (HalpFixedAcpiDescTable.pm1b_evt_blk_io_port) {
WRITE_PORT_USHORT(pm1b, pmTimer);
// At this point, we should be running with interrupts disabled and
// the TMR_EN bit cleared. This is a good place to clear the PM1 Status
// Register
pmTimer = READ_PORT_USHORT( pm1astatus ); if (HalpFixedAcpiDescTable.pm1b_evt_blk_io_port) {
pmTimer |= READ_PORT_USHORT( pm1bstatus );
} WRITE_PORT_USHORT( pm1astatus, pmTimer ); if (HalpFixedAcpiDescTable.pm1b_evt_blk_io_port) {
WRITE_PORT_USHORT( pm1bstatus, pmTimer );
// Check to see if we need to disable all wakeup events.
if (!HalpWakeupState.GeneralWakeupEnable) {
} else {
// Only call this before going to sleep --- waking up should
// reset the GPEs to the 'proper' value
if (wakeupElapsed) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } }
BOOLEAN HalpAcpiPostSleep( ULONG Context ) { USHORT pmTimer; PUSHORT pm1a; PUSHORT pm1b; BOOLEAN ProfileInterruptEnabled;
#ifdef PICACPI
extern ULONG HalpProfilingStopped;
ProfileInterruptEnabled = (HalpProfilingStopped == 0); #else
extern ULONG HalpProfileRunning;
ProfileInterruptEnabled = (HalpProfileRunning == 1); #endif
pm1a = (PUSHORT)(HalpFixedAcpiDescTable.pm1a_evt_blk_io_port + (HalpFixedAcpiDescTable.pm1_evt_len / 2));
pm1b = (PUSHORT)(HalpFixedAcpiDescTable.pm1b_evt_blk_io_port + (HalpFixedAcpiDescTable.pm1_evt_len / 2));
// Read the currently set PM1 Enable bits
pmTimer = READ_PORT_USHORT(pm1a); if (HalpFixedAcpiDescTable.pm1b_evt_blk_io_port) {
pmTimer |= READ_PORT_USHORT(pm1b);
// Set the timer enable bit. Clear the RTC enable bit
pmTimer |= PM1_TMR_EN; pmTimer &= ~PM1_RTC_EN;
// Write back the new PM1 Enable bits
WRITE_PORT_USHORT(pm1a, pmTimer); if (HalpFixedAcpiDescTable.pm1b_evt_blk_io_port) {
WRITE_PORT_USHORT(pm1b, pmTimer);
// Unset the RTC alarm and re-enable periodic interrupts.
HalpWakeupState.RtcWakeupEnable = FALSE;
*((PULONG)HalpWakeVector) = 0;
if (HalpSleepContext.bits.Flags & SLEEP_STATE_SAVE_MOTHERBOARD) {
// If Kd was in use, then invalidate it. It will re-sync itself.
if (KdComPortInUse) { KdRestore(TRUE); }
// Enable all GPEs, not just the wake ones
// If we were profiling before, fire up the profile interrupt
if (ProfileInterruptEnabled) { HalStartProfileInterrupt(0); }
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN HalpWakeupTimeElapsed( VOID ) { LARGE_INTEGER wakeupTime, currentTime; TIME_FIELDS currentTimeFields;
// Check to see if a wakeup timer has already expired.
if (HalpWakeupState.RtcWakeupEnable) {
RtlTimeFieldsToTime(¤tTimeFields, ¤tTime);
RtlTimeFieldsToTime(&HalpWakeupState.RtcWakeupTime, &wakeupTime);
if ((ULONGLONG)wakeupTime.QuadPart < (ULONGLONG)currentTime.QuadPart) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
NTSTATUS HaliSetWakeAlarm ( IN ULONGLONG WakeSystemTime, IN PTIME_FIELDS WakeTimeFields OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine sets the real-time clock's alarm to go off at a specified time in the future and programs the ACPI chipset so that this wakes the computer.
WakeSystemTime - amount of time that passes before we wake WakeTimeFields - time to wake broken down into TIME_FIELDS
Return Value:
--*/ { if (WakeSystemTime == 0) {
HalpWakeupState.RtcWakeupEnable = FALSE; return STATUS_SUCCESS;
ASSERT( WakeTimeFields ); HalpWakeupState.RtcWakeupEnable = TRUE; HalpWakeupState.RtcWakeupTime = *WakeTimeFields; return HalpSetWakeAlarm(WakeSystemTime, WakeTimeFields); }
VOID HaliSetWakeEnable( IN BOOLEAN Enable ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called to set the policy for waking up. As we go to sleep, the global HalpWakeupState will be read and the hardware set accordingly.
Enable - true or false
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// Always clear the RTC wake --- we expect that someone will
// set the alarm after they call this function
HalpWakeupState.RtcWakeupEnable = FALSE;
// Toggle the generate wake up bit
HalpWakeupState.GeneralWakeupEnable = Enable; }
VOID HalpReenableAcpi( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This calls into the ACPI driver to switch back into ACPI mode, presumably after S4 and sets the ACPI registers that the HAL controls.
Return Value:
--*/ { // TEMPTEMP?
AcpiInitEnableAcpi(TRUE); AcpiEnableDisableGPEvents(TRUE); }
VOID HalpMapNvsArea( VOID ) { NTSTATUS status; ULONG i, bufferSize, bufferOffset, nodeCount;
status = HalpAcpiFindRsdt(&HalpAcpiMultiNode);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return; }
if (HalpAcpiMultiNode->Count == 0) {
// There's no work to do here.
goto HalpMapNvsError; }
// Find total size of the buffer we need.
bufferSize = 0; nodeCount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < HalpAcpiMultiNode->Count; i++) {
if (HalpAcpiMultiNode->E820Entry[i].Type == AcpiAddressRangeNVS) {
ASSERT(HalpAcpiMultiNode->E820Entry[i].Length.HighPart == 0);
bufferSize += HalpAcpiMultiNode->E820Entry[i].Length.LowPart; nodeCount++; } }
if (bufferSize == 0) {
// There's no work to do here.
goto HalpMapNvsError; }
#if DBG
if (bufferSize > (20 * PAGE_SIZE)) { DbgPrint("HALACPI: The BIOS wants the OS to preserve %x bytes\n", bufferSize); } #endif
HalpAcpiNvsData = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, bufferSize, 'AlaH');
if (!HalpAcpiNvsData) {
DbgPrint("HALACPI: The BIOS's non-volatile data will not be preserved\n"); goto HalpMapNvsError; }
HalpNvsVirtualAddress = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, (nodeCount + 1) * sizeof(PVOID), 'AlaH');
if (!HalpNvsVirtualAddress) { goto HalpMapNvsError; }
// Make a mapping for each run.
bufferOffset = 0; nodeCount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < HalpAcpiMultiNode->Count; i++) {
if (HalpAcpiMultiNode->E820Entry[i].Type == AcpiAddressRangeNVS) {
HalpNvsVirtualAddress[nodeCount] = MmMapIoSpace(HalpAcpiMultiNode->E820Entry[i].Base, HalpAcpiMultiNode->E820Entry[i].Length.LowPart, TRUE);
nodeCount++; } }
// Mark the end.
HalpNvsVirtualAddress[nodeCount] = NULL;
if (HalpAcpiMultiNode) ExFreePool(HalpAcpiMultiNode); if (HalpNvsVirtualAddress) ExFreePool(HalpNvsVirtualAddress); if (HalpAcpiNvsData) ExFreePool(HalpAcpiNvsData);
HalpAcpiMultiNode = NULL;
return; }
VOID HalpPreserveNvsArea( VOID ) { ULONG i, dataOffset = 0, nodeCount = 0;
if (!HalpAcpiMultiNode) {
// Either there was nothing to save or there
// was a fatal error.
return; }
for (i = 0; i < HalpAcpiMultiNode->Count; i++) {
if (HalpAcpiMultiNode->E820Entry[i].Type == AcpiAddressRangeNVS) {
// Copy from BIOS memory to temporary buffer.
RtlCopyMemory(HalpAcpiNvsData + dataOffset, HalpNvsVirtualAddress[nodeCount], HalpAcpiMultiNode->E820Entry[i].Length.LowPart);
nodeCount++; dataOffset += HalpAcpiMultiNode->E820Entry[i].Length.LowPart; } } }
VOID HalpRestoreNvsArea( VOID ) { ULONG i, dataOffset = 0, nodeCount = 0;
if (!HalpAcpiMultiNode) {
// Either there was nothing to save or there
// was a fatal error.
return; }
for (i = 0; i < HalpAcpiMultiNode->Count; i++) {
if (HalpAcpiMultiNode->E820Entry[i].Type == AcpiAddressRangeNVS) {
// Copy from temporary buffer to BIOS area.
RtlCopyMemory(HalpNvsVirtualAddress[nodeCount], HalpAcpiNvsData + dataOffset, HalpAcpiMultiNode->E820Entry[i].Length.LowPart);
nodeCount++; dataOffset += HalpAcpiMultiNode->E820Entry[i].Length.LowPart; } } }
VOID HalpFreeNvsBuffers( VOID ) { ULONG i, nodeCount = 0;
if (!HalpAcpiMultiNode) {
// Either there was nothing to save or there
// was a fatal error.
return; }
for (i = 0; i < HalpAcpiMultiNode->Count; i++) {
if (HalpAcpiMultiNode->E820Entry[i].Type == AcpiAddressRangeNVS) {
// Give back all the PTEs that we took earlier
MmUnmapIoSpace(HalpNvsVirtualAddress[nodeCount], HalpAcpiMultiNode->E820Entry[i].Length.LowPart);
nodeCount++; } }
ASSERT(HalpAcpiMultiNode); ASSERT(HalpNvsVirtualAddress); ASSERT(HalpAcpiNvsData);
ExFreePool(HalpAcpiMultiNode); ExFreePool(HalpNvsVirtualAddress); ExFreePool(HalpAcpiNvsData);
HalpAcpiMultiNode = NULL; HalpNvsVirtualAddress = NULL; HalpAcpiNvsData = NULL; }