Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This function contains miscellaneous DOS VDMEXTS functions
Neil Sandlin (NeilSa) 29-Jul-1996 Wrote it
Revision History:
#include <precomp.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <doswow.h>
Dump DOS Heap */ { DWORD selector; BYTE Sig; WORD Size; WORD Owner; int count = 0; char Module[9];
if (!GetNextToken()) { WORD wSegment, wSelector; LONG lOffset; int Mode;
if (!FindAddress("arena_head", Module, &wSegment, &wSelector, &lOffset, &Mode, FALSE)) {
PRINTF("Can't find symbol ntdos!arena_head\n"); return; }
if (!READMEM((LPVOID)(GetIntelBase()+(wSelector<<4)+lOffset), &wSelector, 2)) { PRINTF("Error reading ntdos!arena_head\n"); return; } selector = wSelector; } else { selector = (DWORD) EXPRESSION(lpArgumentString); }
PRINTF("DOS memory chain dump\n\n"); PRINTF(" Addr Sig Size Owner\n"); PRINTF("--------- --- ---- --------\n");
while (1) {
if (selector > 0x10000) { PRINTF("%08x: Segment value out of range (> 1MB)\n", selector); break; }
if (!READMEM((LPVOID)(GetIntelBase()+(selector<<4)), &Sig, 1)) { PRINTF("%04x:0000: <Error Reading Memory>\n", selector); break; }
if ((Sig != 'M') && (Sig != 'Z')) { PRINTF("%04x:0000: <Invalid DOS heap block>\n", selector); break; }
if (!READMEM((LPVOID)(GetIntelBase()+(selector<<4)+1), &Owner, 2)) { PRINTF("%04x:0001: <Error Reading Memory>\n", selector); break; }
if (!READMEM((LPVOID)(GetIntelBase()+(selector<<4)+3), &Size, 2)) { PRINTF("%04x:0003: <Error Reading Memory>\n", selector); break; }
PRINTF("%04x:0000: %c %.04X ", selector, Sig, Size);
if (Owner == 0) { PRINTF(" Free\n"); } else if (Owner<=8) { PRINTF(" System\n"); } else { if (!READMEM((LPVOID)(GetIntelBase()+((Owner-1)<<4)+8), Module, 8)) { PRINTF("%04x:0008: <Error Reading Memory>\n", selector); break; } Module[8] = 0; PRINTF(" %s\n", Module); }
if ((Sig == 'Z') && (selector>0x9ffe)) { break; } selector += Size; selector ++; }
BOOL DumpSFT( USHORT index, BOOL Verbose ) { USHORT usSFN = index; ULONG pSfFlat; ULONG pSftFlat; DOSSF DosSf; DOSSFT DosSft; USHORT usSFTCount; ULONG ulSFLink;
if (!ReadMemExpression("ntvdm!pSFTHead", &pSfFlat, sizeof(pSfFlat))) { return FALSE; }
if (!READMEM((LPVOID)(pSfFlat), &DosSf, sizeof(DosSf))) { PRINTF("%08x: <Error Reading Memory>\n", pSfFlat); return FALSE; }
// Find the right SFT group
while (usSFN >= (usSFTCount = DosSf.SFCount)){ usSFN = usSFN - usSFTCount; ulSFLink = DosSf.SFLink; if (LOWORD(ulSFLink) == 0xffff) return FALSE;
pSfFlat = (((ULONG)(HIWORD(ulSFLink))<<4) + LOWORD(ulSFLink)) + GetIntelBase();
if (!READMEM((LPVOID)(+pSfFlat), &DosSf, sizeof(DosSf))) { PRINTF("%08x: <Error Reading Memory>\n", pSfFlat); return FALSE; } }
// Get the begining of SFT
pSftFlat = (ULONG)&(((PDOSSF)pSfFlat)->SFTable); pSftFlat += usSFN*sizeof(DOSSFT);
if (!READMEM((LPVOID)(pSftFlat), &DosSft, sizeof(DosSft))) { PRINTF("%08x: <Error Reading Memory>\n", pSftFlat); return FALSE; }
PRINTF("%.2X(%.8X) %.4X %.4X %.2X %.4X %.8X %.4X %.8X\n", (UCHAR)index, pSftFlat, DosSft.SFT_Ref_Count, DosSft.SFT_Mode, DosSft.SFT_Attr, DosSft.SFT_Flags, DosSft.SFT_Devptr, DosSft.SFT_PID, DosSft.SFT_NTHandle);
if (Verbose) { PRINTF(" %.4X %.4X %.8X %.8X %.8X\n", DosSft.SFT_Time, DosSft.SFT_Date, DosSft.SFT_Size, DosSft.SFT_Position, DosSft.SFT_Chain); } return TRUE; }
Dump DOS system SFT */ { USHORT i; CMD_INIT();
PRINTF("SFT Ref Mode At Flgs Devptr PID NTHandle\n");
if (GetNextToken()) { DumpSFT((USHORT) EXPRESSION(lpArgumentString), FALSE); return; }
for (i=0; i<255; i++) { if (!DumpSFT(i, FALSE)) { break; } } }
Dump File handle */ { DOSPDB DosPdb; BOOL bDumpAll = TRUE; BOOL bUseCurrentPDB = TRUE; USHORT pdb; ULONG ppdb; UCHAR Fh; ULONG pJfn; UCHAR SftIndex;
if (GetNextToken()) { if (*lpArgumentString == '*') { SkipToNextWhiteSpace(); } else { Fh = (UCHAR)EvaluateToken(); bDumpAll = FALSE; } if (GetNextToken()) { pdb = (USHORT)EvaluateToken(); bUseCurrentPDB = FALSE; } }
if (bUseCurrentPDB) { if (!ReadMemExpression("ntvdm!puscurrentpdb", &ppdb, sizeof(ppdb))) { return; } if (!READMEM((LPVOID)(ppdb), &pdb, sizeof(pdb))) { PRINTF("<Error Reading puscurrentpdb at %.8x>\n", ppdb); return; } }
if (!READMEM((LPVOID)(GetIntelBase()+((ULONG)(pdb)<<4)), &DosPdb, sizeof(DosPdb))) { PRINTF("<Error Reading PDB at &%.4x:0000> (%x)\n", pdb,(GetIntelBase()+((ULONG)(pdb)<<4))); return; }
if (!bDumpAll && (Fh >= DosPdb.PDB_JFN_Length)) { PRINTF("<File handle %.2x out of range (0:%.02X)>\n", Fh, DosPdb.PDB_JFN_Length); return; }
pJfn = GetIntelBase() + ((ULONG)(HIWORD(DosPdb.PDB_JFN_Pointer))<<4) + LOWORD(DosPdb.PDB_JFN_Pointer);
#if 0
PRINTF("%.8X %.8X %.8X\n", GetIntelBase(), (ULONG)(HIWORD(DosPdb.PDB_JFN_Pointer))<<4, (ULONG)LOWORD(DosPdb.PDB_JFN_Pointer)); PRINTF("pdb=%.4X pjfn=%.8X ljfn=%.4X Flat=%.8X\n", pdb, DosPdb.PDB_JFN_Pointer, DosPdb.PDB_JFN_Length, pJfn); #endif
PRINTF("fh SFT Ref Mode At Flgs Devptr PID NTHandle\n");
if (bDumpAll) { for (Fh = 0; Fh < DosPdb.PDB_JFN_Length; Fh++) { if (!READMEM((LPVOID)(pJfn + Fh), &SftIndex, sizeof(SftIndex))) { PRINTF("<Error Reading JFT at %.8x>\n", pJfn + Fh); return; }
if (SftIndex != 0xff) { PRINTF("%.2X ", Fh); DumpSFT((USHORT)SftIndex, FALSE); }
} else {
if (!READMEM((LPVOID)(pJfn + Fh), &SftIndex, sizeof(SftIndex))) { PRINTF("<Error Reading JFT at %.8x>\n", pJfn + Fh); return; }
if (SftIndex != 0xff) { PRINTF("%.2X ", Fh); DumpSFT((USHORT)SftIndex, FALSE); } else { PRINTF("Handle %.2X is not open\n", Fh); } } }
BOOL DumpEnvironment(WORD segEnv, int mode) { char rgchEnv[32768]; char *pch; char *pchLimit;
if (!READMEM((LPVOID)(GetIntelBase() + GetInfoFromSelector(segEnv, mode, NULL)), rgchEnv, sizeof(rgchEnv))) { PRINTF("<Error Reading Environment at &%.4x:0 (%.8x)>\n", segEnv, GetIntelBase() + (segEnv << 4)); return FALSE; }
// Dump each string in environment block until
// double-null termination.
pch = rgchEnv; pchLimit = rgchEnv + sizeof(rgchEnv);
while (pch < pchLimit && *pch) {
if (!strchr(pch, '=')) { PRINTF("<malformed environment string, halting dump>\n"); return FALSE; } PRINTF(" %s\n", pch); pch += strlen(pch) + 1; }
if (pch >= pchLimit) { PRINTF("<Environment exceeded 32k, dump halted>\n", pch); return FALSE; }
// pch now points at the second null of the double-null termination,
// advance past this null and dump the magic word that follows and
// the EXE path after that.
pch++; if (pch >= pchLimit - 1) { PRINTF("<Environment exceeded 32k, dump halted>\n", pch); return FALSE; }
if (1 != *(WORD UNALIGNED *)pch) { PRINTF("\nMagic word after double-null IS NOT ONE, dump halted: 0x%x\n", *(WORD UNALIGNED *)pch); return FALSE; } pch += sizeof(WORD); if ( (pch + strlen(pch) + 1) > pchLimit) { PRINTF("<Environment exceeded 32k, dump halted>\n", pch); return FALSE; }
PRINTF("EXE path: <%s>\n", pch);
return TRUE; }
Dump environment block for current DOS process or given environment selector
!denv <bPMode> <segEnv>
Examples: !denv - Dumps environment for current DOS process !denv 0 145d - Dumps DOS environment at &145d:0 (145d from PDB_environ of DOS process) !denv 1 16b7 - Dumps DOS environment at #16b7:0 (16b7 from !dt -v segEnvironment) */ { DOSPDB DosPdb; BOOL bUseCurrentPDB = TRUE; USHORT pdb; USHORT segEnv; ULONG ppdb; int mode = PROT_MODE;
if (GetNextToken()) { mode = (int)EvaluateToken(); if (GetNextToken()) { segEnv = (USHORT)EvaluateToken(); bUseCurrentPDB = FALSE; } }
if (bUseCurrentPDB) { if (!ReadMemExpression("ntvdm!puscurrentpdb", &ppdb, sizeof(ppdb))) { return; } if (!READMEM((LPVOID)(GetIntelBase()+ppdb), &pdb, sizeof(pdb))) { PRINTF("<Error Reading puscurrentpdb at %.8x>\n", ppdb); return; } PRINTF("Current PDB is 0x%x\n", pdb); if (!READMEM((LPVOID)(GetIntelBase()+((ULONG)(pdb)<<4)), &DosPdb, sizeof(DosPdb))) { PRINTF("<Error Reading PDB at &%.4x:0000>\n", pdb); return; } segEnv = DosPdb.PDB_environ; //
// Guess mode for current PDB's PDB_environ (could be real or PM depending
// on where we are in dosx).
if ( (segEnv & 0x7) == 0x7 ) { mode = PROT_MODE; } else { mode = V86_MODE; } } PRINTF("Environment %s is 0x%x\n", mode ? "selector" : "segment", segEnv);
if (segEnv) { DumpEnvironment(segEnv, mode); } }