Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Prototypes, definitions and structures for VdmRedir named pipe handlers
Richard L Firth (rfirth) 10-Sep-1991
Revision History:
10-Sep-1991 RFirth Created
// manifests
// async named pipe request types
#define ANP_READ 0x86
#define ANP_READ2 0x90
#define ANP_WRITE 0x8f
#define ANP_WRITE2 0x91
// VDM Named Pipe support routines. Prototypes
VOID VrGetNamedPipeInfo( VOID );
VOID VrGetNamedPipeHandleState( VOID );
VOID VrSetNamedPipeHandleState( VOID );
VOID VrPeekNamedPipe( VOID );
VOID VrTransactNamedPipe( VOID );
VOID VrCallNamedPipe( VOID );
VOID VrWaitNamedPipe( VOID );
VOID VrNetHandleGetInfo( VOID );
VOID VrNetHandleSetInfo( VOID );
VOID VrReadWriteAsyncNmPipe( VOID );
BOOLEAN VrNmPipeInterrupt( VOID );
VOID VrTerminateNamedPipes( IN WORD DosPdb );
// VDM open/close and read/write intercept routines
BOOL VrAddOpenNamedPipeInfo( IN HANDLE Handle, IN LPSTR lpFileName );
BOOL VrRemoveOpenNamedPipeInfo( IN HANDLE Handle );
BOOL VrReadNamedPipe( IN HANDLE Handle, IN LPBYTE Buffer, IN DWORD Buflen, OUT LPDWORD BytesRead, OUT LPDWORD Error );
BOOL VrWriteNamedPipe( IN HANDLE Handle, IN LPBYTE Buffer, IN DWORD Buflen, OUT LPDWORD BytesWritten );
VOID VrCancelPipeIo( IN DWORD Thread );
BOOL (*VrAddOpenNamedPipeInfo)( IN HANDLE Handle, IN LPSTR lpFileName );
BOOL (*VrRemoveOpenNamedPipeInfo)( IN HANDLE Handle );
BOOL (*VrReadNamedPipe)( IN HANDLE Handle, IN LPBYTE Buffer, IN DWORD Buflen, OUT LPDWORD BytesRead, OUT LPDWORD Error );
BOOL (*VrWriteNamedPipe)( IN HANDLE Handle, IN LPBYTE Buffer, IN DWORD Buflen, OUT LPDWORD BytesWritten );
VOID (*VrCancelPipeIo)( IN DWORD Thread );
// VDM pipe name to NT pipe name helper routines
BOOL VrIsNamedPipeName( IN LPSTR Name );
BOOL VrIsNamedPipeHandle( IN HANDLE Handle );
LPSTR VrConvertLocalNtPipeName( OUT LPSTR Buffer OPTIONAL, IN LPSTR Name );
BOOL (*VrIsNamedPipeName)( IN LPSTR Name );
BOOL (*VrIsNamedPipeHandle)( IN HANDLE Handle );
LPSTR (*VrConvertLocalNtPipeName)( OUT LPSTR Buffer OPTIONAL, IN LPSTR Name );
// structures
//typedef struct {
// PDOSNMPINFO Next; // pointer to next info structure in list
// WORD DosPdb;
// WORD Handle16;
// HANDLE Handle32; // handle returned from CreateFile call
// DWORD NameLength; // length of ASCIZ pipe name
// LPSTR Name; // ASCIZ pipe name
// DWORD Instances; // current instances
// OPEN_NAMED_PIPE_INFO - this structure contains information recorded when a
// named pipe is opened on behalf of the VDM. DosQNmPipeInfo wants the name
// of the pipe
typedef struct _OPEN_NAMED_PIPE_INFO* POPEN_NAMED_PIPE_INFO; typedef struct _OPEN_NAMED_PIPE_INFO { POPEN_NAMED_PIPE_INFO Next; // linked list
HANDLE Handle; // open named pipe handle
DWORD NameLength; // including terminating 0
WORD DosPdb; // the process which owns this named pipe
CHAR Name[2]; // full pipe name
// DOS_ASYNC_NAMED_PIPE_INFO - in this structure we keep all the information
// required to complete an asynchronous named pipe operation
typedef struct _DOS_ASYNC_NAMED_PIPE_INFO { struct _DOS_ASYNC_NAMED_PIPE_INFO* Next; // linked list
OVERLAPPED Overlapped; // contains 32-bit event handle
BOOL Type2; // TRUE if request is Read2 or Write2
BOOL Completed; // TRUE if this request has completed
HANDLE Handle; // 32-bit named pipe handle
DWORD Buffer; // 16:16 address of buffer
DWORD BytesTransferred; // actual number of bytes read/written
LPWORD pBytesTransferred; // flat-32 pointer to returned read/write count in VDM
LPWORD pErrorCode; // flat-32 pointer to returned error code in VDM
DWORD ANR; // 16:16 address of ANR
DWORD Semaphore; // 16:16 address of 'semaphore' in VDM
#if DBG
DWORD RequestType; #endif
// DOS_CALL_NAMED_PIPE_STRUCT - this structure is created and handed to the DOS
// CallNmPipe routine because there is too much information to get into a 286's
// registers. This structure should be in apistruc.h, but it aint
//#include <packon.h>
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct { DWORD Timeout; // Time to wait for pipe to become available
LPWORD lpBytesRead; // pointer to returned bytes read
WORD nOutBufferLen; // size of send data
LPBYTE lpOutBuffer; // pointer to send data
WORD nInBufferLen; // size of receive buffer
LPBYTE lpInBuffer; // pointer to receive buffer
LPSTR lpPipeName; // pointer to pipe name
#pragma pack()
// DOS_ASYNC_NAMED_PIPE_STRUCT - as with the above, this structure is used
// to pass all the info to DosReadAsyncNmPipe which won't fit into registers.
// Used for read and write operations. Should be defined in apistruc.h
//#include <packon.h>
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct { LPWORD lpBytesRead; // pointer to returned bytes read/written
WORD BufferLength; // size of caller's buffer
LPBYTE lpBuffer; // pointer to caller's buffer
LPWORD lpErrorCode; // pointer to returned error code
LPVOID lpANR; // pointer to Asynchronous Notification Routine
WORD PipeHandle; // named pipe handle
LPBYTE lpSemaphore; // pointer to caller's 'semaphore'
#pragma pack()
// The following selectively copied from BSEDOS.H and other Lanman include
// files
/*** Data structures and equates used with named pipes ***/
//#include <packon.h>
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct _PIPEINFO { /* nmpinf */ USHORT cbOut; USHORT cbIn; BYTE cbMaxInst; BYTE cbCurInst; BYTE cbName; CHAR szName[1]; } PIPEINFO; //#include <packoff.h>
#pragma pack()
/* defined bits in pipe mode */ #define NP_NBLK 0x8000 /* non-blocking read/write */
#define NP_SERVER 0x4000 /* set if server end */
#define NP_WMESG 0x0400 /* write messages */
#define NP_RMESG 0x0100 /* read as messages */
#define NP_ICOUNT 0x00FF /* instance count field */
/* Named pipes may be in one of several states depending on the actions
* that have been taken on it by the server end and client end. The * following state/action table summarizes the valid state transitions: * * Current state Action Next state * * <none> server DosMakeNmPipe DISCONNECTED * DISCONNECTED server connect LISTENING * LISTENING client open CONNECTED * CONNECTED server disconn DISCONNECTED * CONNECTED client close CLOSING * CLOSING server disconn DISCONNECTED * CONNECTED server close CLOSING * <any other> server close <pipe deallocated> * * If a server disconnects his end of the pipe, the client end will enter a * special state in which any future operations (except close) on the file * descriptor associated with the pipe will return an error. */
* Values for named pipe state */
#define NP_DISCONNECTED 1 /* after pipe creation or Disconnect */
#define NP_LISTENING 2 /* after DosNmPipeConnect */
#define NP_CONNECTED 3 /* after Client open */
#define NP_CLOSING 4 /* after Client or Server close */
/* DosMakeNmPipe open modes */
#define NP_ACCESS_INBOUND 0x0000
#define NP_ACCESS_OUTBOUND 0x0001
#define NP_ACCESS_DUPLEX 0x0002
#define NP_INHERIT 0x0000
#define NP_NOINHERIT 0x0080
#define NP_WRITEBEHIND 0x0000
#define NP_NOWRITEBEHIND 0x4000
/* DosMakeNmPipe and DosQNmPHandState state */
#define NP_READMODE_BYTE 0x0000
#define NP_READMODE_MESSAGE 0x0100
#define NP_TYPE_BYTE 0x0000
#define NP_TYPE_MESSAGE 0x0400
#define NP_END_CLIENT 0x0000
#define NP_END_SERVER 0x4000
#define NP_WAIT 0x0000
#define NP_NOWAIT 0x8000
typedef struct _AVAILDATA { /* PeekNMPipe Bytes Available record */ USHORT cbpipe; /* bytes left in the pipe */ USHORT cbmessage; /* bytes left in current message */ } AVAILDATA; typedef AVAILDATA FAR *PAVAILDATA;
// handle info level 1 - this is different to the structure in lmchdev.h
//#include <packon.h>
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct _VDM_HANDLE_INFO_1 { ULONG CharTime; USHORT CharCount; } VDM_HANDLE_INFO_1, *LPVDM_HANDLE_INFO_1; #pragma pack()
//#include <packoff.h>